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y1="73.24" x2="111.28" y2="39.26"/><line class="cls-9" x1="132.9" y1="101.77" x2="132.9" y2="87.37"/><line class="cls-9" x1="132.9" y1="87.37" x2="82.5" y2="87.37"/><line class="cls-9" x1="226.23" y1="102.04" x2="132.9" y2="101.77"/><line class="cls-9" x1="82.5" y1="87.37" x2="82.76" y2="72.71"/><line class="cls-9" x1="226.19" y1="106.91" x2="226.23" y2="102.04"/><line class="cls-9" x1="82.76" y1="72.71" x2="53.96" y2="73.24"/><line class="cls-9" x1="53.96" y1="73.24" x2="53.71" y2="39.26"/><line class="cls-9" x1="226.5" y1="166.57" x2="32.1" y2="166.57"/><line class="cls-9" x1="226.23" y1="154.3" x2="226.5" y2="166.57"/><line class="cls-9" x1="32.1" y1="166.57" x2="32.1" y2="171.71"/><line class="cls-9" x1="32.1" y1="180.97" x2="32.1" y2="175.83"/><line class="cls-9" x1="51.64" y1="180.97" x2="32.1" y2="180.97"/><line class="cls-9" x1="305.7" y1="180.97" x2="305.7" y2="130.57"/><line class="cls-9" x1="305.7" y1="130.57" x2="212.1" y2="130.57"/><line class="cls-9" x1="212.1" y1="130.57" x2="211.81" y2="111.1"/><line class="cls-9" x1="298.91" y1="180.97" x2="305.7" y2="180.97"/><line class="cls-9" x1="363.3" y1="180.97" x2="363.3" y2="216.97"/><line class="cls-9" x1="363.3" y1="216.97" x2="305.7" y2="216.97"/><line class="cls-9" x1="305.7" y1="216.97" x2="305.7" y2="180.97"/><line class="cls-9" x1="305.7" y1="180.97" x2="298.91" y2="180.97"/><line class="cls-9" x1="356.51" y1="180.97" x2="363.3" y2="180.97"/><line class="cls-9" x1="363.3" y1="180.97" x2="363.3" y2="216.97"/><line class="cls-9" x1="363.3" y1="216.97" x2="420.9" y2="216.97"/><line class="cls-9" x1="356.51" y1="180.97" x2="363.3" y2="180.97"/><line class="cls-9" x1="420.9" y1="216.97" x2="420.9" y2="180.97"/><line class="cls-9" x1="420.9" y1="180.97" x2="414.11" y2="180.97"/><line class="cls-9" x1="248.1" y1="216.97" x2="305.7" y2="216.97"/><line class="cls-9" x1="305.7" y1="216.97" x2="305.7" y2="180.97"/><line class="cls-9" x1="248.1" y1="180.97" x2="248.1" y2="216.97"/><line class="cls-9" 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class="cls-9" x1="75.3" y1="180.97" x2="68.51" y2="180.97"/><line class="cls-9" x1="126.11" y1="180.97" x2="132.9" y2="180.97"/><line class="cls-9" x1="82.5" y1="152.17" x2="188.08" y2="152.21"/><line class="cls-9" x1="82.5" y1="101.77" x2="82.5" y2="152.17"/><line class="cls-9" x1="53.7" y1="101.77" x2="82.5" y2="101.77"/><line class="cls-9" x1="53.7" y1="111.29" x2="53.7" y2="101.77"/><line class="cls-9" x1="111.3" y1="116.17" x2="197.7" y2="116.17"/><line class="cls-9" x1="197.7" y1="116.17" x2="197.4" y2="150.11"/><line class="cls-9" x1="111.3" y1="117.2" x2="111.3" y2="116.17"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="30.19" cy="140.87" r="2.05"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="22.99" cy="140.87" r="2.05"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="30.19" cy="133.67" r="2.05"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="22.99" cy="133.67" r="2.05"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="30.19" cy="126.47" r="2.05"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="22.99" cy="126.47" r="2.05"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="30.19" cy="119.27" r="2.05"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="22.99" cy="119.27" r="2.05"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="30.19" cy="112.07" r="2.05"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="22.99" cy="112.07" r="2.05"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="30.19" cy="140.87" r="2.05"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="22.99" cy="140.87" r="2.05"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="30.19" cy="133.67" r="2.05"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="22.99" cy="133.67" r="2.05"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="30.19" cy="126.47" r="2.05"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="22.99" cy="126.47" r="2.05"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