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alicestrt 3 years ago
parent ec246c1a14
commit b9ef6c9323

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<p class="title_story"><span class="purple">Cooking Apart Together:</span> <span class="pink">Dinner</span><span class="purple"> for Breakfast & Autumn</span><span class="pink"> for Spring</span>
<b-col md="12">
<p class="author"><span class="purple">essay by</span><span class="pink"> Louisa Bufardeci</span><span class="purple"> & Inge Hoonte</span></p>
<b-col md="5">
<div class='content'>
<span class="purple"> In extension of our chats</span><span class="pink"> (semi-regular, because, life and the following)</span><span class="purple">, Louisa and I cooked together via video chat, crossing and connecting a great distance over the equator, 9-hour time difference, and opposite seasons. One person shares a recipe, and guides the other through making it. While I harvested kales and other leafy greens in Autumnal Rotterdam, the Netherlands, Louisa sliced carrots in Springy Melbourne, Australia. She also prepared this meal at the end of the day, while I was still gathering myself after a rough night of sleep.</span>
</p><p><span class="purple">
In the couple of weeks where Summer turns into Fall, and Spring into Summer on the other end, we do sometimes find some overlap in our days. Similar weather, some sun, some rain, overall more dreary on this end with shorter days. The few late raspberries that I was able to pick due to a bit of late September warmth, are no match by far for the handfuls of berries and luscious plums and peaches that are already in season over there. Peaches! Oh how I'd love to have a peach tree.</span>
</p><p><span class="purple">
All poetic virtual traveling aside, as Louisa put it when I proposed the project,</span> <span class="pink"> "Your breakfast can be my dinner and vice versa!!" </span><br><span class="purple">
And so we began.</span>
<span class="purple">
October 14, 2021<br>
08:30 CET /</span><span class="pink"> 17:30 AEDT</span><br><span class="purple">
Conversation, 1hr 21m 22s<br></span>
</p><p><span class="pink">
I think it was at an organic cafe/food store in North Fitzroy about twenty years ago</span><span class="purple"> seventeen years ago, when we all met, Louisa was falling in love with my classmate Dan around this time of year</span><span class="pink"> where I was served the most delicious and most memorable soup. It was a big bowl of clear vegetable stock broth with a rainbow array of fresh, barely simmered vegetables floating around alongside soft pillows of spinach ravioli. So delicious! It was such a satisfying meal. I have made my own version of it hundreds of time with whatever fresh veggies I have in the fridge and whatever pasta I have in the cupboard. I call it "the spring soup" because it satisfies the need for warm foods as I slowly move out of my winter-cooking mindset and the desire to eat the new fresh vegetables that are popping up at the market or in my garden: asparagus, beans, carrots, silverbeet</span><span class="purple">/snijbiet/Swiss Chard/beet leaves</span>
<span class="pink"> and then tomatoes, peas, peppers and so on, but I do have a tendency to prepare it at any time of the year with whatever veggies are at hand, and I fancy something fairly light to eat. When Inge suggested cooking together I instantly thought of this soup because it can easily be vegan if you use regular pasta instead of ravioli, and it could be a nice healthy breakfast too.</span>
<span class="purple">
I've made coffee and played with the cats for their usual morning routine: fetching kibble that I throw around the house. Louisa was a bit later too because dog friend Tony wanted to go for a walk first. When our housemates were fed and roaming around the house, we connected. We connected over Skype. I seemed to be safely positioned inside a cooking device, away from the splatter and spatulas,</span> <span class="pink"> I set my phone in a bowl and then in a glass but our kitchen is wide so I was out of the frame for much of our time together</span><span class="purple"> and Louisa was streaming on my phone, balancing between the mocha maker and the bottles of oil on the counter. There was a loose recipe for Louisa's favorite</span> <span class="pink">my favourite</span> <span class="purple"> routine soup, but overall it ended up being much more about cooking together and spending impossible time together (of course), than closely following a recipe and getting it right.</span>
</p><p class="convo">
<span class="purple">
Do you have beans? I have beans<br></span>
<span class="pink">
I don't know if I've got beans. I've got broccoli.<br></span>
<span class="purple">
I haaave... let me check the fridge. I have cucumber.<br></span>
<span class="pink">
I don't think cucumber would be good. I've never had it cooked.<br></span>
<span class="purple">
Yeah... No... I eat it with scrambled tofu sometimes.<br></span>
<span class="pink">
Is that a cat?<br></span>
<span class="purple">
Yeah, he has this weird habit of licking the olive oil bottle.<br></span>
<span class="pink">
Maybe he's a Mediterranean cat.<br></span>
<span class="purple">
Oh I have a bit of yellow zucchini left! And I'll go get some kale.<br></span>
<span class="pink">
Great, zucchini is really nice, actually, in this soup.<br></span>
<span class="purple">
<span class="pink">
But we don't have it in season right now, so they didn't have it at the market.</span>
