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Stephen Kerr 2 months ago
parent 2297a358eb
commit 7c60a2c953

@ -10,14 +10,14 @@
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3 Introduction 7 Making: 9 Backplaces 19 Talking Documents 31 Wink 39 What do graphic designers do all day. and why do they do it. and. what does "graphic. design" even mean????!!1!? .49 Writing: 51 <?water bodies> 103 Performing the Bureaucratic. Border(line)s 157 Fair Leads 201 ⊞ 253 Special Issues: 255 Garden Leeszaal 267 Console 273 TTY -->
<div id="content"><h1 id="title">Title</h1>
<h3 id="grad-project-description">Grad project Description</h3>
<div id="content"><h1 id="backplaces">Backplaces</h1>
<p>Hi.<br />
I made this play for you. It is a question, for us to hold together.</p>
<p>Is all intimacy about bodies? What is it about our bodies that makes
@ -48,16 +48,18 @@ Inspired by an email response from a survey I conducted about receiving
emotional support on the Internet, this story explores the contradiction
of being online while wanting to disconnect. It is a web play inviting
you to navigate both of these feelings.</p>
<p>Good Pie is a great big play of pies, a performance that took a year
to bring together. It had three phases. First, as my friends left, I
baked each of them a goodbye pie. Then I hosted two performances. In the
<p>Cake Intimacies is a performance that took a year to bring together.
It is a small selection of stories people told me and I held to memory
and rewrote here. The stories come from two perfomances I hosted. In the
first, I asked participants to eat cake, sitting facing or away from
each other and sharing their stories about cake and the Internet. In the
second I predicted participants future lives on the Internet using
felted archetypes and received stories from their Internet past in
return. This website is a reflection of all these experiences. Each Good
Pie has a filling that tells a story, merging the bodily with the
digital and making a mess of it all.</p>
each other and sharing their stories about cake and the Internet. The
second perfomance was hosted at the Art Meets Radical Openness Festival,
as part of the Turning of the Internet workshop. For this performance I
predicted participants future lives on the Internet using felted
archetypes and received stories from their Internet past in return. Now
the stories are here, each of them a cake with a filling that tells a
story, merging the bodily with the digital and making a mess of it
<p>I love you and hope you see what I saw in these stories.</p>
<p>Safe dreams now. I will talk to you soon.</p>

@ -10,16 +10,16 @@
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3 Introduction 7 Making: 9 Backplaces 19 Talking Documents 31 Wink 39 What do graphic designers do all day. and why do they do it. and. what does "graphic. design" even mean????!!1!? .49 Writing: 51 <?water bodies> 103 Performing the Bureaucratic. Border(line)s 157 Fair Leads 201 ⊞ 253 Special Issues: 255 Garden Leeszaal 267 Console 273 TTY -->
<div id="content"><h1
bodies&amp;gt : A narrative exploration of divergent digital
<div id="content"><h1 id="water-bodies">&lt;?water bodies&gt;</h1>
<h3 id="a-narrative-exploration-of-divergent-digital-intimacies">A
narrative exploration of divergent digital intimacies</h3>
<p>Water, stories, the body, all the things we do, are mediums that hide
and show whats hidden. (Rumi, 1995 translation)</p>
<h2 id="for-you">꙳for you</h2>
@ -153,7 +153,9 @@ legitimacy of his connections, finding no way to do so except by
emphasizing their tangible bodily experiences. The communitys claim to
authenticity thus had to lie in the physical experiences of its members—
the visible bodies and hearable voices, the weddings, births, and
funerals (1993). <sup><span class="margin-note"> Youre dreaming again, good. <br>Would you feel closer to me if you could hear my voice?<br> Is my voice a sound? Could it be a feeling?</span></sup>.</p>
funerals (1993).<sup><span class="margin-note"> Youre dreaming again,
good. <br>Would you feel closer to me if you could hear my voice?<br> Is
my voice a sound? Could it be a feeling?</span></sup>.</p>
<p>Even then, and even by people with no interest in undermining the
value of the virtual, the distinction between physical and virtual was
confusing. Rheingold himself reinforces the boundary of body relations
@ -414,7 +416,12 @@ integral role in human aesthetics, all harmonic series diverge,
perpetually expanding without ever concluding. They embody a richness
that transcends conventional boundaries, blending into one another
<p>[Figure 1 - Harmonic Series to 32 (Hyacint,2017).]</p>
<img src="../images/Harmonic-series.png"
alt="Figure 1 - Harmonic Series to 32 (Hyacint,2017)." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Figure 1 - Harmonic Series to 32
<p>By likening digital bodies to divergent series, we embrace the
complexity and infinite possibilities arising from their
interconnectedness and deviation from the norm. However, its crucial to
@ -694,7 +701,7 @@ cybercommunities, Journal of Sociology, 51(4), pp. 950967.
<p>Yun, J. (2020) The Leaving Season, in Some Are Always Hungry.
University of Nebraska Press.</p>
<p>&amp;lt?/water bodies&amp;gt</p>
<h1 id="water-bodies-1">&lt;?/water bodies&gt;</h1>

@ -10,87 +10,101 @@
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<!-- Can this list be turned into li's like above please?
3 Introduction 7 Making: 9 Backplaces 19 Talking Documents 31 Wink 39 What do graphic designers do all day. and why do they do it. and. what does "graphic. design" even mean????!!1!? .49 Writing: 51 <?water bodies> 103 Performing the Bureaucratic. Border(line)s 157 Fair Leads 201 ⊞ 253 Special Issues: 255 Garden Leeszaal 267 Console 273 TTY -->
<div id="content"><h1 id="talking-documents">Talking Documents</h1>
<h3 id="section"></h3>
<p>Talking Documents are performative bureaucratic text inspections
using auto-ethnographical means that intend to create temporal public
interventions through performative readings.</p>
<p>While I had this inherent concern about borders and bureaucratic
structures in relation to migration, I decided to start zooming in and
explore my own bureaucratic surroundings through my personal lens. As a
student, I was eager to understand and dig into the educational
institutions bureaucratic mechanisms being driven by smaller-scale
bureaucratic struggles and peers narratives, stories and experiences.
My starting point were concerns and a need to explore potential
bureaucratic dramaturgies within the educational institution I am
currently part as a student. However, unexpected emergencies placed
centrally my personal bureaucratic struggles that were being unfolded in
parallel with the making period. Accordingly, this project was
dynamically being reshaped due to the material constraints of the
bureaucratic timeline. I utilized the paperwork interface of my
smaller-scale story in order to unravel and foreground questions related
to the role of bureaucracy as less material border and as a mechanism of
regulation that reflects narratives, ideologies, policies of the
<p>The scenario Central element of this project is a seven-act scenario
that construct my personal paperwork story, unraveling the actual
struggles of my communication with the government due my recent eviction
on the 31st of January 2024. The body of the text of the “theatrical”
script is sourced from the original documents, email threads as well as
recordings of the conversations with the municipality of Rotterdam that
I documented and archived throughout this period. I preserved the
sequence of the given sentences and by discarding the graphic design of
the initial forms, I structured and repurposed the text into a playable
scenario. I perceive the document as a unit and the primary interface of
the bureaucratic network. The embedded performativity of “real”
bureaucratic rituals establishes and empowers (bureaucratic)
institutions through repetitive acts. The transformation of the
<img src="../aglaia/wijnhaven.JPG"
alt="WDKA- Winjhaven Building- February 2024- reading of act0 “” and act1 “”" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">WDKA- Winjhaven Building- February 2024-
reading of act0 “” and act1 “”</figcaption>
<p>This project appeared as a need to explore potential bureaucratic
dramaturgies within the educational institution I was part as a student.
I was curious about educational bureaucratic mechanisms being driven by
smaller-scale paperwork struggles and peers narratives, stories and
experiences. However, unexpected emergencies - due to my eviction on the
31st of January 2024 - placed centrally my personal struggles unfolded
in parallel with the making period. I ended up conducting accidentally
auto-ethnography as the project was dynamically being reshaped due to
the material constraints of the bureaucratic timeline.</p>
<p>Talking Documents are performative bureaucratic text inspections that
intend to create temporal public interventions through performative
readings. I utilized the paperwork interface of my smaller-scale story
in order to unravel and foreground questions related to the role of
bureaucracy as less material border and as a regulatory mechanism
reflecting narratives, ideologies, policies.</p>
<p>Central element of this project is a seven-act scenario that
construct my personal paperwork story, unraveling the actual struggles
of my communication with the government. The body of the text of the
“theatrical” script is sourced from the original documents, email
threads as well as recordings of the conversations with the municipality
of Rotterdam I documented and archived throughout this period. I
preserved the sequence of the given sentences and by discarding the
graphic design of the initial forms, I structured and repurposed the
text into a playable scenario.</p>
<p><img src="../aglaia/call_scenario.png"
alt="Act 2 “Call with the municipality about the rejection of my application”" />
<img src="../aglaia/deregistration1.png"
alt="Act 7 “Confirmation document of my deregistration”" /></p>
<p>I perceive the document as a unit and as the fundamental symbolic
interface of the bureaucratic network. The transformation of the
materiality of a document into a scenario to be enacted collectively in
public attempts to examine these artifacts and highlight the shrouded
public aims to examine these artifacts and highlight the shrouded
performative elements of these processes.</p>
<p>The public readings of the scenario I see the collective readings of
these scenarios as a way of instant publishing and as a communal tool of
inspecting bureaucratic bordering infrastructures. How can these
re-enactments be situated in different institutional contexts and
examine their structures? I am particularly interested in the
site-specificity of these “acts”. I organized a series of performative
readings of my own bureaucratic literature in different spaces and
contexts, pubic and semi-public, like Leeszaal, WDKA, Art Meets Radical
Openness Festival in Linz, the City Hall of Rotterdam where I invited
people to perform the play together, like a theater. The marginal voices
of potential applicants are embodying and enacting a role. “The speech
does not only describe but brings things into existence”(Austin, 1975).
