Compare commits


No commits in common. '55f7d5c0e8f8d8dce356c2b4201ee596e918879d' and '9933252127408179648832ca2ea28e75b0870b06' have entirely different histories.

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
# NLTK (Natural Language ToolKit) is a library for Natural Language Process.
# We will use it to get the Part Of Speech (POS) of the speech-to-text results.
# What does it mean?
# It works as grammar tagging: for instance, the sentence "Around the clouds"
# would have this output:
# [('Around', 'IN'), ('the', 'DT'), ('clouds', 'NN')]
# 'IN' means 'preposition' - 'DT' means 'determiner' - 'NN' means 'noun, common, singular or mass'
import time # to create delays :: for having a few seconds to check the console
import nltk # to use NLTK
# Open the speech-to-text result :: downloaded from the web interface >>
with open('speech.txt','r') as speech: # let's import the text
text = # and make python read it :)
print(text) # print it!
time.sleep(2) # check it in the console!
text = text.replace('<span class="interim"></span>','').replace('\n','. ') # delete this from the results
tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(text) # Tokenize the words :: split each word
pos = nltk.pos_tag(tokens) # Elaborate the Part of Speech! It will create an array, a list
print(pos) # print the array!
time.sleep(2) # check it in the console!
# To see all the POS tags, open the terminal and copy:
# python3
# import nltk
# start the layouting :: html + css + paged.js >>
# declare html :: we will fill it in the process with loops
# declare the first part of the text for two html files with different CSS
html = ''
html1 = '''
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./pagedjs_files/interface.css">
<script src="./pagedjs_files/paged.polyfill.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles/1.css">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>📡 💻📘</title>
html2 = '''
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./pagedjs_files/interface.css">
<script src="./pagedjs_files/paged.polyfill.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles/2.css">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>📡 💻📘</title>
# Process each element of the list
for e in pos: # e is the current element, pos is the array to process
if e[0] == '.': # if e is a dot, its class will be 'dot'
html += " <span class='dot'>.</span><br> \n"
else: # fill the html with each word and assign it as class its POS
html += " <span class='"+e[1]+"'> "+e[0]+"</span>\n"
# Close the html text
html += '''</body>
html = html.replace(' .','.').replace(" '", "'") # to tidy wrong " . " and " ' " position
# Save the <html> files!
with open('../2_layout/1.html','w') as index:
with open('../2_layout/2.html','w') as index:

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
# Scrape images from DuckDuckGo
# With duckduckgo_images_api!
from duckduckgo_images_api import search # import the library for scrape
import time # to create delays :: for having a few seconds to check the console
with open('speech.txt','r') as speech: # let's import the text
qq = speech.readlines() # and split it in lines, it will create an array, a list
print(qq) # print the array!
time.sleep(2) # check qq in the console!
# declare the first part of the text of the html, we will fill it
# in the process with loops
html = '''
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./pagedjs_files/interface.css">
<script src="./pagedjs_files/paged.polyfill.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles/3.css">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>📡 💻📘</title>
# Elaborate each line :: process every element of the array qq
# q is for "query", qq for "queries", because we will send requests to
# DuckDuckGo searching the text of each line of speech.txt
for q in qq:
print(q) # print the q!
time.sleep(2) # check current q in the console!
q = q.strip()
if q == '''<span class="interim"></span>''': # This nope.
q = q.replace("\n","") # remove "\n", which means "return to the next line"
# Scrape images with search()!
# q is, indeed, the query for DuckDuckGo
results = search(q)
r = results["results"][0]["image"] # get the http link to the image
html += f""" <span> {q} </span>\n""" # Now let's fill the html with text and the pic
html += f""" <img src='{r}'>\n"""
# Close the html text
html += '''</body>
html = html.replace(" '", "'")
with open(',,/2_layout/3.html','w') as index: # Save the <html> file!

