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< title > Rural Computing< / title >
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< a href = '../' id = 'homebttn' class = 'ext' > < < home < / a >
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< h1 id = 'project-title' > Conviviality, Concert, Computation < a href = '#hleft-text' class = 'show' > ⓘ< / a > < br > < a href = '../' class = 'show' id = 'home' > < < < / a > < / h1 >
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< h2 id = 'student-name' > < a href = 'http://federicoponi.it' target = '_blank' class = 'ext' id = 'student-page' > Federico Poni< / a > < / h2 >
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< b > Tools for a community made by the community to celebrate the community< / b >
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< i > Conviviality, Concert, Computation< / i > is a repository of different projects that satellite around the infrastructural realm of Habitat.
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Our Server arrived in Habitat in xmas time (2021): Jacopo and I installed the operating system, the web-server (nginx), the wiki (our garden/archive), etherpad.
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< div id = 'about-student' >
< p > Federico Poni is an artist/pizzaiolo/intellectual/liar/web architect/net urbanist/copy-paste champion/garden lover/mouse/musician/pigeon/accelerationist/precarious/anarcho-desifattist/student/teacher/cyborg/designer < / p >
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< section id = 'main' >
< div id = "galleries" >
< div id = 'work' >
< h3 class = 'gal-title' > < / h3 >
< ul id = 'publist' >
< li > < a href = 'https://habitattt.it/wiki/index.php?title=Infrastrutture' target = "_blank" class = 'ext' > Infrastructure set-up Handbook [how-to]< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = 'http://hub.xpub.nl/sandbot/~poni/_tools/' target = "_blank" class = 'ext' > Protòtipi [gallery of built tools]< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = 'http://hub.xpub.nl/sandbot/~poni/concerto/' target = "_blank" class = 'ext' > 1° Concerto della Piana del Cavallo [documentation of the performance, activation of some tools]< / a > < / li >
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< img src = "img/main_comp_dither.jpg" class = 'workimg' / >
< img src = "img/group_comp_dither.jpg" class = 'workimg' / >
< img src = "img/pongie_comp_dither.jpg" class = 'workimg' / >
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< div id = 'publication' >
< h3 class = 'gal-title' > Towards a Cosmology for Rural Computing - Thesis< / h3 >
< ul id = 'publist' >
< li > < a href = 'pdf/RuralComputing_Poni_thesis.pdf' target = "_blank" class = 'ext' > ⇒ PDF< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = 'pdf/RuralComputing_Poni_thesis__booklet.pdf' target = "_blank" class = 'ext' > ⇒ Booklet A4 ready to print (use A3 paper)< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = 'pdf/RuralComputing_Poni_thesis__booklet.pdf' target = "_blank" class = 'ext' > ⇒ Booklet A5 ready to print (use A4 paper)< / a > < / li >
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