You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2.3 MiB

Que(e)rying WikiData

Example of the wikipedia haiku bot...

which includes (as of this moment -- Oct 27 10:59)

He is married to
Amy McLawhorn, and has
a son named Michael

But tragically (I think), the bot doesn't link to its sources (which would make it so much more interesting as an interface INTO wikipedia / permit reading the isolated phrases in context.

Consider the case of House of Dust, an early computer assisted art project by Alison Knowles, a New York based artist associated with the Fluxus movement.

In [10]:
from random import choice





print('A HOUSE OF ' + choice(material))
print('      ' + choice(location))
print('            USING ' + choice(light_source))
print('                  INHABITED BY ' + choice(inhabitants))
      ON THE SEA

Querying wikidata for materials...

Go to querybuilder and search in the property box for Material... regardless of value, with references... And ... super slow... in fact it times out...

Show the query in Query Service reveals the text version of the query in the SPARQL language...

SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
        ?item p:P186 ?statement0.
        ?statement0 (ps:P186/(wdt:P279*)) _:anyValueP186.
        FILTER(EXISTS { ?statement0 prov:wasDerivedFrom ?reference. })
    LIMIT 100

Indeed, as indicated clicking the checkbox to show IDs instead of labels makes the query actually return results, but the results then need to be clicked on to understand them...

    ?item p:P186 ?statement0.
    ?statement0 (ps:P186/(wdt:P279*)) _:anyValueP186.
    FILTER(EXISTS { ?statement0 prov:wasDerivedFrom ?reference. })

ok so I did this query...

SELECT DISTINCT ?statement0 ?p ?o WHERE {
    ?item p:P186 ?statement0.
    ?statement0 ?p ?o.

And I see in the result that the statement is then the thing that contains the P186 (ps:P186?) to the actual material, for instance:

s p o
wds:Q181008-966f70cd-49ff-d4eb-5036-c45c1dabbbda ps:P186 wd:Q287</td>[wds:Q181008-966f70cd-49ff-d4eb-5036-c45c1dabbbda ps:P186 wd:Q287]([wds:Q181008-966f70cd-49ff-d4eb-5036-c45c1dabbbda ps:P186 wd:Q287](
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
    ?item p:P186 ?statement0.
    ?statement0 ps:P186 ?material.


SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }

Putting the pieces together...

SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?statement0 ?material ?materialLabel WHERE {
    ?item p:P186 ?statement0.
    ?statement0 ps:P186 ?material.
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }


Quite beautiful in a way, the query showed ethanol, clicking on the statement takes me to the page of the object in question, a thermometer indeed described as being made of glass + ethanol:$d48d012a-4cf5-6f1c-c4c0-0b314d444026

Linked Data


In a browser, this reveals the readable page:

But from code...

In [6]:
from urllib.request import urlopen

# f = urlopen("")
# print ("utf-8"))

import json

data = json.load(urlopen(""))
In [7]:
print (json.dumps(data, indent=2))
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<,_%D0%94%D1%83%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%81> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@co ;
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	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@min ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@min ;
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	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@ms ;
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	rdfs:label "Douglas Adams"@nap ;
	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@nap ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@vo ;
	rdfs:label "Douglas Adams"@wo ;
	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@wo ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@wo ;
	rdfs:label "Douglas Adams"@zu ;
	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@zu ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@zu ;
	rdfs:label "Duqlas Noel Adams"@az ;
	skos:prefLabel "Duqlas Noel Adams"@az ;
	schema:name "Duqlas Noel Adams"@az ;
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	schema:name "Doglas Adams"@ak ;
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	schema:name "Адамс"@mrj ;
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	skos:prefLabel "ดักลัส แอดัมส์"@th ;
	schema:name "ดักลัส แอดัมส์"@th ;
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	skos:prefLabel "داقلاس آدامز"@azb ;
	schema:name "داقلاس آدامز"@azb ;
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	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@lfn ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@lfn ;
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	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@nan ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@nan ;
	rdfs:label "Дуглас Адамс"@ky ;
	skos:prefLabel "Дуглас Адамс"@ky ;
	schema:name "Дуглас Адамс"@ky ;
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	rdfs:label "Douglas Adams"@smn ;
	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@smn ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@smn ;
	rdfs:label "Douglas Adams"@sms ;
	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@sms ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@sms ;
	rdfs:label "Douglas Adams"@sma ;
	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@sma ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@sma ;
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	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@smj ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@smj ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@bm ;
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	rdfs:label "Douglas Adams"@rgn ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@rgn ;
	rdfs:label "Douglas Adams"@vmf ;
	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@vmf ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@vmf ;
	rdfs:label "ߘߎߜ߭ߑߟߊߛ ߊߘߊߡߛ"@nqo ;
	skos:prefLabel "ߘߎߜ߭ߑߟߊߛ ߊߘߊߡߛ"@nqo ;
	schema:name "ߘߎߜ߭ߑߟߊߛ ߊߘߊߡߛ"@nqo ;
	rdfs:label "Douglas Adams"@fy ;
	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@fy ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@fy ;
	rdfs:label "Douglas Adams"@hsb ;
	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@hsb ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@hsb ;
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	skos:prefLabel "דאַגלאַס אַדאַמס"@yi ;
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	rdfs:label "Douglas Adams"@kw ;
	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@kw ;
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	rdfs:label "Дуглас Адамс"@ba ;
	skos:prefLabel "Дуглас Адамс"@ba ;
	schema:name "Дуглас Адамс"@ba ;
	rdfs:label "Douglas Adams"@ig ;
	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@ig ;
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	skos:prefLabel "دوڭلاس أدامز"@ary ;
	schema:name "دوڭلاس أدامز"@ary ;
	schema:description "English science fiction writer and humourist (19522001)"@en,
		"écrivain de science-fiction et humoriste anglais (19522001)"@fr,
		"English writer and humourist"@en-gb,
		"engelsk science fiction-forfatter og humorist"@nb,
		"scrittore e umorista britannico"@it,
		"britischer Science-Fiction-Autor und Humorist (19522001)"@de,
		"escritor y humorista británico"@es,
		"английский писатель, драматург и сценарист, автор серии книг «Автостопом по галактике»"@ru,
		"escriptor anglès"@ca,
		"englantilainen kirjailija ja humoristi"@fi,
		"anglický spisovatel, humorista a dramatik"@cs,
		"brittisk författare (19522001)"@sv,
		"escritor e comediante britânico"@pt-br,
		"ஆங்கில எழுத்தாளர் மற்றும் நகைச்சுவையாளர்"@ta,
		"angleški pisatelj, humorist in dramatik"@sl,
		"engelsk forfatter"@da,
		"Engelse schrijver (1952-2001)"@nl,
		"escritor e comediante britânico"@pt,
		"brytyjski pisarz"@pl,
		"angļu zinātniskās fantastikas rakstnieks un humorists"@lv,
		"енглески писац и хумориста"@sr,
		"енглески писац научне фантастике и хумориста"@sr-ec,
		"engleski pisac naučne fantastike i humorista"@sr-el,
		"angla aŭtoro de sciencfikcio-romanoj kaj humoristo"@eo,
		"a englischer Science-Fiction-Schriftsteller"@bar,
		"skrivagner saoznek"@br,
		"İngiliz yazar"@tr,
		"ඉංග්‍රීසි කවියෙක්"@si,
		"nhà văn và nhà soạn hài kịch người Anh (1952-2001)"@vi,
		"awdur a dychanwr Seisnig"@cy,
		"અંગ્રેજી લેખક અને હાસ્યકાર"@gu,
		"британський комічний радіодраматург, письменник"@uk,
		"scriitor, dramaturg englez"@ro,
		"angol író és humorista (19522001)"@hu,
		"فیلمنامه‌نویس و نویسنده بریتانیایی"@fa,
		"Engelse skrywer en humoris"@af,
		"англиски писател и хуморист"@mk,
		"Άγγλος συγγραφέας (19522001)"@el,
		"անգլիացի գրող, դրամատուրգ, սցենարիստ, «Ավտոստոպով զբոսաշրջիկի միջգալակտիկական ուղեցույց» վեպերի շարք"@hy,
		"английски писател и хуморист"@bg,
		"अङ्ग्रेजी लेखक र व्यङ्ग्यकार"@ne,
		"סופר והומוריסטן בריטי"@he,
		"britischer Schriftsteller"@de-at,
		"britischer Schriftsteller"@de-ch,
		"britischer Schriftsteller"@gsw,
		"englischer Schriftsteller"@nds,
		"ಇಂಗ್ಲಿಷ್ ಭಾಷೆಯ ಬರಹಗಾರ ಹಾಗೂ ಹಾಸ್ಯ ಲೇಖಕ"@kn,
		"ਅੰਗਰੇਜ਼ੀ ਲੇਖਕ"@pa,
		"كاتب إنجليزي فكاهي"@ar,
		"taga-Inglatera na manunulat at tagapagpatawa"@tl,
		"idazle eta umorista britaniarra"@eu,
		"britanski radijski dramaturg i pisac znanstvene fantastike"@hr,
		"영국의 작가"@ko,
		"mwandishi Mwingereza"@sw,
		"English writer"@en-ca,
		"sgrìobhadair Sasannach"@gd,
		"ინგლისელი მწერალი და იუმორისტი"@ka,
		"inglise ulmekirjanik"@et,
		"ఇంగ్లీషు రచయిత, హాస్యకారుడు"@te,
		"escritor y humorista inglés"@ast,
		"autor dhe humorist anglez"@sq,
		"escritor e guionista británico"@gl,
		"अंग्रेजी भाषा के ब्रिटिश लेखक"@bho,
		"anglický spisovateľ"@sk,
		"scriptor, scriptor scaenicus, et mythistoricus (19522001)"@la,
		"ബ്രിട്ടീഷ് എഴുത്തുകാരനും ഹാസ്യസാഹിത്യാകാരനും"@ml,
		"scríbhneoir Sasanach"@ga,
		"nivîskarê brîtanî"@ku-latn,
		"Panulih jo palawak dari Inggirih"@min,
		"अंग्रेजी लेखक"@hi,
		"ߊ߲߬ߜ߭ߌ߬ߟߋ߬ ߛߓߍߦߟߊ ߞߎ߲߬ߘߐ߬ߕߍ߰ ߟߐ߲ߞߏ ߞߊ߲߬"@nqo,
		"англійскі пісьменнік"@be,
		"penulis dan humoris asal Britania Raya (1952-2001)"@id,
		"engleski pisac i humorist"@bs,
		"penulis dan pelawak Inggeris"@ms,
		"ब्रिटिश लेखक व नाटककार"@mr,
		"ইংরেজ কল্পবিজ্ঞান লেখক ও কৌতুকবিদ"@bn,
		"Enskur höfundur"@is,
		"كاتب نڭليزي ديال لخيال لعلمي و لفكاهة"@ary ;
	skos:altLabel "Douglas Noël Adams"@en,
		"Адамс, Дуглас"@ru,
		"Дуглас Ноэль Адамс"@ru,
		"Адамс, Дуглас Ноэль"@ru,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@nb,
		"Douglas N. Adams"@nb,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@fr,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@de,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@pt-br,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@pt-br,
		"Дуглас Адамс"@be-tarask,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@es,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@es,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@it,
		"Douglas N. Adams"@it,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@cs,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@cs,
		"Douglas N. Adams"@cs,
		"Ադամս, Դուգլաս"@hy,
		"Ντάγκλας Νόελ Άνταμς"@el,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@nl,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@nl,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@pt,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@pt,
		"ਡਗਲਸ ਨੋਏਲ ਐਡਮਜ਼"@pa,
		"ਡਗਲਸ ਐਡਮਸ"@pa,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@tl,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@tl,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@eu,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@eu,
		"Дуглас Ноел Адамс"@uk,
		"Адамс Дуглас"@uk,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@hr,
		"Douglas N. Adams"@hr,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@hr,
		"דגלס אדמס"@he,
		"דאגלס נואל אדמס"@he,
		"더글라스 애덤스"@ko,
		"더글러스 노엘 애덤스"@ko,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@sw,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@sw,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@tr,
		"Douglas N. Adams"@tr,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@tr,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@et,
		"دوغلاس نويل آدمز"@ar,
		"دوغلاس ن. آدمز"@ar,
		"دوغلاس آدامز"@ar,
		"دوجلاس آدمز"@ar,
		"دوجلاس آدامز"@ar,
		"Duglassius Noëlus Adams"@la,
		"Douglas Adams"@la,
		"Duglassius Natalis Adams"@la,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@gl,
		"डग्लस अडम्स"@bho,
		"डग्लस एडम्स"@bho,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@sv,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@sv,
		"ഡഗ്ലസ് നോയൽ ആഡംസ്"@ml,
		"ഡഗ്ലസ് എന്‍ ആഡംസ്"@ml,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@nn,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@ga,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@ga,
		"Douglas N. Adams"@ga,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@ro,
		"Douglas ADAMS"@eo,
		"Douglas Noël ADAMS"@eo,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@ca,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@ca,
		"ߘߎߜ߭ߑߟߊߛ ߣߏߥߍߟ ߊߘߊߡߛ"@nqo,
		"ߘߎߜ߭ߑߟߊߛ ߣ. ߊߘߊߡߛ"@nqo,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@pl,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@ms,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@ms,
		"Douglas N. Adams"@ms,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@da,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@fi,
		"Duqlas Adams"@az,
		"Douglas Adams"@az,
		"Адамс, Дуглас"@mrj,
		"ڈگلس ایڈمس"@ur,
		"Douglas Adams"@lv,
		"Douglas Adams"@sr-el,
		"Douglas Adams"@ak,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@hu,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@hu,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@ia,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@id,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@id,
		"Douglas N. Adams"@id,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@sk,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@sk,
		"Douglas N. Adams"@sk,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@af,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@bar .

wd:Q5 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "human"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "human"@en ;
	schema:name "human"@en ;
	schema:description "common name of Homo sapiens, unique extant species of the genus Homo"@en .

wd:P31 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "instance of"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "instance of"@en ;
	schema:name "instance of"@en ;
	schema:description "that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P31 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P31 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P31 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P31 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P31 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P31 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P31 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P31 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P31 .

p:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P31 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P31 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:0b8bd71b926a65ca3fa72e5d9103e4d6 .

_:0b8bd71b926a65ca3fa72e5d9103e4d6 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P31 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q6581097 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "male"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "male"@en ;
	schema:name "male"@en ;
	schema:description "to be used in \"sex or gender\" (P21) to indicate that the human subject is a male or \"semantic gender\" (P10339) to indicate that a word refers to a male person"@en .

wd:P21 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "sex or gender"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "sex or gender"@en ;
	schema:name "sex or gender"@en ;
	schema:description "sex or gender identity of human or animal. For human: male, female, non-binary, intersex, transgender female, transgender male, agender. For animal: male organism, female organism. Groups of same gender use subclass of (P279)"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P21 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P21 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P21 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P21 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P21 ;
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	wikibase:reference pr:P21 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P21 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P21 .

p:P21 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P21 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P21 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P21 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P21 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P21 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P21 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P21 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P21 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:8543f188a73d6ea7a6705f0835ae332d .

_:8543f188a73d6ea7a6705f0835ae332d a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P21 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q214917 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "playwright"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "playwright"@en ;
	schema:name "playwright"@en ;
	schema:description "person who writes plays"@en .

wd:P106 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "occupation"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "occupation"@en ;
	schema:name "occupation"@en ;
	schema:description "occupation of a person; see also \"field of work\" (Property:P101), \"position held\" (Property:P39)"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P106 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P106 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P106 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P106 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P106 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P106 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P106 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P106 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P106 .

p:P106 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P106 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P106 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P106 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P106 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P106 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P106 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P106 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P106 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:cfa3a75a3525fa319d07757b53d28076 .

_:cfa3a75a3525fa319d07757b53d28076 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P106 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q28389 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "screenwriter"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "screenwriter"@en ;
	schema:name "screenwriter"@en ;
	schema:description "writer who writes for films, TV shows, comics and games"@en .

wd:Q6625963 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "novelist"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "novelist"@en ;
	schema:name "novelist"@en ;
	schema:description "writer of novels"@en .

wd:Q4853732 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "children's writer"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "children's writer"@en ;
	schema:name "children's writer"@en ;
	schema:description "writer of literature targeted primarily at children"@en .

wd:Q18844224 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "science fiction writer"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "science fiction writer"@en ;
	schema:name "science fiction writer"@en ;
	schema:description "person who writes works of science fiction"@en .

wd:Q245068 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "comedian"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "comedian"@en ;
	schema:name "comedian"@en ;
	schema:description "person who seeks to entertain an audience, primarily by making them laugh"@en .

wd:Q36180 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "writer"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "writer"@en ;
	schema:name "writer"@en ;
	schema:description "person who uses written words to communicate ideas and to produce works of literature"@en .

wd:Q25169 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy pentalogy"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy pentalogy"@en ;
	schema:name "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy pentalogy"@en ;
	schema:description "1979-1992 series of five books by Douglas Adams"@en .

wd:P800 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "notable work"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "notable work"@en ;
	schema:name "notable work"@en ;
	schema:description "notable scientific, artistic or literary work, or other work of significance among subject's works"@en ;
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	wikibase:qualifier pq:P800 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P800 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P800 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P800 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P800 .

p:P800 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P800 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P800 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P800 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P800 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P800 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P800 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P800 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P800 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:d1c8b15e6b29e7f28ae6b5fc4857eb5f .

_:d1c8b15e6b29e7f28ae6b5fc4857eb5f a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P800 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q20736364 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Dirk Gently series"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Dirk Gently series"@en ;
	schema:name "Dirk Gently series"@en ;
	schema:description "series of three books by Douglas Adams"@en .

wd:Q7758404 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "The Private Life of Genghis Khan"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "The Private Life of Genghis Khan"@en ;
	schema:name "The Private Life of Genghis Khan"@en ;
	schema:description "story by Douglas Adams and Graham Chapman"@en .

wd:P569 a wikibase:Property ;
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	skos:prefLabel "date of birth"@en ;
	schema:name "date of birth"@en ;
	schema:description "date on which the subject was born"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
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	wikibase:novalue wdno:P569 .

p:P569 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P569 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P569 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P569 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P569 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P569 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P569 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P569 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P569 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:4bfb48d5a3bb3600187722aa6901d2c3 .

_:4bfb48d5a3bb3600187722aa6901d2c3 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P569 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q350 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Cambridge"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Cambridge"@en ;
	schema:name "Cambridge"@en ;
	schema:description "city in Cambridgeshire, England"@en .

wd:P19 a wikibase:Property ;
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	skos:prefLabel "place of birth"@en ;
	schema:name "place of birth"@en ;
	schema:description "most specific known (e.g. city instead of country, or hospital instead of city) birth location of a person, animal or fictional character"@en ;
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	wikibase:novalue wdno:P19 .

p:P19 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P19 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P19 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P19 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P19 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P19 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P19 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P19 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P19 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:79c4b5dd8e675d763a3f05a7c9e9d549 .

_:79c4b5dd8e675d763a3f05a7c9e9d549 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P19 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P570 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "date of death"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "date of death"@en ;
	schema:name "date of death"@en ;
	schema:description "date on which the subject died"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
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	wikibase:claim p:P570 ;
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	wikibase:novalue wdno:P570 .

p:P570 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P570 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P570 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P570 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P570 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P570 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P570 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P570 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P570 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:69635c1f0b0b26e68131d8b4c428b7e5 .

_:69635c1f0b0b26e68131d8b4c428b7e5 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P570 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q3739104 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "natural causes"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "natural causes"@en ;
	schema:name "natural causes"@en ;
	schema:description "manner of death"@en .

wd:P1196 a wikibase:Property ;
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	schema:name "manner of death"@en ;
	schema:description "general circumstances of a person's death; e.g. natural causes, accident, suicide, homicide, etc.  Use 'cause of death' (P509) for the specific physiological mechanism, e.g. heart attack, trauma, pneumonia..."@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P1196 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P1196 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P1196 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P1196 ;
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	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P1196 ;
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	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P1196 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P1196 .

p:P1196 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1196 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1196 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1196 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1196 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P1196 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P1196 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P1196 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1196 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:5aa7498a222e3575d4bfe4b1af9f738a .

_:5aa7498a222e3575d4bfe4b1af9f738a a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P1196 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q12152 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "myocardial infarction"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "myocardial infarction"@en ;
	schema:name "myocardial infarction"@en ;
	schema:description "interruption of blood supply to a part of the heart"@en .

wd:P509 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "cause of death"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "cause of death"@en ;
	schema:name "cause of death"@en ;
	schema:description "underlying or immediate cause of death.  Underlying cause (e.g. car accident, stomach cancer) preferred.  Use 'manner of death' (P1196) for broadest category, e.g. natural causes, accident, homicide, suicide"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P509 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P509 ;
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	wikibase:statementValue psv:P509 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P509 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P509 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P509 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P509 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P509 .

p:P509 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P509 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P509 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P509 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P509 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P509 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P509 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P509 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P509 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:ca1305e2b2e3e39b5d037cbbf11b3427 .

_:ca1305e2b2e3e39b5d037cbbf11b3427 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P509 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q159288 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Santa Barbara"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Santa Barbara"@en ;
	schema:name "Santa Barbara"@en ;
	schema:description "city in California, United States"@en .

wd:P20 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "place of death"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "place of death"@en ;
	schema:name "place of death"@en ;
	schema:description "most specific known (e.g. city instead of country, or hospital instead of city) death location of a person, animal or fictional character"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P20 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P20 ;
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	wikibase:statementValue psv:P20 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P20 ;
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	wikibase:reference pr:P20 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P20 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P20 .

p:P20 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P20 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P20 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P20 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P20 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P20 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P20 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P20 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P20 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:da029950c0b6d5fb9368ae0401421df3 .

_:da029950c0b6d5fb9368ae0401421df3 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P20 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q533697 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Highgate Cemetery"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Highgate Cemetery"@en ;
	schema:name "Highgate Cemetery"@en ;
	schema:description "place of burial in north London, England"@en .

wd:P119 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "place of burial"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "place of burial"@en ;
	schema:name "place of burial"@en ;
	schema:description "location of grave, resting place, place of ash-scattering, etc. (e.g., town/city or cemetery) for a person or animal. There may be several places: e.g., re-burials, parts of body buried separately."@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P119 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P119 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P119 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P119 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P119 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P119 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P119 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P119 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P119 .

p:P119 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P119 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P119 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P119 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P119 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P119 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P119 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P119 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P119 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:71eb2f5773cbc41c58f8fcc83889aedd .

_:71eb2f5773cbc41c58f8fcc83889aedd a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P119 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P1442 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "image of grave"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "image of grave"@en ;
	schema:name "image of grave"@en ;
	schema:description "picture of a person or animal's grave, gravestone or tomb"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
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	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P1442 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P1442 .

p:P1442 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1442 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1442 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1442 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1442 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P1442 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P1442 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P1442 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1442 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:7bbb5b6dfb7b36af2715325fe4e1f50a .

_:7bbb5b6dfb7b36af2715325fe4e1f50a a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P1442 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P1015 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "NORAF ID"@en ;
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	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
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p:P1015 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1015 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1015 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1015 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1015 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1015 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1015 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1015 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P1015 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P1015 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1015 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1015 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1015 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:f5094c5277687d34a21eee6ba1d0029e .

_:f5094c5277687d34a21eee6ba1d0029e a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P1015 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q463035 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Douglas"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Douglas"@en ;
	schema:name "Douglas"@en ;
	schema:description "male given name"@en .

wd:P735 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "given name"@en ;
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	schema:description "first name or another given name of this person; values used with the property should not link disambiguations nor family names"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
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p:P735 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P735 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P735 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P735 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P735 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P735 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P735 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P735 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P735 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:7cd44173f1681fd19dd103a28fda54a8 .

_:7cd44173f1681fd19dd103a28fda54a8 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P735 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q351735 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Adams"@en ;
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	schema:description "family name"@en .

wd:P734 a wikibase:Property ;
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	schema:description "part of full name of person"@en ;
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	wikibase:novalue wdno:P734 .

p:P734 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P734 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P734 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P734 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P734 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P734 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P734 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P734 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P734 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:80fa0a4abf09baad42c1554bbfc82b00 .

_:80fa0a4abf09baad42c1554bbfc82b00 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P734 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q145 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "United Kingdom"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "United Kingdom"@en ;
	schema:name "United Kingdom"@en ;
	schema:description "country in north-west Europe"@en .

wd:P27 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "country of citizenship"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "country of citizenship"@en ;
	schema:name "country of citizenship"@en ;
	schema:description "the object is a country that recognizes the subject as its citizen"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
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	wikibase:claim p:P27 ;
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	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P27 ;
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	wikibase:novalue wdno:P27 .

p:P27 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P27 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P27 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P27 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P27 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P27 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P27 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P27 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P27 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:10b960483099011464f84586b88d281b .

_:10b960483099011464f84586b88d281b a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P27 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q84 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "London"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "London"@en ;
	schema:name "London"@en ;
	schema:description "capital and largest city of the United Kingdom"@en .

wd:P551 a wikibase:Property ;
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	wikibase:novalue wdno:P551 .

p:P551 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P551 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P551 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P551 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P551 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P551 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P551 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P551 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P551 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:2e2ac5e9a91f653ff0c0823b43723840 .

_:2e2ac5e9a91f653ff0c0823b43723840 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P551 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q909993 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Brentwood"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Brentwood"@en ;
	schema:name "Brentwood"@en ;
	schema:description "town and the principal settlement of the Borough of Brentwood in England"@en .

wd:Q1860 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "English"@en ;
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	schema:description "West Germanic language"@en .

wd:P103 a wikibase:Property ;
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	wikibase:novalue wdno:P103 .

p:P103 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P103 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P103 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P103 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P103 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P103 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P103 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P103 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P103 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:aaf3f293a5c93e051ac4c80abea3a9a9 .

