@ilinx:~$ Time war
The nightmare experienced by William Burroughs in the private library of Peter Vysparov, rise a series of concerns regarding the acatual on-going 'existence' of a time war.

The time is coming apart and – to use his exact words - spiraling out of control. Korzybski’s definition of man as the ‘time-binding animal’ has a double sense, on the one hand, human beings are binding time for themselves: they “can make information available overany length of time to other men through writing”. On the other hand, humans are binding themselves into time, building more of the prison which constrains their affects and perceptions. Time, is a human affliction; not a human invention but a prison." Numerous signs indicate that by the late 1980s the forces supposed to control time as a control technique to enslaves minds, was breaking down in a period of radical transition referred as 'spiral templex'. It was at that time that professor Fassrol expedition to the island of Nma took place.