@ -118,15 +118,29 @@ console.log(message.data)
## Installation
Step to step process to install DRW on your machine.
Find the documentation on --> [Gitea](https://git.xpub.nl/kamo/drw#setup)
What do you need:
- A terminal
- [git](https://git-scm.com/downloads)
- [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/)
For later on
- A code editor (sublime, atom, vscode, etc)
Find the step to step process to install DRW here --> [Documentation](https://git.xpub.nl/kamo/drw#setup)
## Examples & Brainstorm
The DRW app is just the beginning! From here it can be extended with diverse sources and destinations.
Depending on participants' interest the workshop can continue in different directions:
1. Same server, different destinations.
To keep working with drawings and prototyping different ways of displaying them.
For example to work with other web pages or programming environment such as p5js, vvvv, etc.
But also physical hardware such as receipt printer or pen plotter.
_Here we tinker with the client side._
2. Same architecture, different server.
To play with the same multiplayer setup, but with different kind of contents.
To work with sound or text, 3d environments and such.
_Here we mess with both the server and the client sides_