_:aaf3f293a5c93e051ac4c80abea3a9a9 a owl:Restriction ;
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	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P1368 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P1368 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1368 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1368 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1368 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1368 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1368 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1368 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1368 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P1368 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P1368 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1368 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1368 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1368 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:9e5897c3da5422c230ae7fcf8c78fba1 .

_:9e5897c3da5422c230ae7fcf8c78fba1 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P1368 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P244 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P244 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P244 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P244 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P244 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P244 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P244 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P244 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P244 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P244 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P244 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P244 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P244 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P244 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:590c65ffccb1a1851cc444e4370c7714 .

_:590c65ffccb1a1851cc444e4370c7714 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P947 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P947 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P947 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P947 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P947 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P947 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P947 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P947 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P947 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P947 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P947 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P947 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P947 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P947 a owl:Class ;
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_:09f55493f3206967be84d8a25f7d37f9 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P214 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P214 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P214 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P214 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P214 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P214 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P214 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P214 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P214 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P214 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P214 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P214 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P214 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P214 a owl:Class ;
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_:29da2ca818bc08f93ddc0a2be66197e9 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P345 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P345 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P345 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P345 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P345 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P345 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P345 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P345 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P345 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P345 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P345 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P345 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P345 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P345 a owl:Class ;
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_:3a4e6350bce9f8651aa60101dacb63de a owl:Restriction ;
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	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P373 a wikibase:Property ;
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	schema:description "name of the Wikimedia Commons category containing files related to this item (without the prefix \"Category:\")"@en ;
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p:P373 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P373 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P373 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P373 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P373 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P373 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P373 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P373 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P373 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:3de19c92e209926f02f215095eb4fd12 .

_:3de19c92e209926f02f215095eb4fd12 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P373 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P349 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "NDL Authority ID"@en ;
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	schema:description "identifier for authority control per the National Diet Library of Japan"@en ;
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p:P349 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P349 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P349 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P349 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P349 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P349 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P349 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P349 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P349 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P349 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P349 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P349 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P349 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:cd24209e08bc1ccf071135ac50a89a01 .

_:cd24209e08bc1ccf071135ac50a89a01 a owl:Restriction ;
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	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P434 a wikibase:Property ;
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	schema:name "MusicBrainz artist ID"@en ;
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p:P434 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P434 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P434 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P434 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P434 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P434 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P434 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P434 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P434 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P434 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P434 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P434 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P434 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:d14f406f7399e30628f1731deb160709 .

_:d14f406f7399e30628f1731deb160709 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P434 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P268 a wikibase:Property ;
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	schema:name "Bibliothèque nationale de France ID"@en ;
	schema:description "identifier for the subject issued by BNF (Bibliothèque nationale de France). Format: 8 digits followed by a check-digit or letter, do not include the initial 'cb'."@en ;
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p:P268 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P268 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P268 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P268 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P268 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P268 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P268 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P268 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P268 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P268 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P268 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P268 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P268 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:d3120d2b47ac0e3950d9219515d435cc .

_:d3120d2b47ac0e3950d9219515d435cc a owl:Restriction ;
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	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P227 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "GND ID"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "GND ID"@en ;
	schema:name "GND ID"@en ;
	schema:description "identifier from an international authority file of names, subjects, and organizations (please don't use type n = name, disambiguation) - Deutsche Nationalbibliothek"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P227 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P227 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P227 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P227 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P227 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P227 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P227 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P227 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P227 ;
	wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P227 ;
	wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P227 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P227 ;
	wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P227 .

p:P227 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P227 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P227 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P227 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P227 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P227 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P227 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P227 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P227 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P227 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P227 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P227 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P227 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:286c7ee15bc3c86b8eb6b23547b34d68 .

_:286c7ee15bc3c86b8eb6b23547b34d68 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P227 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P535 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "Find a Grave memorial ID"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Find a Grave memorial ID"@en ;
	schema:name "Find a Grave memorial ID"@en ;
	schema:description "identifier of an individual's burial place in the Find a Grave database"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P535 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P535 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P535 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P535 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P535 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P535 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P535 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P535 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P535 ;
	wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P535 ;
	wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P535 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P535 ;
	wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P535 .

p:P535 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P535 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P535 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P535 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P535 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P535 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P535 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P535 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P535 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P535 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P535 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P535 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P535 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:132981616110a181261762493c11af74 .

_:132981616110a181261762493c11af74 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P535 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q14623675 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Christopher Douglas Adams"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Christopher Douglas Adams"@en ;
	schema:name "Christopher Douglas Adams"@en ;
	schema:description "father of sci-fi author Douglas Adams"@en .

wd:P22 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "father"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "father"@en ;
	schema:name "father"@en ;
	schema:description "male parent of the subject. For stepfather, use \"stepparent\" (P3448)"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P22 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P22 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P22 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P22 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P22 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P22 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P22 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P22 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P22 .

p:P22 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P22 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P22 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P22 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P22 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P22 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P22 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P22 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P22 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:e980a69703fe427dd5e1d323cd63ae13 .

_:e980a69703fe427dd5e1d323cd63ae13 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P22 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q14623678 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Janet Adams"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Janet Adams"@en ;
	schema:name "Janet Adams"@en ;
	schema:description "mother of sci-fi author Douglas Adams"@en .

wd:P25 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "mother"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "mother"@en ;
	schema:name "mother"@en ;
	schema:description "female parent of the subject. For stepmother, use \"stepparent\" (P3448)"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P25 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P25 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P25 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P25 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P25 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P25 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P25 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P25 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P25 .

p:P25 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P25 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P25 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P25 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P25 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P25 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P25 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P25 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P25 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:aa380536eb9fdfbc9f4ce0f157c7fdb7 .

_:aa380536eb9fdfbc9f4ce0f157c7fdb7 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P25 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q14623683 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Polly Adams"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Polly Adams"@en ;
	schema:name "Polly Adams"@en ;
	schema:description "British actress and daughter of sci-fi author Douglas Adams"@en .

wd:P40 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "child"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "child"@en ;
	schema:name "child"@en ;
	schema:description "subject has object as child. Do not use for stepchildren"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P40 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P40 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P40 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P40 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P40 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P40 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P40 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P40 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P40 .

p:P40 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P40 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P40 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P40 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P40 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P40 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P40 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P40 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P40 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:0fa0ea7c1a9dd8c5db4fc6e14e8767c4 .

_:0fa0ea7c1a9dd8c5db4fc6e14e8767c4 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P40 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P906 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "SELIBR ID"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "SELIBR ID"@en ;
	schema:name "SELIBR ID"@en ;
	schema:description "identifier per National Library of Sweden Libris library catalog"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
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	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P906 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P906 ;
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	wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P906 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P906 ;
	wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P906 .

p:P906 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P906 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P906 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P906 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P906 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P906 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P906 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P906 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P906 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P906 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P906 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P906 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P906 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:e45f8af414eecb543d997cc3039ae32a .

_:e45f8af414eecb543d997cc3039ae32a a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P906 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P1006 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteurs ID"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteurs ID"@en ;
	schema:name "Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteurs ID"@en ;
	schema:description "identifier for person names (not: works nor organisations) from the Dutch National Thesaurus for Author names (which also contains non-authors)"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P1006 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P1006 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P1006 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P1006 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P1006 ;
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	wikibase:reference pr:P1006 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P1006 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P1006 ;
	wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P1006 ;
	wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P1006 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P1006 ;
	wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P1006 .

p:P1006 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1006 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1006 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1006 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1006 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1006 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1006 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1006 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P1006 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P1006 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1006 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1006 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1006 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:ef6abca6d7a000dbeea7ff6cf1c93655 .

_:ef6abca6d7a000dbeea7ff6cf1c93655 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P1006 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P949 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "National Library of Israel ID (old)"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "National Library of Israel ID (old)"@en ;
	schema:name "National Library of Israel ID (old)"@en ;
	schema:description "former identifier for authority control used at the National Library of Israel. Replaced with \"National Library of Israel J9U ID\" (P8189)"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P949 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P949 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P949 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P949 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P949 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P949 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P949 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P949 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P949 ;
	wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P949 ;
	wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P949 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P949 ;
	wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P949 .

p:P949 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P949 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P949 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P949 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P949 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P949 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P949 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P949 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P949 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P949 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P949 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P949 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P949 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:85c146c8026653253daee222e99e6207 .

_:85c146c8026653253daee222e99e6207 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P949 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P646 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "Freebase ID"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Freebase ID"@en ;
	schema:name "Freebase ID"@en ;
	schema:description "identifier for a page in the Freebase database. Format: \"/m/0\" followed by 2 to 7 characters. For those starting with \"/g/\", use Google Knowledge Graph identifier (P2671)"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P646 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P646 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P646 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P646 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P646 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P646 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P646 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P646 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P646 ;
	wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P646 ;
	wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P646 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P646 ;
	wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P646 .

p:P646 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P646 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P646 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P646 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P646 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P646 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P646 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P646 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P646 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P646 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P646 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P646 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P646 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:38db277a4b10d59fd38a3fd995cbe570 .

_:38db277a4b10d59fd38a3fd995cbe570 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P646 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q691283 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "St John's College"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "St John's College"@en ;
	schema:name "St John's College"@en ;
	schema:description "Constituent college of the University of Cambridge"@en .

wd:P69 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "educated at"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "educated at"@en ;
	schema:name "educated at"@en ;
	schema:description "educational institution attended by subject"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P69 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P69 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P69 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P69 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P69 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P69 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P69 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P69 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P69 .

p:P69 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P69 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P69 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P69 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P69 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P69 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P69 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P69 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P69 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:6f19214137e50372f245d71207fe238f .

_:6f19214137e50372f245d71207fe238f a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P69 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q4961791 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Brentwood School"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Brentwood School"@en ;
	schema:name "Brentwood School"@en ;
	schema:description "independent day and boarding school in Essex, England"@en .

wd:P1273 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "CANTIC ID (former scheme)"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "CANTIC ID (former scheme)"@en ;
	schema:name "CANTIC ID (former scheme)"@en ;
	schema:description "old identifier for authority control managed by the Library of Catalonia. Format: \"a\", 7 digits, \"x\" or digit. Replaced with \"CANTIC ID\" (P9984)"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P1273 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P1273 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P1273 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P1273 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P1273 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P1273 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P1273 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P1273 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P1273 ;
	wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P1273 ;
	wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P1273 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P1273 ;
	wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P1273 .

p:P1273 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1273 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1273 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1273 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1273 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1273 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1273 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1273 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P1273 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P1273 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1273 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1273 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1273 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:d1063212b718f39ab05a2e04b03cbb21 .

_:d1063212b718f39ab05a2e04b03cbb21 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P1273 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q9531 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "BBC"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "BBC"@en ;
	schema:name "BBC"@en ;
	schema:description "British public service broadcaster"@en .

wd:P108 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "employer"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "employer"@en ;
	schema:name "employer"@en ;
	schema:description "person or organization for which the subject works or worked"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P108 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P108 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P108 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P108 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P108 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P108 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P108 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P108 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P108 .

p:P108 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P108 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P108 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P108 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P108 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P108 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P108 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P108 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P108 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:dd09e98680a6ecbadef560716040f8f7 .

_:dd09e98680a6ecbadef560716040f8f7 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P108 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q3520623 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "The Digital Village"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "The Digital Village"@en ;
	schema:name "The Digital Village"@en ;
	schema:description "digital media company based in London, England, UK"@en .

wd:P998 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "Curlie ID"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Curlie ID"@en ;
	schema:name "Curlie ID"@en ;
	schema:description "category path at Open Directory Project"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P998 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P998 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P998 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P998 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P998 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P998 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P998 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P998 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P998 ;
	wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P998 ;
	wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P998 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P998 ;
	wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P998 .

p:P998 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P998 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P998 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P998 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P998 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P998 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P998 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P998 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P998 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P998 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P998 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P998 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P998 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:fb083a6ff16be725db56b625cc535be2 .

_:fb083a6ff16be725db56b625cc535be2 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P998 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P1233 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "Internet Speculative Fiction Database author ID"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Internet Speculative Fiction Database author ID"@en ;
	schema:name "Internet Speculative Fiction Database author ID"@en ;
	schema:description "identifier for a person in the Internet Speculative Fiction Database"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P1233 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P1233 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P1233 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P1233 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P1233 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P1233 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P1233 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P1233 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P1233 ;
	wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P1233 ;
	wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P1233 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P1233 ;
	wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P1233 .

p:P1233 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1233 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1233 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1233 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1233 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1233 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1233 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1233 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P1233 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P1233 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1233 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1233 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1233 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:9acf9d94173716014f1f86ca2e6b1ab6 .

_:9acf9d94173716014f1f86ca2e6b1ab6 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P1233 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P1284 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "Munzinger person ID"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Munzinger person ID"@en ;
	schema:name "Munzinger person ID"@en ;
	schema:description "identifier on the Munzinger Archiv"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P1284 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P1284 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P1284 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P1284 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P1284 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P1284 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P1284 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P1284 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P1284 ;
	wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P1284 ;
	wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P1284 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P1284 ;
	wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P1284 .

p:P1284 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1284 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1284 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1284 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1284 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1284 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1284 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1284 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P1284 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P1284 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1284 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1284 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1284 a owl:Class ;
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_:07a2c4c0fcf065ca7dd2b7a2d1d88a14 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P866 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P866 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P866 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P866 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P866 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P866 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P866 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P866 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P866 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P866 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P866 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P866 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P866 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P866 a owl:Class ;
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_:203361e7e712c2ab577371121778c0f5 a owl:Restriction ;
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psv:P1695 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1695 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1695 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1695 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1695 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1695 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1695 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P1695 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P1695 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1695 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1695 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1695 a owl:Class ;
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wd:P1816 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P1816 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1816 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1816 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1816 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1816 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1816 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1816 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1816 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P1816 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P1816 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1816 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1816 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1816 a owl:Class ;
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_:7015b06446b221f0e096d2116ba4d977 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P1263 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P1263 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1263 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P1263 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1263 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1263 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1263 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P1263 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P1263 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1263 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1263 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1263 a owl:Class ;
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_:6610f61c5bae634e385ce57401c1b481 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P271 a wikibase:Property ;
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	schema:name "CiNii Books author ID"@en ;
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pqv:P271 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P271 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P271 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P271 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P271 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P271 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P271 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P271 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P271 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P271 a owl:Class ;
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wd:P856 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P856 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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pqv:P856 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P856 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P856 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P856 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P856 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P856 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P856 a owl:Class ;
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wd:Q3414212 a wikibase:Item ;
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prv:P1411 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1411 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P1411 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P1411 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P1411 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1411 a owl:Class ;
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wd:Q2576795 a wikibase:Item ;
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wdt:P1953 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1953 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1953 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1953 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P1953 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P1953 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1953 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1953 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P648 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P648 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P648 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P648 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P648 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P1258 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1258 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1258 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1258 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P1258 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P1258 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1258 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1258 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1258 a owl:Class ;
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wd:P2191 a wikibase:Property ;
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pq:P2191 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P2191 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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ps:P1266 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pr:P1266 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P1266 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1266 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1266 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1266 a owl:Class ;
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_:da32dfdafd2a556ecbe718f87b36703d a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P2019 a wikibase:Property ;
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wdt:P2019 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2019 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2019 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2019 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P2019 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P2019 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P2019 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P2019 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P2019 a owl:Class ;
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wd:P2188 a wikibase:Property ;
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wdt:P2188 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2188 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2188 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2188 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P2188 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P2188 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P2188 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P2188 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P2188 a owl:Class ;
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wd:P2168 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P2168 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P2168 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P2168 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P2168 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P2168 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2168 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2168 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2168 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P2168 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P2168 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P2168 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P2168 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P2168 a owl:Class ;
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_:c0ea747bb7451f7f7ad5b2f154c6ed4d a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P1315 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P1315 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1315 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1315 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1315 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1315 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1315 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1315 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1315 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P1315 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P1315 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1315 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1315 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1315 a owl:Class ;
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prv:P2163 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P2163 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2163 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2163 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2163 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P2163 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P2163 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P2163 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P2163 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P2163 a owl:Class ;
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wd:P1417 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P1417 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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pqv:P1417 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P1417 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1417 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1417 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1417 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P1417 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P1417 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1417 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1417 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1417 a owl:Class ;
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_:0cb1ab8817799c4db539b18975ce292a a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P2611 a wikibase:Property ;
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ps:P2611 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2611 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2611 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P2611 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P2611 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P2611 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P2611 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P2611 a owl:Class ;
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wdt:P2435 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2435 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2435 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2435 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P2435 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P2435 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P2435 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P2435 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P2435 a owl:Class ;
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_:775b08d8edc5489c9ac533ee7138a000 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P2604 a wikibase:Property ;
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wdt:P2604 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2604 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2604 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2604 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P2604 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P2604 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P2604 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P2604 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P2604 a owl:Class ;
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_:10b904d65291ca01c8a9832fec26cd49 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P2387 a wikibase:Property ;
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pqv:P2387 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P2387 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2387 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2387 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2387 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P2387 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P2387 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P2387 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P2387 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P2387 a owl:Class ;
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wd:P2626 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P2626 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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pqv:P2626 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P2626 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P2626 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2626 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2626 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2626 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P2626 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P2626 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P2626 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P2626 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P2626 a owl:Class ;
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wd:P2605 a wikibase:Property ;
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wdt:P2605 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2605 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2605 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2605 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P2605 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P2605 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P2605 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P2605 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P2605 a owl:Class ;
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wdt:P2963 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2963 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2963 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2963 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P2963 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P2963 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P2963 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P2963 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P2963 a owl:Class ;
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_:dc499ce078ff19cc55ba2c4727f311f1 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:Q8935487 a wikibase:Item ;
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prv:P910 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P910 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P910 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P910 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P910 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P910 a owl:Class ;
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_:06be9361e78d041ce01df69013cf6906 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P3106 a wikibase:Property ;
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pqv:P3106 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P3106 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P3106 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P3106 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P3106 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P3106 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P3106 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P3106 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P3106 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P3106 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P3106 a owl:Class ;
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wd:Q6607 a wikibase:Item ;
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prv:P1303 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1303 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P1303 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P1303 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P1303 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1303 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:d00c9eba47a6f844d038a51335c5e8cd .

_:d00c9eba47a6f844d038a51335c5e8cd a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P2469 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P2469 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P2469 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P2469 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P2469 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P2469 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2469 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2469 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2469 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P2469 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P2469 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P2469 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P2469 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P2469 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:c0b640cdd2a6caa2487d356a9cc7cd66 .

_:c0b640cdd2a6caa2487d356a9cc7cd66 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:Q14623673 a wikibase:Item ;
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	schema:description "sister of sci-fi writer Douglas Adams"@en .

wd:P3373 a wikibase:Property ;
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	schema:description "the subject and the object have at least one common parent (brother, sister, etc. including half-siblings); use \"relative\" (P1038) for siblings-in-law (brother-in-law, sister-in-law, etc.) and step-siblings (step-brothers, step-sisters, etc.)"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P3373 ;
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	wikibase:novalue wdno:P3373 .

p:P3373 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P3373 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P3373 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P3373 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P3373 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P3373 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P3373 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P3373 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P3373 a owl:Class ;
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_:68101db99b9c4548c495d5107ec2751f a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P3417 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P3417 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P3417 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P3417 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P3417 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P3417 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P3417 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P3417 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P3417 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P3417 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P3417 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P3417 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P3417 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P3417 a owl:Class ;
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_:54217a89695819ffcfec13afc576b468 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P3430 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P3430 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P3430 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P3430 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P3430 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P3430 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P3430 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P3430 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P3430 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P3430 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P3430 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P3430 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P3430 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P3430 a owl:Class ;
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_:74856f7b60c8c386cfe39120d60827fa a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P1617 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P1617 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1617 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1617 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1617 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1617 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1617 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1617 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1617 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P1617 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P1617 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1617 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1617 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1617 a owl:Class ;
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_:8fdc3215765eb06e29c097f7d29bf9cf a owl:Restriction ;
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p:P2048 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P2048 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P2048 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P2048 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P2048 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2048 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2048 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2048 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P2048 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P2048 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P2048 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P2048 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P2048 a owl:Class ;
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_:8b9e3c496971ca7a35e1bb77aa490b02 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P3222 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P3222 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P3222 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P3222 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P3222 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P3222 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P3222 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P3222 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P3222 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P3222 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P3222 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P3222 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P3222 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P3222 a owl:Class ;
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_:393cb71cdc4813584bc563e30239129e a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P109 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P109 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P109 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P109 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P109 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P109 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P109 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P109 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P109 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P109 a owl:Class ;
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_:9178d5b87278df363b4768ff2a4933f1 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P4193 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P4193 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P4193 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P4193 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P4193 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P4193 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P4193 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P4193 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P4193 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P4193 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P4193 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P4193 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P4193 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P4193 a owl:Class ;
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_:e20051e9e89f3be5c1b115070975d119 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:Q24925 a wikibase:Item ;
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p:P136 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P136 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P136 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P136 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P136 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P136 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P136 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P136 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P136 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:82beabebf8460a8af5174d4f3e83854d .

_:82beabebf8460a8af5174d4f3e83854d a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:Q40831 a wikibase:Item ;
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wd:Q128758 a wikibase:Item ;
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wd:P4431 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P4431 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P4431 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P4431 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P4431 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P4431 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P4431 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P4431 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P4431 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P4431 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P4431 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P4431 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P4431 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P4431 a owl:Class ;
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_:87ea51c01bfa549b7fd55a10512bd9da a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P2607 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P2607 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P2607 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P2607 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P2607 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P2607 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2607 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2607 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2607 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P2607 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P2607 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P2607 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P2607 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P2607 a owl:Class ;
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_:6e046fb42b8677d56bc25e4eee90ad82 a owl:Restriction ;
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	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P1415 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P1415 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1415 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1415 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1415 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1415 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1415 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1415 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1415 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P1415 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P1415 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1415 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1415 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1415 a owl:Class ;
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_:c25eddb7380a667f934f6e9d57f948e2 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P2949 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P2949 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P2949 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P2949 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P2949 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P2949 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2949 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2949 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2949 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P2949 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P2949 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P2949 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P2949 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P2949 a owl:Class ;
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_:13009834bc64a0e1b21f662dd1cae0e6 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P2949 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P3154 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "Runeberg author ID"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Runeberg author ID"@en ;
	schema:name "Runeberg author ID"@en ;
	schema:description "identifier for an author in the Runeberg digital library"@en ;
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	wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P3154 ;
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p:P3154 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P3154 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P3154 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P3154 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P3154 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P3154 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P3154 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P3154 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P3154 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P3154 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P3154 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P3154 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P3154 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:db791a76850b6f9f22b9d2c2663e5118 .

_:db791a76850b6f9f22b9d2c2663e5118 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P3154 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P3630 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "Babelio author ID"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Babelio author ID"@en ;
	schema:name "Babelio author ID"@en ;
	schema:description "identifier for an author on the literature website Babelio"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P3630 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P3630 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P3630 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P3630 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P3630 ;
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	wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P3630 ;
	wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P3630 .

p:P3630 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P3630 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P3630 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P3630 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P3630 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P3630 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P3630 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P3630 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P3630 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P3630 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P3630 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P3630 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P3630 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:24594fa1f2d1e5172248c41914d21bb7 .

_:24594fa1f2d1e5172248c41914d21bb7 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P3630 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P1280 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "CONOR.SI ID"@en ;
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	schema:name "CONOR.SI ID"@en ;
	schema:description "identifier in the National and University Library, Ljubljana database"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P1280 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P1280 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P1280 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P1280 ;
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	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P1280 ;
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	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P1280 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P1280 ;
	wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P1280 ;
	wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P1280 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P1280 ;
	wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P1280 .

p:P1280 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1280 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1280 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1280 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1280 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1280 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1280 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1280 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P1280 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P1280 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1280 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1280 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1280 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:80b4eb258d14a23c226a399a423bb197 .

_:80b4eb258d14a23c226a399a423bb197 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P1280 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P2734 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "Unz Review author ID"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Unz Review author ID"@en ;
	schema:name "Unz Review author ID"@en ;
	schema:description "author identifier at The Unz Review (, a content-archiving website"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P2734 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P2734 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P2734 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P2734 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P2734 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P2734 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P2734 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P2734 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P2734 ;
	wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P2734 ;
	wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P2734 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P2734 ;
	wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P2734 .

p:P2734 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P2734 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P2734 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P2734 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P2734 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2734 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2734 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2734 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P2734 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P2734 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P2734 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P2734 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P2734 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:9cc184b4798513575b85b1c13891bc76 .

_:9cc184b4798513575b85b1c13891bc76 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P2734 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q14623681 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Jane Belson"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Jane Belson"@en ;
	schema:name "Jane Belson"@en ;
	schema:description "Barrister, wife of science-fiction author Douglas Adams"@en .

wd:P26 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "spouse"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "spouse"@en ;
	schema:name "spouse"@en ;
	schema:description "the subject has the object as their spouse (husband, wife, partner, etc.). Use \"unmarried partner\" (P451) for non-married companions"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P26 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P26 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P26 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P26 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P26 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P26 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P26 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P26 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P26 .

p:P26 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P26 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P26 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P26 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P26 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P26 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P26 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P26 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P26 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:243c53df77c77a7835e19a2fc67efaea .

_:243c53df77c77a7835e19a2fc67efaea a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P26 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P5019 a wikibase:Property ;
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	schema:name "Brockhaus Enzyklopädie online ID"@en ;
	schema:description "identifier for an article in the online version of Brockhaus Enzyklopädie"@en ;
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	wikibase:statementValue psv:P5019 ;
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	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P5019 ;
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	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P5019 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P5019 ;
	wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P5019 ;
	wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P5019 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P5019 ;
	wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P5019 .

p:P5019 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P5019 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P5019 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P5019 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P5019 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P5019 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P5019 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P5019 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P5019 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P5019 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P5019 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P5019 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P5019 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:8f2e067276b7b0125a88b1cdcccdf2ae .

