@ilinx:~$ William Burroughs
The American novelist, occultist, drug addicts, and primary figure of the Beat Generation William S. Burroughs II (1914 - 1997) represents the breaking point in a story not yet clear at all. 'Sensitive informations' published by the non-exsistent CCRU, spin-off of the MVU, seem to indicate Burroughs involvement in an occult time war which would explain the 'paranoid-chronomaniac hallucination' appearing in his late wiritings. The information described in CCRU publications trace back an initial meeting occurred in 1958 at the private library of Peter Vysparov in Paris, where, because of his evident interest in the convergence of sorcery, dreams and fiction, Burroughs was invited. However, cryptical events outlined as 'paranormal phenomena', would have triggered Burroughs in experiencing a paradoxical time experience leading him to a radical shift characterized by the use of cut-up techniques ment to develope theories intertwining virology, language and control with an increasing paranoia and mystical allucinations of a time disgregation, turning his well established practice into a ghetto of literary experimentation.

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