<p>Gersande Schellinx (Paris, 1997) is an Amsterdam based interdisciplinary maker and designer.
Inhabiting publishing platforms, her work consists of creating contexts in which to publish, research and make content for publications.
In the frame of the master she aspired to position herself as intermediate and facilitator between objects and people, not as designer-author.
In re-evaluating our relation to ‘traditional’ media and production cycles, Gersande hopes to find alternative ways to publish with and for others in which sustainability and accessibility are at the core of new material narratives.</p>
<p>Gersande Schellinx (Paris, 1997) is an Amsterdam based interdisciplinary maker and designer. Her work aspires to shape inclusive contexts for creative publishing and research. As part of the master, she positioned herself as intermediate and facilitator between objects and people, rather than as designer-author. Re-evaluating our relation to ‘traditional’ media and production cycles, Gersande hopes to find alternative ways to publishing, be it in collaboration with or as commissioned by others, in which sustainability and accessibility are at the core of new material narratives.</p>