My intention was to stretch the limits of dramaturgical speech through
vocalizing a document and turn individual administrative cases into
public ones. How do the inscribed words in the documents are not
descriptive but on the contrary “are instrumentalized in getting things
done”(Butler,1997). Words as active agents. Bodies as low-tech “human
microphones”. A group of people performs the bureaucratic scenario in
chorus, out loud, in the corridor of the schools building, in the main
hall, at the square right across, outside of the municipality
<p>I see the collective readings of these scenarios as a way of instant
publishing and as a communal tool of inspecting bureaucratic bordering
infrastructures. How can these re-enactments be situated in different
institutional contexts and examine their structures? I organized a
series of performative readings of my own bureaucratic literature in
different spaces and contexts, pubic and semi-public WDKA, Art Meets
Radical Openness Festival in Linz, the City Hall of Rotterdam where I
invited people to perform the play together, like a tiny theater.</p>
<img src="../aglaia/AMRO_all.jpg"
alt="Art Meets Radical Openness Festival Linz, Austria - May 2024 - Reading Act 2 and Act3 in the tent" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Art Meets Radical Openness Festival
Linz, Austria - May 2024 - Reading Act 2 and Act3 in the
<p><img src="../aglaia/AMRO_kamo.jpg" /></p>
<img src="../aglaia/gemeente_front.jpg"
alt="City Hall Rotterdam - May 2024 - Reading of Act 5 and Act 6" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">City Hall Rotterdam - May 2024 - Reading
of Act 5 and Act 6</figcaption>
<img src="../aglaia/statue_garden.jpg" alt="The garden of Gemeente" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">The garden of Gemeente</figcaption>
<p>The marginal voices of potential applicants are embodying and
enacting a role. “The speech does not only describe but brings things
into existence”(Austin, 1975). My intention was to stretch the limits of
dramaturgical speech through vocalizing a document and turn individual
administrative cases into public ones. How do the inscribed words in the
documents are not descriptive but on the contrary “are instrumentalized
in getting things done”(Butler,1997). Words as active agents. Bodies as
low-tech “human microphones”. A group of people performs the
bureaucratic scenario in chorus, out loud, in the corridor of the
schools building, in the main hall, at the square right across, outside
of the municipality building.</p>
<p>I documented and recorded these public acts and I re-created the
collectively vocalised and transformed scenario. This audio piece is a
constellation of different recordings and soundscapes of these public
moments that I edited and collaged into a single story that could
constitute a vocal archive.</p>
<p>I am inviting past and future applicants, traumatized students,
injured bearers, bureaucratic border crossers, stressed expired document
holders to share, vocalize, read out loud, amplify, (un)name, dismantle
the injurious words of these artifacts.</p>
<p>[images] [Leeszaal West Rotterdam - 7th of November 2023 People
queuing to receive their documents] [WDKA- Winjhaven Building- 5th of
February 2024- reading of act0 “” and act1 “”] [Art Meets Radical
Openness Festival Linz, Austria - 11th of May 2024 - Reading act 2””
and act3 “” in the tent] x2 [City Hall Rotterdam- 30th of May 2024 -
Reading of act 5 “” and act 6 “”] x2 [XML at XPUB studio - January 2024
- Passport Reading Session] [BOOKLET 1] [BOOKLET 2]</p>
collectively voiced scenario. This audio piece is a constellation of
different recordings and soundscapes of these public moments, a vocal
archive, published in the graduation exhibition of XPUB in 2024.</p>
<img src="../aglaia/passport1.png"
alt="XML at XPUB studio January 2024 - Passport Reading Session" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">XML at XPUB studio January 2024 -
Passport Reading Session</figcaption>

@ -10,10 +10,11 @@
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3 Introduction 7 Making: 9 Backplaces 19 Talking Documents 31 Wink 39 What do graphic designers do all day. and why do they do it. and. what does "graphic. design" even mean????!!1!? .49 Writing: 51 <?water bodies> 103 Performing the Bureaucratic. Border(line)s 157 Fair Leads 201 ⊞ 253 Special Issues: 255 Garden Leeszaal 267 Console 273 TTY -->
<div id="content"><h1 id="performing-the-bureaucratic-borderlines">Performing the
@ -629,9 +630,10 @@ such acts are not expected to be performed, evoked contradictory
feelings or thoughts. Over-identifying with a role was being
instrumentalized as an “interrogation” of ones own involvement in the
reproduction of social discourses, power, authority, hegemony.</p>
<p>[ Participants, during Leeszaal event, are waiting in a queue (18) to
collect the application forms and sign1 ] [ One of the forms that the
audience had to fill out during the Lesszaal event ]</p>
<p>[Leeszaal West Rotterdam - November 2023 People queuing(18) to
receive their documents and sign ]</p>
<p>[ One of the forms that the audience had to fill out during the
Lesszaal event ]</p>
<h4 id="section-2">3.</h4>
<p>Title: “Passport Reading Session” When: January 2024 Where: XML
XPUB studio Who: Ada, Aglaia, Stephen, Joseph</p>

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3 Introduction 7 Making: 9 Backplaces 19 Talking Documents 31 Wink 39 What do graphic designers do all day. and why do they do it. and. what does "graphic. design" even mean????!!1!? .49 Writing: 51 <?water bodies> 103 Performing the Bureaucratic. Border(line)s 157 Fair Leads 201 ⊞ 253 Special Issues: 255 Garden Leeszaal 267 Console 273 TTY -->
<div id="content"><p>Act 1. Scene 1.</p>
@ -41,10 +42,10 @@ during…</p>
<p>the reader: we?</p>
<p>the book: …I mean the four of us, the students of Experimental
Publishing at the Piet Zwart Institute. From 2022 until today, June
2024, we published three special issues together. We wrote four theses
2024, we published three special issues together. We wrote four theses
and made four graduation projects. We grew our hair out and cut it and
grew it again and dyed it. We cared and cried for each other, we brewed
muddy coffee and bootlegged books. (the book tears up) Finishing a
muddy coffee and bootlegged books. (The book tears up) Finishing a
Masters is a bit of a heavy moment for us and this book is a gentle
archive, a memory of things that have been beautiful to us.</p>
<p>the reader (sarcastically): do you have a tissue, im soooo

@ -10,23 +10,50 @@
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3 Introduction 7 Making: 9 Backplaces 19 Talking Documents 31 Wink 39 What do graphic designers do all day. and why do they do it. and. what does "graphic. design" even mean????!!1!? .49 Writing: 51 <?water bodies> 103 Performing the Bureaucratic. Border(line)s 157 Fair Leads 201 ⊞ 253 Special Issues: 255 Garden Leeszaal 267 Console 273 TTY -->
<div id="content"><h1 id="title">Wink!</h1>
<h3 id="grad-project-description">Grad project Description</h3>
<p>Wink is a prototype for an interactive picture book platform. This platform aims
to make reading into a mindfull and thought provoking process by using interactive and playful elements, multiple stories within one narrative and sound elements. Especially today where consumerism and low attention span is a rising issue especially amongst young readers, this was an important task to tackle. The thought of Wink emerged to find a more sustainable and creative way of reading for elementary school children.
<p>Working as a children's literature editor for years, I came to a realisation that picture books were turning into another object that kids read and consume on daily basis. At least this is what I observed in Turkey. Teachers and parents were finding it difficult to find new books constantly or were tired of rereading the same book. As a young person in the publishing sector, I believe there should be more options for children as there is for adults; such as ebooks, audiobooks etc. But moreover a "book" that can be redefined, reread or be interacted with. So I revisited an old story I wrote, translated to English and named it, "Bee Within". </p>
<p>Bee Within, is a story about grief and it is based on my experiences throughout the years. I erased it, rewrote it, edited it, destroyed it multiple times over the past years, simultaneously with new experiences of loss. In the end, I believe the story turned out to be an ode to
remembering or might I say an ode to not being able to forget or an ode to the fear of forgetting
which I now think is a great and sweet battle between death and life. I think it is an important subject to touch upon, especially for children dealing with trauma in many parts of the world.
<p>Over the past two years, experimenting with storytelling techniques, interactivity options and workshops with children and adults, around reading and doing various exercises on Bee Within, I improved the story to be a more playful and interactive one which can be re-read, re-played and eventually re-formed non digitally to be reachable for all children. Here is some documentation from the beggining of this journey towards making accesible interactive narratives... </p>
<div id="content"><h1 id="wink">Wink!</h1>
<h3 id="a-prototype-for-interactive-childrens-literature">A Prototype
for Interactive Childrens Literature</h3>
<p>Wink is a prototype for an interactive picture book platform. This
platform aims to make reading into a mindfull and thought provoking
process by using interactive and playful elements, multiple stories
within one narrative and sound elements. Especially today where
consumerism and low attention span is a rising issue especially amongst
young readers, this was an important task to tackle. The thought of Wink
emerged to find a more sustainable and creative way of reading for
elementary school children.</p>
<p>Working as a childrens literature editor for years, I came to a
realisation that picture books were turning into another object that
kids read and consume on daily basis. At least this is what I observed
in Turkey. Teachers and parents were finding it difficult to find new
books constantly or were tired of rereading the same book. As a young
person in the publishing sector, I believe there should be more options
for children as there is for adults; such as ebooks, audiobooks etc. But
moreover a “book” that can be redefined, reread or be interacted with.
So I revisited an old story I wrote, translated to English and named it,
“Bee Within”.</p>
<p>Bee Within, is a story about grief and it is based on my experiences
throughout the years. I erased it, rewrote it, edited it, destroyed it
multiple times over the past years, simultaneously with new experiences
of loss. In the end, I believe the story turned out to be an ode to
remembering or might I say an ode to not being able to forget or an ode
to the fear of forgetting which I now think is a great and sweet battle
between death and life. I think it is an important subject to touch
upon, especially for children dealing with trauma in many parts of the
<p>Over the past two years, experimenting with storytelling techniques,
interactivity options and workshops with children and adults, around
reading and doing various exercises on Bee Within, I improved the story
to be a more playful and interactive one which can be re-read, re-played
and eventually re-formed non digitally to be reachable for all children.
Here is some documentation from the beggining of this journey towards
making accesible interactive narratives…</p>

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -16,16 +16,16 @@ wrote and am making into an interactive experience, in relation to my research.
Through this bight of the thesis, I feel the necessity to clarify my intention of using knots as a
“thinking and writing object” throughout my research journey. Although knots are physical objects
and technically crucial in many fi elds of labor and life, they are also objects of thought and
and technically crucial in many fields of labor and life, they are also objects of thought and
are open for wide minds appreciation. Throughout history, knots have been used to connect, stop,
secure, bind, protect, decorate, record data, punish, contain, fl y and many other purposes. So if
the invention of fl ying -which required a wing that was supported using certain types of knotswas
secure, bind, protect, decorate, record data, punish, contain, fly and many other purposes. So if
the invention of flying -which required a wing that was supported using certain types of knotswas
initiated with the knowledge of how to use strings to make things, why wouldnt a research
paper make use of this wonderful art as an inspiration for writing and interactive reading?
There is a delicate complexity of thinking of and with knots, which ignites layers of simultaneous
connections to ones specifi c experience; where one person may associate the knots with struggles
connections to ones specific experience; where one person may associate the knots with struggles
they face, another may think of connecting or thriving times. In a workshop in Rotterdam, I
asked participants to write three words that comes to mind when they think of knots. There were
some words in common like strong, chaotic, confusing and anxious. On the other hand, there
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ a diff erence in how you understand the same text.
Seeing how these words, interpretations of a physical object were so diff erent to each other was
transcendental. In this thesis, I am excited to share my understanding of knots with you. My three
words for knots are resistance, imagination and infi nity. Keeping these in mind, I experimented
words for knots are resistance, imagination and infinity. Keeping these in mind, I experimented
with certain reading modes as you will see later on.
Knots are known to be used 15 to 17 thousand years ago for multiple purposes. These purposes
@ -68,20 +68,20 @@ Imagine you are reading a story… What if you think of the string itself as the
slip knot (which is a type of stopper knot) as a representation of an antagonist because of its specific use in hunting, would this change your approach to reading this story? I believe so…
What if instead of a slip knot a Bowline was on the string, would that represent something else in
the story because of its usage in practice. A Bowline is commonly used to form a fi xed loop at the
the story because of its usage in practice. A Bowline is commonly used to form a fixed loop at the
end of a string; its strong but easy to tie, untie. Due to these qualities, we can imagine the bowline
to represent the conclusion in a story. What if we have a Square Knot, how would that change the
course of a narrative? Square knot is used to bundle objects and make the two ends of the same
string connect. From just this, we can use it to represent the connection between the beginning
and end of a story. My point is, there are limitless implementations on how to use knots in literature
because of their versatile purposes and the narrative vocabulary they create. Topologists are
still trying to identify seemingly infi nite numbers of combinations which we simply call “knots”
still trying to identify seemingly infinite numbers of combinations which we simply call “knots”
and I see this as an inspiration to keep writing.
One example of the wondrous versatility and potential of knots is how they are used to archive
and encrypt information. Incan people from the Andes region recorded information on Quipus,
dating back to 700 CE. Quipus are textile devices consisting of several rows of cotton and/or
camelid string that would be knotted in a specifi c way to record, store and transmit information
camelid string that would be knotted in a specific way to record, store and transmit information
ranging from accounting and census data to communicate complex mathematical and narrative
information (Medrano, Urton, 2018). Another example is the Yakima Time Ball, which was used
by North-American Yakama people to show life events and family aff airs.