="30.19" cy="119.27" r="2.05"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="22.99" cy="119.27" r="2.05"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="30.19" cy="112.07" r="2.05"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="22.99" cy="112.07" r="2.05"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="89.7" cy="173.77" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="89.7" cy="202.57" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="262.5" cy="173.77" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="262.5" cy="202.57" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="377.7" cy="173.77" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="377.7" cy="202.57" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="204.9" cy="173.77" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="204.9" cy="202.57" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="147.3" cy="173.77" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="147.3" cy="202.57" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="320.1" cy="173.77" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="320.1" cy="202.57" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="32.1" cy="173.77" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="32.1" cy="202.57" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-4" cx="382.4" cy="117.15" r="1.77"/><circle class="cls-4" cx="385.24" cy="117.15" r="1.77"/><circle class="cls-4" cx="383.82" cy="117.15" r="1.77"/><circle class="cls-4" cx="406.5" cy="100.35" r="1.77"/><circle class="cls-4" cx="406.5" cy="103.19" r="1.77"/><circle class="cls-4" cx="406.5" cy="101.77" r="1.77"/><circle class="cls-5" cx="406.5" cy="91.07" r="2.41"/><circle class="cls-5" cx="406.5" cy="112.33" r="2.41"/><circle class="cls-5" cx="388.07" cy="101.7" r="2.83"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="341.7" cy="116.17" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="370.5" cy="116.17" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="341.7" cy="137.77" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="370.5" cy="137.77" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="190.18" cy="152.21" r="1.91"/><rect class="cls-2" x="188.27" y="150.3" width="3.82" height="3.81"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="197.38" cy="152.21" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="204.58" cy="152.21" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="211.78" cy="152.21" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="218.98" cy="152.21" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="226.18" cy="152.21" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="233.38" cy="152.21" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="240.58" cy="152.21" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="247.78" cy="152.21" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="254.98" cy="152.21" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="262.18" cy="152.21" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="269.38" cy="152.21" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="276.58" cy="152.21" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="283.78" cy="152.21" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="290.98" cy="152.21" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="190.18" cy="109.01" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="197.38" cy="109.01" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="204.58" cy="109.01" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="211.78" cy="109.01" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="218.98" cy="109.01" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="226.18" cy="109.01" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="233.38" cy="109.01" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="240.58" cy="109.01" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="247.78" cy="109.01" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