_:8f2e067276b7b0125a88b1cdcccdf2ae a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P5019 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q857679 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Footlights"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Footlights"@en ;
	schema:name "Footlights"@en ;
	schema:description "amateur theatrical club in Cambridge"@en .

wd:P463 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "member of"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "member of"@en ;
	schema:name "member of"@en ;
	schema:description "organization, club or musical group to which the subject belongs. Do not use for membership in ethnic or social groups, nor for holding a political position, such as a member of parliament (use P39 for that)."@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P463 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P463 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P463 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P463 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P463 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P463 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P463 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P463 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P463 .

p:P463 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P463 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P463 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P463 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P463 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P463 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P463 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P463 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P463 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:cb328db7723625d6d9a3c3f586e3098b .

_:cb328db7723625d6d9a3c3f586e3098b a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P463 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q5610831 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Groucho Club"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Groucho Club"@en ;
	schema:name "Groucho Club"@en ;
	schema:description "private members' club in Soho, London"@en .

wd:P2600 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label " profile ID"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel " profile ID"@en ;
	schema:name " profile ID"@en ;
	schema:description "profile on the genealogy website"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P2600 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P2600 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P2600 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P2600 ;
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	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P2600 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P2600 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P2600 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P2600 ;
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p:P2600 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P2600 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P2600 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P2600 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P2600 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2600 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2600 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2600 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P2600 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P2600 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P2600 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P2600 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P2600 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:d6fa81ee7b6497d7df625fa217d89ea8 .

_:d6fa81ee7b6497d7df625fa217d89ea8 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P2600 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P5337 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "Google News topics ID"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Google News topics ID"@en ;
	schema:name "Google News topics ID"@en ;
	schema:description "identifier for a subject in the news on Google News"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
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	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P5337 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P5337 ;
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p:P5337 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P5337 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P5337 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P5337 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P5337 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P5337 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P5337 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P5337 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P5337 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P5337 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P5337 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P5337 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P5337 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:20afe0be5378fd81b1a56e8c9bb639a6 .

_:20afe0be5378fd81b1a56e8c9bb639a6 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P5337 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P5357 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ID"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ID"@en ;
	schema:name "The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction ID"@en ;
	schema:description "identifier for an entry on the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction website"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
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	wikibase:claim p:P5357 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P5357 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P5357 ;
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p:P5357 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P5357 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P5357 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P5357 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P5357 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P5357 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P5357 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P5357 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P5357 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P5357 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P5357 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P5357 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P5357 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:0bed4737dc8c885c40ab065a85dd2d43 .

_:0bed4737dc8c885c40ab065a85dd2d43 a owl:Restriction ;
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	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P5361 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "BNB person ID"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "BNB person ID"@en ;
	schema:name "BNB person ID"@en ;
	schema:description "identifier of a person in the British National Bibliography ("@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
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	wikibase:claim p:P5361 ;
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p:P5361 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P5361 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P5361 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P5361 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P5361 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P5361 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P5361 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P5361 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P5361 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P5361 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P5361 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P5361 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P5361 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:75d064607e3aeee48ce34855d3da5749 .

_:75d064607e3aeee48ce34855d3da5749 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P5361 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P5365 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "Internet Book Database of Fiction writer ID"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Internet Book Database of Fiction writer ID"@en ;
	schema:name "Internet Book Database of Fiction writer ID"@en ;
	schema:description "identifier for a writer on the Internet Book Database of Fiction website"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P5365 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P5365 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P5365 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P5365 ;
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	wikibase:novalue wdno:P5365 ;
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	wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P5365 ;
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p:P5365 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P5365 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P5365 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P5365 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P5365 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P5365 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P5365 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P5365 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P5365 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P5365 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P5365 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P5365 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P5365 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:1a2bf3db176a393386c2e49f6b86ee58 .

_:1a2bf3db176a393386c2e49f6b86ee58 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P5365 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P5408 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "Fantastic Fiction author ID"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Fantastic Fiction author ID"@en ;
	schema:name "Fantastic Fiction author ID"@en ;
	schema:description "identifier for an author on the Fantastic Fiction website"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P5408 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P5408 ;
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p:P5408 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P5408 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P5408 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P5408 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P5408 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P5408 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P5408 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P5408 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P5408 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P5408 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P5408 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P5408 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P5408 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:1ffbfafb245b73c09a7d395d89acc95c .

_:1ffbfafb245b73c09a7d395d89acc95c a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P5408 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P5570 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "NooSFere author ID"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "NooSFere author ID"@en ;
	schema:name "NooSFere author ID"@en ;
	schema:description "identifier for a person in the NooSFere database"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
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	wikibase:claim p:P5570 ;
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p:P5570 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P5570 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P5570 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P5570 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P5570 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P5570 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P5570 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P5570 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P5570 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P5570 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P5570 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P5570 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P5570 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:ef056acf6876233aec277c266c47bcb2 .

_:ef056acf6876233aec277c266c47bcb2 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P5570 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P1580 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P1580 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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pqv:P1580 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P1580 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1580 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1580 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1580 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P1580 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P1580 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1580 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1580 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1580 a owl:Class ;
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p:P5587 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P5587 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P5587 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P5587 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P5587 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P5587 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P5587 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P5587 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P5587 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P5587 a owl:Class ;
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wd:P3365 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P3365 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P3365 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P3365 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P3365 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P3365 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P3365 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P3365 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P3365 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P3365 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P3365 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P3365 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P3365 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P3365 a owl:Class ;
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_:af88ccb1df88d926d3fd729824e729a3 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P269 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P269 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P269 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P269 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P269 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P269 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P269 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P269 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P269 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P269 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P269 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P269 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P269 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P269 a owl:Class ;
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wdt:P213 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P213 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P213 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P213 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P213 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P213 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P213 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P213 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P213 a owl:Class ;
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wd:P691 a wikibase:Property ;
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ps:P691 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P691 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P691 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P691 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P691 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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ps:P950 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P950 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P950 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P950 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P950 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wd:P1670 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P1670 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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pqv:P1670 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P1670 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1670 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1670 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1670 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P1670 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P1670 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1670 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1670 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1670 a owl:Class ;
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wd:P409 a wikibase:Property ;
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	schema:description "identifier issued by the National Library of Australia (see also P1315 for the newer People Australia identifier). VIAF component. Format: 1-12 digits, removing leading zero-padding."@en ;
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p:P409 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P409 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P409 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P409 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P409 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P409 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P409 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P409 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P409 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P409 a owl:Class ;
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_:ddff2734031848db16fefb0b09442e18 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P396 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P396 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P396 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P396 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P396 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P396 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P396 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P396 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P396 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P396 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P396 a owl:Class ;
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_:b793eade6779eed21c20a3e5f40ffff3 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P1207 a wikibase:Property ;
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pq:P1207 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1207 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P1207 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1207 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1207 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1207 a owl:Class ;
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_:098a27635a1b5476433fc39621626158 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P1005 a wikibase:Property ;
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wdt:P1005 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1005 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1005 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1005 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P1005 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1005 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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p:P1375 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P1375 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1375 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1375 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1375 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P1375 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P1375 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1375 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1375 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P1412 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P1412 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P1412 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P5247 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P5247 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P5247 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P5247 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P5247 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P5247 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P5247 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P5247 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P5905 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P5905 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P5905 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P5905 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P5905 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P5905 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P5905 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P5905 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P6839 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P6839 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P6839 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pq:P4785 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P4785 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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wdt:P7433 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P7433 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P7433 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P7433 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P7433 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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pqv:P7704 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P7704 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pq:P7704 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P7704 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P7704 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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ps:P7859 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P7859 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P7859 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P7859 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P7859 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P7859 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P7859 a owl:Class ;
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_:14e32ccfc87dd0c16155859b25e37d30 a owl:Restriction ;
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ps:P3762 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P3762 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P3762 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P3762 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P3762 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P3762 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P3762 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P3762 a owl:Class ;
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_:df213f8a33d9a502c28d5f7c7987b6e4 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P3065 a wikibase:Property ;
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pr:P3065 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P3065 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P4666 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P4666 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P4666 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P4666 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P4666 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P7215 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P7215 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P7215 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P7215 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P7215 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P7215 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P5233 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P5233 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P5233 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P5233 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P5233 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P5233 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P5233 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P5033 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P5033 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P5033 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P5033 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P5033 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P5033 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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ps:P7300 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P7300 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P7300 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P7300 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P7300 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P7300 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P7300 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P4657 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P4657 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P4657 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P4657 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P4657 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P4657 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdno:P4657 a owl:Class ;
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ps:P5534 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P5534 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P5534 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P5534 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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prn:P4985 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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ps:P3845 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P3845 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P3845 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P3845 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P3845 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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ps:P2638 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2638 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2638 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P2638 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdno:P2638 a owl:Class ;
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_:26d5ba1aa32c26fe21870a776ce1a19e a owl:Restriction ;
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wdt:P1712 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1712 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1712 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1712 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P1712 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P1712 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1712 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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p:P6119 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P6119 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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prv:P6119 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P6119 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P6119 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P6119 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P6119 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P6119 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P6119 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P6119 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P6119 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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prv:P5340 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P5340 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P5340 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P5340 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P5340 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P5340 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P5340 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P5340 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P5340 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P4438 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P4438 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P4438 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P4438 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P4438 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P4438 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P4438 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P4438 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P4438 a owl:Class ;
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wdt:P4326 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P4326 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P4326 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P4326 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P4326 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P4326 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P4326 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P4326 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P4326 a owl:Class ;
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wdt:P4768 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P4768 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P4768 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P4768 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P4768 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P4768 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P4768 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P4768 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P4768 a owl:Class ;
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wdt:P3142 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pq:P3142 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P3142 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P3142 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P3142 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P3142 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P3136 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P3136 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P3136 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P3136 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P3136 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P3136 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P3136 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P4782 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P4782 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P4782 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P4782 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P4782 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P4782 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P4782 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P4782 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P4782 a owl:Class ;
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wdt:P3145 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P3145 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P3145 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P3145 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P3145 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P3145 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P3145 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P3145 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P3145 a owl:Class ;
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wd:P5882 a wikibase:Property ;
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prv:P5882 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P5882 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P5882 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P5882 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P5882 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P5882 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P5882 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P5882 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P5882 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P5882 a owl:Class ;
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prv:P6327 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P6327 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pq:P6327 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P6327 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P6327 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P6327 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P6327 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P6327 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P6327 a owl:Class ;
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wd:P6517 a wikibase:Property ;
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pqv:P6517 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P6517 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P6517 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P6517 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P6517 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P6517 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P6517 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P6517 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P6517 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P6517 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P6517 a owl:Class ;
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_:09d823b7ecd38c030038c357bdd07bac a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P1728 a wikibase:Property ;
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pqv:P1728 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1728 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1728 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1728 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1728 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1728 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P1728 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P1728 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1728 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1728 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1728 a owl:Class ;
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_:489cc42513575b934001b55f6165017f a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P7195 a wikibase:Property ;
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pqv:P7195 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P7195 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P7195 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P7195 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P7195 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P7195 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P7195 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P7195 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P7195 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P7195 a owl:Class ;
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_:a6cc2d8cadc486207d96f60034a150b6 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P2722 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P2722 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P2722 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P2722 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P2722 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P2722 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2722 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2722 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2722 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P2722 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P2722 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P2722 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P2722 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P2722 a owl:Class ;
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_:66764795419cbc0be7a05ec5deff0921 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P2373 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P2373 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P2373 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P2373 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P2373 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P2373 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2373 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2373 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2373 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P2373 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P2373 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P2373 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P2373 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P2373 a owl:Class ;
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_:7434bd8ce8c09ed1675cfe3cc1259fff a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P6351 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P6351 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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pqv:P6351 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P6351 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P6351 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P6351 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P6351 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P6351 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P6351 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P6351 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P6351 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P6351 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P6351 a owl:Class ;
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wd:P2850 a wikibase:Property ;
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prv:P2850 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P2850 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2850 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2850 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2850 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P2850 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P2850 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P2850 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P2850 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P2850 a owl:Class ;
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_:2f0ff69beb872d4ba45f69551e3b2c85 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P3192 a wikibase:Property ;
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prv:P3192 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P3192 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P3192 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P3192 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P3192 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P3192 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P3192 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P3192 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P3192 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P3192 a owl:Class ;
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_:50322c5d85927ada00a721217a3840f3 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P6874 a wikibase:Property ;
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wdt:P6874 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P6874 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P6874 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P6874 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P6874 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P6874 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P6874 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P6874 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P6874 a owl:Class ;
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wd:P5404 a wikibase:Property ;
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wdt:P5404 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P5404 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P5404 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P5404 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P5404 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P5404 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P5404 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P5404 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P5404 a owl:Class ;
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wd:P1828 a wikibase:Property ;
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prv:P1828 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1828 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1828 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1828 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1828 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P1828 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P1828 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P1828 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P1828 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1828 a owl:Class ;
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_:2d2a633345bbc18c61c7512cc0887c53 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P7154 a wikibase:Property ;
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prv:P7154 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P7154 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P7154 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P7154 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P7154 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P7154 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P7154 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P7154 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P7154 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P7154 a owl:Class ;
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wd:P4198 a wikibase:Property ;
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wdt:P4198 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P4198 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P4198 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P4198 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P4198 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P4198 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P4198 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P4198 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P4198 a owl:Class ;
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wd:P6972 a wikibase:Property ;
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wdt:P6972 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P6972 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P6972 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P6972 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P6972 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P6972 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P6972 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdno:P6972 a owl:Class ;
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_:0e05006cfe2664da4c17671163d0befc a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P7071 a wikibase:Property ;
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ps:P7071 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P7071 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P7071 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P7071 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P7071 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P7071 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P7071 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P7071 a owl:Class ;
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_:65139050163ace9fa41e94010bcbde4d a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P3479 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P3479 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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pqv:P3479 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P3479 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P3479 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P3479 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P3479 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P3479 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P3479 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P3479 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P3479 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P3479 a owl:Class ;
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_:c33e1194e5e963f896e044ac4b0640e0 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P7284 a wikibase:Property ;
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wdt:P7284 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P7284 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P7284 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P7284 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P7284 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P7284 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P7284 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P7284 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P7284 a owl:Class ;
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wdt:P6620 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pq:P6620 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P6620 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pr:P4204 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pq:P3341 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P3341 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pr:P3388 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P3388 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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pqn:P7369 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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ps:P6886 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P6886 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P6886 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P7902 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pq:P7902 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P7902 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P7902 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P7902 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P7902 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P7902 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P8179 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P8179 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P8179 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P8179 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P8179 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P8179 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P8179 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P3348 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P3348 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P3348 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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wdt:P8189 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P8189 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P8189 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P8189 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P8189 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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ps:P7699 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P7699 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P7699 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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pq:P3984 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P3984 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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ps:P8287 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P8287 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P8287 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P8287 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P8287 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdno:P8287 a owl:Class ;
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pq:P8125 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P8125 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P8408 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdno:P8408 a owl:Class ;
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wdt:P6262 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P6262 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P6262 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P6262 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P6262 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P6262 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P6262 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P6262 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P6262 a owl:Class ;
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pr:P4789 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P4789 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdno:P4789 a owl:Class ;
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pqn:P6868 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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pqn:P8849 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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pq:P8851 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P8851 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P8851 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdno:P8851 a owl:Class ;
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pq:P5297 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P5297 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P5297 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P5297 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P5297 a owl:Class ;
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p:P8895 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P8895 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P8895 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P8895 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P8895 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P8895 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P8895 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P8895 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P8895 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P8895 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P8895 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P8895 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P8895 a owl:Class ;
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_:e64df87eb5b73cd4705f34db8a61e8f7 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:Q73555012 a wikibase:Item ;
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p:P7763 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P7763 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P7763 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P7763 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P7763 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P7763 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P7763 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P7763 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P7763 a owl:Class ;
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_:411e90e0f4b16b1692b8335a565dac46 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:Q21454969 a wikibase:Item ;
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wd:P1889 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P1889 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1889 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1889 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1889 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1889 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P1889 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P1889 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P1889 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1889 a owl:Class ;
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_:4fcc9ce770ae6fe14cb8672fb35a8bc9 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:Q7994501 a wikibase:Item ;
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	schema:description "ethnicity classification used in the 2011 United Kingdom Census"@en .

wd:P172 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P172 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P172 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P172 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P172 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P172 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P172 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P172 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P172 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P172 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:1d5dd9615da4f91a82228c528a0f7cae .

_:1d5dd9615da4f91a82228c528a0f7cae a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P937 a wikibase:Property ;
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	wikibase:novalue wdno:P937 .

p:P937 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P937 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P937 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P937 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P937 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P937 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P937 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P937 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P937 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:ec6310960840e34847a25ffe4b3c10ec .

_:ec6310960840e34847a25ffe4b3c10ec a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P742 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P742 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P742 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P742 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P742 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P742 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P742 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P742 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P742 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P742 a owl:Class ;
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_:b389cd42eff1360c71b8a4fb6ed9492b a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P8385 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P8385 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P8385 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P8385 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P8385 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P8385 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P8385 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P8385 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P8385 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P8385 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P8385 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P8385 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P8385 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P8385 a owl:Class ;
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_:83df3cff30cd7a94280400b0ee8e7322 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P9100 a wikibase:Property ;
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prv:P9100 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P9100 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P9100 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P9100 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P9100 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P9100 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P9100 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P9100 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P9100 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P9100 a owl:Class ;
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_:d1c0be2fa2529e0205b38303541ef4b4 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P9196 a wikibase:Property ;
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wdt:P9196 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P9196 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P9196 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P9196 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P9196 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P9196 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P9196 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P9196 a owl:Class ;
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pq:P9251 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P9251 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P9251 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P9251 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P9251 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P9251 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P9251 a owl:Class ;
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wdt:P9307 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P9307 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P9307 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P9307 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P9307 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P9307 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P9307 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P9307 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P9307 a owl:Class ;
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_:76860747ed404e7e4082021cdac1bf04 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:Q17122705 a wikibase:Item ;
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p:P1340 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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pqv:P1340 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1340 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1340 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P1340 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P1340 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P1340 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1340 a owl:Class ;
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_:0c7917ec73a49ec5dc8e46cbcb90fc23 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:Q3238422 a wikibase:Item ;
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wd:P101 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P101 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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pqv:P101 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P101 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P101 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P101 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P101 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P101 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P101 a owl:Class ;
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_:cbb504a009ed02903f241add7373826c a owl:Restriction ;
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pqv:P1813 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1813 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1813 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1813 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1813 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1813 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P1813 a owl:Class ;
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_:4a7b6a517307eeaf8a892e11937a0f7f a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:Q2687578 a wikibase:Item ;
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wd:P166 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P166 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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pqv:P166 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P166 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P166 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P166 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P166 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P166 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P166 a owl:Class ;
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_:7d9248d3103ddecb66c1e5cdef1c87b5 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P9807 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P9807 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P9807 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P9807 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P9807 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P9807 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P9807 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P9807 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P9807 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P9807 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P9807 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P9807 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P9807 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P9807 a owl:Class ;
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pr:P18 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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pqn:P7775 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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pq:P10069 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P10069 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

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pqn:P10069 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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pqn:P10291 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P10291 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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p:P3368 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P3368 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P3368 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P3368 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P3368 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P3368 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P3368 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P3368 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P3368 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P3368 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P3368 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P3368 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P3368 a owl:Class ;
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_:87aa8d31d9d03853d5fda8175dacf620 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P10387 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P10387 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P10387 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P10387 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P10387 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P10387 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P10387 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P10387 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P10387 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P10387 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P10387 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P10387 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P10387 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P10387 a owl:Class ;
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_:87f9b7fd85f92799cc01bdd80931e8ec a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P10553 a wikibase:Property ;
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	schema:description "identifier for a person or an organization in the Index Theologicus (IxTheo)"@en ;
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p:P10553 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P10553 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P10553 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P10553 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P10553 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P10553 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P10553 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P10553 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P10553 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P10553 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P10553 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P10553 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P10553 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:5e95bbbff6dd0000831a1817a5ff1b68 .

_:5e95bbbff6dd0000831a1817a5ff1b68 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P9965 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P9965 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P9965 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P9965 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P9965 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P9965 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P9965 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P9965 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P9965 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P9965 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P9965 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P9965 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P9965 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P9965 a owl:Class ;
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_:ee06fe9065455de2722534d79da89b10 a owl:Restriction ;
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	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P10337 a wikibase:Property ;
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	schema:description "identifier for a playwright on"@en ;
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p:P10337 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P10337 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P10337 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P10337 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P10337 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P10337 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P10337 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P10337 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P10337 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P10337 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P10337 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P10337 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P10337 a owl:Class ;
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_:50e30077e3432b43b220183a80f5b966 a owl:Restriction ;
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wd:P7502 a wikibase:Property ;
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p:P7502 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P7502 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P7502 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P7502 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P7502 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P7502 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P7502 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P7502 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P7502 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P7502 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P7502 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P7502 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P7502 a owl:Class ;
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_:e4c93b5c9c70a948cef90c96cc544a76 a owl:Restriction ;
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	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P1477 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "birth name"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "birth name"@en ;
	schema:name "birth name"@en ;
	schema:description "full name of a person at birth, if different from their current, generally used name"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
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	wikibase:statementValue psv:P1477 ;
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	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P1477 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P1477 .

p:P1477 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1477 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1477 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1477 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1477 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1477 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1477 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1477 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P1477 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:181933ff5f682f9559057d62c24ead56 .

_:181933ff5f682f9559057d62c24ead56 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P1477 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P1559 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "name in native language"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "name in native language"@en ;
	schema:name "name in native language"@en ;
	schema:description "name of a person in their native language"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P1559 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P1559 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P1559 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P1559 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P1559 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P1559 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P1559 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P1559 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P1559 .

p:P1559 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1559 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1559 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1559 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1559 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1559 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1559 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1559 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P1559 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:10797c27ae4368790f83843fcd7206c2 .

_:10797c27ae4368790f83843fcd7206c2 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P1559 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q19938912 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "BnF authorities"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "BnF authorities"@en ;
	schema:name "BnF authorities"@en ;
	schema:description "authority file for persons, organisations, works, topics, and geographic places, of the French National Library"@en .

wd:P248 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "stated in"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "stated in"@en ;
	schema:name "stated in"@en ;
	schema:description "to be used in the references field to refer to the information document or database in which a claim is made; for qualifiers use P805; for the type of document in which a claim is made use P3865"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P248 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P248 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P248 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P248 ;
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	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P248 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P248 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P248 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P248 .

p:P248 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P248 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P248 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P248 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P248 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P248 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P248 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P248 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P248 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:a2b31078afaf5caae811f4ac846f5f35 .

_:a2b31078afaf5caae811f4ac846f5f35 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P248 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q150 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "French"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "French"@en ;
	schema:name "French"@en ;
	schema:description "Romance language"@en .

wd:P407 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "language of work or name"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "language of work or name"@en ;
	schema:name "language of work or name"@en ;
	schema:description "language associated with this creative work (such as books, shows, songs, broadcasts or websites) or a name (for persons use \"native language\" (P103) and \"languages spoken, written or signed\" (P1412))"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P407 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P407 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P407 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P407 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P407 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P407 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P407 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P407 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P407 .

p:P407 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P407 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P407 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P407 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P407 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P407 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P407 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P407 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P407 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:7ecb658fb35d6b90057eeb2a2a932c62 .

_:7ecb658fb35d6b90057eeb2a2a932c62 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P407 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P813 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "retrieved"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "retrieved"@en ;
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	schema:description "date or point in time that information was retrieved from a database or website (for use in online sources)"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
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	wikibase:claim p:P813 ;
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	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P813 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P813 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P813 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P813 .

p:P813 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P813 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P813 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P813 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P813 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P813 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P813 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P813 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P813 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:a84dea0fd38ed74f926ea4bdef778770 .

_:a84dea0fd38ed74f926ea4bdef778770 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P813 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q36578 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Gemeinsame Normdatei"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Gemeinsame Normdatei"@en ;
	schema:name "Gemeinsame Normdatei"@en ;
	schema:description "German National Library authority file for personal names, subject headings and corporate bodies"@en .

wd:Q188 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "German"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "German"@en ;
	schema:name "German"@en ;
	schema:description "West Germanic language spoken mainly in Central Europe"@en .

wd:Q47757534 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "IdRef"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "IdRef"@en ;
	schema:name "IdRef"@en ;
	schema:description "SUDOC authority control site"@en .

wd:Q193563 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Bibliothèque nationale de France"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Bibliothèque nationale de France"@en ;
	schema:name "Bibliothèque nationale de France"@en ;
	schema:description "National Library of France"@en .

wd:P854 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "reference URL"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "reference URL"@en ;
	schema:name "reference URL"@en ;
	schema:description "should be used for Internet URLs as references. Use \"Wikimedia import URL\" (P4656) for imports from WMF sites"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P854 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P854 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P854 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P854 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P854 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P854 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P854 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P854 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P854 .

p:P854 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P854 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P854 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P854 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P854 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P854 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P854 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P854 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P854 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:7317e7e5a3edc1980ecfe7616bb5fa1d .

_:7317e7e5a3edc1980ecfe7616bb5fa1d a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P854 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P580 a wikibase:Property ;
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	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P580 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P580 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P580 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P580 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P580 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P580 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P580 .

p:P580 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P580 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P580 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P580 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P580 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P580 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P580 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P580 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P580 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:a4f53844ef049c00e67a7c9b973324e1 .

_:a4f53844ef049c00e67a7c9b973324e1 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P580 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q2567271 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Who's Who"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Who's Who"@en ;
	schema:name "Who's Who"@en ;
	schema:description "British autobiographical dictionary"@en .

wd:Q15222191 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "general catalog of BnF"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "general catalog of BnF"@en ;
	schema:name "general catalog of BnF"@en ;
	schema:description "bibliographic descriptions of the holdings of the Bibliothèque nationale de France and the authority files"@en .

wd:Q5375741 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Encyclopædia Britannica Online"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Encyclopædia Britannica Online"@en ;
	schema:name "Encyclopædia Britannica Online"@en ;
	schema:description "online edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica"@en .

wd:Q1139587 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Swedish Film Database"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Swedish Film Database"@en ;
	schema:name "Swedish Film Database"@en ;
	schema:description "Internate database of the Swedish Film Institute"@en .

wd:Q29861311 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "SNAC"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "SNAC"@en ;
	schema:name "SNAC"@en ;
	schema:description "online resource that helps users discover biographical and historical information about persons, families, and organizations that created or are documented in historical resources (primary source documents) and their connections to one another"@en .

wd:P1810 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "subject named as"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "subject named as"@en ;
	schema:name "subject named as"@en ;
	schema:description "name by which a subject is recorded in a database, mentioned as a contributor of a work, or is referred to in a particular context"@en ;
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	wikibase:statementValue psv:P1810 ;
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	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P1810 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P1810 .

p:P1810 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1810 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1810 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1810 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1810 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1810 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1810 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1810 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P1810 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:1d6e1ecf4f0164f6a3471dd66d38c9d8 .

_:1d6e1ecf4f0164f6a3471dd66d38c9d8 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P1810 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q2629164 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Internet Speculative Fiction Database"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Internet Speculative Fiction Database"@en ;
	schema:name "Internet Speculative Fiction Database"@en ;
	schema:description "Online database of written speculative fiction and its creators"@en .

wd:Q63056 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Find a Grave"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Find a Grave"@en ;
	schema:name "Find a Grave"@en ;
	schema:description "online database of burials"@en .

wd:Q3343389 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "NooSFere"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "NooSFere"@en ;
	schema:name "NooSFere"@en ;
	schema:description "association whose goal is the promotion of French science fiction and fantasy"@en .

wd:Q237227 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Brockhaus Enzyklopädie"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Brockhaus Enzyklopädie"@en ;
	schema:name "Brockhaus Enzyklopädie"@en ;
	schema:description "German-language encyclopedia"@en .

wd:Q2877812 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Babelio"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Babelio"@en ;
	schema:name "Babelio"@en ;
	schema:description "French social cataloging and book website"@en .

wd:Q107343683 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Munzinger Personen"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Munzinger Personen"@en ;
	schema:name "Munzinger Personen"@en .

wd:P577 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "publication date"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "publication date"@en ;
	schema:name "publication date"@en ;
	schema:description "date or point in time when a work was first published or released"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P577 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P577 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P577 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P577 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P577 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P577 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P577 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P577 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P577 .

p:P577 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P577 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P577 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P577 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P577 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P577 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P577 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P577 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P577 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:eca5fcd2c546d0e0c20e05f61e0aa797 .

_:eca5fcd2c546d0e0c20e05f61e0aa797 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P577 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q11148 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "The Guardian"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "The Guardian"@en ;
	schema:name "The Guardian"@en ;
	schema:description "British national daily newspaper"@en .

wd:P1433 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "published in"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "published in"@en ;
	schema:name "published in"@en ;
	schema:description "larger work that a given work was published in, like a book, journal or music album"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P1433 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P1433 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P1433 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P1433 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P1433 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P1433 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P1433 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P1433 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P1433 .

p:P1433 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1433 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1433 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1433 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1433 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P1433 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P1433 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P1433 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1433 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:09408396cd1a84b5f9b50a2480f24728 .

_:09408396cd1a84b5f9b50a2480f24728 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P1433 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q18145749 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Nicholas Wroe"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Nicholas Wroe"@en ;
	schema:name "Nicholas Wroe"@en ;
	schema:description "writer and editor on the Guardian Review"@en .

wd:P50 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "author"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "author"@en ;
	schema:name "author"@en ;
	schema:description "main creator(s) of a written work (use on works, not humans); use P2093 when Wikidata item is unknown or does not exist"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P50 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P50 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P50 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P50 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P50 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P50 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P50 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P50 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P50 .

p:P50 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P50 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P50 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P50 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P50 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P50 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P50 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P50 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P50 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:b031acc4c46aca4c83feb5878a7c4a6a .

_:b031acc4c46aca4c83feb5878a7c4a6a a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P50 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P1476 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "title"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "title"@en ;
	schema:name "title"@en ;
	schema:description "published name of a work, such as a newspaper article, a literary work, piece of music, a website, or a performance work"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P1476 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P1476 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P1476 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P1476 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P1476 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P1476 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P1476 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P1476 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P1476 .

p:P1476 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1476 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1476 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1476 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1476 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1476 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1476 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1476 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P1476 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:d280eacd08390593b606f11be98380c0 .

_:d280eacd08390593b606f11be98380c0 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P1476 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P2093 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "author name string"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "author name string"@en ;
	schema:name "author name string"@en ;
	schema:description "stores unspecified author or editor name for publications; use if Wikidata item for author (P50) or editor (P98) does not exist or is not known. do not use both."@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P2093 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P2093 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P2093 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P2093 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P2093 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P2093 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P2093 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P2093 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P2093 .

p:P2093 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P2093 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P2093 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P2093 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P2093 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2093 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2093 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2093 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P2093 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:e2221084d358cd9264ccc9b14e2b1f04 .

_:e2221084d358cd9264ccc9b14e2b1f04 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P2093 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q192621 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "The Daily Telegraph"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "The Daily Telegraph"@en ;
	schema:name "The Daily Telegraph"@en ;
	schema:description "British daily broadsheet newspaper"@en .

wd:Q23023088 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Vegetti Catalog of Fantastic Literature"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Vegetti Catalog of Fantastic Literature"@en ;
	schema:name "Vegetti Catalog of Fantastic Literature"@en ;
	schema:description "Italian bibliographic index of fantastic literature"@en .

wd:Q15290366 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label ""@en ;
	skos:prefLabel ""@en ;
	schema:name ""@en ;
	schema:description "online database of  history articles"@en .

wd:P1065 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "archive URL"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "archive URL"@en ;
	schema:name "archive URL"@en ;
	schema:description "URL to the archived web page specified with URL property"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P1065 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P1065 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P1065 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P1065 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P1065 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P1065 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P1065 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P1065 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P1065 .

p:P1065 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1065 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1065 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1065 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1065 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P1065 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P1065 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P1065 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1065 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:03a90254ec54e448bc2aaf8d845e29f8 .

_:03a90254ec54e448bc2aaf8d845e29f8 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P1065 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P2960 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "archive date"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "archive date"@en ;
	schema:name "archive date"@en ;
	schema:description "date a document was archived"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P2960 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P2960 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P2960 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P2960 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P2960 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P2960 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P2960 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P2960 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P2960 .

p:P2960 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P2960 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P2960 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P2960 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P2960 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2960 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2960 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2960 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P2960 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:e8842935d39a233def3d267ae3737d8c .

_:e8842935d39a233def3d267ae3737d8c a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P2960 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q26724169 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Jill Lawless"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Jill Lawless"@en ;
	schema:name "Jill Lawless"@en ;
	schema:description "journalist"@en .

wd:Q9684 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "The New York Times"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "The New York Times"@en ;
	schema:name "The New York Times"@en ;
	schema:description "American daily newspaper"@en .

wd:P625 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "coordinate location"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "coordinate location"@en ;
	schema:name "coordinate location"@en ;
	schema:description "geocoordinates of the subject. For Earth, please note that only WGS84 coordinating system is supported at the moment"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P625 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P625 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P625 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P625 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P625 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P625 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P625 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P625 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P625 .

p:P625 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P625 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P625 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P625 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P625 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P625 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P625 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P625 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P625 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:098a7705e988116e3a454eda03aef6ad .

_:098a7705e988116e3a454eda03aef6ad a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P625 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q565 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Wikimedia Commons"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Wikimedia Commons"@en ;
	schema:name "Wikimedia Commons"@en ;
	schema:description "online repository of free-use image, sound, and other media files; part of the Wikimedia ecosystem"@en .

wd:P143 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "imported from Wikimedia project"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "imported from Wikimedia project"@en ;
	schema:name "imported from Wikimedia project"@en ;
	schema:description "source of this claim's value; used in references section by bots or humans importing data from Wikimedia projects"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P143 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P143 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P143 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P143 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P143 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P143 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P143 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P143 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P143 .

p:P143 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P143 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P143 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P143 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P143 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P143 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P143 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P143 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P143 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:66a2156e9cbfe8d655274b862fca1b59 .

_:66a2156e9cbfe8d655274b862fca1b59 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P143 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P585 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "point in time"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "point in time"@en ;
	schema:name "point in time"@en ;
	schema:description "time and date something took place, existed or a statement was true"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P585 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P585 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P585 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P585 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P585 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P585 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P585 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P585 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P585 .

p:P585 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P585 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P585 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P585 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P585 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P585 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P585 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P585 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P585 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:dd1c08307a09e1466ce90c482ad42ea9 .

_:dd1c08307a09e1466ce90c482ad42ea9 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P585 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P2096 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "media legend"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "media legend"@en ;
	schema:name "media legend"@en ;
	schema:description "qualifier to describe the media of the statement. This avoids legend storage in the local infobox when the media is defined at Wikidata. For the date, use P585 instead."@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P2096 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P2096 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P2096 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P2096 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P2096 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P2096 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P2096 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P2096 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P2096 .

p:P2096 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P2096 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P2096 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P2096 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P2096 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2096 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2096 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2096 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P2096 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:eee70990effb4cdc5825fadd13ba0aaa .

_:eee70990effb4cdc5825fadd13ba0aaa a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P2096 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P1545 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "series ordinal"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "series ordinal"@en ;
	schema:name "series ordinal"@en ;
	schema:description "position of an item in its parent series (most frequently a 1-based index), generally to be used as a qualifier (different from \"rank\" defined as a class, and from \"ranking\" defined as a property for evaluating a quality)."@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P1545 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P1545 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P1545 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P1545 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P1545 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P1545 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P1545 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P1545 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P1545 .

p:P1545 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1545 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1545 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1545 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1545 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P1545 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P1545 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P1545 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P1545 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:85ef66947fb62ff87e243e582e862fe4 .

_:85ef66947fb62ff87e243e582e862fe4 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P1545 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q3409033 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "usual first name"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "usual first name"@en ;
	schema:name "usual first name"@en ;
	schema:description "one or more of a person's given names which in addition to their surname is used to address them"@en .

wd:P3831 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "object has role"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "object has role"@en ;
	schema:name "object has role"@en ;
	schema:description "(qualifier) role or generic identity of the value of a statement (\"object\") in the context of that statement; for the role of the item the statement is on (\"subject\"), use P2868"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P3831 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P3831 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P3831 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P3831 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P3831 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P3831 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P3831 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P3831 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P3831 .

p:P3831 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P3831 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P3831 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P3831 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P3831 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P3831 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P3831 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P3831 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P3831 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:4941dbdb9a38c5a500b05366e45fe45d .

_:4941dbdb9a38c5a500b05366e45fe45d a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P3831 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q19688263 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Noël"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Noël"@en ;
	schema:name "Noël"@en ;
	schema:description "male given name"@en .

wd:P582 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "end time"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "end time"@en ;
	schema:name "end time"@en ;
	schema:description "time a time period ends"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P582 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P582 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P582 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P582 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P582 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P582 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P582 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P582 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P582 .

p:P582 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P582 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P582 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P582 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P582 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P582 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P582 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P582 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P582 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:e66c426b3b6d50da03204dbba7b68a2b .

_:e66c426b3b6d50da03204dbba7b68a2b a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P582 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q328 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "English Wikipedia"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "English Wikipedia"@en ;
	schema:name "English Wikipedia"@en ;
	schema:description "English-language edition of Wikipedia"@en .

wd:P4970 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "alternative name"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "alternative name"@en ;
	schema:name "alternative name"@en ;
	schema:description "qualifier for alternative name(s) given for a subject in a database entry"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P4970 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P4970 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P4970 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P4970 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P4970 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P4970 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P4970 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P4970 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P4970 .

p:P4970 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P4970 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P4970 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P4970 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P4970 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P4970 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P4970 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P4970 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P4970 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:484844be197aed8f0c5a4453371c0807 .

_:484844be197aed8f0c5a4453371c0807 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P4970 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q1551807 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Polish Wikipedia"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Polish Wikipedia"@en ;
	schema:name "Polish Wikipedia"@en ;
	schema:description "Polish-language edition of Wikipedia"@en .

wd:Q8447 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "French Wikipedia"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "French Wikipedia"@en ;
	schema:name "French Wikipedia"@en ;
	schema:description "French-language edition of Wikipedia"@en .

wd:P123 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "publisher"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "publisher"@en ;
	schema:name "publisher"@en ;
	schema:description "organization or person responsible for publishing books, periodicals, printed music, podcasts, games or software"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P123 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P123 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P123 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P123 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P123 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P123 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P123 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P123 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P123 .

p:P123 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P123 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P123 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P123 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P123 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P123 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P123 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P123 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P123 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:920b66a59b0d9c7fcb39820893f26e8a .

_:920b66a59b0d9c7fcb39820893f26e8a a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P123 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q1373513 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "NNDB"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "NNDB"@en ;
	schema:name "NNDB"@en ;
	schema:description "database of famous people"@en .

wd:Q54919 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Virtual International Authority File"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Virtual International Authority File"@en ;
	schema:name "Virtual International Authority File"@en ;
	schema:description "OCLC dataset and service that virtually combines multiple name authority files into a single name authority service"@en .

wd:Q15241312 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Freebase Data Dumps"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Freebase Data Dumps"@en ;
	schema:name "Freebase Data Dumps"@en ;
	schema:description "dumps of the public part of Google's Knowledge Graph"@en .

wd:Q186579 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "English literature"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "English literature"@en ;
	schema:name "English literature"@en ;
	schema:description "literary works written in the English language"@en .

wd:P812 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "academic major"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "academic major"@en ;
	schema:name "academic major"@en ;
	schema:description "major someone studied at college/university"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P812 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P812 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P812 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P812 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P812 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P812 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P812 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P812 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P812 .

p:P812 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P812 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P812 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P812 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P812 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P812 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P812 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P812 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P812 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:91bb63de82eb5848ed291cc59e45b5fa .

_:91bb63de82eb5848ed291cc59e45b5fa a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P812 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q1765120 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Bachelor of Arts"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Bachelor of Arts"@en ;
	schema:name "Bachelor of Arts"@en ;
	schema:description "bachelor's degree awarded for undergraduate study in liberal arts, the sciences or both"@en .

wd:P512 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "academic degree"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "academic degree"@en ;
	schema:name "academic degree"@en ;
	schema:description "academic degree that the person holds"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P512 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P512 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P512 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P512 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P512 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P512 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P512 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P512 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P512 .

p:P512 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P512 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P512 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P512 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P512 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P512 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P512 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P512 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P512 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:ba0d56e6b4c7888a7b14b159e88b45d3 .

_:ba0d56e6b4c7888a7b14b159e88b45d3 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P512 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q9035 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Danish"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Danish"@en ;
	schema:name "Danish"@en ;
	schema:description "North Germanic language"@en .

wd:Q652 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Italian"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Italian"@en ;
	schema:name "Italian"@en ;
	schema:description "Romance language"@en .

wd:Q9027 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Swedish"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Swedish"@en ;
	schema:name "Swedish"@en ;
	schema:description "North Germanic language spoken in Sweden and Finland"@en .

wd:Q3521267 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"@en ;
	schema:name "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"@en ;
	schema:description "science fiction comedy radio series"@en .

wd:P1686 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "for work"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "for work"@en ;
	schema:name "for work"@en ;
	schema:description "qualifier of award received (P166) to specify the work that an award was given to the creator for"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P1686 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P1686 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P1686 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P1686 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P1686 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P1686 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P1686 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P1686 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P1686 .

p:P1686 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1686 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1686 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1686 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1686 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P1686 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P1686 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P1686 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1686 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:09c60e050e7e84b7380ef456e5f237e1 .

_:09c60e050e7e84b7380ef456e5f237e1 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P1686 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q721 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Life, the Universe and Everything"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Life, the Universe and Everything"@en ;
	schema:name "Life, the Universe and Everything"@en ;
	schema:description "1982 book by Douglas Adams"@en .

wd:P3744 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "number of subscribers"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "number of subscribers"@en ;
	schema:name "number of subscribers"@en ;
	schema:description "number of subscribers for subscription-based companies, e.g. telecommunication companies, newspapers, pay-TV channels, software, etc."@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P3744 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P3744 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P3744 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P3744 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P3744 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P3744 ;
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	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P3744 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P3744 ;
	wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P3744 ;
	wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P3744 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P3744 ;
	wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P3744 .

p:P3744 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P3744 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P3744 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P3744 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P3744 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P3744 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P3744 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P3744 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P3744 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P3744 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P3744 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P3744 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P3744 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:227e42cdd167c376ee1e02ace7092ab2 .

_:227e42cdd167c376ee1e02ace7092ab2 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P3744 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q5614018 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label ""@en ;
	skos:prefLabel ""@en ;
	schema:name ""@en ;
	schema:description "news website"@en .

wd:Q10943095 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "younger sister"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "younger sister"@en ;
	schema:name "younger sister"@en ;
	schema:description "female younger sibling"@en .

wd:P1039 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "kinship to subject"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "kinship to subject"@en ;
	schema:name "kinship to subject"@en ;
	schema:description "qualifier of \"relative\" (P1038) to indicate less usual family relationships (ancestor, son-in-law, adoptions, etc). Indicate how the qualificator item is related to the main item."@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P1039 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P1039 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P1039 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P1039 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P1039 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P1039 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P1039 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P1039 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P1039 .

p:P1039 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1039 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1039 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1039 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1039 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P1039 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P1039 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P1039 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1039 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:6f6b5e66dfc08ffc78b0a492eb1e0099 .

_:6f6b5e66dfc08ffc78b0a492eb1e0099 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P1039 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P957 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "ISBN-10"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "ISBN-10"@en ;
	schema:name "ISBN-10"@en ;
	schema:description "former identifier for a book (edition), ten digits. Used for all publications up to 2006 (convertible to ISBN-13 for some online catalogs; useful for old books or fac-similes not reedited since 2007)"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P957 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P957 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P957 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P957 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P957 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P957 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P957 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P957 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P957 ;
	wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P957 ;
	wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P957 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P957 ;
	wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P957 .

p:P957 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P957 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P957 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P957 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P957 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P957 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P957 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P957 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P957 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P957 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P957 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P957 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P957 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:d2367b0d06ce672fee941c2157edcc56 .

_:d2367b0d06ce672fee941c2157edcc56 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P957 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P212 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "ISBN-13"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "ISBN-13"@en ;
	schema:name "ISBN-13"@en ;
	schema:description "identifier for a book (edition), thirteen digit"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P212 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P212 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P212 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P212 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P212 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P212 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P212 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P212 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P212 ;
	wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P212 ;
	wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P212 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P212 ;
	wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P212 .

p:P212 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P212 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P212 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P212 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P212 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P212 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P212 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P212 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P212 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P212 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P212 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P212 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P212 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:e3d53dffa89974f60aac168065810f5c .

_:e3d53dffa89974f60aac168065810f5c a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P212 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q99521170 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "death of person"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "death of person"@en ;
	schema:name "death of person"@en ;
	schema:description "death of the main Q-object person (i. e. not their spouse); end cause of marriage, significant event"@en .

wd:P1534 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "end cause"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "end cause"@en ;
	schema:name "end cause"@en ;
	schema:description "qualifier to use together with the end date qualifier (P582) to specify the cause"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P1534 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P1534 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P1534 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P1534 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P1534 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P1534 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P1534 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P1534 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P1534 .

p:P1534 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P1534 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P1534 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P1534 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P1534 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P1534 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P1534 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P1534 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P1534 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:e3e18197a52147bae1827a3a974c9372 .

_:e3e18197a52147bae1827a3a974c9372 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P1534 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q28054658 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Mix'n'match"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Mix'n'match"@en ;
	schema:name "Mix'n'match"@en ;
	schema:description "tool for importing data sets into Wikidata"@en .

wd:P4656 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "Wikimedia import URL"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Wikimedia import URL"@en ;
	schema:name "Wikimedia import URL"@en ;
	schema:description "URL of source to indicate the page or revision of an import source from another Wikimedia project (except actual references, such as Wikisource source texts). Use instead of \"reference URL\" (P854). Permalinks are preferred."@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P4656 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P4656 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P4656 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P4656 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P4656 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P4656 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P4656 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P4656 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P4656 .

p:P4656 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P4656 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P4656 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P4656 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P4656 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P4656 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P4656 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P4656 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P4656 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:d0914856b623ca1dd09b1f31c8eea5fe .

_:d0914856b623ca1dd09b1f31c8eea5fe a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P4656 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q1798125 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "LIBRIS"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "LIBRIS"@en ;
	schema:name "LIBRIS"@en ;
	schema:description "Swedish national union catalogue"@en .

wd:Q13550863 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Czech National Authority Database"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Czech National Authority Database"@en ;
	schema:name "Czech National Authority Database"@en ;
	schema:description "Authority Database of the National Library of the Czech Republic"@en .

wd:Q746368 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Great Norwegian Encyclopedia"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Great Norwegian Encyclopedia"@en ;
	schema:name "Great Norwegian Encyclopedia"@en ;
	schema:description "Norwegian encyclopedia"@en .

wd:P973 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "described at URL"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "described at URL"@en ;
	schema:name "described at URL"@en ;
	schema:description "item is described at the following URL"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P973 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P973 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P973 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P973 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P973 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P973 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P973 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P973 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P973 .

p:P973 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P973 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P973 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P973 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P973 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P973 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P973 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P973 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P973 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:f87a33fb67bd0567df6bde1358e21e19 .

_:f87a33fb67bd0567df6bde1358e21e19 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P973 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q7737 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "Russian"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Russian"@en ;
	schema:name "Russian"@en ;
	schema:description "East Slavic language"@en .

wd:P2699 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "URL"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "URL"@en ;
	schema:name "URL"@en ;
	schema:description "location of a resource"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P2699 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P2699 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P2699 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P2699 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P2699 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P2699 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P2699 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P2699 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P2699 .

p:P2699 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P2699 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P2699 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P2699 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P2699 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P2699 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P2699 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pr:P2699 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdno:P2699 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:88208384d2489c448475c73564134874 .

_:88208384d2489c448475c73564134874 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P2699 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:Q20828898 a wikibase:Item ;
	rdfs:label "The Movie Database"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "The Movie Database"@en ;
	schema:name "The Movie Database"@en ;
	schema:description "free, collaborative database about films"@en .

wd:P9675 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "MediaWiki page ID"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "MediaWiki page ID"@en ;
	schema:name "MediaWiki page ID"@en ;
	schema:description "numeric identifier of a page in a MediaWiki wiki"@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P9675 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P9675 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P9675 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P9675 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P9675 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P9675 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P9675 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P9675 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P9675 .

p:P9675 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P9675 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P9675 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P9675 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P9675 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P9675 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P9675 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P9675 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P9675 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:2ecd9cbe9af12015ed94e2cdb5a03233 .

_:2ecd9cbe9af12015ed94e2cdb5a03233 a owl:Restriction ;
	owl:onProperty wdt:P9675 ;
	owl:someValuesFrom owl:Thing .

wd:P2021 a wikibase:Property ;
	rdfs:label "Erdős number"@en ;
	skos:prefLabel "Erdős number"@en ;
	schema:name "Erdős number"@en ;
	schema:description "the \"collaborative distance\" between mathematician Paul Erdős and another person. Use point in time (P585) as qualifier and should be used with a source."@en ;
	wikibase:propertyType <> ;
	wikibase:directClaim wdt:P2021 ;
	wikibase:claim p:P2021 ;
	wikibase:statementProperty ps:P2021 ;
	wikibase:statementValue psv:P2021 ;
	wikibase:qualifier pq:P2021 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValue pqv:P2021 ;
	wikibase:reference pr:P2021 ;
	wikibase:referenceValue prv:P2021 ;
	wikibase:novalue wdno:P2021 ;
	wikibase:directClaimNormalized wdtn:P2021 ;
	wikibase:statementValueNormalized psn:P2021 ;
	wikibase:qualifierValueNormalized pqn:P2021 ;
	wikibase:referenceValueNormalized prn:P2021 .

p:P2021 a owl:ObjectProperty .

psv:P2021 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqv:P2021 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prv:P2021 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdt:P2021 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

ps:P2021 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P2021 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P2021 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P2021 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P2021 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P2021 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P2021 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

wdno:P2021 a owl:Class ;
	owl:complementOf _:8530e4de4c64c3e1f8eaf2dc42c96ed3 .

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wdno:P3680 a owl:Class ;
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ps:P8129 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pq:P8129 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

pr:P8129 a owl:DatatypeProperty .

psn:P8129 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pqn:P8129 a owl:ObjectProperty .

prn:P8129 a owl:ObjectProperty .

wdtn:P8129 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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wdt:P642 a owl:ObjectProperty .

ps:P642 a owl:ObjectProperty .

pq:P642 a owl:ObjectProperty .

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ref:b2c64ac3b79264041210b0803c48d9a8ad98314d a wikibase:Reference ;
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ref:354bdf2193acbbe0217db68cad6365e38d8a90a3 a wikibase:Reference ;
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	pr:P813 "2021-05-28T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
	prv:P813 v:2a7b56de1878bc4c97581b338b7c29bd .

ref:76f54c6cf51e45eabdb0fecfdd703679f2067447 a wikibase:Reference ;
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	prn:P646 <> ;
	pr:P813 "2021-05-28T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
	prv:P813 v:2a7b56de1878bc4c97581b338b7c29bd .

ref:56f84865a76d214a29a4de08338f89fa2e0c0f5d a wikibase:Reference ;
	pr:P854 <> ;
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	prv:P813 v:2c8bbe15e629c2fc1c86d342012b008d ;
	pr:P1065 <> ;
	pr:P2960 "2015-03-18T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
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ref:9a136912b73c22560eaa627d398c0670202dd63a a wikibase:Reference ;
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	prn:P214 <> ;
	pr:P813 "2020-06-06T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
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ref:5c0fe42f3c1ade9a0028546b89fa1226f8e029eb a wikibase:Reference ;
	pr:P854 <> ;
	pr:P813 "2020-08-26T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
	prv:P813 v:a95aa8e87e4949f5eea726879e68de14 ;
	pr:P1810 "Douglas Adams" .

ref:5f446c2bf2ad680834678b82140cd8ca4910e2fb a wikibase:Reference ;
	pr:P854 <> ;
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	pr:P2960 "2020-12-16T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
	prv:P2960 v:3a39cf203782d041f301961412f94abf .

ref:66cc747c76cfb3538eb404dab78a2c3942ac5ca0 a wikibase:Reference ;
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ref:75b1617556ee3edc63bc02b87f4a042a079e0901 a wikibase:Reference ;
	pr:P854 <> ;
	pr:P1065 <> ;
	pr:P2960 "2020-02-23T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
	prv:P2960 v:504631812af384786364d4e937add1e8 .

ref:760e3627ff3aaf106fde98cc8fd2fc0cdec02773 a wikibase:Reference ;
	pr:P248 wd:Q76504070 ;
	pr:P813 "2020-12-21T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
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ref:366cc289740fb68df974400fad75e891dc6af3d0 a wikibase:Reference ;
	pr:P854 <> .

ref:c380cbf312acc66fffc90dc202322f9f182c7620 a wikibase:Reference ;
	pr:P854 <> ;
	pr:P813 "2021-08-04T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
	prv:P813 v:d7f52187a8ce30f7ec8a487d174af8aa .

ref:e0f5a61dcd233962d497f85010f258c713169a5d a wikibase:Reference ;
	pr:P244 "n80076765" ;
	prn:P244 <> ;
	pr:P813 "2021-09-20T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
	prv:P813 v:f6180ec9c7cb0d73c79d8217132f18ed .

ref:10addd300a6925c60bbf81c3c80ee38786a8a616 a wikibase:Reference ;
	pr:P854 <> ;
	pr:P1476 "Douglas Adams- Playwright Dramatist"@und ;
	pr:P813 "2022-08-18T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
	prv:P813 v:72d36e938d465d1e5fc4b40168ce64a6 .

ref:b821feb93898353cb8fddf3c25f8a4ee538e7f2d a wikibase:Reference ;
	pr:P813 "2022-09-10T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
	prv:P813 v:6f29640699a4951891392dfb0d9b5f1b ;
	pr:P854 <> .

ref:4bdbb5fd8d46626c4c5a382ff95215b8d771ad56 a wikibase:Reference ;
	pr:P1476 "Obituary: Douglas Adams"@en ;
	pr:P577 "2001-05-15T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
	prv:P577 v:ff88e131a5f24ca6666a0fba1f160d70 ;
	pr:P407 wd:Q1860 ;
	pr:P854 <> ;
	pr:P813 "2013-12-07T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
	prv:P813 v:866de9172090592497e94e497370838e ;
	pr:P50 wd:Q18145749 ;
	pr:P1433 wd:Q11148 ;
	pr:P1065 <> ;
	pr:P2960 "2013-11-13T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
	prv:P2960 v:4b02c439aed07a98e847539d9e257e4d .

In addition to full (the default) there are two other "flavors" for the response, dump and simple.

In [10]:
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix ontolex: <> .
@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix wikibase: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .
@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix cc: <> .
@prefix geo: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix wd: <> .
@prefix data: <> .
@prefix s: <> .
@prefix ref: <> .
@prefix v: <> .
@prefix wdt: <> .
@prefix wdtn: <> .
@prefix p: <> .
@prefix ps: <> .
@prefix psv: <> .
@prefix psn: <> .
@prefix pq: <> .
@prefix pqv: <> .
@prefix pqn: <> .
@prefix pr: <> .
@prefix prv: <> .
@prefix prn: <> .
@prefix wdno: <> .

data:Q42 a schema:Dataset ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	cc:license <> ;
	schema:softwareVersion "1.0.0" ;
	schema:version "1757862527"^^xsd:integer ;
	schema:dateModified "2022-10-25T12:03:35Z"^^xsd:dateTime .

wd:Q42 a wikibase:Item .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "af" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@af .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "ar" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "دوغلاس آدمز"@ar .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "ar" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "دوجلاس آدامز"@ar .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
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	schema:name "دوجلاس ادامز"@arz .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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	schema:inLanguage "ast" ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@ast .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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	schema:name "داقلاس آدامز"@azb .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "az" ;
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	schema:name "Duqlas Adams"@az .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "az" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Duqlas Noel Adams"@az .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "bar" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@bar .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "be-tarask" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Дуглас Адамз"@be-tarask .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "be" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Дуглас Адамс"@be .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "bg" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Дъглас Адамс"@bg .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "bg" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Дъглас Адамс"@bg .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "bn" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "ডগলাস অ্যাডামস"@bn .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "bs" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@bs .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "bs" ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@bs .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
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	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@ca .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "cs" ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@cs .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "cs" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@cs .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "cy" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@cy .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "da" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@da .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "de" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@de .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "de" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@de .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "el" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Ντάγκλας Άνταμς"@el .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "el" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Ντάγκλας Άνταμς"@el .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "en" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@en .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "en" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@en .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "eo" ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@eo .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "eo" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@eo .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "es" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@es .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "es" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@es .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "et" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@et .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "et" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@et .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "eu" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@eu .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "fa" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "داگلاس آدامز"@fa .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "fa" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "داگلاس آدامز"@fa .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "fi" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@fi .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "fi" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@fi .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "fr" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@fr .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "fr" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@fr .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "ga" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@ga .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@gl .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "gl" ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@gl .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
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	schema:name "דאגלס אדמס"@he .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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	schema:name "דאגלס אדמס"@he .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@hr .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@hu .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@hu .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
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	schema:name "Դուգլաս Ադամս"@hy .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
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	schema:name "Դուգլաս Ադամս"@hy .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "ia" ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@ia .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "id" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@id .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "ie" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@ie .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "io" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@io .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "is" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@is .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "it" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@it .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@it .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
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	schema:name "ダグラス・アダムズ"@ja .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@jv .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
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	schema:name "დაგლას ადამსი"@ka .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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	schema:name "더글러스 애덤스"@ko .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@kw .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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	schema:name "Дуглас Адамс"@ky .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@lfn .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@li .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@lt .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adamsas"@lt .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
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	schema:name "Duglass Adamss"@lv .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@mg .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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	schema:name "Даглас Адамс"@mk .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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	schema:name "ഡഗ്ലസ് ആഡംസ്"@ml .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<,_%D0%94%D1%83%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%81> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@nl .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@nl .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@nn .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@nb .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@oc .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
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	schema:name "ਡਗਲਸ ਐਡਮਸ"@pa .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
	schema:about wd:Q42 ;
	schema:inLanguage "pl" ;
	schema:isPartOf <> ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@pl .

<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" .

<> a schema:Article ;
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<> wikibase:wikiGroup "wikiquote" .

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	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@rgn ;
	rdfs:label "Douglas Adams"@vmf ;
	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@vmf ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@vmf ;
	rdfs:label "ߘߎߜ߭ߑߟߊߛ ߊߘߊߡߛ"@nqo ;
	skos:prefLabel "ߘߎߜ߭ߑߟߊߛ ߊߘߊߡߛ"@nqo ;
	schema:name "ߘߎߜ߭ߑߟߊߛ ߊߘߊߡߛ"@nqo ;
	rdfs:label "Douglas Adams"@fy ;
	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@fy ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@fy ;
	rdfs:label "Douglas Adams"@hsb ;
	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@hsb ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@hsb ;
	rdfs:label "דאַגלאַס אַדאַמס"@yi ;
	skos:prefLabel "דאַגלאַס אַדאַמס"@yi ;
	schema:name "דאַגלאַס אַדאַמס"@yi ;
	rdfs:label "Douglas Adams"@kw ;
	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@kw ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@kw ;
	rdfs:label "دݢلس ايدمﺯ"@ms-arab ;
	skos:prefLabel "دݢلس ايدمﺯ"@ms-arab ;
	schema:name "دݢلس ايدمﺯ"@ms-arab ;
	rdfs:label "Douglas Adams"@jut ;
	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@jut ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@jut ;
	rdfs:label "Дуглас Адамс"@ba ;
	skos:prefLabel "Дуглас Адамс"@ba ;
	schema:name "Дуглас Адамс"@ba ;
	rdfs:label "Douglas Adams"@ig ;
	skos:prefLabel "Douglas Adams"@ig ;
	schema:name "Douglas Adams"@ig ;
	rdfs:label "دوڭلاس أدامز"@ary ;
	skos:prefLabel "دوڭلاس أدامز"@ary ;
	schema:name "دوڭلاس أدامز"@ary ;
	schema:description "English science fiction writer and humourist (19522001)"@en,
		"écrivain de science-fiction et humoriste anglais (19522001)"@fr,
		"English writer and humourist"@en-gb,
		"engelsk science fiction-forfatter og humorist"@nb,
		"scrittore e umorista britannico"@it,
		"britischer Science-Fiction-Autor und Humorist (19522001)"@de,
		"escritor y humorista británico"@es,
		"английский писатель, драматург и сценарист, автор серии книг «Автостопом по галактике»"@ru,
		"escriptor anglès"@ca,
		"englantilainen kirjailija ja humoristi"@fi,
		"anglický spisovatel, humorista a dramatik"@cs,
		"brittisk författare (19522001)"@sv,
		"escritor e comediante britânico"@pt-br,
		"ஆங்கில எழுத்தாளர் மற்றும் நகைச்சுவையாளர்"@ta,
		"angleški pisatelj, humorist in dramatik"@sl,
		"engelsk forfatter"@da,
		"Engelse schrijver (1952-2001)"@nl,
		"escritor e comediante britânico"@pt,
		"brytyjski pisarz"@pl,
		"angļu zinātniskās fantastikas rakstnieks un humorists"@lv,
		"енглески писац и хумориста"@sr,
		"енглески писац научне фантастике и хумориста"@sr-ec,
		"engleski pisac naučne fantastike i humorista"@sr-el,
		"angla aŭtoro de sciencfikcio-romanoj kaj humoristo"@eo,
		"a englischer Science-Fiction-Schriftsteller"@bar,
		"skrivagner saoznek"@br,
		"İngiliz yazar"@tr,
		"ඉංග්‍රීසි කවියෙක්"@si,
		"nhà văn và nhà soạn hài kịch người Anh (1952-2001)"@vi,
		"awdur a dychanwr Seisnig"@cy,
		"અંગ્રેજી લેખક અને હાસ્યકાર"@gu,
		"британський комічний радіодраматург, письменник"@uk,
		"scriitor, dramaturg englez"@ro,
		"angol író és humorista (19522001)"@hu,
		"فیلمنامه‌نویس و نویسنده بریتانیایی"@fa,
		"Engelse skrywer en humoris"@af,
		"англиски писател и хуморист"@mk,
		"Άγγλος συγγραφέας (19522001)"@el,
		"անգլիացի գրող, դրամատուրգ, սցենարիստ, «Ավտոստոպով զբոսաշրջիկի միջգալակտիկական ուղեցույց» վեպերի շարք"@hy,
		"английски писател и хуморист"@bg,
		"अङ्ग्रेजी लेखक र व्यङ्ग्यकार"@ne,
		"סופר והומוריסטן בריטי"@he,
		"britischer Schriftsteller"@de-at,
		"britischer Schriftsteller"@de-ch,
		"britischer Schriftsteller"@gsw,
		"englischer Schriftsteller"@nds,
		"ಇಂಗ್ಲಿಷ್ ಭಾಷೆಯ ಬರಹಗಾರ ಹಾಗೂ ಹಾಸ್ಯ ಲೇಖಕ"@kn,
		"ਅੰਗਰੇਜ਼ੀ ਲੇਖਕ"@pa,
		"كاتب إنجليزي فكاهي"@ar,
		"taga-Inglatera na manunulat at tagapagpatawa"@tl,
		"idazle eta umorista britaniarra"@eu,
		"britanski radijski dramaturg i pisac znanstvene fantastike"@hr,
		"영국의 작가"@ko,
		"mwandishi Mwingereza"@sw,
		"English writer"@en-ca,
		"sgrìobhadair Sasannach"@gd,
		"ინგლისელი მწერალი და იუმორისტი"@ka,
		"inglise ulmekirjanik"@et,
		"ఇంగ్లీషు రచయిత, హాస్యకారుడు"@te,
		"escritor y humorista inglés"@ast,
		"autor dhe humorist anglez"@sq,
		"escritor e guionista británico"@gl,
		"अंग्रेजी भाषा के ब्रिटिश लेखक"@bho,
		"anglický spisovateľ"@sk,
		"scriptor, scriptor scaenicus, et mythistoricus (19522001)"@la,
		"ബ്രിട്ടീഷ് എഴുത്തുകാരനും ഹാസ്യസാഹിത്യാകാരനും"@ml,
		"scríbhneoir Sasanach"@ga,
		"nivîskarê brîtanî"@ku-latn,
		"Panulih jo palawak dari Inggirih"@min,
		"अंग्रेजी लेखक"@hi,
		"ߊ߲߬ߜ߭ߌ߬ߟߋ߬ ߛߓߍߦߟߊ ߞߎ߲߬ߘߐ߬ߕߍ߰ ߟߐ߲ߞߏ ߞߊ߲߬"@nqo,
		"англійскі пісьменнік"@be,
		"penulis dan humoris asal Britania Raya (1952-2001)"@id,
		"engleski pisac i humorist"@bs,
		"penulis dan pelawak Inggeris"@ms,
		"ब्रिटिश लेखक व नाटककार"@mr,
		"ইংরেজ কল্পবিজ্ঞান লেখক ও কৌতুকবিদ"@bn,
		"Enskur höfundur"@is,
		"كاتب نڭليزي ديال لخيال لعلمي و لفكاهة"@ary ;
	skos:altLabel "Douglas Noël Adams"@en,
		"Адамс, Дуглас"@ru,
		"Дуглас Ноэль Адамс"@ru,
		"Адамс, Дуглас Ноэль"@ru,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@nb,
		"Douglas N. Adams"@nb,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@fr,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@de,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@pt-br,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@pt-br,
		"Дуглас Адамс"@be-tarask,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@es,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@es,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@it,
		"Douglas N. Adams"@it,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@cs,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@cs,
		"Douglas N. Adams"@cs,
		"Ադամս, Դուգլաս"@hy,
		"Ντάγκλας Νόελ Άνταμς"@el,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@nl,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@nl,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@pt,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@pt,
		"ਡਗਲਸ ਨੋਏਲ ਐਡਮਜ਼"@pa,
		"ਡਗਲਸ ਐਡਮਸ"@pa,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@tl,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@tl,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@eu,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@eu,
		"Дуглас Ноел Адамс"@uk,
		"Адамс Дуглас"@uk,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@hr,
		"Douglas N. Adams"@hr,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@hr,
		"דגלס אדמס"@he,
		"דאגלס נואל אדמס"@he,
		"더글라스 애덤스"@ko,
		"더글러스 노엘 애덤스"@ko,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@sw,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@sw,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@tr,
		"Douglas N. Adams"@tr,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@tr,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@et,
		"دوغلاس نويل آدمز"@ar,
		"دوغلاس ن. آدمز"@ar,
		"دوغلاس آدامز"@ar,
		"دوجلاس آدمز"@ar,
		"دوجلاس آدامز"@ar,
		"Duglassius Noëlus Adams"@la,
		"Douglas Adams"@la,
		"Duglassius Natalis Adams"@la,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@gl,
		"डग्लस अडम्स"@bho,
		"डग्लस एडम्स"@bho,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@sv,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@sv,
		"ഡഗ്ലസ് നോയൽ ആഡംസ്"@ml,
		"ഡഗ്ലസ് എന്‍ ആഡംസ്"@ml,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@nn,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@ga,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@ga,
		"Douglas N. Adams"@ga,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@ro,
		"Douglas ADAMS"@eo,
		"Douglas Noël ADAMS"@eo,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@ca,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@ca,
		"ߘߎߜ߭ߑߟߊߛ ߣߏߥߍߟ ߊߘߊߡߛ"@nqo,
		"ߘߎߜ߭ߑߟߊߛ ߣ. ߊߘߊߡߛ"@nqo,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@pl,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@ms,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@ms,
		"Douglas N. Adams"@ms,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@da,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@fi,
		"Duqlas Adams"@az,
		"Douglas Adams"@az,
		"Адамс, Дуглас"@mrj,
		"ڈگلس ایڈمس"@ur,
		"Douglas Adams"@lv,
		"Douglas Adams"@sr-el,
		"Douglas Adams"@ak,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@hu,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@hu,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@ia,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@id,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@id,
		"Douglas N. Adams"@id,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@sk,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@sk,
		"Douglas N. Adams"@sk,
		"Douglas Noel Adams"@af,
		"Douglas Noël Adams"@bar .

wd:Q59431323 owl:sameAs wd:Q42 .

wd:Q60594743 owl:sameAs wd:Q42 .

SPARQL endpoint

SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
      ?item p:P50 ?statement0.
      ?statement0 (ps:P50/(wdt:P279*)) ?author.
      FILTER(EXISTS { ?author p:31 q:5. })
    LIMIT 10

RDFLib can bed used to query a remote endpoint

In [12]:
import rdflib
In [13]:
g = rdflib.Graph()
In [ ]:
qres = g.query(
    SELECT ?s
    WHERE {
      SERVICE <> {
        ?s a ?o .
    LIMIT 3

for row in qres:
In [2]:
import rdflib
g = rdflib.Graph()
In [3]:
results = g.query("""
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX ps: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?statement0 ?material WHERE
    SERVICE <> {
        ?item p:P186 ?statement0.
        ?statement0 ps:P186 ?material.
In [4]:
for r in results:
    print (r)
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/lib/python3.9/http/ in _get_chunk_left(self)
    554             try:
--> 555                 chunk_left = self._read_next_chunk_size()
    556             except ValueError:

/usr/lib/python3.9/http/ in _read_next_chunk_size(self)
    521         try:
--> 522             return int(line, 16)
    523         except ValueError:

ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 16: b''

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

IncompleteRead                            Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/lib/python3.9/http/ in _readall_chunked(self)
    571             while True:
--> 572                 chunk_left = self._get_chunk_left()
    573                 if chunk_left is None:

/usr/lib/python3.9/http/ in _get_chunk_left(self)
    556             except ValueError:
--> 557                 raise IncompleteRead(b'')
    558             if chunk_left == 0:

IncompleteRead: IncompleteRead(0 bytes read)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

IncompleteRead                            Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_22614/ in <module>
----> 1 for r in results:
      2     print (r)

~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/rdflib/ in __iter__(self)
    300             if self._genbindings:
--> 301                 for b in self._genbindings:
    302                     if b:  # don't add a result row in case of empty binding {}
    303                         self._bindings.append(b)

~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/rdflib/plugins/sparql/ in evalDistinct(ctx, part)
    500     done = set()
--> 501     for x in res:
    502         if x not in done:
    503             yield x

~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/rdflib/plugins/sparql/ in <genexpr>(.0)
    508     res = evalPart(ctx, project.p)
--> 510     return (row.project(project.PV) for row in res)

~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/rdflib/plugins/sparql/ in evalServiceQuery(ctx, part)
    331             )
    332         if response.status == 200:
--> 333             json = j.loads(
    334             variables = res["vars_"] = json["head"]["vars"]
    335             # or just return the bindings?

/usr/lib/python3.9/http/ in read(self, amt)
    464             if self.chunked:
--> 465                 return self._readall_chunked()
    467             if self.length is None:

/usr/lib/python3.9/http/ in _readall_chunked(self)
    577             return b''.join(value)
    578         except IncompleteRead:
--> 579             raise IncompleteRead(b''.join(value))
    581     def _readinto_chunked(self, b):

IncompleteRead: IncompleteRead(347668480 bytes read)
In [15]:
import json
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_156165/ in <module>
      1 import json
----> 2 json.load(urlopen(""))

NameError: name 'urlopen' is not defined

This query seems great but it times out. :(

In [29]:
import rdflib
g = rdflib.Graph()
query = """
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <> 
  SERVICE <> {
      ?item p:P50 ?statement0.
      ?statement0 (ps:P50/(wdt:P279*)) ?author.
      FILTER(EXISTS { ?author p:31 wd:Q5. })
    LIMIT 10
In [3]:
import rdflib
g = rdflib.Graph()
query = """
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <> 
  ?item p:P186 ?statement0.
  ?statement0 (ps:P186/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q287.
  ?authored_thing p:P50 ?statement1.
  ?statement1 (ps:P50/(wdt:P279*)) ?item.
In [4]:
for r in g.query(query):
    print (r)

Could you ask the same but then where author is made of wood?

In [ ]:
Could you ask the same but then where author is made of wood
In [3]:
import rdflib

def q(qstr):
    g = rdflib.Graph()
    query = """
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <>

""" + qstr
    for r in g.query(query):
        print (r)
In [6]:
q("""SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?author ?authorLabel WHERE {
      ?item p:P50 ?statement0.
      ?statement0 (ps:P50/(wdt:P279*)) ?author.
    LIMIT 10
HTTPError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_57653/ in <module>
----> 1 q("""SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?author ?authorLabel WHERE {
      2 SERVICE <> {
      3 {
      4     SELECT DISTINCT ?item WHERE {
      5       ?item p:P50 ?statement0.

/tmp/ipykernel_57653/ in q(qstr)
     11 """ + qstr
---> 12     for r in g.query(query):
     13         print (r)

~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/rdflib/ in __iter__(self)
    300             if self._genbindings:
--> 301                 for b in self._genbindings:
    302                     if b:  # don't add a result row in case of empty binding {}
    303                         self._bindings.append(b)

~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/rdflib/plugins/sparql/ in evalDistinct(ctx, part)
    500     done = set()
--> 501     for x in res:
    502         if x not in done:
    503             yield x

~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/rdflib/plugins/sparql/ in <genexpr>(.0)
    508     res = evalPart(ctx, project.p)
--> 510     return (row.project(project.PV) for row in res)

~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/rdflib/plugins/sparql/ in evalServiceQuery(ctx, part)
    323             )
    324         else:
--> 325             response = urlopen(
    326                 Request(
    327                     service_url,

/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/ in urlopen(url, data, timeout, cafile, capath, cadefault, context)
    212     else:
    213         opener = _opener
--> 214     return, data, timeout)
    216 def install_opener(opener):

/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/ in open(self, fullurl, data, timeout)
    521         for processor in self.process_response.get(protocol, []):
    522             meth = getattr(processor, meth_name)
--> 523             response = meth(req, response)
    525         return response

/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/ in http_response(self, request, response)
    630         # request was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
    631         if not (200 <= code < 300):
--> 632             response = self.parent.error(
    633                 'http', request, response, code, msg, hdrs)

/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/ in error(self, proto, *args)
    559         if http_err:
    560             args = (dict, 'default', 'http_error_default') + orig_args
--> 561             return self._call_chain(*args)
    563 # XXX probably also want an abstract factory that knows when it makes

/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/ in _call_chain(self, chain, kind, meth_name, *args)
    492         for handler in handlers:
    493             func = getattr(handler, meth_name)
--> 494             result = func(*args)
    495             if result is not None:
    496                 return result

/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/ in http_error_default(self, req, fp, code, msg, hdrs)
    639 class HTTPDefaultErrorHandler(BaseHandler):
    640     def http_error_default(self, req, fp, code, msg, hdrs):
--> 641         raise HTTPError(req.full_url, code, msg, hdrs, fp)
    643 class HTTPRedirectHandler(BaseHandler):

HTTPError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
In [8]:
!pip3 install wikidata
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Collecting wikidata
  Downloading Wikidata-0.7.0-py3-none-any.whl (29 kB)
Installing collected packages: wikidata
Successfully installed wikidata-0.7.0

[notice] A new release of pip available: 22.3 -> 22.3.1
[notice] To update, run: python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
In [10]:
from wikidata.client import Client
In [11]:
client = Client()  # doctest: +SKIP
entity = client.get('Q20145', load=True)
<wikidata.entity.Entity Q20145 'IU'>
In [13]:
print (entity.description)
South Korean singer and actress
In [15]:
image_prop = client.get('P18')
In [16]:
image = entity[image_prop]
In [17]:
<wikidata.commonsmedia.File 'File:IU at Broker stage greetings, 19 June 2022 01.jpg'>
In [12]:
<wikidata.commonsmedia.File 'File:KBS "The Producers" press conference, 11 May 2015 10.jpg'>
In [19]:
(820, 1122)
(820, 1122)
In [20]:
In [21]:
from IPython.display import Image
In [22]:
In [24]:
made_from_material = client.get("P186", load=True)
In [26]:
print (made_from_material.description)
material the subject or the object is made of or derived from (do not confuse with P10672 which is used for processes)
In [30]:
for i in made_from_material:
    print (, i.description)
P1629 item corresponding to the concept represented by the property
P1855 example where this Wikidata property is used; target item is one that would use this property, with qualifier the property being described given the associated value
P31 that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)
P1659 used to indicate another property that might provide additional information about the subject
P2875 category tracking a Wikidata property in sister projects
P2236 all resources related by the property from external vocabularies are also related to this property
P3254 URL of the page (or page section) on which the creation of the property was discussed
P2302 constraint applicable to a Wikidata property
P1628 equivalent property in other ontologies (use in statements on properties, use property URI)
P3734 item for categories of pages with template parameter value same as Wikidata
P1647 all resources related by this property are also related by that property
P1282 OpenStreetMap tagging schema (a Key:key, Tag:key=value, Relation:type, or Role:role) for classes, properties, and values
P1813 short name of a place, organisation, person, journal, Wikidata property, etc.
P7087 item with label/aliases of the inverse relationship of a property
P2888 URL used to link two items or properties, indicating a high degree of confidence that the concepts can be used interchangeably
P2668 likelihood that statements with this property will change
In [32]:
{'pageid': 5761313,
 'ns': 120,
 'title': 'Property:P186',
 'lastrevid': 1760910171,
 'modified': '2022-10-30T04:00:42Z',
 'type': 'property',
 'datatype': 'wikibase-item',
 'id': 'P186',
 'labels': {'fr': {'language': 'fr', 'value': 'matériau'},
  'en': {'language': 'en', 'value': 'made from material'},
  'he': {'language': 'he', 'value': 'עשוי מ'},
  'de': {'language': 'de', 'value': 'Material'},
  'fa': {'language': 'fa', 'value': 'مواد سازنده'},
  'be': {'language': 'be', 'value': 'матэрыял'},
  'it': {'language': 'it', 'value': 'materiale usato'},
  'cs': {'language': 'cs', 'value': 'použitý materiál'},
  'ja': {'language': 'ja', 'value': '材料'},
  'ru': {'language': 'ru', 'value': 'сделано из'},
  'pt': {'language': 'pt', 'value': 'material utilizado'},
  'nn': {'language': 'nn', 'value': 'laga av'},
  'ca': {'language': 'ca', 'value': 'material utilitzat'},
  'es': {'language': 'es', 'value': 'material empleado'},
  'uk': {'language': 'uk', 'value': 'з матеріалу'},
  'lv': {'language': 'lv', 'value': 'materiāls'},
  'nl': {'language': 'nl', 'value': 'gebruikt materiaal'},
  'zh-hans': {'language': 'zh-hans', 'value': '材料'},
  'zh': {'language': 'zh', 'value': '材料'},
  'zh-hant': {'language': 'zh-hant', 'value': '材料'},
  'ko': {'language': 'ko', 'value': '사용된 재료'},
  'fi': {'language': 'fi', 'value': 'materiaali'},
  'sr': {'language': 'sr', 'value': 'коришћени материјал'},
  'hu': {'language': 'hu', 'value': 'anyag'},
  'pl': {'language': 'pl', 'value': 'materiał'},
  'sv': {'language': 'sv', 'value': 'huvudsakligt material'},
  'af': {'language': 'af', 'value': 'materiale gebruik'},
  'el': {'language': 'el', 'value': 'υλικό'},
  'vi': {'language': 'vi', 'value': 'chất liệu'},
  'da': {'language': 'da', 'value': 'anvendt materiale'},
  'nds': {'language': 'nds', 'value': 'bruukt Material'},
  'ro': {'language': 'ro', 'value': 'material folosit'},
  'bs': {'language': 'bs', 'value': 'korišten materijal'},
  'ka': {'language': 'ka', 'value': 'გამოყენებული მასალა'},
  'mk': {'language': 'mk', 'value': 'употребен материјал'},
  'en-gb': {'language': 'en-gb', 'value': 'material used'},
  'ms': {'language': 'ms', 'value': 'dibuat daripada bahan'},
  'pt-br': {'language': 'pt-br', 'value': 'material utilizado'},
  'be-tarask': {'language': 'be-tarask', 'value': 'матэрыял'},
  'nb': {'language': 'nb', 'value': 'materiale'},
  'oc': {'language': 'oc', 'value': 'material'},
  'lb': {'language': 'lb', 'value': 'benotzt Material'},
  'sco': {'language': 'sco', 'value': 'material uised'},
  'zh-hk': {'language': 'zh-hk', 'value': '材料'},
  'te': {'language': 'te', 'value': 'వాడిన సామాగ్రి'},
  'sr-ec': {'language': 'sr-ec', 'value': 'корићени материјал'},
  'sr-el': {'language': 'sr-el', 'value': 'korićeni materijal'},
  'id': {'language': 'id', 'value': 'bahan yang digunakan'},
  'hr': {'language': 'hr', 'value': 'materijal'},
  'ia': {'language': 'ia', 'value': 'material usate'},
  'scn': {'language': 'scn', 'value': 'fattu di'},
  'sl': {'language': 'sl', 'value': 'material'},
  'eu': {'language': 'eu', 'value': 'erabilitako materiala(k)'},
  'cy': {'language': 'cy', 'value': 'deunydd'},
  'eo': {'language': 'eo', 'value': 'uzita materialo'},
  'ar': {'language': 'ar', 'value': 'المواد المستخدمة'},
  'bg': {'language': 'bg', 'value': 'материал'},
  'ta': {'language': 'ta', 'value': 'பயன்படுத்திய பொருள்'},
  'lt': {'language': 'lt', 'value': 'naudota medžiaga'},
  'or': {'language': 'or', 'value': 'ବ୍ୟବହୃତ ସାମଗ୍ରୀ'},
  'bn': {'language': 'bn', 'value': 'ব্যবহৃত উপাদান'},
  'et': {'language': 'et', 'value': 'kasutatud materjal'},
  'zh-mo': {'language': 'zh-mo', 'value': '材料'},
  'zh-cn': {'language': 'zh-cn', 'value': '材料'},
  'zh-my': {'language': 'zh-my', 'value': '材料'},
  'zh-sg': {'language': 'zh-sg', 'value': '材料'},
  'zh-tw': {'language': 'zh-tw', 'value': '材料'},
  'hy': {'language': 'hy', 'value': 'նյութ'},
  'la': {'language': 'la', 'value': 'materia'},
  'tg': {'language': 'tg', 'value': 'маводди созанда'},
  'yo': {'language': 'yo', 'value': 'Àwon ohun èlò tí alò'},
  'tr': {'language': 'tr', 'value': 'üretildiği malzeme'},
  'ba': {'language': 'ba', 'value': 'барлыҡҡа килгән, эшләнгән'},
  'gl': {'language': 'gl', 'value': 'material usado'},
  'tt': {'language': 'tt', 'value': 'материал төре'},
  'ast': {'language': 'ast', 'value': 'material utilizáu'},
  'ml': {'language': 'ml', 'value': 'ഉപയോഗിച്ചിരിക്കുന്ന പദാർത്ഥം'},
  'frr': {'language': 'frr', 'value': 'Materiool'},
  'ce': {'language': 'ce', 'value': 'йина'},
  'mr': {'language': 'mr', 'value': 'वापरलेली सामग्री'},
  'sq': {'language': 'sq', 'value': 'materiali i përdorur'},
  'hsb': {'language': 'hsb', 'value': 'maćizna'},
  'az': {'language': 'az', 'value': 'material'},
  'ur': {'language': 'ur', 'value': 'ساختہ از'},
  'ga': {'language': 'ga', 'value': 'déanta as'},
  'gu': {'language': 'gu', 'value': 'વપરાયેલ પદાર્થો'},
  'nqo': {'language': 'nqo', 'value': 'ߓߎ߲ߓߎ߲߫ ߠߊߓߊ߯ߙߊߣߍ߲'},
  'sh': {'language': 'sh', 'value': 'materijal'},
  'ckb': {'language': 'ckb', 'value': 'ماددەی بەکارھاتوو'},
  'diq': {'language': 'diq', 'value': 'Çıçi ra vıraziyeno'},
  'br': {'language': 'br', 'value': 'danvez implijet'},
  'th': {'language': 'th', 'value': 'วัสดุที่ใช้'},
  'ha': {'language': 'ha', 'value': 'kayan haɗi'},
  'kab': {'language': 'kab', 'value': 'tinegwa'},
  'ms-arab': {'language': 'ms-arab', 'value': 'دبوات درڤد باهن'},
  'vec': {'language': 'vec', 'value': 'materiałe'},
  'ban': {'language': 'ban', 'value': 'malakar saking'},
  'sk': {'language': 'sk', 'value': 'použitý materiál'},
  'ks': {'language': 'ks', 'value': 'تَخلیٖقی مَواد'},
  'kw': {'language': 'kw', 'value': 'gwrys a'},
  'ig': {'language': 'ig', 'value': 'Ihe ejị mee ya'},
  'yue': {'language': 'yue', 'value': '材料'}},
 'descriptions': {'fr': {'language': 'fr',
   'value': "matériau dont est constitué le sujet ou l'objet (ne pas confondre avec P10672 qui est utilisé pour les processus)"},
  'en': {'language': 'en',
   'value': 'material the subject or the object is made of or derived from (do not confuse with P10672 which is used for processes)'},
  'he': {'language': 'he', 'value': 'החומרים מהם הנושא מורכב'},
  'de': {'language': 'de',
   'value': 'Stoff, aus dem das Objekt besteht oder gefertigt wurde (nicht zu verwechseln mit P10672, das für Prozesse verwendet wird)'},
  'it': {'language': 'it',
   'value': "materiale di cui è costituito l'elemento (non confondere con P10672 che è usato per i processi)"},
  'ca': {'language': 'ca', 'value': "material de què està fet l'element"},
  'es': {'language': 'es',
   'value': 'material del que está hecho o deriva el elemento (no confundir con P10672 que se utiliza para los procesos)'},
  'lv': {'language': 'lv', 'value': 'izmantotais materiāls'},
  'fi': {'language': 'fi', 'value': 'materiaali, josta kohde koostuu'},
  'fa': {'language': 'fa',
   'value': 'موادی که آیتم  مو رد نظر از آن\u200cها ساخته شده است'},
  'pl': {'language': 'pl',
   'value': 'materiał, z którego coś się składa lub z którego coś wykonano'},
  'el': {'language': 'el',
   'value': 'υλικό με το οποίο είναι φτιαγμένο το αντικέιμενο'},
  'ru': {'language': 'ru', 'value': 'материал, из которого сделан объект'},
  'ro': {'language': 'ro',
   'value': 'materialul din care este constituit subiectul'},
  'ja': {'language': 'ja', 'value': '主題のものごと(絵画、建築物、文化財、食品等)に用いられている材料'},
  'pt': {'language': 'pt', 'value': 'material de que o item é feito'},
  'hu': {'language': 'hu',
   'value': 'az anyag, amiből az illető dolog készült'},
  'da': {'language': 'da', 'value': 'det materiale, subjektet er lavet af'},
  'en-gb': {'language': 'en-gb',
   'value': 'material the subject is made of or derived from'},
  'nl': {'language': 'nl',
   'value': 'materiaal waarvan het onderwerp is gemaakt (niet verwarren met P10672 dat gebruikt wordt voor processen)'},
  'hr': {'language': 'hr',
   'value': 'materijal od kojega je objekt napravljen'},
  'nb': {'language': 'nb', 'value': 'materiale som elementet er laget av'},
  'scn': {'language': 'scn',
   'value': 'lu matiriali dû quali è fattu stu suggettu'},
  'sl': {'language': 'sl', 'value': 'material, iz katerega je nekaj narejeno'},
  'eu': {'language': 'eu',
   'value': 'Elementua egiteko erabilitako materialak'},
  'ko': {'language': 'ko', 'value': '주제를 만든 재료'},
  'zh': {'language': 'zh', 'value': '制品所使用的材料'},
  'sv': {'language': 'sv',
   'value': 'det material som subjektet är tillverkat av'},
  'bg': {'language': 'bg', 'value': 'материал, от който е изготвен обекта'},
  'bn': {'language': 'bn', 'value': 'বিষয় যে উপাদান তৈরি বা থেকে প্রাপ্ত'},
  'zh-mo': {'language': 'zh-mo', 'value': '製品所使用的材料'},
  'zh-cn': {'language': 'zh-cn', 'value': '製品所使用的材料'},
  'zh-hans': {'language': 'zh-hans', 'value': '制品所使用的材料'},
  'zh-hant': {'language': 'zh-hant', 'value': '製品所使用的材料'},
  'zh-hk': {'language': 'zh-hk', 'value': '製品所使用的材料'},
  'zh-my': {'language': 'zh-my', 'value': '制品所使用的材料'},
  'zh-sg': {'language': 'zh-sg', 'value': '制品所使用的材料'},
  'zh-tw': {'language': 'zh-tw', 'value': '製品所使用的材料'},
  'uk': {'language': 'uk',
   'value': "матеріал, з якого зроблено, чи з якого походить об'єкт"},
  'te': {'language': 'te', 'value': 'నిర్మించబడటానికి వాడిన సామాగ్రి'},
  'tr': {'language': 'tr',
   'value': 'materyalin konusu veya türetildiği malzeme'},
  'ba': {'language': 'ba', 'value': 'объект эшләнгән материал'},
  'ar': {'language': 'ar', 'value': 'المواد المصنوع منها أو الناتج عنها'},
  'gl': {'language': 'gl',
   'value': 'material do que está feito ou deriva o elemento'},
  'tt': {'language': 'tt', 'value': 'объект эшләнгән материал'},
  'ast': {'language': 'ast',
   'value': "material del que ta fechu o deriva l'elementu"},
  'ml': {'language': 'ml',
   'value': 'നിർമ്മിക്കാൻ അല്ലെങ്കിൽ ഉല്പാദിപ്പിക്കാൻ ഉപയോഗിച്ച പദാർത്ഥം'},
  'be-tarask': {'language': 'be-tarask',
   'value': 'матэрыял, зь якога зроблены ці паходзіць прадмет'},
  'hsb': {'language': 'hsb', 'value': 'maćizna, z kotrejež objekt wobsteji'},
  'nqo': {'language': 'nqo',
   'value': 'ߝߋ߲ ߘߊ߲߫ ߣߍ߲߫ ߦߋ߫ ߓߐ߰ߓߐ ߡߍ߲ ߘߐ߫ ߥߟߴߊ߬ ߓߐߣߍ߲߫ ߦߋ߫ ߡߍ߲ ߘߐ߫'},
  'sh': {'language': 'sh', 'value': 'materijal od kojeg je objekt napravljen'},
  'id': {'language': 'id',
   'value': 'bahan atau material yang digunakan untuk membuat subjek'},
  'cs': {'language': 'cs',
   'value': 'materiál, ze kterého je objekt složen či ze kterého byl vyroben'}},
 'aliases': {'en': [{'language': 'en', 'value': 'medium'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'made from'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'constructed from'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'constructed out of'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'construction material'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'media'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'built from'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'built out of'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'manufactured from'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'manufactured out of'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'crafted from'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'crafted out of'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'formed from'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'formed out of'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'made of'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'ore'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'source material'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'raw material'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'feedstock'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'reactant'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'ingredient'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'ingredients'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'made in'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'be made in'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'material used'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'made of material'}],
  'nn': [{'language': 'nn', 'value': 'råmateriale'},
   {'language': 'nn', 'value': 'råemne'},
   {'language': 'nn', 'value': 'råstoff'}],
  'es': [{'language': 'es', 'value': 'material'},
   {'language': 'es', 'value': 'material usado'}],
  'fa': [{'language': 'fa', 'value': 'مواد به کار رفته'},
   {'language': 'fa', 'value': 'از جنسِ'},
   {'language': 'fa', 'value': 'ترکیبات'},
   {'language': 'fa', 'value': 'ساخته شده با'}],
  'ru': [{'language': 'ru', 'value': 'материал'},
   {'language': 'ru', 'value': 'сделаны из'},
   {'language': 'ru', 'value': 'сделан из'},
   {'language': 'ru', 'value': 'сделана из'},
   {'language': 'ru', 'value': 'изготовлено из'},
   {'language': 'ru', 'value': 'состоит из'}],
  'de': [{'language': 'de', 'value': 'gemacht aus'},
   {'language': 'de', 'value': 'Stoff'},
   {'language': 'de', 'value': 'Zutaten'},
   {'language': 'de', 'value': 'Zutat'},
   {'language': 'de', 'value': 'besteht aus'},
   {'language': 'de', 'value': 'Materialien'},
   {'language': 'de', 'value': 'Stoffe'},
   {'language': 'de', 'value': 'hergestellt aus'},
   {'language': 'de', 'value': 'gefertigt aus'},
   {'language': 'de', 'value': 'Baustoff'},
   {'language': 'de', 'value': 'Baumaterial'},
   {'language': 'de', 'value': 'verwendetes Material'},
   {'language': 'de', 'value': 'Edukt'},
   {'language': 'de', 'value': 'Rohstoff'},
   {'language': 'de', 'value': 'Ausgangsmaterial'}],
  'zh-hk': [{'language': 'zh-hk', 'value': '所用物料'}],
  'nl': [{'language': 'nl', 'value': 'bouwmateriaal'},
   {'language': 'nl', 'value': 'materiaal'},
   {'language': 'nl', 'value': 'gemaakt van'},
   {'language': 'nl', 'value': 'grondstof'},
   {'language': 'nl', 'value': 'ingrediënt'},
   {'language': 'nl', 'value': 'gebruikte grondstof'},
   {'language': 'nl', 'value': 'ingrediënten'}],
  'scn': [{'language': 'scn', 'value': 'matiriali'}],
  'sl': [{'language': 'sl', 'value': 'gradivo'},
   {'language': 'sl', 'value': 'snov'}],
  'ja': [{'language': 'ja', 'value': '素材'},
   {'language': 'ja', 'value': '資材'},
   {'language': 'ja', 'value': '原材料'},
   {'language': 'ja', 'value': '構成物質'},
   {'language': 'ja', 'value': '画材'},
   {'language': 'ja', 'value': '食材'},
   {'language': 'ja', 'value': '建築資材'},
   {'language': 'ja', 'value': '建築材料'},
   {'language': 'ja', 'value': '材質'}],
  'he': [{'language': 'he', 'value': 'מורכב מ'},
   {'language': 'he', 'value': 'מרכיבים'},
   {'language': 'he', 'value': 'בנוי מ'},
   {'language': 'he', 'value': 'חלקים'}],
  'nb': [{'language': 'nb', 'value': 'laget av'},
   {'language': 'nb', 'value': 'lagd av'},
   {'language': 'nb', 'value': 'stoff'},
   {'language': 'nb', 'value': 'består av'},
   {'language': 'nb', 'value': 'materiell'},
   {'language': 'nb', 'value': 'råstoff'},
   {'language': 'nb', 'value': 'råmateriale'}],
  'ko': [{'language': 'ko', 'value': '재료'},
   {'language': 'ko', 'value': '사용재료'},
   {'language': 'ko', 'value': '사용한 재료'}],
  'cy': [{'language': 'cy', 'value': 'defnydd'}],
  'zh': [{'language': 'zh', 'value': '材料'},
   {'language': 'zh', 'value': '使用材料'},
   {'language': 'zh', 'value': '成分'}],
  'bn': [{'language': 'bn', 'value': 'থেকে তৈরি'},
   {'language': 'bn', 'value': 'থেকে নির্মাণ'},
   {'language': 'bn', 'value': 'নির্মাণ উপাদান'},
   {'language': 'bn', 'value': 'থেকে উত্পাদিত'},
   {'language': 'bn', 'value': 'উৎস উপাদান'},
   {'language': 'bn', 'value': 'কাঁচা মাল'},
   {'language': 'bn', 'value': 'উপাদান'}],
  'uk': [{'language': 'uk', 'value': 'матеріал:'}],
  'ar': [{'language': 'ar', 'value': 'مواد مستخدمة'}],
  'pl': [{'language': 'pl', 'value': 'surowiec'},
   {'language': 'pl', 'value': 'zrobione z'},
   {'language': 'pl', 'value': 'medium'},
   {'language': 'pl', 'value': 'zbudowane z'}],
  'fr': [{'language': 'fr', 'value': 'composé de'},
   {'language': 'fr', 'value': 'fait de'},
   {'language': 'fr', 'value': 'matériau de construction'},
   {'language': 'fr', 'value': 'matériaux'},
   {'language': 'fr', 'value': 'construit à partir de'},
   {'language': 'fr', 'value': 'fabriqué à partir de'},
   {'language': 'fr', 'value': 'matière'},
   {'language': 'fr', 'value': 'composant'},
   {'language': 'fr', 'value': 'élément'},
   {'language': 'fr', 'value': 'substance'},
   {'language': 'fr', 'value': 'support'}],
  'te': [{'language': 'te', 'value': 'నుండి తయారు నుండి నిర్మించబడింది'}],
  'yo': [{'language': 'yo', 'value': 'Àwon ohun èlò'},
   {'language': 'yo', 'value': 'Ohun èlò'},
   {'language': 'yo', 'value': 'Èròjà'},
   {'language': 'yo', 'value': 'Àwon èròjà'}],
  'it': [{'language': 'it', 'value': 'ingredienti'},
   {'language': 'it', 'value': 'fatto di'},
   {'language': 'it', 'value': 'costruito con'},
   {'language': 'it', 'value': 'ricavato da'},
   {'language': 'it', 'value': 'scolpito ne'},
   {'language': 'it', 'value': 'reagente'},
   {'language': 'it', 'value': 'contiene'},
   {'language': 'it', 'value': 'manufatto'}],
  'gl': [{'language': 'gl', 'value': 'material'}],
  'tr': [{'language': 'tr', 'value': 'imal edilmiştir'},
   {'language': 'tr', 'value': 'üretildiği madde'},
   {'language': 'tr', 'value': 'hazırlandığı'},
   {'language': 'tr', 'value': 'oluşturan'},
   {'language': 'tr', 'value': 'kullanılan materyal'},
   {'language': 'tr', 'value': 'kullanılan malzeme'},
   {'language': 'tr', 'value': 'üretildiği gereç'},
   {'language': 'tr', 'value': 'bileşeni'},
   {'language': 'tr', 'value': 'malzemeleri'},
   {'language': 'tr', 'value': 'imal edildiği'},
   {'language': 'tr', 'value': 'cevheri'},
   {'language': 'tr', 'value': 'maddesi'},
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   {'language': 'tr', 'value': 'kaynak maddesi'},
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In [40]:
print (f"{}:{}")
In [41]:
def url(e):
    return f"{}:{}"
In [42]:
print (url(made_from_material))

There's an example property...

In [44]:
example_prop = client.get("P1855")
In [46]:
for ex in made_from_material[example_prop]:
    print (, ex.description)
P279 this item is a subclass (subset) of that item; all instances of these items are instances of those items; different from P31 (instance of), e.g.: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform).
P373 name of the Wikimedia Commons category containing files related to this item (without the prefix "Category:")
P508 identifier in the subject indexing tool of the National Central Library of Florence
P349 identifier for authority control per the National Diet Library of Japan
P227 identifier from an international authority file of names, subjects, and organizations (please don't use type n = name, disambiguation) - Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
P910 main Wikimedia category
P935 name of the Wikimedia Commons gallery page(s) related to this item (is suitable to allow multiple links to more gallery pages)
P646 identifier for a page in the Freebase database. Format: "/m/0" followed by 2 to 7 characters. For those starting with "/g/", use Google Knowledge Graph identifier (P2671)
P18 image of relevant illustration of the subject; if available, also use more specific properties (sample: coat of arms image, locator map, flag image, signature image, logo image, collage image)
P443 audio file with pronunciation
P1051 identifier in the authority database of the Czech Technical Library
P244 Library of Congress name authority (persons, families, corporate bodies, events, places, works and expressions) and subject authority identifier [Format: 1-2 specific letters followed by 8-10 digits (see regex). For manifestations, use P1144]
P527 part of this subject; inverse property of "part of" (P361). See also "has parts of the class" (P2670).
P1417 identifier for an article in the online version of Encyclopædia Britannica
P1807 identifier in the Spanish language, Aragon-themed, Great Aragonese Encyclopedia (GEA)
P186 material the subject or the object is made of or derived from (do not confuse with P10672 which is used for processes)
P1821 represents a food category on Open Food Facts
P3221 identifier for a topic, at the New York Times' website
P3417 identifier for a topic on Quora (English language version)
P3827 identifier for a topic at JSTOR
P1225 identifier for the United States National Archives and Records Administration's online catalog
P495 country of origin of this item (creative work, food, phrase, product, etc.)
P2581 ID in BabelNet encyclopedic dictionary
P5019 identifier for an article in the online version of Brockhaus Enzyklopädie
P5008 property to indicate that an item is of particular interest for a Wikimedia project. This property does not add notability. Items should not be created with this property if they are not notable for Wikidata. See also P6104, P972, P2354.
P5125 item about an outline of the topic at Wikimedia sites
P486 identifier for Descriptor or Supplementary concept in the Medical Subject Headings controlled vocabulary
P4839 input form for an entity in Wolfram Language
P5930 identifier of a food ingredient on Open Food Facts
P5247 identifier at the Giant Bomb database of video games, fictional characters and voice actors
P948 image at top of an article about the topic, mainly used by Wikivoyage and Women in Red
P6573 ID of an article in Klexikon
P1296 identifier for an item in the Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana
P1245 "Defined Meaning" on the site
P7818 ID of the article in French Vikidia
P7829 ID of the article in English Vikidia
P7827 name of the article in Spanish Vikidia
P6760 identifier for a Know Your Meme article
P6900 identifier for an article in NicoNicoPedia
P2347 identifier for a concept in the General Finnish Ontology YSO
P1343 work where this item is described
P7033 ID for curriculum term in one of the controlled vocabularies at Australian education vocabularies
P8408 identifier for the KBpedia knowledge graph, which provides consistent mappings across seven large-scale public knowledge bases including Wikidata, and is used to promote data interoperability and extraction of training sets for machine learning
P672 Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) codes are an index and thesaurus for the life sciences (≠ MeSH ID, P486)
P3984 name of the Reddit forum associated to this subject
P9057 identifier of an ingredient in database
P4527 identifier in the thesaurus of subject headings maintained by the librarians in the House of Commons in the UK
P9368 identifier for a topic on CNA's website
P268 identifier for the subject issued by BNF (Bibliothèque nationale de France). Format: 8 digits followed by a check-digit or letter, do not include the initial 'cb'.
P3553 numeric id of topics (tags) of questions on Zhihu, a Chinese question-and-answer website
P9629 identifier for a topic in the online encyclopedia Armeniapedia
P3781 has part biologically active component. Inverse of "active ingredient in"
P7512 ID in the Database of
P1889 item that is different from another item, with which it may be confused
P3365 identifier for the Treccani website
P4223 identifier for the Enciclopedia Italiana on Treccani website
P1582 links a natural product with its source (animal, plant, fungal, algal, etc.)
P4342 identifier of an article in the online encyclopedia
P8313 identifier of an article in the online encyclopedia
P3911 identifier for a descriptor of the STW Thesaurus for Economics, linking to literature on economics and business administration
P8189 identifier used by the National Library of Israel
P8061 identifier for a subject in AGROVOC thesaurus
P8072 identifier for a subject in CAB Thesaurus
P2004 identifier for subject headings in the Agricultural Thesaurus of the United States National Agricultural Library
P31 that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)
P10077 identifier for an item in any of the Spanish Cultural Heritage thesauri
P8814 Synset identifier in Princetons WordNet Version 3.1
P10565 identifier for an article in the online version of Encyclopedia of China (Third Edition)
P691 identifier in the Czech National Authority Database (National Library of Czech Republic)
P7502 page ID for the Golden knowledge base
P6262 identifier of an article on Fandom (Wikia). Format: subdomain:Page_title
In [48]:
for x in made_from_material.iterlists():
    print (x)
(<wikidata.entity.Entity P1629>, [<wikidata.entity.Entity Q214609>])
(<wikidata.entity.Entity P1855>, [<wikidata.entity.Entity Q195>, <wikidata.entity.Entity Q243>, <wikidata.entity.Entity Q571>, <wikidata.entity.Entity Q9202>])
(<wikidata.entity.Entity P31>, [<wikidata.entity.Entity Q51122921>, <wikidata.entity.Entity Q70564278>])
(<wikidata.entity.Entity P1659>, [<wikidata.entity.Entity P1582>, <wikidata.entity.Entity P2079>, <wikidata.entity.Entity P176>, <wikidata.entity.Entity P2647>, <wikidata.entity.Entity P527>, <wikidata.entity.Entity P1056>, <wikidata.entity.Entity P2670>, <wikidata.entity.Entity P4543>, <wikidata.entity.Entity P10672>])
(<wikidata.entity.Entity P2875>, [<wikidata.entity.Entity Q23909000>])
(<wikidata.entity.Entity P2236>, ['', ''])
(<wikidata.entity.Entity P3254>, [''])
(<wikidata.entity.Entity P2302>, [<wikidata.entity.Entity Q21510865>, <wikidata.entity.Entity Q21510851>, <wikidata.entity.Entity Q21502838>, <wikidata.entity.Entity Q21503250>, <wikidata.entity.Entity Q52004125>, <wikidata.entity.Entity Q53869507>, <wikidata.entity.Entity Q21502838>, <wikidata.entity.Entity Q52558054>, <wikidata.entity.Entity Q21510859>])
(<wikidata.entity.Entity P1628>, ['', ''])
(<wikidata.entity.Entity P3734>, [<wikidata.entity.Entity Q42533367>])
(<wikidata.entity.Entity P1647>, [<wikidata.entity.Entity P2283>])
(<wikidata.entity.Entity P1282>, ['Key:building:material'])
(<wikidata.entity.Entity P1813>, ['(sv:) material'[6:]])
(<wikidata.entity.Entity P7087>, [<wikidata.entity.Entity Q104626285>])
(<wikidata.entity.Entity P2888>, [''])
(<wikidata.entity.Entity P2668 'stability of property value'>, [<wikidata.entity.Entity Q23611288>])
In [49]:
[[<wikidata.entity.Entity Q214609>],
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  <wikidata.entity.Entity P2647>,
  <wikidata.entity.Entity P527>,
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  <wikidata.entity.Entity P2670>,
  <wikidata.entity.Entity P4543>,
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 [<wikidata.entity.Entity Q23909000>],
 ['', ''],
 [<wikidata.entity.Entity Q21510865>,
  <wikidata.entity.Entity Q21510851>,
  <wikidata.entity.Entity Q21502838>,
  <wikidata.entity.Entity Q21503250>,
  <wikidata.entity.Entity Q52004125>,
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 ['(sv:) material'[6:]],
 [<wikidata.entity.Entity Q104626285>],
 [<wikidata.entity.Entity Q23611288>]]

Direct SPAQL queries (without rdflib, and with alternative/direct? endpoint)

SPARQL queries can be submitted directly to the SPARQL endpoint with GET request to{SPARQL}
or the endpoint's alias{SPARQL} .

The result is returned as XML by default, or as JSON if either the query parameter format=json or the header Accept: application/sparql-results+json are provided. See the user manual for more detailed information. RDF data can alternatively be accessed via a Linked Data Fragments[1] interface at

In [9]:
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.parse import quote as urlquote, urlencode
import json
In [13]:
q1 = """
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX ps: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?statement0 ?material WHERE
      ?item p:P186 ?statement0.
      ?statement0 ps:P186 ?material.
In [6]:
# f = urlopen("{%0A%20%20%3Fx%20wdt%3AP214%20%22113230702%22%0A}")
endpoint = 
In [8]:
urlencode({"format": "json", "query": "this is a test"})
In [24]:
def query (q, format="json", endpoint=""):
    p = {}
    p['format'] = format
    p['query'] = q
    f = urlopen(endpoint+"?"+urlencode(p))
    return json.load(f)
In [4]:
f = urlopen(f"{urlquote(query)}")
results = json.load(f)
In [15]:
print (json.dumps(query(q1), indent=2))
  "head": {
    "vars": [
  "results": {
    "bindings": [
        "statement0": {
          "type": "uri",
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        "item": {
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        "item": {
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        "item": {
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          "value": ""
        "material": {
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        "item": {
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          "value": ""
        "material": {
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        "item": {
          "type": "uri",
          "value": ""
        "statement0": {
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          "value": ""
        "item": {
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          "value": ""
        "statement0": {
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          "value": ""
        "material": {
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        "item": {
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In [17]:
for bb in results['results']['bindings']:
    print (bb)
{'statement0': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}, 'material': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}, 'item': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}}
{'statement0': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}, 'material': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}, 'item': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}}
{'statement0': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}, 'material': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}, 'item': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}}
{'statement0': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}, 'material': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}, 'item': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}}
{'statement0': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}, 'material': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}, 'item': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}}
{'statement0': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}, 'material': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}, 'item': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}}
{'statement0': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}, 'material': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}, 'item': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}}
{'statement0': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}, 'material': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}, 'item': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}}
{'statement0': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}, 'material': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}, 'item': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}}
{'statement0': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}, 'material': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}, 'item': {'type': 'uri', 'value': ''}}
In [21]:
for bb in results['results']['bindings']:
    print (bb)
In [22]:
print (query2(q1))
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<sparql xmlns=''>
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			<binding name='statement0'>
			<binding name='material'>
			<binding name='item'>
			<binding name='statement0'>
			<binding name='material'>
			<binding name='item'>
			<binding name='statement0'>
			<binding name='material'>
			<binding name='item'>
			<binding name='statement0'>
			<binding name='material'>
			<binding name='item'>
			<binding name='statement0'>
			<binding name='material'>
			<binding name='item'>
			<binding name='statement0'>
			<binding name='material'>
			<binding name='item'>
			<binding name='statement0'>
			<binding name='material'>
			<binding name='item'>
			<binding name='statement0'>
			<binding name='material'>
			<binding name='item'>
			<binding name='statement0'>
			<binding name='material'>
			<binding name='item'>

Non-human authors ?

This blog post from Harmonia Amanda, part of a series of "Sunday Queries" develops the idea of querying wikidata for the 200 oldest alive French actresses (known to the wikidata of course).

In [27]:
prefixes = """
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wikibase: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX pq: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX bd: <>

Q5: Human
P31: Instance of
P50: author

In [31]:
q2 = """
SELECT ?person WHERE {
    ?person wdt:P31 wd:Q5 .
    ?person wdt:P50 ?work .
In [32]:
def query (q, format="json", endpoint=""):
    p = {}
    p['format'] = format
    p['query'] = q
    f = urlopen(endpoint+"?"+urlencode(p))
    return json.load(f)['results']['bindings']
In [33]:
for r in query(prefixes + q2):
    print (r)
HTTPError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_28330/ in <module>
----> 1 for r in query(prefixes + q2):
      2     print (r)

/tmp/ipykernel_28330/ in query(q, format, endpoint)
      3     p['format'] = format
      4     p['query'] = q
----> 5     f = urlopen(endpoint+"?"+urlencode(p))
      6     return json.load(f)['results']['bindings']

/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/ in urlopen(url, data, timeout, cafile, capath, cadefault, context)
    212     else:
    213         opener = _opener
--> 214     return, data, timeout)
    216 def install_opener(opener):

/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/ in open(self, fullurl, data, timeout)
    521         for processor in self.process_response.get(protocol, []):
    522             meth = getattr(processor, meth_name)
--> 523             response = meth(req, response)
    525         return response

/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/ in http_response(self, request, response)
    630         # request was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
    631         if not (200 <= code < 300):
--> 632             response = self.parent.error(
    633                 'http', request, response, code, msg, hdrs)

/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/ in error(self, proto, *args)
    559         if http_err:
    560             args = (dict, 'default', 'http_error_default') + orig_args
--> 561             return self._call_chain(*args)
    563 # XXX probably also want an abstract factory that knows when it makes

/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/ in _call_chain(self, chain, kind, meth_name, *args)
    492         for handler in handlers:
    493             func = getattr(handler, meth_name)
--> 494             result = func(*args)
    495             if result is not None:
    496                 return result

/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/ in http_error_default(self, req, fp, code, msg, hdrs)
    639 class HTTPDefaultErrorHandler(BaseHandler):
    640     def http_error_default(self, req, fp, code, msg, hdrs):
--> 641         raise HTTPError(req.full_url, code, msg, hdrs, fp)
    643 class HTTPRedirectHandler(BaseHandler):

HTTPError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error


The query builder documentation includes an example of a search for "Items having an occupation but not being humans".

In [35]:
qq = """
SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?statement0 ?thing WHERE {
      MINUS {
        ?item p:P31 ?statement0.
        ?statement0 (ps:P31/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q5.
      ?item ^p:P50 ?statement1.
      ?statement1 ^(ps:P50/(wdt:P279*)) ?thing.
    LIMIT 100
In [36]:
for r in query(prefixes + qq):
    print (r)
HTTPError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_28330/ in <module>
----> 1 for r in query(prefixes + qq):
      2     print (r)

/tmp/ipykernel_28330/ in query(q, format, endpoint)
      3     p['format'] = format
      4     p['query'] = q
----> 5     f = urlopen(endpoint+"?"+urlencode(p))
      6     return json.load(f)['results']['bindings']

/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/ in urlopen(url, data, timeout, cafile, capath, cadefault, context)
    212     else:
    213         opener = _opener
--> 214     return, data, timeout)
    216 def install_opener(opener):

/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/ in open(self, fullurl, data, timeout)
    521         for processor in self.process_response.get(protocol, []):
    522             meth = getattr(processor, meth_name)
--> 523             response = meth(req, response)
    525         return response

/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/ in http_response(self, request, response)
    630         # request was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
    631         if not (200 <= code < 300):
--> 632             response = self.parent.error(
    633                 'http', request, response, code, msg, hdrs)

/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/ in error(self, proto, *args)
    559         if http_err:
    560             args = (dict, 'default', 'http_error_default') + orig_args
--> 561             return self._call_chain(*args)
    563 # XXX probably also want an abstract factory that knows when it makes

/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/ in _call_chain(self, chain, kind, meth_name, *args)
    492         for handler in handlers:
    493             func = getattr(handler, meth_name)
--> 494             result = func(*args)
    495             if result is not None:
    496                 return result

/usr/lib/python3.9/urllib/ in http_error_default(self, req, fp, code, msg, hdrs)
    639 class HTTPDefaultErrorHandler(BaseHandler):
    640     def http_error_default(self, req, fp, code, msg, hdrs):
--> 641         raise HTTPError(req.full_url, code, msg, hdrs, fp)
    643 class HTTPRedirectHandler(BaseHandler):

HTTPError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
In [40]:
In [44]:
e = client.get('Q283')
In [47]:
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_28330/ in <module>
----> 1 print (e.title)