</p><p><span class="pink">
I put two cups of water in a small saucepan and added a heaped teaspoon of powdered vegetable stock in it. (Actually it was marked as "chicken style" vegetable stock which made Inge laugh when I showed her!)</span><span class="purple"> I tried to mimic the broth with the spices, vegetables and herbs I had available. I cut some chili</span> <span class="pink">chilli</span><span class="purple">, garlic, and a small red onion before adding the available vegetables. We talked about what we can grow in the yard this time of year, and found out that early Spring in Melbourne and Autumn in Rotterdam is good for beet leaves, beans, spinach.</span><span class="pink"> While I was waiting for the broth to boil I watched as Inge went down into her garden to pick the vegetables for her own version of the soup.</span>
</p><p class="convo">
<span class="purple">
I don't know if I have enough battery, but I'll try to take you outside.<br></span>
<span class="pink">
I get to see the market?<br></span>
<span class="purple">
You'll see my supermarket.<br></span>
<span class="pink">
Is it very far?<br></span>
<span class="purple">
I mean my downstairs supermarket. My backyard.</span>
<span class="purple">
There weren't many beans left, but plenty of leafy greens! With the phone in my hand, I was proudly showing Louisa the vegetables of my labor, the big monster plant with Brussels sprouts, while getting some beet leaves, Russian kale and New-Zealand spinach.</span><span class="pink"> How lovely to have fresh vegetables so ready to hand! As we are just coming out of winter in Melbourne my garden just has a little bit of silverbeet and some parsley. The broad beans are growing tall but their beans are not big enough to pick just yet. I chose some vegetables I had in the fridge and chopped them into fairly small pieces: carrot,</span><span class="purple"> the carrots here didn't come up. Last year I had a nice patch of small carrots, as I sowed them too close together, but this year either the cats rummaged through the soil or the slugs ate the leafy ends,</span><span class="pink"> silverbeet, red pepper, broccoli and some chilli,</span><span class="purple"> which I put inside to escape the colder nights, as they are just starting to turn from green to red now
</span> <span class="pink">. I also grated a little bit of garlic because these days I am enjoying garlic in practically everything. When the water boiled I scraped all the veggies off the board and into the soup together. As they started to cook I chopped up some parsley for garnish.
</p><p class="convo">
<span class="pink">
So how are you going? Have you got veggies in the pot?<br></span>
<span class="purple">
Yeah I added the garlic. I haven't added the water yet.<br>
I guess I'm kind of making a broth.<br></span>
<span class="pink">
Okay, I think I'm gonna put in my green leaves now.<br>
They need a couple minutes before I add the pasta.<br></span>
<span class="purple">
Yeah. Ah. So you're almost done. My zucchini still... how does your broccoli cook so quick?<br></span>
<span class="pink">
I cut it up really really small.<br></span>
<span class="purple">
Ah and my fire is on low. Broth, what else is in broth.<br>
Oh. I'll add some cumin.<br></span>
<span class="pink">
Oh, that'll be interesting.<br></span>
<span class="purple">
And I have mustard seeds. Nutmeg? Maybe that's a bit weird.<br>
Okay, I'll add the water. That's so funny, as soon as you add water, it's soup.</span>
<span class="purple">
While Louisa guided me through the recipe, we caught up on recent events, chatting away</span><span class="pink"> the whole time</span><span class="purple"> while cutting, boiling, cooking.</span><span class="pink"> I had a bluetooth earbud in my ear so I could roam freely around the kitchen and speak to Inge and hear her clearly.</span><span class="purple"> In the end, she added vermicelli (and in my cabinet's case, whole wheat noodles, soaked in hot water for four minutes or a bit more). Then Louisa's family gathered at the table, while the cat here blurred the video feed with all his fur, and we all sat down to eat together! Which we hadn't done since I stayed with them in 2018!</span> <span class="pink">Everyone was home and in the kitchen/living space--my partner, my daughter and my dog.</span>
</p><p class="convo">
<span class="pink">
Are you still there, Inge?<br></span>
<span class="purple">
I wanted to add some seasoning.<br></span>
<span class="pink">
We all love Inge and I know they were sorry they couldn't hear her as we were doing the cooking so I promised that when we sat down to eat we could all chat to her as if she were sitting at the table with us. I saw her kitty cats cross the frame of the camera, sometimes sauntering, sometimes dashing. My dog was in his usual mode for this time of the day. He hangs around me in the kitchen hoping I'll give him some broccoli scraps--which I do, although I know I probably shouldn't. My partner had the exercise mat rolled out and was stretching his muscles after doing some exercise and my daughter (aged 12) was drawing on her iPad while watching a video on her computer and listening to an audiobook--all at once!</span>
<span class="pink">
