Born between the 30s and the 40s, Cyber- or Virtual Ethnology, focus on the use of software to build digital copies of archological findings as primary methodology to the study of cultural diversity.
In the early days, this discipline was following an opposite direction based on the application of cybernetic methodologies, in particular, through the use of feedback loops and other mechanisms of self-recurrence to understand certain aspect of specific cultures. The technological value of the early Virtual Ethnology, instead of being a mere support and storage medium of manufactures and evidences, it was ment to light up the darkness in certain kind of rituals of proto-historical tribes that were understood as linguistic enginees employing complex self-referential mechanisms to assure the production of meaning over generations.<br><br> Influenced by the advent of anthropology and sociology and the works of James George Frazer (1980), Sigmunfd Freud (1913), and Marcel Mauss (1925), focusing on rituals and mythological structures, researchers in different disciplines started to observ how these accounts were liable of using subtle systems of control and communication that will be effectively defined only later during the 40s with the birth of Cybernetics. However, fostered by the introduction of pseudo-scientific and occultists reasearches, such as Echidna stillwell's work on Mu's folklore, and the opposition of classical institutions interested in preserving their credibility, will lead to a rupture in the discipline and the formation of the normalized contemporary approach during the end of the 70s.<br><br>
Emerging between the 30s and the 40s, Cyber- or Virtual Ethnology, focuses on the use of software to build digital copies of archeological findings as a primary methodology to the study of cultural diversity. In the early days, this discipline was following an opposite direction based on the application of cybernetic methodologies, in particular, through the use of feedback loops and other mechanisms of self-recurrence to understand certain aspects of specific cultures. he technological value of the early Virtual Ethnology, instead of being a mere support and storage medium of manufactures and evidences(?), it was meant to light up the darkness in certain kinds of rituals of proto-historical tribes that were understood as linguistic enginee s employing complex self-referential mechanisms to assure the production of meaning over generations. <br>T<br>TInfluenced by the advent of anthropology and sociology and the works of James George Frazer (1980), Sigmund Freud (1913), and Marcel Mauss (1925), focusing on rituals and mythological structures, researchers in different disciplines started to observe how these accounts were liable of using subtle systems of control and communication that would be effectively defined only later during the 40s with the birth of Cybernetics. However, during the end of the 70s the introduction of pseudo-scientific and occultists reasearches, such as Echidna Stillwell's work on Mu's folklore, and the opposition of classical institutions interested in preserving their credibility, would lead to a rupture in the discipline. This rupture would finally leads to the formalization of the contemporary approach which reorganizes the technological component as an aid tool instead of structural methodology.<br><br>
<aclass="home"href="./wc.html"> Walter Cannon</a>
William James (1842-1910) is considered both 'the Father of American psychology' and one of the most influential philosopher of his time establishing along with Charles S. Peirce the philosophical school called Pragmatism. During his career he interacted with a wide array of writers and scholars, such as Sigmund Freud and Carl G. Jung, Ralph Waldo Emerson, John Dewey, but he is also rememberd as one of the three axis of process philosophy along with Henri Bergson and Alfred N. Whitehead. Behind this well known biography, James did important work on religion investigating the mystical experience and experimenting with drugs (chloral hydrate, amyl nitrite, <aclass="home"href="./no2.html">nitrous oxide</a>, and peyote). James claimed that it was only when he was under the influence of nitrous oxide that he was able to understand Hegel. This work leads him to start the first American psychedelic movement which later has been continued by <aclass="home"href="./wb.html">William Burroughs</a>.<br>
From the archives of Harvard University, dugged out and published by professor <aclass="home"href="./af.html">Adin Fassrol</a>, it appears that William James partecipated as 'special' guest to sveral meetings of the <aclass="home"href="./wcl.html">Wicht Club</a> led by <aclass="home"href="./wc.html">Walter Cannon</a>. However, it is still uncertain on which extent James influenced the extracurricular activity of this secret congregation.<br><br>
Selected articles:
<li><i><aclass="home"href=""onclick="ppp(this, 'n2o', '1000', '1000','2000','0')"target="n2o">Subjective Effects of Nitrous Oxide</a></i></li>
<li><i><aclass="home"href=""onclick="ppp(this, 'g', '1000', '1000','2000','0')"target="g">Review of "The Anaesthetic Revelation and the Gist of Philosophy"</a></i></li>
// var rooms = ['VB01.html','FS01.html','Ixse2.html','Ixse4.html','EOC.html','EOC2.html','./home/doorway.html','./AxS/index.html','./0/ilinx_0.html','cyberSit.html'];
var rooms = ['./main_l3.html'];
// function rand(){ return Math.ceil(Math.random() * (rooms.length -1)) }
function rand(){ return Math.ceil(Math.random() * rooms.length )-1 }
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ have had a part. The scientists, burying their old professional
competition in the demand of a common cause, have shared greatly and
learned much. It has been exhilarating to work in effective
partnership. Now, for many, this appears to be approaching an end.
What are the scientists to do <ahref="">next?</a><br><br>
What are the scientists to do next?<br><br>
For the biologists, and particularly for the medical scientists, there
can be little indecision, for their war work has hardly required them
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ war research in their familiar peacetime laboratories. Their
objectives remain much the same.<br><br>
It is the physicists who have been thrown most violently off stride,
who have left academic pursuits for the making of <ahref="">strange destructive
who have left academic pursuits for the making of strange destructive
gadgets</a>, who have had to devise new methods for their unanticipated
assignments. They have done their part on the devices that made it
possible to turn back the enemy. They have worked in combined effort
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ of their best.<br><br>
Of what lasting benefit has been man's use of science and of the new
instruments which his research brought into <ahref="">existence?</a> First, they
instruments which his research brought into existence? First, they
have increased his control of his material environment. They have
improved his food, his clothing, his shelter; they have increased his
security and released him partly from the bondage of bare existence.
@ -893,16 +893,16 @@ lose hope as to the outcome.
var rooms = ['FS01.html','Ixse.html','Ixse2.html','Ixse4.html','EOC.html','EOC2.html','./home/doorway.html','./AxS/index.html','./0/ilinx_0.html','cyberSit.html'];
var rooms = ['./main_l3.html'];
function rand(){ return Math.ceil(Math.random() * res.length) }
function rand2(){ return Math.ceil(Math.random() * (rooms.length -1)) }
for (var i = 0; i <100;i++){
for (var i = 0; i <20;i++){
var str = $('#b').html();
var res = str.split(" ");
var word = res[rand()];
var newstr = str.replace(word, '<ahref='+ rooms[rand2()] + '>'+ word + '</a>');
var newstr = str.replace(word, '<ahref="./main_l3.html">'+ word + '</a>');