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< h1 > < a href = "index.html" > projects.xpub.nl< / a > / index< / h1 >
< h2 > Projects, by title< / h2 >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/868-mhz/" title = "project" > 868 MHz< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/868-mhz/asphaltspur.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/generatingstories/" title = "project" > a and a< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/generatingstories/thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/alt-reality-lexicon/" title = "project" > Alt Reality Lexicon< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/alt-reality-lexicon/pdf/Publication-AltRealityLexBook.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/anomolous-faces/" title = "project" > Anomolous faces< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/anomolous-faces/pdf/Publication-POD_Thesis_Max-Franklin.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/attempting-diffraction/" title = "project" > Attempting Diffraction< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/attempting-diffraction/pdf/Camilo_Garcia_Aycardi_Graduation_Thesis_XPUB_.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/back-it-up/" title = "project" > Back It Up< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/back-it-up/pdf/Publication-Karina_ABC_thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/cartographies-of-counter-speculation/" title = "project" > Cartographies of Counter Speculation< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/cartographies-of-counter-speculation/pdf/garcia-paloma-cartographies-of-invisibility.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/RuralComputing/" title = "project" > Concert, Computation, Conviviality< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/RuralComputing/pdf/thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/desire_revolution/" title = "project" > CONSIDER DISASTER, DESIRE REVOLUTION: A repository for astropolitical research< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/desire_revolution/pdf/A%20SAILORS%20GUIDE%20TO%20EARTH_Clara%20Noseda.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/notitleyet/" title = "project" > Count On Me< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/notitleyet/pdf/Martin_Foucaut_Graduation_Thesis_XPUB_2022.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/dear-cross-maker/" title = "project" > Dear (Cross) Maker,< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/dear-cross-maker/supi_Cross-Making.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/eigengrau/" title = "project" > Eigengrau< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/eigengrau/pdf/Phantasmagoria_Zalan_Szakacs_Thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/frabjousish/" title = "project" > Frabjousish< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/frabjousish/pdf/thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/habitat/" title = "project" > Habitat< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/habitat/Thesis--Habitat--Living-sharing-adapting---Jacopo-Lega.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/hacking-maintenance-with-care/" title = "project" > Hacking Maintenance with Care< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/hacking-maintenance-with-care/pdf/HMWC.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/hello-worlding/" title = "project" > Hello Worlding< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/hello-worlding/Hello%20Worlding%20-%20kamo%20-%20THE%20REAL%20ONE.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/howtobeasocialjusticewarrior/" title = "project" > How to be a social justice warrior< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/howtobeasocialjusticewarrior/img/Masterthesis_MiriamSch%C3%B6b_TheLeftCanMeme.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/ilinx/" title = "project" > ilinx< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/ilinx/pdf/OHE.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/instant-warnet/" title = "project" > Instant Warnet< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/instant-warnet/pdf/Berting-Making-Silences-On-Social-Media.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/is-it-time-to-eat-or-is-there-no-more-time-to-eat/" title = "project" > Is it time to eat, or is there no more time to eat?< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/is-it-time-to-eat-or-is-there-no-more-time-to-eat/pdf/your-body-will-make-itself-heard.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/lets-amplify-unspeakable-things/" title = "project" > Let's Amplify Unspeakable Things< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/lets-amplify-unspeakable-things/pdf/diakrousi-lets-amplify-unspeakable-things.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/lever_burns/" title = "project" > Lever Burns< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/lever_burns/pdf/Ezn_LeverBurns.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/low-tech-chronicles/" title = "project" > Low-Tech Chronicles< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/low-tech-chronicles/PDF/Mark_van_den_Heuvel_thesis_light-edition.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/makeinclusivewebsites/" title = "project" > Make Inclusive Websites< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/makeinclusivewebsites/pdf/MaxLehmann_Thesis_compressed.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/minor_stories/" title = "project" > Minor Stories< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/minor_stories/pdf/(compressed)_spark(l)ing_curiosities_through_intimate_publishing.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/modular-matter/" title = "project" > MODULAR MATTER< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/modular-matter/modular-matter-Jian_Haake.