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SI16 - Learning How To Walk While Catwalking

Our Special Issue is a toolkit to mess around with language: from its standard taxonomies and tags, to its modes of organizing information and its shaping knowledge. With these tools we want to legitimize failures and amatorial practices by proposing a more vernacular understanding of language. In this Special Issue 16, We approach the text as a texture, a malleable clay tablet, a space for foreign input and extensive modifications, for cut-up and for collage, for collective agency and participation. Not a surface but a volume, in which the text is not only text, but a shared space. We work to sort out several meanings from the same text. We intend to blur our roles as authors, users and public because this is an act of collective world building.


I contributed on the overall structure, the backend and the frontend frontend, and the visual identity. The Concrete Label project started with Supi to annotate concrete poetry to create vernacular corpora concrete labels concrete label concrete label became the Annotation Compass anotation compass, a tool to annotate images collectively.

We managed to achieve a lot: a distribuited API, a familiar CMS based on Jupiter Notebooks jupit, a coherent environment with room for customization, and a shared understanding of a complex topic anotation compass. I tried to document these processes both in the soupboat and directly in the code git.

SI17 This Box Found You For A Reason7

Dear Player, I found you for a reason. Welcome to my productive space. Here play meets work. Time is ordered in unusual ways and patterns unravel. Together, we mess with the boundaries between leisure and labour. How are your boundaries? Maybe you shouldnt go to work tomorrow. But could you really follow your own schedule? Would you be more productive if you chose when to work?


The iterations of the work and the ideas were a lot, and the time passed on the readings was really effective to generate thoughts about the relations within the public, the jigsaw puzzle as a form of encryption of our contents, the loot box as a decorator or skin for other pubblications, ways to seal sealing device the boot lox instead of opening it, or ways to hack its inner temporality temporality.

When we entered the production phase I worked with Mitsa, Supi and Erica as part of the team 1, in charge of the contents of the boot lox. We approached the different contents with the idea of a common ground such as the post-it. post-it identity We worked with a surface to gather the contents post it contents and with another one to generate the results post flask post flask.

With the help of the group I also managed to give value to things I did such as the xquisite branch xbranch xbranch and the mimic-loot box research mimic, that ultimately ended as contents in the final pubblication.