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< title > Count On Me< / title >
< meta name = "description" content = "XPUB" >
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< a href = '../' id = 'homebttn' class = 'ext' > & #9746< / a >
< header >
< h1 id = 'project-title' > Count On Me < a href = '#hleft-text' class = 'show' > & #8645< / a > < / h1 >
< h2 id = 'student-name' > Martin Foucaut< / h2 >
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< div id = 'about-project' >
< p > & #129122 I am < i > Count on me< / i > , an interactive installation speculating on the study and marketisation of human behavioural data in physical spaces.
When I detect you, your position in space is simultaneously translated into information, interactions and & #8645* earnings/losses. During your journey through 8 different levels, you will be consciously participating to the commodification of your own existence!
< br > < br >
In order to maximise “earnings”, you will have to keep letting me detect you, find the most lucrative positions and act accordingly to the instructions displayed on the screen.
Each micro-task successfully performed will allow you to unlock new data-driven interfaces. Once you exit the session for more than 5 seconds, your & #8645 earnings are automatically converted into euros according to the exchange rates.** ***
< br > < br >
So, what are you waiting for?< br >
Start counting today and you can count on me!
< br > < br >
* & #8645 = crypto-currency< br >
** see level 1: Stock ticker< br >
*** avg.ratio & #8645 1 ≈ € 0.0001 < br >
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< div id = 'about-student' >
< p > & #129122 Martin Foucaut is a freelance graphic designer based in Rotterdam, NL. Next to his professional practice ,
Martin is conducting a research about new media that involves writing, coding and installation works.< br > < br > < br > < br > < br > < br > < br > < br > < br > < br > < br > < br >
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< a id = 'getback' class = 'int' > go back < / a >
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< section id = 'main' >
< div id = "galleries" >
< div id = 'work' >
< h3 class = 'gal-title' > < div id = 'about-project' >
< a href = 'https://project.xpub.nl/notitleyet/pdf/Martin_Foucaut_Graduation_Thesis_XPUB_2022.pdf' target = "_blank" class = 'ext' > Publication< / a > & #129122
< a href = 'https://editor.p5js.org/MartinF/full/ASFk-WPHH' target = "_blank" class = 'ext' > Project< / a > & #129122
< a href = 'https://editor.p5js.org/MartinF/sketches/ASFk-WPHH' target = "_blank" class = 'ext' > Code< / a > & #129122
< a href = 'https://pzwiki.wdka.nl/mediadesign/XPUB2_Research_Board_/_Martin_Foucaut' target = "_blank" class = 'ext' > Board< / a >
< / div > < / h3 >
< div id = "myGallery" >
< figure tabindex = "0" >
< img src = "img/COM_06.jpg" title = "Level 1: Stock Ticker" alt = "" class = 'still' / > < figcaption > < / figcaption >
< / figure >
< div id = "myGallery" >
< figure tabindex = "0" >
< img src = "img/COM_01.jpg" title = "Level 1: Stock Ticker" alt = "" class = 'still' / > < figcaption > < / figcaption >
< / figure >
< div id = "myGallery" >
< figure tabindex = "0" >
< img src = "img/COM_04.jpg" title = "Level 1: Stock Ticker" alt = "" class = 'still' / > < figcaption > < / figcaption >
< / figure >
< div id = "myGallery" >
< figure tabindex = "0" >
< img src = "img/COM_02.jpg" title = "Level 1: Stock Ticker" alt = "" class = 'still' / > < figcaption > < / figcaption >
< / figure >
< div id = "myGallery" >
< figure tabindex = "0" >
< p class = "fade-in" > hover me< / p >
< img src = "img/01_StockTicker.png" title = "Level 1: Stock Ticker" alt = "" class = 'still' / >
< img src = "img/gif/01_StockTicker.gif" title = "Level 1: Stock Ticker" alt = "" class = 'workimg' / > < figcaption > Level 1: Stock Ticker (hover to preview)< / figcaption >
< / figure >
< figure tabindex = "0" >
< p class = "fade-in" > hover me< / p >
< img src = "img/02_SlotMachine.png" title = "Level 2: Slot Machine" alt = "" class = 'still' / >