@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
# Bonus!
# Scrape and download images in local from DuckDuckGo
# with DuckDuckGoImages!
import DuckDuckGoImages as ddg # import the library for scrape
import os # to manipulate the file system
import shutil # same but powerfull >:D
import time # to create delays :: for having a few seconds to check the console
import random # to get random numbers
# Prepare the local folder :: where the images will be saved >>
if os.path.isdir('./images/'): # check if the folder "images" exists
shutil.rmtree('./images/') # if yes, delete it
os.mkdir('./images/') # and then create a fresh new one
# start the layouting :: html + css + paged.js >>
# declare the first part of the text of the html, we will fill it
# in the process with loops
html = '''
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./pagedjs_files/interface.css">
<script src="./pagedjs_files/paged.polyfill.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles/3.css">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>📡 💻📘</title>
# Open the speech-to-text result :: downloaded from the web interface >>
with open('speech.txt','r') as speech: # let's import the text
qq = speech.readlines() # and split it in lines, it will create an array, a list
print(qq) # print the array!
time.sleep(2) # check qq in the console!
# Elaborate each line :: process every element of the array qq
# q is for "query", qq for "queries", because we will send requests to
# DuckDuckGo searching the text of each line of speech.txt
for q in qq:
print(q) # print the q!
time.sleep(2) # check current q in the console!
if q == '''<span class="interim"></span>''': # This nope.
qBinded = q.replace(' ','') # qBinded is the current q but without spaces and "\n", which
qBinded = qBinded.replace("\n","") # means "return to the next line";
# because we will qBinded to name each file downloaded
os.mkdir(f'./images/{qBinded}') # create the folder with the name given by qBinded
print(qBinded) # print qBinded!
time.sleep(2) # check current q in the console!
# Scrape images with! :: we imported DuckDuckGoImages *as* ddg,
# it's just compacted the name
# q is, indeed, the query for DuckDuckGo
# folder=(../path/to/download)
# max_urls=(how many results attempt to scrape
# thumbnails=(True/False, to download thumbnails or bigger images), folder= f"./images/{qBinded}/", max_urls=10, thumbnails=True)
picsList = os.listdir(f"./images/{qBinded}/") # get the contents of the folder, it will create another array
# each downloaded image will have a randomic UUIDv4 name so next step is
# to change its name with the name of the current q
print("List of pics:", picsList) # Check how many downloaded pictures!
time.sleep(2) # check in the console!
if len(picsList) == 0: # if the the list is empty..
html += f'<span class="{qBinded}">{q}</span><br><br>' # ..add now the <html> for just the text, since there are no images downloaded..
html += "\n"
os.rmdir(f'./images/{qBinded}/') # ..and delete the folder created, since is useless..
continue # ..from now on this q can't do anything more, let's go to the next iteration
# Layout q and its pic!
r = random.randint(0,len(picsList)) # get a random number from 0 to the lenght of the array {in compiuters 0 means the first!! :]] }
pic = picsList[r] # let's take a random picture from the array
os.rename(f'./images/{qBinded}/{pic}', f'./images/{qBinded}/{qBinded}.jpg') # This is to rename the pic with qBinded + the .jpg extension
os.replace(f'./images/{qBinded}/{qBinded}.jpg', f'./images/{qBinded}.jpg') # This is to move the pic to the main folder
shutil.rmtree(f'./images/{qBinded}/') # and it's time to delete the folder of this q
html += f""" <span class="{qBinded}">{q}</span>""" # Now let's fill the html with text and the pic
html += "\n"
html += f""" <span><img src="./images/{qBinded}.jpg"></span>"""
html += "\n"
# Close the html text
html += '''</body>
with open('../2_layout/localpics.html','w') as index: # Save the <html> file!

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
First, you need python. You can download Python from its website:
If you need to install NLTK, open the terminal and copy:
pip3 install nltk
import nltk'tagsets')'')
If you need to install duckduckgo-images-api, open the terminal and digit:
pip3 install duckduckgo-images-api
If you need to install DuckDuckGoImages, open the terminal and digit:
pip3 install DuckDuckGoImages

