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<h1 id='project-title'>User Sentimental eXperience<a href='#hleft-text' class='show'></a></h1>
<h2 id='student-name'>Nami Kim</h2>
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<p>User Sentimental eXperience is a web publishing project, questioning and indulging the notion of user experience on the web.
The project is rooted from my regret about the narrow scope of interpretation on the term in the current web design industry.
The word 'user experience' is indeed such a beautiful one as it has comprehensive and imginary potentials to be understood.
The current status quo, however, seems to define it with a full focus on making users' efficient performances only.
With the pervasive approach, I find the world of web is losing colours and emotions.
This project has a firm belief that the web is a imaginary and sentimental stage and window. The web experience should entail more 'feelings' like inviting, warm, energetic, playful, subtle, nostalgic, cute, etc.
Thus since 12th May 2022 I've been publishing a small web experiment and an essay every few weeks, with attempts to bring more sentiments and emotions on the web.
I investigate how contents to be the 'experience' itself, not just to be stayed as informations.</p>
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<div id='about-student'>
<p>If I have to lable I would call myself as a web publihser. I explore the culture of web design and publishing. I'm based Rotterdam, the Netherlands.<br>
My favourite working medium is HTML and CSS.</p>
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<div id='work'>
<h3 class='gal-title'>Work</h3>
<ul id='publist'>
<li><a href='' target="_blank" class='ext'>User Sentimental eXperience</a></li>
<img src="landing1.png" class='workimg'/>
<img src="zoneoutroom2.png" class='workimg'/>
<img src="fishbowl2.png" class='workimg'/>
<img src="issue3_2.png" class='workimg'/>
<div id='publication'>
<h3 class='gal-title'>Publication</h3>
<ul id='publist'>
<li><a href='Nami Kim_graduation thesis_Xpub.pdf' target="_blank" class='ext'>Publication PDF</a></li>
<img src="nami_pub1.png" class='workimg'/>
<img src="nami_pub2.png" class='workimg'/>
<img src="nami_pub3.png" class='workimg'/>
<img src="nami_pub4.png" class='workimg'/>
<div id='gradshow'>
<h3 class='gal-title'>Graduation Show</h3>
<p>It's coming soon...</p>
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