@ -47,16 +47,11 @@
<pre>sudo journalctl -S today -u kitchen-stove.service -u kitchen-bin.service -u kitchen-fridge.service -r -n</pre>
ip addr show eth0 | awk '$1 == "inet" {gsub(/\/.*$/, "", $2); print $2}'
<pre>uptime -s</pre>
<p>{{ since_last_boot }}</p>
{% if since_last_boot is defined %}
<span class="annotation fn-annotatation" level="1">
{% if days_since_last_boot|int > 15 %}This is unusual, we are used to ...{% else %}This is common, the
{% if days_since_last_boot|int > 14 %}This is unusual, we are used to ...{% else %}This is common, the
fragility of these machines are more prominant than any cloud user expects. Partially because of scale,
partially because a lot of labour that happen in datacenters just escapes us all when we want to just upload
an image.{% endif %}