@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../pagedjs_files/interface.css">
<script src="../pagedjs_files/paged.polyfill.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles/1.css">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>📡 💻📘</title>
<span class='JJ'> ok</span>
<span class='NN'> let</span>
<span class='POS'>'s</span>
<span class='NN'> talk</span>
<span class='IN'> in</span>
<span class='NNP'> English</span>
<span class='IN'> for</span>
<span class='NN'> awhile</span>
<span class='WP'> what</span>
<span class='VBP'> are</span>
<span class='PRP'> we</span>
<span class='VBG'> eating</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='CC'> or</span>
<span class='RB'> not</span>
<span class='IN'> so</span>
<span class='PRP'> it</span>
<span class='VBZ'> is</span>
<span class='VBG'> starting</span>
<span class='RB'> again</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='JJ'> ok</span>
<span class='NN'> navigate</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='PRP'> you</span>
<span class='VBP'> need</span>
<span class='TO'> to</span>
<span class='VB'> rest</span>
<span class='RB'> sometimes</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='RB'> also</span>
<span class='VBD'> implemented</span>
<span class='IN'> that</span>
<span class='VBG'> implementing</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='PRP'> he</span>
<span class='VBZ'>'s</span>
<span class='DT'> a</span>
<span class='NN'> sentence</span>
<span class='CC'> and</span>
<span class='PRP'> we</span>
<span class='VBP'> are</span>
<span class='RB'> not</span>
<span class='JJ'> interested</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='VB'> remember</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='RB'> so</span>
<span class='RB'> basically</span>
<span class='NN'> sentence</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='WRB'> where</span>
<span class='VBZ'> is</span>
<span class='TO'> to</span>
<span class='VB'> go</span>
<span class='DT'> a</span>
<span class='NN'> couple</span>
<span class='CC'> and</span>
<span class='RB'> then</span>
<span class='PRP'> you</span>
<span class='VBP'> put</span>
<span class='DT'> the</span>
<span class='NN'> adult</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='DT'> a</span>
<span class='RB'> bit</span>
<span class='JJR'> easier</span>
<span class='TO'> to</span>
<span class='VB'> understand</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='RB'> actually</span>
<span class='RB'> maybe</span>
<span class='NNS'> people</span>
<span class='RB'> just</span>
<span class='VBP'> do</span>
<span class='RB'> n't</span>
<span class='RB'> just</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='PRP'> I</span>
<span class='VBP'>'m</span>
<span class='RB'> just</span>
<span class='VBG'> thinking</span>
<span class='PRP'> it</span>
<span class='VBZ'>'s</span>
<span class='RB'> not</span>
<span class='DT'> the</span>
<span class='NNS'> centres</span>
<span class='VBP'> do</span>
<span class='RB'> n't</span>
<span class='VB'> put</span>
<span class='DT'> the</span>
<span class='NN'> dot</span>
<span class='CC'> and</span>
<span class='RB'> just</span>
<span class='VB'> put</span>
<span class='DT'> a</span>
<span class='NN'> couple</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='IN'> because</span>
<span class='RB'> then</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='PRP'> they</span>
<span class='VBP'> are</span>
<span class='VBG'> talking</span>
<span class='PRP'> they</span>
<span class='VBP'> are</span>
<span class='DT'> a</span>
<span class='NN'> booklet</span>
<span class='CC'> but</span>
<span class='PRP'> they</span>
<span class='VBP'> are</span>
<span class='RB'> not</span>
<span class='VBG'> writing</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='IN'> so</span>
<span class='PRP'> it</span>
<span class='VBZ'> is</span>
<span class='RB'> just</span>
<span class='JJ'> fine</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='RB'> so</span>
<span class='VBP'> are</span>
<span class='PRP'> you</span>
<span class='VBN'> done</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='CC'> and</span>
<span class='RB'> now</span>
<span class='VBZ'> is</span>
<span class='JJ'> f</span>
<span class='NNP'> *</span>
<span class='NNP'> *</span>
<span class='NNP'> *</span>
<span class='NNP'> *</span>
<span class='NNP'> *</span>
<span class='RB'> up</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>

