List and filter ingredients (wip)
Co-authored-by: grgrce <>master
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A web-to-print cookbook with a collaborative attitude and generative outputs
A web-to-print cookbook with a collaborative attitude and generative outputs.
For now you can add a recipe only if you are from XPUB, but we are working to make this open access.
To add a recipe:
1. Enter your Jupiter, and go to `~/shared/html/soup-gen/`
2. Open the notebook `add_recipe.ipynb`
3. Run the first snippet, it will ask you for some info about the recipe: fill the blank space in the
output message.
4. Run the second snippet, it will save the recipe in the Soupboat.
5. You added a recipe!
6. **\_\_CONGRATS\_\_**
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{"recipes": [{"title": "Pizza and fruit salad soup", "description": "Minim laborum ipsum sunt minim nulla officia cillum quis labore ad voluptate enim deserunt nulla.", "chef": "chef Malvozzo", "ingredients": ["\ud83c\udf55", "\ud83e\udd6d", "\ud83c\udf49", "\ud83c\udf48"], "instructions": ["Id est velit ullamco ea sint aliqua laboris incididunt consectetur do aliqua sint eiusmod.", "Mescola", "Pariatur eu exercitation ipsum qui e", "Quis pariatur magna id pariatur consectetur irure in sint.", "Culpa sunt non consequat consequat excepteur amet ut veniam cupidatat in occaecat consectetur velit.", "servire ben caldo!"]}, {"title": "Kip & Ice Kream Siup", "description": "Id consequat deserunt laborum ea commodo sit voluptate sunt commodo excepteur sit incididunt amet.", "chef": "Mad Moonfish", "ingredients": ["\ud83c\udf57", "\ud83c\udf5a", "funghetti", "\ud83c\udf49", "\ud83e\udd57"], "instructions": ["Exercitation eiusmod adipisicing ex ut amet qui minim est anim reprehenderit nulla voluptate quis.", "Occaecat anim veniam occaecat ut pariatur culpa sit reprehenderit ullamco cupidatat.", "Et reprehenderit mollit cillum Lorem est.", "Magna aliquip sint aliqua proident.", "sluuuurp"]}, {"title": "NLTK Soupa", "description": "A delicious soup made with natural language tomato and kiwi", "chef": "Python", "ingredients": ["pasta", "mushroom", "pizza", "internet"], "instructions": ["Cook the pasta in the internet", "Dig a hole near a mushroom", "Bury the pizza in the hole", "Turn off internet", "Drain the pasta", "Turn internet on again"]}, {"title": "A new sup", "description": "just a test soup to see how does the cms taste like", "chef": "python", "ingredients": ["computer", "soupboat", "jupiter", "zen"], "instructions": ["turn on the computer", "enter the soupboat", "access jupiter", "start the kernel with little zen", "put python to boil", "wait and shift enter"]}, {"title": "Misu sup", "description": "A tasty misu sup yes yes yes", "chef": "Mitsos", "ingredients": ["Miso", "Water", "Salt", "Hash", "Egg", "Oil", "Pepper", "Glitter", "Mushrooms"], "instructions": ["Take the glitter and put them on your face", "Boil the water", "Throw the mushrooms in the boiling water", "Throw an egg against your neighbour", "Add salt and pepper", "Enjoy"]}, {"title": "A visual studio soup", "description": "A soup from the jupiter lab in visual studio ecc ecc really testy", "chef": "Visual sudo", "ingredients": ["Visual Studio", "Zen", "soup-gen repo", "git", "soupboat"], "instructions": ["Open visual studio and pull the repo from git", "Follow the jupiter notebook", "hope it works", "commit and push all the changes", "update the soupboat"]}]}
{"recipes": [{"title": "Pizza and fruit salad soup", "description": "Minim laborum ipsum sunt minim nulla officia cillum quis labore ad voluptate enim deserunt nulla.", "chef": "chef Malvozzo", "ingredients": ["\ud83c\udf55", "\ud83e\udd6d", "\ud83c\udf49", "\ud83c\udf48"], "instructions": ["Id est velit ullamco ea sint aliqua laboris incididunt consectetur do aliqua sint eiusmod.", "Mescola", "Pariatur eu exercitation ipsum qui e", "Quis pariatur magna id pariatur consectetur irure in sint.", "Culpa sunt non consequat consequat excepteur amet ut veniam cupidatat in occaecat consectetur velit.", "servire ben caldo!"]}, {"title": "Kip & Ice Kream Siup", "description": "Id consequat deserunt laborum ea commodo sit voluptate sunt commodo excepteur sit incididunt amet.", "chef": "Mad Moonfish", "ingredients": ["\ud83c\udf57", "\ud83c\udf5a", "funghetti", "\ud83c\udf49", "\ud83e\udd57"], "instructions": ["Exercitation eiusmod adipisicing ex ut amet qui minim est anim reprehenderit nulla voluptate quis.", "Occaecat anim veniam occaecat ut pariatur culpa sit reprehenderit ullamco cupidatat.", "Et reprehenderit mollit cillum Lorem est.", "Magna aliquip sint aliqua proident.", "sluuuurp"]}, {"title": "NLTK Soupa", "description": "A delicious soup made with natural language tomato and kiwi", "chef": "Python", "ingredients": ["pasta", "Mushrooms", "pizza", "internet"], "instructions": ["Cook the pasta in the internet", "Dig a hole near a Mushrooms", "Bury the pizza in the hole", "Turn off internet", "Drain the pasta", "Turn internet on again"]}, {"title": "A new sup", "description": "just a test soup to see how does the cms taste like", "chef": "python", "ingredients": ["computer", "soupboat", "jupiter", "zen"], "instructions": ["turn on the computer", "enter the soupboat", "access jupiter", "start the kernel with little zen", "put python to boil", "wait and shift enter"]}, {"title": "Misu sup", "description": "A tasty misu sup yes yes yes", "chef": "Mitsos", "ingredients": ["Miso", "Water", "Salt", "Hash", "Egg", "Oil", "Pepper", "Glitter", "Mushrooms"], "instructions": ["Take the glitter and put them on your face", "Boil the water", "Throw the mushrooms in the boiling water", "Throw an egg against your neighbour", "Add salt and pepper", "Enjoy"]}, {"title": "A visual studio soup", "description": "A soup from the jupiter lab in visual studio ecc ecc really testy", "chef": "Visual sudo", "ingredients": ["Visual Studio", "Zen", "soup-gen repo", "git", "soupboat"], "instructions": ["Open visual studio and pull the repo from git", "Follow the jupiter notebook", "hope it works", "commit and push all the changes", "update the soupboat"]}]}
Reference in New Issue