You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

36 lines
1.3 KiB

from rdflib import Graph
from rdflib import RDF, URIRef, Namespace
XPUB = Namespace("")
import sys
# url = ""
# g = Graph()
# with open("index.rdfa.html") as fin:
# data =
# g.parse(publicID="index.html", data=data, format="rdfa")
# # g.parse(file=fin, format="rdfa", override_encoding="utf-8")
g = Graph()
g.parse("", format="rdfa")
# context = {
# "@context": {
# "@vocab": "",
# "@language": "en",
# "xpub": "",
# "xpubproject": "",
# "dc": "",
# "student": { "@id": "xpub:student", "@lang": "en" },
# "project": { "@id": "xpub:project", "@type": "@id" },
# "thesis": { "@id": "xpub:thesis", "@type": "@id" },
# "image": {"@id": "dc:image", "@type": "@id" },
# "title": "dc:title",
# "date": {"@id": "dc:date", "@type": ""},
# "hasPart": {"@id": "dc:hasPart", "@type": "@id"},
# "url": {"@id": "@id", "@type": "@id"},
# "type": {"@id": "@type", "@type": "@id"}
# }
# }
print (g.serialize(format="json-ld", context="", auto_compact=True))