@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ from flask_principal import __version__ as flask_principalVersion
from flask_babel import Babel
from flask_babel import gettext as _
import pytz
# from tzlocal import get_localzone
import requests
from werkzeug.security import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash
from werkzeug.datastructures import Headers
@ -3088,32 +3087,47 @@ def edit_book(book_id):
edited_books_id = set()
# Check and handle Uploaded file
if 'btn-upload-format' in request.files and '.' in request.files['btn-upload-format'].filename:
if 'btn-upload-format' in request.files:
requested_file = request.files['btn-upload-format']
file_ext = requested_file.filename.rsplit('.', 1)[-1].lower()
if file_ext not in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS:
flash(_('File extension "%s" is not allowed to be uploaded to this server' % file_ext), category="error")
return redirect(url_for('index'))
if '.' in requested_file.filename:
file_ext = requested_file.filename.rsplit('.', 1)[-1].lower()
if file_ext not in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS:
flash(_('File extension "%s" is not allowed to be uploaded to this server' % file_ext), category="error")
return redirect(url_for('show_book', book_id=book.id))
flash(_('File to be uploaded must have an extension'), category="error")
return redirect(url_for('show_book', book_id=book.id))
file_name = book.path.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
filepath = config.config_calibre_dir + os.sep + book.path
filepath = os.path.normpath(filepath)
saved_filename = filepath + os.sep + file_name + '.' + file_ext
filepath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(config.config_calibre_dir, book.path))
saved_filename = os.path.join(filepath, file_name + '.' + file_ext)
# check if file path exists, otherwise create it, copy file to calibre path and delete temp file
if not os.path.exists(filepath):
except OSError:
flash(_(u"Failed to create path %s (Permission denied)." % filepath), category="error")
return redirect(url_for('show_book', book_id=book.id))
except OSError:
flash(_(u"Failed to store file %s." % saved_filename), category="error")
return redirect(url_for('index'))
return redirect(url_for('show_book', book_id=book.id))
file_size = os.path.getsize(saved_filename)
is_format = db.session.query(db.Data).filter(db.Data.book == book_id).filter(db.Data.format == file_ext.upper()).first()
# Format entry already exists, no need to update the database
if is_format:
# Format entry already exists, no need to update the database
app.logger.info('Book format already existing')
db_format = db.Data(book_id, file_ext.upper(), file_size, file_name)
db.session.connection().connection.connection.create_function("title_sort", 1, db.title_sort)
# Queue uploader info
uploadText=_(u"File format %s added to %s" % (file_ext.upper(),book.title))
"<a href=\""+ url_for('show_book', book_id=book.id) +"\">"+ uploadText + "</a>")
@ -3148,6 +3162,7 @@ def edit_book(book_id):
for b in edited_books_id:
error = helper.update_dir_stucture(b, config.config_calibre_dir)
if error: # stop on error
flash(error, category="error")
if not error:
@ -3289,6 +3304,8 @@ def edit_book(book_id):
input_tags = list(map(lambda it: it.strip(), input_tags))
modify_database_object(input_tags, getattr(book, cc_string), db.cc_classes[c.id], db.session, 'custom')
if config.config_use_google_drive:
author_names = []
for author in book.authors:
@ -3320,6 +3337,8 @@ def upload():
# create the function for sorting...
db.session.connection().connection.connection.create_function("title_sort", 1, db.title_sort)
db.session.connection().connection.connection.create_function('uuid4', 0, lambda: str(uuid4()))
# check if file extension is correct
if '.' in requested_file.filename:
file_ext = requested_file.filename.rsplit('.', 1)[-1].lower()
if file_ext not in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS:
@ -3332,8 +3351,9 @@ def upload():
flash(_('File to be uploaded must have an extension'), category="error")
return redirect(url_for('index'))
meta = uploader.upload(requested_file)
# extract metadata from file
meta = uploader.upload(requested_file)
title = meta.title
author = meta.author
tags = meta.tags
@ -3341,10 +3361,10 @@ def upload():
series_index = meta.series_id
title_dir = helper.get_valid_filename(title)
author_dir = helper.get_valid_filename(author)
data_name = title_dir
filepath = config.config_calibre_dir + os.sep + author_dir + os.sep + title_dir
saved_filename = filepath + os.sep + data_name + meta.extension.lower()
filepath = os.path.join(config.config_calibre_dir, author_dir, title_dir)
saved_filename = os.path.join(filepath, title_dir + meta.extension.lower())
# check if file path exists, otherwise create it, copy file to calibre path and delete temp file
if not os.path.exists(filepath):
@ -3361,15 +3381,14 @@ def upload():
except OSError:
flash(_(u"Failed to delete file %s (Permission denied)." % meta.file_path), category="warning")
file_size = os.path.getsize(saved_filename)
if meta.cover is None:
has_cover = 0
basedir = config.get_main_dir # os.path.dirname(__file__)
copyfile(os.path.join(basedir, "cps/static/generic_cover.jpg"), os.path.join(filepath, "cover.jpg"))
copyfile(os.path.join(config.get_main_dir, "cps/static/generic_cover.jpg"), os.path.join(filepath, "cover.jpg"))
has_cover = 1
move(meta.cover, os.path.join(filepath, "cover.jpg"))
# handle authors
is_author = db.session.query(db.Authors).filter(db.Authors.name == author).first()
if is_author:
db_author = is_author
@ -3377,6 +3396,7 @@ def upload():
db_author = db.Authors(author, helper.get_sorted_author(author), "")
# handle series
db_series = None
is_series = db.session.query(db.Series).filter(db.Series.name == series).first()
if is_series:
@ -3396,6 +3416,7 @@ def upload():
db_language = db.Languages(input_language)
# combine path and normalize path from windows systems
path = os.path.join(author_dir, title_dir).replace('\\', '/')
db_book = db.Books(title, "", db_author.sort, datetime.datetime.now(), datetime.datetime(101, 1, 1),
@ -3405,17 +3426,19 @@ def upload():
if db_language is not None:
db_data = db.Data(db_book, meta.extension.upper()[1:], file_size, data_name)
file_size = os.path.getsize(saved_filename)
db_data = db.Data(db_book, meta.extension.upper()[1:], file_size, title_dir)
# handle tags
input_tags = tags.split(',')
input_tags = list(map(lambda it: it.strip(), input_tags))
if input_tags[0] !="":
modify_database_object(input_tags, db_book.tags, db.Tags, db.session, 'tags')
# flush content, get db_book.id available
db.session.flush() # flush content get db_book.id available
# add comment
book_id = db_book.id
@ -3423,24 +3446,27 @@ def upload():
if upload_comment != "":
db.session.add(db.Comments(upload_comment, book_id))
# save data to database, reread data
db.session.connection().connection.connection.create_function("title_sort", 1, db.title_sort)
book = db.session.query(db.Books) \
.filter(db.Books.id == book_id).filter(common_filters()).first()
# upload book to gdrive if nesseccary and add "(bookid)" to folder name
if config.config_use_google_drive:
error = helper.update_dir_stucture(book.id, config.config_calibre_dir)
if config.config_use_google_drive:
if error:
flash(error, category="error")
uploadText=_(u"File %s uploaded" % book.title)
"<a href=\"" + url_for('show_book', book_id=book.id) + "\">" + uploadText + "</a>")
if db_language is not None: # display Full name instead of iso639.part3
# create data for displaying display Full language name instead of iso639.part3language
if db_language is not None:
book.languages[0].language_name = _(meta.languages)
author_names = []
for author in db_book.authors: