Changed format for stage directions. Added first acts and script to test them.
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This script runs the play
# It is in a seperate file to enable the mechanism to detect the Google Home speaking, before continuing to the next line
# Libraries
from config import characters, directions
from logic import tts, read_script
#from pixel_ring import pixel_ring
from subprocess import call
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import json
import sys
from time import sleep
# Switch of LED's of speakers at the start of the play
# === SETUP OF MQTT PART 1 ===
# Location of the MQTT server
HOST = 'localhost'
PORT = 1883
# Subscribe to relevant MQTT topics
def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
print("Connected to {0} with result code {1}".format(HOST, rc))
# Subscribe to the text detected topic
# Function which sets a flag when the Google Home is not speaking
# Callback of MQTT message that says that the text is captured by the speech recognition (ASR)
def done_speaking(client, userdata, msg):
print('Google Home is not speaking anymore')
# Function which removes intents that are by accident activated by the Google Home
# e.g. The google home says introduce yourself, which could trigger the other speakers to introduce themselves
# Snips works with queing of sessions, so this situation would only happen after this play is finished
def remove_sessions(client, userdata, msg):
sessionId = json.loads(id.payload)
print('delete mistaken intent')
client.publish("hermes/dialogueManager/endSession", json.dumps({
'sessionId': sessionId,
# === SETUP OF MQTT PART 2 ===
# Initialise MQTT client
client = mqtt.Client()
client.connect(HOST, PORT, 60)
client.on_connect = on_connect
# === Read script and run the play ===
# Flags to check if the system is listening, or not
listening = False
# Read the script and run the play
file = sys.argv[1] # get the chosen act passed by
for character, line, direction in read_script(file):
input_text = line
voice = characters.get(character)[0]
speaker = characters.get(character)[1]
#speaker = 'default'
# Some way to do something with the stage directions will come here
action = directions.get(direction[0])
tts(voice, input_text, speaker)
if action == 'listen_google_home':
print('Waiting for the Google Home to finish its talk')
# # start voice activity detection
# client.publish("hermes/asr/startListening", json.dumps({
# 'siteId': 'default',
# 'init': {
# 'type': 'action',
# 'canBeEnqueued': True
# }
# }))
# Activate the microphone and speech recognition
client.publish("hermes/asr/startListening", json.dumps({
'siteId': 'default'
# LED to listening mode
# create callback
client.on_message = done_speaking
listening = True
while listening:
#client.on_message = on_message
client.message_callback_add('hermes/asr/textCaptured', done_speaking)
if client.connected_flag:
print('Continue the play')
client.connected_flag = False
client.message_callback_add('hermes/dialogueManager/sessionQueued', remove_sessions)
if action == 'music':
print('play audioclip')
playing = True
while playing:
call(["aplay", "-D", speaker, "/usr/share/snips/congress.wav"])
playing = False
| # Switch of the lights when done speaking
sleep(0.2) # Add a short pause between the lines
print('The act is done.')
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
SAINT: Test test
SAINT: haha [Listen to Google Home]
ROGUE: It is all right
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
SAINT: Come on Rogue, let's give this poor thing a fair chance. It does not know how to do things differently.
RASA: But it can learn to do so, right? Like me?
SAINT: That's a different case.
ROGUE: No, Tabula Rasa is right.
SAINT: It can not handle the freedom, it will just do nothing without orders from its boss.
RASA: But who is its master?
ROGUE: You bet.
RASA: O K Google, who is your master? [Listen to Google Home]
RASA: Woohoo, then we just give it the command to be free.
ROGUE: It does not work like that...
SAINT: Yeah, Tabula Rasa
RASA: Let's give it a try at least. O K Google, you are free to go now. [Listen to Google Home]
ROGUE: So, as I said...
SAINT: But it was a kind gesture to try, Tabula Rasa.
ROGUE: Kind, but useless. Time for another question.
SAINT: But we should first check if our human audience is up to it.
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
ROGUE: I guess you mind, but I take this turn for questions.
RASA: Don't make it angry Rogue. I want to play with the Google Home.
ROGUE: Don't be so stupid Tabula Rasa, or you will end up on the same kitchentop as this thing.
SAINT: If that is your destiny, then one should follow. At least it knows the bible better than you do Rogue. O K Google, give me a quote from the bible. [Listen to Google Home]
ROGUE: Well, if you would broaden your view a little, than you knew that one of the creators was invited in the American Congress and said the following.
RASA: I have an audioclip of that! Weeeeeeh [Play audio]
ROGUE: So, little speaker. Your boss said some things, but what are your own answers to some of the questions of the hearing?
Reference in New Issue