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<div id="content"><p><em>He who dreams of drinking wine may weep when morning comes; he
who dreams of weeping may in the morning go off to hunt. While he is
dreaming he does not know it is a dream, and in his dream he may even
try to interpret a dream. Only after he wakes does he know it was a
dream. And someday there will be a great awakening when we know that
this is all a great dream.</em></p>
<p><em>And when I say you are dreaming, I am dreaming, too.</em></p>
<h3 id="preface">✧ Preface</h3>
<p>Have you ever woken up feeling like there is a word, at the tip of
your tongue, in a language you dont quite understand?</p>
<p>Its the same feeling you may have felt when a dream has left too
quickly once you woke up, like a regretful lover. You grasped and
reached but it was gone and you have forgotten something so
fundamentally important that your stomach has caved into itself.</p>
<p>This deck of oracle cards invites you to go back into that cave, that
pit, to the start of that word. Tarot and oracle cards are always tools
for self-exploration, but the Oracolotto will guide you to explore
deeper, into the subconscious realm of your dreams.</p>
<p>Oracolotto includes twenty-one cards and one guidebook. The cards
follow the paved journey of Tarots major arcana, but do not be fooled
by the numbers, as they will not give you insight into the path. You do
not need any previous knowledge to use these cards, only the ability to
dream and a soul, yours or other.</p>
<p>The Oracolotto cards present illustrations of collective dream
archetypes, as delineated by Neapolitan tradition. While the cards
symbolically follow the traditional Tarot journey from the fool to the
world(minus the Emperor), they are based on the Neapolitan art form of
the Smorfia, intended not as the grimace but the dream interpretation
<p>The Smorfia is an ancient art form in which symbols and archetypes
from a persons dreams are analysed and converted into numbers. To use
the Smorfia, one would thus recall every event, person and object that
appeared in their dream, and then use the extensive list of dream
archetypes to find the associated numbers. This may be used to find out
the meaning of your dreams or, most commonly, to find numbers to play
the lottery (Ricciardone, 1987; Zezza, 1835).</p>
<p>In this case however, the archetypes were used as a story telling
device, an exploration tool for imagination and self-discovery. You may
chose to use these cards in the two ways I have imagined, or create your
<ol type="1">
<li>The first, and the one I recommend, asks your soul to sit with the
cards, ask them a question, read the answer in the following pages and
find a language for new or old feelings.</li>
<li>The other way I have imagined requires you to keep the deck next to
your bed, or wherever you sleep. Once you wake up, while the dream is
still supple and alive, reach for the Oracolotto and try and find the
cards that resemble the dream most closely. This way you may give a
language to the unformed and find on the cards apparent truths.</li>
<p>There is a possibility, that you have read thus far because you wish
to remember your dreams and connect to your subconscious, but feel like
you cannot. You may almost never recall your dreams or think that they
are random. If this is your case, I recommend that you use the
Oracolotto in the first way I have described, as the subconscious seeps
into our daily thoughts and feelings anyways. The deck may help you find
these patterns.</p>
<p>You may also choose your own path, disregard what I said and make
your own game, read old or future dreams or even play the lottery. The
tools are now in your hands.</p>
<h3 id="how-to-care-for-the-oracolotto">✧ How to care for the
<p>You may have been told that objects do not have spirit and have
believed it. If you have, I suggest you tuck the inner skeptic into bed
and let the curious child out to play for the following sections. You
see, the Oracolotto, like any Tarot or Oracle, does not believe itself
to be an objects. In fact, it thinks that no object is just a thing, but
most exist in the spiritual plane as well. As such, all objects have a
soul, a spirit that connects to yours.</p>
<p>This particular one, the Oracolotto, has a playful and deep soul. It
asks to be cared for as if it was a living thing, more a plant than a
pet. It asks to be touched, used, cried on, laughed with. Most
importantly, it asks for a place to rest every night. I would also
recommend, at your discretion, to free negative intention from the cards
if you stumble upon it. This may happen if you do a reading for someone
who turns out to have bad intention, or just a very heavy painful load.