="254.98" cy="109.01" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="262.18" cy="109.01" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="269.38" cy="109.01" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="276.58" cy="109.01" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="283.78" cy="109.01" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="290.98" cy="109.01" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="183.3" cy="137.79" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="190.5" cy="137.79" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="183.3" cy="130.59" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="190.5" cy="130.59" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="183.3" cy="123.37" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="190.5" cy="123.37" r="1.91"/><circle class="cls-6" cx="53.7" cy="146.56" r="3"/><circle class="cls-6" cx="53.7" cy="137.77" r="3"/><circle class="cls-6" cx="53.7" cy="114.25" r="3"/><circle class="cls-5" cx="53.68" cy="128.19" r="4.25"/><circle class="cls-6" cx="111.3" cy="146.56" r="3"/><circle class="cls-6" cx="111.3" cy="137.77" r="3"/><circle class="cls-6" cx="111.3" cy="114.25" r="3"/><circle class="cls-5" cx="111.28" cy="128.19" r="4.25"/><circle class="cls-6" cx="415.28" cy="152.17" r="3"/><circle class="cls-6" cx="406.49" cy="152.17" r="3"/><circle class="cls-6" cx="382.97" cy="152.17" r="3"/><circle class="cls-5" cx="396.91" cy="152.19" r="4.25"/><circle class="cls-7" cx="406.5" cy="36.97" r="2.09"/><circle class="cls-7" cx="399.3" cy="36.97" r="2.09"/><circle class="cls-7" cx="392.09" cy="36.97" r="2.09"/><circle class="cls-8" cx="413.27" cy="58.23" r="3.82"/><circle class="cls-8" cx="385.32" cy="58.23" r="3.82"/><circle class="cls-7" cx="348.9" cy="36.97" r="2.09"/><circle class="cls-7" cx="341.7" cy="36.97" r="2.09"/><circle class="cls-7" cx="334.5" cy="36.97" r="2.09"/><circle class="cls-8" cx="355.68" cy="58.23" r="3.82"/><circle class="cls-8" cx="327.72" cy="58.23" r="3.82"/><circle class="cls-7" cx="291.3" cy="36.97" r="2.09"/><circle class="cls-7" cx="284.1" cy="36.97" r="2.09"/><circle class="cls-7" cx="276.9" cy="36.97" r="2.09"/><circle class="cls-8" cx="298.08" cy="58.23" r="3.82"/><circle class="cls-8" cx="270.12" cy="58.23" r="3.82"/><circle class="cls-7" cx="233.7" cy="36.97" r="2.09"/><circle class="cls-7" cx="226.5" cy="36.97" r="2.09"/><circle class="cls-7" cx="219.3" cy="36.97" r="2.09"/><circle class="cls-8" cx="240.48" cy="58.23" r="3.82"/><circle class="cls-8" cx="212.52" cy="58.23" r="3.82"/><circle class="cls-7" cx="176.1" cy="36.97" r="2.09"/><circle class="cls-7" cx="168.9" cy="36.97" r="2.09"/><circle class="cls-7" cx="161.7" cy="36.97" r="2.09"/><circle class="cls-8" cx="182.88" cy="58.23" r="3.82"/><circle class="cls-8" cx="154.92" cy="58.23" r="3.82"/><circle class="cls-7" cx="118.5" cy="36.97" r="2.09"/><circle class="cls-7" cx="111.3" cy="36.97" r="2.09"/><circle class="cls-7" cx="104.09" cy="36.97" r="2.09"/><circle class="cls-8" cx="125.27" cy="58.23" r="3.82"/><circle class="cls-8" cx="97.32" cy="58.23" r="3.82"/><circle class="cls-7" cx="60.9" cy="36.97" r="2.09"/><circle class="cls-7" cx="53.7" cy="36.97" r="2.09"/><circle class="cls-7" cx="46.49" cy="36.97" r="2.09"/><circle class="cls-8" cx="67.67" cy="58.23" r="3.82"/><circle class="cls-8" cx="39.72" cy="58.23" r="3.82"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="168.9" cy="199.4" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="168.9" cy="180.97" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="181.65" cy="199.4" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="181.65" cy="180.97" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="111.3" cy="199.4" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="111.3" cy="180.97" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="124.05" cy="199.4" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="124.05" cy="180.97" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="399.3" cy="199.4" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="399.3" cy="180.97" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="412.05" cy="199.4" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="412.05" cy="180.97" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="341.7" cy="199.4" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="341.7" cy="180.97" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="354.45" cy="199.4" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="354.45" cy="180.97" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="53.7" cy="199.4" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="53.7" cy="180.97" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="66.45" cy="199.4" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="66.45" cy="180.97" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="284.1" cy="199.4" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="284.1" cy="180.97" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="296.85" cy="199.4" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="296.85" cy="180.97" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="226.5" cy="199.4" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="226.5" cy="180.97" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="239.25" cy="199.4" r="1.98"/><circle class="cls-3" cx="239.25" cy="180.97" r="1.98"/><line class="cls-10" x1="190.18" y1="103.78" x2="29.78" y2="103.78"/><line class="cls-10" x1="29.78" y1="103.78" x2="30.08" y2="109.83"/><line class="cls-10" x1="190.18" y1="106.91" x2="190.18" y2="103.78"/><line class="cls-10" x1="41.51" y1="146.56" x2="41.51" y2="119.27"/><line class="cls-10" x1="41.51" y1="119.27" x2="32.43" y2="119.27"/><line class="cls-10" x1="50.74" y1="146.56" x2="41.51" y2="146.56"/><line class="cls-10" x1="334.5" y1="22.57" x2="276.9" y2="22.57"/><line class="cls-10" x1="276.9" y1="22.57" x2="276.9" y2="34.68"/><line class="cls-10" x1="334.5" y1="34.69" x2="334.5" y2="22.57"/><line class="cls-10" x1="276.9" y1="22.57" x2="219.3" y2="22.57"/><line class="cls-10" x1="219.3" y1="22.57" x2="219.3" y2="34.68"/><line class="cls-10" x1="276.9" y1="34.69" x2="276.9" y2="22.57"/><line class="cls-10" x1="161.7" y1="22.57" x2="161.7" y2="34.68"/><line class="cls-10" x1="219.3" y1="22.57" x2="161.7" y2="22.57"/><line class="cls-10" x1="219.3" y1="34.69" x2="219.3" y2="22.57"/><line class="cls-10" x1="104.1" y1="22.57" x2="104.1" y2="34.69"/><line class="cls-10" x1="161.7" y1="22.57" x2="104.1" y2="22.57"/><line class="cls-10" x1="161.7" y1="34.69" x2="161.7" y2="22.57"/><line class="cls-10" x1="46.5" y1="22.57" x2="46.49" y2="34.69"/><line class="cls-10" x1="104.1" y1="22.57" x2="46.5" y2="22.57"/><line class="cls-10" x1="104.09" y1="34.69" x2="104.1" y2="22.57"/><line class="cls-10" x1="25.16" y1="36.97" x2="25.16" y2="94.57"/><line class="cls-10" x1="25.16" y1="94.57" x2="197.96" y2="94.57"/><line class="cls-10" x1="197.96" y1="94.57" x2="197.46" y2="106.91"/><line class="cls-10" x1="44.21" 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63.52"/><polyline class="cls-20" points="210.2 52.87 210.2 32.51 242.8 32.51 242.8 52.87"/><polyline class="cls-20" points="185.2 63.52 185.2 68.71 152.6 68.71 152.6 63.52"/><polyline class="cls-20" points="152.6 52.87 152.6 32.51 185.2 32.51 185.2 52.87"/><polyline class="cls-20" points="127.59 63.52 127.59 68.71 95 68.71 95 63.52"/><polyline class="cls-20" points="95 52.87 95 32.51 127.59 32.51 127.59 52.87"/><polyline class="cls-20" points="70 63.52 70 68.71 37.4 68.71 37.4 63.52"/><polyline class="cls-20" points="37.4 52.87 37.4 32.51 70 32.51 70 52.87"/><line class="cls-16" x1="178.11" y1="198.69" x2="172.44" y2="198.69"/><line class="cls-16" x1="183.78" y1="184.52" x2="183.78" y2="196.56"/><line class="cls-16" x1="166.77" y1="184.52" x2="166.77" y2="196.56"/><line class="cls-16" x1="178.11" y1="181.68" x2="172.44" y2="181.68"/><line class="cls-16" x1="176.69" y1="190.19" x2="173.86" y2="190.19"/><line class="cls-16" x1="175.27" y1="191.6" x2="175.27" y2="188.77"/><line