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Clumsy mapping

Drawing app to be used for clumsy video mapping. Prototype for Making Things Bubblic - XPUB Grad Shop 2023.


The project is a small SVG drawing app developed with Vite and Vue.js

To install the project run

git clone
cd clumsy-mapping

And then you can launch the dev server with

yarn dev



Free hand drawing video mapping. Did something similar for the Milan Fashion Week last year, where we were live light painting on models. That time the system was made with vvvv, but it felt heavy and not really portable.

Here the plan is: a simple SVG drawing ~ live coding app , where clumsy hand drawn doodles can be styled on the fly with CSS.

behind the scenes:

  • Was almost there to use canvas, but using SVG offers an object oriented model out of the box
  • Also made a lot of experiments with SVG hand drawing last year so it's nice to build on that


First prototype. It would be nice to add a part where to edit global css. It could come handy for defining animation for example.