manoeuvres and prototypes while learning or stretching with machines
您最多能選擇 25 個主題 主題必須以字母或數字為開頭,可包含連接號「-」且最長為 35 個字元。
mb 2cfa726bb2 adding yesterday's flask examples 11 個月前
collaboration-tools adding a bit more on Weasyprint in the nb 2 年前
encoding-systems adding encoding systems, puzzles and mazes and maps notebooks 2 年前
flask-examples adding yesterday's flask examples 11 個月前
gamification adding bots 2 年前
js adding the js intro of today 1 年前
mazes-and-maps rm the old pdf 2 年前
puzzles adding encoding systems, puzzles and mazes and maps notebooks 2 年前
tf-idf adding a tf-idf prototyping folder 3 年前
web-to-print adding patterns notebooks and web-to-print (both wip) 2 年前
websockets adding a small prototype here 3 年前