It may also happen if you use them alone in a moment of intense sadness
or anger. In these cases, I recommend finding a way to release these
feelings from the cards, by leaving them out to breath, or holding them
in your hands while thinking positive thoughts.</p>
<h3 id="how-to-do-a-reading">✧ How to Do a Reading</h3>
<p>Set an intention to begin. You or the person you are reading for will
ask a question, out loud or in your mind as you shuffle the cards. You
then have two options: either spread them out or fan them, and choose
one card at a time with your dominant hand; or place the whole deck on a
surface and run your fingers alongside it until you feel like splitting
the deck and picking a card. Do it however you wish, the important thing
is that you let your intuition guide you to a card.</p>
<p>Lay it in front of you ( the “How to Lay Out the Cards” section
follows). Turn the card over and feel, hear, see, and intuit its meaning
in relation to your question. Refer to this guidebook for
interpretations. If you give readings to others, it is always a good
idea to keep a record of your own read­ings, as messages for others do
usually weave together with those for you. Sometimes cards will”jump”
out of the deck while youre shuffling. These cards are try­ing to get
your attention. Theyre part of your reading, or perhaps the entire
reading. In any case, know that theyre important messages to be
<p>Alternatively and if applicable, you may choose one card and place it
on your altar or under your pillow at night to bring in deeper
<h3 id="how-to-lay-out-the-cards">✧ How to Lay Out the Cards</h3>
<p>.One Card Spread</p>
<p>A single card can be used for several pur­poses:</p>
<li>Draw a card in the morning for guidance about what you need to know
that day.</li>
<li>Draw a card after you ask a question. The one you pick is your
<li>Draw a card to help further explain your dream.</li>
<p>.Three-Card Spread</p>
<p>A three-card spread can also be used in a couple of different
<li>Draw three cards representing what you need to know in general
<li>They may represent the past, present or future.</li>
<li>Or answer questions about three issues, such as career, love and
<p>If you wish to find a more fleshed out narrative, you may choose to
do bigger spread. Information about those can be found in any book about
tarot or online.</p>
<h4 id="dream-well">✧ <strong>Dream well!</strong></h4>
<h2 id="the-coffee"><strong>✳ 42. the coffee</strong></h2>
<p>.keywords: beginnings, unformed potential, taking a risk, answering a
call, trusting in the universe, overcoming self-doubt, embracing
<p>Coffee is brewing, yet to be poured on the empty cup on the counter.
A spiritual guide sits patiently, urging you to begin, while the sun
shines outside a closed window. On the side, enormous snowdrops have
blossomed, indicating the first tentative steps of spring.</p>
<p>While the Coffe is number 42, this card comes before the others. Like
an unhatched egg it contains all the potential for the journey. The cup
is empty, but you are urged to pour it, to drink it and to being the
journey. A spiritual guide urges you forward. Like the prophet Muhammad
who was given coffee(قهوة) by the Archangel Jibreel, you are also urged
to begin.</p>
<p>The Coffee upright in a reading tells you it is now the time to be
naive and courageous. Set on a new adventure and do not worry about the
consequences. It is time, the coffee is ready.</p>
<p>If the Coffee appears reversed, it is a warning. The coffee will
spill and it may burn your or others. Be cautious about disregarding the
consequences of your actions. Your eagerness for freedom and new
beginnings may have harmed others of yourself. Now, you are being asked
for consistency and patience. There is a time to be brave and to set off
on new paths, and a time to be reliable and patient-wisdom lays in
knowing the difference.</p>
<p><strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 0. the fool.</p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: all signs, the
<h2 id="the-two-spinsters"><strong>✳ 66. the two spinsters</strong></h2>
<p>.keywords: magic, manifestation, setting intentions, directing energy
consciously, willpower, concentration, having all the resources you
<p>Two old women stand before a table, one pointing to above and one
below. Their eyes glow with mystic powers and if they have appeared in
your dreams you may feel their power radiating. This is particularly
powerful card. While looking at it, reject what you have been told about
the emotional loneliness of spinsters and focus on their ability to spin
a magical web. These women are appearing to you at an important time, at
the moment when you may choose your own path. You are now fully able to
manifest your desires. The Spinsters are showing you the power you hold
and asking you for intense concentration. There is power in your focus
and dedication, now is the time to channel all your resources to
achieving what you wish.</p>
<p>If the Spinsters have appeared reversed, is is a sign that you are
ignoring your own powers. You no longer see two crone magicians who have
chosen the path of spiritual power but instead two unmarried older
women. Do not be fooled. The power is in your hands, your potential lays
dormant underneath your doubts and lack of self esteem. Trust in your
ability, trust the Spinsters to weave you back to an active role within
your own life.<br />
<p><strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 1. the magician.</p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: gemini &amp; virgo.</p>
<h2 id="the-bride"><strong>✳ 63. the bride</strong></h2>
<p>. keywords: intuition, subconscious, higher wisdom, knowing something
you cant explain, stillness, meditation, spell-work and ritual.</p>
<p>The Bride sits in silence in an underground cistern, two eyes closed
and a third one opened. Upon her head two crescent moons hold the globe.
