@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ To work within the constraints of a structure such as the list will help to thin
These resources will be of various nature: tools, thoughts, anecdotes, excercises, prompts, strategies, ... They will offer entry points to articulate _software documentation_ as a form of care.
These resources will be of various nature: tools, thoughts, anecdotes, excercises, prompts, strategies, ... They will offer entry points to articulate _software documentation_ as a form of care.
Imagine a [tools list](https://github.com/everestpipkin/tools-list) (Pipkin, 2022) gradually branching as a coral reef, with the items _interfering with each other_ (Haraway, 1988), resembling the heterogeneous Celestial Emporium reported by Borges (Borges, 1968). Some elements of the list will relate to the materiality and surfaces where documentation is hosted, while others will engage more with the actors and frameworks entangled in the process.
Imagine a [tools list](https://github.com/everestpipkin/tools-list) gradually branching as a coral reef, with the items _interfering with each other_ (Haraway, 1988), resembling the heterogeneous Celestial Emporium reported by Borges (Borges, 1968). Some elements of the list will relate to the materiality and surfaces where documentation is hosted, while others will engage more with the actors and frameworks entangled in the process.
_Software documentation_ is not just a technical list of procedures, but also a matter of providing context and orientate code in the world. In the same way, the list is meant to be a texture where to weave together multiple voices and diverse registry, in order to re-enchant the making of software.
_Software documentation_ is not just a technical list of procedures, but also a matter of providing context and orientate code in the world. In the same way, the list is meant to be a texture where to weave together multiple voices and diverse registry, in order to re-enchant the making of software.