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# archiepixa

`archiepixa` is a minimalist Bash script designed to visualize archives with a webserver. It scans a specified folder and its subfolders, compresses previews using `ffmpeg` and `imagemagick`, and compiles them into HTML files, one for each subfolder. 

The code has been developed for the workshop *[Building collective digital archives]("")* during the [D*sign Week 2024, Linz](""). Powered by [Servus]("")

## Workflow

- Scans specified folder and subfolders for files
- Compresses previews for images, videos, and audio files
- Generates static HTML files with customizable CSS styling
- Customization of main color, secondary color, background color, and footer text

## System Requirements

- Bash shell
- `ffmpeg` and `imagemagick` packages for media file compression

## Installation Instructions

### Installing ffmpeg and imagemagick

To install `ffmpeg` and `imagemagick`, use the package manager specific to your operating system.

#### For Ubuntu/Debian:

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg imagemagick

#### For macOS (using Homebrew):

brew install ffmpeg imagemagick

## Usage

To use `archiepixa`, follow these steps:

1. Place `` in the parent folder of the directory you want to scan.
2. Run the script using the following command:

bash -f <folder_name>

Replace `<folder_name>` with the name of the folder you want to scan.

## Getting started

A practical example:

cd /var/www/html/
git clone
mv archiepixa/ ./
bash -f ""

## Customization

You can customize the appearance of the generated HTML files by modifying the **CSS** within the Bash script.

You can use flags to modify the background, the main, the second, the third color and you can choose how many colors the dither uses.

bash -f "folder" -b "black" -1 "purple" -2 "rgb('22','45','223')" -3 "#342298" -d "5"

Defaults are:

* -1 "red"
* -2 "orange"
* -3 "black"
* -b "white"
* -d "3"

## Cleanup

To remove the generated HTML files, use the `-r` flag along with the folder name:

bash -f <folder_name> -r

To delete both the HTML files and compressed folders, use the `-ra` flag:

bash -f <folder_name> -ra


**Note:** Avoid placing files named "index.html" within the scanned folders to prevent conflicts.

## License

This script is licensed under the [Habitat License](

## Acknowledgments