@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class PublicRelations(Bureau):
The Public relations department manages the flow of information between
The Public relations department manages the flow of information between
the screenless office and the general public. It provides interfaces
the screenless office and the general public. It provides interfaces
for Twitter, Facebook and other electronic PR platforms.
for Twitter, Facebook, Mastodon and other electronic PR platforms.
name = "Public Relations"
name = "Public Relations"
@ -93,22 +93,9 @@ class PublicRelations(Bureau):
access_token = 'EAADixisn70ABADh2rEMZAYA8nGzd6ah8RFZA3URba263aCQ63ajLeTiZC5sgZCyIVSmRZBWReVsO9IuaLibX5RjW9Ja2tTZAbxgrDr1dPJzyGwcGTSV9bW1W4NigN0d9dFIH35W2fZBOkhvuLqOCDCBacIPjXPMxF7DRGyrz5lVHxTc04OlBeRX'
access_token = 'EAADixisn70ABADh2rEMZAYA8nGzd6ah8RFZA3URba263aCQ63ajLeTiZC5sgZCyIVSmRZBWReVsO9IuaLibX5RjW9Ja2tTZAbxgrDr1dPJzyGwcGTSV9bW1W4NigN0d9dFIH35W2fZBOkhvuLqOCDCBacIPjXPMxF7DRGyrz5lVHxTc04OlBeRX'
page_id = "screenless"
page_id = "screenless"
graph = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token)
graph = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token)
#graph.put_object(parent_object=page_id, connection_name='feed',
# message='testing screenless post')
print("uploading photo " + photo)
print("uploading photo " + photo)
graph.put_photo(image=open(photo, 'rb'), album_path=page_id + "/photos",
graph.put_photo(image=open(photo, 'rb'), album_path=page_id + "/photos",
#files = {"file": ("cam.jpg", open(photo, 'rb'))}
#args = {}
#args["access_token"] = access_token
#args["caption"] = "test cam"
#resp = requests.post(facebook.FACEBOOK_GRAPH_URL + graph.version + "/"\
# + "me" + "/photos",
# files=files,
# params=args,
# timeout=graph.timeout,
# proxies=graph.proxies)
@add_command("twtimeline", "Print Recent Tweets")
@add_command("twtimeline", "Print Recent Tweets")
def tw_timeline(self, data=None):
def tw_timeline(self, data=None):
@ -164,11 +151,42 @@ class PublicRelations(Bureau):
Print detailed tweet info and commands for reply, like, retweet, etc.
Print detailed tweet info and commands for reply, like, retweet, etc.
self.log.debug("got data " + str(data))
tweet_id = self.get_tweet_id(data)
tweet_id = self.get_tweet_id(data)
self.log.debug("tweet details for id:" + tweet_id)
tweet = self.t.t.statuses.show(id=tweet_id)
tweet = self.t.t.statuses.show(id=tweet_id)
prn = printer.Usb(0x416, 0x5011, in_ep=0x81, out_ep=0x03)
prn.codepage = "cp437"
# TODO: print tweet details
username = tweet["user"]["name"].encode("cp437", "ignore")
twtext = html.unescape(tweet["text"])
t_wrapped = textwrap.fill(twtext, width=48) + "\r\n"
t_enc = t_wrapped.encode("cp437", "ignore")
if "media" in tweet["entities"]:
if len(tweet["entities"]["media"]) > 0:
i_url = tweet["entities"]["media"][0]["media_url"]
filename = i_url.rsplit('/',1)[1]
filename = "/tmp/" + filename
print("fetching", i_url, filename)
urllib.request.urlretrieve(i_url, filename)
im = PIL.Image.open(filename)
if im.mode in ("L", "RGB", "P"):
im = PIL.ImageOps.equalize(im)
im.thumbnail((576, 576), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
prn.image(im, impl="bitImageColumn")
tw_shortcode = self.short_tweet_id(tweet["id_str"])
prn.barcode("PRtwrt." + tw_shortcode, "CODE128", function_type="B")
prn.barcode("PRtwlk." + tw_shortcode, "CODE128", function_type="B")
@add_command("twrt", "Re-Tweet")
@add_command("twrt", "Re-Tweet")
def tw_retweet(self, data):
def tw_retweet(self, data):