aglaia 2 years ago
parent b09365dd91
commit 7432c039d1

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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<h1 id="the-superstructure-text-adventure-game"></h1>click-click, the clicking game a matter of accumulation</h1><br>
<p>I wasn't aware about the existence of the clicking games a couple of months ago. When I played for the first time, I couldn't understand why people are intrigued enough in order to devote themselves in clicking . I still struggle a little bit to understand. My main intention was to create a clicking game that would highlight the act of clicking to the player through the interface of the screen. People would see a hand clicking in their screen and then at the next stage a person in front of a screen (with a hand clicking) clicking etc. My poor java script skills didn't allow me to materialise my initial idea, so eventually I came up with really simple version of the click_click game. People click on the click button that makes a "click" sound. Every time they click, a new button is generated. The aim is to click so as to accumulate bricks. A repetitive performance. You click you gain. The end of the game is when you full your screen and build a wall out of click buttons. Then the screen clears automatically and a small victory message appears. What happens when the only function to be performed is clicking? Nothing I guess</p>

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="graduation.css">
<span id = "parentbutton"><button onclick = "addbutton1()">click</button></span>
<!-- script to create new button -->
var countclicks = 0;
function addbutton1() {
var myspan = document.getElementById("parentbutton");
// creating button element
var newbutton = document.createElement('BUTTON');
// creating text to be
//displayed on button
var text = document.createTextNode("click");
// appending text to button
// appending button to div
// giving the button a click attribute
// add click sound to buttons
const audio = new Audio("");;
// total sum of clicks and cleaning of the screen frim buttons
countclicks = countclicks + 1;
console.log("countclicks", countclicks);
if (countclicks >= 406){
document.body.innerHTML = "";
alert("Congratulations buddy! You clicked 406 times and you built an entire wall out of clicks. What a productive day!");

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background-color: rgb(179, 107, 179);
color: rgb(232, 243, 247);
font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
padding: 0,2em;
color: rgb(94, 46, 139);
width: 2.55cm;
background-color: rgb(179, 107, 179);
border-color: rgb(204, 127, 204);
padding: 1px;
font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
text-shadow: 3px 3px 5px red, 0 0 1em rgb(221, 6, 24), 0 0 0.2em blue;

