@ -150,68 +150,27 @@ def pandoc(filename, title, creator, date, website, thumbnail, bio, description,
def img_fullurl(parent):
imgs = parent.findall('.//img')
print 'len IMG', len(imgs)
for img in imgs:
src = img.get('src')
fullurl = api_thumb_url(src)
print '----- IMG', ET.tostring(img ), src, fullurl
if fullurl != None:
img.set('src', fullurl)
# fileurl = api_request(src, endpoint)# find url of file
gallery_exp=re.compile('<gallery>.*?</gallery>', re.S)
imgfile_exp=re.compile('(File:(.*?\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png)))')# (?=File:|<\/gallery>)')
img_exp=re.compile('(File:|Image:)((.*?)\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png))(?=\||File:|Image:|<\/gallery>)', re.I)
gallery_exp=re.compile('<gallery>(.*?)</gallery>', re.S)
def replace_gallery(content):
gallery_imgs = []
gallery_found = re.findall(gallery_exp, content)
for gallery in gallery_found: # in case there is more than 1 <gallery>
allfiles =re.findall(imgfile_exp, gallery)
print 'ALLFILES', allfiles
for imgfile in allfiles:
imgfile = imgfile[1]
#imgsrc = imgfile
imgsrc = api_file_url(imgfile) # seaarch for original image
newimg = ''
print 'GALLERY_IMGS', gallery_imgs
ungallery_imgs = " ".join(gallery_imgs)
print 'ungallery_imgs', ungallery_imgs
content = re.sub(gallery_exp, ungallery_imgs, content)
print 'images content', content
## BUG: Images are being replaced as <a>
# EG: <a class="uri" href="File:Mb-WordNet-tour-version2-08.png">File:Mb-WordNet-tour-version2-08.png</a> <a class="uri" href="File:Labanotation1.jpg">File:Labanotation1.jpg</a>
content = re.sub(imgfile_exp, '[[\g<1>]]', content) #add [[ ]] to File:.*?
content = re.sub(gallery_exp, '\g<1>', content) #remove gallery wrapper
return content
def replace_video(content):
videos = []
videos_found = re.findall(video_exp, content)
for video in videos_found:
video_provider = str(video[0])
video_hash = str(video[1])
video_src = None
if (video_provider.lower()) == 'youtube':
video_src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/" + video_hash
elif (video_provider.lower()) == 'vimeo':
video_src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/" + video_hash
if video_src:
iframe = "<iframe src='{}' width='600px' height='450px'> </iframe>".format(video_src)
content = re.sub(video_exp, iframe, content)
content = re.sub(video_exp, '', content)
content = re.sub(vimeo_exp,"<iframe src='https://player.vimeo.com/video/\g<1>' width='600px' height='450px'> </iframe>", content)
content = re.sub(youtube_exp, "<iframe src='https://www.youtube.com/embed/\g<1>' width='600px' height='450px'> </iframe>", content)
return content
## Video Replacement: problem with video: iframe is placed inside <p> . It shouldn't
## replace gallery - not yet there