She is alone, but does not appear to be waiting. The Bride is a figure
of divine wisdom, feminine mystery and intuitive knowledge. She is the
guardian of the unconscious and she is meeting you. By receiving this
card you are being gently led deeper, or asked to go deeper. To artists,
she is the representation of creative potential. The bride has little
care for the material as her powers lay in the true nature of emotion.
Let your intuition lead the way, quiet the chatter of the rational and
<p>If you are facing a reversed Bride, is is an indication to examine
where you are ignoring your gut. Perhaps you have let your thinking mind
run loose or have not been listening to your gut. You have even be
overvaluing others opinions or acting too hastily. Whichever is it, it
may be time to be still, reflect and meditate on your intuition.<br />
<p><strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 2. the high priestess.</p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: cancer &amp; pisces.</p>
<h2 id="the-mother"><strong>✳ 52. the mother</strong></h2>
<p>.keywords: maternal figure, familiar love, abundance, life force,
strong protection, dignity.</p>
<p>The Mother sits on a throne in the middle of the river of life force,
a crown upon her head a sword in her hand. In this iconography she is
Juno, Roman goddess of marriage and family. As such, she sits near a
pregnant cow and a peacock eating a pomegranate. Around her nature
thrives. She is the embodiment of femininity and the bringer or life and
growth. Her energy is both nurturing and fiercely protective. She is
appearing to indicate that she is looking after you and your growth. She
is abundant and as such so will your expression be, both creative and
sensual. Deep fulfilment awaits.</p>
<p>The Mother has appeared reversed. Junos warlike nature is more
active than her nurturing side. Your seeking of protection is keeping
your from true love and joy. You were guarding yourself, and while you
were in the right to do so, it is now time to let your shield down. Your
emotional crops are thriving, you have put in the work. Let go of your
war, lean into joy and love.</p>
<p><strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 3. the empress. </p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: libra.</p>
<h2 id="the-church"><strong>✳ 84. the church</strong></h2>
<p>.keywords: belief systems, ancestry, study, tradition, conformity,
learning about the past.</p>
<p>A priest stands in front of you, one hand to invite you and one
towards the divine. On his shoulders sits a church, the door slightly
ajar. On the bottom, you may see keys. The Church cards beckons you
inside a mysteries sacred place. In Christian belief, a church is not
only where religious community meets but seat of Divinity itself. I
invite you to the Church card as such, and disconnect it from its
Christian imagery. It stands in the place of any established social
structure, spiritual tradition or source of ancestral knowledge. It is a
teacher, a leader, a guru of past memory. If the Church has come up in
your reading, its indicating a need for deeper meaning or knowledge.
Will you use your key to follow the paved road and find out who paved it
and who walked it before you?</p>
<p>The Church is upside down. Its integrity is questioned, the status
quo stumbles. The pressure of conformity weighs heavy, others belief
systems hang above your head. This card is now urging you to move.
Tradition can be a teacher or a jailer and in this case, it is trapping
you. It may be time to shake your ancestors wishes away and start anew,
upon a path you paved yourself.</p>
<p><strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 4. the hierophant.</p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: taurus, libra &amp;
<h2 id="the-upside-down"><strong>✳ 69. the upside down</strong></h2>
<li>.keywords: love (of all kinds), making heart-centred choices,
compassion, partnerships and relationships, equilibrium, harmony.</li>
<p>Two hands reach for each other, the space between them filled with
light and eyes. Around their wrists roses are growing. There is an
obvious story being told, of two souls meeting in companionship.
