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# XPPL version alt
Library to hold books / knowledge
## TO DOs
- [x] fix adding stacks
- [x] update requirements
- [ ] generate new requirements.txt and installation process?
- [ ] fix stacks layout
- [ ] remove autocomplete? and training at the start of app
- [ ] update layout navigation
## Installation
sudo apt install python3-virtualenv
sudo virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
sudo chmod -R 777 XPPL/
pip3 install flask
pip3 install flask_sqlalchemy
pip3 install marshmallow
pip3 install flask_socketio
pip3 install python-dotenv
pip3 install flask_weasyprint
pip3 install flask_wtf
pip3 install wand
pip3 install PyPDF2
pip3 install requests
pip3 install autocomplete
sudo apt-get install libpangocairo-1.0-0
sudo apt-get install libmagickwand-dev
Install the required dependencies:
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Initialise database / Why is this needed again, could be checked in flask?
$ bash
### Further install notes (bugs)
* create the covers folder inside the uploadsfolder
* don't forget to chmod the uploads and coverfolder ;-)
* For Mac users -> brew install imagemagick@6 in order to install wand (should not be relevant for debian server install)
## Run the program
Run the script in another terminal (from XPPL directory):
## Deploy on server
(this will be added soon)
Has currently 2 entrypoints:
GETs all the books in the database
GETs a specific book by its id