The ravioli I usually use are small and take about five or six minutes to cook. I usually put about ten or twelve pieces in the pot not long after I have put the vegetables in. This time however I didn't have any ravioli in the house so I put some short pieces of angel hair pasta in instead. This takes only two minutes to cook so I waited until the hardest vegetable--the carrot--was just about to be cooked through before I put a small handful in. Really this was not long into the cooking at all, just about three or four minutes because I like the vegetables to stay fresh tasting and not overcooked or mushy. When all was cooked just the way I like it I tipped the soup into a large bowl, topped it with the parsley and a dribble of olive oil and set it on the table.</span><span class="purple"> The dribble of olive oil! This is one of the first things Louisa taught me when I started joining them for dinners. Dipping good fresh bread, or slightly toasted bread, in a savory olive oil is still an addition to my own soups and stews that makes me feel connected to her while I eat.
</p><p><span class="pink">
In our house we all eat different foods for dinner. Usually my partner has some kind of protein shake and my daughter who is still very fussy about food likes something very plain and I like to eat something with lots of vegetables or lentils. So when we sat down to eat with Inge I was the only one eating the soup I had made. I set the phone in the glass at the head of the table so she could see all of us and so that we could all see her. It's not the same as having her here in person with us. We can't sit close, give each other hugs, check out each other's self-done haircuts and refashioned clothes. But it's nice to be able to chat about our lives together, to hear what's going on here and there, what matters and what doesn't. I slurp up my vegetables and pasta soup and she does the same. It's nice to connect like this.</span>
<span class="purple">
I love being part of your daily life like this.</span>
import MenuBar from '../MenuBar'
export default {
name: 'bowl',
data: function() {
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<b-col md="12">
<p class="title_story">Yes, Chef</p>
<b-col md="12">
<p class="author">an essay by Esmeralda Anstrauta</p>
<b-col md="5">
<div class='content'>
Trained food folk have the most fascinating relationship with food I've ever seen - never before have I been around so many people who make great food all day long and yet eat little of it. Coming from my sedentary housecat life of planning lunches and sleeping in, I was bound to have a rude awakening. In my first month on the line, I developed a callous at the base of my right pointer finger from wielding knives and became gaunt and sickly due to a habit of having cappuccinos for breakfast, cigarettes for lunch, and popcorn for dinner. As someone who has a history of disordered eating and a lifetime of romanticising the back of the house, my sudden career change kicked my ass. If you've worked in the trade, ever spoken to a chef, or at least read Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential, you know the addictive patterns the job entails. Though some aspects drastically differ between Bourdain's kitchen in the 1980s and a Northern European restaurant kitchen now (slightly less cocaine and no one wears a toque anymore), other things really haven't changed - most of all, the terrible eating habits of chefs. </p>
A few months after I started working in the kitchen, I began attending culinary school and quickly realised exactly how unsustainable my new lifestyle was. Not only was I tired all the time, but I had also begun feeling despondent because I had withdrawn the joy and creativity I'd always associated with food and replaced it with calculations and ruthless productivity. Things had to change; I'd chosen culinary over grad school and yet my love for food culture was nowhere to be found. Reintroducing cooking for myself was like learning to cook all over again. Recipes had to be simple at first; no more than five ingredients and little to no prep and cleanup. Most of all, the recipe couldn't keep me by the stove for longer than absolutely necessary. Behold, one dinner turned into many others, soon joined by breakfast. I'm still terrible at eating lunch.</p>
Don't get me wrong, I dearly love being a chef and the starched-white aesthetics of the kitchen, but I want to find a way to not let my job consume me and my love for food. Chefs still have a drastically lower life expectancy than most occupations and it's not all due to fumes and knee problems. Rather, it's the harsh lifestyle and its implications for our overall health. There must be a future in which hospitality industry workers don't have to work for fifteen hours without breaks and then rely on cigarettes and alcohol to cope with the stress, eventually becoming the bitter and jaded people we traditionally associate with the profession. There must be a way around it - I believe it starts with taking care of yourself first.
import MenuBar from '../MenuBar'
export default {
name: 'popcorn',
data: function() {
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<b-img center class="img-fluid" alt="Responsive image" src="media/magiun2/clothes.png"> </b-img>
<b-col md="12">
<p class="title_story">One Way with Potatoes</p>
<b-col md="12">
<p class="author">an essay by Honey Jones-Hughes</p>
<b-col md="5">
<div class='content'>
There is something about the clouds in the sky, the strength of the light that wakes me up, or the
sound of rainfall as it beats against the glass that I feel in my stomach. My stomach aches and
contracts and bloats and craves in tune with atmospheric turns.