However, this is a card about balance and choices too. The Upside Down
is a reference to love and the two sides of a coin. When this card
appears it speaks of love and strong bonds. It is asking you to choose
love, to make heartfelt, loving, compassionate choices. The Upside Down
is a simple card, asking you to choose. Listen to your heart and follow
<p>Due to the nature of this card, up is down and down is up. However
you pull this card, it is showing you both the Yin and the Yang. In this
case, however, a sourness is prevalent. The eyes look away, giving you
space to work out and identify within yourself why a committment has
turned sour. Your inner voice is unbalanced. Use your heart for your
choices and seek out harmony.</p>
<p><strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 5. the lovers.</p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: gemini.</p>
<h2 id="the-bird"><strong>✳ 35. the bird</strong></h2>
<p>.keywords: focused <em>action, s</em>elf-belief and confidence,
commitment, drive and determination, hard, passionate work,
<p>A chariot flies across a starry sky with two half moons. Inside it, a
man dressed in Roman armour with the head of turtle dove looks straight
at you, welcoming you with one hand. This is the card of control and
victory. The Bird has control of his own fate but it will help you with
it too. It directs you to assert your will with mastery, careful
practice and self-discipline. It reminds you of your own courage and
your strength, an encourages you to direct your energies towards the
<p>When reversed, the Bird is spinning further and further out of
control. It may be due to an attempt to control too much, or an
underdeveloped assertiveness. Loosen the reins, redirect your chariot.
Some things are beyond your power to change and some others are just
waiting for your confidence and hard work. Assess which is which and
begin riding.</p>
<p><strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 6. the chariot.</p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: cancer.</p>
<h2 id="the-breasts"><strong>✳ 28. the breasts</strong></h2>
<p>.keywords: inner strength and courage, dignified resistance,
emotional labour, heart.</p>
<p>A naked woman covered in flowers looks to the side, casually taming
the lion in front of her. Behind her, a natural landscape opens up. Do
not be fooled by her gentle appearance, for she is not effortless. Her
strength lies in her heart as this is the card for Breasts. Emotional
weakness is discarded as patriarchal concept, as the Breasts are showing
you a dignified taming of the wild through your heart. Emotion can
steady your demeanour and your inner strength powers you. This indicates
positive emotional labour of your own ferocity and expression of pure
emotional strength. Go to towards your own chest, to the place of pain,
anger, greed, and fear in your life. Acknowledge where these things live
within you and own them, pour love all over them.</p>
<p>The lion is now overpowering as the Breasts appear upside down. This
is an indication of weakness, your strength feeble as your
self-confidence lessens. Your emotions are no longer a power but an
overwhelming force that you cannot control. Do not let anger or pain
dictate your choice, find your strength once again.</p>
<p><strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 7. strength.</p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: leo.</p>
<h2 id="the-crying"><strong>✳ 65. the crying</strong></h2>
<p>.keywords: introspection, solitude, retreat, working things through
on your own, claiming space and time for you, self-guided or guided
<p>A figure cries in a cocoon underwater, wrapped in a cape of their
hair and algae. They are holding themselves, as their tears make their
way up. A light shines from their hands. This figure is in deep
introspection. The Crying card is not a negative card, regardless of
your own view of tears. It indicates a need for comfort and solitude. It
is asking for a moment of introspection, the only thing that may lead
you to true self discovery. Once you have expressed your pain and truly
felt it, you will gain better understanding.</p>
<p>The tears fall upon you as the Crying card is reversed. You have
relied on yourself too much and over-isolated. The cocoon has served its
purpose, now the time for solitude is over. You may let others in or
leave your safe space altogether for the time for crying is over.</p>
<p><strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 8. the hermit.</p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: virgo.</p>
<h2 id="the-set-table"><strong>✳ 82. the set table</strong></h2>
<p>.keywords: positive luck, change, predictions and prophesies, feeling
like something is destined to happen, an interconnected bigger
<p>A table is set with plates spelling out the ancient names for tarot
and wheel. In the center of the table you can see water, soil, air and
fire. Around the table sit the four fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio
and Aquarius. Three eyes, symbolising the three Fates oversee the table.
