<p><em>ada (just ada please) sometimes calls herself a designer and illustrator, sometimes a writer, sometimes a pastry chef. Mostly she calls her friends. </em></p><br>
<p><em>ada (just ada please) sometimes calls herself a designer and illustrator, sometimes a writer, sometimes a pastry chef. Mostly she calls her friends. </em></p><br>
class="ext"> the project website</a>
class="ext"> the project website</a>
<ahref="https://vulnerable-interfaces.xpub.nl/ada/thesis.html"class="ext"> my thesis (<?water bodies>)</a>
<ahref="https://vulnerable-interfaces.xpub.nl/ada/thesis.html"class="ext"> my thesis (<?water bodies>)</a>
<p>Cake Intimacies is a performance that took a year to bring together. It is a small selection of stories people told me that I held to memory and rewrote here. The stories come from two performances I hosted.
<p>Cake Intimacies is a performance that took a year to bring together. It is a small selection of stories people told me that I held to memory and rewrote here. The stories come from two performances I hosted.