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< a class = "hoverBackA" href = "index.html" > < img src = "./img/arrowBack.svg" / > < / a > < p > Tempted by Tomorrow< / p >
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< h2 id = "creator" > Henk-Jelle de Groot< / h2 >
< p id = "title" > Title 2015< / p >
<!-- moved up desc -->
< div id = "description" > desc< / div >
< div id = "bio" > < p > Henk-Jelle de Groot is a Rotterdam based sound designer and musician. After graduating with an Audio / Visual design bachelor Henk-Jelle setup a sound studio in Rotterdam to work in the Audio / Visual industry. After 7 years of working he returned to the Piet Zwart Institute to graduate in a Master of comm design something something. In addition to working in the Audio / Visual industry, he is muscian and builder of electronic instruments.< / p >
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< a class = "hoverBackB" href = "index.html" > < img src = "./img/arrowBack.svg" / > < / a > < p > Title< / p > < img src = "./img/arrowUpW.svg" / >
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< img id = "thumnail" src = "http://pzwiki.wdka.nl/mw-mediadesign/images/e/e7/9m4MBqRM1w-6.png" / >
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