thesis margin try ırmak

suzan 3 months ago
parent 76a5bea06c
commit f46aafcec7

@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ same text.</p>
alt="knot words from Leeszaal" /> alt="knot words from Leeszaal" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">knot words from Leeszaal</figcaption> <figcaption aria-hidden="true">knot words from Leeszaal</figcaption>
</figure> </figure>
<figure> <figure>
<img src="../irmak/knot2.jpeg" <img src="../irmak/knot2.jpeg"
alt="knot words from Leeszaal" /> alt="knot words from Leeszaal" />
@ -200,8 +201,8 @@ order, according to their color/mode.</p>
<img src="../irmak/map.png" <img src="../irmak/map.png"
alt="knot words from Leeszaal" /> alt="knot words from Leeszaal" />
</figure> </figure>
can follow to read the thesis.</p>
<h2 id="working-end">Working End</h2> <h2 id="working-end">Working End</h2><sup><span class="margin-note"></span>
<h3 id="why-am-i-doing-this">Why am I doing this?</h3> <h3 id="why-am-i-doing-this">Why am I doing this?</h3>
<p>My desire to write a childrens book about grief and memory ignited <p>My desire to write a childrens book about grief and memory ignited
when I was studying in college and doing an internship in a publishing when I was studying in college and doing an internship in a publishing
@ -791,6 +792,7 @@ feel like my interest and desire to discover new ways of writing,
reading and experiencing literature is ongoing and it was a beautiful reading and experiencing literature is ongoing and it was a beautiful
journey so far. I am looking forward to making more knots on this long journey so far. I am looking forward to making more knots on this long
and mysterious string at hand.</p> and mysterious string at hand.</p>
<div id= "bibliography"> <div id= "bibliography">
<div id= "bibliography"> <div id= "bibliography">
<h3>Bibliography:</h3> <h3>Bibliography:</h3>

@ -8,122 +8,158 @@ author: Irmak
### Fair leads or Fair winds is a saying sailors and knotters use to greet each other. It comes from the working end of a string that will soon be forming a knot. ### Fair leads or Fair winds is a saying sailors and knotters use to greet each other. It comes from the working end of a string that will soon be forming a knot.
I would like to clarify and introduce some terms for you in order to read this text in the desired I would like to clarify and introduce some terms for you in order to read this text in the desired way. For a while, we will stay in the bight of this journey as we move into forming loops, theories and ideas on how interactive picture books can be used to foster curiosity for reading and creativity for children. I am building a web platform called Wink that aims to contain a childrens story I wrote and am making into an interactive experience, in relation to my research.
way. For a while, we will stay in the bight of this journey as we move into forming loops, theories <figure>
and ideas on how interactive picture books can be used to foster curiosity for reading and creativity <img src="../irmak/unnamed.png"
for children. I am building a web platform called Wink that aims to contain a childrens story I alt="knot words from Leeszaal" />
wrote and am making into an interactive experience, in relation to my research. <figcaption aria-hidden="true">knot words from Leeszaal</figcaption>
Through this bight of the thesis, I feel the necessity to clarify my intention of using knots as a Through this bight of the thesis, I feel the necessity to clarify my intention of using knots as a “thinking and writing object” throughout my research journey. Although knots are physical objects and technically crucial in many fields of labor and life, they are also objects of thought and are open for wide minds appreciation. Throughout history, knots have been used to connect, stop, secure, bind, protect, decorate, record data, punish, contain, fly and many other purposes. So if the invention of flying -which required a wing that was supported using certain types of knotswas
“thinking and writing object” throughout my research journey. Although knots are physical objects initiated with the knowledge of how to use strings to make things, why wouldnt a research paper make use of this wonderful art as an inspiration for writing and interactive reading?
and technically crucial in many fields of labor and life, they are also objects of thought and
are open for wide minds appreciation. Throughout history, knots have been used to connect, stop,
secure, bind, protect, decorate, record data, punish, contain, fly and many other purposes. So if
the invention of flying -which required a wing that was supported using certain types of knotswas
initiated with the knowledge of how to use strings to make things, why wouldnt a research
paper make use of this wonderful art as an inspiration for writing and interactive reading?