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ arent looking to connect ideas but are more focused on the motivation and pur
project. Build readers are detail oriented and academic readers who would prefer a “traditional”
lead to reading.
Alongside the different strings to follow the text, there will be little drawings in the margins as seen above, which will have diff erent representations like in a Quipu. Certain knots represent the experiences that raise interesting opportunities for research and distinct events I went through while making the project and underneath the drawing you can fi nd the relation to the knot itself explained.
Alongside the different strings to follow the text, there will be little drawings in the margins as seen above, which will have diff erent representations like in a Quipu. Certain knots represent the experiences that raise interesting opportunities for research and distinct events I went through while making the project and underneath the drawing you can find the relation to the knot itself explained.
For example if I couldnt manage to do something I planned to do, this will be represented with a
broken knot. Bend knots which are used to connect two strings, will be representing the relation between theories and my ownexperiences/motivations. Hitches which are knots that are formed around a
solid object, such as a spar, post, or ring will be representing the evidence or data I have collected on the subject. We move on now with the working end and make some loops!
@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ hearing a buzzing sound in my bedroom at my familys house. I searched everywh
find the source for this noise. I asked my father and he started searching too. A couple of days
passed and the buzzing was still there.
One day I found a bee on the fl oor in my bedroom and realized that the bees nested on the roof
and were coming inside my room through a gap in the lamp. I was terrifi ed because I have an
One day I found a bee on the floor in my bedroom and realized that the bees nested on the roof
and were coming inside my room through a gap in the lamp. I was terrified because I have an
allergy to bees and thought they might sting me in my sleep. This moment was when I realized I
was so determined to find this buzzing sound for some time that I forgot about dealing with the
loss I was experiencing. This made me feel very guilty and I remember thinking I betrayed the
@ -140,13 +140,13 @@ person I lost.
As funny as it may appear, I felt like I was sabotaged by these bees that I thought were here to
hurt me but in the end they made me understand that its ok to let things go and every being does
what it has to do to fi nd its way of survival. The little habitat that they chose to create in my room
seemed like a calling or a sign that I can aff ect another living being signifi cantly without being
what it has to do to find its way of survival. The little habitat that they chose to create in my room
seemed like a calling or a sign that I can aff ect another living being significantly without being
aware of it. This goes for everything, no matter if some people leave us in this world, they have
living matter in us that keeps pulsing. So then I started researching bees and their ecosystems. I
read Alan Watts, Alan Lightman, Emily Dickinson, Maurice Sendak, Meghan ORourke, Oliver
Sacks, Joanna Macy, Rilke, Montaigne and theories on order in chaos, correlative vision, harmony
of contained confl icts and the mortality paradox. I wrote a lot and erased a lot and fairly
of contained conflicts and the mortality paradox. I wrote a lot and erased a lot and fairly
figured out the wisdom of not knowing things.
Years passed and I wrote and deleted and rewrote the story that I am working on to make interactive
@ -154,17 +154,17 @@ today so many times and was waiting on it because it always felt incomplete. In
will always be incomplete because of the natural ambiguity the topic carries. Years later, grief was
back in my life with the loss of my grandfather. So therefore, the story I wrote and abandoned
changed again as I attempted to rewrite it as a diff erent version of myself with a diff erent understanding of death. And this went on… The story remained hidden and I forgot why it ever existed
in the fi rst place.
in the first place.
Last year when two earthquakes hit Syria and Turkey, I was drowned like everyone I know, by a
collective trauma and grief. Then this horrible feeling fl ared up by neglect and desperation. It was
collective trauma and grief. Then this horrible feeling flared up by neglect and desperation. It was
and still is impossible to mourn so many strangers at the same time. I lost two dear friends, I was
furious, away from home, mostly alone and remembered vividly my failed attempt to understand
or place grief in one of the piles in my mind.
Previous months, I was working on this story (yes, again) but didnt know how to tackle the text
because it was so diff erent to what I was experiencing now, when compared to the last time I rewrote
it. A tutor asked me why I wrote this story in the fi rst place and I couldnt remember. I kept
it. A tutor asked me why I wrote this story in the first place and I couldnt remember. I kept
tracing back to 2016 and step by step, remembered why, as told above. The consciousness that this
story is actually a personal history of how I went through grief in diff erent stages of my life, made
me realise that it doesnt have to be or even can be a perfect story.
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ remembering or might I say an ode to not being able to forget or an ode to the f
The effect of storytelling knowledge on kids development and creativity. What can
we learn from open ended and multiple ending stories?
ability to form basic stories or to express their emotions through fi ctional characters or events.
ability to form basic stories or to express their emotions through fictional characters or events.
Children are not born with a wide vocabulary of emotions and expressions. They learn how to
read, mimic and express their feelings over time. The more children read, write and are exposed
to social environments, the more they widen their sense and ability of expressing themselves. The
@ -197,21 +197,21 @@ one small story they heard or read when they were a kid, this moment we remember
the moment a certain story sparked for us.
Nowadays storytelling takes many forms. For example, some readers story might even begin from
here although it isnt the beginning. Interactivity is one of the storytelling forms that can signifi -
here although it isnt the beginning. Interactivity is one of the storytelling forms that can signifi-
cantly improve childrens creativity. This is mainly because children as readers or listeners get to
contribute and aff ect the story. This of course requires and improves creative and active thinking.
Getting the chance to choose a path for a fi ctional character gives the child the freedom and confi
Getting the chance to choose a path for a fictional character gives the child the freedom and confi
dence of constructing a world, a character or an adventure. Although this is essentially “writing”
as we know it, children think of this as a game, yet to discover they are actually becoming writers.
What kind of reward can we expect from active participation in a story? Narrative pleasure can
be generally described in terms of immersions (spatial, temporal, emotional, epistemic) in a fi ctional
be generally described in terms of immersions (spatial, temporal, emotional, epistemic) in a fictional
world (Ryan, 2009). When we are set to create or co-create a world, the narrative has eff ects
on us such as curiosity, suspense and surprise. At this point, we start creatively producing ideas to
keep these three emotions.
Interactive storytelling reminds everyone but especially children that there are limitless endings to
a story that is solely up to the makers creation. Learning to think this way instead of knowing or
assuming an end to a story, I think infl uences the childrens decision making abilities and sense of
assuming an end to a story, I think influences the childrens decision making abilities and sense of
responsibility towards their creations. It is basically the same in theatre where if an actor chooses
to create an imaginary suitcase on stage, they cant simply leave this object they created on stage
and exit the scene because the audience will wonder why the actor didnt take the imaginary
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ to do with it. This interactivity therefore creates a unique bond between the re
the text.
There are many theories on how to approach interactive literature for children. Multi-literacy theory
and digital literacies are some of the theories which I fi nd relevant to my aim with Wink. Multiliteracy theory in a nutshell is an education oriented framework that aims to expand traditional
and digital literacies are some of the theories which I find relevant to my aim with Wink. Multiliteracy theory in a nutshell is an education oriented framework that aims to expand traditional
reading and writing skills. This theory was developed by the New London Group. They were a
collective of scholars and educators who addressed the changing nature of literacy in an increasingly
globalized, digital world. The theory explores multiple modes of communication consisting
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ both centralize the narrative to engage the audience. While both of these format
tools, e-books tend to stay more in a linear narrative and format when compared to storytelling
games where the audience is commonly the main character. Reading experiences are also a way
to be in the shoes of the narrator or the character but in a storytelling game, you embody the mission
and the experience overrules the story most of the time. In the specifi c example of a child,
and the experience overrules the story most of the time. In the specific example of a child,
storytelling games are complicated and puzzle driven where the player has missions to complete.
Whereas in an interactive e-book, the missions are solely based on the interactive elements implemented
in the text and images.
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ Ways of using interactivity in digital platforms
CASA theory, also known as the Cognitive-Aff ective-Social Theory of Learning and Development,
is a framework used in educational psychology to understand how learning occurs within
the context of cognitive, aff ective, and social factors. Research on cognitive learning with keeping
in mind the limited attention span and memory factors. For children in specifi c, I think these are
in mind the limited attention span and memory factors. For children in specific, I think these are
very important factors to keep in mind when trying to design an interactive experience. This is because
children get bored very easily and can be disengaged because of failure of solving/understanding
something in a story. This is something I kept in mind as I wrote for children and chose
@ -300,10 +300,10 @@ There are multiple ways to use digital gestures in storytelling to make the expe
These are usually elements such as sound, animations, voice-overs that are ignited with a
click or tap by the reader. For children younger than 5, its usually just tapping over the page and
experiencing an action-reaction. For older kids between the ages 6-8, I made some workshops to
fi gure out which types of interactive elements are most useful in engaging them in the reading
figure out which types of interactive elements are most useful in engaging them in the reading
It is true that sound and animations are very inclusive and it is engaging for kids to fi nd out which
It is true that sound and animations are very inclusive and it is engaging for kids to find out which
part of a page is interactive by clicking on images. Another thing I found out is that kids enjoy
being a part of the story. For the prototype of Bee Within (the story I am using to test interactivity
also can be read in the appendix) I will focus on color, sound and click based animations according
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ School age children are between the ages 6-12, which is Winks chosen age grou
These kids can form more rooted friendships and engage in more complex narratives. They
learn to negotiate and compromise around this time as well. This age group is desired for Wink
because kids this age are open to creative problem solving, connecting events and comprehending
slightly more complex narratives. Moreover, this age group would benefi t the most from the interactive
slightly more complex narratives. Moreover, this age group would benefit the most from the interactive
stories and the reading process because of the developmental phase they are in.
The average amount of time children between these ages use on a daily basis is depending on
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ their parents and circumstances. But to be fair, it is often not less than 2 hou
of a story?”
Today, kids from age 3 can use digital gestures successfully and experience these as simple as
fl ipping the page of a book. This is why it is fairly easy to create an interactive picture book which
flipping the page of a book. This is why it is fairly easy to create an interactive picture book which
kids can navigate themselves and be able to browse through with or without their parents. But for
Wink, I chose to design for older kids because I want to experiment on multi-leveled narratives
and I want to avoid the risk of confusing children.
@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ balance I tried to limit the interactive elements I used in the main story. I tr
animations limited and focused more on the storylines.
Another aspect I am concerned about after the workshop I did with the kids, is the risk of confusion
due to an undefi ned and multimodal design for a “book”. Kids tend to be confused when
they cant defi ne things or are asked to improvise without knowing the purpose.They know what a
due to an undefined and multimodal design for a “book”. Kids tend to be confused when
they cant define things or are asked to improvise without knowing the purpose.They know what a
book is and that it is similar to what they encounter on the screen. But the method of reading and
interacting with Bee Within is diff erent than what they are used to. This concerns me because they
might prefer to just read a book or play a game instead of discovering a new thing, which they
@ -388,13 +388,13 @@ it surprises you and leaves you in awe towards something you werent expecting
like every reaction I give when Im surprised, is a mirror of what I felt when I was playing freeze
and had to stop moving at any given time or when I found the last friend hiding somewhere in
hide and seek. This feeling of appreciation and unexpectedness is why most people remember
certain games, movies from their childhoods very vividly. Its an introduction to a feeling we experience maybe for the fi rst time because we dont necessarily learn from books how and when to
certain games, movies from their childhoods very vividly. Its an introduction to a feeling we experience maybe for the first time because we dont necessarily learn from books how and when to
feel surprised, that is why its a surprise; we live it, experience it and it leaves and impression with us.
