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11Prelingual deafness
2-1In children, this type of hearing loss can lead to social isolation for several reasons.
31This can result in a deaf person becoming generally irritable.
4-1A child who uses sign language, or identifies with the Deaf culture does not generally experience this isolation, particularly if he/she attends a school for the deaf, but may conversely experience isolation from his parents if they do not know, or make an effort to learn sign language.
51A child who is exclusively or predominantly oral (using speech for communication) can experience social isolation from his or her hearing peers, particularly if no one takes the time to explicitly teach them social skills that other children acquire independently by virtue of having normal hearing.
61Preliminary Discourse to the Encyclopedia of Diderot
71Instead of writing in terms of general ideas, d'Alembert provides the dates, places and people responsible for the progress of literary works since the Renaissance leading up to his date.
81Noted in the text is the lack of improvement in philosophy in comparison to other advancements due to the ignorant belief that ancient philosophy could not be questioned.
91d'Alembert claims that it would be ignorant to perceive that everything could be known about a particular subject.
101He makes clear that all sciences are restricted as much as can be to facts and that opinion influences science as little as possible.
111d'Alembert states that philosophy is far more effective at the analysis of our perceptions when the "soul is in a state of tranquility", when it is not caught up in passion and emotion (96).
121Furthermore, the importance of science and the advancements of such intellects as Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton, Descartes, John Locke and others are explained.
141Historically, psychologists suggested various personalities contributing to discrimination, including authoritarianism, dogmatism, closed-mindedness, dominant orientation, etc (Adorno, Frenkel-Brunswik, Levinson, & Sanford, 1950; Rokeach, 1948; Pratto, Sidanius, Stallworth, & Malle, 1994).
151In general, people having these personalities tend to bias towards their own group and refuse to accept belief-contradicting information, thus remain their stereotype on the prejudiced group.
16-1However, as the overemphasis on parental influence of psychodynamics theory has been strongly criticized in the previous century, modern psychologists adopted interracial contact as a more important determinant than childhood experience on shaping peoples prejudice traits (Stephan & Rosenfield, 1978).
17-1Personality theory has also been criticized on underemphasizing situational and socio-cultural factors such as the competition of resources between groups, and being unable to explain sudden change in attitude and behaviour.
18-1this can also be summarized as a distinguish behaviour on the peronnel level
191Preiddeu Annwfn
201In the Irish tale, the Milesians, the ancestors to the Irish people, encounter a glass tower in the middle of the ocean whose inhabitants do not speak with them.
211The Milesians attack, and like Arthur's expedition, lose most of their force.
221Loomis further suggests that this story is connected to the Abduction of Guinevere episode common in later literature.
231Sarah Higley suggests a common story that influenced these various Welsh and Irish accounts.
241Prehistoric music
25-1Some suggest that the origin of music likely stems from naturally occurring sounds and rhythms.
26-1Human music may echo these phenomena using patterns, repetition and tonality.
27-1Even today, some cultures have certain instances of their music intending to imitate natural sounds.
28-1In some instances, this feature is related to shamanistic beliefs or practice.
29-1It may also serve entertainment (game)Nattiez: 5 or practical (luring animals in hunt) functions.
301Prehistoric medicine
31-1Plant materials (herbs and substances derived from natural sources),Use of Spices for Medical Purposes] Mentions spices being used by some prehistoric cultures were among the treatments for diseases in prehistoric cultures.
32-1Since plant materials quickly rot under most conditions, historians are unlikely to fully understand which species were used in prehistoric medicine.
331An idea can be obtained by looking at the climate of the respective society and which species continue to grow there today and through anthropological studies of existing indigenous peoples.
34-1Unlike the ancient civilisations which could source plant materials internationally, prehistoric societies would have been restricted to localised areas, though nomadic tribes may have had a greater variety of plant materials at their disposal than more stationary societies.
351Prehistoric medicine
36-1Earths and clays may have provided prehistoric peoples with some of their first medicines.
37-1This is related to geophagy, which is extremely widespread among animals in the wild as well as among domesticated animals.
381In particular, geophagy is widespread among contemporary nonhuman primates.
39-1Also, early humans could have learned about the use of various healing clays by observing animal behavior.
401Prehistoric art
41-1Relatively little is known about the early settlement of much of South America east of the Andes.
421This is due to the lack of stone (generally required for leaving durable artifacts), and a jungle environment that rapidly recycles organic materials.
43-1Beyond the Andean regions, where the inhabitants were more clearly related to the early cultures of Peru, early finds are generally limited to coastal areas and those areas where there are stone outcrops.
44-1While there is evidence of human habitation in northern Brazil as early as 8000BCE and rock art of unknown (or at best uncertain) age, ceramics appear to be the earliest artistic artifacts.
451Prehistoric art
461Megalithic monuments are found in the Neolithic from Malta to Portugal, through France, and across southern England to most of Wales and Ireland They are also found in northern Germany and Poland, as well as in Egypt in the Sahara desert (at Nabata and other sites).
471The best preserved of all temples and the oldest free standing structures on Earth are the Megalithic Temples of Malta.
48-1They start in the 5th millennium BC, though some authors speculate on Mesolithic roots.
491There are many sites for rock and cave art of engraved animal and human scenes in the Saharan area.
50-1While the best-known of these is Stonehenge, where the main structures date from the early Bronze Age, such monuments have been found throughout most of Western and Northern Europe, notably at Carnac, France, at Skara Brae in the Orkney Islands, in Portugal, and in Wiltshire, England, the area of Stonehenge, the Avebury circle, the tombs at West Kennet, and Woodhenge.
51-1The tomb of Knowth has rock-cut ornaments as well; one of them may be the oldest known image of the Moon.
52-1Many of these monuments were megalithic tombs, and archaeologists speculate that most have religious significance.
531Knowth is reputed to have approximately one third of all megalithic art in Western Europe.
541Prehistoric Norfolk
551In total, some 2,079 bones, tusks, antlers and teeth of Mammuthus primigenius (mammoth), Coelodonta antiquitatis(woolly rhinoceros), Rangifer tarandus (reindeer), Equus ferus (horse), Bison priscus (bison), Canis lupus (wolf), Vulpes vulpes or Alopex lagopus (red or Arctic fox) and Ursus arctos (brown bear) were individually recorded and a further 25,000 bone, tooth and tusk fragments recovered.
561Feces of scavengers (possibly the spotted hyena Crocuta crocuta) were also recovered from the organic sediments.
571The bone varied in condition with some bones extensively weathered and others exhibiting traces of gnawing by predator-scavengers.
581Bone fractures characteristic of marrow extraction by hominids have been identified on the some of the reindeer and horse bones recovered from the deposit.
591Prehistoric Ireland
601Settlements of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers have been found at about half a dozen sites scattered throughout the country: Mount Sandel in County Londonderry (Coleraine); Woodpark in County Sligo; the Shannon estuary; Lough Boora in County Offaly; the Curran in County Antrim; and a number of locations in Munster.
61-1Although sea levels were still lower than they are today, Ireland may already have been an island by the time the first settlers arrived by boat.
62-1There is nothing surprising in this, though, for most of the Mesolithic sites in Ireland are coastal settlements.
63-1In some ways this economy was forced upon them, for many centuries were to pass before the treeless permafrost was transformed into a densely forested fertile land.
641Pregnancy category
651Australia has a slightly different pregnancy category system from the United States - notably the subdivision of Category B.
661The system, as outlined below, was established by the Congenital Abnormalities Sub-committee of the Australian Drug Evaluation Committee (ADEC).
671ADEC Pregnancy Categories (Australia)
681'Pregnancy Category A'
691Drugs which have been taken by a large number of pregnant women and women of childbearing age without an increase in the frequency of malformations or other direct or indirect harmful effects on the fetus having been observed.
701'Pregnancy Category B1'
711Drugs which have been taken by only a limited number of pregnant women and women of childbearing age, without an increase in the frequency of malformation or other direct or indirect harmful effects on the human fetus having been observed.
72-1Studies in animals have not shown evidence of an increased occurrence of fetal damage.
731'Pregnancy Category B2'
741Drugs which have been taken by only a limited number of pregnant women and women of childbearing age, without an increase in the frequency of malformation or other direct or indirect harmful effects on the human fetus having been observed.
75-1Studies in animals are inadequate or may be lacking, but available data show no evidence of an increased occurrence of fetal damage.
761'Pregnancy Category B3'
771Drugs which have been taken by only a limited number of pregnant women and women of childbearing age, without an increase in the frequency of malformation or other direct or indirect harmful effects on the human fetus having been observed.
78-1Studies in animals have shown evidence of an increased occurrence of fetal damage, the significance of which is considered uncertain in humans.
791'Pregnancy Category C
80-1'Drugs which, owing to their pharmaceutical effects, have caused or may be suspected of causing, harmful effects on the human fetus or neonate without causing malformations.
81-1These effects may be reversible.
821'Pregnancy Category D'
83-1Drugs which have caused, are suspected to have caused or may be expected to cause, an increased incidence of human fetal malformations or irreversible damage.
84-1These drugs may also have adverse pharmacological effects.'
861Traditionally, doctors have measured pregnancy from a number of convenient points, including the day of last menstruation, ovulation, fertilization, implantation and chemical detection.
871In medicine, pregnancy is often defined as beginning when the developing embryo becomes implanted into the endometrial lining of a woman's uterus.
88-1In some cases where complications may have arisen, the fertilized egg might implant itself in the fallopian tubes or the cervix, causing an ectopic pregnancy.
891This is usually of no concern unless there is spotting or bleeding as well.
901Preference regression (in marketing)
911It usually supplements product positioning techniques like multi dimensional scaling or factor analysis and is used to create ideal vectors on perceptual maps.
921'Perceptual Map of Competing Products with Ideal Vectors'
93-1Starting with raw data from surveys, researchers apply positioning techniques to determine important dimensions and plot the position of competing products on these dimensions.
941Like all regression methods, the computer fits weights to best predict data.
951The resultant regression line is referred to as an ideal vector because the slope of the vector is the ratio of the preferences for the two dimensions.
961Prefecture Apostolic of Kwang-si
97-1The Chinese authorities placed many obstacles in the way of the free spread of the Gospel.
98-1Fathers Lavest and Pernet were subjected to cruel treatment and several Christian communities were uprooted.
99-1Under the direction of the new prefect, other communities were established, and finally a certain measure of liberty was accorded to the missionaries.
1001During the Boxer troubles but three missions and a few other houses belonging to the Christians were pillaged.
1011Prefab Sprout
1021Though the music was more accessible than their earlier material, the lyrics and subject matter remained characteristically oblique and suggestive (McAloon has often cited Stephen Sondheim as an influence).
103-1In addition to its religious overtones, perhaps reflecting McAloon's education in a Catholic seminary, there were several allegorical songs about a character who embodied a mix of Howard Hughes, Jesse James, and Elvis Presley.
104-1McAloon has alluded in interviews to several albums-worth of songs that he has written but are unreleased/unrecorded including amongst others, concept albums based on the life of Michael Jackson ('Behind the Veil'), the history of the world ('Earth: The Story So Far') and ('Zorro the Fox') about a fictional superhero.
1051Their greatest hits, 'The Best of - A Life of Surprises', gave them their biggest U.S. hit, "If You Don't Love Me", which spent several weeks in the Top 10 on the dance chart.
1061Preemptive Strike (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
107-1After verifying her cover story, they quickly accept her into their ranks, although several of their number are concerned she may be a Federation spy and do not trust her.
1081She immediately forms a bond with Macias, an elderly and paternal Bajoran who is the leader of the Maquis cell, who Ro obviously sees as a father figure.
1091Soon after Ro joins the militants they hear rumors that the Cardassians are planning on arming their citizens in the zone with deadly Biogenic weapons.
1101Ro offers to steal the needed supplies from the 'Enterprise', however, another Maquis, mistrustful of Ro and planning to monitor her, 'volunteers' to tag along.
1111Predispositioning Theory
1121Since it is impossible to devise a deterministic chain linking the inter-mediate state with the outcome of the game, the most complex component of any indeterministic method is assessing these intermediate stages.
1131It is precisely the function of predispositions to assess the impact of an intermediate state upon the future course of development.”
1141According to Katsenelinboigen, calculus of predispositions is another method of computing probability.
115-1Both methods may lead to the same results and, thus, can be interchangeable.
116-1However, it is not always possible to interchange them since computing via frequencies requires availability of statistics, possibility to gather the data as well as having the knowledge of the extent to which one can interlink the systems constituent elements.
1171Predictive analytics
118-1Multivariate regression (above) is generally used when the response variable is continuous and has an unbounded range.
119-1Often the response variable may not be continuous but rather discrete.
120-1While mathematically it is feasible to apply multivariate regression to discrete ordered dependent variables, some of the assumptions behind the theory of multivariate linear regression no longer hold, and there are other techniques such as discrete choice models which are better suited for this type of analysis.
1211If the dependent variable is discrete, some of those superior methods are logistic regression, multinomial logit and probit models.
1221Predictions of Soviet collapse
1231The dimensions of this failure are astounding: A country which employs one-fifth of its population in agriculture is unable to feed its own people.
1241…Overcentralized, with little or no incentives, year after year the Soviet system pours its best resource into the making of instruments of destruction.
1251The constant shrinkage of economic growth combined with the growth of military production is putting a heavy strain on the Soviet people.
1261…What I am describing now is a plan and a hope for the long term the march of freedom and democracy which will leave Marxism-Leninism on the ash heap of history as it has left other tyrannies which stifle the freedom and muzzle the self-expression of the people.
1271Predictions of Soviet collapse
128-1"Given these judgments of the Soviet future made by political leaders and journalists, the question is why were they right and so many of our Sovietological colleagues wrong.
1291Reagan and Levin came from rightist backgrounds, and Moynihan, much like the leaders of the AFL-CIO, from a leftist anti-Stalinist social-democratic milieu, environments that disposed participants to believe the worst.
130-1Most of the Sovietologists, on the other hand, were left-liberal in their politics, an orientation that undermined their capacity to accept the view that economic statism, planning, socialist incentives, would not work.
1311They were also for the most part ignorant of, or ignored, the basic Marxist formulation that it is impossible to build socialism in impoverished societies."
1321Predicted effects of the FairTax
1331Proponents believe environmental benefits would result both indirectly and directly from implementation of the FairTax.
134-1The concepts of environmental economics come into play with some of the aspects suggested.
135-1With the subsequent increase of the used-goods market (and with new goods being taxed) it is suspected that people would put more emphasis on maintenance of things for longer use and better resale value, and that they may also shy away from disposable goods.
136-1This may reduce international shipping and consequent environmental impact, as well as production in countries with less stringent pollution controls.
1381To properly restore a Predicta (as well as other Philco sets of the era), the PC board must be removed from the chassis.
139-1They did the same with several other lines.
140-1Certain controls were known for failure.
1411In most cases, Sams Photofacts gives the equivalent circuit.
143-1Some critics claim that the idea that God is omnipotent and omniscient didn't formally exist in Judaism during the Biblical era, but rather was a later development due to the influence of neo-Platonic and neo-Aristotelian philosophy.
144-1Many modern Jewish thinkers in the 20th century have resolved the dialectical tension by holding that God is simply not omnipotent, in the commonly used sense of that word.
145-1Orthodox Jewish rabbis generally affirm that God must be viewed as omnipotent, but they have varying definitions of what the word 'omnipotent' means.
146-1Thus one finds that some Modern Orthodox theologians have views that are essentially the same as non-Orthodox theologians, but they use different terminology.
1471Predatory pricing
148-1Predatory pricing practices may result in antitrust claims of monopolization or attempts to monopolize.
1491Businesses with dominant or substantial market shares are more vulnerable to antitrust claims.
1501However, because the antitrust laws are ultimately intended to benefit consumers, and discounting results in at least short-term net benefit to consumers, the U.S. Supreme Court has set high hurdles to antitrust claims based on a predatory pricing theory.
151-1If there is a likelihood that market entrants will prevent the predator from recouping its investment through supra competitive pricing, then there is no probability of success and the antitrust claim would fail.
1521Predator (alien)
1531In the 'Aliens vs. Predator' novel series based on the Dark Horse Comics by David Bischoff, Steve and Stephani Perry, the Predators, known in the series as "Yautja", are depicted as living in a matriarchal clan-based society bearing similarities to a pack mentality, with the stronger and most skilled of the group being leader.
154-1Assuming the warrior was armed and expert, it might almost be an even match, but Dachande would put his wager on the female.
1551His most recent partner had tossed him across a room during the heat of their mating and that had been an accident..."'
1561'"Yautja females are bigger than males ... it also explained why this warrior was smarter than most of the Yautja he taught. "', Steve & Stephanie Perry and sporting more prominent mammary glands (like human females).
1571This musk can be detected by other Predators and canids, though it is imperceptible to humans.
159-1Social predation allows some animals to organize hunts of creatures that would easily escape a single predator; thus chimpanzees can prey upon colubus monkeys, and harrier hawks can cut off all possible escapes for a doomed rabbit.
160-1Extreme specialization of roles is evident in some hunting that requires co-operation between predators of very different species: humans with the aid of falcons or dogs, or fishing with cormorants or dogs.
1611Social predation is often very complex behavior, and not all social creatures (for example, domestic cats) perform it.
162-1Even without complex intelligence but instinct alone, some ant species can destroy much-larger creatures.
164-1It has been observed that well-fed predator animals in a lax captivity (for instance, pet or farm animals) will usually differentiate between putative prey animals who are familiar co-inhabitants in the same human area from wild ones outside the area.
165-1This interaction can range from peaceful coexistence to close companionship; motivation to ignore the predatory instinct may result from mutual advantage or fear of reprisal from human masters who have made clear that harming co-inhabitants will not be tolerated.
