You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

4.3 KiB

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import time
import sys

a = 0.2
b = 2

def inventoryWipe():
    file = open("inventory.txt", "w")

print("    _________")
print("   / ======= .")
print("  / __________. ")
print(" | ___________ |")
print(" | | words   | |")
print(" | |    for  | |")
print(" | |_the_____| |________________________")
print(" \=____________/              future    )")
print(" / =========== \                       /")
print("/ ::::::::::::: \                  =D-'")
s = '"Hello Traveler"'
for character in s:
print('Enter your name:')
name = input()
count = 0

def select_element():
    global count
    print('Hello, ' + name + ". Welcome to ***Earthrise***. Are you ready to set sail to the land of the future? If yes, pick one of these elements to start: water, fire, wind")

    while True:

        print('Type your choice below, ' + name + '!')
        element = input()
        if element.lower().strip() == "water":
            print('Great work, ' + name + ', Captain Atata picked you up with his ferry! Where should we go from here? (north/west)')
            count = count + 1
        elif element.lower().strip() == "fire":
            print('Great work, ' + name + ', You find yourself at the foot of an active volcano. Where do we go from here? (north/west)')
            count = count + 1
        elif element.lower().strip() == "wind":
            print('You lift off the earth into the skies now, ' + name + ', you are floating. Where do we go from here? (north/west)')
            count = count + 1
            print("this spell has no power here.")

        direction = input()
        if direction.lower().strip() == "west" and count == 1:
            print("You are walking along a " + element + " stream until you see a big book.")

        elif direction.lower().strip() == "north":
            print("You find yourself in a dense forest. By your feet you see a magic elixier and a whistle. You only have space for one, which one do you pick? (elixier/whistle)")
            count = count + 1
            print("this spell has no power here.")

        object = input()
        if object.lower().strip() == "elixier" and count == 2:
            print("You don't understand what to use it for yet, so you keep on walking.")

        elif direction.lower().strip() == "whistle":
            print("You try to make sounds with it, until you finally suceed. You hear the whistle sound being echoed from far. (follow)")

            print("this spell has no power here.")
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