scripts used to produce printed versions of Jupyter Notebooks

Updated 1 year ago

osc testing

Updated 1 year ago

MODULAR MATTER – Rewire your prints!

Updated 1 year ago

Backup for the pubblic page onda Soupboat

Updated 1 year ago

Pathways through code documentation

Updated 1 year ago

Boiler Inspection form

Updated 1 year ago

first attempt to write a list

Updated 1 year ago

a python script to open md files and create an html

Updated 1 year ago

final assessment is next week but i want to go swim in kralingen

Updated 1 year ago

hand drawn video mapping + css live coding. what could go wrong

Updated 1 year ago

make your server 4 times faster with this simple 3d hack

Updated 1 year ago

Padliography v2 - 0 efforts pad tracker

Updated 1 year ago

manoeuvres and prototypes while learning or stretching with machines

Updated 1 year ago

Updated 1 year ago

instrument workbook

Updated 1 year ago

config files

Updated 1 year ago

archive prototyping

Updated 1 year ago

docmentation writing machines

Updated 1 year ago

voicing doc ideas

Updated 1 year ago