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5 years ago
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5 years ago
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<a name="time_title"><p style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">The value of time in the post-mom economy</p></a>
5 years ago
The contemporary field of technology has created a world that suits its workers perfectly. A well-paid position in IT allows one to move from moms home, which also means moving away from all the benefits that come with living under her roof. But the
solution to all the extra work on their shoulders, which they are often unprepared or unwilling to do, can be easily fixed. Mother, in this situation, can be replaced with software tools - services performed via applications by gig
In the <span style='border-bottom: 2px black dashed;'"post_mom_economy" title="The post-mom economy">post-mom economy</span> (Maney, 2015), there are services like Uber to drive you around, <span style='border-bottom: 2px black dashed;'"washio" title="Washio">Washio</span> to do your
laundry, <span style='border-bottom: 2px black dashed;'"delivery" title="Can You Make a Living as a Delivery App Bike Messenger?">Deliveroo</span> to bring your food, <span style='border-bottom: 2px black dashed;'"lot_2046" title="Lot 2046">Lot 2046</span> to send you regular supplies of clothes and grooming items, <span style='border-bottom: 2px black dashed;'"sleepscore" title="Sleepscore">Sleepscore</span> to wake
you up, and <span style='border-bottom: 2px black dashed;'"hydrocoach" title="Hydrocoach">HydroCoach</span> to remind you to drink water. These tasks, forms of unpaid labour traditionally reserved for the woman in the household, are deemed not worthy of ones already limited time, in a culture where people are being
5 years ago
constantly pushed to perform and be productive. Within the current economic regime, this workload is often performed by so-called gig workers, self-employed labourers controlled by applications, who work under the premise that they
can manage their time however they want. Once mommy stopped providing these services, its time for her to be <span style='border-bottom: 2px black dashed;'"replace" title="Post-Mom Jobs">replaced</span> with an app. </p>
5 years ago
The main goal of these services it to convince users to separate important decisions from meaningless ones, and focus their time on paid labour. Deciding how to dress and what to eat can be outsourced to a corporation, which uses this as its selling point.
This form of convenient consumption limits the need to think about your choices, and becomes an automated form of comfort. Within this mindset, cooking is being presented as a <span style='border-bottom: 2px black dashed;'"chore_timetoeat" title="A quote from Rob Rhinehart, the founder of Soylent">chore </span>rather than an activity that can be done as leisure.
Entrepreneurs are encouraged, <span style='border-bottom: 2px black dashed;'"startup_timetoeat" title="What problems are addressed, and how, and by whom?">or rather pressured</span>, to find solutions to problems they are facing themselves, and monetize every aspect of life. For many, the problem they face is becoming an adult with too much money to spend, and
5 years ago
too little time outside of work. Keeping a constant high level of performance at work does not allow much time and mind space for dealing with the practicalities of adult life, especially when they are framed as low-value, time-consuming
activities, and the latest consumer products reflect this reality.</p>
The post-mom economy reflects embedded preconceptions on gender roles within the home. When the main provider of these services is not available, startups offer the option to replace her with a techno-solutionist product, that brings convenience for those
who can afford it, while pushing others into low-wage gig work. Instead of reflecting on the value of maintaining a home and caregiving, or on the struggles of those who are pushed into these roles, the tasks are simply delegated to
strangers. This further increases the infiltration of corporations into our lives under the pretense of earning more <span style='border-bottom: 2px black dashed;'"freedom" title="Quote from the Feed website">freedom</span> (Pollan, 2014), while continuing to devalue what is regarded as womens work. Unless it is done for the purpose
of entertainment, cooking is framed as an archaic chore, subjected to the specialization of labour, and awarded with a <span style='border-bottom: 2px black dashed;'"living" title="Can you make a living as a delivery app bike messenger?">low wage</span>.</p>
5 years ago
export default {
name: 'TimeCard',
data: function() {
return {
post_mom_economy: '<img class="img-fluid" src="/media/topics/post-mom_economy/images/post_mom.png"></img>',
lot_2046: '<a href="" target="_blank">LOT is a subscription-based service which distributes a basic set of clothing, footwear, essential self-care products, accessories, and media content.</a>',
washio: '<a href="" target="_blank">"We know that your busy schedule will not allow you to do laundry at home, so let us takecare of your laundry - you can take care of what matter most to you"</a>',
delivery: '<iframe class="img-fluid" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>',
replace: '<img class="img-fluid" src="/media/topics/post-mom_economy/images/post_mom_jobs.png"></img>',
sleepscore: '<a href="" target="_blank">Were the sleep company changing the world by changing the way you sleep</a>',
hydrocoach: '<iframe class="img-fluid" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>',
startup_timetoeat: '<video class="img-fluid" controls autoplay src="/media/topics/post-mom_economy/video/startup.mp4"></video>',
freedom: '<img class="img-fluid" src="/media/topics/meal_replacement_brands/quotes/freedom.png"></img>',
living: '<iframe class="img-fluid" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>',
chore_timetoeat: '<img class="img-fluid" src="/media/topics/meal_replacement_brands/quotes/rob_quote.png"></img>',
5 years ago