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<h1 id='project-title'>Thanks for listening <a href='#hleft-text' class='show'></a></h1>
<h2 id='student-name'> mitsitron [mitsa chaida michelakou]</h2>
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<em>Thanks for listening</em> is a live coding process, a system created by a body, cables, a borrowed midi device, a microphone, a sound card, Sonic Pi, speakers, memories, desires, discomforts and vulnerability.
The force driving this research are questions such as: How we embody gender by the ways we use our voices. How a gender binary categorises bodies depending on their vocal frequency behaviour. How sound production and instruments when located in cis-hetero spaces potentially amplify biases. And how they can potentially become a healing part of someone.
In this perfomance, I position my body as an extension of sound and sound technology. I create voice through my phonatory system, which gets modulated in controllable and uncontrollable ways. A midi controller which receives data from sonic pi is pitching, stretching and looping the voice that is plugged with, through knobs, faders and buttons. A partial narration, a passive whisper or a shout on having an ανώμαλη, anomalous voice is commented in the beginning of the code and vocalised throughout the performance.
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<p>mitsa (they/them) is an (sound) artist and researcher from greece, currently based at rotterdam.</p>
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<h3 class='gal-title'>Work</h3>
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<li><a href='' target="_blank" class='ext'>Wiki Archive</a>
<li><a href='' target="_blank" class='ext'>Representative Recording</a>
#heyy can you hear me?
#do I reach you?
#do I wanna reach you?
#do you want to be reached by me?
#I am so happy that you are here tonight
#I am so happy that you came here to listen to me
#Thank you, thank you so much
#I would like to be bigger
#i don't know what to do with all this energy
#i was taught to be scared of it
#I am a small creature
#Trapped inseid a eh eh ehe eh eh eh... body
#What do you think?
#What do you think of me?
#They wanted to put my head into the ground
#They didn't want us! They don't want us!
#I can stay in the corner and observe
#I can stay I can open my ears and listen
#We have learnt to hide
#It's hard to not be recognised
#It's like you don't exist, but you exist hahaha
#You have a body
#I like to adapt A LOT that's what i do in life
#I just adapt my voice
#What ? What ? Whaat? What the fuck is this?
#What do you do usually? Do you adapt? Do you resist? Do you fight?
#DO you fly? Do you stay??
#i want to be regulated
#i want ot be filtered
#How do you filter what you hear?
#but did this even happen this way?
#Did she say this did she love me or i don't know
#I wanna go in the corner and suck my thumb
#do i need to be stronger?
#do i need to be oversized?
#do i need to shrink?
#do i need to be something more?
#do i need to be something less?
#do i need to stand out? maybe
#is that ok?
#i am sorry, don't leave me
#thank you i love you
#thank you that you came to listen to me
#adding amplitude level
with_fx :level do |le|
#adding low pass filter
with_fx :lpf, mix: 0 do |l|
#adding pitch shifter
with_fx :pitch_shift, pitch_dis: 0.001 do |p|
#adding echo
with_fx :echo, pre_mix: 0, decay: 2 do |e|
#adding reverb
with_fx :reverb, pre_mix: 1, room: 1 do |r|
#for latency prevention
#inserting the microphone to the system
live_audio :mic
#a live_loop for mapping the midi faders, buttons and knobs with the above effects
live_loop :process do
#for latency prevention
#the variables cc and val are syncronised with the midi machine i use
cc, val = sync "/midi:5-_zero_mkii_0:1/control_change"
#the numbers that cc corresponds with are the different faders, knobs buttons
if cc == 23
control le, amp: val / 127.0
if cc == 24
if cc > 63.5
control p, pitch: (val - 63.5) / 1.7
control p, pitch: (-val + 63.5) / 6
if cc == 25
control e, pre_mix: val / 127
if cc == 26
control e, phase: val * 0.1 + 0.000001
if cc == 73
control e, decay: val / 5 + 0.000001
if cc == 75
control r, pre_mix: val / 127
if cc == 70
control r, room: val / 127
if cc == 20
control l, cutoff: val
if cc == 14
control l, mix: val /127.0
#create a buffer of 10 seconds
if cc == 77
with_fx :record, buffer: [:voice,10] do
print "record recording"
live_audio :mic1
#play the buffer
if cc == 95
#print "play recording"
sample buffer[:voice,10]
#small stretch of the buffer
if cc == 7
control sample buffer[:voice,10], rate: val * 0.1 + 0.000001
#bigger stretch of the buffer
if cc == 10
control sample buffer[:voice,10], rate: val + 0.000001
#reverse stretch of the buffer
if cc == 22
control sample buffer[:voice,10], rate: -val * 0.1 + 0.000001
#create a buffer of 100 seconds
if cc == 82
with_fx :record, buffer: [:voice2,100] do
print "record recording"
live_audio :mic1
#play the buffer
if cc == 83
print "play recording"
sample buffer[:voice2,100]
#small stretch of the buffer
if cc == 74
control sample buffer[:voice2,100], rate: val * 0.1 + 0.000001
#bigger stretch of the buffer
if cc == 71
control sample buffer[:voice2,100], rate: val + 0.000001
#reverse stretch of the buffer
if cc == 85
control sample buffer[:voice2,100], rate: -val * 0.1 + 0.000001
#creating a second channel for my voice. this one is for the moments that i want the signal created by my vocal chords to be as not altered as possible
with_fx :level do |le3|
with_fx :pitch_shift, pitch_dis: 0.001 do |p1|
live_loop :process2 do
cc, val = sync "/midi:5-_zero_mkii_0:1/control_change"
if cc == 72
control le3, amp: val / 127.0
if cc == 92 and val == 0
live_audio :mic3
if cc == 92 and val == 127
kill live_audio :mic3
if cc == 19
if cc > 63.5
control p1, pitch: (val - 63.5) / 1.7
control p1, pitch: (-val + 63.5) / 6
<img src="1.jpg" class='workimg'/>
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<img src="4.jpg" class='workimg'/>
<div id='publication'>
<h3 class='gal-title'>Publication</h3>
<ul id='publist'>
<li><a href='thesis_mitsitron.pdf' target="_blank" class='ext'>Publication PDF</a></li>
<img src="img/pub1.jpg" class='workimg'/>
<img src="img/pub2.jpg" class='workimg'/>
<img src="img/pub3.jpg" class='workimg'/>
<img src="img/pub4.jpg" class='workimg'/>
<div id='gradshow'>
<h3 class='gal-title'>Graduation Show</h3>
<img src="img/gradshow1.jpg" class='workimg'/>
<img src="img/gradshow2.jpg" class='workimg'/>
<img src="img/gradshow3.jpg" class='workimg'/>
<img src="img/gradshow4.jpg" class='workimg'/>