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/networks-of-care/" title = "project" > Networks of Care< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/networks-of-care/pdf/networksofcare_thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/nothanks/" title = "project" > No thanks, I'll make my own< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/nothanks/pdf/THESIS-compressed.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/how-to-make-a-notebook-that/" title = "project" > Paper Notebooks: From an Industrial Model to a Tool of Expression< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/how-to-make-a-notebook-that/Thesis-Paper-Notebooks.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/parallel-colonialism/" title = "project" > Parallel Colonialism< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/parallel-colonialism/pdf/bohye-woo-thesis-2020.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/poetic-software/" title = "project" > Poetic Software< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/poetic-software/pdf/poetic_software_thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/referendum-medialogs/" title = "project" > Referendum Medialogs< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/referendum-medialogs/pdf/Publication-referendum_medialogs.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/smart-speaker-theatre/" title = "project" > Smart Speaker Theatre< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/smart-speaker-theatre/pdf/ghost_in_the_speaker.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/sobremesa/" title = "project" > Sobremesa< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/sobremesa/pdf/thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/sound-jams/" title = "project" > Sound Jams: Deluxe Edition< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/sound-jams/alnik-xpub-thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/syster-papyri-magicae/" title = "project" > Syster Papyri Magicae< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/syster-papyri-magicae/pdf/ArtemisGryllaki-Thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/tactical-watermarks/" title = "project" > Tactical Watermarks< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/tactical-watermarks/pdf/Thesis_Master_PSC_HD.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/terrafying-hear-say/" title = "project" > Terrafying Hear/Say< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/terrafying-hear-say/pdf/thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/thanks_for_listening/" title = "project" > Thanks for listening< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/thanks_for_listening/thesis_mitsitron.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/the-bootleg-library/" title = "project" > the bootleg library< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/the-bootleg-library/pdf/thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/the-constitution/" title = "project" > The Constitution< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/the-constitution/pdf/Tisa-Ne%C5%BEa-Herlec_The-Constitution.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/the-repeater-archive/" title = "project" > The Repeater Archive< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/the-repeater-archive/pdf/Biyi_Wen_Thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/social-shelves-project/" title = "project" > The Social Shelf Project< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/social-shelves-project/xpub_master-thesis_gersande-schellinx.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/to-whom-it-may-affect/" title = "project" > "To whom it may affect"< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/to-whom-it-may-affect/somewhere-highway-publishing.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/unlearning-the-rules-of-collectivity/" title = "project" > Unlearning the Rules of Collectivity< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/unlearning-the-rules-of-collectivity/pdf/Publication-thesis%20Giuliade%20Giovanelli.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/unpublishing/" title = "project" > Unpublishing< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/unpublishing/pdf/Thesis-N.Rotem-Stibbe.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/usx/" title = "project" > User Sentimental eXperience< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/usx/Nami%20Kim_graduation%20thesis_Xpub.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/virtualgarden/" title = "project" > Virtual Gardens< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/virtualgarden/XPUB-Cyberhotels-KB.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/when-you-might-go-astray/" title = "project" > When you might go astray< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/when-you-might-go-astray/pdf/wymga.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/writing_cure/" title = "project" > Writing Cure< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/writing_cure/pdf/Avital_Barkai_thesis_compressed.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< h2 > Projects, by name< / h2 >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/poetic-software/" title = "project" > Alexander Roidl< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/poetic-software/pdf/poetic_software_thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/sound-jams/" title = "project" > Alexandra Nikolova< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/sound-jams/alnik-xpub-thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/is-it-time-to-eat-or-is-there-no-more-time-to-eat/" title = "project" > Alice Strete< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/is-it-time-to-eat-or-is-there-no-more-time-to-eat/pdf/your-body-will-make-itself-heard.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/lets-amplify-unspeakable-things/" title = "project" > Angeliki Diakrousi< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/lets-amplify-unspeakable-things/pdf/diakrousi-lets-amplify-unspeakable-things.