In my opinion, what drives everyone as a common denominator is amazement; because it takes
us to our childhoods or distant memories where we fi rst felt that feeling of awe. This is the main
us to our childhoods or distant memories where we first felt that feeling of awe. This is the main
purpose behind any kind of interactive design and I think books can be an amazing medium to
experiment this with. Specifi cally because this ancient device can take us to numerous worlds.
experiment this with. Specifically because this ancient device can take us to numerous worlds.
For me as a millennial, books give me enough amazement as it is. But as I worked in publishing
through the years and observed, I think kids today need something more to ignite their interest.
There are so many factors in a picture book such as the image, the text and sound which can be
@ -411,9 +411,9 @@ of storytelling.
Interactivity in reading and writing in history. What changed?
Interactivity has always been an experimental area in literature from inscriptions to narrative
games then to playable stories and artifi cial intelligence. I will expand some of these examples
from the rich history of interactive fi ction. When I dig a little bit into the media archaeology there
are three still relevant aspects that strike me and change/improve my approach to Wink. The fi rst
games then to playable stories and artificial intelligence. I will expand some of these examples
from the rich history of interactive fiction. When I dig a little bit into the media archaeology there
are three still relevant aspects that strike me and change/improve my approach to Wink. The first
is the need to connect that remains untouched through centuries of human communication, the
second is how there were multiple projects concerning interactive media especially for kids that
later turned into narrative games or remained as prototypes and lastly how the integration of media
@ -421,17 +421,17 @@ and literature has been such a grand topic even before information and technolog
examples to this is music, masks, puppets, props used in storytelling.
Ancient texts with annotations such as The Odyssey, The Mahabharata are maybe the earliest
written interactive experiences in a historical context. They are published with notes and explanations, clarifi cations which make the text inhabit diff erent opinions and approaches in an engaging way where the reader can choose to hop on and off from the annotation and margin texts.
written interactive experiences in a historical context. They are published with notes and explanations, clarifications which make the text inhabit diff erent opinions and approaches in an engaging way where the reader can choose to hop on and off from the annotation and margin texts.
From the 70s to the present there have been many examples but I will be focusing on a few here.
One of them is, Choose your own adventure books which allowed the reader to participate in
the plot. These still exist as picture books where you are directed to certain pages according to
the choices you make throughout the story. Along with this were also board games and cards that
required interactive inputs. Some examples to this is exploding kittens or cards against humanity
where the player has the autonomy to be creative and fi ll in the blanks to win the game. Simultaneously, text-based adventure games such as Zork and Adventure were popular. Early days of
computing off ered a wide space for exploring virtual worlds. In the early 80s, hypertext fi ction
where the player has the autonomy to be creative and fill in the blanks to win the game. Simultaneously, text-based adventure games such as Zork and Adventure were popular. Early days of
computing off ered a wide space for exploring virtual worlds. In the early 80s, hypertext fiction
contributed to electronic literature. Hyperlinks were used as a tool to navigate a text and choose
paths of reading. This inspired me to write this thesis with diff erent modes of reading as well.
After the 80s, Interactive fi ction gained popularity as a genre of interacting with text based input.
After the 80s, Interactive fiction gained popularity as a genre of interacting with text based input.
Dynabook by Alan Kay was prototyped during this time as a promising reading and writing device
designed for children.
@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ It also helped me draw the pictures for the book accordingly and edit the text w
in mind. Due to a privacy agreement, I couldnt record or use any data from the workshop but I
made some helpful observations from my time there.
The fi rst workshop I planned consisted of two main parts that made up 20 minutes. The fi rst 10
The first workshop I planned consisted of two main parts that made up 20 minutes. The first 10
minutes we read Bee Within (attached in the appendix) together in a circle and the last 10 minutes
we played little improvisation games, focused on the three main characters in the story (the bee,
the kid and the tree). I made three groups and gave these groups the three characters. I asked
@ -472,12 +472,12 @@ them to embody a character throughout the workshop and be loyal to it. Each grou
1 minute on the stage to silently improvise their characters. They were to use one sentence if they
wanted to speak.
During the fi rst part, I couldnt observe as I was busy reading but their teacher kindly took notes
During the first part, I couldnt observe as I was busy reading but their teacher kindly took notes
during this time, regarding the children reactions to parts of the story. I inserted the bees and
trees narrative to the reading by tossing the paper I had in my hand and picking up a new one as I
kept reading the bees and trees story. This was crucial because I wanted to see if this multiple stories in one concept would be confusing for kids. The teacher told me that they were excited about
my gesture of juggling papers as I seemingly read one story. They were intrigued and confused
at fi rst but they did keep up with the storyline and understood all. Her notes basically said they
at first but they did keep up with the storyline and understood all. Her notes basically said they
were very focused and less interested in the kids journey. They really liked the bee and were a bit
confused with the tree.
@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ was of a classmate as a tree with his hands wide open as he was performing.
What struck me most on the second part of the workshop was how these kids used the room
so freely and in relation to their characters. Because we read the story before the improvisation
games, some of their characters were infl uenced by how it is in the story we read. Next workshop,
games, some of their characters were influenced by how it is in the story we read. Next workshop,
I am planning to not tell the story but to talk about it before and give context. This is because I
want to see how their understanding changes without a limitation of a story.
@ -511,15 +511,15 @@ control. No one actually attempted in using objects from the room which is a hug
the kids because they drew on their faces, used plastic bags as wings for the bee and made sounds
with their mouths as trees.
The next workshop was to discover how improv would work without reading the story fi rst. This
The next workshop was to discover how improv would work without reading the story first. This
workshop was fruitful because it helped me realize how much information or guidance I have to
off er for children in order for them to be comfortable to participate and interact without confusion.
We made a circle and I summarized the story to the kids, acting in the middle of the circle. This
broke the ice completely because I was a part of the workshop and they thought I was funny. For
the next part, I divided the group in three and assigned a character to them. After this, I asked
them to decide on an attitude, pop in the middle and tell or act out their character. I went fi rst
and they followed easily. They were not under the infl uence of the story so the performances were
diff erent but they still got infl uenced by each other, which in my opinion is inevitable. Some of the
them to decide on an attitude, pop in the middle and tell or act out their character. I went first
and they followed easily. They were not under the influence of the story so the performances were
diff erent but they still got influenced by each other, which in my opinion is inevitable. Some of the
kids were buzzing/running around, the “kids” were walking around, acting like they are playing
which I found very interesting. Some trees were small some were mighty and old. It was helpful to
see the diff erent attributions they gave to the characters.
@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ and scared bee one by one. They kept walking randomly and acted these feelings o
“kids”, I asked them to be angry, sad, scared, and curious. For the trees I asked them to be wise,
mad, funny and happy. The results were amazing. They adapted very quickly to the changing of
emotions which showed me that this age gap was good to work with. The trees stopped walking
as I changed the emotions and this was an affi rmation to not animate the tree with movement but
as I changed the emotions and this was an affirmation to not animate the tree with movement but
more with changing of color and tiny animations. They mostly used arms and face expressions
to show the emotions, some of them ducked or made sounds. As I said mad, one of the kids ran
and put her red jacket on. This made me think about using color to show emotions for the tree. It
@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ volunteers and they made sound eff ects as I read the verse very slowly. This we
that they like to dramatize the sounds and make them funny or unexpected. They used the bubble
wrap to make sounds for snowing or aluminum folio for the volcano. They had great fun but I
think I made a mistake by making a few kids do foley at the same time because they didnt know
how to take turns and were hesitant at fi rst. Then quite impressively, they made their own system
how to take turns and were hesitant at first. Then quite impressively, they made their own system
where they took turns to make eff ects for each sentence.
Then I made four groups of three. 3 kids as actors and 3 kids as foley actors. They buddied up
@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ format and purpose. If we take a look at Bookr, Piboco, and Kotobee, we can see
way to tell a story but have one mode of reading. The stories are linear and can be read once,
without side quests. This is the main diff erence with what I am trying to design.
Wink acts as a tool to play with and choose paths. The story isnt linear in the traditional way
where you interact with the pictures and fi nish the book but there are side stories to the main
where you interact with the pictures and finish the book but there are side stories to the main
story that they can discover or choose not to. I think this is a solid diff erence. This makes it a playable narrative, diff erent from a book.
This prototype is a good start to see how far I can get with the interactive elements and side

@ -1916,32 +1916,32 @@ an interactive experience, in relation to my research.</p>
<p>Through this bight of the thesis, I feel the necessity to clarify my
intention of using knots as a “thinking and writing object” throughout
my research journey. Although knots are physical objects and technically
crucial in many fi elds of labor and life, they are also objects of
crucial in many fields of labor and life, they are also objects of
thought and are open for wide minds appreciation. Throughout history,
knots have been used to connect, stop, secure, bind, protect, decorate,
record data, punish, contain, fl y and many other purposes. So if the
invention of fl ying -which required a wing that was supported using
record data, punish, contain, fly and many other purposes. So if the
invention of flying -which required a wing that was supported using
certain types of knotswas initiated with the knowledge of how to use
strings to make things, why wouldnt a research paper make use of this
wonderful art as an inspiration for writing and interactive reading?</p>
<h2 id="knots-as-objects-to-think-with">KNOTS AS OBJECTS TO THINK
<p>There is a delicate complexity of thinking of and with knots, which
ignites layers of simultaneous connections to ones specifi c
experience; where one person may associate the knots with struggles they
face, another may think of connecting or thriving times. In a workshop
in Rotterdam, I asked participants to write three words that comes to
mind when they think of knots. There were some words in common like
strong, chaotic, confusing and anxious. On the other hand, there were
variations of connection, binding, bridge and support. Keeping these
answers in mind or by coming up with your words on knots and embodying
them in the practice of reading would make a diff erence in how you
understand the same text.</p>
ignites layers of simultaneous connections to ones specific experience;
where one person may associate the knots with struggles they face,
another may think of connecting or thriving times. In a workshop in
Rotterdam, I asked participants to write three words that comes to mind
when they think of knots. There were some words in common like strong,
chaotic, confusing and anxious. On the other hand, there were variations
of connection, binding, bridge and support. Keeping these answers in
mind or by coming up with your words on knots and embodying them in the
practice of reading would make a diff erence in how you understand the
same text.</p>
<p>Seeing how these words, interpretations of a physical object were so
diff erent to each other was transcendental. In this thesis, I am
excited to share my understanding of knots with you. My three words for
knots are resistance, imagination and infi nity. Keeping these in mind,
I experimented with certain reading modes as you will see later on.</p>
knots are resistance, imagination and infinity. Keeping these in mind, I
experimented with certain reading modes as you will see later on.</p>
<p>Knots are known to be used 15 to 17 thousand years ago for multiple
purposes. These purposes were often opposing each other. For example, it
could be used to let something loose or to restrain it; for pleasure or
@ -1983,7 +1983,7 @@ antagonist because of its specific use in hunting, would this change
your approach to reading this story? I believe so…</p>
<p>What if instead of a slip knot a Bowline was on the string, would
that represent something else in the story because of its usage in
practice. A Bowline is commonly used to form a fi xed loop at the end of
practice. A Bowline is commonly used to form a fixed loop at the end of
a string; its strong but easy to tie, untie. Due to these qualities, we
can imagine the bowline to represent the conclusion in a story. What if
we have a Square Knot, how would that change the course of a narrative?
@ -1992,14 +1992,14 @@ string connect. From just this, we can use it to represent the
connection between the beginning and end of a story. My point is, there
are limitless implementations on how to use knots in literature because
of their versatile purposes and the narrative vocabulary they create.