Its dark at the moment, when I roll over and flicker my eyes open. Often, the clouds a shade of
grey and a faint howl whispering through gaps in the windows. I dress in clothes I havent felt
pressed against my body for a while, revisiting the warmths or scratches of fabrics and the
comfort of layers. I wonder to myself if they fit me as they did before, or if I no longer fit them as I once did. It is around this time of year that I really begin to consider potatoes.
The type of potato is important, whether it is waxy or crumbly defines how I use it. Perhaps a little over a week ago, when I felt warmth across my skin and a warm breeze tickling the hairs on my arms, my preference was with something smaller and waxier, a newer variety freshly harvested, teamed with parsley, or chives, or mint. But when the sun sets a little sooner, like now, and the air is a little fresher, as it was this morning, I move towards a crumblier kind. With the rosemary, or sage, or thyme that my balcony still nourishes.
I scrub the skin in cold water to clean away the remaining soil, and chop them roughly, each in
three pieces. One cut vertically, and the other horizontally so as to expose as many sides of the
potato as possible to the oil when the time comes, but to avoid all the pieces being the same
I submerge them in cold salted water as soon as they are cut, eventually bringing them to the boil for a few minutes ; maybe four, maybe five, enough to slightly soften them but not enough for them to fully cook. I drain them from their water, and place the lid on top of the pan and gently shake it. I lift the lid to see their bruised-edges rough, and tip them out onto a tray slicked thick with cold-pressed rapeseed oil.
Pushing them around, coating them with the oil, I add something fragrant, chopped finely. Today
rosemary, and half a bulb of garlic. I sprinkle semolina too, lightly but enough to cover the edges
of the potatoes, and flakes of sea salt. I grind over black pepper, and place them in my oven, as
hot as it goes, until their edges crisp.
import MenuBar from '../MenuBar'
export default {
name: 'potato',
data: function() {
return {
components: {

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<a href="/lychee" id="rightarrow"></a>
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<b-img center class="img-fluid" alt="Responsive image" src="media/magiun2/clothes.png"> </b-img>
<b-col md="12">
<p class="title_story">Spoiled</p>
<b-col md="12">
<p class="author">an essay by Ana-Maria Gușu</p>
<b-col md="5">
<div class='content'>
I grew up with nannies that would cook and clean for my whole family. I remember sitting around the table with my parents and deciding what we will have prepared for the upcoming week. Aubergine parmigiana? Stuffed chicken? Tomato soup? In those years mom had built a menu of healthy Romanian and international recipes so every combination would be a successful meal. Our nanny would cook Mondays and Thursdays and we had that food for the week. No questions asked. Tuesdays were the best days because it was TV & pizza night. Home-made pizza. Tuesdays made us look more normal to outside families. I loved our nannies but I knew that at one point the spoiled fantasy routine would end.
Moving on your own makes you appreciate your parents fridge more. Where food appears magically without your labor being needed. The rst time I really cooked was in my new apartment in The Netherlands. That first semester of university was a routine of no self-control, pure experimentation, and a long process to finally master my microwave oven. Making food was a task I started to enjoy more and more, transforming into the love affair between procrastination and hunger. Productive procrastination. Cooking also became a comfort. I was reaching for food anytime school was too stressful. When I was scared I cooked. When I was alone I cooked. When I was in doubt I cooked. I can just say that going home to my Eastern European country after 5 months, led people to observe my rounder shape and compliment me on it before saying hello. The unwanted attention spoiled me, but in the wrong way.
