@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ endif
ttssr-human-only: ocr/output.txt ## Loop: text to speech-speech recognition. Dependencies: espeak, pocketsphinx
ttssr-human-only: ocr/output.txt ## Loop: text to speech-speech recognition. Dependencies: espeak, pocketsphinx
bash src/ttssr/ttssr-loop-human-only.sh ocr/output.txt
bash src/ttssr-loop-human-only.sh ocr/output.txt
chatbook: ocr/output.txt #chatbot based on the knowledge of the scans Dependencies: nltk_rake, irc, nltk
chatbook: ocr/output.txt #chatbot based on the knowledge of the scans Dependencies: nltk_rake, irc, nltk
python3 src/chatbook.py
python3 src/chatbook.py