Topologists are still trying to identify seemingly infi nite numbers of
Topologists are still trying to identify seemingly infinite numbers of
combinations which we simply call “knots” and I see this as an
inspiration to keep writing.</p>
<p>One example of the wondrous versatility and potential of knots is how
they are used to archive and encrypt information. Incan people from the
Andes region recorded information on Quipus, dating back to 700 CE.
Quipus are textile devices consisting of several rows of cotton and/or
camelid string that would be knotted in a specifi c way to record, store
camelid string that would be knotted in a specific way to record, store
and transmit information ranging from accounting and census data to
communicate complex mathematical and narrative information (Medrano,
Urton, 2018). Another example is the Yakima Time Ball, which was used by
@ -2034,7 +2034,7 @@ little drawings in the margins as seen above, which will have diff erent
representations like in a Quipu. Certain knots represent the experiences
that raise interesting opportunities for research and distinct events I
went through while making the project and underneath the drawing you can
fi nd the relation to the knot itself explained. For example if I
find the relation to the knot itself explained. For example if I
couldnt manage to do something I planned to do, this will be
represented with a broken knot. Bend knots which are used to connect two
strings, will be representing the relation between theories and my
@ -2058,9 +2058,9 @@ started hearing a buzzing sound in my bedroom at my familys house. I
searched everywhere but couldnt find the source for this noise. I asked
my father and he started searching too. A couple of days passed and the
buzzing was still there.</p>
<p>One day I found a bee on the fl oor in my bedroom and realized that
<p>One day I found a bee on the floor in my bedroom and realized that
the bees nested on the roof and were coming inside my room through a gap
in the lamp. I was terrifi ed because I have an allergy to bees and
in the lamp. I was terrified because I have an allergy to bees and
thought they might sting me in my sleep. This moment was when I realized
I was so determined to find this buzzing sound for some time that I
forgot about dealing with the loss I was experiencing. This made me feel
@ -2068,15 +2068,15 @@ very guilty and I remember thinking I betrayed the person I lost.</p>
<p>As funny as it may appear, I felt like I was sabotaged by these bees
that I thought were here to hurt me but in the end they made me
understand that its ok to let things go and every being does what it has
to do to fi nd its way of survival. The little habitat that they chose
to create in my room seemed like a calling or a sign that I can aff ect
another living being signifi cantly without being aware of it. This goes
to do to find its way of survival. The little habitat that they chose to
create in my room seemed like a calling or a sign that I can aff ect
another living being significantly without being aware of it. This goes
for everything, no matter if some people leave us in this world, they
have living matter in us that keeps pulsing. So then I started
researching bees and their ecosystems. I read Alan Watts, Alan Lightman,
Emily Dickinson, Maurice Sendak, Meghan ORourke, Oliver Sacks, Joanna
Macy, Rilke, Montaigne and theories on order in chaos, correlative
vision, harmony of contained confl icts and the mortality paradox. I
vision, harmony of contained conflicts and the mortality paradox. I
wrote a lot and erased a lot and fairly figured out the wisdom of not
knowing things.</p>
<p>Years passed and I wrote and deleted and rewrote the story that I am
@ -2087,10 +2087,10 @@ was back in my life with the loss of my grandfather. So therefore, the
story I wrote and abandoned changed again as I attempted to rewrite it
as a diff erent version of myself with a diff erent understanding of
death. And this went on… The story remained hidden and I forgot why it
ever existed in the fi rst place.</p>
ever existed in the first place.</p>
<p>Last year when two earthquakes hit Syria and Turkey, I was drowned
like everyone I know, by a collective trauma and grief. Then this
horrible feeling fl ared up by neglect and desperation. It was and still
horrible feeling flared up by neglect and desperation. It was and still
is impossible to mourn so many strangers at the same time. I lost two
dear friends, I was furious, away from home, mostly alone and remembered
vividly my failed attempt to understand or place grief in one of the
@ -2098,7 +2098,7 @@ piles in my mind.</p>
<p>Previous months, I was working on this story (yes, again) but didnt
know how to tackle the text because it was so diff erent to what I was
experiencing now, when compared to the last time I rewrote it. A tutor
asked me why I wrote this story in the fi rst place and I couldnt
asked me why I wrote this story in the first place and I couldnt
remember. I kept tracing back to 2016 and step by step, remembered why,
as told above. The consciousness that this story is actually a personal
history of how I went through grief in diff erent stages of my life,
@ -2111,8 +2111,8 @@ being able to forget or an ode to the fear of forgetting</p>
<p>The effect of storytelling knowledge on kids development and
creativity. What can we learn from open ended and multiple ending
<p>ability to form basic stories or to express their emotions through fi
ctional characters or events. Children are not born with a wide
<p>ability to form basic stories or to express their emotions through
fictional characters or events. Children are not born with a wide
vocabulary of emotions and expressions. They learn how to read, mimic
and express their feelings over time. The more children read, write and
are exposed to social environments, the more they widen their sense and
@ -2137,25 +2137,25 @@ heard or read when they were a kid, this moment we remember is the
moment a certain story sparked for us.</p>
<p>Nowadays storytelling takes many forms. For example, some readers
story might even begin from here although it isnt the beginning.
Interactivity is one of the storytelling forms that can signifi - cantly
Interactivity is one of the storytelling forms that can signifi- cantly
improve childrens creativity. This is mainly because children as
readers or listeners get to contribute and aff ect the story. This of
course requires and improves creative and active thinking. Getting the
chance to choose a path for a fi ctional character gives the child the
chance to choose a path for a fictional character gives the child the
freedom and confi dence of constructing a world, a character or an
adventure. Although this is essentially “writing” as we know it,
children think of this as a game, yet to discover they are actually
becoming writers. What kind of reward can we expect from active
participation in a story? Narrative pleasure can be generally described
in terms of immersions (spatial, temporal, emotional, epistemic) in a fi
ctional world (Ryan, 2009). When we are set to create or co-create a
in terms of immersions (spatial, temporal, emotional, epistemic) in a
fictional world (Ryan, 2009). When we are set to create or co-create a
world, the narrative has eff ects on us such as curiosity, suspense and
surprise. At this point, we start creatively producing ideas to keep
these three emotions.</p>
<p>Interactive storytelling reminds everyone but especially children
that there are limitless endings to a story that is solely up to the
makers creation. Learning to think this way instead of knowing or
assuming an end to a story, I think infl uences the childrens decision
assuming an end to a story, I think influences the childrens decision
making abilities and sense of responsibility towards their creations. It
is basically the same in theatre where if an actor chooses to create an
imaginary suitcase on stage, they cant simply leave this object they
@ -2168,22 +2168,21 @@ therefore creates a unique bond between the reader/writer and the
<p>There are many theories on how to approach interactive literature for
children. Multi-literacy theory and digital literacies are some of the
theories which I fi nd relevant to my aim with Wink. Multiliteracy
theory in a nutshell is an education oriented framework that aims to
expand traditional reading and writing skills. This theory was developed
by the New London Group. They were a collective of scholars and
educators who addressed the changing nature of literacy in an
increasingly globalized, digital world. The theory explores multiple
modes of communication consisting The sense of storytelling settles for
kids, starting from age three. By this time, children have the of
multimodal communication, cultural and social contexts, critical
inquiry, socio-cultural learning theory and pedagogical implications.
Multimodal communication focuses on the variety of communication
techniques. This was groundbreaking in the 90s because of its
acknowledgment of a diverse range of literacies and its departure from
traditional approaches to literary texts. This theory includes new media
and communication studies such as visual, digital, special and gestural
theories which I find relevant to my aim with Wink. Multiliteracy theory
in a nutshell is an education oriented framework that aims to expand
traditional reading and writing skills. This theory was developed by the
New London Group. They were a collective of scholars and educators who
addressed the changing nature of literacy in an increasingly globalized,
digital world. The theory explores multiple modes of communication
consisting The sense of storytelling settles for kids, starting from age
three. By this time, children have the of multimodal communication,
cultural and social contexts, critical inquiry, socio-cultural learning
theory and pedagogical implications. Multimodal communication focuses on
the variety of communication techniques. This was groundbreaking in the
90s because of its acknowledgment of a diverse range of literacies and
its departure from traditional approaches to literary texts. This theory
includes new media and communication studies such as visual, digital,
special and gestural literacies.</p>
<p>I kept this theory in mind as I chose the interactivity elements to
use in the picture book. I think the usage of multiple media such as
sound, image and games is a good way to start and diff erentiate from a
@ -2206,11 +2205,11 @@ tend to stay more in a linear narrative and format when compared to
storytelling games where the audience is commonly the main character.
Reading experiences are also a way to be in the shoes of the narrator or
the character but in a storytelling game, you embody the mission and the
experience overrules the story most of the time. In the specifi c
example of a child, storytelling games are complicated and puzzle driven
where the player has missions to complete. Whereas in an interactive
e-book, the missions are solely based on the interactive elements
implemented in the text and images.</p>
experience overrules the story most of the time. In the specific example
of a child, storytelling games are complicated and puzzle driven where
the player has missions to complete. Whereas in an interactive e-book,
the missions are solely based on the interactive elements implemented in
the text and images.</p>
<p>Another diff erence is that the visual world in an interactive e-book
is less cinematic and has limited movement. The imagery plays a massive
role in a storytelling game where the world created is off ered to the
@ -2232,7 +2231,7 @@ Learning and Development, is a framework used in educational psychology
to understand how learning occurs within the context of cognitive, aff
ective, and social factors. Research on cognitive learning with keeping
in mind the limited attention span and memory factors. For children in
specifi c, I think these are very important factors to keep in mind when
specific, I think these are very important factors to keep in mind when
trying to design an interactive experience. This is because children get
bored very easily and can be disengaged because of failure of
solving/understanding something in a story. This is something I kept in
@ -2259,11 +2258,10 @@ make the experience more intriguing. These are usually elements such as
sound, animations, voice-overs that are ignited with a click or tap by
the reader. For children younger than 5, its usually just tapping over
the page and experiencing an action-reaction. For older kids between the
ages 6-8, I made some workshops to fi gure out which types of
interactive elements are most useful in engaging them in the reading
ages 6-8, I made some workshops to figure out which types of interactive
elements are most useful in engaging them in the reading process.</p>
<p>It is true that sound and animations are very inclusive and it is
engaging for kids to fi nd out which part of a page is interactive by
engaging for kids to find out which part of a page is interactive by
clicking on images. Another thing I found out is that kids enjoy being a
part of the story. For the prototype of Bee Within (the story I am using
to test interactivity also can be read in the appendix) I will focus on
@ -2285,7 +2283,7 @@ friendships and engage in more complex narratives. They learn to
negotiate and compromise around this time as well. This age group is
desired for Wink because kids this age are open to creative problem
solving, connecting events and comprehending slightly more complex
narratives. Moreover, this age group would benefi t the most from the
narratives. Moreover, this age group would benefit the most from the
interactive stories and the reading process because of the developmental
phase they are in.</p>
<p>The average amount of time children between these ages use on a daily
@ -2294,7 +2292,7 @@ it is often not less than 2 hours. If a child isnt very interested in
spending these hours reading a book, why not ask them: “Would you like
to be a part of a story?”</p>
<p>Today, kids from age 3 can use digital gestures successfully and
experience these as simple as fl ipping the page of a book. This is why
experience these as simple as flipping the page of a book. This is why
it is fairly easy to create an interactive picture book which kids can
navigate themselves and be able to browse through with or without their
parents. But for Wink, I chose to design for older kids because I want
@ -2323,17 +2321,17 @@ tried to limit the interactive elements I used in the main story. I
tried to keep the picture animations limited and focused more on the
<p>Another aspect I am concerned about after the workshop I did with the
kids, is the risk of confusion due to an undefi ned and multimodal
design for a “book”. Kids tend to be confused when they cant defi ne
things or are asked to improvise without knowing the purpose.They know
what a book is and that it is similar to what they encounter on the
screen. But the method of reading and interacting with Bee Within is
diff erent than what they are used to. This concerns me because they
might prefer to just read a book or play a game instead of discovering a
new thing, which they are exposed to daily because they are always in a
process of active learning. So one more thing to learn might come as
exhausting. Therefore, in designing, I want to make interactions as
clear as possible for them.</p>
kids, is the risk of confusion due to an undefined and multimodal design
for a “book”. Kids tend to be confused when they cant define things or
are asked to improvise without knowing the purpose.They know what a book
is and that it is similar to what they encounter on the screen. But the
method of reading and interacting with Bee Within is diff erent than
what they are used to. This concerns me because they might prefer to
just read a book or play a game instead of discovering a new thing,
which they are exposed to daily because they are always in a process of
active learning. So one more thing to learn might come as exhausting.
