# Utility Scripts for scanning documents
## Software dependencies:
Packages: pdftk, imagemagick
Install in Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install pdftk imagemagick
Install in Mac with brew (http://brew.sh/): brew install pdftk imagemagick
Python libraries: mwclient (version 0.8.6)
Install in Debian/Ubuntu w/ pip: sudo pip install 'mwclient==0.8.6'
## Scripts
### wiki-download.py
Dowloads media files from a wiki, according to a sematic ask query.
python wiki-download.py --help
python wiki-download.py -d imgs -a [[Modification_date::+]]
### imposition.py
Converts 8 images (jpg or png) from a given directory, into a single sheet 4x2 imposition.
python wiki-download.py --help
python imposition.py --dir imgs/ --size a3 --pages 2 --order random
### pdf_cover.sh
Converts first page of PDFs to a jpeg with the ending _cover.jpeg
./pdf_cover.sh imgs-dir-name
Software dependencies:
gs (ghostscript)
### imgs2pdf.sh
Converts a directory of images onto a single PDF
Usage: `./imgs2pdf.sh imgs-dir-name pdf-filename`
If no pdf-filename is provided, output.pdf will the default file name
### rotate.sh
Rotates all images in one a directory a given number of degrees
Usage: `./rotate.sh imgs-dir-name rotation-in-degrees`