This is an incredibly auspicious card to pick. Like the table, your
destiny has been set, the tempo will crank up as your personal vision
develops into reality. This card is asking you to accept your fate, but
also take responsibility for it. The table is set but it is up to you to
<p>The Set Table has been turned the wrong way. This indicated elements
outside your control that are spinning your fate. Luck has not been on
your side and you may have found yourself unhappy with your
circumstances. Take a moment to analyse what could have happened, are
these elements toying with your luck internal or external? Is there
someone to blame, if yes, who is it? Whatever you find, trust that the
Table will be set again, and out of darkness a new light will be born,
informed by your discoveries.</p>
<p><strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 9. the wheel of fortune.</p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: aquarius, leo, taurus &amp;
<h2 id="the-lament"><strong>✳ 60. the lament</strong></h2>
<p>.keywords: truth, logical thought, objectivity, binary thinking,
justice, fairness, balance, accountability, social justice principles,
<p>A woman, justice, walks the steps out of darkness, a lament
distorting her face. In the Lament, you can see justice wearing white,
carrying a sword on her waist and holding scales, with a heart on one
end and a brain on the other. Her blindfold stays on as her piercing
eyes penetrate through the truth. It is her cry for truth, her lament,
that propels her forward. This card calls out to you. Every action has
an equal reaction but it is often expression of injustice that brings
justice forward. It is the Lament that leads to balance, believe that
your expression of injustice is worth sharing.</p>
<p>When the Lament appears reversed it indicates a flawed system, an
hidden truth or bias. This injustice may have been committed against you
or by you, but however it happened the scale are not balances and soon
they will be as someone faces consequences. It also begs for a
re-establishing of a balancing perspective on your side. Look at the
issue from both sides, hear the Lament.</p>
<p><strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 11. justice.</p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: libra.</p>
<h2 id="purgatorys-souls"><strong>✳ 85. purgatorys souls</strong></h2>
<p>.keywords: passivity, cost, holding back, patience, allowing events
to unfold, meditation and mindful practice, inner peace,
self-acceptance, overcoming ego</p>
<p>A man dangles, his foot loosely tied with rope, his wings closed by
his sides, his braid falling beyond sight. Next to him other people
hang, in the same situation. What we see are Purgatorys Souls, intended
as the souls of people who are in a state of temporary punishment and
purification as they have died in a state of grace but are not yet ready
for heaven. Let the souls be of inspiration to you, in their state of
acceptance, as it is not their work that will send them to heaven. They
are, just like you, ready for peace and joy. What you must do now is
fully succumb to your situation, release. You see, if the soul was to
trust the flow of events and let go, he would realise he had wings all
along. A brazen metaphor, a simple reminder that its not time to
struggle for control. Trust the universe, trust yourself and let go.</p>
<p>As Purgatorys Souls appear reversed, they tell a different story.
They are not hanging but anchored to the soil. You are pulling yourself
further down, digging your heels in on a decision that has to be made.
Your inaction now is pointless, it will just delay the inevitable. The
souls already can fly, the punishment has been lifted and yet here you
still are. You must face your inner turmoil to move on.</p>
<p><strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 11. the hanged man. </p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: pisces.</p>
<h2 id="the-talking-dead"><strong>✳ 48. the talking dead</strong></h2>
<p>.keywords: the ending of a cycle, letting go and saying goodbye,
ritual to honour change, not resisting, honouring the seasons of
<p>A deers skeleton lays on a blooming prairie. Close by, another deer
looks into the sun that is rising above the hills. The Talking Dead card
is a deeply sensitive one, invites a gentle approach. It does not
symbolise necessarily literal death but more so a positive harbinger of
change. The death has already happened, and the deers spirit is ready
to move into the coming day. The Talking Dead tells you it is time to
let go of old habits, ways of thinking and of the buried. This is the
only way to allow for more rewarding patterns. Resisting change will not
bring you joy at this stage, you must embrace transformation. There is
no other way, a profound experience is awaiting you, let the resting
lead you.</p>
<p>If the card is reversed it appears that the Talking Dead is being
forced still. Changes are frightening you and you may be resisting them.