166-1Pet cats and pet mice, for example, may live together in the same human residence without incident as companions.
1671Pet cats and pet dogs under human mastership often depend on each other for warmth, companionship, and even protection, particularly in rural areas.
1681Precursors of film
1691Shadow shows are known from the earliest recorded times, and the principle that an image is visually retained for a short time after observation has ceased was observed in ancient times.
1701c. 3200 BC - An earthen bowl found in Shahr-i Sokhta, Iran, has five images of a goat painted along the sides.
171-1This is believed to be an example of early animation..
1721His lamp experiment, where several different light sources are arranged across a large area, is the first successful projection of an entire image from outdoors onto a screen indoors with the 'camera obscura'.
17311515 - Leonardo da Vinci describes a structure that would produce this effect.
17411544 - Reinerus Gemma-Frisius, a Dutch scientist, illustrates large rooms built for the purpose of viewing eclipses by this means.
17511588 - Giovanni Battista Della Porta tips off artists to this trick.
17611610 - Johannes Kepler refers to a construction that utilises this phenomenon as a 'camera obscura'.
1771c. 1610 - Della Porta perfected the camera obscura using a convex lens.
17811671 - Athanasius Kircher projects images painted on glass plates with an oil lamp and a lens, his 'Magic Lantern'.
17911724 - Johann Heinrich Schulze discovers that certain silver salts, most notably silver chloride and silver nitrate, darken in the presence of light.
180-1The article is often incorrectly cited as 'Persistence of Vision with Regard to Moving Objects', or 'On the Persistence of Vision with Regard to Human Motion', and given an incorrect date.
18111824/1827 - Nicéphore Niépce produces a permanent image on a bitumen-coated pewter plate exposed for eight hours.
18211826 - John Ayrton Paris markets the 'Thaumatrope', a card which, when spun, gives the illusion of movement.
18311831 - Faraday's Law of electromagnetic.
1841Precision Drilling
1851Precision incorporates
1861Precision becomes the majority shareholder in United Diamond Ltd., which designs, manufactures, rents and sells polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) drill bits.
1871Precision also receives an exclusive, worldwide license to Georservices' EM-MWD technology, using it extensively with the Computalog subsidiary.
18812001 Computalog U.S.A., Inc. acquires all shares of Premium Pump Services Inc., which provides pressure-pumping services like cementing, fracturing and other stimulation services.
1891Precision Drilling Corporation announces it has successfully operated its HEL MWD and PrecisionLWD tools.
19012005 Precision Drilling Corporation sells its Energy Services and International Drilling divisions to Weatherford International Ltd. for 26,000,000 common shares of Weatherford and $1 CAD.
1911Precision Drilling Corporation announces the sale of CEDA International Corporation for a price of approximately $274 million CAD.
1921Precision Castparts Corp.
1931The company manufactures a variety of parts for the aerospace industry including many jet engine components.
1941PCC also makes medical prostheses and parts for other industrial applications such as in the oil industry, the gas industry, and for use in power generating turbines for producing electricity.
1951They are considered a leader in the manufacturing of both jet engine airfoils and gas turbines used for generating electricity.
1961Other products made from the various metals are fasteners, products for the paper industry, parts used in the defense industry, and parts forthe automotive industry.
198-1A precinct is generally the lowest-level governmentally-related division in the United States, and in that context is also known in some places as an 'election district'.
1991Precincts usually do not have separate governmental authorities, but for purposes of conducting elections, an entity such as a county or township is typically subdivided into precincts and each address is assigned to a specific precinct.
2001Sometimes several precincts will use the same polling station.
2011A 2004 survey by the United States Election Assistance Commission reported an average precinct size in the United States of approximately 1,100 registered voters.
2031R. Intercede for your children so that, being faithful to the spirit of Opus Dei, we may sanctify our work, and win souls for Christ.
2041R. That all may be one, as you, Father, and I are one; that they may be one, as we are one.
2051Enkindle, O Lord, our hearts and minds with the fire of the Holy Spirit, that we may serve you with a chaste body and please you with a clean heart.
2061Direct, we beseech you, Lord, our actions by your inspirations, and further them by your assistance, so that every word and work of ours may begin always from you and by you be likewise ended.
208-1A 'precentor' is a person, usually a clergy member, who is in charge of preparing worship services.
209-1This position is usually held in a large church, and is typically used in the churches of the Anglican Communion.
210-1The precentor of a cathedral is usually a residentiary canon or prebendary, and may be assisted by a succentor (particularly in the daily task of leading choral singing).
211-1In some cathedrals (including Canterbury), the Precentor is a minor Canon, and therefore part of the Foundation, but not part of the Chapter.
2121Prebiotic (nutrition)
2131Studies have demonstrated positive effects on calcium and other mineral absorption and intestinal regularity.
214-1Recent human trials have reinforced the role of Prebiotics in preventing and possibly stopping early stage colon cancer.
215-1It has been argued that many of these health effects emanate not just from bifidogenic function of prebiotics, but also from increased production of short-chain fatty acids by the stimulated beneficial bacteria.
2161While research does clearly demonstrate that prebiotics lead to increased production of these SCFA, more research is required to establish a direct causal connection.
2171Preamble to the United States Constitution
2181("The Constitution was created by the people of the 'United States', as a union of 'states', to be governed solely by representatives of the 'states'."); ("By the constitution a government is ordained and established for the United States of America, and not for countries outside of their limits.
2191The guaranties it affords against accusation of capital or infamous crimes, except by indictment or presentment by a grand jury, and for an impartial trial by a jury when thus accused, apply only to citizens and others within the United States, or who are brought there for trial for alleged offenses committed elsewhere, and not to residents or temporary sojourners abroad.").
2201("The petitioner does not claim that he was not afforded a fair trial aside from the denial of his demand for a jury.
2211Inasmuch as unquestionably he obtained a trial more to his liking than he would have obtained in Shanghai in other than an American court sitting in Shanghai, and since the Supreme Court of this country has determined that the right of trial by jury does not obtain in an American court sitting in another country pursuant to treaty, it must be held that the allegations of petitioner's petition do not entitle him to release.").
2221Pre-sectarian Buddhism
223-1The term 'pre-sectarian Buddhism' is used by some scholars for example: '... stressed that the written canon in Buddhism is sectarian from the outset, and that presectarian Buddhism must be deduced from the writings as they now exist).'
224-1This kernel of doctrine is presumably common Buddhism of the period "before the schisms of the fourth and third centuries BC.
2251It may be substantially the Buddhism of the Buddha himself.
2261Pre-election day events of the Singapore general election, 2006
2271Lee highlighted the successes of the PAP government since the last election, especially in creating jobs, reducing unemployment, retraining workers, and investing in young people.
2281He argued that the strategies were working and economy was striving, and that PAP had united the people under the threat of terrorism.
229-1He reminded viewers that Singapore would have great opportunities as well as major challenges ahead as Asia was rising, and the PAP would make Singapore a land of opportunity for all people, and each person could find his or her own niche and excel.
2301He said that the government would educate each Singaporean to be the best they can be.
2311Pre-Islamic period of Afghanistan
232-1It is not yet clear, however, to what extent these periods were contemporaneous with similar stages of development in other geographic regions.
233-1Urban civilization, which includes most of Iran, Afghanistan, North Western Province of Pakistan which are Pashtoons, may have begun as early as 3000 to 2000 BCE (see also Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex and Indus Valley Civilization).
234-1The ancient city of Mudigak may have been a provincial colony of the Indus Valley Civilization or closely affiliated, but this remains largely circumstantial and speculative.
2351Archaeological finds also indicate the possible beginnings of the Bronze Age which would ultimately spread throughout the ancient world from Afghanistan.
2361Pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact
2371Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés records several such legends in his 'General y natural historia de las Indias' of 1526, which includes biographical information on Columbus.
2381The crew gathered supplies and made its way back to Europe, but the trip took several months and the captain and most of the men died before reaching land.
2391The ship's pilot, a man from somewhere in the Iberian peninsula (Oviedo says different versions have him as Portuguese, Basque, or Andalusian), and very few others finally made it to Portugal, but all were very ill.
2401People in Oviedo's time knew this story in several versions, but Oviedo regarded it as myth.
2421By the first millennium, South Americas vast rainforests, mountains, plains, and coasts were the home of tens of millions of people.
243-1Some groups formed permanent settlements.
2441Among those groups were the Chibchas (or "Muiscas" or "Muyscas"), Valdivia and the Tairona.
2451The Chibchas of Colombia, Valdivia of Ecuador, the Quechuas of Peru, and the Aymara of Bolivia were the four most important sedentary Amerindian groups in South America.
2461Prayer (song)
2471Because of the subject matter...we needed something grandiose like an earthquake or a meteor shower or some kind of act of God to show the hand of the supernatural or some greater power."
2481Draiman said, "[The video is] about getting through life's obstacles and all the tests that fate may throw at you in the process.
2491It's trying to convince you that you have the strength to get through whatever trials and tribulations may come your way.
250-1Despite "Prayer" receiving little airplay, Disturbed continued to promote the music video by including it on their album, 'Believe', and by posting it on various websites.
252-1Adherents believe that this can result in healing, by bringing spiritual reality (the "Kingdom of Heaven" in Biblical terms) into clearer focus in the human scene.
2531The world as it appears to the senses is regarded as a distorted version of the world of spiritual ideas.
254-1Christian Scientists believe that prayer does not change the spiritual creation but gives a clearer view of it, and the result appears in the human scene as healing: the human picture adjusts to coincide more nearly with the divine reality.
255-1Christian Scientists do not practice intercessory prayer as it is commonly understood, and they generally avoid combining prayer with medical treatment in the belief that the two practices tend to work against each other.
2561(However, the choice of healing method is regarded as a matter for the individual, and the Christian Science Church exerts no pressure on members to avoid medical treatment if they wish to avail of it as an alternative to Christian Science healing.)
2571The Christian Scientists' aim is "to reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing" (Manual of The Mother Church, ) which, they believe, was lost after the early centuries of Christianity.
2581This is a faith in the omnipotence of God, which according to the Christian Science interpretation of the Bible, logically rules out any other power: .
2591The Christian Science view is that Jesus taught that we should claim good as being present, right here and now, and that this will result in healing: (; ).
2611Nothing is said about syntax, morphology or phonology.
262-1Most Pravic words in the book are proper names (said to be generated randomly by a computer), and they are two-syllable words with five or six phonemes (of the form CVCVC, where C = consonant, V = vowel), if one counts the groups 'sh', 'gv' and 'kv' as single consonants, which they probably are.
2631'Gv' appears several times word-finally ('Kadagv, Farigv') and word-initially ('Gvarab'), and 'kv' at least once word-initially ('Kvetur'), and once medially ('Takver'); they are suggestive of labiovelar consonants.
2641Other than that, consonant clusters seem rare; there is a person named Trepil and another named Skovan.
2651Prasenjit Chatterjee
2661It is more like a senior staffer who has put in many years of service in his company feels a sense of belonging, a sense of responsibility for that company.
267-1It is as simple as that,” says this actor who does not bother about the numerous critics and intellectuals who do not like his acting at all.
2681He is clearly a directors actor as his portrayals in the films of Tapan Sinha, Rituparno Ghosh and Buddhadeb Dasgupta go to prove.
2691His low-profile portrayal of a young boy who runs a bookshop in a small town in Tapan Sinhas Aatanka is another case in point.
2711The powder made by grinding up such sugar-coated nuts is called 'pralin', and is an ingredient in many cakes, pastries, and ice creams.
2721When this powder is mixed with chocolate it becomes 'praliné' in French, which gave birth to what is known in French as 'praline belge', 'Belgian chocolates'.
2731The word 'praliné' is used colloquially in France and Switzerland to refer to these, known simply as 'chocolates' in English i.e. various centres coated with chocolate.
2741Outside of the United States, the word praline is used to mean this powder, or even a paste, often used to fill chocolates, hence its use by synecdoche in Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium to refer to filled chocolates in general.
2751In the United Kingdom, the term can refer either to praline (the filling for chocolates) or, less commonly, to the original whole-nut pralines.
2771'Prakrit' (also transliterated as 'Pracrit') (Sanskrit: ) is the name for a group of Middle Indic, Indo-Aryan languages, derived from Classical Sanskrit and other Old Indic dialects.
278-1The word itself has a flexible definition, being defined sometimes as, "original, natural, artless, normal, ordinary, usual", or "vernacular", in contrast to the literary and religious orthodoxy of ''.
279-1But there are scholars who believe that prakrit is older than sanskrit and it is on the base of prakrit(original) the language sanskrit(refined) was made.
2801This also is in tune with the jain religion where the first tirthankar is adinath himself.
2811The Prakrits became literary languages, generally patronized by kings identified with the Kshatriya caste, but were regarded as illegitimate by the Brahmin orthodoxy.
2821The various Prakrit languages are associated with different patron dynasties, with different religions and different literary traditions, as well as different regions of the Indian subcontinent.
2831Prairie Vole
2841Though poison is an option to prevent voles, poisoned voles can create a threat to other animals and humans.
2851Voles are prey for other predators.
2861In addition, when placing poison near vole entrances, other animals may be able to reach it making it a hazard to them.
2871In residential areas, the poison itself and poisoned voles can be harmful and/or dangerous to people as well as domesticated animals.
2881Prairie Knolls Middle School
2891On the web page of the Falcons read the following.
290-1It is hard to believe that we are about ready to say good -bye to our second year at Prairie Knolls Middle School.
2911Without the dedication and hard work of these individuals, evenings like Explore PKMS would not be possible.
292-1She has coached for many years and brings many assets to the program.
2931We wish the best of luck to both Mr. Janisch and Ms. Brackmann.
2941Prague Astronomical Clock
295-1The Orloj stopped working many times in the centuries after 1552, and was repaired many times.
296-1Some speculate that the government purposely gouged out the original maker's eyes in order to prevent him from making a similar clock for another country.
2971After this he died touching the clock, at which point the clock stopped working and remained unrepairable for a number of years.
2981In the 17th century moving statues were added, and figures of the Apostles were added after major repair in 1865-1866.
3001C.S. Peirce considered the idea that beliefs are true at one time but false at another (or true for one person but false for another) to be one of the "seeds of death by which James allowed his pragmatism to become "infected."
3011For Peirce the pragmatic view implies theoretical claims should be tied to verification processes (i.e. they should be subject to test).
3021Truth is defined, for Peirce, as what 'would' be the ultimate outcome (not any outcome in real time) of inquiry by a (usually scientific) community of investigators.
3031Hilary Putnam also developed his internal realism around the idea a belief is true if it is ideally justified in epistemic terms.
3051In clearness's second grade, he defines truth as a sign's correspondence to its object, and the real as the object of such correspondence, such that truth and the real are independent of that which you or I or any definite community of researchers think.
306-1Then in clearness's third grade (the pragmatic grade), he defines the truth as that which would be reached, sooner or later but still inevitably, by research adequately prolonged, such that the real does depend on that final opinion — a dependence to which he appeals in theoretical arguments elsewhere, for instance for the long-term validity of the rule of induction "That the rule of induction will hold good in the long run may be deduced from the principle that reality is only the object of the final opinion to which sufficient investigation would lead", and, given the final ineradicability of error from measurement, not only for the view that space will never be found to be exactly Euclidean "I think we may feel confident that the parallax of the farthest star lies somewhere between -0.'05 and +0.'15, and within another century our grandchildren will surely know whether the three angles of a triangle are greater or less than 180° — that they are exactly that amount is what nobody ever can be justified in concluding." —, but also for the reality of chance and the real's lack of positive exactness.
307-1Peirce's discussions and definitions of truth have influenced several epistemic truth theorists and been used as foil for deflationary and correspondence theories of truth.
3081Pragati Maidan
3091It is a huge complex of buildings spread across acres of land sprinkled with many lawns.
3101The complex houses many pavilions like the Nehru Pavilion, the Defense Pavilion, the Indira Pavilion, and the Son of India Pavilion.
311-1It has various building which are build in various shapes and sizes.
312-1Pragati maidan houses a movie theatre called Shakuntalam, it's quite popular among college kids for its comparatively cheap tickets.
3131Praetorians (video game)
3141Members of an alliance may not attack one another.
3151In times of crisis team members can call upon each other via the message line: "We need help."
3161'Praetorians' differs from other games of its genre in that resources do not play a part in it.
3171In most real time strategy games, items such as wood, food, gold, stone and glory must be collected, to be spent during the creation of troops.
3181Pradal Serey
319-1While most well-known for its kicking technique, which generates power from hip rotation rather than snapping the leg, pradal serey consists of four types of strikes: punches, kicks, elbows and knee strikes.
3201Compared to other forms of Southeast Asian kickboxing, pradal serey tends to emphasize more elusive and shifty fighting stances.
3211The Cambodian style also tends to utilize more elbow techniques than that of other regions.
3221More victories come by way of an elbow technique than any other strikes.
3231Practice pad
324-1Practice pad implements can be constructed in a variety of shapes and sizes, and by typical design, may be adequately compact (thin) and lightweight for ease in transport.
325-1A simulation of snare-drum-style resonance can be implied via various hardware features added to the implement.
326-1These devices can be placed on a myriad of surfaces, including directly onto the top batter head of an actual 14” snare drum or other drum (one possessing a true rim bearing a diameter greater than the total span of the base of the device), which, when struck, could have the added effect of transferring to the drums natural snare-side response along with severely muting the sound of the drum.
327-1Several like units are often mounted in an array, akin to that of a standard drum kit assemblage for practice purposes, and so on.
