* `make visualization`: **dependency: mplayer** creates visualization of images/ dir, by cating the images content into mplayer. See more option ins [shiftop](https://git.bleu255.com/shiftop/file/shiftop.html)
* `make visualization`: **dependency: mplayer** creates visualization of images/ dir, by cating the images content into mplayer. See more option ins [shiftop](https://git.bleu255.com/shiftop/file/shiftop.html)
* `make talktochatbot`: **dependency: ChatterBot** talkes with the ocred file
* `make wordtagger`: **dependency: tesseract** Uses scanned pages as an input, tags each word for their wordtype (noun, verb etc) and saves it in a text file.
* `make talktochatbot`: **dependency: ChatterBot** talkes with the ocred file