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/when-you-might-go-astray/" title = "project" > Anna Sandri< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/when-you-might-go-astray/pdf/wymga.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/syster-papyri-magicae/" title = "project" > Artemis Gryllaki< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/syster-papyri-magicae/pdf/ArtemisGryllaki-Thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/writing_cure/" title = "project" > Avital Barkai< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/writing_cure/pdf/Avital_Barkai_thesis_compressed.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/the-repeater-archive/" title = "project" > Biyi Wen< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/the-repeater-archive/pdf/Biyi_Wen_Thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/parallel-colonialism/" title = "project" > Bohye Woo< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/parallel-colonialism/pdf/bohye-woo-thesis-2020.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/attempting-diffraction/" title = "project" > Camilo García A.< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/attempting-diffraction/pdf/Camilo_Garcia_Aycardi_Graduation_Thesis_XPUB_.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/minor_stories/" title = "project" > Chaeyoung Kim< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/minor_stories/pdf/(compressed)_spark(l)ing_curiosities_through_intimate_publishing.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/generatingstories/" title = "project" > Clara Gradel< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/generatingstories/thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/desire_revolution/" title = "project" > Clara Noseda< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/desire_revolution/pdf/A%20SAILORS%20GUIDE%20TO%20EARTH_Clara%20Noseda.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/nothanks/" title = "project" > Damlanur Bilgin< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/nothanks/pdf/THESIS-compressed.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/how-to-make-a-notebook-that/" title = "project" > Emma Prato< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/how-to-make-a-notebook-that/Thesis-Paper-Notebooks.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/hacking-maintenance-with-care/" title = "project" > Erica Gargaglione< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/hacking-maintenance-with-care/pdf/HMWC.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/frabjousish/" title = "project" > Euna Lee< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/frabjousish/pdf/thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/RuralComputing/" title = "project" > Federico Poni< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/RuralComputing/pdf/thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/sobremesa/" title = "project" > Floor van Meeuwen< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/sobremesa/pdf/thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/referendum-medialogs/" title = "project" > Franc González< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/referendum-medialogs/pdf/Publication-referendum_medialogs.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/hello-worlding/" title = "project" > Francesco Luzzana< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/hello-worlding/Hello%20Worlding%20-%20kamo%20-%20THE%20REAL%20ONE.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/social-shelves-project/" title = "project" > Gersande Schellinx< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/social-shelves-project/xpub_master-thesis_gersande-schellinx.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/unlearning-the-rules-of-collectivity/" title = "project" > Giulia de Giovanelli< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/unlearning-the-rules-of-collectivity/pdf/Publication-thesis%20Giuliade%20Giovanelli.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/terrafying-hear-say/" title = "project" > Ioana Tomici< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/terrafying-hear-say/pdf/thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/habitat/" title = "project" > Jacopo Lega< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/habitat/Thesis--Habitat--Living-sharing-adapting---Jacopo-Lega.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/modular-matter/" title = "project" > Jian Haake< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/modular-matter/modular-matter-Jian_Haake.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/smart-speaker-theatre/" title = "project" > Joca van der Horst< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/smart-speaker-theatre/pdf/ghost_in_the_speaker.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/back-it-up/" title = "project" > Karina Dukalska< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/back-it-up/pdf/Publication-Karina_ABC_thesis.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/virtualgarden/" title = "project" > Kendal Beynon< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/virtualgarden/XPUB-Cyberhotels-KB.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/to-whom-it-may-affect/" title = "project" > Kimberley Cosmilla< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/to-whom-it-may-affect/somewhere-highway-publishing.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/868-mhz/" title = "project" > Louisa Teichmann< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/868-mhz/asphaltspur.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
< div > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/low-tech-chronicles/" title = "project" > Mark van den Heuvel< / a > < a href = "https://project.xpub.nl/low-tech-chronicles/PDF/Mark_van_den_Heuvel_thesis_light-edition.pdf" title = "thesis" > 🖹< / a > < / div >
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