3281Practice of law
329-1In its most general sense, the 'practice of law' involves giving legal advice to clients, drafting legal documents for clients, and representing clients in legal negotiations and court proceedings such as lawsuits, and is applied to the professional services of a lawyer or attorney at law, barrister, solicitor, or civil law notary.
330-1However, there is a substantial amount of overlap between the practice of law and various other professions where clients are represented by agents.
3311Moreover, a growing number of legal document assistants (LDAs) are offering services which have traditionally been offered only by lawyers and their employee paralegals.
332-1Many documents may now be created by computer-assisted drafting libraries, where the clients are asked a series of questions posed by the software in order to construct the legal documents.
3341After which the party came forward with a strategy of democratic republic rather than a peoples republic.
3351Dr. Bhattarais work-strategy has worked out till date, which put forward the party as a major key holder of the nations politics.
3361Chairman Prachanda and Dr. Bhattarai seem at one side keeping some disagreement with the work strategy with the other senior leader Mohan Vaidya alias Kiran.
3371The two leaders agree strengthening the newly established democratic republic rather than implementing a peoples republic immediately.
3381Prabhat Kalavidaru
3391Prabhat Kalavidaru has produced about 20 ballets; some of which are 'Mohini Bhasmasura', 'Karnataka Vaibhava', 'Kindari Jogi', 'Rama Pratiksha', and 'Punyakoti'.
3401Lot of experimentation is involved in enacting these dramas like amalgamating Western dance forms with Indian classical dance forms to create some sort of a fusion dance style and also using special lighting techniques to enhance the appeal of the drama.
3411Prabhat Kalavidaru were one of first theatre groups in India to introduce pre-recorded dialogues and lip-synchronisation.
342-1The troupe's most popular production to date is Cinderella which has been performed more than a thousand times.
3431Poeme Symphonique for 100 metronomes
3441The piece requires ten "performers", and most of their efforts take place without the audience present.
3451Once they are all fully wound they are all started as simultaneously as possible.
3461As the metronomes wind down one after another and stop, periodicity becomes noticeable in the sound, and individual metronomes can be more clearly made out.
3471The piece typically ends with just one metronome ticking alone for a few beats.
3481Poznań 1956 protests
3491The 'Poznań 1956 protests' (also known as 'Poznań 1956 uprising' or 'Poznań June' ) were the first of several massive protests of the Polish people against the communist government of the People's Republic of Poland.
3501A crowd of approximately 100,000 gathered in the city center near the UB secret police building. 400 tanks and 10,000 soldiers of Ludowe Wojsko Polskie and Korpus Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego under Polish-Soviet general Stanislav Poplavsky were ordered to suppress the demonstration and during the pacification fired at the protesting civilians.
3511The death toll was placed between 57 and 78 people, including a 13-year-old boy, Romek Strzałkowski. Hundreds of people sustained injuries.
3521Poznań 1956 protests
3531Around 80% of its workers, most of whom lost premium pay in June as the government suddenly raised the required work quota, took to the streets demanding pay compensation and some freedom concessions, marching towards the city centre.
3541Workers at other plants, institutions and students joined the procession.
3551Between 9:00 am and 11:00 am, about 100,000 people gathered on the Adam Mickiewicz Square in front of the Imperial Castle in Poznań, surrounded by buildings occupied by the city and party authorities and police headquarters.
3561The demonstrators demanded lower food prices, wage increases and the revocation of some recent changes in the law that had eroded workers' conditions.
3581Powerlifting, in most federations, involves three events: squat, bench press and deadlift.
3591Some variations of this are found at some meets such "push-pull only" meets where lifters only compete in the bench press and deadlift, with the bench press coming first and the deadlift after.
3601Single lift meets are often held, sometimes alongside a normal 3-lift event.
3611This is most common in the bench press.
3621Powered parachute
3631Wind hazards include terrain-induced air disturbances called rotors (it is advisable to stay upwind of trees, mountains, and other obstacles that disturb the flow of the wind).
3641Wake turbulence created by the passage of other aircraft, especially aircraft that are heavy, aerodynamically clean, and slow pose another significant hazard.
3651And since the slow-moving powered parachute (like the helicopter) is particularly well equipped to fly safely near the ground, special care must be taken to avoid power lines, trees, and other low-level terrain obstacles.
366-1Forced landings in water are extremely dangerous, for pilot and/or passenger may become entangled in the parachute lines of a sinking powered parachute.
368-1While many aircraft are physically capable of performing powerbacks, many companies impose restrictions on the practice, mainly due to the risk of foreign object damage from debris propelled into the air.
369-1Northwest Airlines' fleet of DC-9 aircraft used to commonly utilize powerback operations at certian airports, however the airline discontinued the practice in 2005 citing the need to conserve fuel.
3701In addition, in the United States, restrictions on powerbacks are enforced by the FAA, and the local aviation officials.
371-1Only certain gates at certain airports are approved for powerbacks, and are usually placarded as such.
372-1Many airlines impose stricter safety procedures for powerbacks, which often include disallowing a powerback under certain environmental conditions, such as rain or snow.
3731PowerPC 600
374-1In order to achieve an extremely aggressive schedule while including substantially new function (such as substantial performance enhancements, new instructions and importantly POWER/PowerPC's first symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) implementation) the design leveraged a number of key technologies and project management strategies.
375-1The 601 team leveraged much of the basic structure and portions of the IBM RISC Single Chip (RSC) processor, but also included support for the vast majority of the new PowerPC instructions not in the POWER instruction set.
376-1While nearly every portion of the RSC design was modified, and many design blocks were substantially modified or completely redesigned given the completely different unified I/O bus structure and SMP/memory coherency support.
3771Worth noting is that the 601 not only implemented substantial new key functions such as SMP, but it also acted as a bridge between the POWER and the future PowerPC processors to assist IBM, Apple, and other system vendors and software groups in their transitions to PowerPC.
3781Power: A New Social Analysis
3791He claims that, on the one hand, the economic determinists had underestimated the power of opinion.
3801However, on the other hand, he argues that the case is easy to make that 'all' power is power over opinion: for "Armies are useless unless the soldiers believe in the cause for which they are fighting...
3811Law is impotent unless it is generally respected."
3821Still, he admits that military force may cause opinion, and (with few exceptions) be the thing that imbues opinion with power in the first place:
3831Power: A New Social Analysis
3841First, it must be pursued only as a means to some end, and not as an end in itself; moreover, if it is an end in itself, then it must be of comparatively lower value than one's other goals.
3851Second, the ultimate goal must be to help satisfy the desires of others.
3861Third, the means by which one pursues one's goal must not be egregious or malign, such that they outweigh the value of the end; as (for instance) the gassing of children for the sake of future democracy (Russell 1938:201).
3871This is explicitly intended as one possible argument against utilitarianism, though Russell does not take it to be decisive.
388-1Fourth, moral doctrines should aim toward truth and honesty, not the manipulation of others (Russell 1938:216-218).
3891Power trio
3901During the late 1960s, many groups used power trio instrumentation while adding a vocalist.
3911These include The Who, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, and Queen (even though Freddie Mercury, too, was an instrumentalist, some of the band's songs follow this format).
392-1Although none of these were ever particularly identified as such, the music that they created is influenced by, and follows the same musical format as, many of the pioneering power trios.
3931Likewise, Mountain is often erroneously referred to as a power trio, even though there were four instrumentalists (guitar, bass, drums, and keyboards) in the band.
3941Power ring (DC Comics)
3951Violet power rings are fueled by the emotion of love, one of the two emotions (the other being rage) that most influence their user.
3961At present, members of the Star Sapphires have only been depicted as being female; however, during the 'Blackest Night' panel at Comic Con International 2009, Geoff Johns explained that "anyone can join, but most men are not worthy.
3971While trapped within these rehabilitation crystals, members of other corps have been shown to be slowly converted into Star Sapphires.
3981Violet rings are able to detect when true love is being threatened, can create a connection to an embattled heart and use it as a tether, and are also shown as being able to show others their greatest love.'
3991Power pop
4001The accompanying -selling album, 'Get the Knack', paved the way for major label debuts that fall by The Pop, Shoes, 20/20 and The Beat.
4011However, "My Sharona"'s ubiquitous radio presence that summer spawned a popular and critical backlash against the band, which in turn led to a backlash against the power pop genre in general.
4021The Romantics had a minor hit with "What I Like About You" in early 1980, but, by then, power pop was seen as a passing fad by many critics.
4031Most of this crop of bands continued to release albums throughout the early 1980s, but with the exception of The Romantics' 'In Heat' (1983), none garnered much attention.
4041Other groups such as The Plimsouls and the dB's found a home on college radio, where power pop would endure for the remainder of the decade.
4051Power play (sport)
4061In lacrosse, a similar type of penalty situation exists, though the duration of the penalty is only 30 seconds for minor infractions and one minute for major ones, as well as 3 minute penalties for certain equipment infractions.
4071Depending on the infraction, the penalty may "release" early if a goal is scored by either team, or may be "non-releasable," meaning the full duration must be served.
4081This situation is also often called an "extra man offense" (EMO) or "man up", or "man down", depending on the team penalized.
4091In indoor soccer, in the forms usually played in the United States, there exists a powerplay situation similar to ice hockey.
4101Power optimization (EDA)
411-1This design practice may require the use of level-shifters when two blocks with different supply voltages communicate with each other.
4121In the simplest form there are two different thresholds available, common called High-Vt and Low-Vt, where Vt stands for threshold voltage.
413-1Stacking and parking states: Logic gates may leak differently during logically equivalent input states (say 10 on a NAND gate, as opposed to 01).
414-1State machines may have less leakage in certain states.
4151Power metal
4161Power metal is highly focused on the vocalist, with "clean" vocals being much more prevalent than the growled or screamed vocals often associated with death metal and black metal.
4171Following in the tradition of Ronnie James Dio, Bruce Dickinson, Rob Halford and other heavy metal vocalists, power metal vocals are often in a high register.
4181The majority of the genre's vocalists sing in the tenor range, capable of hitting very high notes, like Timo Kotipelto of Stratovarius, Michele Luppi of Vision Divine, Michael Kiske (ex-Helloween) or Ralf Scheepers of Primal Fear.
4191There are however many exceptions such as Pyramaze / Iced Earth frontman Matt Barlow, Falconer frontman Mathias Blad, and Sabaton frontman Joakim Broden; they sing in either baritone or bass range, though in certain songs like Creator Failure, Barlow hits very high notes reminiscent of Rob Halford.
4201Power cord
4211Power cables may be either fixed or detachable from the appliance.
4221Cords may also have twist-locking features, or other attachments to prevent accidental disconnection at one or both ends.
4231A cord set may include accessories such as fuses for overcurrent protection, a pilot lamp to indicate voltage is present, or a leakage current detector.
4241Power cords for sensitive instruments, or audio/video equipment may also include a shield over the power conductors to minimize electromagnetic interference.
4251Power Shift
4261The first Power Shift Conference took place from November 2 to 5, 2007 with between 5,000 and 6,000 students and young people in attendance.
427-1It is claimed that due to the number of young people who attended the conference, it is the largest activist youth event on climate change in history.
4281At the University of Maryland, College Park, a rally of between 2,000 and 3,000 people on the steps of the Capitol building and a Lobby Day.
429-1The event was also attended by a number of keynote speakers which included Al Gore The main aim of the first conference was to urge elected officials to pass legislation which would include three planks taken from the platform of the climate advocacy coalition 1Sky:
4301The creation of a 5 million-strong Clean Energy Job Corps
431-1The reduction of greenhouse gases to 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050, which scientists say is the baseline for mitigating the worst effects of global warming
4321A moratorium on new coal plants and divestment from fossil fuel and highway subsidies.
4331Power Quest (video game)
4341Once you arrive at a location, a character appears on the screen with some dialogue.
435-1More often than not this dialog involves the character challenging you to a fight.
436-1You progress through the game by challenging a certain amount of people before the next event is triggered.
4371Then special events pop up throughout the game after this number is met which usually involve a tournament or beating some strong boss (video games) type character.
4381Power Movie List
4391It lets users catalog movies with detailed information from big movie sites like IMDb, the German, and other online-databases.
440-1The script will download information such as the director, the genre, the production year, and many other information automatically.
441-1The complete script can still be downloaded from many script sites.
442-1The IMDB Fetch Script may be out of date, however there are links to updated versions at the end of this article, and in the new support forum.
4431Power Instinct
444-1Gameplay was also improved in some areas, and super attacks were made easier to execute.
445-1Some allow the player to change certain characteristics of the characters, others are used to view special music video clips, and others to call strange characters to help the player in battle.
446-1The game has the same backgrounds and all the characters from 'Matrimelee', and because of that it is usually described as a port of the game, while in fact the game's story takes place after the events from the previous game, making it a sort of sequel or update.
447-1It is possible that this is due to the very little chance of marketing the series ever had outside of its country of origin.
4481Power (philosophy)
449-1One can often overlook unmarked categories.
450-1Whiteness forms an unmarked category not commonly visible to the powerful, as they often fall within this category.
4511The unmarked category becomes the norm, with the other categories relegated to deviant status.
452-1Social groups can apply this view of power to race, gender, and disability without modification: the able body is the neutral body; the 'man' is the normal status.
4541To understand drum protocol, a drum may be thought of as a person or being and is to be regarded and respected as such.
4551Northern drums are set up on the outside of the dance area, with the host drum in the best position.
4561Musicians may not casually leave the drum, and it may never be left completely by itself till it is carried out at the end.
4571People bring water to the drummers and generally assist the players as needed.
4581Poverty threshold
459-1For example, a person who lives in a home with a mud floor is considered severely deprived of shelter.
460-1A person who never attended school and cannot read is considered severely deprived of education.
461-1A person who has no newspaper, radio, television, or telephone is considered severely deprived of information.
462-1All people who meet any two of these conditions — for example, they live in homes with mud floors 'and' cannot read — are considered to be living in absolute poverty.
4631Poverty in India
4641More than 103 million people have moved out of desperate poverty in the course of one generation in urban and rural areas as well.
4651They project that if India can achieve 7.3% annual growth over the next 20 years, 465 million more people will be spared a life of extreme deprivation.
466-1Contrary to popular perceptions, rural India has benefited from this growth: extreme rural poverty has declined from 94% in 1985 to 61% in 2005, and they project that it will drop to 26% by 2025.
467-1Report concludes that 'India's economic reforms and the increased growth that has resulted have been the most successful anti-poverty programmes in the country'.
4681Poverty in China
4691Market reform has dramatically increased the return to education, as it indicates that there are good opportunities for skilled people and as it creates a powerful incentive for families to increase the education of their children.
4701Otherwise, inequality can become self-perpetuating: if only high-income people can educate their children, then that group remains a privileged, high-income group permanently.
471-1China is at some risk of falling into this trap, because it has developed a highly decentralized fiscal system in which local governments rely primarily on local tax collection to provide basic services such as primary education and primary health care.
472-1China in fact has one of the most decentralized fiscal systems in the world.
4731Poverty in China
4741In the same way that people are either registered as urban or rural, land in China is zoned as either rural or urban.
4751In urban areas people can easily sell their land and buildings, or mortgage them to borrow.
476-1The fact that many peasants cannot earn a decent living as farmers is a signal that their labor is more useful in urban employment, hence the hundreds of millions of people who have migrated.
4771But, at the same time, it is efficient to alienate some of the land out of agriculture for urban use.
4781Poverty in Africa
479-1In addition, most African nations have borrowed substantial sums of money.
480-1As such, many newly democratic nations in Africa are saddled with debt run up by totalitarian regimes.
481-1Large debts usually result in little being spent on social services, such as education, pensions, or medical care.
482-1In addition, most of the debt currently owed (approximately $321 billion (U.S.) in 1996
4841Rises in the costs of living make poor people poorer.
4851Poor people spend a greater portion of their budgets on food than richer people.
486-1For example in late 2007 increases in the price of grains led to food riots in some countries.
4871The World Bank warned that 100 million people were at risk of sinking deeper into poverty.
4891Several Québécois communities claim to be the birthplace of poutine, including Drummondville (by Jean-Paul Roy in 1964), Article on Poutine coming to New York City Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, and Victoriaville.
4901One often-cited tale is that of Fernand Lachance, from Warwick, Quebec, which claims that poutine was invented in 1957, when a customer ordered fries while waiting for his cheese curds from the Kingsey cheese factory in Kingsey Falls (now in Warwick and owned by Saputo Incorporated).
491-1Lachance is said to have exclaimed 'ça va faire une maudite poutine' ("it will make a damn mess"), hence the name.
492-1The sauce was allegedly added later, to keep the fries warm longer.
4931Pourquoi story
494-1The Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling, many of which give explanations for the origin of animals and their characteristics.
4951Australian Aboriginal dreamtime stories, such as the Rainbow Serpent.
496-1Certain tall tales include pourquoi elements, such as Pecos Bill taming his horse, Widowmaker.
4971The horse bucked and kicked so much that she dug out the Grand Canyon.
4981The Epic of Gilgamesh includes many pourquoi stories from Mesopotamian folklore: how the Beqa'a Valley was formed, why meat becomes rancid when left in the sun, and why snakes shed their skins while people (who are mortal) do not.
4991Origin stories, explaining how a comic book hero or heroine came to have their special characteristics.
5001Alamat, very loosely translated into "legend," are stories in Philippine Folk Literature which explain how things came to be.
501-1They normally involve people being transformed into animals and plants because of certain untoward habits they have.
5021An example would be the Alamat of the Pineapple where a girl who is too lazy to look for things is transformed into a fruit with numerous "eyes."
5041There was another station, Poulton Curve Halt, for Fleetwood to Blackpool trains, between 1909 and 1952.