What was next to come was a season of what my friends describe as an exaggeration, but as with any diet, people will always have an opinion. More than no bread, no sugars and a lot of avocados, the diet I followed religiously for 2 months got the job done. No sugar. And I mean it. I lost the weight and created a routine for myself, one that didnt please anybody but myself, and the online blogs I was reading. For the first time in my life, I had my structure in how I was cooking and preparing food. I was restricting almost all the intake of what others consider normal student food. I was surviving on loads of meat, salad, and whatever fruits I was allowed to eat so I can get some glucose in my system. I liked the control. The diet was also a reaction to the cultural routine of eating with others. My friends went insane having to make cauli ower rice-no sugar-no lactose-based meals, only for me to be able to attend gatherings. It made my social life quite miserable because googling what drinks are low in calories is not fun. By the way: vodka. Vodka is the answer to that question. After losing my period and making a hole in my budget I realized I need to adapt to a new system of feeding myself, one that embraces my spoiled past and one that makes amends with the control freak chef that I am.
In my mothers fashion, I will ask you to read out-loud the recipe I wrote for you:<br>
Go to the market<br>
Buy 2 zucchinis, 5 tomatoes, 2 eggplants, 2 onions, and a big jar of tomato sauce<br>
Dice the onions and cut the vegetables into round slices<br>
Add the tomato sauce and onions in 2/3 oven baking dishes<br>
Place the vegetables in the sauce in a layered fashion<br>
Splash with olive oil and spices (preferably Italian and the usual pepper and salt<br>
Put in (microwave) oven at the highest temperature for 40 minutes<br>
Look at the No Sugar Daddy postcard above your head.<br>
Take the dishes out carefully<br>
Now you have Ratatouille<br>
For 3 days<br>
import MenuBar from '../MenuBar'
export default {
name: 'vodka',
data: function() {
return {
components: {

@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
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<b-container fluid class="p-0">
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<a href="/soulsoup" id="rightarrow"></a>
<b-col md="4">
<b-col md="6" offset-md="3">
<div class="zoom">
<b-img center class="img-fluid" alt="Responsive image" src="media/magiun2/porcini.png"></b-img>
<b-col md="12">
<p class="title_story">Freestyle Platouaș</p>
<b-col md="12">
<p class="author">essay and photos by Ileana Sebe</p>
<b-col md="4">
<div class='content'>
<p>Work from home has come with new eating habits, <br>
some of them not the healthiest ones,<br>
at least not what was considered healthy before the covid period.
I for myself took the lunch break very late in the afternoon, <br>
when hunger was beyond its peak point.
I ate more often by the computer which never happened while working in an office building and sharing lunch with colleagues.
So, when hunger kicked in big time, the only thing to do was to grab on a plate of food I like and had in the fridge or pantry and create a freestyle salty & sweet mix.
Not the usual combinations, but very satisfying for my taste buds and so easy to make.
<b-col md="4">
<b-container fluid>
<div class="image_container">
<b-col md="10" offset-md="2">
<b-img class="photo" src="media/ileana/ileana_1.jpg"> </b-img>
<b-col md="10" offset-md="2">
<b-img class="photo" src="media/ileana/ileana_2.jpg"> </b-img>
<b-col md="10" offset-md="2">
<b-img class="photo" src="media/ileana/ileana_3.jpg"> </b-img>
<b-col md="10" offset-md="2">
<b-img class="photo" src="media/ileana/ileana_4.jpg"> </b-img>
<b-col md="10" offset-md="2">
<b-img class="photo" src="media/ileana/ileana_5.jpg"> </b-img>
import MenuBar from '../MenuBar'
export default {
name: 'workfromhome',
data: function() {
return {
components: {

@ -47,6 +47,13 @@ import mittens from './components/edition3/mittens'
import threeeggs from './components/edition3/threeeggs' import threeeggs from './components/edition3/threeeggs'
import olives from './components/edition3/olives' import olives from './components/edition3/olives'
import bananas from './components/edition3/bananas' import bananas from './components/edition3/bananas'
import popcorn from './components/edition3/popcorn'
import potato from './components/edition3/potato'
import vodka from './components/edition3/vodka'
import workfromhome from './components/edition3/workfromhome'
import bowl from './components/edition3/bowl'
Vue.config.productionTip = false Vue.config.productionTip = false
@ -89,8 +96,12 @@ const router = new VueRouter({
{ path: '/mittens', component: mittens }, { path: '/mittens', component: mittens },
{ path: '/threeeggs', component: threeeggs }, { path: '/threeeggs', component: threeeggs },
{ path: '/olives', component: olives }, { path: '/olives', component: olives },
{ path: '/bananas', component: bananas } { path: '/bananas', component: bananas },
{ path: '/popcorn', component: popcorn },
{ path: '/potato', component: potato },
{ path: '/vodka', component: vodka },
{ path: '/workfromhome', component: workfromhome },
{ path: '/bowl', component: bowl }
] ]