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import os , time , random
# Setting up the current (saved) state
currentRoom = "base-ment"
start = True
graduation = False
study = 0
items = {
"base-ment": ["unpaidlabor", "consiousness", "lackoftime", "dipression", "commodities", "collectivememory", "laborforce", "survivalmode"],
"apparatus": ["game", "work", "symbols", "family", "church", "institutionalmemory", "army", "ideology"],
"megaroom": ["hegemony", "control", "power", "violence", "accumulationofwealth", "property", "mostlywhiterichmen"]
inventory = []
# Seperating the text and printing in delay so the content on the screen is readable and easy to comprehend
def printer (text):
for t in text:
print(t, end = "", flush= True)
time.sleep(random.choice([0.0001, 0.005, 0.007]))
# Defining the "taker" function and setting it up in each of the three rooms below
def taker(room):
if any(x in spliti for x in ["get", "grab", "take", "carry", "steal", "expropriate"]):
for item in items[room]:
if item in spliti:
printer("You took " + item)
# Creating the while-loop
while True:
if (start == True):
Super(de)construction: The game
__ __ __
/\ \ /\ \__ /\ \__ __
____ __ __ _____ __ _ __ \_\ \ __ ___ ___ ___ ____\ \ ,_\ _ __ __ __ ___\ \ ,_\/\_\ ___ ___
/',__\/\ \/\ \/\ '__`\ /'__`\/\`'__\/'_` \ /'__`\ /'___\ / __`\ /' _ `\ /',__\\ \ \/ /\`'__\/\ \/\ \ /'___\ \ \/\/\ \ / __`\ /' _ `\
/\__, `\ \ \_\ \ \ \L\ \/\ __/\ \ \//\ \L\ \/\ __//\ \__//\ \L\ \/\ \/\ \/\__, `\\ \ \_\ \ \/ \ \ \_\ \/\ \__/\ \ \_\ \ \/\ \L\ \/\ \/\ \
\/\____/\ \____/\ \ ,__/\ \____\\ \_\\ \___,_\ \____\ \____\ \____/\ \_\ \_\/\____/ \ \__\\ \_\ \ \____/\ \____\\ \__\\ \_\ \____/\ \_\ \_\
\/___/ \/___/ \ \ \/ \/____/ \/_/ \/__,_ /\/____/\/____/\/___/ \/_/\/_/\/___/ \/__/ \/_/ \/___/ \/____/ \/__/ \/_/\/___/ \/_/\/_/
\ \_\
Welcome to the super(de)costruction game or How to destroy the ideological apparatus and capitalism in small steps.
You are a witch in the body of a cultural worker leaving in the poor south. However, you cannot make a living only by selling your labor power so you have to use your magic powers to maintain yourself. You can become invisible in order to expropriate goods from chain supermarkets and share them with your comrades and girlfriends. Thats okay! Inflation ...
You will have an extraordinary chance to walk a lead bit through an enormous architectural miracle and why not dismantle the master's house!
Are you readyyy???
start = False
if (graduation == True):
printer("You Win!")
# Clearing the screen: "cls" for Windows; "clear" for macOS
i = input()
spliti = i.split(" ")
# Creating an inventory
if "inventory" in i:
printer("The truth is that you don't own anything. You are proletarian. You don't really have private property. However, in you current inventory you can find " + ", ".join(inventory))
if i in ["talk","discuss","debate","ask","say"]:
printer("Hiiiiiii witch, how can I help you, now that nobody is watching us?")
i = input()
if i in ["revolution","finish","free", "freedom"]:
if study >= 119:
printer("You did so many things! You struggle a lot, you care, you respect! You are a true witch fighter! Revolution is in the corner.")
graduation = True
printer("We should keep the hard work. Do not give up though. Things do change and your contribution is valuable! You have gained " + str(study) + " points. Shall we go again to the base-ment? We have to organise stuff! Please don't give up. Here is something small for you!")
For it is not the anger of Black Women which is dripping down over this globe like a diseased liquid. It is not my anger that launches rockets, spent more than 60,000 dolars second on missiles and other agents of war and death, slaughters children in cities, stockpiles nerve gas and chemical bombs, sodomizes our daughters and the earth. This is not the anger of Black Women which corrodes into blind, dehumanising power, bent upon the annihilation of us all unless we meet it with what we have, our power to examine and to redefine the terms upon which we will live and work; our power to envision and to reconstruct, anger by painful anger, stone upon heavy stone, a future of pollinating difference and the earth to support our choices.
We welcome all women who can meet us, face to face, beyond objectification and beyond guilt.
by Audre Lorde
# Choices in the base-ment
if currentRoom == "base-ment":
if i in ["look","see","view","explore"]:
printer("Oh I'm in an base-ment, cool. There is little light here. Soooo many people. TheY do work hard. The seem unhappy and dipressed")
printer("You can find here: " + ", ".join(items["base-ment"]))
elif i in ["exit","walk","run","door","leave"]:
printer("You can use this tiny door to exit the base-ment. To be completely honest, you cannot escape that easily the base-ment. You wish you could. It can be really suffocating. However you are a witch, you have class consiousness and you have your caring comrades. So now let's move. ")
currentRoom = "apparatus"
# The ECTS condition, or the point-gaining system. Every "study" adds 30 points to the player's score. The goal is to reach 120 points or credits.
elif i in ["disconstruct", "dismantle", "poetry", "street", "public", "library", "counter-culture","read", "struggle", "collective", "solidarity", "fight", "feminism", "queer", "act", "expropriate", "parasite", "organise", "care", "reclaim", "speak", "counterhegemony", "escape", "burn", "collective", "demonstrate", "zine", "create", "enjoy", "disobedience", "occupy", "protest", "manifest", "shout", "sing", "anarchy", "radical", "barricade", "putaspell", "witchcraft", "unlearn"]:
printer("You have struggled soo much!")
study = study + 30
printer("The revolution seems to be closer. Cracks still happen and are completely important and vital and powerful. You have gained " + str(study) + " points")
# Choices in the neutral zone
elif currentRoom == "apparatus":
if i in ["look","see","view","explore", "open"]:
printer("Vrooom, vroom, vroom. You are now in the apparatus room! What a contradictory place to be. A wise-structured organised chaos ... Monumental huge buildings, computers, archives, cameras, people in uniforms, banks campus and other big buildings, and borders. Where is the public, though? If you see a little bit closer, it is not that solid.")
printer("Oh look in the apparatus you can find: " + ", ".join(items["apparatus"]))
elif i in ["exit","walk","run","door","leave"]:
printer("You may use this door to exit the apparatus.")
i = input("which door? (1 or 2)")
if i == "1":
printer("You use the door to the base-ment")
currentRoom = "base-ment"
elif i == "2":
printer("You use the door to the megaroom")
currentRoom = "megaroom"
# Choices in the megaroom
elif currentRoom == "megaroom":
if i in ["look","see","view","explore", "open"]:
printer("Oh You are in the megaroom! You can tell that it is luxurious, monumental structure classical and contemporary in the same time. You havent seen something similar before! Wowww. But why are so little people? Why the are mostly white men? Dont be stressed - they will not notice you! You enter the mansion as a cleaning lady. You are invisible to them. However, YOU know how radical our marginal identities are! ")
printer("Oh look in the megaroom! There is : " + ", ".join(items["megaroom"]))
elif i in ["exit","walk","run","door","leave"]:
printer("You use the door to exit the megaroom.")
currentRoom = "apparatus"

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<![endif]--> <![endif]-->
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<body> <body>
<h1 id="the-superstructure-text-adventure-game">the superstructure text <h1 id="the-superstructure-text-adventure-game"></h1>Super(de)construction, a text-adventure game</h1><br>
adventure game</h1> <p>My text-adventure game was (first and foremost a struggle and) an attempt to dive a little bit into the world of python and deal peacefully with the potential trauma of coding. The first unsuccessful try started by making a map on paper with all the possible rooms, corridors, spaces and the potential inputs of the player. It was proved to be a too ambitious plan though. So this was the time when the super(de)construction game was born! My intention was to make a fan fiction text adventure game(!) of the marxist superstructure theory. There are three basic rooms where the player can navigate : the Base-ment, the Apparatus and the Megaroom. People can grab specific "objects" from each room and check their inventory (for example you can have unpaidlabour, church, mostlywhitemen from base-ment, apparatus and megaroom respectively in the same bag!). The aim of the game is to accumulate enough points in order to bring eventually the revolution and win. The fermentation and the radicalization happen only in the base-ment.
Will you be part of the revolutionary class?</p>
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</html> </html>

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# the superstructure text adventure game