You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

82 lines
2.8 KiB

import html5lib
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import datetime
def patch_project_div (div):
div.attrib['typeof'] = "xpub:project"
student, title = None, None
for i, p in enumerate(div.findall("./p")):
# print (f"{i}: p")
if i == 0:
p.attrib['property'] = "xpub:student"
student = p.text
elif i == 1:
p.attrib['property'] = "dc:title"
project_link = p.find("./a")
project_link.attrib['property'] = "xpub:project"
title = project_link.text
div.attrib['id'] = project_link.attrib['href'].rstrip("/").split("/")[-1]
div.attrib['resource'] = "#"+div.attrib['id']
elif i == 2:
for ai, pdf_link in enumerate(p.findall("./a")):
if ai == 0:
pdf_link.attrib['property'] = "xpub:thesis"
elif ai == 1:
# pdf_link.attrib['property'] = "xpub:thesis_image"
raise Exception (f"{title}: too many links in PDF columns")
raise Exception(f"{title}: too many p columns")
def patch_year_div(div):
div.attrib["typeof"] = "xpub:gradshow"
col1 = div.find('.//div[@class="col1"]')
logo = col1.find('.//img[@class="logo"]')
if logo is None:
print ('no logo')
logo.attrib["property"] = "dc:image"
for pi, p in enumerate(col1.findall("./p")):
print (f"{pi}: {p}: {p.text}")
if pi == 0:
p.attrib['property'] = "dc:title"
elif pi == 1:
# p.attrib['property'] = "dc:date"
month, year = p.text.split(" ")
year = int(year)
if month == "June":
month = 6
month = 7
print (year, month)
dt = ET.SubElement(p, "datetime")
dt.text = p.text
p.text = ""
dt.attrib['datetime'] =, month, 1).isoformat()
dt.attrib['property'] = "dc:date"
# p_gradshow = col1.find('.//p[@class="gradShow"]')
# p_gradshow.attrib["property"] = "dc:title"
# title = p_gradshow.text
# print (f"patch_gradshow: {title}")
for project_div in div.findall('.//div[@class="subrow"]'):
return True
def patch_page (t):
for div in t.findall('.//div[@class="row"]'):
with open("index.html") as fin:
t = html5lib.parse(, namespaceHTMLElements=False)
body = t.find(".//body")
body.attrib['xmlns:xpub'] = ""
body.attrib['xmlns:dc'] = ""
# print (f"count: {count}")
with open("index.rdfa.html", "w") as fout:
print (ET.tostring(t, method="html", encoding="unicode"), file=fout)