AttributeError: 'Entity' object has no attribute 'title'
In [93]:
import re

def get_info (wdurl):
    m ="^https?:\/\/www\.wikidata\.org\/(wiki|entity)/(?P<q>Q\d+)$", wdurl)
    if m is not None:
        qid = m.groupdict()['q']
        print ("qid", qid)
        url = f"{qid}.json?flavor=simple"
        return json.load(urlopen(url))['entities'][qid]
        print("unrecognized url")
In [94]:
url = ""
In [95]:
qid Q283
{'pageid': 459,
 'ns': 0,
 'title': 'Q283',
 'lastrevid': 1767502457,
 'modified': '2022-11-08T18:29:52Z',
 'type': 'item',
 'id': 'Q283',
 'labels': {'fr': {'language': 'fr', 'value': 'eau'},
  'en': {'language': 'en', 'value': 'water'},
  'ru': {'language': 'ru', 'value': 'вода'},
  'it': {'language': 'it', 'value': 'acqua'},
  'be-tarask': {'language': 'be-tarask', 'value': 'вада'},
  'yue': {'language': 'yue', 'value': '水'},
  'lzh': {'language': 'lzh', 'value': '水'},
  'sgs': {'language': 'sgs', 'value': 'Ondou'},
  'nan': {'language': 'nan', 'value': 'Chúi'},
  'nds-nl': {'language': 'nds-nl', 'value': 'Woater'},
  'vro': {'language': 'vro', 'value': 'Vesi'},
  'nb': {'language': 'nb', 'value': 'vann'},
  'de': {'language': 'de', 'value': 'Wasser'},
  'en-ca': {'language': 'en-ca', 'value': 'water'},
  'en-gb': {'language': 'en-gb', 'value': 'water'},
  'la': {'language': 'la', 'value': 'aqua'},
  'af': {'language': 'af', 'value': 'water'},
  'ar': {'language': 'ar', 'value': 'ماء'},
  'am': {'language': 'am', 'value': 'ውሃ'},
  'an': {'language': 'an', 'value': 'augua'},
  'ang': {'language': 'ang', 'value': 'wæter'},
  'arc': {'language': 'arc', 'value': 'ܡܝܐ'},
  'arz': {'language': 'arz', 'value': 'ميه'},
  'ast': {'language': 'ast', 'value': 'agua'},
  'ay': {'language': 'ay', 'value': 'uma'},
  'az': {'language': 'az', 'value': 'su'},
  'ba': {'language': 'ba', 'value': 'Һыу'},
  'bar': {'language': 'bar', 'value': 'Wossa'},
  'be': {'language': 'be', 'value': 'вада'},
  'bg': {'language': 'bg', 'value': 'вода'},
  'bjn': {'language': 'bjn', 'value': 'banyu'},
  'bm': {'language': 'bm', 'value': 'Ji'},
  'bn': {'language': 'bn', 'value': 'পানি'},
  'bo': {'language': 'bo', 'value': 'ཆུ།'},
  'br': {'language': 'br', 'value': 'dour'},
  'bs': {'language': 'bs', 'value': 'voda'},
  'ca': {'language': 'ca', 'value': 'aigua'},
  'cdo': {'language': 'cdo', 'value': 'cūi'},
  'ce': {'language': 'ce', 'value': 'хи'},
  'ceb': {'language': 'ceb', 'value': 'tubig'},
  'ch': {'language': 'ch', 'value': 'hånom'},
  'chr': {'language': 'chr', 'value': 'ᎠᎹ'},
  'chy': {'language': 'chy', 'value': 'mahpe'},
  'ckb': {'language': 'ckb', 'value': 'ئاو'},
  'co': {'language': 'co', 'value': 'acqua'},
  'cr': {'language': 'cr', 'value': 'ᓃᐲᔾ'},
  'cs': {'language': 'cs', 'value': 'voda'},
  'cv': {'language': 'cv', 'value': 'шыв'},
  'cy': {'language': 'cy', 'value': 'dŵr'},
  'da': {'language': 'da', 'value': 'vand'},
  'dv': {'language': 'dv', 'value': 'ފެން'},
  'el': {'language': 'el', 'value': 'νερό'},
  'eml': {'language': 'eml', 'value': 'aqua'},
  'eo': {'language': 'eo', 'value': 'akvo'},
  'et': {'language': 'et', 'value': 'vesi'},
  'eu': {'language': 'eu', 'value': 'ur'},
  'ext': {'language': 'ext', 'value': 'augua'},
  'fa': {'language': 'fa', 'value': 'آب'},
  'fi': {'language': 'fi', 'value': 'vesi'},
  'frr': {'language': 'frr', 'value': 'Weeder'},
  'fur': {'language': 'fur', 'value': 'aghe'},
  'fy': {'language': 'fy', 'value': 'wetter'},
  'ga': {'language': 'ga', 'value': 'uisce'},
  'gan': {'language': 'gan', 'value': '水'},
  'gd': {'language': 'gd', 'value': 'uisge'},
  'gl': {'language': 'gl', 'value': 'auga'},
  'gn': {'language': 'gn', 'value': 'y'},
  'gu': {'language': 'gu', 'value': 'પાણી'},
  'gv': {'language': 'gv', 'value': 'ushtey'},
  'hak': {'language': 'hak', 'value': 'súi'},
  'he': {'language': 'he', 'value': 'מים'},
  'hi': {'language': 'hi', 'value': 'जल'},
  'hif': {'language': 'hif', 'value': 'paani'},
  'hr': {'language': 'hr', 'value': 'voda'},
  'hsb': {'language': 'hsb', 'value': 'woda'},
  'ht': {'language': 'ht', 'value': 'dlo'},
  'hu': {'language': 'hu', 'value': 'víz'},
  'hy': {'language': 'hy', 'value': 'ջուր'},
  'ia': {'language': 'ia', 'value': 'aqua'},
  'id': {'language': 'id', 'value': 'air'},
  'ie': {'language': 'ie', 'value': 'aqua'},
  'ilo': {'language': 'ilo', 'value': 'danum'},
  'io': {'language': 'io', 'value': 'aquo'},
  'is': {'language': 'is', 'value': 'vatn'},
  'ja': {'language': 'ja', 'value': '水'},
  'jbo': {'language': 'jbo', 'value': 'djacu'},
  'jv': {'language': 'jv', 'value': 'banyu'},
  'ka': {'language': 'ka', 'value': 'წყალი'},
  'kab': {'language': 'kab', 'value': 'aman'},
  'kg': {'language': 'kg', 'value': 'maza'},
  'ki': {'language': 'ki', 'value': 'mai'},
  'kk': {'language': 'kk', 'value': 'су'},
  'km': {'language': 'km', 'value': 'ទឹក'},
  'kn': {'language': 'kn', 'value': 'ನೀರು'},
  'ko': {'language': 'ko', 'value': '물'},
  'ksh': {'language': 'ksh', 'value': 'Wasser'},
  'ku': {'language': 'ku', 'value': 'av'},
  'lad': {'language': 'lad', 'value': 'agua'},
  'lb': {'language': 'lb', 'value': 'Waasser'},
  'lez': {'language': 'lez', 'value': 'яд'},
  'li': {'language': 'li', 'value': 'water'},
  'lmo': {'language': 'lmo', 'value': 'aqua'},
  'ln': {'language': 'ln', 'value': 'mái'},
  'lt': {'language': 'lt', 'value': 'vanduo'},
  'ltg': {'language': 'ltg', 'value': 'Iudiņs'},
  'lv': {'language': 'lv', 'value': 'ūdens'},
  'mdf': {'language': 'mdf', 'value': 'ведь'},
  'mg': {'language': 'mg', 'value': 'rano'},
  'mk': {'language': 'mk', 'value': 'вода'},
  'ml': {'language': 'ml', 'value': 'ജലം'},
  'mn': {'language': 'mn', 'value': 'Ус'},
  'mr': {'language': 'mr', 'value': 'पाणी'},
  'ms': {'language': 'ms', 'value': 'air'},
  'mwl': {'language': 'mwl', 'value': 'auga'},
  'my': {'language': 'my', 'value': 'ရေ'},
  'mzn': {'language': 'mzn', 'value': 'ئو'},
  'na': {'language': 'na', 'value': 'ebok'},
  'nah': {'language': 'nah', 'value': 'ātl'},
  'nap': {'language': 'nap', 'value': 'acqua'},
  'nds': {'language': 'nds', 'value': 'Water'},
  'ne': {'language': 'ne', 'value': 'पानी'},
  'new': {'language': 'new', 'value': 'लः'},
  'nl': {'language': 'nl', 'value': 'water'},
  'nn': {'language': 'nn', 'value': 'vatn'},
  'nrm': {'language': 'nrm', 'value': 'Ieau'},
  'nv': {'language': 'nv', 'value': 'tó'},
  'oc': {'language': 'oc', 'value': 'aiga'},
  'om': {'language': 'om', 'value': 'bishaan'},
  'or': {'language': 'or', 'value': 'ଜଳ'},
  'os': {'language': 'os', 'value': 'дон'},
  'pa': {'language': 'pa', 'value': 'ਪਾਣੀ'},
  'pap': {'language': 'pap', 'value': 'awa'},
  'pdc': {'language': 'pdc', 'value': 'Wasser'},
  'pfl': {'language': 'pfl', 'value': 'Wassa'},
  'pl': {'language': 'pl', 'value': 'woda'},
  'pnb': {'language': 'pnb', 'value': 'پاݨی'},
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  'pt': {'language': 'pt', 'value': 'água'},
  'pt-br': {'language': 'pt-br', 'value': 'água'},
  'qu': {'language': 'qu', 'value': 'yaku'},
  'ro': {'language': 'ro', 'value': 'apă'},
  'rue': {'language': 'rue', 'value': 'вода'},
  'sa': {'language': 'sa', 'value': 'जलम्'},
  'sah': {'language': 'sah', 'value': 'уу'},
  'sc': {'language': 'sc', 'value': 'aba'},
  'scn': {'language': 'scn', 'value': 'acqua'},
  'sco': {'language': 'sco', 'value': 'watter'},
  'se': {'language': 'se', 'value': 'čáhci'},
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  'si': {'language': 'si', 'value': 'ජලය'},
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  'sl': {'language': 'sl', 'value': 'voda'},
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  'sr': {'language': 'sr', 'value': 'вода'},
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  'sv': {'language': 'sv', 'value': 'vatten'},
  'sw': {'language': 'sw', 'value': 'maji'},
  'szl': {'language': 'szl', 'value': 'woda'},
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  'te': {'language': 'te', 'value': 'నీరు'},
  'tg': {'language': 'tg', 'value': 'об'},
  'th': {'language': 'th', 'value': 'น้ำ'},
  'tl': {'language': 'tl', 'value': 'tubig'},
  'tr': {'language': 'tr', 'value': 'su'},
  'tt': {'language': 'tt', 'value': 'су'},
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  'ur': {'language': 'ur', 'value': 'پانی'},
  'uz': {'language': 'uz', 'value': 'suv'},
  'vec': {'language': 'vec', 'value': 'àcua'},
  'vep': {'language': 'vep', 'value': 'vezi'},
  'vi': {'language': 'vi', 'value': 'nước'},
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  'vo': {'language': 'vo', 'value': 'vat'},
  'war': {'language': 'war', 'value': 'tubig'},
  'wo': {'language': 'wo', 'value': 'ndox'},
  'wuu': {'language': 'wuu', 'value': '水'},
  'xh': {'language': 'xh', 'value': 'amanzi'},
  'xmf': {'language': 'xmf', 'value': 'წყარი'},
  'yi': {'language': 'yi', 'value': 'װאַסער'},
  'yo': {'language': 'yo', 'value': 'omi'},
  'za': {'language': 'za', 'value': 'raemx'},
  'zu': {'language': 'zu', 'value': 'amanzi'},
  'de-ch': {'language': 'de-ch', 'value': 'Wasser'},
  'bi': {'language': 'bi', 'value': 'wota'},
  'zh-hans': {'language': 'zh-hans', 'value': '水'},
  'zh-tw': {'language': 'zh-tw', 'value': '水'},
  'pih': {'language': 'pih', 'value': 'wata'},
  'pms': {'language': 'pms', 'value': 'eva'},
  'gsw': {'language': 'gsw', 'value': 'Wasser'},
  'bxr': {'language': 'bxr', 'value': 'уһан'},
  'tk': {'language': 'tk', 'value': 'suw'},
  'ff': {'language': 'ff', 'value': 'ndiyam'},
  'ha': {'language': 'ha', 'value': 'ruwa'},
  'dsb': {'language': 'dsb', 'value': 'wóda'},
  'fo': {'language': 'fo', 'value': 'vatn'},
  'zh-cn': {'language': 'zh-cn', 'value': '水'},
  'zh-hk': {'language': 'zh-hk', 'value': '水'},
  'mi': {'language': 'mi', 'value': 'wai'},
  'min': {'language': 'min', 'value': 'aia'},
  'rup': {'language': 'rup', 'value': 'Apâ'},
  'mai': {'language': 'mai', 'value': 'पानी'},
  'ky': {'language': 'ky', 'value': 'суу'},
  'kaa': {'language': 'kaa', 'value': 'suw'},
  'ak': {'language': 'ak', 'value': 'nsuo'},
  'ee': {'language': 'ee', 'value': '3tsi'},
  'av': {'language': 'av', 'value': 'лъим'},
  'bcl': {'language': 'bcl', 'value': 'Tubig'},
  'lij': {'language': 'lij', 'value': 'ægoa'},
  'bho': {'language': 'bho', 'value': 'पानी'},
  'as': {'language': 'as', 'value': 'পানী'},
  'azb': {'language': 'azb', 'value': 'سو'},
  'stq': {'language': 'stq', 'value': 'Woater'},
  'iu': {'language': 'iu', 'value': 'ᐃᒪᖅ'},
  'sm': {'language': 'sm', 'value': 'vai'},
  'sd': {'language': 'sd', 'value': 'پاڻي'},
  'awa': {'language': 'awa', 'value': 'पानी'},
  'gom': {'language': 'gom', 'value': 'udok'},
  'pam': {'language': 'pam', 'value': 'danum'},
  'sma': {'language': 'sma', 'value': 'tjaetsie'},
  'jam': {'language': 'jam', 'value': 'waata'},
  'tcy': {'language': 'tcy', 'value': 'ನೀರ್'},
  'pag': {'language': 'pag', 'value': 'danom'},
  'zh-mo': {'language': 'zh-mo', 'value': '水'},
  'zh-my': {'language': 'zh-my', 'value': '水'},
  'zh-sg': {'language': 'zh-sg', 'value': '水'},
  'tt-cyrl': {'language': 'tt-cyrl', 'value': 'су'},
  'tt-latn': {'language': 'tt-latn', 'value': 'su'},
  'lg': {'language': 'lg', 'value': 'amazzi'},
  'kbp': {'language': 'kbp', 'value': 'lɩm'},
  'ig': {'language': 'ig', 'value': 'mmiri'},
  'diq': {'language': 'diq', 'value': 'Awe'},
  'cbk-zam': {'language': 'cbk-zam', 'value': 'agwa'},
  'dty': {'language': 'dty', 'value': 'पानी'},
  'pcd': {'language': 'pcd', 'value': 'Ieu'},
  'inh': {'language': 'inh', 'value': 'Хий'},
  'lfn': {'language': 'lfn', 'value': 'acua'},
  'ts': {'language': 'ts', 'value': 'mati'},
  'atj': {'language': 'atj', 'value': 'nipi'},
  'myv': {'language': 'myv', 'value': 'ведь'},
  'ab': {'language': 'ab', 'value': 'аӡы'},
  'sat': {'language': 'sat', 'value': 'ᱫᱟᱜ'},
  'crh': {'language': 'crh', 'value': 'suv'},
  'map-bms': {'language': 'map-bms', 'value': 'Banyu'},
  'udm': {'language': 'udm', 'value': 'ву'},
  'hyw': {'language': 'hyw', 'value': 'ջուր'},
  'smn': {'language': 'smn', 'value': 'čääci'},
  'sms': {'language': 'sms', 'value': 'čääʹcc'},
  'es': {'language': 'es', 'value': 'agua'},
  'zh': {'language': 'zh', 'value': '水'},
  'zh-hant': {'language': 'zh-hant', 'value': '水'},
  'got': {'language': 'got', 'value': '𐍅𐌰𐍄𐌰'},
  'gcr': {'language': 'gcr', 'value': 'dilo'},
  'szy': {'language': 'szy', 'value': 'nanum'},
  'fj': {'language': 'fj', 'value': 'Wai'},
  'st': {'language': 'st', 'value': 'Metsi'},
  'rmf': {'language': 'rmf', 'value': 'paani'},
  'to': {'language': 'to', 'value': 'Vai'},
  'ug': {'language': 'ug', 'value': 'سۇ'},
  'nqo': {'language': 'nqo', 'value': 'ߖߌ'},
  'ace': {'language': 'ace', 'value': 'ie'},
  'crh-latn': {'language': 'crh-latn', 'value': 'Suv'},
  'ary': {'language': 'ary', 'value': 'ما'},
  'dag': {'language': 'dag', 'value': 'kom'},
  'lld': {'language': 'lld', 'value': 'Èga'},
  'skr': {'language': 'skr', 'value': 'پاݨی'},
  'shn': {'language': 'shn', 'value': 'ၼမ်ႉ'},
  'tay': {'language': 'tay', 'value': 'sya'},
  'mni': {'language': 'mni', 'value': 'ꯏꯁꯤꯡ'},
  'kw': {'language': 'kw', 'value': 'Dowr'},
  'ks': {'language': 'ks', 'value': 'پونؠ'},
  'dua': {'language': 'dua', 'value': 'madiba'},
  'bbj': {'language': 'bbj', 'value': 'shyə'},
  'bas': {'language': 'bas', 'value': 'malep'},
  'bag': {'language': 'bag', 'value': 'matɛ́yá'},
  'bkc': {'language': 'bkc', 'value': 'ngo'},
  'bkh': {'language': 'bkh', 'value': 'madíp'},
  'wes': {'language': 'wes', 'value': 'wata'},
  'bax': {'language': 'bax', 'value': 'kÃ'},
  'bkm': {'language': 'bkm', 'value': 'mû'},
  'shi': {'language': 'shi', 'value': 'Aman'},
  'ks-arab': {'language': 'ks-arab', 'value': 'پوٗنؠ'},
  'fmp': {'language': 'fmp', 'value': 'nshi'},
  'din': {'language': 'din', 'value': 'Piu'},
  'byv': {'language': 'byv', 'value': 'ntsə'},
  'nnh': {'language': 'nnh', 'value': 'ntse'},
  'ewo': {'language': 'ewo', 'value': 'məndím'},
  'ban': {'language': 'ban', 'value': 'toya'},
  'mcp': {'language': 'mcp', 'value': '”mənik"'},
  'ybb': {'language': 'ybb', 'value': 'ntsih'},
  'eto': {'language': 'eto', 'value': 'mə̀ndím'},
  'lns': {'language': 'lns', 'value': 'mèlú me nyomin mè'},
  'yav': {'language': 'yav', 'value': 'moomb'},
  'etu': {'language': 'etu', 'value': 'ayɛ́b'},
  'gya': {'language': 'gya', 'value': 'zi'},
  'mua': {'language': 'mua', 'value': 'bii'},
  'yat': {'language': 'yat', 'value': 'Məní'},
  'isu': {'language': 'isu', 'value': 'mwí'},
  'ker': {'language': 'ker', 'value': 'kan'},
  'nmg': {'language': 'nmg', 'value': 'majiɔ̌'},
  'lem': {'language': 'lem', 'value': 'menyífé'},
  'yas': {'language': 'yas', 'value': 'miimpo'},
  'tvu': {'language': 'tvu', 'value': 'menífé'},
  'vut': {'language': 'vut', 'value': 'mvúm'},
  'glk': {'language': 'glk', 'value': 'آب'},
  'cu': {'language': 'cu', 'value': 'вода'},
  'ik': {'language': 'ik', 'value': 'Imiq'},
  'agq': {'language': 'agq', 'value': 'mmughū'},
  'ms-arab': {'language': 'ms-arab', 'value': 'اءير'},
  'wa': {'language': 'wa', 'value': 'aiwe'},
  'kcg': {'language': 'kcg', 'value': 'A̱sa̱khwot'},
  'tw': {'language': 'tw', 'value': 'Nsuo'}},
 'descriptions': {'it': {'language': 'it',
   'value': 'molecola costituita da due atomi di idrogeno e uno di ossigeno'},
  'en': {'language': 'en',
   'value': 'chemical compound with raw molecular formula H₂O; main constituent of the fluids of most living organisms'},
  'fr': {'language': 'fr',
   'value': 'composé chimique de formule moléculaire brute H₂O ; principal constituant des fluides de la plupart des organismes vivants'},
  'nb': {'language': 'nb', 'value': 'kjemisk forbindelse'},
  'de': {'language': 'de',
   'value': 'chemische Verbindung aus den Elementen Sauerstoff und Wasserstoff'},
  'ru': {'language': 'ru', 'value': 'химическое вещество, оксид водорода'},
  'eo': {'language': 'eo',
   'value': 'molekulo kiu havas du atomojn de hidrogeno, kaj unu atomon de oksigeno; Baza kemia komponaĵo necesa por la ekzisto de ĉiuj vivoformoj'},
  'ilo': {'language': 'ilo',
   'value': 'kimiko a sustansia nga addaan ti kimiko a pagannurotan a H2O'},
  'pt': {'language': 'pt',
   'value': 'molécula composta por dois átomos de hidrogénio e um de oxigénio'},
  'pt-br': {'language': 'pt-br',
   'value': 'composto químico formado por moléculas com dois átomos de hidrogênio e um de oxigênio'},
  'gl': {'language': 'gl',
   'value': 'molécula composta por dos átomos de hidróxeno e un de osíxeno'},
  'zh-hans': {'language': 'zh-hans', 'value': '简单無機化合物'},
  'nl': {'language': 'nl',
   'value': 'chemische verbinding van twee waterstofatomen en een zuurstofatoom'},
  'li': {'language': 'li',
   'value': "'n chemische verbinding vaan ein zuurstofatoom en twie waterstofatome"},
  'fy': {'language': 'fy',
   'value': 'de gemyske ferbining fan twa wetterstofatomen en in soerstofatoom'},
  'uk': {'language': 'uk',
   'value': 'хімічна речовина у вигляді прозорої безбарвної рідини без запаху і смаку'},
  'hu': {'language': 'hu',
   'value': 'két hidrogén atomból és egy oxigén atomból felépülő kémiai vegyület'},
  'he': {'language': 'he',
   'value': 'תרכובת כימית בסיסית ההכרחית לקיום כל צורות החיים'},
  'scn': {'language': 'scn',
   'value': "cumpostu chìmicu fattu di mùleculi ca hannu du' àtumi d'idrògginu e unu d'ossìgginu, funnamentu dâ vita supra â Terra"},
  'el': {'language': 'el',
   'value': 'ουσία που σχηματίζεται από μόρια που αποτελούνται από δυο άτομα υδρογόνου και ένα οξυγόνου'},
  'ja': {'language': 'ja', 'value': '化学式H₂Oで表される、水素と酸素の化合物'},
  'ro': {'language': 'ro', 'value': 'lichid indispensabil vieții'},
  'vi': {'language': 'vi',
   'value': 'một chất lỏng, hợp chất hóa học với công thức H2O'},
  'as': {'language': 'as', 'value': 'এক প্ৰকাৰৰ তৰল পৰিবৰ্তনশীল পদাৰ্থ'},
  'pl': {'language': 'pl', 'value': 'związek chemiczny'},
  'fa': {'language': 'fa',
   'value': 'ترکیب شیمیایی (از عناصر اکسیژن و هیدروژن)'},
  'ar': {'language': 'ar',
   'value': 'مادة شفافة طبيعية عبارة عن مركب كيميائي تشمل مساحات شاسعة من الأرض'},
  'bn': {'language': 'bn',
   'value': 'দুটি হাইড্রোজেন ও একটি অক্সিজেন পরমাণুর সমন্বয়ে গঠিত রাসায়নিক যৌগ'},
  'en-ca': {'language': 'en-ca',
   'value': 'chemical compound formed of molecules composed of two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen'},
  'en-gb': {'language': 'en-gb',
   'value': 'chemical compound formed of molecules composed of two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen'},
  'id': {'language': 'id',
   'value': 'senyawa kimia; konstituen utama dari cairan sebagian besar organisme hidup'},
  'sd': {'language': 'sd',
   'value': 'ھائيڊروجن جي ٻن ائٽمن ۽ آڪسيجن جي ھڪ ائٽم جي ماليڪيولن سان تيار ٿيل ڪيميائي مادو'},
  'cs': {'language': 'cs', 'value': 'chemická sloučenina vodíku a kyslíku'},
  'hy': {'language': 'hy', 'value': 'քիմիական միացություն'},
  'bg': {'language': 'bg', 'value': 'химическо съединение'},
  'zh-cn': {'language': 'zh-cn', 'value': '無機化合物'},
  'zh-hk': {'language': 'zh-hk', 'value': '無機化合物'},
  'zh-mo': {'language': 'zh-mo', 'value': '無機化合物'},
  'zh-my': {'language': 'zh-my', 'value': '无机化合物'},
  'zh-sg': {'language': 'zh-sg', 'value': '无机化合物'},
  'zh-tw': {'language': 'zh-tw', 'value': '無機化合物'},
  'ca': {'language': 'ca', 'value': 'compost químic'},
  'nn': {'language': 'nn', 'value': 'kjemisk sambinding'},
  'oc': {'language': 'oc', 'value': 'component quimic'},
  'ast': {'language': 'ast', 'value': 'compuestu químicu'},
  'eu': {'language': 'eu', 'value': 'konposatu kimiko'},
  'fi': {'language': 'fi', 'value': 'kemiallinen yhdiste'},
  'an': {'language': 'an', 'value': 'compuesto quimico'},
  'tt': {'language': 'tt',
   'value': 'водород оксиды — төссез һәм иссез үтә күренмәле сыеклык'},
  'tt-cyrl': {'language': 'tt-cyrl',
   'value': 'водород оксиды — төссез һәм иссез үтә күренмәле сыеклык'},
  'tt-latn': {'language': 'tt-latn',
   'value': 'wodorod oqsidı — tössez häm issez ütä kürenmäle sıyıqlıq'},
  'sq': {'language': 'sq', 'value': 'komponim kimik'},
  'sr': {'language': 'sr', 'value': 'хемијско једињење'},
  'ko': {'language': 'ko', 'value': '수소와 산소로 이루어진 물질 중에서 안정된 액체'},
  'bs': {'language': 'bs',
   'value': 'hemijski spoj; glavni sastojak tečnosti većine živih organizama'},
  'sk': {'language': 'sk', 'value': 'chemická zlúčenina vodíka a kyslíka'},
  'lzh': {'language': 'lzh', 'value': '無機物,天下之所繫命也'},
  'or': {'language': 'or', 'value': 'ଯୌଗିକ ପଦାର୍ଥ'},
  'te': {'language': 'te', 'value': 'రసాయనిక పదార్థము'},
  'da': {'language': 'da', 'value': 'kemisk stof'},
  'lv': {'language': 'lv', 'value': 'ķīmisks savienojums'},
  'la': {'language': 'la', 'value': 'compositum chemicum'},
  'lb': {'language': 'lb', 'value': 'cheemesch Verbindung'},
  'de-ch': {'language': 'de-ch', 'value': 'chemische Verbindung'},
  'af': {'language': 'af', 'value': 'chemiese verbinding'},
  'th': {'language': 'th', 'value': 'สสารในรูปของเหลว'},
  'ml': {'language': 'ml',
   'value': 'ജീവന്റെ നിലനില്പിന് അത്യന്താപേക്ഷിതമായ ദ്രാവകമാണ് ജലം'},
  'ta': {'language': 'ta',
   'value': 'H2O என்ற வாய்ப்பாட்டால் விவரிக்கப்படும் ஒரு வேதியியல் சேர்மமாகும்.'},
  'sv': {'language': 'sv', 'value': 'kemisk förening av väte och syre'},
  'mk': {'language': 'mk', 'value': 'хемиско соединение'},
  'cy': {'language': 'cy', 'value': 'yr hylif mwya cyffredin ar y ddaear'},
  'ne': {'language': 'ne', 'value': 'एक सर्वव्यापी घोलक पदार्थ'},
  'hi': {'language': 'hi', 'value': 'रासायनिक यौगिक; जीवन अमृत'},
  'mr': {'language': 'mr', 'value': 'निरीक्षण'},
  'es': {'language': 'es',
   'value': 'compuesto cuyas moléculas están formadas por dos átomos de hidrógeno y uno de oxígeno'},
  'zh': {'language': 'zh', 'value': '無機化合物'},
  'zh-hant': {'language': 'zh-hant', 'value': '無機化合物'},
  'be': {'language': 'be',
   'value': 'празрыстая, амаль бясколерная вадкасць без паху і смаку'},
  'km': {'language': 'km', 'value': 'រូបធាតុគីមី'},
  'cbk-zam': {'language': 'cbk-zam', 'value': 'agua'},
  'tr': {'language': 'tr',
   'value': 'H2O formülüne sahip kimyasal bileşik, yaşam kaynağı'},
  'sco': {'language': 'sco',
   'value': 'common chemical substance that is needit bi aw kent furms o life'},
  'be-tarask': {'language': 'be-tarask', 'value': 'хімічнае злучэньне'},
  'ga': {'language': 'ga', 'value': 'comhdhúil cheimiceach'},
  'dag': {'language': 'dag', 'value': "bini din kariti ko' nyuri"},
  'hsb': {'language': 'hsb', 'value': 'chemiska wjazba z kislika a wodźika'},
  'inh': {'language': 'inh', 'value': 'Коачал'},
  'vec': {'language': 'vec', 'value': 'conpozision chìmega'},
  'hr': {'language': 'hr', 'value': 'kemijski spoj od kiska i vodika'},
  'br': {'language': 'br', 'value': 'kediad kimiek'},
  'et': {'language': 'et', 'value': 'keemiline ühend'},
  'yue': {'language': 'yue', 'value': '化合物'},
  'gcr': {'language': 'gcr', 'value': 'Kompozé chimik'},
  'ia': {'language': 'ia', 'value': 'composito chimic'},
  'io': {'language': 'io', 'value': 'kemiala kompozajo'},
  'bho': {'language': 'bho',
   'value': 'केमिकल कंपाउंड, जीवधारी सभ के अंदर द्रव के अधिकतर हिस्सा'},
  'my': {'language': 'my', 'value': 'ဖော်မြူလာ H₂O ပါသော ဓာတုဒြပ်ပေါင်း'},
  'wa': {'language': 'wa',
   'value': 'molecule tchimike respondant al fôrmule H2O'},
  'kn': {'language': 'kn', 'value': 'ನೈಸರ್ಗಿಕ ರಾಸಾಯನಿಕ ಸಂಯುಕ್ತ.'},
  'tcy': {'language': 'tcy',
   'value': 'ನೈಸರ್ಗಿಕವಾದ್ ಸಿಕ್ಕುನ ಒಂಜಿ ರಾಸಾಯನಿಕ ಸಂಯುಕ್ತ.'},
  'ak': {'language': 'ak',
   'value': 'Ɛyɛ adeɛ a yɛ nom, sane de yɛ nnoɔma pii'},
  'ks': {'language': 'ks', 'value': 'کیٖمیٲیی مُرَکَب'},
  'ht': {'language': 'ht',
   'value': 'konpoze chimik fomil molekil brit H₂O; li se yon eleman ki a la baz tout likid nan ko moun.'}},
 'aliases': {'it': [{'language': 'it', 'value': 'ossido di idrogeno'},
   {'language': 'it', 'value': 'ossidano'},
   {'language': 'it', 'value': 'monossido di idrogeno'},
   {'language': 'it', 'value': 'acqua leggera'},
   {'language': 'it', 'value': 'monossido di diidrogeno'}],
  'yue': [{'language': 'yue', 'value': '水氣'},
   {'language': 'yue', 'value': '一氧化二氫'},
   {'language': 'yue', 'value': '氧化二氫'},
   {'language': 'yue', 'value': 'H2O'},
   {'language': 'yue', 'value': 'H₂O'}],
  'sgs': [{'language': 'sgs', 'value': 'Vanduo'}],
  'nan': [{'language': 'nan', 'value': 'Chuí'}],
  'nds-nl': [{'language': 'nds-nl', 'value': 'Waeter'},
   {'language': 'nds-nl', 'value': 'Water'},
   {'language': 'nds-nl', 'value': 'Waoter'}],
  'nb': [{'language': 'nb', 'value': 'vatn'},
   {'language': 'nb', 'value': 'H2O'}],
  'de': [{'language': 'de', 'value': 'H2O'},
   {'language': 'de', 'value': 'blaues Gold'},
   {'language': 'de', 'value': 'pures Wasser'}],
  'en': [{'language': 'en', 'value': 'H2O'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'dihydrogen monoxide'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'dihydridooxygen'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'HOH'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'hydrogen hydroxide'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'dihydrogen oxide'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'oxidane'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'hydrogen oxide'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'pure water'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'aqua'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': '[OH2]'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'H₂O'},
   {'language': 'en', 'value': 'hydroxic acid'}],
  'eo': [{'language': 'eo', 'value': 'H2O'},
   {'language': 'eo', 'value': 'dihidrogena monooksido'},
   {'language': 'eo', 'value': 'H₂O'},
   {'language': 'eo', 'value': 'hidrogena hidroksido'},
   {'language': 'eo', 'value': 'dihidridooksigeno'},
   {'language': 'eo', 'value': 'oksidano'}],
  'fi': [{'language': 'fi', 'value': 'divetymonoksidi'},
   {'language': 'fi', 'value': 'divetyoksidi'}],
  'pl': [{'language': 'pl', 'value': 'oksydan'},
   {'language': 'pl', 'value': 'tlenek wodoru'}],
  'ca': [{'language': 'ca', 'value': 'H2O'}],
  'vi': [{'language': 'vi', 'value': 'thủy'},
   {'language': 'vi', 'value': 'thuỷ'},
   {'language': 'vi', 'value': 'H2O'},
   {'language': 'vi', 'value': 'dihydrogen monoxide'}],
  'he': [{'language': 'he', 'value': 'H₂O'},
   {'language': 'he', 'value': 'דו-מימן חד-חמצני'}],
  'ja': [{'language': 'ja', 'value': 'H2O'}],
  'pt-br': [{'language': 'pt-br', 'value': 'H2O'},
   {'language': 'pt-br', 'value': 'monóxido de di-hidrogênio'},
   {'language': 'pt-br', 'value': '7732-18-5'},
   {'language': 'pt-br', 'value': 'aqua'},
   {'language': 'pt-br', 'value': 'diíbrido oxigênio'},
   {'language': 'pt-br', 'value': '[OH2]'},
   {'language': 'pt-br', 'value': 'HOH'}],
  'ro': [{'language': 'ro', 'value': 'H2O'},
   {'language': 'ro', 'value': 'monoxid de dihidrogen'},
   {'language': 'ro', 'value': 'dihidrooxigen'},
   {'language': 'ro', 'value': 'HOH'},
   {'language': 'ro', 'value': 'oxid de dihidrogen'},
   {'language': 'ro', 'value': 'apă limpede'},
   {'language': 'ro', 'value': 'apă pură'},
   {'language': 'ro', 'value': '[OH2]'},
   {'language': 'ro', 'value': 'aqua'},
   {'language': 'ro', 'value': 'hidroxid de hidrogen'}],
  'hy': [{'language': 'hy', 'value': 'H2O'}],
  'as': [{'language': 'as', 'value': 'জল'},
   {'language': 'as', 'value': 'নীৰ'},
   {'language': 'as', 'value': 'অম্বু'}],
  'el': [{'language': 'el', 'value': 'ύδωρ'},
   {'language': 'el', 'value': 'Η2Ο'},
   {'language': 'el', 'value': 'διυδροξυγόνο'},
   {'language': 'el', 'value': 'υδροξείδιο του υδρογόνου'},
   {'language': 'el', 'value': '(μον)οξειδάνιο'},
   {'language': 'el', 'value': '(μον)οξείδιο του διυδρογόνου'}],
  'bn': [{'language': 'bn', 'value': 'ডাইহাইড্রোজেন মনোঅক্সাইড'},
   {'language': 'bn', 'value': 'ডাইহাইড্রোজেন অক্সাইড'},
   {'language': 'bn', 'value': 'জল'}],
  'ar': [{'language': 'ar', 'value': 'مياه'},
   {'language': 'ar', 'value': 'الماء'},
   {'language': 'ar', 'value': 'المياه'},
   {'language': 'ar', 'value': 'H2O'}],
  'en-ca': [{'language': 'en-ca', 'value': 'H2O'},
   {'language': 'en-ca', 'value': 'dihydrogen monoxide'}],
  'en-gb': [{'language': 'en-gb', 'value': 'H2O'},
   {'language': 'en-gb', 'value': 'dihydrogen monoxide'},
   {'language': 'en-gb', 'value': 'aqua'}],
  'id': [{'language': 'id', 'value': 'H2O'},
   {'language': 'id', 'value': 'dihidrogen monoksida'},
   {'language': 'id', 'value': 'aqua'},
   {'language': 'id', 'value': 'dihidrogen oksida'}],
  'ta': [{'language': 'ta', 'value': 'இருஐதரசன் ஒரொட்சைட்டு'},
   {'language': 'ta', 'value': 'தண்ணீர்'}],
  'cs': [{'language': 'cs', 'value': 'H2O'},
   {'language': 'cs', 'value': 'dihydrogen monoxid'},
   {'language': 'cs', 'value': 'oxidan'}],
  'pag': [{'language': 'pag', 'value': 'Danum'}],
  'ru': [{'language': 'ru', 'value': 'оксид водорода'},
   {'language': 'ru', 'value': 'гидроксид водорода'},
   {'language': 'ru', 'value': 'гидроксильная кислота'},
   {'language': 'ru', 'value': 'монооксид дигидрогена'},
   {'language': 'ru', 'value': 'дигидромонооксид'}],
  'lv': [{'language': 'lv', 'value': 'H2O'}],
  'tt': [{'language': 'tt', 'value': 'водород оксиды'},
   {'language': 'tt', 'value': 'Н2O'}],
  'tt-cyrl': [{'language': 'tt-cyrl', 'value': 'водород оксиды'},
   {'language': 'tt-cyrl', 'value': 'Н2O'}],
  'tt-latn': [{'language': 'tt-latn', 'value': 'wodorod oqsidı'},
   {'language': 'tt-latn', 'value': 'H2O'}],
  'zh': [{'language': 'zh', 'value': '氢氧化氢'},
   {'language': 'zh', 'value': '一氧化二氢'}],
  'fr': [{'language': 'fr', 'value': 'H2O'},
   {'language': 'fr', 'value': 'HOH'},
   {'language': 'fr', 'value': '[OH2]'},
   {'language': 'fr', 'value': 'monoxide de dihydrogène'},
   {'language': 'fr', 'value': 'oxide de dihydrogène'},
   {'language': 'fr', 'value': 'eau pure'},
   {'language': 'fr', 'value': 'aqua'},
   {'language': 'fr', 'value': "oxide d'hydrogène"},
   {'language': 'fr', 'value': 'dihydrooxigène'},
   {'language': 'fr', 'value': "hydroxide d'hydrogène"},
   {'language': 'fr', 'value': 'H₂O'},
   {'language': 'fr', 'value': 'acide hydroxique'}],
  'sr': [{'language': 'sr', 'value': 'H2O'},
   {'language': 'sr', 'value': 'аква'}],
  'pt': [{'language': 'pt', 'value': 'aqua'},
   {'language': 'pt', 'value': '[OH2]'},
   {'language': 'pt', 'value': 'HOH'},
   {'language': 'pt', 'value': 'H2O'}],
  'or': [{'language': 'or', 'value': 'ପାଣି'}],
  'hi': [{'language': 'hi', 'value': 'पानी'},
   {'language': 'hi', 'value': 'पीयूष'},
   {'language': 'hi', 'value': 'हाइड्रोजन हाइड्रॉक्साइड'},
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In [86]:
<re.Match object; span=(0, 24), match=''>
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