Your life is now stagnant, the sunrise is eternal as the sun never
reaches the sky. Trust that change will lead you wherever you need to
be. It is not a matter of avoiding what has happened, but rather of
learning to live with what it brought in the hope that better things lay
<p><strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 12. death. </p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: scorpio.</p>
<h2 id="warm-soup"><strong>✳ 48. warm soup</strong></h2>
<p>.keywords: balance, harmony, blending of dualities, seeking the
middle path, not making extreme decisions, taking a non-binary attitude,
testing the waters, self-care, grace, gentleness.</p>
<p>A large, winged, genderless dark figure stands in the sea. On their
forehead shines a triangle enclosed in a square, representing that
humans are bound by the Earth and natural law. The figure is taking
water from the sea but as they pour it into the bowl, it transforms into
a bowl of steaming soup. This card gives insight into the nuances of
balance. Wherever something is taken, something else must be given. The
figure is taking from the sea to deliver you the Warm Soup. See the
figure as if it was keeping a close eye on how well you handle
dualities. Keep to the middle path, do not make extreme decisions. You
may someone who tends to have a peaceful nature or someone who swings
between extremes. Either way, now is the time to test the waters of
gentleness, give back what you have been given and ask for what was
<p>The Warm Soup now pours upwards from the ladle. Something has been
thrown off balance in your life. The coming times require meticulous
care of balance. Equilibrium has to be restored once again. The costs
may be too high for what you are receiving from the universe. You must
reconsider your choices, find the weak point that has thrown off the
balance and adjust it.</p>
<p>A <strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 13. temperance.</p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: sagittarius.</p>
<h2 id="the-devils"><strong>✳ 77. the devils</strong></h2>
<p>.keywords: bondage, addiction, materialism, destructive behaviours,
harmful cycles, choosing to get free, or choosing not to get free,
confronting fear, committing to your own freedom.</p>
<p>Above a reversed pentacle five little devils dance naked, holding a
chain that leads to a circle of light containing a key. The Devils
symbolise what keeps us bound and trapped. It is a small circle that
contains you, a metaphorical jail to which you do not yet have a key.
This card cautions you against finding blame, and refers instead to that
which is constrained by ourself, our subconscious and direct choices. Do
not let ideas, people or situations absorb you so intensely that it
causes you to ignore other relationships.</p>
<p>The Devils being upside down immediately reveals the bondage, you are
aware of your own chains. The unhealthy and trapping dynamics in your
life are finally emerging to the light. Caution, as this does not imply
freedom but may entail further temptation to crawl back into your own
trap. This is a time that needs your complete attention, use your
newfound awareness to open the chains, escape your metaphorical
jail. </p>
<p><strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 14. the devil.</p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: capricorn.</p>
<h2 id="the-storm"><strong>✳ 83. the storm</strong></h2>
<p>.keywords: revolution, disaster, shock, mourning, blowing apart old
structures, demolition of the status quo, toppling systems of power,
potential, rebuilding after disaster, a blessing in disguise as a
disaster, rehabilitation, regeneration.</p>
<p>An ancient pine tree towers in the night. Above, the all-seeing Storm
is unleashing lightening, cutting the tree down as birds escape. The
Storm, as the name suggests, is a complicated card to receive. It
indicates a profound disruption, a complete reset of the known. The
situation may seem grim at times, but it is fundamental that you
understand that the change that will be brought is undeniably ultimately
positive. You may not believe me at first, as the event that this card
indicates is a demolition and toppling of a structure that can feel
quite devastating. However, new growth will come from this and the old
cannot last forever lest it become decrepit. Remember well that when the
Storm appears in front of you, you are not the tree but the doves
<p>In this situation the Storm that topples the pine tree is coming from
within. The issue is within your response to the situation, your worries
within your own head. Your perception is bringing you great pain. Take
care not to become a vortex of negativity, you must be mindful of your
own feelings and take responsibility of how your responses affect you
and those around you.</p>
<p><strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 15. the tower. </p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: scorpio &amp; aries.</p>
<h2 id="christmas"><strong>✳ 25. christmas</strong></h2>
<p>.keywords: hope, love and support, coming home to yourself,
self-care, healing, being true to yourself, being guided by your
intuition, integrity, honesty,a positive new start or new vision.</p>
<p>A Christmas tree sits lit by candles, next to a window. On the
windowsill sits a still warm cup of cocoa, framed by the view of an
enormous star illuminates the snowy field. Christmas is a card of hope.
