root 10 months ago
commit 1e0c283911

@ -38,8 +38,7 @@
<p>2024-03-18 07:51:34</p>
<span class="annotation fn-annotatation" level="1">
This is common, the
fragility of these machines are more prominant than any cloud user expects. Partially because of scale,
This is common, the fragility of these machines are more prominant than any cloud user expects. Partially because of scale,
partially because a lot of labour that happen in datacenters just escapes us all when we want to just upload
an image.

Binary file not shown.

@ -29,133 +29,193 @@
<h2>What happened today?</h2>
<pre><em>tldr@chopchop:~ $</em>sudo journalctl -S today -u kitchen-stove.service -u
kitchen-bin.service -u kitchen-fridge.service -r -n</pre>
{% if kitchen_services|length > 0 %}
{% for item in kitchen_services %}
<li>{{ item }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<h2>The state of chopchop on {{now}}?</h2>
<pre><em>tldr@chopchop:~ $</em>whoami</pre>
XPUB 1 users use chopchop as a shared community server.
chopchop is usually located in the Piet Zward Wijnhaven building, although for this occassion it is resting on the shelf bellow this e-reader.
<pre><em>tldr@chopchop:~ $</em>uptime -s</pre>
Uptime is the amount of time a server has been up, available, running, working, executing. This is time that is not spent idle, but time spent busy serving.
<p>{{ since_last_boot }}</p>
{% if since_last_boot is defined %}
<mark class="annotation fn-annotatation" level="1">
{% if days_since_last_boot|int > 14 %}This is unusual, we are used to ...{% else %}This is common, the
fragility of these machines are more prominant than any cloud user expects. Partially because of scale,
partially because a lot of labour that happen in datacenters just escapes us all when we want to just upload
an image.{% endif %}
{% if days_since_last_boot|int > 14 %}This is unusual, we are used to our server crashing quite often, especially when we are all sharing the space and editing at the same time. Our server, chopchop, chops up time into small bits of surprise in which we learn that the technologies we rely on are never just up and running on their own. They require people to care for them, to put in the time and the mindspace to figure out how to keep them running and available.{% else %}This is common, the fragility of these machines are more prominent than any cloud user expects. Partially because of scale, partially because a lot of labour that happens in datacenters just escapes us all when we want to just upload an image, or just send a message, or just open a webpage.{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<pre><em>tldr@chopchop:~ $</em>sudo journalctl _COMM=useradd -r -n 1 --output-fields=MES</pre>
{% if last_user_name is defined %}
<mark class="annotation fn-annotatation" level="1">
{{ last_user_name}} user/s was/were added [] days ago, and the network of trust grew ever so slightly.
{% endif %}
{% if last_user_added is defined %}
<mark class="annotation fn-annotatation" level="2">
Users will be trusted with not just the keys and passwords to the "house" which is the server, but with a
portion of responsibility to keep it afloat and contribute to what makes it a community of practices (and
network of knowledge and dependence).
{% endif %}
<pre><em>tldr@chopchop:~ $</em>sudo journalctl -S today _COMM=useradd -r</pre>
Users are assigned to groups, which allow them rights to read or edit files, run commands or apply infrastructural changes. For chopchop, we all have 'sudo rights': the ability to perform any command, including the more sensitive ones. Sudo is a command that's short for 'superuser do', with it, a user has more privileges, like installing or updating a package or performing a restart.
{% if users_created_today is defined %}
<mark class="annotation fn-annotatation" level="1">
A level 1 annotation for users_created_today
{% endif %}
{% if users_created_today|length > 0 %}{{last_user_name}} user was added, and the network of trust grew ever so slightly. Users will be trusted with not just the keys and passwords to the "house" which is the server, but with a
portion of responsibility to keep it afloat and contribute to what makes it a community of practices (and
network of knowledge and dependence).
{% endif %}
{% if users_created_today|length < 0 %} No new users were created today. The trust network remains the dame size.{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if list_package_installs|length > 0 %}