Therefore, in designing, I want to make interactions as clear as
possible for them.</p>
<h3 id="loop-7">Loop 7</h3>
<p>Interactive reading and writing examples and surveys done with kids
As an improvisation theater enthusiast myself, I tried to engage the
@ -2364,22 +2362,22 @@ when I was playing freeze and had to stop moving at any given time or
when I found the last friend hiding somewhere in hide and seek. This
feeling of appreciation and unexpectedness is why most people remember
certain games, movies from their childhoods very vividly. Its an
introduction to a feeling we experience maybe for the fi rst time
because we dont necessarily learn from books how and when to feel
surprised, that is why its a surprise; we live it, experience it and it
leaves and impression with us.</p>
introduction to a feeling we experience maybe for the first time because
we dont necessarily learn from books how and when to feel surprised,
that is why its a surprise; we live it, experience it and it leaves and
impression with us.</p>
<p>In my opinion, what drives everyone as a common denominator is
amazement; because it takes us to our childhoods or distant memories
where we fi rst felt that feeling of awe. This is the main purpose
behind any kind of interactive design and I think books can be an
amazing medium to experiment this with. Specifi cally because this
ancient device can take us to numerous worlds. For me as a millennial,
books give me enough amazement as it is. But as I worked in publishing
through the years and observed, I think kids today need something more
to ignite their interest. There are so many factors in a picture book
such as the image, the text and sound which can be played with to create
an experience that is more surprising. This is the main purpose behind
my research and protoype. Todays world being visually stimulating and
where we first felt that feeling of awe. This is the main purpose behind
any kind of interactive design and I think books can be an amazing
medium to experiment this with. Specifically because this ancient device
can take us to numerous worlds. For me as a millennial, books give me
enough amazement as it is. But as I worked in publishing through the
years and observed, I think kids today need something more to ignite
their interest. There are so many factors in a picture book such as the
image, the text and sound which can be played with to create an
experience that is more surprising. This is the main purpose behind my
research and protoype. Todays world being visually stimulating and
serving very short attention spans with social media, it is a tough task
to insert a story or reading experience that requires full attention and
patience. There are examples of Tiktok stories, Instagram reels, audio
@ -2391,11 +2389,11 @@ nourishing a new way of storytelling.</p>
<h3 id="loop-9">Loop 9</h3>
<p>Interactivity in reading and writing in history. What changed?</p>
<p>Interactivity has always been an experimental area in literature from
inscriptions to narrative games then to playable stories and artifi cial
inscriptions to narrative games then to playable stories and artificial
intelligence. I will expand some of these examples from the rich history
of interactive fi ction. When I dig a little bit into the media
of interactive fiction. When I dig a little bit into the media
archaeology there are three still relevant aspects that strike me and
change/improve my approach to Wink. The fi rst is the need to connect
change/improve my approach to Wink. The first is the need to connect
that remains untouched through centuries of human communication, the
second is how there were multiple projects concerning interactive media
especially for kids that later turned into narrative games or remained
@ -2405,7 +2403,7 @@ examples to this is music, masks, puppets, props used in
<p>Ancient texts with annotations such as The Odyssey, The Mahabharata
are maybe the earliest written interactive experiences in a historical
context. They are published with notes and explanations, clarifi cations
context. They are published with notes and explanations, clarifications
which make the text inhabit diff erent opinions and approaches in an
engaging way where the reader can choose to hop on and off from the
annotation and margin texts. From the 70s to the present there have been
@ -2415,14 +2413,14 @@ in the plot. These still exist as picture books where you are directed
to certain pages according to the choices you make throughout the story.
Along with this were also board games and cards that required
interactive inputs. Some examples to this is exploding kittens or cards
against humanity where the player has the autonomy to be creative and fi
ll in the blanks to win the game. Simultaneously, text-based adventure
against humanity where the player has the autonomy to be creative and
fill in the blanks to win the game. Simultaneously, text-based adventure
games such as Zork and Adventure were popular. Early days of computing
off ered a wide space for exploring virtual worlds. In the early 80s,
hypertext fi ction contributed to electronic literature. Hyperlinks were
hypertext fiction contributed to electronic literature. Hyperlinks were
used as a tool to navigate a text and choose paths of reading. This
inspired me to write this thesis with diff erent modes of reading as
well. After the 80s, Interactive fi ction gained popularity as a genre
well. After the 80s, Interactive fiction gained popularity as a genre
of interacting with text based input. Dynabook by Alan Kay was
prototyped during this time as a promising reading and writing device
designed for children.</p>
@ -2457,8 +2455,8 @@ not so thrilling for them. It also helped me draw the pictures for the
book accordingly and edit the text with their reactions in mind. Due to
a privacy agreement, I couldnt record or use any data from the workshop
but I made some helpful observations from my time there.</p>
<p>The fi rst workshop I planned consisted of two main parts that made
up 20 minutes. The fi rst 10 minutes we read Bee Within (attached in the
<p>The first workshop I planned consisted of two main parts that made up
20 minutes. The first 10 minutes we read Bee Within (attached in the
appendix) together in a circle and the last 10 minutes we played little
improvisation games, focused on the three main characters in the story
(the bee, the kid and the tree). I made three groups and gave these
@ -2466,7 +2464,7 @@ groups the three characters. I asked them to embody a character
throughout the workshop and be loyal to it. Each group of three had 1
minute on the stage to silently improvise their characters. They were to
use one sentence if they wanted to speak.</p>
<p>During the fi rst part, I couldnt observe as I was busy reading but
<p>During the first part, I couldnt observe as I was busy reading but
their teacher kindly took notes during this time, regarding the
children reactions to parts of the story. I inserted the bees and trees
narrative to the reading by tossing the paper I had in my hand and
@ -2474,7 +2472,7 @@ picking up a new one as I kept reading the bees and trees story. This
was crucial because I wanted to see if this multiple stories in one
concept would be confusing for kids. The teacher told me that they were
excited about my gesture of juggling papers as I seemingly read one
story. They were intrigued and confused at fi rst but they did keep up
story. They were intrigued and confused at first but they did keep up
with the storyline and understood all. Her notes basically said they
were very focused and less interested in the kids journey. They really
liked the bee and were a bit confused with the tree.</p>
@ -2487,7 +2485,7 @@ was performing.</p>
<p>What struck me most on the second part of the workshop was how these
kids used the room so freely and in relation to their characters.
Because we read the story before the improvisation games, some of their
characters were infl uenced by how it is in the story we read. Next
characters were influenced by how it is in the story we read. Next
workshop, I am planning to not tell the story but to talk about it
before and give context. This is because I want to see how their
understanding changes without a limitation of a story.</p>
@ -2510,17 +2508,17 @@ attempted in using objects from the room which is a huge diff erence
with the kids because they drew on their faces, used plastic bags as
wings for the bee and made sounds with their mouths as trees.</p>
<p>The next workshop was to discover how improv would work without
reading the story fi rst. This workshop was fruitful because it helped
me realize how much information or guidance I have to off er for
children in order for them to be comfortable to participate and interact
without confusion. We made a circle and I summarized the story to the
kids, acting in the middle of the circle. This broke the ice completely
reading the story first. This workshop was fruitful because it helped me
realize how much information or guidance I have to off er for children
in order for them to be comfortable to participate and interact without
confusion. We made a circle and I summarized the story to the kids,
acting in the middle of the circle. This broke the ice completely
because I was a part of the workshop and they thought I was funny. For
the next part, I divided the group in three and assigned a character to
them. After this, I asked them to decide on an attitude, pop in the
middle and tell or act out their character. I went fi rst and they
followed easily. They were not under the infl uence of the story so the
performances were diff erent but they still got infl uenced by each
middle and tell or act out their character. I went first and they
followed easily. They were not under the influence of the story so the
performances were diff erent but they still got influenced by each
other, which in my opinion is inevitable. Some of the kids were
buzzing/running around, the “kids” were walking around, acting like they
are playing which I found very interesting. Some trees were small some
@ -2536,7 +2534,7 @@ scared, and curious. For the trees I asked them to be wise, mad, funny
and happy. The results were amazing. They adapted very quickly to the
changing of emotions which showed me that this age gap was good to work
with. The trees stopped walking as I changed the emotions and this was
an affi rmation to not animate the tree with movement but more with
an affirmation to not animate the tree with movement but more with
changing of color and tiny animations. They mostly used arms and face
expressions to show the emotions, some of them ducked or made sounds. As
I said mad, one of the kids ran and put her red jacket on. This made me
@ -2555,7 +2553,7 @@ dramatize the sounds and make them funny or unexpected. They used the
bubble wrap to make sounds for snowing or aluminum folio for the
volcano. They had great fun but I think I made a mistake by making a few
kids do foley at the same time because they didnt know how to take
turns and were hesitant at fi rst. Then quite impressively, they made
turns and were hesitant at first. Then quite impressively, they made
their own system where they took turns to make eff ects for each
<p>Then I made four groups of three. 3 kids as actors and 3 kids as
@ -2596,9 +2594,9 @@ they seek a new way to tell a story but have one mode of reading. The
stories are linear and can be read once, without side quests. This is
the main diff erence with what I am trying to design. Wink acts as a
tool to play with and choose paths. The story isnt linear in the
traditional way where you interact with the pictures and fi nish the
book but there are side stories to the main story that they can discover
or choose not to. I think this is a solid diff erence. This makes it a
traditional way where you interact with the pictures and finish the book
but there are side stories to the main story that they can discover or
choose not to. I think this is a solid diff erence. This makes it a
playable narrative, diff erent from a book.</p>
<p>This prototype is a good start to see how far I can get with the
interactive elements and side stories without confusing or discouraging

@ -10,14 +10,15 @@
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<!-- Can this list be turned into li's like above please?
3 Introduction 7 Making: 9 Backplaces 19 Talking Documents 31 Wink 39 What do graphic designers do all day. and why do they do it. and. what does "graphic. design" even mean????!!1!? .49 Writing: 51 <?water bodies> 103 Performing the Bureaucratic. Border(line)s 157 Fair Leads 201 ⊞ 253 Special Issues: 255 Garden Leeszaal 267 Console 273 TTY -->
<div id="content"><h1 id="garden-leeszaal-special-issue-xix">Garden Leeszaal: Special
Issue XIX</h1>
<div id="content"><h1 id="garden-leeszaal">Garden Leeszaal</h1>
<h3 id="special-issue-xix">Special Issue XIX</h3>
<p>Public libraries are more than just access points to knowledge. They
are social sites where readers cross over while reading together,
annotating, organising and structuring. A book could be bound at the
@ -49,31 +50,85 @@ and an archive. We asked everyone to think of the library as a garden.