There is a delicate complexity of thinking of and with knots, which ignites layers of simultaneous There is a delicate complexity of thinking of and with knots, which ignites layers of simultaneous connections to ones specific experience; where one person may associate the knots with struggles they face, another may think of connecting or thriving times. In a workshop in Rotterdam, I asked participants to write three words that comes to mind when they think of knots. There were some words in common like strong, chaotic, confusing and anxious. On the other hand, there were variations of connection, binding, bridge and support. Keeping these answers in mind or by coming up with your words on knots and embodying them in the practice of reading would make
connections to ones specific experience; where one person may associate the knots with struggles
they face, another may think of connecting or thriving times. In a workshop in Rotterdam, I
asked participants to write three words that comes to mind when they think of knots. There were
some words in common like strong, chaotic, confusing and anxious. On the other hand, there
were variations of connection, binding, bridge and support. Keeping these answers in mind or by
coming up with your words on knots and embodying them in the practice of reading would make
a difference in how you understand the same text. a difference in how you understand the same text.
Seeing how these words, interpretations of a physical object were so diff erent to each other was <img src="../irmak/knot1.jpeg"
transcendental. In this thesis, I am excited to share my understanding of knots with you. My three alt="knot words from Leeszaal" />
words for knots are resistance, imagination and infinity. Keeping these in mind, I experimented <figcaption aria-hidden="true">knot words from Leeszaal</figcaption>
<img src="../irmak/knot2.jpeg"
alt="knot words from Leeszaal" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">knot words from Leeszaal</figcaption>
Seeing how these words, interpretations of a physical object were so different to each other was transcendental. In this thesis, I am excited to share my understanding of knots with you. My three words for knots are resistance, imagination and infinity. Keeping these in mind, I experimented
with certain reading modes as you will see later on. with certain reading modes as you will see later on.
Knots are known to be used 15 to 17 thousand years ago for multiple purposes. These purposes Knots are known to be used 15 to 17 thousand years ago for multiple
were often opposing each other. For example, it could be used to let something loose or to restrain purposes. These purposes were often opposing each other. For example, it
it; for pleasure or pain; for going high above or down below… I believe this diversity of uses can could be used to let something loose or to restrain it; for pleasure or
also be seen in how people approach knots as an idea or a metaphor. One can think it represents pain; for going high above or down below… I believe this diversity of
chaos where someone else might see it as a helpful mark. Essentially, this diversity is what got uses can also be seen in how people approach knots as an idea or a
me interested in knots years ago and since then, I have found ways to implement this “loop of metaphor. One can think it represents chaos where someone else might see
thought” in my daily life and research methods. it as a helpful mark. Essentially, this diversity is what got me
interested in knots years ago and since then, I have found ways to
There are two main reasons to why I chose to write this essay in a “knotted” format. One is that I implement this “loop of thought” in my daily life and research
would like to share my process and progress of research on this project and this involves “thinking methods.
with an object”, in this case types of knots. In Evocative Objects, Sherry Turkle, who is a sociologist
and the founder of MIT initiative of technology and self, refers to the object in the exercise There are two main reasons to why I chose to write this essay in a
of thinking as emotional and intellectual companions that anchor memory, sustain relationships “knotted” format. One is that I would like to share my process and
and provoke new ideas. I completely agree with this statement through personal experience. The progress of research on this project and this involves “thinking with an
second reason is that I see this as an opportunity to experiment if I can use knots as an interactive object”, in this case types of knots. In Evocative Objects, Sherry
(which is not in knots nature since they are mainly practiced in solo) and playful element in Turkle, who is a sociologist and the founder of MIT initiative of
writing. This is also why I would like to take a moment to mention what happens to the interplay technology and self, refers to the object in the exercise of thinking as
of processes in which we call thought when we think with knots in specific. emotional and intellectual companions that anchor memory, sustain
relationships and provoke new ideas. I completely agree with this
For Turkle and Seymour Papert, who is a mathematician, computer scientist and educator that statement through personal experience. The second reason is that I see
did remarkable research on constructivism, being able to make a reading experience tangible, or this as an opportunity to experiment if I can use knots as an
even physically representable makes the process of thought more concrete. Concrete thinking in interactive (which is not in knots nature since they are mainly
this sense is a way of thinking that I adapted to in the past years, where you think with the object practiced in solo) and playful element in writing. This is also why I
and imagine it vividly during the process and address meanings to it as you read or write along. would like to take a moment to mention what happens to the interplay of
This way its easier to compartmentalize or attribute certain parts of a text to an imagined or real processes in which we call thought when we think with knots in
physical item which makes the mind at ease with complex chains of thought. specific.
