<divid="description"><p>Untitled is a work about visualizing non audible and non visual acoustic properties of a space. Every space has a certain acoustic reverberation, a property that can't be heard or seen on it's own. With this project I aim to visualize that property trough data visualization. Untitled contains a (few) examples of spaces that have been mapped and visualized in a new form and material. These sculptures are presented in a way that the viewer may contextualize on it's own what the nature of the sculpture is</p>
<divid="bio"><p>Henk-Jelle de Groot is a Rotterdam based sound designer and musician. After graduating with an Audio / Visual design bachelor Henk-Jelle setup a sound studio in Rotterdam to work in the Audio / Visual industry. After 7 years of working he returned to the Piet Zwart Institute to graduate in a Master of comm design something something. In addition to working in the Audio / Visual industry, he is muscian and builder of electronic instruments.</p>