A time of renewal, comfort and homely-ness lays ahead. It is now time to
leave the hard times behind. The star shines alone through the window,
filling the landscape with positivity and opportunity. It is</p>
<p><strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 16. the star.</p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: aquarius.</p>
<h2 id="blood"><strong>✳ 48. blood</strong></h2>
<p>.keywords: shadow work, getting in touch with your wild nature,
listening deeply to your intuition, secrets, signs and symbols,
non-rational, witchcraft, magic and spell-work, lies and deception,
deceiving yourself, wearing a mask.</p>
<p>A wolf drinks from a pond of blood. Close by, a wild dog turns away
from the pond to face the moon that illuminates all around them. A crab
floats on a leaf, rising from the subconscious. The Blood is telling you
that all is not what it seems. Unsettling as a nightmare can be, this
card allows your inner wildness to be seem. The Blood represents
witchcraft, spell-work and occult arts of any kind. Do not be fooled by
the blood, as nobody in this figure is harmed. The moon shines its
silvery light on the elements within reality that are dishonest and
manipulative. Uncomfortable questions have to be asked and it may by
just someone just mad enough to think of them. Things are strange, it is
okay to feel disorientated. It is not time for answers now but for wild
magical practice.</p>
<p>When reversed, the Blood shows a moon shining in the front. The inner
confusion is clearing. However, you may find find yourself deprived of a
mask you are not ready to let go of. Manipulation has been exposed,
wether you were the victim of perpetrator. While things will soon be
lighter, now they will first be heavy. Mental health struggles as the
truth comes forward and you initiate a process of complete honesty with
<p><strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 17. the moon.</p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: pisces.</p>
<h2 id="laughter"><strong>✳ 19. laughter</strong></h2>
<p>.keywords: positivity, saying yes, joy, practicing gratitude,
success, things coming together, lifes simple pleasures, allowing
yourself to simply be, connecting to a dynamic life force.</p>
<p>Two children laugh in harmony on a horse, holding each other and a
waving flag. The sun shines on them and sunflowers are growing around
them. Laughter is an undoubtledly positive card. It represents
enthusiasm, growth and victory. Your good choices will pay off, you will
laugh again soon as victory is so close you may taste it already. Joy
will fill your heart and life will once again seem light-hearted and
<p>Laughter is reversed, but do not panic. Victory is just not as close
as you thought it would be. A setback has brought you back into a
quieter place. There is a key element missing before you may achieve
that state of perfect joy. The effort will now need to be given to
finding once again things that make your heart swell up with joy, the
things that make you walk so light you feel you may just fly away.
Follow them and soon Laughter will come back.</p>
<p><strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 18. the sun.</p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: leo.</p>
<p>keywords: hope, love and support, coming home to yourself, self-care,
healing, being true to yourself, being guided by your intuition,
integrity, honesty, a positive new start or new vision.</p>
<p>A Christmas tree sits lit by candles, next to a window. On the
windowsill sits a still warm cup of cocoa, framed by the view of an
enormous star illuminates the snowy field. Christmas is a card of hope.