505-1Market Square - The square is now closed to traffic and contains several features of historical note.
5061Pubs and clubs - Poulton is known for its many drinking establishments, restaurants and nightclubs.
507-1These include "The Golden Ball", the town's most notable public house, where victory over Napolean at Waterloo was announced and "The Bull Inn" once one of Poulton's three Coaching inns.
5091Husqvarna also provides lawn mowers, lawn tractors, and other yard equipment to Sears to be sold as the Craftsman brand.
510-1Sears also carries some Poulan and Husqvarna products.
5111Husqvarna produces products under many brand names.
512-1Visit to view some of them, or this site, , for various examples.
5131Potts Point, New South Wales
5141At the turn of the 21st century, almost all of Potts Point's hotels were acquired by developers attracted by the area's proximity to transportation and amenities.
515-1By 2004 most tourist hotels had been converted or rebuilt as high end apartment developments, resulting in a rapid wider gentrification of the area - and increasingly large gay community - although the continued presence of a number of large backpacker hostels along with dozens of pubs, nightclubs, restaurants and similar venues have confirmed the suburb's role as one of Sydney's leading entertainment precincts.
5161Sydney City Council has commenced a major streetscape upgrade centred on Darlinghurst Road and the southern part of Macleay Street, involving footpath-widening, roadside tree-plantings and the installation of new paving, street furniture and lighting.
5171Plans to force the replacement of historic neon shopfront and awning signage on strip clubs and other adult commercial premises in the area with generic signage proved more controversial and have not been implemented.
5181Wylde Street home (1922), formerly home of William Scott Fell, shipping merchant, Tusculum, Manning Street
5191Potton Island
520-1Unlike some of the other nearby islands which were formerly marshland, Potton Island has been inhabited at least since the Neolithic era.
5211It was home to several arable farms until it flooded in 1884, leading to its temporary abandonment and longer term use as pasture.
5221The island was reclaimed in the 1940s but some time after being acquired by the Ministry of Defence in 1955 it reverted to pasture.
5231It has recently been disclosed (June 2005) that Potton Island was considered by the UK government in the 1980s or 1990s as a potential long term storage site for high level nuclear waste.
525-1King Street, half the Market Square and some of the Brook End area were destroyed.
526-1It was reported to have burned for a day.
5271Local people raised L6,000 to help those most in need.
5281Providing temporary accommodation in nearby fields for the townsfolk alone cost L25,000.
5291Rebuilding after the fire has left the town with a number of Georgian buildings.
531-1This is the earliest and the most individualized and direct forming method.
532-1Wares can be constructed by hand from coils of clay, from flat slabs of clay, from solid balls of clay — or some combination of these.
5331Parts of hand-built vessels are often joined together with the aid of slurry or slip, a runny mixture of clay and water.
534-1Some studio potters find hand building more conducive to fully using the imagination to create one-of-a-kind works of art, while others find this with the wheel.
5351Potteries dialect
5361"Nesh" meaning soft, tender, or to easily get cold is derived from the early English, “nesc, nescenes.”
5371"Slat" meaning to throw, is from the old English “slath,” moved.
5381"Fang" meaning catch or seize, as in "Fang 'owt of this" - "catch hold of this", is from Old English "fang, fangen".
5391"Sheed" meaning to spill liquids, most likely derived from the word "shed" in the sense of getting rid of something.
5401"Cost keck a bow aggen a woe an y'ed it till thee bost it?" meaning, "Can you kick a ball against a wall and head it till you burst it?"
5411"Duck" a common term of affection towards both men and women as in "Tow rate owd duck?".
5421Duck being derived from the Saxon word "ducas" as a term of respect, which by another route is where the word "Duke" arises from in English.
543-1Duck in this context may also relate to the Roman military honorific "Dux", meaning troop or tribal leader, but it is unclear if ducas pre-dates Dux or if they are etymologically related.
5441"Spanwanned" (agricultural) meaning the state of being stuck astride a wall whilst attempting to climb over it.
5451Potter's wheel
5461Early ceramics built by coiling were often placed on mats or large leaves to allow them to be worked more conveniently.
547-1The earliest versions of the wheel were probably turned slowly by hand or by foot while coiling a pot, but later developments allowed energy stored in a flywheel to be used to speed up the process of throwing.
548-1Many modern scholars suggest that it was first developed in Mesopotamia, although Egypt has also been claimed as a possible place of origin.
5491By the time of the early civilizations of the stone Age the use of the potter's wheel had become widespread.
5501Potsdamer Platz
5511Despite all the devastation, commercial life reappeared in the ruins around Potsdamer Platz within just a few weeks of wars end.
5521The lower floors of a few buildings were patched up enough to allow business of a sort to resume.
5531The new East German state-owned retail business H.O. ('Handelsorganisation', meaning Trading Organisation), had seized almost all of Wertheims former assets in the newly-created German Democratic Republic but, unable to start up the giant Leipziger Platz store again (it was too badly damaged), it opened a new 'Kaufhaus' (department store) on the ground floor of Columbushaus.
5541Since the American, British and Soviet Occupation Zones converged there, people theoretically only had to walk a few paces across sector boundaries to avoid the respective Police officials.
5561Potluck dinners are often organized by religious or community groups, since they simplify the meal planning and distribute the costs among the participants.
5571Smaller, more informal get-togethers with distributed food preparation may also be called potlucks.
5581In some cases each participant agrees ahead of time to bring a single course, and the result is a multi-course meal.
5591Guests may bring in any form of food, ranging from the main course to desserts.
5611Before the arrival of the Europeans, gifts included storable food (oolichan [candle fish] oil or dried food), canoes, and slaves among the very wealthy, but otherwise not income-generating assets such as resource rights.
562-1Some groups, such as the Kwakwaka'wakw, used the potlatch as an arena in which highly competitive contests of status took place.
563-1In some cases, goods were actually destroyed after being received, or instead of being given away.
5641The catastrophic mortalities due to introduced diseases laid many inherited ranks vacant or open to remote or dubious claim-providing they could be validated-with a suitable potlatch.
5651Potential (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
5661Buffy and the other Slayers watch and learn from this example and Buffy lectures the girls on how to deal with vampire attacks.
5671Buffy has Spike attack her to continue, but she easily gets the upper hand and pins Spike to the ground, reawakening some of his wounds and some feelings for both of them.
5681They believe the First is taking a brief break from them, but it will come back stronger and better than before.
5691While Dawn watches silently from the stairs, Buffy tries to give the girls another pep talk.
5711The mathematical study of potentials is known as potential theory; it is the study of harmonic functions on manifolds.
5721In physics, a 'potential' may refer to the scalar potential or to the vector potential.
573-1In either case, it is a field defined in space, from which many important physical properties may be derived.
5741Leading examples are the gravitational potential and the electric potential, from which the motion of gravitating or electrically charged bodies may be obtained.
5761At first, she could not say anything but "honi", a nonsense phrase which she often utters even after learning how to say a few words like Sunao's name.
5771Potemayo is also telepathic, at least when others are thinking about her Sunao, and becomes violent when she "hears" Mikan even thinking about Sunao.
5781A small chick named hangs around Potemayo and will often sit on her head.
5791A running gag with Tori is that it will often eat things made with eggs or chicken, making Sunao call it a cannibal.
5811::Guchuko is another mysterious creature that appeared in Sunao's refrigerator, and is somewhat similar to Potemayo in appearance.
5821The name Guchuko is derived from a small chocolate ball called a guchu which Guchuko likes to eat, and added at the end, since it is a common ending for female given names in Japan.
583-1Since it was too late to correct, the author stated, "so please take it as a vulgar and savage scythe edged outside, as it would fit Guchuko's character." with a skull on it, and can fire strong energy beams from two living horns (or possiblyworms) on either side of her head.
5841She has a very self-sufficient personality, and has only partially warmed up to Kyo, who often gives Guchuko food when at school or at home; Guchuko often repays Kyo by putting pig or cow carcasses in front of her house.
5851Potawatomi Trail of Death
5861The march to Logansport had been under a hot sun through the dust cloud kicked up by the movement of people and animals.
5871There were sick people and people dying in all directions.
5881The heat has weakened most if not all of the children.
5891I baptized several who were newly born - happy Christians, who with their first step pass from earth to heaven.
5901Potato virus Y
5911PVY infection of potato plants results in a variety of symptoms depending on the viral strain.
5921The mildest of these symptoms is production loss, but the most detrimental is 'potato tuber necrotic ringspot disease' (PTNRD).
5931PVY is transmissible by aphid vectors but may also remain dormant in seed potatoes.
5941This means that using the same line of potato for production of seed potatoes for several consecutive generations will lead to a progressive increase in viral load and subsequent loss of crop.
5961At harvest time, gardeners usually dig up potatoes with a long-handled, three-prong "grape" (or graip), i.e. a spading fork, or a potato hook which is similar to the graip but its tines are at a 90 degree angle to the handle.
5971This is transported up an apron chain consisting of steel links several feet wide, which separates some of the dirt.
5981The most complex designs use vine choppers and shakers, along with a blower system or "Flying Willard" to separate the potatoes from the plant.
5991The result is then usually run past workers who continue to sort out plant material, stones, and rotten potatoes before the potatoes are continuously delivered to a wagon or truck.
6001Potassium-argon dating
6011Due to the long half-life, the technique is most applicable for dating minerals and rocks more than 100,000 years old.
602-1For shorter timescales, it is likely that not enough Argon 40 will have had time to accumulate in order to be accurately measurable.
6031Although it finds the most utility in geological applications, it plays an important role in archaeology.
6041It has also been indispensable in other early east African sites with a history of volcanic activity such as Hadar, Ethiopia.
6051Potassium nitrate
6061Before the large-scale industrial fixation of nitrogen through the Haber process, major sources of potassium nitrate were the deposits crystallizing from cave walls and the draining of decomposing organic material.
6071Dung-heaps were a particularly common source: ammonia from the decomposition of urea and other nitrogenous materials would undergo bacterial oxidation to produce nitrates.
6081These often contained calcium nitrate, which could be converted to potassium nitrate by the addition of potash from wood ashes.
609-1It was and is also used as a component in some fertilizers.
6101Potassium hydroxide
6111KOH attracts numerous specialized applications, which virtually all rely on its basic or degradative properties.
612-1KOH is widely used in the laboratory for the same purposes.
6131Its corrosive properties make it useful as an ingredient in cleaning and disinfection of resistant surfaces and materials.
6141It is often the main active ingredient in chemical "cuticle removers."
615-1KOH is also widely used as a way to remove hair from animal hides, leaving the hides in a solution of KOH and water for a few hours.
6161Pot washing
617-1On the other hand, if you run a larger operation and use a lot of labor to wash pots, it might be worth the extra money to go big.
6181Essentially custom built for different types of operations and the space configuration available, the larger recirculators are available in three compartment sink sizes with various options.
6191In addition to requiring a 3 phase supply for the water pump and high-power heater, these larger units have wash sinks with up to 75 U.S. gallons (280 L) of water capacity for handling many pots and pans.
6201Some of the other options available with recirculators include built-in waste disposers, drain boards of various lengths, shelves over or under and additional scraper sinks.
6211Postverk Foroya
622-1Outside the Faroes, Postverk Foroya is most renowned for its postage stamps.
6231All stamp editions are about items relating to the Faroes and most of them are designed by Faroese artists.
624-1Faroese history is a common topic with relevant issues almost each year.
6251Churches and other Christian motifs play a distinct role before Christmas.
6261Posttraumatic stress disorder
627-1There is some evidence suggesting that administering glucocorticoids immediately after a traumatic experience may help prevent PTSD.
628-1Several studies have shown that patients who receive high doses of hydrocortisone for treatment of septic shock or following surgery have a lower incidence and fewer symptoms of PTSD.
629-1In this study, corticosterone impaired memory performance, suggesting that it may reduce risk for PTSD by interfering with consolidation of traumatic memories.
630-1The neurodegenerative effects of the glucocorticoids, however, may prove this treatment counterproductive.
632-1Approximately 25% - 85% of postpartum women will experience the "blues" for a few days.
633-1Between 7% - 17% may experience clinical depression, with a higher risk among those women with a history of clinical depression.
6341Despite the wide spread myth of hormonal involvement, repeated studies have not linked hormonal changes with postpartum psychological symptoms.
6351Rather, these are symptoms of a pre-existing mental illness, exacerbated by fatigue, changes in schedule and other common parenting stressors.
6361Posting style
6371Inline replying was also originally used in all e-mail (because such users had come from Usenet),, but most users and providers have abandoned (or never got used to) this style.
638-1One possible reason is the large number of casual e-mail users that entered the scene after the popularization of the internet.
639-1Another possible reason is the inadequate support provided by the reply function of some webmail readers which do not automatically insert in the reply a copy the original message, or do so but without any quoting prefix level indicators.
640-1Finally, most forums, wiki discussion pages, and blogs (such as Slashdot) essentially impose the bottom-post format, by displaying all recent messages in chronological order.
6411Postictal state
6421There are few explanations for what could cause the long lasting symptoms of the postictal state, with patients complaining of difficulty thinking clearly and loss of short-term memory function for hours and even days.
643-1Todds paresis can last for 24 or 48 hours, and reversible neurological defects (typically short term memory) can last for months, suggesting that more permanent changes in neuron structure may take place following seizures.
6441It should be noted that most patients do not display any long term neurological defects following seizures, and seizures are not believed to be damaging to the brain.
645-1It is possible in the small fraction of patients that do experience short term memory loss for weeks or months following a seizure, structural changes may take place that are eventually compensated for structurally or functionally, causing symptoms to eventually disappear.
6461Postictal state
647-1Postictal migraines are a major complaint among epilepsy patients, and can have a variety of etiologies.
648-1One possible cause of these migraines is high intracranial pressure resulting from postictal cerebral edema.
6491At times, patients may be unaware that they had a seizure, and the characteristic migraine is their only clue.
6501Depression is also very common after a seizure.
6511Posthumous fame of Vincent van Gogh
6521In the English-speaking world, the Bloomsbury art critics Roger Fry and Clive Bell were his first champions.
6531Fry, in a 1924 essay, "Vincent Van Gogh," reported that after Van Gogh's death, he "disappeared" and "scarcely any picture dealer in Bond Street gave him another thought" until the 1910 show titled "Post Impressionist Exhibition" in which "his works dazzled, astonished and infuriated all cultured England."
6541Fry's essay canonized Van Gogh as "a saint" of art, "the victim of the terrible intensity of his convictions-his conviction that somewhere one might lay hold of spiritual values compared with which all other values were of no account."
655-1That set the agenda for many subsequent Van Gogh studies, which are predominantly biographical to this day.
6561Posthumous fame of El Greco
6571To the English artist and critic Roger Fry in 1920, El Greco was the archetypal genius who did as he thought best "with complete indifference to what effect the right expression might have on the public".
6581Fry described El Greco as "an old master who is not merely modern, but actually appears a good many steps ahead of us, turning back to show us the way".
6591During the same period, other researchers developed alternate, more radical theories.
6601Doctors August Goldschmidt and Germán Beritens argued that El Greco painted such elongated human figures because he had vision problems (possibly progressive astigmatism or strabismus) that made him see bodies longer than they were, and at an angle to the perpendicular.
662-1The mixed-capitalization of the PostgreSQL name can confuse some people on first viewing.
663-1The several pronunciations of "SQL" can lead to this confusion.
664-1It is also common to hear it abbreviated as "'Postgres'", its original name.
6651Because of ubiquitous support for the SQL Standard amongst most relational databases, the community considered changing the name back to Postgres.
6661Postgraduate research
6671The nomenclature associated with titles arising from postgraduate research vary from one institution to another and one country to another.
6681For example, at Bachelor's level, it would be common to receive a BSc(Chemistry).
6691There are some exceptions to this.
6701In a professional Doctorate, where the objective is to demonstrate an in-depth research knowledge of a particular area, the discipline is usually included (e.g., Doctor of Business).
6711Postgraduate education
6721Private universities' administrations often oppose their graduate students when they try to form unions, arguing that students should be exempt from labor laws intended for "employees".
673-1In some cases unionization movements have met with enough student opposition to fail.
674-1Sometimes only one set of employees will unionize (e.g. teaching assistants, residential directors); at other times, most or all will.
675-1Typically, fellowship recipients, usually not employed by their university, do not participate.
6761Postgraduate education
6771Many departments, especially those in which students have research or teaching responsibilities, offer tuition-forgiveness and a stipend that pays for most expenses.
678-1At some elite universities, there may be a minimum stipend established for all Ph.D. students, as well as a tuition waiver.
6791The terms of these stipends vary greatly, and may consist of a scholarship or fellowship, followed by teaching responsibilities.
680-1At many elite universities, these stipends have been increasing, in response both to student pressure and especially to competition among the elite universities for graduate students.
6811Postbeat Poets
6821As with blurbs, another way Ginsberg offered appreciation for younger poets was in interviews.
6831In 1996, with less than a year to live, Gloria G. Brame asked Ginsberg, “Which younger poets do you believe are doing the most promising work?
6841Ginsberg responded: “There are quite a few whom I like and with whom I feel a great deal of empathy.
6851All of these poets at one time or another passed through Naropa.
6861He met Neal Cassidy before he died and has some of his energy.
6871I've read with him a number of times… There's a poet called Eliot Katz who lives in New Brunswick, NJ.
6881His family comes from Germany and most of them were wiped out in the concentration camps… Sapphire (author), a young student of mine at Brooklyn college… She's a black lesbian.
6891Paul Beatty is another former student of mine: he is a rapper with a literary, be-bop sound.
6901Postal marking
6911'Service marks' provide information to the sender, recipient, or another post office.