Imagine you are reading a story… What if you think of the string itself as the journey and the For Turkle and Seymour Papert, who is a mathematician, computer
slip knot (which is a type of stopper knot) as a representation of an antagonist because of its specific use in hunting, would this change your approach to reading this story? I believe so… scientist and educator that did remarkable research on constructivism,
being able to make a reading experience tangible, or even physically
What if instead of a slip knot a Bowline was on the string, would that represent something else in representable makes the process of thought more concrete. Concrete
the story because of its usage in practice. A Bowline is commonly used to form a fixed loop at the thinking in this sense is a way of thinking that I adapted to in the
end of a string; its strong but easy to tie, untie. Due to these qualities, we can imagine the bowline past years, where you think with the object and imagine it vividly
to represent the conclusion in a story. What if we have a Square Knot, how would that change the during the process and address meanings to it as you read or write
course of a narrative? Square knot is used to bundle objects and make the two ends of the same along. This way its easier to compartmentalize or attribute certain
string connect. From just this, we can use it to represent the connection between the beginning parts of a text to an imagined or real physical item which makes the
and end of a story. My point is, there are limitless implementations on how to use knots in literature mind at ease with complex chains of thought.
because of their versatile purposes and the narrative vocabulary they create. Topologists are
still trying to identify seemingly infinite numbers of combinations which we simply call “knots” Imagine you are reading a story… What if you think of the string itself
and I see this as an inspiration to keep writing. as the journey and the slip knot (which is a type of stopper knot) as a
representation of an antagonist because of its specific use in hunting,
One example of the wondrous versatility and potential of knots is how they are used to archive would this change your approach to reading this story? I believe so…
and encrypt information. Incan people from the Andes region recorded information on Quipus,
dating back to 700 CE. Quipus are textile devices consisting of several rows of cotton and/or What if instead of a slip knot a Bowline was on the string, would
camelid string that would be knotted in a specific way to record, store and transmit information that represent something else in the story because of its usage in
ranging from accounting and census data to communicate complex mathematical and narrative practice. A Bowline is commonly used to form a fixed loop at the end of
information (Medrano, Urton, 2018). Another example is the Yakima Time Ball, which was used a string; its strong but easy to tie, untie. Due to these qualities, we
by North-American Yakama people to show life events and family aff airs. can imagine the bowline to represent the conclusion in a story. What if
we have a Square Knot, how would that change the course of a narrative?
This is why I humbly decided to document my research process with a Quipu of my own. I am Square knot is used to bundle objects and make the two ends of the same
trying to symbolize the twists, decisions and practices throughout this year with knots of my string connect. From just this, we can use it to represent the
choosing. I was inspired by Nayeli Vegas question, “What can a knot become and what can become connection between the beginning and end of a story. My point is, there
a knot?” are limitless implementations on how to use knots in literature because
of their versatile purposes and the narrative vocabulary they create.
Topologists are still trying to identify seemingly infinite numbers of
combinations which we simply call “knots” and I see this as an
inspiration to keep writing.
One example of the wondrous versatility and potential of knots is how
they are used to archive and encrypt information. Incan people from the
Andes region recorded information on Quipus, dating back to 700 CE.
Quipus are textile devices consisting of several rows of cotton and/or
camelid string that would be knotted in a specific way to record, store
and transmit information ranging from accounting and census data to
communicate complex mathematical and narrative information (Medrano,
Urton, 2018). Another example is the Yakima Time Ball, which was used by
North-American Yakama people to show life events and family aff airs.
