You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
echo " execute a bash script that will create a book called " $1
echo " from a file called" $2
index=$(shuf -i 1-14 -n 1)
echo " using cover image" $index
pandoc $2 -o /home/xpub/www/html/tl-dr/logged_book.epub -c print.css --metadata title="$1" --metadata author="/var/shelf" --epub-cover-image=assets/cover$index.jpg --epub-embed-font="fonts/Cascadia/ttf/CascadiaCode-Light.ttf" --epub-embed-font="fonts/Ductus/DuctusRegular.otf"
echo " pandoc'd a new epub to /home/xpub/www/html/tl-dr/logged_book.epub"
cp /home/xpub/www/html/tl-dr/logged_book.epub /home/xpub/www/html/tl-dr/log-books/"$1".epub
echo " and copied this over to /home/xpub/www/html/tl-dr/log-books/" $1
ls /home/xpub/www/html/tl-dr/log-books > /home/xpub/www/html/tl-dr/log-books/all.txt
echo " updated /home/xpub/www/html/tl-dr/log-books/all.txt"