6921(For example, a letter may be marked "snowbank" if snow accumulation not cleared by the potential recipient, or for whatever other reason, makes it difficult or impossible for the carrier to deliver the mail.)
693-1Dead letter offices would use various markings to keep track of their progress in finding the addressee, such as a notation that the letter had been advertised in the local newspaper.
6941The tracking process for registered mail may entail multiple marks, notations and backstamps.
6951Postal code
696-1In some countries (such as those of continental Europe, where a postcode format of four or five numeric digits is commonly used) the numeric postal code is sometimes prefixed with a country code to avoid confusion when sending international mail to or from that country.
697-1For many years, licence plate codes - for instance "D-" for Germany or "F-" for France - were used, although this was not accepted by the Universal Postal Union (UPU).
6981Usage of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes was recommended to be used starting in 1994, but did not become widely used.
6991The European Committee for Standardization recommends use of ISO Alpha-2 codes for international postcodes and a UPU guide on international addressing states that "administrations may recommend" the use of ISO Alpha-2 codes.
7001Postage stamps and postal history of the Canal Zone
701-1In 1928, the Zone issued a definitive series inscribed "CANAL ZONE POSTAGE" depicting various persons involved in the construction of the canal, as well as a 5 c value showing the Gaillard Cut.
7021A series of 16 stamps in 1939 commemorating the 25th anniversary of the canal's completion showed "before" and "after" views of various points along the canal.
703-1Thereafter stamps appeared at an average rate of about two per year, with a commemorative set in some years and no stamps in others.
704-1This paralleled the abandonment of the word "POSTAGE" on many United States stamps, as the United States ceased to issue revenue stamps.
7051Postage stamps and postal history of Mexico
7061In 1856, Mexico issued its first adhesive postage stamps, with "district overprints", a unique feature among postal systems worldwide, employed to combat theft of postage stamps.
707-1From the late 19th century, Mexico's stamps were generally conservative in design and often manufactured abroad.
7081The Mexican Revolution and ensuing Civil Wars (1910-1920), however, threw Mexico into upheaval and resulted in numerous provisional and local stamps issued by the factions in control of different areas of the country.
7091In the years preceding World War II, the look of Mexico's stamps changed dramatically, with many stamps displaying the works of modern Mexican abstract and mural artists.
7101Postage stamp color
711-1In general, collectors follow the stamp catalogs in matters of color nomenclature, even though the different catalogs are not consistent with each other.
712-1Although there are a great many named colors, the selection used by philatelists is limited to several dozen, modified by adjectives such as "dark", "light", "pale", "bright" and "deep".
7131In addition, two color names may be combined, as in "gray green" or "brown orange", where the first name indicates the direction of modification to the second color.
7141This system becomes less clear when extended to other colors, and few collectors could describe precisely how "carmine rose" is different from "rose carmine".
716-1The movement is difficult to define or summarize, but may be broadly understood as a body of distinct responses to structuralism (hence the prefix "post").
7171Many contributors, most notably Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, and Julia Kristeva, either inverted structuralist principles or set out to reject them outright.
7181In direct contrast to the structuralist claim of an independent signifier superior to the signified, post-structuralism generally views the signifier and signified as inseparable but not united; meaning itself inheres to the play of difference.
7191Anti-humanism, as a rejection of the enlightenment subject, is often a central tenet.
7211Vocals are often omitted from post-rock; however, this does not necessarily mean they are absent entirely.
722-1When vocals are included, the use is typically non-traditional: some post-rock bands employ vocals as purely instrumental efforts and incidental to the sound, rather than a more traditional use where "clean", easily-interpretable vocals are important for poetic and lyrical meaning.
723-1When present, post-rock vocals are often soft or droning and are typically infrequent or present in irregular intervals.
724-1Sigur Rós, a band known for their distinctive vocals, fabricated a language that critics call "Hopelandic" (Vonlenska in icelandic, a term even used by the band), which has been described by the band as "a form of gibberish vocals that fits to the music and acts as another instrument."
7251Post-polio syndrome
7261Because PPS can fatigue facial muscles, as well as cause dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), dysarthria (difficulty speaking) or aphonia (inability to produce speech), persons with PPS may become malnourished due to difficulty eating.
7271Severe cases may require permanent ventilation or tracheostomy.
7281Sleep apnoea may also occur.
7291Other management strategies that may lead to improvement improvement include smoking cessation, treatment of other respiratory diseases and vaccination against respiratory infections such as influenza.
7311The general philosophy behind post-metal production is that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, so each instrument is usually given about equal presence.
7321Vocals are often not particularly high in the mix, and in most cases are "barked" in the style of hardcore punk or metal, i.e. guttural and shouted, rather than growled in death metal.
7331Lyrics cover a broad spectrum of issues, usually somewhat metaphysical, existentialist or macroscopic, as opposed to deeply personal or directly allegorical.
7341Themes often include political dissatisfaction, or criticism of herd mentality.
7351Post-invasion Iraq, 2003present
7361Amarah: A roadside bomb killed one and wounded three others in Amarah.
7371Tal Afar: A roadside bomb in Tal Afar killed four, including a policeman, and wounded eight other people.
7381Mosul: Six people were shot dead, including one policeman.
7391Baqubah: Eight people were killed in different incidents.
7401Post-industrial music
7411'Power noise' (also known as 'rhythmic noise') takes its inspiration from some of the more structured and distorted early industrial acts, such as Esplendor Geométrico.
7421Hymen Records, Converter, Coma record description.
743-1Power noise groups meld noise music with various forms of electronic dance music.
7441Access date: August 8, 2008. Typically, power noise is based upon a distorted kick drum from a drum machine such as a Roland TR-909, uses militaristic 4/4 beats, and is usually instrumental.
7451Sometimes a melodic component is added, but this is almost always secondary to the rhythm.
7461Post-cult trauma
7471He further writes in the article that the clear majority of those who leave of their own free will speak positively of certain aspects of their past experience.
748-1While readily acknowledging the ways a given religious movement failed to meet their personal expectations and spiritual needs, many voluntary defectors have found ways of salvaging some redeeming values from their previous religious associations and activities.
749-1But there are some voluntary apostates from new religious movements who leave deeply embittered and harshly critical of their former religious associations and activities.
7501Long-term and heavily involved members of new religious movements who over time become disenchanted with their religion often throw all of the blame on their former religious associations and activities. [...]
7511Post-credits scene
7521Using humor in such scenes is also still common for more serious films, as in the film 'Daredevil', in which Bullseye is shown after his defeat by Daredevil in a full body cast.
7531Another example happens in 'Hellboy' when Tom Manning is shown still wandering around the catacombs when he was last seen previously in the film when the other major players have left.
7541Other films eschew the comedy in favor of a twist or revelation that would be out of place elsewhere in the movie, as in 'X-Men: The Last Stand's post-credits scene, which suggests that Professor X may have transferred his mind to the body of a comatose patient (which was revealed in the DVD commentary to be the identical twin of Charles Xavier, whose mind had been crippled and destroyed due to Charles's growing powers in their mother's womb).
7551In 'Iron Man', Samuel L. Jackson makes a cameo appearance as Nick Fury, who wants to talk to Tony Stark about the "Avenger Initiative" (Jackson will reprise the role in other Marvel films, including 'The Avengers', 'Iron Man 2', 'Thor', and 'The First Avenger: Captain America').
7561Post-concussion syndrome
7571Ongoing disabilities may be treated with therapy to improve function at work, or in social or other contexts.
7581Therapy aims to aid in the gradual return to work and other preinjury activities, as symptoms permit.
7591CBT may help prevent persistence of iatrogenic symptoms those that occur because health care providers create the expectation that they will.
7601A risk exists that the "power of suggestion" may worsen symptoms and cause long-term disabilities; therefore, when counseling is indicated, the therapist must take a psychological origin of symptoms into account and not assume that all symptoms are a direct result of neurological damage from the injury.
762-1Post-Zionism is a term associated with a variety of perceptions and different positions, behind which stands criticism of the core beliefs of Zionist groups.
763-1Post-Zionists raise many questions about Zionism and the state of Israel, among them:
7641Is the state of Israel indeed a safe shelter for the Jewish nation?
7651Are there any other places in the world in which the Jews' conditions are better from a historical point of view?
7661(For example North America)
7671Is it really possible to have both a Jewish state and a democracy?
7681Post-September 11 anti-war movement
7691The groups have collaborated at times on events, although collaboration has not always been easy.
770-1In perhaps the most infamous incident, Rabbi Michael Lerner was banned from speaking at a February 16, 2003 anti-war rally in San Francisco, less than a month before the U.S. invaded Iraq.
771-1It was generally believed that this was done at ANSWER's behest, because Lerner had been critical of what he perceives as ANSWER's anti-Israel politics.
7721Lerner, though irked that NION and UFPJ did not stand up for his inclusion as a speaker, continued to encourage people to attend the rally.
7731Post-Confederation Canada (1867-1914)
774-1While MacDonald may have hoped that the BNA Act would provide the central government in Ottawa with a strong hand, some of the provinces, particularly Ontario under the leadership of its premier Oliver Mowat, pushed for interpretations of the Constitution that favoured provincial rather than Dominion interests.
7751Mowat sent police and government officials into the disputed territory to assert Ontario's claims, while Manitoba (at the behest of the national government) did the same.
7761The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, which served as Canada's highest appeal court until 1949, repeatedly issued rulings taking the side of provincial rights.
7771These decisions would to some extent neutralize the power of the central government, creating a decentralized federation quite different from what Sir John A. Macdonald had envisioned.
7781"By the eve of the First World War, Confederation had evolved into a creation beyond John A. Macdonald's worst nightmare.
7791Powerful, independent provinces, sovereign within their own spheres, manipulated the rights of property, levied their own taxes--even income taxes, in a few cases--exploited their natural resources, and managed schools, hospitals, and relief for the poor, while a weak and ineffectual central government presided over not much of anything in the drab little capital on the banks of the Ottawa."
7801Post vacation blues
781-1A person may suffer from post vacation blues after returning home or to a normal routine from a long vacation, especially if it was a pleasurable one.
782-1The longer a trip lasts, the more intense the post vacation blues may be.
783-1Post vacation blues may result in tiredness, loss of appetite, strong feelings of nostalgia, and in some cases, depression.
784-1Jet lag may intensify the post vacation blues.
7851Post Tribulation Rapture
7861Opposing doctrines include:
7871'Midtribulationists' believe that the rapture of the faithful will occur halfway through the Tribulation, after it begins, and will endure the phase of the Tribulation which tests their faith, but that they will be removed before the last half occurs, because that three and one-half year period is manifestly dominated by the wrath of God falling on those who reject him, Supporters of this view often cite 1 Thessalonians 5.9, "For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.
7891'Pretribulationists' believe that all Christians then alive will be taken bodily up to Heaven (called the rapture) before the Tribulation begins.
7901They often quote 2 Thessalonians 2.6,7 to support the idea that the Holy Spirit will be withdrawn as a stabilizing influence on secular society (Matt 5.13) through the removal of the Church.
7911Those who become converts after the rapture will, like the Old Testament saints, not be indwelt by the Holy Spirit in the same sense as Christians are said to be today.
7921Post Secondary Transition For High School Students with Disabilities
7931Public Law 108-446, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004, is most commonly called IDEA 2004.
7941Following enactment, the U.S. Department of Education took nearly two years to develop the federal regulations to answer common questions about critical parts of the law.
795-1To some extent, the federal regulations clarify how the law should be put into practice.
796-1In some areas the final implementation of the law is up to the state educational agencies (SEAs) and local educational agencies (LEAs) - the public school districts.
7971Post Reditum in Senatu
7981VI. 13 And when in the Circus Flaminius3 (I will not say the consul had been conducted into the assembly by a tribune of the people, but) the archpirate had been brought in by another robber, he came first a man of what exceeding dignity, full of wine, sleep, and debauchery! with hair dripping with ointments, with carefully arranged locks, with heavy eyes, moist cheeks, a husky and drunken voice; and he, a grave authority, said that he was greatly displeased at citizens having been executed without having been formally condemned.
7991For that other man, Caesoninus Calventius, from his youth up has been habituated to the forum, though, except his assumed and crafty melancholy, there was no single thing to recommend him,—no knowledge of the law, no skill in speaking, no knowledge of military affairs or of men, no liberality.
8001And he has masters, none of those foolish fellows who go on for whole days discussing duty and virtue,—who exhort men to labour, to industry, to encounter dangers for the sake of their country, but men who argue that no hour ought to be unoccupied by pleasure; that in every part of the body there ought always to be some joy and delight to be perceived.
801115 He uses his masters as a sort of superintendents of his lusts; they seek out and scent out all sorts of pleasures; they are the seasoners and furnishers of his banquets they appraise and value the different pleasures, they give a formal decision and judgment as to how much indulgence ought to be allowed to each separate pleasure.
8021He, becoming accomplished in all these arts, despised this most prudent city to such a degree that he thought that all his lusts and all his atrocities could be concealed, if he only thrust his ill-omened face into the forum.
8031Positron emission tomography
8041Radionuclides used in PET scanning are typically isotopes with short half lives such as carbon-11 (~20 min), nitrogen-13 (~10 min), oxygen-15 (~2 min), and fluorine-18 (~110 min). These radionuclides are incorporated either into compounds normally used by the body such as glucose (or glucose analogues), water or ammonia, or into molecules that bind to receptors or other sites of drug action.
8051Such labelled compounds are known as radiotracers.
806-1It is important to recognize that PET technology can be used to trace the biologic pathway of any compound in living humans (and many other species as well), provided it can be radiolabeled with a PET isotope.
8071Due to the short half lives of most radioisotopes, the radiotracers must be produced using a cyclotron and radiochemistry laboratory that are in close proximity to the PET imaging facility.
8081Positron emission tomography
8091Limitations to the widespread use of PET arise from the high costs of cyclotrons needed to produce the short-lived radionuclides for PET scanning and the need for specially adapted on-site chemical synthesis apparatus to produce the radiopharmaceuticals.
810-1Few hospitals and universities are capable of maintaining such systems, and most clinical PET is supported by third-party suppliers of radiotracers which can supply many sites simultaneously.
8111This limitation restricts clinical PET primarily to the use of tracers labelled with F-18, which has a half life of 110 minutes and can be transported a reasonable distance before use, or to rubidium-82, which can be created in a portable generator and is used for myocardial perfusion studies.
8121Nevertheless, in recent years a few on-site cyclotrons with integrated shielding and hot labs have begun to accompany PET units to remote hospitals.
8131Positive feedback
8141Simple systems that clearly separate the inputs from the outputs are not prone to systemic risk.
8151This risk is more likely as the complexity of the system increases, because it becomes more difficult to see or analyze all the possible combinations of variables in the system even under careful stress testing conditions.
8161The more efficient a complex system is, the more likely it is to be prone to systemic risks, because it takes only a small amount of deviation to disrupt the system.
8171Therefore well-designed complex systems generally have built-in features to avoid this condition, such as a small amount of friction, or resistance, or inertia, or time delay to decouple the outputs from the inputs within the system.
8181Positive airway pressure
819-1In many countries PAP machines are only available by prescription.
8201A sleep study at an accredited sleep lab is usually necessary before treatment can start.
821-1A sleep medicine doctor, who may be also trained in respiratory medicine, psychiatry, neurology, pediatrics, family practice or otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat), will interpret the results from the initial sleep study and recommend a pressure from test.
822-1This may be done in one night (a split study with the diagnostic testing done in the first part of the night, and CPAP testing done in the later part of the night) or with a follow up second sleep study during which the CPAP titration may be done over the entire evening.
8231Poseur Ink
824-1Almost twice the size of 'Side A', 'Side B' contains stories by comic staples like Jim Mahfood, Jeffrey Brown, and Ryan Kelly; as well as Xeric Grant winners: Box Brown, Colleen Frakes and many others
8251Released in June 2009, the book was favorably reviewed by the vast majority of those who picked it up.
8261Johanna Draper Carlson ('Comics Worth Reading') said it was "the best anthology [she had] read this year," in her 2009 MoCCA report.
8271The music e-zine Absolute Punk gave away three copies of the book to its users, introducing their users to Poseur Ink's other comics and products.
8281Poser porn
8291The freedom allowed by using computer-generated imagery allows pornographic (erotic) artists to create scenes or scenarios that would not be possible (or legal) within the realm of live action shooting.
830-1Therefore, many Poser pornographic artists choose to create fantastical scenes that may feature animals, monsters, aliens, magical or supernatural elements or far-fetched BDSM scenarios.
831-1Violent and disturbing imagery may also be seen in such computer-generated porn.
8321Another popular sub genre of Poser porn that exploits the freedom of computer-generated porn appeals to vorarephiles (this form of Poser porn falls under the vore category).
8341Poser has become a popular tool for digital artists creating original images featuring human figures.
8351While Poser has animation capability, this use is less common.
8361Poser figures and animations have been seen in some computer games from budding game creators (Desert Rifle-Qi games and Cake shop-Elefun games).
837-1Infography present in several science and technology magazines around the world is often Poser retouched or postworked models.
8391Poser comes with a host of features, such as the inclusion of "Primitive" zygotes; spheres, cubes and other shapes at both low and high resolution.
8401As with Poser 5.0, it is compatible with 3ds Max, LightWave and Maya, which enables Poser version 6.0 and higher to render more than simply people.
8411Indeed, Poser has become almost limitless in the characters it can render.
8421As a result of its huge third-party community, many models are available, such as spaceships, aliens, weapons, scenes, buildings, and other such props.
8441A second city, Mapusa, is situated some 7 kilometers from here.
8451Tourist folks usually visit this peaceful paradise to enjoy some leisure.