@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="..clea/pagedjs_files/interface.css">
<script src="../pagedjs_files/paged.polyfill.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./styles/2.css">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>📡 💻📘</title>
<span class='JJ'> ok</span>
<span class='NN'> let</span>
<span class='POS'>'s</span>
<span class='NN'> talk</span>
<span class='IN'> in</span>
<span class='NNP'> English</span>
<span class='IN'> for</span>
<span class='NN'> awhile</span>
<span class='WP'> what</span>
<span class='VBP'> are</span>
<span class='PRP'> we</span>
<span class='VBG'> eating</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='CC'> or</span>
<span class='RB'> not</span>
<span class='IN'> so</span>
<span class='PRP'> it</span>
<span class='VBZ'> is</span>
<span class='VBG'> starting</span>
<span class='RB'> again</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='JJ'> ok</span>
<span class='NN'> navigate</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='PRP'> you</span>
<span class='VBP'> need</span>
<span class='TO'> to</span>
<span class='VB'> rest</span>
<span class='RB'> sometimes</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='RB'> also</span>
<span class='VBD'> implemented</span>
<span class='IN'> that</span>
<span class='VBG'> implementing</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='PRP'> he</span>
<span class='VBZ'>'s</span>
<span class='DT'> a</span>
<span class='NN'> sentence</span>
<span class='CC'> and</span>
<span class='PRP'> we</span>
<span class='VBP'> are</span>
<span class='RB'> not</span>
<span class='JJ'> interested</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='VB'> remember</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='RB'> so</span>
<span class='RB'> basically</span>
<span class='NN'> sentence</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='WRB'> where</span>
<span class='VBZ'> is</span>
<span class='TO'> to</span>
<span class='VB'> go</span>
<span class='DT'> a</span>
<span class='NN'> couple</span>
<span class='CC'> and</span>
<span class='RB'> then</span>
<span class='PRP'> you</span>
<span class='VBP'> put</span>
<span class='DT'> the</span>
<span class='NN'> adult</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='DT'> a</span>
<span class='RB'> bit</span>
<span class='JJR'> easier</span>
<span class='TO'> to</span>
<span class='VB'> understand</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='RB'> actually</span>
<span class='RB'> maybe</span>
<span class='NNS'> people</span>
<span class='RB'> just</span>
<span class='VBP'> do</span>
<span class='RB'> n't</span>
<span class='RB'> just</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='PRP'> I</span>
<span class='VBP'>'m</span>
<span class='RB'> just</span>
<span class='VBG'> thinking</span>
<span class='PRP'> it</span>
<span class='VBZ'>'s</span>
<span class='RB'> not</span>
<span class='DT'> the</span>
<span class='NNS'> centres</span>
<span class='VBP'> do</span>
<span class='RB'> n't</span>
<span class='VB'> put</span>
<span class='DT'> the</span>
<span class='NN'> dot</span>
<span class='CC'> and</span>
<span class='RB'> just</span>
<span class='VB'> put</span>
<span class='DT'> a</span>
<span class='NN'> couple</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='IN'> because</span>
<span class='RB'> then</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='PRP'> they</span>
<span class='VBP'> are</span>
<span class='VBG'> talking</span>
<span class='PRP'> they</span>
<span class='VBP'> are</span>
<span class='DT'> a</span>
<span class='NN'> booklet</span>
<span class='CC'> but</span>
<span class='PRP'> they</span>
<span class='VBP'> are</span>
<span class='RB'> not</span>
<span class='VBG'> writing</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='IN'> so</span>
<span class='PRP'> it</span>
<span class='VBZ'> is</span>
<span class='RB'> just</span>
<span class='JJ'> fine</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='RB'> so</span>
<span class='VBP'> are</span>
<span class='PRP'> you</span>
<span class='VBN'> done</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>
<span class='CC'> and</span>
<span class='RB'> now</span>
<span class='VBZ'> is</span>
<span class='JJ'> f</span>
<span class='NNP'> *</span>
<span class='NNP'> *</span>
<span class='NNP'> *</span>
<span class='NNP'> *</span>
<span class='NNP'> *</span>
<span class='RB'> up</span>
<span class='dot'>.</span><br>

layout/.DS_Store vendored

Binary file not shown.

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="pagedjs_files/interface.css">
<script src="pagedjs_files/paged.polyfill.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/1.css">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<div class="newchapter">

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
import nltk'punkt')
with open('speech.txt','r') as result:
r =
r = r.replace('<span class="interim"></span>','').replace('\n','. ')
pos = nltk.pos_tag(l)
html = '''
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="pagedjs_files/interface.css">
<script src="pagedjs_files/paged.polyfill.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/1.css">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
for x in pos:
if x[0] == '.':
html += "<span class='dot'>.<span><br> "
html += "<span class='"+x[1]+"'>"+x[0]+"<span> "
html = '''</body>
with open('index.html','w') as index:

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
and again are we are
let's see if it works again with these fantastic xt500
<span class="interim"></span>