< img src = "img/gif/02_SlotMachine.gif" title = "Level 2: Slot Machine" alt = "" class = 'workimg' / > < figcaption > Level 2: Slot Machine (hover to preview)< / figcaption >
< / figure >
< figure tabindex = "0" >
< p class = "fade-in" > hover me< / p >
< img src = "img/03_SelfTracker_01.png" title = "Level 3: Self-Tracker" alt = "" class = 'still' / >
< img src = "img/gif/03_SelfTracker_01.gif" title = "Level 3: Self-Tracker" alt = "" class = 'workimg' / > < figcaption > Level 3: Self-Tracker (hover to preview)< / figcaption >
< / figure >
< figure tabindex = "0" >
< p class = "fade-in" > hover me< / p >
< img src = "img/04_SelfTracker_02.png" title = "Level 4: Self-Tracker" alt = "" class = 'still' / >
< img src = "img/gif/03_SelfTracker_02.gif" title = "Level 4: Self-Tracker" alt = "" class = 'workimg' / > < figcaption > Level 4: Self-Tracker (hover to preview)< / figcaption >
< / figure >
< figure tabindex = "0" >
< p class = "fade-in" > hover me< / p >
< img src = "img/05_Livestream_02.png" title = "Level 5: Livestream" alt = "" class = 'still' / >
< img src = "img/gif/05_Livestream_02.gif" title = "Level 5: Livestream" alt = "" class = 'workimg' / > < figcaption > Level 5: Livestream (hover to preview)< / figcaption >
< / figure >
< figure tabindex = "0" >
< p class = "fade-in" > hover me< / p >
< img src = "img/06_Captcha.png" title = "Level 6: Captcha" alt = "" class = 'still' / >
< img src = "img/gif/06_Captha.gif" title = "Level 6: Captcha" alt = "" class = 'workimg' / > < figcaption > Level 6: Captcha (hover to preview)< / figcaption >
< / figure >
< figure tabindex = "0" >
< p class = "fade-in" > hover me< / p >
< img src = "img/07_SelfRegister.png" title = "Level 6: Self Scanning" alt = "" class = 'still' / >
< img src = "img/gif/07_SelfRegister.gif" title = "Level 6: Self Scanning" alt = "" class = 'workimg' / > < figcaption > Level 6: Self Scanning (hover to preview)< / figcaption >
< / figure >
< figure tabindex = "0" >
< p class = "fade-in" > hover me< / p >
< img src = "img/08_GPS_01.png" title = "Level 7: GPS" alt = "" class = 'still' / >
< img src = "img/gif/08_GPS_01.gif" title = "Level 7: GPS" alt = "" class = 'workimg' / > < figcaption > Level 7: GPS (hover to preview)< / figcaption >
< / figure >
< figure tabindex = "0" >
< p class = "fade-in" > hover me< / p >
< img src = "img/000_Exit.png" title = "Exit" alt = "" class = 'still' / >
< img src = "img/gif/000_Exit.gif" title = "Exit" alt = "" class = 'workimg' / > < figcaption > Exit (Not detected for 5sec) (hover to preview)< / figcaption >
< / figure >
< figure tabindex = "0" >
< img src = "img/Schema_Martin_01.png" title = "Materials" alt = "" class = 'workimg' / > < figcaption > Material list (doesn’ t include computer)< / figcaption >
< / figure >
< figure tabindex = "0" >
< img src = "img/Schema_Martin_02.png" title = "Assembling" alt = "" class = 'workimg' / > < figcaption > Assembled installation< / figcaption >
< / figure >
< figure tabindex = "0" >
< img src = "img/Schema_Martin_03.png" title = "Instructions" alt = "" class = 'workimg' / > < figcaption > Instructions< / figcaption >
< / figure >
< figure tabindex = "0" >
< img src = "img/Schema_Martin_04.png" title = "Soluce" alt = "" class = 'workimg' / > < figcaption > Soluce (stage 1—4)< / figcaption >
< / figure >
< figure tabindex = "0" >
< img src = "img/Schema_Martin_05.png" title = "Soluce" alt = "" class = 'workimg' / > < figcaption > Soluce (stage (5—8)< / figcaption >
< / figure >
< / div >
<!-- -
< img src = "img/01_StockTicker.gif" class = 'workimg' / >
< img src = "img/02_SlotMachine.gif" class = 'workimg' / >
< img src = "img/03_SelfTracker_01.gif" class = 'workimg' / >
< img src = "img/03_SelfTracker_02.gif" class = 'workimg' / >
< img src = "img/08_GPS_01.gif" class = 'workimg' / >
< img src = "img/07_SelfReister.gif" class = 'workimg' / >
< img src = "img/000_Exit.gif" class = 'workimg' / > -->
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< div id = 'gradshow' >
< h3 class = 'gal-title' > Graduation Show (Soon)< / h3 >
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