8461As of the other parts of Goa, Konkani remains the predominantly spoken language.
8471There are also some villages close by such as Guirim, Aldona, Assanora, Thivim
8481Portulaca oleracea
849-1The species status in the New World is uncertain: it is generally considered an exotic weed; however, there is evidence that the species was in Crawford Lake deposits (Ontario) in 1430-89, suggesting that it reached North America in the pre-Columbian era.
850-1It is naturalised elsewhere and in some regions is considered an invasive weed.
8511The flowers appear depending upon rainfall and may occur year round.
8521The flowers open singly at the center of the leaf cluster for only a few hours on sunny mornings.
8531Portuguese transition to democracy
8541Francisco Sá Carneiro, the dynamic leader of the PSD and a fierce personal rival of Soares, put together a coalition of his own PSD along with the CDS, the Popular Monarchist Party (Partido Popular Monárquico — PPM), and another small party to form the Democratic Alliance (Aliança Democrática — AD).
8551The coalition won 45.2% of the vote in the elections, or 128 seats, for a majority of 3 in the 250-seat assembly.
856-1The PS, which had also formed an electoral coalition with several small left-wing groups, suffered a drubbing and won only 27.4%, a large drop compared with 1976 results.
8571The PCP, in coalition with another left-wing party, gained slightly.
8581Portuguese people
859-1According to a highly criticized recent study that was published in the American Journal of Human Genetics in December 2008 by Adams et al., about 30 percent of modern Portuguese (23.6 in the north and 36.3 in the south) have DNA reflecting what can be a male Sephardic Jewish ancestry and about 14 % (11.8 in the north and 16.1% in the south) have a probable Moorish ancestry, Adams et al. 2008.
8601Despite alternative possible sources for lineages ascribed a Sephardic Jewish origin, these proportions attest to a high level of religious conversion (whether voluntary or enforced), driven by historical episodes of social and religious intolerance, that ultimately led to the integration of descendants.
8611"'Despite alternative possible sources for lineages' ascribed a Sephardic Jewish origin'", "They are really assuming that they are looking at this migration of Jewish immigrants, but the same lineages could have been introduced in the Neolithic" said Stephen Oppenheimer.
862-1On the other hand, Chris Tyler-Smith, an expert on Y-chromosome genetics and a collaborator with the team that carried the study , argues that the individual differences in Y-chromosome markers suggest that Iberians and Sephardic Jews must share ancestry more recent than several millennia, .
8631Portuguese literature
8641The novel is really a creation of the nineteenth century and it began with historical romances in the style of Walter Scott by Alexandre Herculano de Carvalho e Araujo, to whom succeeded Rebello da Silva with 'A Mocidade de D. Joao V', Andrade Corvo, and others.
8651The romance of manners is due to the versatile Camillo Castello Branco, a rich impressionist who describes to perfection the life of the early part of the century in 'Amor de Perdiçao', 'Novellas do Minho', and other books.
8661Gomes Coelho (Julio Dinis), a romantic idealist and subjective writer, is known best by 'As Pupillas do Snr Reitor', but the great creative artist was José Maria de Eça de Queiroz, founder of the Naturalist School, and author of 'Primo Basilio', 'Correspondencia de Fradique Mendes', 'A Cidade e as Serras'.
8671His characters live and many of his descriptive and satiric passages have become classical.
8681Portuguese literature
8691Meanwhile the people were elaborating a ballad poetry of their own, the body of which is known as the 'Romanceiro'.
8701It consists of lyrico-narrative poems treating of war, chivalry, adventure, religious legends, and the sea, many of which have great beauty and contain traces of the varied civilizations which have existed in the peninsula.
8711When the Court poets had exhausted the artifices of Provencal lyricism, they imitated the poetry of the people, giving it a certain vogue which lasted until the Classical Renaissance.
8721It was then thrust into the background, and though cultivated by a few, it remained unknown to men of letters until the nineteenth century, when Almeida-Garrett began his literary revival and collected folk poems from the mouths of the peasantry.
8731Portuguese literature
8741His principal defect is monotony: his own self is his solitary theme, and he seldom attempts any other form of composition than the sonnet.
875-1On the other hand, few poets who have chiefly devoted themselves to this form have produced so large a proportion of really exquisite work.
876-1The comparatively few pieces in which be either forgets his doubts and inward conflicts, or succeeds in giving them an objective form, are among the most beautiful in any literature.
877-1The purely introspective sonnets are less attractive, but equally finely wrought, interesting as psychological studies, and impressive from their sincerity.
8781Portuguese alphabet
8791Only the most frequent sounds are given below, since a listing of all cases and exceptions would be too cumbersome.
8801Portuguese is a pluricentric language, and the pronunciation of some of the letters is different in European Portuguese (EP) and Brazilian Portuguese (BP).
8811Apart from these variations, the pronunciation of most consonants is fairly straightforward, and similar to French or Catalan pronunciation.
8821Only the consonants 'r', 's', 'x', 'z', the digraphs 'ch', 'lh', 'nh', 'rr', and the vowels may require special attention from English speakers.
8831Portuguese Wikipedia
884-1The Portuguese language Wikipedia is different from the English one in a number of aspects.
8851Proposed deletion is unavailable.
8861This was decided via another voting process.
8871On-going campaigns are reuniting people in favour and against the usage of fair use.
8881However, if one rewrites the article in another dialect (provided content was changed, not merely the language), but leave some words in the former dialect, these words should be rewritten in accordance with the new version's dialect of the article.
8891Portuguese Gothic architecture
8901During the Gothic era, several castles had to be either built or reinforced, especially along the border with the Kingdom of Castille.
8911Compared to previous castles, Gothic castles in Portugal tended to have more towers, often of circular or semi-circular plan (to increase resistance to projectiles), keep towers tended to be polygonal, and castle gates were often defended by a pair of flanking towers.
8921A second, lower wall curtain (barbicans) were often built along the perimeter of the main walls to prevent war machines from approaching the castle.
8931Features like machicolations and improved arrowslits became also widespread.
8941Portuguese East Africa
8951In the 1940s, the integration of traditional authorities into the colonial administration was deepened, a level of social integration, miscegenation and social promotion based in skill and human qualities of each individual, rather than in the ethnic background, which was coined 'lusotropicalismo' and had been a major feature of the Portuguese Empire throughout history.
8961Gradually, these "traditional" titles lost some of their content, and the 'régulos' and 'cabos de terra' came to be viewed as an effective part of the colonial state, remunerated for their participation in the collection of taxes, recruitment of the labor force, and agricultural production in the area under their control.
8971In major urban areas, most notoriously the cosmopolitan provincial ports of Lourenço Marques and Beira, racial integration and socioeconomic opportunities for all kind of skilled citizens were already very deep.
8981From then on, all Africans were considered Portuguese citizens, and racial discrimination became a sociological rather than a legal feature of colonial society.
900-1Other minor influences include some 5th century vestiges of Alan settlement, which were found in Alenquer, Coimbra and even Lisbon.
901-1A victory over the Muslims at Ourique in 1139 is traditionally taken as the occasion when Portugal was transformed from a county (County of Portugal as a fief of the Kingdom of León) into an independent kingdom: the Kingdom of Portugal.
9021Guimaraes - the city is known as the cradle of Portugal.
9031On 24 June 1128, the Battle of Sao Mamede occurred near Guimaraes.
9041In 1348 and 1349, like the rest of Europe, Portugal was devastated by the Black Death.
9051In 1373, Portugal made an alliance with England, which is the longest-standing alliance in the world.'.
9061In 1383, the king of Castile, husband of the daughter of the Portuguese king who had died without a male heir, claimed his throne.
9071An ensuing popular revolt led to the 1383-1385 Crisis.
9091The town now has an annual Red Sails Festival each July, which in 2004, as with most years, culminated with a firework display out over the bay.
9101Over 70,000 people crammed the seafront to watch.
9111Doctor Robert F Kaiko inventor of the popular opioid analgesic 'Oxycontin' went to school in Portstewart.
9121He was then part of Paul McCartney's group Wings, before moving onto other groups.
9131Portsmouth Block Mills
9141These machines utilised several features for the first time which have since become commonplace in machine design.
9151The boring operation indented gauging points in the wooden blocks which the clamps of the later machines used to locate the blocks precisely.
9161This meant that positioning of the block in later processes ensured accurate location in relation to the tool working on it.
9171several of the machines had cone clutches.
9181Brunel used detachable tool bits held in tool holders very similar to those use now on general purpose lathes.
9191Expanding collet chucks were used to locate the sheaves by gripping the internal bore, during certain operations.
9201Two-jaw gripping chucks were used on some machines.
9211These were precursors of the three-jaw chucks used on lathes today.
9221The morticing machines could be set to stop automatically once the operation was finished.
9231Interchangeability of the sheaves and pins was possible, since they were not married to a particular shell.
9241The work-flow is perhaps best described as batch production, because of the range of block sizes demanded.
925-1This method of working did not catch on in general manufacturing in Britain for many decades, and when it did it was imported from America.
9261Portraits of Shakespeare
927-1New scientific tests on the label suggest that it dates to Shakespeare's lifetime, which, if true, would make this a likely authentic image of Shakespeare.
928-1It is attributed by a family tradition to one John Sanders or possibly his brother Thomas.
9291The inscription on the label "This likeness taken" has been criticised as not a contemporary formulation.
930-1It is no longer attributed to him, nor is there any evidence to identify it as Shakespeare, however it was probably painted during his lifetime and may depict a poet.
9311Portrait photography
9321Most lights used in modern photography are a flash of some sort.
9331This provides a softer lighting for portrait work and is often considered more appealing than the harsh light often cast by open strobes.
9341Hair and background lights are usually not diffused.
9351It is more important to control light spillage to other areas of the subject.
9361Portrait photography
9371'Portrait photography' is the capture by means of photography of the likeness of a person or a small group of people (a group portrait), in which the face and expression is predominant.
9381Like other types of portraiture, the focus of the photograph is the person's face, although the entire body and the background may be included.
9391A portrait is generally not a snapshot, but a composed image of a person in a still position.
9401A portrait often shows a person looking directly at the camera.
9411Portrait painting
9421In most cases, this results in a serious, closed lip stare, with anything beyond a slight smile being rather rare historically.
9431Even given these limitations, a full range of subtle emotions is possible from quiet menace to gentle contentment.
9441As author and artist Gordon C. Aymar states, "the eyes are the place one looks for the most complete, reliable, and pertinent information" about the subject.
9451And the eyebrows can register, "almost single-handedly, wonder, pity, fright, pain, cynicism, concentration, wistfulness, displeasure, and expectation, in infinite variations and combinations."
9461Portrait painting
9471Among the other possible variables, the subject can be clothed or nude; indoors or out; standing, seated, reclining; even horse-mounted.
9481Portrait paintings can be of individuals, couples, parents and children, families, or collegial groups.
9491They can be created in various media including oils, watercolor, pen and ink, pencil, charcoal, pastel, and mixed media.
9501Artists may employ a wide-ranging palette of colors, as with Pierre-Auguste Renoir's 'On The Terrace' (1881) or restrict themselves to mostly white or black, as with Gilbert Stuart's 'Portrait of George Washington' (1796).
9521'Portrait photography' is a popular commercial industry all over the world.
953-1Many people enjoy having professionally made 'family portraits' to hang in their homes, or special portraits to commemorate certain events, such as graduations or weddings.
9541Since the dawn of photography, people have made portraits.
955-1Studios sprang up in cities around the world, some cranking out more than 500 plates a day.
9561Subjects were generally seated against plain backgrounds and lit with the soft light of an overhead window and whatever else could be reflected with mirrors.
9571Portobello, Dublin
9581As a fast-expanding suburb during the 19th century Portobello attracted many upwardly-mobile families whose members went on to play important roles in politics, the arts and the sciences.
9591Although usually referred to as Portobello Bridge, the correct name is La Touche Bridge (named after William Digges La Touche (1747-1803), scion of a prominent Dublin business family and a director of the Grand Canal Company).
9601For some unaccountable reason he took his army over to Finglas, where he spent a month, which allowed the Roundheads to reinforce and plan their attack.
9611Ormonde's army was defeated, many of them killed, and the place where they fell (mainly between Rathmines and Ranelagh) was known for a long time as the Bloody Fields.
9621Porto Alegre
963-1They can be pricey, if compared to other towns, but they are also an easier, safer and more dependable option than buses in some cases.
9641To ride a cab, one can walk to the nearest "taxi stop" (usually in crowded areas or points of interest), wave for an empty passing cab or call a tele-táxi service.
9651Tele-táxi may charge extra for this service.
9661The price of the fare is determined by a machine called taxímetro, usually in front of the passenger seat.
9671Portland, Louisville
968-1Although now just a neighborhood of the much larger Louisville, Portland would continue to flourish as a working class community through the 1930s, with residents working in many of the nearby factories.
969-1Both floods had driven many middle class families from the area.
970-1Despite the loss of many of area's oldest buildings, portions of the neighborhood away from the flood wall were largely untouched by urban renewal, and retain a great number of pre-Civil War buildings.
971-1Although many older mansions exist in Portland, the vast majority of homes built in the area were shotgun houses.
9721Portland General Electric
9731Then in 1999, and again in 2001, Enron attempted to sell PGE to other investor-owned utilities including Portland based NW Natural.
9741'The corporate officers of PGE have claimed that this utility was not involved in the financial misdealings of its owner, pointing to the fact that many of its employees suffered when Enron froze the 401(k) retirement plan and were unable to sell the rapidly declining stock.
9751However, Ken Harrison and Joseph Hirko, PGE's CEO and CFO respectively at the time of the Enron merger were charged on several felony level counts primarily related to financial misrepresentation regarding Enron Broadband Services which had its headquarters within the World Trade Center complex that comprises PGE's corporate offices.
9761In addition Tim Belden, head of the West Coast Trading Desk and John Forney, an energy trader who invented various electricity trading strategies such as the 'Death Star', operated from the trading floor in the PGE corporate offices and were also convicted of financial crimes related to the California Electricity Crisis.
9771Portia (genus)
9781Laboratory studies show that 'Portia' learns very quickly how to overcome web-building spiders that neither it nor its evolutionary ancestors would have met in the wild.
9791On the other hand they will use a head-on approach against spitting spiders that are carrying eggs.
9801Against other jumping spiders, which also have excellent vision, 'Portia's may mimic fragments of leaf litter detritus.
9811On the other hand they simply stalk and rush unarmed prey such as flies, and also capture prey by means of sticky webs.
9821PortevinLe Chatelier effect
983-1The 'PortevinLe Chatelier effect' describes a serrated stress-strain curve, which some materiels exhibit as they undergo plastic deformation.
9841This effect occurs, when solute atoms (e.g C in steels) have sufficient mobility and thus can segregate at a dislocation core.
9851When a freed dislocation runs through thr crystal it disturbs other locked dislocations, and may cause an avalanche-like freeing of dislocations.
9861Since this process can happen several times, it leads to serrations in the curve.
987-1Due to the localized deformations some materials, e.g., aluminum-magnesium alloys, develop a rough surface during deformation processes, rendering them useless for autobody or casing applications.
9881Porter Wagoner
9891The shows usually featured opening performances by Wagoner with performances by Jean, or later Parton, and comedic interludes by Rhodes.
9901During Parton's tenure, she and Wagoner usually sang a duet (Wagoner did not duet with Norma Jean).
9911Each episode also featured a guest who would usually perform one or two songs.
9921A spiritual or gospel performance was almost always featured toward the end of the show; generally performed by either Wagoner or Parton, or the show's guest star, or occasionally the entire cast.
9931Porte des Morts
994-1Some say it has more shipwrecks than any other section of fresh water in the world.
9951Winds on the Great Lakes are notoriously unpredictable and can increase to gale forces and more almost without warning.
9961Plum Island and tiny Pilot Island are almost in the very middle of what is commonly considered Death's Door and thereby pose hazards.
9971While the Porte des Morts Passage proper to the south of Plum Island is relatively hazard free, the Detroit Island Passage to the north of Plum Island has many.
9981Portal hypertensive gastropathy
9991The diagnosis of portal hypertensive gastropathy is usually made on endoscopy.
1000-1Red spots may or may not be present.
10011The pattern is usually seen throughout the stomach.
10021However, in GAVE, the ectatic blood vessels are more commonly found in the antrum or lower part of the stomach.
10031Portage River (St. Joseph County, Michigan)
10041(Traditional English and American popular cooking traditions of that time demanded that all vegetables be boiled or otherwise cooked before being served.)
1005-1For several generations the Portage River area led the nation in celery production.
10061The best known strawberry farm was R. M. Kellogg's in Three Rivers, founded in 1896.
1007-1The R. M. Kellogg farms also maintained a popular tourist attraction, the Kellogg Gardens, elaborate gardens with many unusual structures, next to the Portage River in the city of Three Rivers.
10081Portable water purification
1009-1Neither chlorine (e.g., bleach) nor iodine alone is considered completely effective against 'Cryptosporidium', although they are partially effective against 'Giardia'.
10101Chlorine is considered slightly better than iodine against 'Giardia'.
10111A more complete field solution that includes chemical disinfectants is to first filter the water, using a 0.2 micron ceramic cartridge pumped filter, followed by treatment with iodine or chlorine, thereby filtering out cryptosporidium, Giardia, and most bacteria, along with the larger viruses, while also using chemical disinfectant to address smaller viruses and bacteria that the filter cannot remove.
1012-1This combination is also potentially more effective in some cases than even using portable electronic disinfection based on UV treatment, such as using a , that fails to work for other than very clear water.
10131Portable hole
10141In various works of fiction, such as cartoons and Dungeons & Dragons, a 'portable hole' is a device that can be used to contravene the laws of physics.