A time of renewal, comfort and homely-ness lays ahead. It is now time to
leave the hard times behind. The star shines alone through the window,
filling the landscape with positivity and opportunity. It is</p>
<p><strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 16. the star.</p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: aquarius.</p>
<h2 id="laughter-1">**✳ 19. laughter*</h2>
<p>.keywords: positivity, saying yes, joy, practicing gratitude,
success, things coming together, lifes simple pleasures, allowing
yourself to simply be, connecting to a dynamic life force.</p>
<p>Two children laugh in harmony on a horse, holding each other and a
waving flag. The sun shines on them and sunflowers are growing around
them. Laughter is an undoubtedly positive card. It represents
enthusiasm, growth and victory. Your good choices will pay off, you will
laugh again soon as victory is so close you may taste it already. Joy
will fill your heart and life will once again seem light-hearted and
<p>Laughter is reversed, but do not panic. Victory is just not as close
as you thought it would be. A setback has brought you back into a
quieter place. There is a key element missing before you may achieve
that state of perfect joy. The effort will now need to be given to
finding once again things that make your heart swell up with joy, the
things that make you walk so light you feel you may just fly away.
Follow them and soon Laughter will come back.</p>
<p><strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 18. the sun.</p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: leo.</p>
<h2 id="the-gossiping-woman"><strong>✳ 18. the gossiping
<p>.keywords: liberation, freedom, casting off shackles, laying down of
old baggage, total accountability for self, integrity, honesty,
forgiveness, allowing yourself to move forwards.</p>
<p>A woman with rollers in her hair stands on a balcony, looking down,
where a swarm of butterflies is emerging from the darkness. This is a
lofty card, as, like Lament and the Set Table, it carries the theme of
accountability. In this particular case it talks about being honest and
thorough about yourself. The Gossiping Woman sees all of you and calls
you to do the same. It is holding a mirror to your entire life,
successes and failure. You must face the Gossiping Woman to liberate
yourself and fly towards freedom. To move forward unencumbered it
requires acknowledgement of the present moment and everything that it
<p>The Gossiping Woman now may not see you. This is an indication that
you are refusing to acknowledge the hurt or pain that was caused to you
and the one that you have caused yourself. However, you must own
mistakes and let them be just that. When the Gossiping Woman is
reversed, it is asking you to find forgiveness, for yourself and others.
It will be hard work and possibly take a great amount of time, but the
Gossiping Woman watches and is rooting for you to be able to free
yourself of this burden.</p>
<p><strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 19. judgement.</p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: scorpio.</p>
<h2 id="the-good-wine"><strong>✳ 45. the good wine</strong></h2>
<p>.keywords: completion, a sense of wholeness, knowing who you are in
the world, having a sense of place, feeling deeply connected to all
things, reaching your goal, celebration, jubilation.</p>
<p>Three friends are celebrating, drinking Good Wine and dancing on the
world, surrounded by a crown of vines for victory. One holds a flag and
another a wand, bringing your journey to closure. This is the end of the
road, the last card in this deck. The spiritual guide that brought you
Coffee now has brought you here. The completion of the cycle and the
celebration that comes thereafter. You have changed and grown and now
the energy of wholeness shines. Soon it will dissipate as life shifts
into a new beginning but for now, the Good Wine urges you to relish in
your successes. One day you will surrender again to the flow and
remember that you are the same person that started this journey, filled
with infinite possibilities.</p>
<p>The Good Wine may not be drunk yet, completion is not within reach
yet. The end seemed in sight but you tried cutting corners and there is
still work to be done. The result will only bring fulfilment if the
effort has been thorough and earnest. Keep dreaming, keep working and
soon the Good Wine will be yours.</p>
<p><strong></strong> tarot correspondence: 20. the world.</p>
<p><strong></strong> zodiac correspondence: all signs.</p>
<h2 id="bibliography">Bibliography</h2>
<li>Paola De Sanctis Ricciardone, <em>Il tipografo celeste. Il gioco del
lotto tra letteratura e demologia nellItalia dellOttocento e
oltre</em>, Bari, Dedalo, 1987. ISBN 88-220-6066-0</li>
<li>Michele Zezza, <em>La smorfia ossia Il nuovo metodo per perdere
denaro, e cervello con maggior sicurezza al gioco del lotto</em>,
Napoli, Torchi della Società filomatica, 1835.</li>
<li>莊子<em>,</em> 齊物論<em>, 12. Zhuàngzi, “Discussion on making all
things equal,” 12. from Zhuàngzi, Burton Watson trans., Chuang Tzu (New
York: Columbia University Press, 1996), 43. ISBN 978-0-231-10595-8