class="cls-16" x1="120.51" y1="198.69" x2="114.84" y2="198.69"/><line class="cls-16" x1="126.18" y1="184.52" x2="126.18" y2="196.56"/><line class="cls-16" x1="109.17" y1="184.52" x2="109.17" y2="196.56"/><line class="cls-16" x1="120.51" y1="181.68" x2="114.84" y2="181.68"/><line class="cls-16" x1="119.09" y1="190.19" x2="116.26" y2="190.19"/><line class="cls-16" x1="117.67" y1="191.6" x2="117.67" y2="188.77"/><line class="cls-16" x1="408.51" y1="198.69" x2="402.84" y2="198.69"/><line class="cls-16" x1="414.18" y1="184.52" x2="414.18" y2="196.56"/><line class="cls-16" x1="397.17" y1="184.52" x2="397.17" y2="196.56"/><line class="cls-16" x1="408.51" y1="181.68" x2="402.84" y2="181.68"/><line class="cls-16" x1="407.09" y1="190.19" x2="404.26" y2="190.19"/><line class="cls-16" x1="405.67" y1="191.6" x2="405.67" y2="188.77"/><line class="cls-16" x1="350.91" y1="198.69" x2="345.24" y2="198.69"/><line class="cls-16" x1="356.58" y1="184.52" x2="356.58" y2="196.56"/><line class="cls-16" x1="339.57" y1="184.52" x2="339.57" y2="196.56"/><line class="cls-16" x1="350.91" y1="181.68" x2="345.24" y2="181.68"/><line class="cls-16" x1="349.49" y1="190.19" x2="346.66" y2="190.19"/><line class="cls-16" x1="348.07" y1="191.6" x2="348.07" y2="188.77"/><line class="cls-16" x1="62.91" y1="198.69" x2="57.24" y2="198.69"/><line class="cls-16" x1="68.58" y1="184.52" x2="68.58" y2="196.56"/><line class="cls-16" x1="51.57" y1="184.52" x2="51.57" y2="196.56"/><line class="cls-16" x1="62.91" y1="181.68" x2="57.24" y2="181.68"/><line class="cls-16" x1="61.49" y1="190.19" x2="58.66" y2="190.19"/><line class="cls-16" x1="60.07" y1="191.6" x2="60.07" y2="188.77"/><line class="cls-16" x1="293.31" y1="198.69" x2="287.64" y2="198.69"/><line class="cls-16" x1="298.98" y1="184.52" x2="298.98" y2="196.56"/><line class="cls-16" x1="281.97" y1="184.52" x2="281.97" y2="196.56"/><line class="cls-16" x1="293.31" y1="181.68" x2="287.64" y2="181.68"/><line class="cls-16" x1="291.89" y1="190.19" x2="289.06" y2="190.19"/><line class="cls-16" x1="290.47" y1="191.6" x2="290.47" y2="188.77"/><line class="cls-16" x1="235.71" y1="198.69" x2="230.04" y2="198.69"/><line class="cls-16" x1="241.38" y1="184.52" x2="241.38" y2="196.56"/><line class="cls-16" x1="224.37" y1="184.52" x2="224.37" y2="196.56"/><line class="cls-16" x1="235.71" y1="181.68" x2="230.04" y2="181.68"/><line class="cls-16" x1="234.29" y1="190.19" x2="231.46" y2="190.19"/><line class="cls-16" x1="232.87" y1="191.6" x2="232.87" y2="188.77"/><text class="cls-21" transform="translate(98.26 102.4)">TEXT IN</text><text class="cls-21" transform="translate(427.06 161.88) rotate(-90)">VIDEO</text><text class="cls-21" transform="translate(39.26 161.2)">TEXT OUT</text><text class="cls-21" transform="translate(11.55 104.63)">JP10</text><text class="cls-21" transform="translate(360.71 179.11)">B6</text><text class="cls-21" transform="translate(303.11 179.11)">B5</text><text class="cls-21" transform="translate(245.51 179.11)">B4</text><text class="cls-21" transform="translate(130.31 179.11)">B2</text><text class="cls-21" transform="translate(187.91 179.11)">B3</text><text class="cls-21" transform="translate(418.31 179.11)">B7</text><text class="cls-21" transform="translate(427.61 113.22) rotate(-90)">TV OUT</text><text class="cls-21" transform="translate(203.18 132.36)">NANO</text><text class="cls-22" transform="translate(363.15 131.61) rotate(-90)">R8</text><text class="cls-22" transform="translate(363.02 111.21) rotate(-90)">R9</text><text class="cls-21" transform="translate(360.43 30.3)">P6</text><text class="cls-21" transform="translate(130.03 30.3)">P2</text><text class="cls-21" transform="translate(72.43 30.3)">P1</text><text class="cls-21" transform="translate(37.8 194.03)">R1</text><text class="cls-21" transform="translate(327 195.63)">R6</text><text class="cls-21" transform="translate(153.2 194.83)">R3</text><text class="cls-21" transform="translate(211.4 195.83)">R4</text><text 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