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< title > Dear (Cross) Maker,< / title >
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< h1 id = 'project-title' > Dear (Cross) Maker, Cross-Training as a Method for Learning Through Making by Graphic Designers< a href = '#hleft-text' class = 'show' > ⓘ< / a > < / h1 >
< h2 id = 'student-name' > Supisara Burapachaisri< / h2 >
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< p > Dear (Cross) Maker by Supisara Burapachaisri reimagines learning electronics through making in the context of a cross-training program. This bubble of thought approaches 'junior' technology and everyday objects to arrive at a process-oriented, digestible, and relatable DIY electronics kit.< / p >
< p > In the perfectly round bubble of Making with DIY electronics, Cross-Making is a disfigured bubble that is made up of bubbles from other foreign environments.< / p >
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< h3 class = 'gal-title' > Work< / h3 >
< ul id = 'publist' >
< li > < a href = 'https://tinyurl.com/dear-cross-maker' target = "_blank" class = 'ext' > Project Website< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = 'https://hub.xpub.nl/soupboat/dear-cross-maker/' target = "_blank" class = 'ext' > Project Wiki (soupboat, may be temporarily unavailable)< / a > < / li >
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< img src = "Cross-making-wip.1000x.jpg" class = 'workimg' style = "display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;" / >
< img src = "Kit-1.1000x.jpg" class = 'workimg' / >
< img src = "Kit-2.1000x.jpg" class = 'workimg' style = "display: inline-block;vertical-align: top;" / >
< img src = "Thesis-process-2.1000x.jpg" class = 'workimg' / >
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< div id = 'publication' >
< h3 class = 'gal-title' > Publication< / h3 >
< ul id = 'publist' >
< li > < a href = 'https://media.xpub.nl/2023/thesis/supi_Cross-Making.pdf' target = "_blank" class = 'ext' > Publication PDF< / a > < / li >
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< img src = "img/pub1.jpg" class = 'workimg' / >
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< h3 class = 'gal-title' > Graduation Show< / h3 >
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