For us, being a gardener means caring; caring for the people and books
that form this space.</p>
<p>During the collective moment in Leeszaal people started diving into
recycle bins, grab books, tear pages apart, drawing, pen plotting,
weaving words together, cutting words, removing words, overwriting,
printing, scanning. It was magical having an object in the end. A whole
book made by all of us in that evening. Stations, machines, a cloud of
cards, a sleeve that warms up THE BOOK.</p>
<p><img src="imagename.png"
alt="Bobis station - Name of the Station and Description" /> <img
alt="Irmaks and Aglaias station - Name of the Station and Description" />
<img src="imagename.png"
alt="Stephens station name- Name of the Station and Description" />
<img src="imagename.png"
alt="Adas Station - Name of the Station and Description" /> <img
alt="Caras station name- Name of the Station and Description" /> <img
src="imagename.png" alt="Book recycle bins description" /> <img
alt="Cloud of gards with instructions to be performed into the books" />
<img src="imagename.png" alt="inside page of the final book" /> <img
src="imagename.png" alt="Photo of the book - cover and sleeve" /> <img
alt="How to play leeszal as a process image to how the cards evolved" />
<img src="imagename.png"
alt="image from social practice library about librarying" /> <img
src="imagename.png" alt="map of leeszaal also can be there" /></p>
recycle bins, grabbing books, tearing pages apart, drawing, pen
plotting, weaving words together, cutting words, removing words,
overwriting, printing, and scanning. It was magical having an object in
the end. A whole book was made by all of us that evening. Stations,
machines, a cloud of cards, a sleeve that warms up THE BOOK.</p>
<img src="pruning.jpg"
alt="Irmaks and Aglaias Pruning station, where people edited punctuation and text, scanned it then printed it with a dot matrix." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Irmaks and Aglaias Pruning station,
where people edited punctuation and text, scanned it then printed it
with a dot matrix.</figcaption>
<img src="card-cloud-leeszaal.jpg"
alt="Cloud of cards with instructions to be performed on the books" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Cloud of cards with instructions to be
performed on the books</figcaption>
<img src="final-book.jpg"
alt="The final book produced that evening, the cover was made from hand-stiched covers of discarded books." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">The final book produced that evening, the
cover was made from hand-stiched covers of discarded books.</figcaption>
<img src="mint-scan.jpg"
alt="Page of the final book containing scans of the edited book, an instruction card, a pen-plotted bookmark with a quote from the book and a sprig of mint." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Page of the final book containing scans
of the edited book, an instruction card, a pen-plotted bookmark with a
quote from the book and a sprig of mint.</figcaption>
<img src="drawn-scan.jpg"
alt="Page of the final book containing scans of a drawn on book, an instruction card and a pen-plotted bookmark with a quote from the book." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Page of the final book containing scans
of a drawn on book, an instruction card and a pen-plotted bookmark with
a quote from the book.</figcaption>
<img src="hand-scan.jpg"
alt="Page of the final book containing scans of edited books, a hand and coins." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Page of the final book containing scans
of edited books, a hand and coins.</figcaption>
<img src="second-edition-open.jpg"
alt="Page of the second edition, containing scans of edited books and instruction cards." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Page of the second edition, containing
scans of edited books and instruction cards.</figcaption>
<img src="second-edition.jpg"
alt="The second edition of the final book from the event." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">The second edition of the final book from
the event.</figcaption>
<img src="people-bins.jpg"
alt="People choosing books from the discarded books bins, behind the instructions cards cloud." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">People choosing books from the discarded
books bins, behind the instructions cards cloud.</figcaption>
<img src="editing.jpg"
alt="Part of the Pruning process, the editing of a book page." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Part of the Pruning process, the editing
of a book page.</figcaption>
<img src="open-bin.jpg" alt="Bin of discarded books from Leeszal." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Bin of discarded books from
<img src="binding.jpg"
alt="The binding of the scans into the final book at the end of the evening." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">The binding of the scans into the final
book at the end of the evening.</figcaption>

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<!-- Can this list be turned into li's like above please?
3 Introduction 7 Making: 9 Backplaces 19 Talking Documents 31 Wink 39 What do graphic designers do all day. and why do they do it. and. what does "graphic. design" even mean????!!1!? .49 Writing: 51 <?water bodies> 103 Performing the Bureaucratic. Border(line)s 157 Fair Leads 201 ⊞ 253 Special Issues: 255 Garden Leeszaal 267 Console 273 TTY -->
<div id="content"><h1 id="console-special-issue-xx">Console: Special Issue XX</h1>
<div id="content"><h1 id="console">Console</h1>
<h3 id="special-issue-xx">Special Issue XX</h3>
<p>Console is an oracle; an emotional first aid kit that helps you help
yourself. Console invites you to open the box and discover ways of
healing. Console provides shelter for your dreams, memories and worries.
@ -24,7 +26,7 @@ Face the past and encounter your fortune. Console gives you a new
vantage point; a set of rituals and practices that help you cope and
care. Console asks everyday questions that give magical answers.</p>
<p>Special Issue XX was co-published by xpub and Page Not Found, Den
Haag. With guest editors Lídia Pereira ♈and Artemis Gryllaki ♐ we
Haag. With guest editors Lídia Pereira ♈︎ and Artemis Gryllaki ♐ we
unraveled games and rituals, mapping the common characteristics and the
differences between games and rituals in relation to ideology and
counter-hegemony. We practiced, performed and annotated rituals,
@ -38,25 +40,76 @@ the role of ideology and social reproduction. We reinterpreted bits of
the world and created stories from it (modding, fiction, narrative)
focusing on community, interaction, relationships, grief and
<p><img src="imagename.jpg"
alt="Console box with instruction book, games and ritual objects, produced in an edition of XX." />
<img src="imagename.jpg"
<img src="holographic.jpg" alt="Holographic Oracle Deck" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Holographic Oracle Deck</figcaption>
<img src="oracolotto.jpg" alt="Reading with the Oracolotto cards." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Reading with the Oracolotto
<img src="worrydolls.jpg" alt="Worry Dolls" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Worry Dolls</figcaption>
<img src="console-book.jpg"
alt="Screenprinted book cover of the Console Booklet, from The Upside Down Oracolotto card." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Screenprinted book cover of the Console
Booklet, from The Upside Down Oracolotto card.</figcaption>
<img src="cara-ritual.jpg"
alt="Nighttime Ritual: Guided meditation from cardboardlamb" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Nighttime Ritual: Guided meditation from
<img src="youtube-tarot.jpg"
alt="Imagined tarot cards based on YouTube comments" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Imagined tarot cards based on YouTube
<img src="federici.jpg"
alt="Laser engraved quote from Silvia Federici, Love is the great magician, the demon that unites earth and sky and makes humans so round, so whole in their being, that once united they cannot be defeated." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Laser engraved quote from Silvia
Federici, Love is the great magician, the demon that unites earth and
sky and makes humans so round, so whole in their being, that once united
they cannot be defeated.</figcaption>
<img src="console-open.jpg"
alt="Console box with Fiction Friction, Oracolotto, the Wheel of Fortune, a Worry Doll, tea and a tealight." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Console box with Fiction Friction,
Oracolotto, the Wheel of Fortune, a Worry Doll, tea and a
<img src="console-front.jpg"
alt="Screenprinted cover of the Console box." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Screenprinted cover of the Console
<img src="license-reading.jpg"
alt="SIXX Licence reading ceremony at Page Not Found. The copyleft licence for this object included (in additional permission 4b) a term specifying the ritual absorption of intellectual property." />
<img src="imagename.jpg"
alt="Screenprinted book cover, from The Upside Down Oracolotto card." />
<img src="imagename.jpg"
alt="Fiction Friction gameplay at Page Not Found" /></p>
<p><img src="imagename.jpg"
alt="Oracolotto readings at Page Not Found." /> <img src="imagename.jpg"
alt="Wheel of Fortune healing exercise at Page Not Found." /> <img
src="imagename.jpg" alt="Holographic Oracle Deck" /> <img
alt="Page of book open on something else not mentioned: youtube tarot, fortnite, papa louie?" /></p>
<p><img src="imagename.jpg"
alt="Page of book open on Tetris Fantasies" /> <img src="imagename.jpg"
alt="Nighttime Ritual: Guided meditation from cardboardlamb" /> <img
src="imagename.jpg" alt="Worry Doll" /> <img src="imagename.jpg"
alt="Inscribed quote from Silvia Federici" /></p>
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">SIXX Licence reading ceremony at Page Not
Found. The copyleft licence for this object included (in additional
permission 4b) a term specifying the ritual absorption of intellectual
<img src="fiction-friction.jpg"
alt="Fiction Friction gameplay during the launch at Page Not Found." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Fiction Friction gameplay during the
launch at Page Not Found.</figcaption>
<img src="tetris.jpg" alt="Modified tetris fantasies" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Modified tetris fantasies</figcaption>

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3 Introduction 7 Making: 9 Backplaces 19 Talking Documents 31 Wink 39 What do graphic designers do all day. and why do they do it. and. what does "graphic. design" even mean????!!1!? .49 Writing: 51 <?water bodies> 103 Performing the Bureaucratic. Border(line)s 157 Fair Leads 201 ⊞ 253 Special Issues: 255 Garden Leeszaal 267 Console 273 TTY -->
<div id="content"><p>z— title: tty special issue 21 author: Stephen</p>
<hr />
<h1 id="tty-special-issue-21">TTY: Special Issue 21</h1>
<div id="content"><h1 id="tty">TTY</h1>
<h3 id="special-issue-21">Special Issue 21</h3>
<p>why shd it only make use of the tips of the fingers as contact points
of flowing multi directional creativity. If I invented a word placing
machine, an “expression-scriber,” if you will, then I would have a kind
@ -79,31 +79,94 @@ otherwise technical progress and computational genealogies.</p>
editor Martino Morandi, and contributors Andrea di Serego Alighieri,
Femke Snelting, Isabelle Sully, Jara Rocha, Roel Roscam Abbing, and
Zoumana Meïté.</p>
<p><img src="imagename.png"
<img src="TTY.jpg"
alt="An inscription performance using the TeleType Model 33 and a 40m stairwell." />
<img src="imagename.png"
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">An inscription performance using the
TeleType Model 33 and a 40m stairwell.</figcaption>
<img src="tape.jpg" alt="punchtape read-writer of Teletype Machine" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">punchtape read-writer of Teletype
<img src="stairs_concrete.jpg"
alt="A reading and writing of poetry using pedestrians and vinyl quotes." />
<img src="imagename.png"
alt="Gesture Glossary (screenshot or gif? maybe several): how a body language is documented, how it expands, how it is capable of creating or enhancing identities." />
<img src="imagename.png" alt="It would have been better to fuck." />
<img src="imagename.png" alt="maybe an image at the telecom museum" />
<img src="imagename.png"
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">A reading and writing of poetry using
pedestrians and vinyl quotes.</figcaption>
<img src="gesture.png"
alt="Gesture Glossary : how a body language is documented, how it expands, how it is capable of creating or enhancing identities." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Gesture Glossary : how a body language is
documented, how it expands, how it is capable of creating or enhancing
<img src="strike.jpg"
alt="Wiki strike screenshot: embedding hidden comments in a wiki to highlight the invisible labour, to provide comprehensive details about our intentions and the underlying ideas while maintaining the wikis regular functionality." />
<img src="imagename.png"
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Wiki strike screenshot: embedding hidden
comments in a wiki to highlight the invisible labour, to provide
comprehensive details about our intentions and the underlying ideas
while maintaining the wikis regular functionality.</figcaption>
<img src="callme_window.jpg"
alt="Hey Babe arduino based telephone experience. Callers can listen to love stories, excerpts from conversations at the Houweling Telecom Museum, Rotterdam, parts from the documentary The Phantom of the Operator and a collective reading experience on binary systems, time, worms and pebbles." />
<img src="imagename.png"
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Hey Babe arduino based telephone
experience. Callers can listen to love stories, excerpts from
conversations at the Houweling Telecom Museum, Rotterdam, parts from the
documentary The Phantom of the Operator and a collective reading
experience on binary systems, time, worms and pebbles.</figcaption>
<img src="callme_bike.jpeg"
alt="Ive fallen in love with you and I have no idea what to do about it. Phone cards inviting participation in “Hey Babe”. Someone holding it in the street?" />
<img src="imagename.png"
alt="Encoding Convertor: the wacky world of character en-coding." /></p>
<p><img src="imagename.png"
alt="Overlap screenshot (or is there an image from when we were working on it in the MD room?) We have a bag full of planets, stars, our favorite moments, darkest fears, best intentions and worst feelings. Our bag is now in the middle, its ready for you to discover and see the networks of our minds, make knots in the middle or intervene with what we call is a collective memory of few xpubbers." />
<img src="imagename.png"
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Ive fallen in love with you and I have
no idea what to do about it. Phone cards inviting participation in “Hey
Babe”. Someone holding it in the street?</figcaption>
<img src="encoding.png"
alt="Encoding Convertor: the wacky world of character en-coding." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Encoding Convertor: the wacky world of
character en-coding.</figcaption>
<img src="overlap.png"
alt="We have a bag full of planets, stars, our favorite moments, darkest fears, best intentions and worst feelings. Our bag is now in the middle, its ready for you to discover and see the networks of our minds, make knots in the middle or intervene with what we call is a collective memory of few xpubbers." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">We have a bag full of planets, stars, our
favorite moments, darkest fears, best intentions and worst feelings. Our
bag is now in the middle, its ready for you to discover and see the
networks of our minds, make knots in the middle or intervene with what
we call is a collective memory of few xpubbers.</figcaption>
<img src="hexalogue.jpg"
alt="Hexalogue booklet. A conversation for six voices is encoded and documented in a script." />
<img src="imagename.png"
alt="Hexalogue reading in Constant, Brussels." /> <img
src="imagename.png" alt="The brick." /></p>
<p><img src="imagename.png" alt="Adas switchboard" /> <img
src="imagename.png" alt="wiki edit inscriptions" /></p>
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Hexalogue booklet. A conversation for six
voices is encoded and documented in a script.</figcaption>
<img src="publication.jpg"
alt="Publications holding tiny sub-releases during SI21" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Publications holding tiny sub-releases
during SI21</figcaption>
<img src="calling.jpeg"
alt="Adas switchboard - a call between New York and Brussels" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Adas switchboard - a call between New
York and Brussels</figcaption>
<img src="zine.jpg"
alt="This A6 zine is a sub-release created by three women sitting on the teletype machine thinking and performing" />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">This A6 zine is a sub-release created by
three women sitting on the teletype machine thinking and

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<!-- Can this list be turned into li's like above please?