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="pagedjs_files/interface.css">
<script src="pagedjs_files/paged.polyfill.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/2.css">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<span class='JJ'> ok</span><span class='NN'> let</span><span class='POS'>'s</span><span class='NN'> talk</span><span class='IN'> in</span><span class='NNP'> English</span><span class='IN'> for</span><span class='NN'> awhile</span><span class='WP'> what</span><span class='VBP'> are</span><span class='PRP'> we</span><span class='VBG'> eating</span><span class='dot'>.</span><br> <span class='CC'> or</span><span class='RB'> not</span><span class='IN'> so</span><span class='PRP'> it</span><span class='VBZ'> is</span><span class='VBG'> starting</span><span class='RB'> again</span><span class='dot'>.</span><br> <span class='JJ'> ok</span><span class='NN'> navigate</span><span class='dot'>.</span><br> <span class='PRP'> you</span><span class='VBP'> need</span><span class='TO'> to</span><span class='VB'> rest</span><span class='RB'> sometimes</span><span class='dot'>.</span><br> <span class='RB'> also</span><span class='VBD'> implemented</span><span class='IN'> that</span><span class='VBG'> implementing</span><span class='dot'>.</span><br> <span class='PRP'> he</span><span class='VBZ'>'s</span><span class='DT'> a</span><span class='NN'> sentence</span><span class='CC'> and</span><span class='PRP'> we</span><span class='VBP'> are</span><span class='RB'> not</span><span class='JJ'> interested</span><span class='dot'>.</span><br> <span class='VB'> remember</span><span class='dot'>.</span><br> <span class='RB'> so</span><span class='RB'> basically</span><span class='NN'> sentence</span><span class='dot'>.</span><br> <span class='WRB'> where</span><span class='VBZ'> is</span><span class='TO'> to</span><span class='VB'> go</span><span class='DT'> a</span><span class='NN'> couple</span><span class='CC'> and</span><span class='RB'> then</span><span class='PRP'> you</span><span class='VBP'> put</span><span class='DT'> the</span><span class='NN'> adult</span><span class='dot'>.</span><br> <span class='DT'> a</span><span class='RB'> bit</span><span class='JJR'> easier</span><span class='TO'> to</span><span class='VB'> understand</span><span class='dot'>.</span><br> <span class='RB'> actually</span><span class='RB'> maybe</span><span class='NNS'> people</span><span class='RB'> just</span><span class='VBP'> do</span><span class='RB'> n't</span><span class='RB'> just</span><span class='dot'>.</span><br> <span class='PRP'> I</span><span class='VBP'>'m</span><span class='RB'> just</span><span class='VBG'> thinking</span><span class='PRP'> it</span><span class='VBZ'>'s</span><span class='RB'> not</span><span class='DT'> the</span><span class='NNS'> centres</span><span class='VBP'> do</span><span class='RB'> n't</span><span class='VB'> put</span><span class='DT'> the</span><span class='NN'> dot</span><span class='CC'> and</span><span class='RB'> just</span><span class='VB'> put</span><span class='DT'> a</span><span class='NN'> couple</span><span class='dot'>.</span><br> <span class='IN'> because</span><span class='RB'> then</span><span class='dot'>.</span><br> <span class='PRP'> they</span><span class='VBP'> are</span><span class='VBG'> talking</span><span class='PRP'> they</span><span class='VBP'> are</span><span class='DT'> a</span><span class='NN'> booklet</span><span class='CC'> but</span><span class='PRP'> they</span><span class='VBP'> are</span><span class='RB'> not</span><span class='VBG'> writing</span><span class='dot'>.</span><br> <span class='IN'> so</span><span class='PRP'> it</span><span class='VBZ'> is</span><span class='RB'> just</span><span class='JJ'> fine</span><span class='dot'>.</span><br> <span class='RB'> so</span><span class='VBP'> are</span><span class='PRP'> you</span><span class='VBN'> done</span><span class='dot'>.</span><br> <span class='CC'> and</span><span class='RB'> now</span><span class='VBZ'> is</span><span class='JJ'> f</span><span class='NNP'> *</span><span class='NNP'> *</span><span class='NNP'> *</span><span class='NNP'> *</span><span class='NNP'> *</span><span class='RB'> up</span><span class='dot'>.</span><br> </body>

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import nltk
with open('speech.txt','r') as result:
r =
r = r.replace('<span class="interim"></span>','').replace('\n','. ')
pos = nltk.pos_tag(l)
html = '''
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="pagedjs_files/interface.css">
<script src="pagedjs_files/paged.polyfill.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/1.css">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
for x in pos:
if x[0] == '.':
html += "<span class='dot'>.</span><br> \n"
html += "<span class='"+x[1]+"'> "+x[0]+"</span>\n"
html += '''</body>
html = html.replace(' .','.').replace(" '", "'")
with open('index.html','w') as index:

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
import DuckDuckGoImages as ddg
import os
import shutil
with open('speech.txt','r') as speech:
qq = speech.readlines()
html = ''
html = '''
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="pagedjs_files/interface.css">
<script src="pagedjs_files/paged.polyfill.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/3.css">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
if os.path.isdir('./images/') is True:
for q in qq:
if q == '''<span class="interim"></span>''':
qDDG = q.replace(' ','+')
qBinded = q.replace(' ','')
qBinded = qBinded.replace("\n","")
os.mkdir(f'./images/{qBinded}'), folder= f"./images/{qBinded}/", max_urls=10, thumbnails=True)
normalize = os.listdir(f"./images/{qBinded}/")
if len(os.listdir(f"./images/{qBinded}/")) == 0:
html += f'<span class="{qBinded}">{q}</span><br><br>'
print('NORMALIZE', normalize)
normalize = normalize[0]
splitExtension = os.path.splitext(normalize)
print('ESTENSIONE', splitExtension)
os.rename(f'./images/{qBinded}/{normalize}', f'./images/{qBinded}/{qBinded}')
os.replace(f'./images/{qBinded}/{qBinded}', f'./images/{qBinded}.jpg')
html += f"""<span class="{qBinded}">{q}</span>"""
html += f"""<span><img src="./images/{qBinded}.jpg"></span>"""
html += '''</body>
html = html.replace(' .','.').replace(" '", "'")
with open('picindex.html','w') as index:

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
import DuckDuckGoImages as ddg
from duckduckgo_images_api import search
import os
import shutil
with open('speech.txt','r') as speech:
qq = speech.readlines()
html = ''
html = '''
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="pagedjs_files/interface.css">
<script src="pagedjs_files/paged.polyfill.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/3.css">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
for q in qq:
q = q.strip()
if q == '''<span class="interim"></span>''':
q = q.replace("\n","")
qDDG = q.replace(' ','+')
results = search(q, max_results=1)
r = results["results"][0]["thumbnail"]
html += f"""<span> {q} </span>\n"""
html += f"""<img src='{r}'>\n"""
html += '''</body>
html = html.replace(' .','.').replace(" '", "'")
with open('nuovo.html','w') as index:

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"id": "35367849-a425-404c-bbbd-d8d7138f1838",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import nltk\n",
"with open('../speech.txt','r') as result:\n",
" r =\n",
" \n",
"r = r.replace('<span class=\"interim\"></span>','').replace('\\n','. ')\n",
"pos = nltk.pos_tag(l)\n",
"html = ''\n",
"for x in pos:\n",
" if x[0] == '.':\n",
" html += \"<span class='dot'>.<span><br> \"\n",
" else:\n",
" html += \"<span class='\"+x[1]+\"'> \"+x[0]+\"<span>\"\n",
" \n"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"id": "0d1737d0-cda2-4208-9585-487ef809bdff",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"\"<span class='CC'>and<span> <span class='RB'>again<span> <span class='VBP'>are<span> <span class='PRP'>we<span> <span class='VBP'>are<span> <span class='dot'>.<span><br> <span class='NN'>let<span> <span class='POS'>'s<span> <span class='VB'>see<span> <span class='IN'>if<span> <span class='PRP'>it<span> <span class='VBZ'>works<span> <span class='RB'>again<span> <span class='IN'>with<span> <span class='DT'>these<span> <span class='JJ'>fantastic<span> <span class='NN'>xt500<span> <span class='dot'>.<span><br> \""
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 127,
"id": "cfe7aecd-bcff-4e3b-81c2-0622434cf62b",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"with open('index.html','w') as index:\n",
" index.write(html)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 137,
"id": "8d2195b3-dc7a-4cdc-b599-5570766df12d",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 138,
"id": "02f79b41-8238-4fa1-9530-a84b5069bce0",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "c6e3cf8e-3493-463b-807a-89342e7c8731",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "ac322fc4-db27-42a3-aef0-ac0fbe3e26fb",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "1e02a152-1c3c-4e2c-b1aa-1a1f3172810c",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "264c688c-aba4-4cf5-8f6d-b9b35c3a0969",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"metadata": {
"kernelspec": {
"display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)",
"language": "python",
"name": "python3"
"language_info": {
"codemirror_mode": {
"name": "ipython",
"version": 3
"file_extension": ".py",
"mimetype": "text/x-python",
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
"version": "3.9.7"
"nbformat": 4,
"nbformat_minor": 5