10151It generally resembles a circular cloth which is placed on a surface to create a hole.
10161If placed on a wall, for example, the user could crawl through the hole and come out on the other side of the surface.
10171In another instance, if the hole was placed on the ground, the user might be able to insert objects into it or allow others to fall in, as if he or she had dug a hole.
10181Port-wine stain
10191Port-wine stains occur most often on the face but can appear anywhere on the body.
10201Early stains are usually flat and pink in appearance.
10211As the child matures, the color may deepen to a dark red or purplish colour.
10221In adulthood, thickening of the lesion or the development of small lumps may occur.
10231Port security
10241There are other areas of vulnerability that terrorist may infiltrate.
10251Exiting trucks may contain WMD or terrorist operatives that are to infiltrate a surrounding metropolitan area, i.e. transporting a chemical explosive device (from the Port of Los Angeles) to a more densely populated area (downtown Los Angeles).
10261The disabling of a ship at port is enough to halt all activity at that port for an extended period of time, especially if the disabled ship is blocking a throughway for other vessels.
10271An example of such an economic impact can be drawn from a labor-management dispute that closed ports along the west coast of the U.S.
10281These port closures cost the U.S. economy approximately $1 billion dollars per day for the first 5 days, and rose exponentially thereafter.
10291Port scanner
1030-1This has resulted in different computer abuse legislation in various countries, as well as different interpretations of those laws.
10311Although these cases are rare, most of the time the legal process involves proving that an intent to commit a break-in or unauthorized access existed, rather than just the performance of a port scan:
10321In June 2003, an Israeli, Avi Mizrahi, was accused by the Israeli Police of the offense of attempting to the unauthorized access of computer material.
10331The judge even ruled that this kind of actions should not be discouraged when they are performed in a positive way.
10341A 17-year old Finn was accused of attempted computer break-in by a major Finnish bank.
10351He performed several port scans on Cherokee County servers to check its security and eventually port scanned a web server monitored by another IT company, provoking a tiff which ended up in a tribunal.
10361Port multiplier
10371Because they believe they are communicating directly with the controller, any drive that holds to the SATA standard can be connected to a port multiplier.
10381The controller can issue commands to only one disk at a time and cannot issue commands to another disk until the command queue has been completed for the current transactions.
10391This means that the full bandwidth of the link will most likely not be used.
10401This kind of switching is therefore used when capacity is the major concern not performance.
10411Port forwarding
10421Port forwarding is commonly done on Unix computers where port numbers numbered below 1024 can only be accessed by software running as the root user.
1043-1Running as root can be a security risk, so some people use port forwarding to redirect incoming traffic from a low numbered port to software listening on a higher port.
10441For example, a web server may be listening on a port such as 8080 for traffic redirected from the restricted port 80.
10451A port may be forwarded for use by either the TCP protocol, the UDP protocol, or both.
10461Port Royal
10471Port Royal grew to be one of the two largest towns and the most economically important port in the English colonies.
10481During a twenty-year period that ended in 1692, nearly 6,500 people lived in Port Royal.
10491In addition to prostitutes and buccaneers, there were four goldsmiths, forty-four tavern keepers, and a variety of artisans and merchants who lived in 200 buildings crammed into 51 acres (206,000 m2) of real estate. 213 ships visited the seaport in 1688.
10501The citys wealth was so great that coins were preferred for payment rather than the more common system of bartering goods for services.
10511Port River
10521There are some mangroves (avicennia marina var resinifera) remaining from the pre-settlement forests along Torrens Island, the north arm of the river and north of the Submarine Corporation near "mutton cove".
10531Spring tides are over 21 metres and at low tide mudflats are exposed near the outlet of the river, forming a breeding ground for blue swimmer crabs and other species.
10541Bottlenose dolphins are often seen in the river, examine and follow small boats and have become a well known tourist attraction with dolphin cruises departing from 'Queens Wharf'.
10551The industrialised nature of the Port River has led to concern for the welfare of the bottlenose dolphin population and studies have shown that some of the dolphins have very high metal burdens in comparison to dolphins elsewhere.
10561Port Richmond, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
10571Port Richmond, at the beginning of the century, was a working-class neighborhood, and most workers simply walked to their nearby workplaces with lunch pail in hand.
10581Cars were not common and those who had them stored them in stables.
1059-1Stables for horses and cars were located in various parts of the area.
1060-1Streets unlike now -—were generally free of parked vehicles, allowing hucksters and other vendors space to easily proceed down the narrow side streets with their horse and wagon on a daily basis.
10611Port Perry High School
1062-1The school's music department has been widely recognized as one of the finest in the country.
10631Its ensembles include Guitar Ensemble, Peapods Blues Revue, 11, and several vocal and instrumental groups.
10641The 2007-2008 line-up for The Accidentals consisted of John Vaillancourt (Guitar, Lead Vocals, Keyboards), Drew Chester (Guitar, Lead Vocals, Keyboards) Nicole Damoff (Vocals, Lead Guitar), Brian McClean (Lead Guitar) Andrew "Thunderthumbs" Britton (Bass, Backing Vocals), Richard Girvan (Lead Guitar), and Jeremy Foster (Backing Vocals, Violin, Keyboards, Percussion) and the groups director Mr. Gordon "Girv" Girvan.
1065-1In 2008 the school's music department went on tour to Cleveland Ohio and performed at many exciting venues including The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and a Cleveland Indians baseball game.
10661Port Jackson
10671The land around Port Jackson was occupied at the time of European discovery and colonisation by various tribes including the Gadigal, Cammeraygal, Eora and Wangal peoples.
1068-1The Gadigal people are said to have occupied the land stretching along the south side of Port Jackson from what is now South Head, in an arc west through to Petersham.
10691The area along the southern banks of the Parramatta River, west of Petersham to Rose Hill, was reported to belong to the Wanegal.
10701The Eora people lived on the southern side of the harbour, close to where the First Fleet settled.
10711Port Eliot
1072-1The estate office agreed a price, and there began the Elephant Fayre, one of the most eclectic festivals of the 1980s.
10731The festival ran from 1981-1986, beginning with some 1,500 visitors over four days, and featured a mix of music, theatre and visual arts.
10741By 1985-6 the festival, like so many of the time, had become victim of its own success.
10751Despite the tolerance of the then Lord Eliot and fellow festival benefactor Michael Eavis at Glastobury (known affectionately in festival crew parlance as 'The Good Lord and The Worthy Farmer') the travellers put paid, it was said, to the Elephant Fayre and seriously compromised Glastonbury.
10761Port Arthur massacre (Australia)
10771In his police interview Bryant admitted to having car jacked the BMW, but claimed it only had three occupants and denied shooting any person.
10781He also claimed he did not take the BMW from the vicinity of the toll booth and that his hostage was taken from the BMW.
10791He also denied visiting Port Arthur on that day, despite identification by several people including the toll attendant.
10801Bryant also claimed that the guns found by police were not his, but admitted to owning the shotgun that was found with his passport back in his own car near the toll booth.
10811Porsche 959
10821Porsche's head engineer at the time, Helmuth Bott, approached Schutz with some ideas about the Porsche 911, or more aptly, a new one.
10831Bott also knew through experience that a racing program usually helped to accelerate the development of new models.
10841The motor had originally been developed for the "Moby Dick" race car and then been redeveloped slightly for the short-lived Porsche Indy Car and several other projects before being "tweaked" a last time for use in the 961, the 959's racing counterpart.
10851The use of sequential twin turbochargers rather than the more usual identical turbochargers for each of the two cylinder banks allowed for smooth seamless delivery of power across the engine RPM band, in contrast to the abrupt on-off power characteristic that distinguished Porsche's other turbocharged engines of the period.
10861Porphyry of Gaza
10871Porphyry of Gaza is known to us only from the vivid biography by Mark the Deacon.
10881The 'Vita Porphyrii' appears to be a contemporary account of Porphyry that chronicles in some detail the end of paganism in Gaza in the early fifth century.
10891However the text has been identified in the 20th century as hagiography rather than history and some elements of it are certainly examples of the stereotyped events characteristic of this form of fiction Apparent use of Theodoret and other later sources convinced P. Peeters that it was actually written after 534.
10901On the other hand the author was certainly intimately familiar with Gaza in late Antiquity instances as history the destruction of the temples in Gaza in 'Vita Porphyrii'., and his statements are of interest at least as reflecting attitudes in the 5th century.
10911Pornography in Japan
10921Magazines are, along with videos, popular media for pornographic materials.
1093-1Many non-pornographic magazines have some glamour photography and as long as women are in something more than a swimsuit, it is considered a non-pornographic photograph.
1094-1Several non-pornographic magazines have some nude photographs of women as a part of their articles but as long as they have an artistic quality and do not show men, it is not considered pornographic.
10951Furthermore, a female and male doll may be partially clothed or even nude as long as it is a work of art and is not in an act of sex.
10961Pornography by region
10971Other countries commonly visited by American companies involve Colombia and Mexico.
1098-1Magazines or comic books featuring softcore (and some hardcore) pornography are commonly sold in newsstands.
1099-1Several other movies were produced by the European company Private in Costa Rica in the 1990s.
1100-1The American companies Anabolic and Diabolic produced several Latin based series such as Panochitas, which included trips to places such as the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and Chile.
11011Pornographic film
11021The total current income of the country's adult entertainment is often rated at $1013 billion, of which $46 billion are legal.
11031The figure is often credited to a study by Forrester Research and was lowered in 1998.
11041Other sources, quoted by Forbes (Adams Media Research, Veronis Suhler Communications Industry Report, and IVD), even taking into consideration all possible means (video networks and pay-per-view movies on cable and satellite, web sites, in-room hotel movies, phone sex, sex toys, and magazines) mention the $2.63.9 billion figure (without the cellphone component).
1105-1'USA Today' claimed in 2003 that websites such as and generated $2 billion in revenue in that year, which was allegedly about 10% of the overall domestic porn market at the time.
11061Porno (novel)
11071He has also lost some of the charm and physical attractiveness he previously possessed.
11081Nikki Fuller-Smith - 25-year old university student and film studies major who moonlights performing minor sexual favours at a sauna/massage parlour.
11091Lauren - Nikki's best friend and flatmate, a feminist, who tries to dissuade Nikki from being in a porn film.
1110-1She is generally regarded as a bore and motherly figure.
11111Pork rind
1112-1Pork Scratchings are typically heavy, hard and have a crispy layer of fat under the skin, some still retain the hair of the pig, and are flavored only with salt.
11131The pig hair is usually removed by quickly burning the skin of the pig before it is cut into pieces and cooked in hot fat.
1114-1Hair removal is not 100% effective which is why some retain a few hairs.
1115-1The hairs sometimes make people question the desirability of these pub snacks.
11161Porgy and Bess
1117-1In addition to being influenced by New York jazz and southern black music, many biographers and contemporaries have noted that for many numbers, Gershwin used melodies from Jewish liturgical music.
11181Gershwin biographer Edward Jablonski has claimed that the melody to "It Ain't Necessarily So" was taken from the Haftarah blessing, and others have attributed it to the Torah blessing.
1119-1Allusions to Jewish music have been detected by other observers as well.
11201Porcupine Tree
11211Porcupine Tree is notable for being an album-oriented band, making very conceptual records where many songs are related to each other.
11221I don't like the idea of any song sounding like any other song.
11231So most of the time it's a case of finding the sound world first whether it be a texture or a drum rhythm that sets you off on a certain musical path, or particular musical atmosphere, or flavor."
11241For their records, the band include mellotron, hammered dulcimer and guimbri among other unusual instruments for rock bands.
11251Porcupine Gold Rush
11261They staked twelve claims near their discovery and then, because different sponsors had staked them food money, they flipped a coin to determine how to divide the claims.
11271Hollinger won the toss and chose the six claims on the west.
1128-1Noah A. Timmins, a former storekeeper in Mattawa and the owner of the LaRose silver mine in Cobalt, purchased Benny Hollinger's claims and opened the Hollinger Mine, one of the greatest gold-producers in the western hemisphere.
11291Noah's nephew, Alphonse Paré, described it: “It was as if a giant cauldron had splattered the gold nuggets over a bed of pure white quartz crystals as a setting for some magnificent crown jewels of inestimable value.”
11311Although popular in the whole country, porchetta originated in central Italy, with Ariccia (in the Province of Rome) being the town most closely associated with it.
11321Elsewhere, it is considered a celebratory dish.
11331Across Italy is usually sold by pitchmen with their typically white-painted vans, especially during public displays or holidays, and it can be served in a panino.
11341It is also eaten as a meat dish in many households or as part of a picnic.
1136-1There are various styles of porches, all of which depend on the architectural tradition of its location.
11371However, they may be larger.
11381Verandahs, for example, are usually quite large and may encompass the entire facade as well as the sides of a structure.
11391At the other extreme, the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, Michigan has the longest porch in the world at in length.
11401Populous: The Beginning
1141-1The player commands several different types of followers, each of which has advantages and disadvantages in combat.
11421The most basic unit is the Brave, which builds houses, towers, and military buildings.
11431Warriors are the most basic military unit, employing a melee attack.
11441The Shaman herself is fairly weak, although she can be resurrected indefinitely during gameplay.
11451Shamans make up for their weakness with a number of spells, which can be used in offensive or defensive situations.
11461Population transfer in the Soviet Union
1147-1At the same time, on a number of occasions the workforce was transferred by non-violent means, usually by means of "recruitment" ('????????').
1148-1This kind of recruitment was regularly performed at forced settlements, where people were naturally more willing to resettle.
1149-1For example, the workforce of the Donbass and Kuzbass mining basins is known to have been replenished in this way.
1150-1(As a note of historical comparison, in Imperial Russia the mining workers at state mines ('bergals', "???????", from German 'Bergauer') were often recruited in lieu of military service which, for a certain period, had a term of 25 years ).
11511Population transfer
11521In the nineteenth century, the United States government removed a number of Native American nations to federally owned and designated Indian reservations.
11531Starting in the 1830s with the Choctaw people, the policy known as Indian removal relocated many nations living east of the Mississippi River to the Indian Territory in the west, a process that resulted in the "Trail of Tears" for the Cherokees.
11541Resistance to Indian removal led to several violent conflicts, including the Second Seminole War in Florida.
11551Later in the century, the establishment of reservations for the Plains Indians led to numerous Indian Wars.
11561Population history of American indigenous peoples
11571Stannard's claim of 100 million deaths has been disputed because he does not cite any demographic data to support this number, and because he makes no distinction between death from violence and death from disease.
11581Noble David Cook, Latin Americanist and history professor at Florida International University, considers books such as Stannard's a number of which were released around the year 1992 to coincide with the 500th anniversary of the Columbus voyage to America to be an unproductive return to Black Legend-type explanations for depopulation.
11591In response to Stannard's figure, political scientist R. J. Rummel has instead estimated that over the centuries of European colonization about 2 million to 15 million American indigenous people were the victims of what he calls 'democide.'
1160-1Rummel's estimate is presumably not a single democide, but a total of multiple democides, since there were many different governments involved.
11611Population history of American indigenous peoples
1162-1One reason this death toll was overlooked (or downplayed) is that, once introduced, diseases raced ahead of European immigration in many areas.
1163-1After the epidemics had already killed massive numbers of natives, many newer European immigrants assumed that there had always been relatively few indigenous peoples.
1164-1The scope of the epidemics over the years was vast, killing millions of people—possibly in excess of 90% of the population in the hardest hit areas—and creating one of "the greatest human catastrophe in history, far exceeding even the disaster of the Black Death of medieval Europe that killed up to one-third of the people in Europe and Asia between 1347 and 1351.
11651Population history of American indigenous peoples
11661In populations where a disease is endemic, most adults are exposed to the disease at a young age.
1167-1With proper care, many of these "childhood diseases" are often survivable.
11681In a naive population, all age groups are affected at once, leaving few or no healthy caregivers to nurse the sick.
11691With no resistant individuals healthy enough to tend to the ill, a disease may have higher fatalities than otherwise.
11701Population decline
11711It does not relate to carrying capacity, and is not a term in opposition to overpopulation, which deals with the total possible population that can be sustained by available food, water, sanitation and other infrastructure.
11721"Underpopulation" is usually defined as a state in which a country's population has declined too much to support its current economic system.
1173-1Thus the term has nothing to do with the biological aspects of carrying capacity, but is an economic term employed to imply that the transfer payment schemes of some developed countries might fail once the population declines to a certain point.
11741In this case, the younger generation may not be able to support the older generation.
11751Population control
11761His central argument on population is as follows: A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells; the population explosion is an uncontrolled multiplication of people.
11771Treating only the symptoms of cancer may make the victim more comfortable at first, but eventually he dies - often horribly.
1178-1The operation will demand many apparent brutal and heartless decisions.
11791The pain may be intense.
11801Popular revolt in late medieval Europe
11811Finally, layered on top of this was a popular ideological view of the time that property, wealth and inequality was against the teachings of God, as expressed through the teachings of the Franciscans.
1182-1The sentiment of the time was probably best expressed by preacher John Ball during the English Peasant Revolt when he said "When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?".
11831In other words, "gentleman" are nobles, all men are equal before God.
11841It was a cry for a leveling of society where no man is above any other.
11851Popular print
11861In the 1400s the great majority of these images were religious, if playing cards are excluded.
11871Most were coloured, usually crudely, by hand or later by stencil.
1188-1One political cartoon relating to events in 1468-70 has survived in several different versions (many from years later).
11891Old master print is a term that at this period includes popular prints, but later is restricted to more expensive and purely artistic prints.
11901Popular music in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
11911The concert was broadcast worldwide including SFR Yugoslavia.