This is why I humbly decided to document my research process with a
Quipu of my own. I am trying to symbolize the twists, decisions and
practices throughout this year with knots of my choosing. I was inspired
by Nayeli Vegas question, “What can a knot become and what can become a
This thesis expects participation from its reader. You have the option to have a mode of reading, This thesis expects participation from its reader. You have the
where you will be guided by strings to start reading from a certain section according to the type of option to have a mode of reading, where you will be guided by strings to
reader you are and read the loops one by one until the end, weaving through the text. To determine start reading from a certain section according to the type of reader you
the string or mode of reading, there are some simple questions to answer. are and read the loops one by one until the end, weaving through the
text. To determine the string or mode of reading, there are some simple
The three modes of reading are combine, slide, build . After you discover the starting point questions to answer.
with the yes or no map in the upcoming pages, you will continue the reading journey through the
strings of diff erent colors that will get you through the text. This way, the linear text will become The three modes of reading are combine, slide, build. After you discover the starting point with the yes or no map in
in a way, non-linear by your personal experience. the upcoming pages, you will continue the reading journey through the
strings of diff erent colors that will get you through the text. This
Bear in mind that you can choose to read this thesis from beginning to end as a single string too if way, the linear text will become in a way, non-linear by your personal
you wish so. experience.
Combine mode of reading is for readers who are more interested in the journey and the connections Bear in mind that you can choose to read this thesis from beginning to end as a single string too if you wish so.
between process and result. Slide mode of reading is for more laid back readers who
arent looking to connect ideas but are more focused on the motivation and purpose of the Combine mode of reading is for readers who are more interested in the
project. Build readers are detail oriented and academic readers who would prefer a “traditional” journey and the connections between process and result. Slide mode of
lead to reading. reading is for more laid back readers who arent looking to connect
ideas but are more focused on the motivation and purpose of the project.
Alongside the different strings to follow the text, there will be little drawings in the margins as seen above, which will have diff erent representations like in a Quipu. Certain knots represent the experiences that raise interesting opportunities for research and distinct events I went through while making the project and underneath the drawing you can find the relation to the knot itself explained. Build readers are detail oriented and academic readers who would prefer
For example if I couldnt manage to do something I planned to do, this will be represented with a a “traditional” lead to reading.
broken knot. Bend knots which are used to connect two strings, will be representing the relation between theories and my ownexperiences/motivations. Hitches which are knots that are formed around a
solid object, such as a spar, post, or ring will be representing the evidence or data I have collected on the subject. We move on now with the working end and make some loops! Alongside the different strings to follow the text, there will be
## HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR STRING little drawings in the margins as seen above, which will have diff erent
This map will reveal your mode of reading. The order of reading will be indicated with a loop sign representations like in a Quipu. Certain knots represent the experiences
Please hold a string in your hand as you read the text and make knots or loops as you weave through the that raise interesting opportunities for research and distinct events I
reading as an exercise for concrete thinking. See you at the standing end! went through while making the project and underneath the drawing you can
and a number on top of the sign with a color. This is the numeric order you can follow to read the thesis. find the relation to the knot itself explained. For example if I
couldnt manage to do something I planned to do, this will be
represented with a broken knot. Bend knots which are used to connect two
strings, will be representing the relation between theories and my
ownexperiences/motivations. Hitches which are knots that are formed
around a solid object, such as a spar, post, or ring will be
representing the evidence or data I have collected on the subject. We
move on now with the working end and make some loops!
This map will reveal your mode of reading. The order of reading will
be indicated with a loop sign Please hold a string in your hand as you
read the text and make knots or loops as you weave through the reading
as an exercise for concrete thinking. See you at the standing end! and a
number on top of the sign with a color. This is the numeric order you
should follow to read the thesis, if you choose to read with a mode.
Every reader starts from 1 and continues until 12, with a consecutive numeric order, according to their color/mode.
<img src="../irmak/map.png"
alt="knot words from Leeszaal" />
## Working End <sup><span class="margin-note">
### Loop 1 ### Loop 1
### Why am I doing this? ### Why am I doing this?
@ -623,7 +659,7 @@ Taking a step to make Wink and using the story I wrote and feel is important in
as a prototype was a breakthrough. I feel like my interest and desire to discover new ways of as a prototype was a breakthrough. I feel like my interest and desire to discover new ways of
writing, reading and experiencing literature is ongoing and it was a beautiful journey so far. I am writing, reading and experiencing literature is ongoing and it was a beautiful journey so far. I am
looking forward to making more knots on this long and mysterious string at hand. looking forward to making more knots on this long and mysterious string at hand.
## Bibliography ## Bibliography
Cope, B. and Kalantzis, M. (2009) “multiliteracies”: Cope, B. and Kalantzis, M. (2009) “multiliteracies”:
New Literacies, new learning, Pedagogies: An International Journal, New Literacies, new learning, Pedagogies: An International Journal,