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"id": "35367849-a425-404c-bbbd-d8d7138f1838",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import nltk\n",
"with open('../speech.txt','r') as result:\n",
" r =\n",
" \n",
"r = r.replace('<span class=\"interim\"></span>','').replace('\\n','. ')\n",
"pos = nltk.pos_tag(l)\n",
"html = ''\n",
"for x in pos:\n",
" if x[0] == '.':\n",
" html += \"<span class='dot'>.<span><br> \"\n",
" else:\n",
" html += \"<span class='\"+x[1]+\"'> \"+x[0]+\"<span>\"\n",
" \n"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"id": "0d1737d0-cda2-4208-9585-487ef809bdff",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"\"<span class='CC'>and<span> <span class='RB'>again<span> <span class='VBP'>are<span> <span class='PRP'>we<span> <span class='VBP'>are<span> <span class='dot'>.<span><br> <span class='NN'>let<span> <span class='POS'>'s<span> <span class='VB'>see<span> <span class='IN'>if<span> <span class='PRP'>it<span> <span class='VBZ'>works<span> <span class='RB'>again<span> <span class='IN'>with<span> <span class='DT'>these<span> <span class='JJ'>fantastic<span> <span class='NN'>xt500<span> <span class='dot'>.<span><br> \""
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 127,
"id": "cfe7aecd-bcff-4e3b-81c2-0622434cf62b",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"with open('index.html','w') as index:\n",
" index.write(html)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 137,
"id": "8d2195b3-dc7a-4cdc-b599-5570766df12d",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 138,
"id": "02f79b41-8238-4fa1-9530-a84b5069bce0",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "c6e3cf8e-3493-463b-807a-89342e7c8731",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "ac322fc4-db27-42a3-aef0-ac0fbe3e26fb",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "1e02a152-1c3c-4e2c-b1aa-1a1f3172810c",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "264c688c-aba4-4cf5-8f6d-b9b35c3a0969",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"metadata": {
"kernelspec": {
"display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)",
"language": "python",
"name": "python3"
"language_info": {
"codemirror_mode": {
"name": "ipython",
"version": 3
"file_extension": ".py",
"mimetype": "text/x-python",
"name": "python",
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
"version": "3.9.7"
"nbformat": 4,
"nbformat_minor": 5

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<span class='CC'>and<span> <span class='RB'>again<span> <span class='VBP'>are<span> <span class='PRP'>we<span> <span class='VBP'>are<span> <span class='dot'>.<span><br> <span class='NN'>let<span> <span class='POS'>'s<span> <span class='VB'>see<span> <span class='IN'>if<span> <span class='PRP'>it<span> <span class='VBZ'>works<span> <span class='RB'>again<span> <span class='IN'>with<span> <span class='DT'>these<span> <span class='JJ'>fantastic<span> <span class='NN'>xt500<span> <span class='dot'>.<span><br>

@ -5,19 +5,19 @@
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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
@page { @page {
size: 148mm 210mm; size: 148mm 210mm;
marks: crop cross; marks: crop cross;
margin: 15mm; bleed: 5mm;
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/* Custom font */ /* Custom font */
@ -23,61 +23,49 @@
/* Custom variables */ /* Custom variables */
:root{ :root{
--first: #19B7B9;
--second: #0B1136;
--third: #2E4473;
/* Rules for everything */
font-family: "neuzeit";
font-size: 20px;
line-height: 35px;
/* Rules for the rest */
box-sizing: border-box;
} }
span{ body{
color: white; font-size: 1.5vw;
text-align: justify;
text-justify: inter-word;
line-height: 1.8vw;
/* color: rgb(0,0,0) */
} }
/* Rules for dots */ span{
color: white
color: var(--third);
} }
/* Rules for Part Of Speech (POS), defined in classes in <span> */
/* This case, conjunctions + verbs ) */
span.CC{ span.CC{
font-size: 3vw; font-size: 3vw;
color: var(--first) color: chartreuse;
} }
span.VB{ span.VB{
color: var(--second); color: black;
color: var(--second);
} }
color: var(--second); .dot{
} color: black;
color: var(--second);
} }
color: var(--second); /* Rules for everything */
font-family: "neuzeit";
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color: var(--second); /* Rules for the rest */
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@ -5,10 +5,11 @@
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@ -47,7 +48,8 @@
img { img {
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