3 Introduction 7 Making: 9 Backplaces 19 Talking Documents 31 Wink 39 What do graphic designers do all day. and why do they do it. and. what does "graphic. design" even mean????!!1!? .49 Writing: 51 <?water bodies> 103 Performing the Bureaucratic. Border(line)s 157 Fair Leads 201 ⊞ 253 Special Issues: 255 Garden Leeszaal 267 Console 273 TTY -->
<div id="content"><p>Special Issues are publications thrice released by first-year XPUB
<div id="content"><h1 id="special-issues">Special Issues</h1>
<p>Special Issues are publications thrice released by first-year XPUB
Masters students. Each edition focuses on a specific theme or issue.
The themes tie to external events and collaborations. Students and staff
work together to explore these themes, rethinking what a publication can
@ -24,31 +26,32 @@ be. Each edition culminates in a celebratory release party.The
structure, tools, and workflows are reset every trimester. This reset
allows roles to rotate among participants and fosters an adapting
learning environment. It provides a space to experiment beyond
traditional collaborative methods. Our inaugural Special Issue was
number 19, in collaboration with Simon Browne. Garden Leeszaal was a
snapshot of Leeszaal Library through the metaphor of gardening. During
the release, we invited participants to engage with the librarys
discarded books. We pruned, gleaned, and grafted the books using pens,
pen-plotters, scissors, and glue. Then we harvested a book of our
collective work. Garden Leeszaal was an open dialogue. It was a tool for
collective writing, a group-made collage, and an archive. For us, being
a gardener meant caring for the people and books that formed the
library. The following Special Issue was number 20, assisted by Lìdia
Pereira and Artemis Gryllaki. Console was 20 hand-made wooden boxes. It
was an oracle and an emotional first aid kit to help you help yourself.
It invites you to delve into its contents to discover healing methods.
traditional collaborative methods.</p>
<p>Our inaugural Special Issue was number 19, in collaboration with
Simon Browne. Garden Leeszaal was a snapshot of Leeszaal Library through
the metaphor of gardening. During the release, we invited participants
to engage with the librarys discarded books. We pruned, gleaned, and
grafted the books using pens, pen-plotters, scissors, and glue. Then we
harvested a book of our collective work. Garden Leeszaal was an open
dialogue. It was a tool for collective writing, a group-made collage,
and an archive. For us, being a gardener meant caring for the people and
books that formed the library.</p>
<p>The following Special Issue was number 20, assisted by Lìdia Pereira
and Artemis Gryllaki. Console was 20 hand-made wooden boxes. It was an
oracle and an emotional first aid kit to help you help yourself. It
invites you to delve into its contents to discover healing methods.
Console offers refuge for dreams, memories, and worries. It guides you
to face the past. You will then meet your fortune and gain a new view
through rituals and practices. It prompts everyday questions with
magical answers, asking: Are you ready to play? Our last special issue
was number 21. TTY was guided by kubernētēs Martino Morandi and weekly
guest collaborators. We started with a Model 33 Teletype machine, the
bridge between typewriters and computer interfaces. Through guest
contributions, we explored the intersection of historical and
contemporary computing. The Special Issue evolved into an ever-changing
“Exquisite Corpse Network” chasing weekly publications. Along the way,
we created gestures, concrete vinyl poetry, phone stories, and much
magical answers, asking: Are you ready to play?</p>
<p>Our last special issue was number 21. TTY was guided by kubernētēs
Martino Morandi and weekly guest collaborators. We started with a Model
33 Teletype machine, the bridge between typewriters and computer
interfaces. Through guest contributions, we explored the intersection of
historical and contemporary computing. The Special Issue evolved into an
ever-changing “Exquisite Corpse Network” chasing weekly publications.
Along the way, we created gestures, concrete vinyl poetry, phone
stories, and much more.</p>

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3 Introduction 7 Making: 9 Backplaces 19 Talking Documents 31 Wink 39 What do graphic designers do all day. and why do they do it. and. what does "graphic. design" even mean????!!1!? .49 Writing: 51 <?water bodies> 103 Performing the Bureaucratic. Border(line)s 157 Fair Leads 201 ⊞ 253 Special Issues: 255 Garden Leeszaal 267 Console 273 TTY -->
<div id="content"><h1

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3 Introduction 7 Making: 9 Backplaces 19 Talking Documents 31 Wink 39 What do graphic designers do all day. and why do they do it. and. what does "graphic. design" even mean????!!1!? .49 Writing: 51 <?water bodies> 103 Performing the Bureaucratic. Border(line)s 157 Fair Leads 201 ⊞ 253 Special Issues: 255 Garden Leeszaal 267 Console 273 TTY -->
<div id="content"><h1 id="section"></h1>
@ -36,51 +37,49 @@ of a belief system involving order, structure, and rationality and I
want to break it. Removing the label is part of loosening the object,
making it avilable to transition (Berlant, 2022).</p>
<img src="./images/orange.jpg" style="margin-top: 95mm; width: 40mm;" alt="The Cadaster of Orange, unknown ⊞er, c. 100 CE." />
<img src="orange.jpg" style="margin-top: 95mm; width: 40mm;" alt="The Cadaster of Orange, unknown ⊞er, c. 100 CE." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">
The Cadaster of Orange,<br /> unknown ⊞er, c. 100 CE.
<img src="./images/Niggli-Grid-systems-in-graphic-design-7.jpg" style="margin-top: 95mm" alt="Grid Systems in Graphic ⊞, Josef Muller-Brockmann, 1981." />
<img src="Niggli-Grid-systems-in-graphic-design-7.jpg" style="margin-top: 95mm" alt="Grid Systems in Graphic ⊞, Josef Muller-Brockmann, 1981." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">
Grid Systems in Graphic ⊞, Josef Muller-Brockmann, 1981.
<img src="./images/albuni2.jpg"
<img src="albuni2.jpg"
alt="Shams al-Maarif, Ahmad al-Buni Almalki, circa 1200." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Shams al-Maarif, Ahmad al-Buni Almalki,
circa 1200.</figcaption>
<img src="./images/Simple_carthesian_coordinate_system.svg"
<img src="Simple_carthesian_coordinate_system.svg"
alt="Cartesian Geometry, Rene Descartes, 1637." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Cartesian Geometry, Rene Descartes,
<img src="art-josef-albers-study-for-homage-to-the-square-69.1917.jpg"
alt="Homage to the Square, Josef Albers, 1954." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Homage to the Square, Josef Albers,
<img src="./images/TheoVAnDoesburgCounterCompositionVI.jpg"
<img src="TheoVAnDoesburgCounterCompositionVI.jpg"
alt="Counter Composition VI, Theo Van Doesburg, 1925." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Counter Composition VI,<br />
Theo Van Doesburg, 1925.</figcaption>
<img src="./images/po-valley2.png" style="margin-top: 95mm;" alt="The Po Valley, The Roman Empire, 268 BCE." />
<img src="po-valley2.png" style="margin-top: 95mm;" alt="The Po Valley, The Roman Empire, 268 BCE." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">
The Po Valley, The Roman Empire, 268 BCE.
<img src="./images/pietzwart.jpg"
alt="Monogram, Piet Zwart, c. 1968." />
<img src="pietzwart.jpg" alt="Monogram, Piet Zwart, c. 1968." />
<figcaption aria-hidden="true">Monogram, Piet Zwart,
c. 1968.</figcaption>
@ -969,20 +968,6 @@ Goblet, Sixteen Essays on Typography,</em> London: The Sylvan Press.</p>
<p>Weber, M., (1905) “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of
Capitalism”, <em>Archiv für Sozialwissenschaften</em> 20, no. 1 (1904),
pp. 154; 21, no. 1 (1905), pp. 1110.</p>
<h4 id="colophon">Colophon</h4>
<p>Written manically and edited in vexation in Etherpad. Composed
excitedly using paged.js. Typeset confidently in Work Sans by Wei Huang.
Digitally printed nervously at Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam on
Schoellershammer 75gsm and Clairefontaine Maya 270gsm.</p>
<p>Copyright held reluctantly by Stephen Kerr, 2024 under the SIXX
Licence, a free, copyleft license for rituals, games, books and
consolations in any medium, both software and hardware. For the purposes
of this paper, licensing is understood as a responsibility towards an
audience, towards each other and towards other people who might want to
contribute to, use or amplify any work. The precise terms can be found
<p>If you like this colophon you should really read the rest of the
thesis, its written specifically for you.</p>