<pre><em>tldr@chopchop:~ $</em> grep 'install' /var/log/dpkg.log</pre>
Today the following packages were installed:
{% for item in list_package_installs %}
<li>{{ item }}</li>
{% endfor %}
Packages are often installed to use different software or coding languages or build alternative tools. Often users have to talk about and consider which packages they need and why, as well as how much storage they take up and how they will change their interactions with and on their shared server.
{% endif %}
{% if list_package_installs|length < 0 %}
Today no new packages were installed...
{% endif %}
{% if list_package_upgrade|length > 0 %}
<pre><em>tldr@chopchop:~ $</em> grep 'upgrade' /var/log/dpkg.log</pre>
Out of the installed packages, these ones were upgraded:
{% for item in list_package_upgrade %}
<li>{{ item }}</li>
{% endfor %}
Packages are upgraded to fix previous bugs they had, or allow new options for usage they did not have prior.
{% endif %}
{% if list_package_upgrade|length < 0 %}
Out of the installed packages, none were upgraded today...
{% endif %}
{% if list_package_remove|length > 0 %}
<pre><em>tldr@chopchop:~ $</em> grep 'remove' /var/log/dpkg.log</pre>
These package were removed today:
{% for item in list_package_remove %}
<li>{{ item }}</li>
{% endfor %}
Packages could be removed because of consuming too much storage, not being used by the people who share the server, or they are no longer secure. It is often good practice to 'do some spring cleaning' every now and then and remove the packages that no longer serve you any purpose.
{% endif %}
{% if list_package_remove|length < 0 %}
No packages were removed today...
{% endif %}
<pre><em>tldr@chopchop:~ $</em>sudo journalctl _COMM=systemd-login
--output-fields=MESSAGE -S today -g "New session" | grep -v 'Boot'</pre>
Users can login to the server using the SSH (secure shell) protocol. This allows a user to explore files, make changes, run commands and speak to the server from their own machine. This is useful when working remotely, and also to allow multiple users logging into the server simultaneously. Current XPUB1 students have a chopchop user, as well as the tutors. Additionally, there are some users not associated with a person, like our shared user 'chipchip' and users for running specific processes or creating projects.
{% if logins_today is defined %}
{% for item in logins_today %}
<li>{{ item }}</li>
{% endfor %}
These users have logged into our shared server chopchop, during the course of this day.
{% endif %}
<pre><em>tldr@chopchop:~ $</em>sudo journalctl _COMM=groupadd -r --output-fields=MESSAGE</pre>
This command shows whether groups were added today.
{% for item in groups_created %}
<li>{{ item }}</li>
These new working groups were added today. They might be used for creating new projects, maintaining or managing parts of the server, or for organizational purposes.
{% endfor %}
<pre><em>tldr@chopchop:~ $</em>sudo journalctl _COMM=groupremove -r --output-fields=MES</pre>
This command shows whether groups were removed today.
{% for item in groups_removed %}
<li>{{ item }}</li>
These new groups were removed today. Most likely they were no longer relevant or purposeful.
{% endfor %}
<pre><em>tldr@chopchop:~ $</em>sudo journalctl _COMM=usermod -r</pre>
This command shows whether users were modified today.
{% for item in user_modified %}
<li>{{ item }}</li>
These users have been modified. Probably because someone changed their password, keys, or other settings, or given new permissions.
{% endfor %}
<pre><em>tldr@chopchop:~ $</em>sudo journalctl _COMM=userdel -r</pre>
This command shows whether users were removed today.
{% for item in user_deleted %}
<li>{{ item }}</li>
It seems that a user was removed. This doesn't happen too often... It could be that they have done something to lose the trust of the community. The circle of trust shrunk ever so slightly.
{% endfor %}
<hr />
<pre><em>tldr@chopchop:~ $</em>sudo service --status-all</pre>
All of the service that are active running, + running, - idle, not running.
{% for item in list_active_services %}
<li>{{ item }}</li>
{% endfor %}
<pre><em>tldr@chopchop:~ $</em>getent group</pre>
<pre><em>tldr@chopchop:~ $</em>sudo journalctl -S today -u kitchen-stove.service -u
kitchen-bin.service -u kitchen-fridge.service -r -n</pre>
{% if kitchen_services|length > 0 %}
{% for item in list_groups %}
{% for item in kitchen_services %}
<li>{{ item }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>