1192-1Beside "Do They Know it's Christmas?" and USA for Africa projects from the UK and USA respectively, plenty of other countries also joined in.
11931The group included Oliver Mandić, Željko Bebek, Momčilo Bajagić, Slađana Milošević, Jura Stublić, Dado Topić, Zdravko Čolić, Izolda Barudžija, Snežana Mišković, Alen Islamović, Sead Lipovača, Dejan Cukić, Doris Dragović, Anja Rupel, Srđan Šaper, Vladimir Divljan, Peđa D' Boy, Zoran Predin and other eminent musicians.
1194-1The video for "Za million godina" was played on many TV stations worldwide and also, on July 13 at the Wembley Stadium on large video screens during a video interlude.
11951Popular education
11961Such popular educations were also a major feature of May '68 and of the following decenie, leading in particular to the establishment of the University of Paris VIII - Vincennes in Paris, in 1969.
11971Famous intellectuals such as Gilles Deleuze, Michel Foucault, Jacques Lacan and others held seminars there, in full classrooms where no seats could be found.
11981For instance, musicians such as Richard Pinhas assisted at Deleuze's courses, and after having written the 'Anti-Oedipus' (1972) with Félix Guattari, Deleuze used to say that non-specialists had best understood their work.
11991Furthermore, Vincennes had no amphitheatres, representatives of the 'mandarin' teacher facing and dominating by his position several hundreds students silenciously taking notes.
12001Popular culture studies
1201-1The question whether popular culture or mass culture is inherently conservative, or whether it can be used in a subversive strategy as well, is equally hotly debated.
1202-1It seems widely accepted that popular culture forms can function at any moment as anti-cultures.
12031"Bad taste" products such as pornography and horror fiction, says for instance Andrew Ross (1989:231), draw their popular appeal precisely from their expressions of disrespect for the imposed lessons of educated taste.
1204-1They are expressions of social resentment on the part of groups which have been subordinated and excluded by today's "civilized society".
12051Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command
12061In the 1970s and 1980s, the group carried out a number of attacks on Israeli soldiers and civilians, and gained notoriety for using spectacular means.
1207-1He killed six soldiers and wounded several others, before being shot dead himself.
1208-1The action has been seen by some as providing the catalyst for the eruption of the First Intifada.
12091The PFLP-GC has not been involved in major attacks on Israeli targets since the early 1990s, but it has reportedly cooperated with the Hezbollah guerrillas in South Lebanon.
12101Poppy tea
12111Effects vary widely depending on dosage (amount of poppy straw used, alkaloid content of poppies and the quality of extraction), on individual sensitivity and on any opiate tolerance which has built up.
12121Since many of the opioid receptors are located in the spinal chord (CNC) as well as in the digestive tract, the user describes the ability to feel the intestinal tract with the sensation of lightness, and pleasure.
1213-1Additionally, some users report a sensation of light pressure on the back of the neck.
12141Since opioids are known to release histamine, the user may become itchy as the liver starts to metabolize the alkaloids.
12151Poppy seed
12161Fillings in pastries are usually made of finely ground poppy seeds mixed with butter or milk and sugar.
12171The ground filling is used in poppy seed rolls and some croissants and may be flavored with lemon or orange zest, rum and vanilla with raisins, heavy cream, cinnamon, and chopped blanched almonds or walnuts added.
12181For sweet baked goods, sometimes instead of sugar a tablespoon of jam, or other sweet binding agent, like syrup is substituted.
12191The poppy seed for fillings are best when they are finely and freshly ground because this will make a big difference in the pastry fillings texture and taste.
12211However, according to an article published in the 'Medical Science Law Journal', after ingesting "a curry meal or two containing various amounts of washed seeds" where total morphine levels were in the range 58.4 to 62.2 µg/g seeds, the urinary morphine levels were found to range as high as 1.27 µg/mL (1,270 ng/mL) urine.
12221Another article in the 'Journal of Forensic Science' reports that concentration of morphine in some batches of seeds may be as high as 251 µg/g.
12231In both studies codeine was also present in the seeds in smaller concentrations.
12241Therefore it is possible to cross the current standard 2,000 ng/mL limit of detection, depending on seed potency and quantity ingested.
12261Several researchers have demonstrated a statistical correlation between popper use and HHV-8-infection and development of Kaposi's Sarcoma.
12271However the most recently published peer-reviewed English-language overview of research on the health risks of poppers notes a lack of controlled trials.
1228-1The correlation might therefore be accounted for by a bias among some popper users towards high-risk sexual behaviours.
12291Anal sex was also correlated.
12301However, a meta review of 30 research articles examining HIV infection risk and club drug use showed some evidence for poppers being a risk factor for HIV infection but considered further research was necessary.
12321Most of 'Popotan's gameplay requires little interaction from the player since a majority of the time is spent reading the text that appears on the game's screen, which represents either dialogue between the various characters or the inner thoughts of the protagonist.
12331Gameplay pauses at these points and, depending on which choice the player makes, the plot will progress and may branch off in a specific direction, though pursuing anyone beyond the three sisters requires at least one of the latter's scenarios to have been successfully completed.
1234-1The PS2 port added new events and scenes based on the DVD version, although some of the content that was removed.
12351This allows the player to play the mini-game based upon various music tracks from the game.
12371The name however stuck to many languages and has caused some confusion even among linguists working with Native American languages.
12381This confusion prompted some kind of distinction between Popoluca languages and the spelling "Popoluca" with an "u" became used for certain Mixe-Zoquean languages, while the spelling "Popoloca" with an "o" became used for certain languages of the Popolocan family of Oto-Manguean languages.
1239-1Some indigenous communities speaking languages called Popoluca feel that this name is unfairly given and carries a derogatory meaning and they prefer other names to be used about them.
1240-1Below is a list of different varieties of Popoluca and Popoloca and the alternative names that are now beginning to be used for them, at least in some technical and governmental publications.
12411Poplar River First Nation
12421More importantly, in more recent decades the sudden change to mainstream diet could also have negative side-effects, not just with members of this community, but for all First Nation people; on or off reserve.
12431The introduction of additives to foods such as hormones, antibiotics, tranquilizers, excessively high sugar, salt, and other additives, and even caffeine, nicotine and alcohol, could cause chemical changes in the bodies of First Nation people interfering with mental wellness.
12441This would explain the high incidents of alcoholism, higher than average rates of suicide, as well as other social ills.
12451There have been no in-depth scientific studies or analysis in to this particular area specifically targeted at the First Nation peoples.
12471The real-time price fluctuations of the artists were shown in the 'control panel' and also by numerous charts on the individual artists' pages.
1248124hr summaries of the biggest risers and fallers were shown on the (largely redundant but highly popular) shakers and movers (S&M) chart.
12491The best 40 players were recorded in the 'rich-list' on the comprehensive stats pages.
12501Occasionally prizes like compact discs and shirts were given out to those who performed best.
12511As of June, 2005, over 150,000 people belonged to the site, which was based in London, United Kingdom.
12521Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria
12531To guide the various dioceses under his jurisdiction to nominate the candidates for episcopal shepherding, and thus consecrate the Hierarchs for these eparchies.
12541To consecrate bishops for various dioceses or bishoprics, to elevate bishops to the metropolitan dignity and to consecrate and enthrone Patriarchs for daughter autonomous or autocephalous churches of the Apostolic Throne of Alexandria.
12551To promulgate missions to preach Christianity to various parts of the world.
12561There are Coptic Orthodox Churches worldwide in Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, England, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Belgium, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Greece, Brazil, Bolivia and other nations.
12571Pope Urban I
1258-1It had been believed that he was buried in the 'Coemetarium Praetextati' where a tomb was inscribed with his name.
12591De Rossi therefore concluded that the Urban buried in the Coemetarium Praetextati was another bishop and Pope Urban was located in St. Callistus' Catacomb.
1260-1While many historians accept this belief doubt remains.
1261-1Therefore it is possible that Pope Urban is indeed buried in the Coemetarium Praetextati.
12621Pope Sergius IV
12631The power held by Sergius IV was often overshadowed by Crescentius III, the ruler of the city of Rome at the time.
1264-1Some historians have claimed that Sergius IV was essentially a puppet ruler for Crescentius III.
1265-1Others, however, claimed that the Pope resisted Crescentius III's power.
1266-1There is some evidence that Sergius IV gave political backing to an anti-Crescentius faction in the city.
12671Pope Pius XII
1268-1For example, Pinchas Lapide, a Jewish theologian and Israeli diplomat to Milan in the 1960s, estimated controversially in 'Three Popes and the Jews' that Pius "was instrumental in saving at least 700,000 but probably as many as 860,000 Jews from certain death at Nazi hands."
1269-1some historians have questioned this oft-cited number, which Lapide reached by "deducting all reasonable claims of rescue" by non-Catholics from the total number of European Jews surviving the Holocaust.
12701Catholic scholar Kevin Madigan interprets this and other praise from prominent Jewish leaders, including Golda Meir, as less than sincere, an attempt to secure Vatican recognition of the State of Israel.
12711Pope Pius XII
12721Cornwell's work was the first to have access to testimonies from Pius's beatification process as well as to many documents from Pacelli's nunciature which had just been opened under the seventy-five year rule by the Vatican State Secretary archives.
12731Much praise of Cornwell centered around his disputed claim that he was a practising Catholic who had attempted to absolve Pius with his work.
12741While works such as Susan Zuccotti's 'Under His Very Windows: The Vatican and the Holocaust in Italy' (2000) and Michael Phayer's 'The Catholic Church and the Holocaust, 19301965' (2000) are critical of both Cornwell and Pius XII, Ronald J. Rychlak's 'Hitler, the War and the Pope' is critical as well but defends Pius XII in light of his access to most recent documents.
12751Cornwell's scholarship has been criticized.
12761For example, Kenneth L. Woodward stated in his review in 'Newsweek' that "errors of fact and ignorance of context appear on almost every page."
12771Pope Pius IX
1278-1The Pope went several times to the balcony to give his blessing.
1279-1Following this the Quirinal was covered by canon fire, which caused several deaths.
12801The very last papal shot at the Porta Pia was fired by an Jesuit Austrian alumnus of the Stella Matutina (Jesuit School)
12811Pius IX was lampooned by reference to the Italian version of his name ('Pio Nono'), as 'Pio No No'.
12821His occasional mood changes and emotional outbursts have been interpreted as symptoms of his epilepsy.
12831One enduring popular touch lies in Pius IX's artistic legacy as author of the Italian-language lyrics of Italy's best known indigenous Christmas carol, 'Tu scendi dalle stelle' ("From starry skies descended"), originally a Neapolitan language song written by Saint Alphonsus Liguori.
12841During his stay at the Kingdom of Two Sicilies, on 8 September 1849, Pope Pius IX had the experience of a train trip from Portici to Pagani, so he became enthusiastic about this modern invention.
12851The houses along the streets were illuminated with torches, and people threw flowers from the window on the horse-drawn carriage.
12861Pope Pius IX
12871Pius IX was a patron of the arts like most of his predecessors.
12881The two theatres in Rome were popular in part because he exempted them from any papal censorship.
12891He generously supported all expressions of art, architecture, painting,sculpture,music, goldsmiths, coppersmiths and more, and handed out numerous rewards to its representatives.
1290-1Much of his efforts were oriented to the Roman Churches but also in the Papal States, many of which were renovated and improved.
12911Saint Peter's Basilica got numerous improvements including the existing marble floors, and the two statues of the Apostle Peter and Apostle Paul at the Plaza.
12921Pope Pius IX
1293-1His rule was considered secular and as such he was occasionally accorded the title "king".
1294-1One of the most fervent contemporary critic of his infallibility dogma, Ignaz Döllinger, considered the 'political regime' of the pope in the Papal States 'as wise, well-intentioned, mild-natured, frugal and open for innovations.'
12951In the period before the 1848 revolution, Pius IX was a most ardent reformer.
12961After the revolution however, his political reforms and constitutional improvements were considered minimalists, remaining largely within the framework of the 1850 laws mentioned above
12971Pope Pius IX
12981He celebrated several jubilees such as the 300th anniversary of the Council of Trent, and his own Golden Jubilee in 1868.
12991The Italian government, intervening in Church affairs, had outlawed in 1870 a number of popular pilgrimages.
13001At the 50th anniversary of his Episcopal consecration, people from all parts of the world came to see the old pontiff from 30 April 1877 to 15 June 1877.
1301-1The Pope was a bit shy on himself, but he valued initiative within the Church and created several new titles, rewards and orders to elevate those, who in his view deserved merit for their Church engagement.
13021Pope Pius II
1303-1Pius II was a versatile and voluminous author, one of the best and most industrious of his period.
13041His most important and longest work is his autobiography 'Commentaries' in 13 books, first published in 1584 by Cardinal Francesco Bandini Piccolomini, a distant relative.
13051Piccolomini altered it to some extent, removing words, phrases and whole passages that were unflattering to his relative.
13061Pius II was also the author of numerous erotic poems and an obscene comedy titled 'Chrysis' (such ethics were not unusual for his period).
13071Pope Paul VI
1308-1This encyclical was written in the wake of Vatican II, when the Catholic Church was questioning and revising many long-held practices.
1309-1Priestly celibacy is considered a discipline rather than dogma, and some at the time had expected that it might be relaxed.
13101The encyclical Sacerdotalis Caelibatus from 24 June 1967, confirms the traditional Church teaching, that celibacy is an ideal state and continues to be mandatory for Roman Catholic priests.
13111However, during his pontificate Paul VI was considered generous in permitting bishops to grant laicization of priests who wanted to leave the sacerdotal state, a position which was drastically reversed by John Paul II in 1980 and cemented in the 1983 Canon Law that only the pope himself can in exceptional circumstances grant laicization.
13121Pope Leo XIII
13131Leo XIII worked to encourage understanding between the Church and the modern world, though he preferred a cautious view on freedom of thought, stating that "is quite unlawful to demand, defend, or to grant unconditional freedom of thought, or speech, of writing or worship, as if these were so many rights given by nature to man" Leo's social teachings are based on the Catholic premise, that God is the Creator of the world and its Ruler.
13141He opposed notions of marriage as a commercial contract, divorce, and education without religion, a State without God.
13151He rejected some forms of egalitarianism: "People differ in capacity, skill, health, strength; and unequal fortune is a necessary result of unequal condition.
13161All men are equal in regard to their common origin and nature, or the last end which each one has to attain, or the rights and duties which are thence derived.
13171Leo XIII predicts that if state authorities do not heed these eternal truths, if they permit "the fear of God and reverence for divine laws being taken away", overthrow of the existing order and of the authorities themselves will occur.
13181Attempts are under way, he claims, by communists, socialists and Freemasons.
13191But, whoever strive against the order which Divine Providence has constituted pay usually the penalty of their pride, and meet with affliction and misery where they rashly hoped to find all things prosperous and in conformity with their desires.
13201Obedience to God is a teaching which supports civil authorities, because Church teaching about the divine origin of authority civil authority, and fosters obedience to it.
13211Pope Julius II
13221Despite an illegitimate daughter, rumors also surrounded Julius about his sexuality.
1323-1Casting himself in the role of a warrior, inevitably created enemies for Julius - many of whom accused him of being a sodomite.
1324-1This was almost certainly done in order to discredit him but perhaps, in doing so, accusers were attacking a perceived weak point in their adversary's character.
1325-1Venetians - who were opposed to the pope's new militarstic policy - were amongst the most vocal.
13261Pope John Paul II
13271He was one of the most-travelled world leaders in history, visiting 129 countries during his pontificate.
13281He was fluent in many languages: his native Polish as well as Italian, French, German, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Croatian, Ancient Greek and Latin.
13291As part of his special emphasis on the universal call to holiness, he beatified 1,340 people and canonised 483 Saints, more than the combined tally of his predecessors during the last five centuries.'
1330-1Whether John Paul II canonised more saints than all previous popes put together is difficult to prove, as the records of many early canonisations are incomplete, missing, or inaccurate.'
13311Pope Benedict XVI and Islam
13321On July 21, 2006, Pope Benedict XVI that he does not plan to intervene diplomatically in the Middle East fighting, but called on people of all religions to join Sunday's worldwide day of prayers for peace.
13331"I think it is best to leave that to the diplomats, because we don't enter politics.
13341Our goal is simply peace, and we will do everything to help attain peace," Benedict told reporters as he returned from an hour-long hike in the Italian Alps.
13351The pope has set aside Sunday as a worldwide day of prayers for peace, hoping the prayers will bring a halt to the fighting.
13361We will help with our prayers and with the people we have in ... in Lebanon".
13371Pope Benedict XII
13381He spent most of his time working on questions of theology.
1339-1He rejected many of the ideas developed by John XXII.
1340-1Though some claim that he campaigned against the Immaculate Conception, this is far from clear.
13411He engaged in long theological debates with other noted figures of the age such as William of Ockham and Meister Eckhart.
13421Pope Alexander VI
13431A danger now arose in the shape of a conspiracy on the part of the deposed despots, the Orsini, and of some of Cesare's own condottieri.
13441His goods were confiscated, his aged mother turned into the street and many other members of the clan in Rome were arrested, while Giuffre Borgia led an expedition into the Campagna and seized their castles.
13451Thus the two great houses of Orsini and Colonna, who had long fought for predominance in Rome and often flouted the Pope's authority, were subjugated and the Borgias' power increased.
13461Cesare then returned to Rome, where his father asked him to assist Giuffre in reducing the last Orsini strongholds; this for some reason he was unwilling to do, much to Alexander VI's annoyance; but he eventually marched out, captured Ceri and made peace with Giulio Orsini, who surrendered Bracciano.
13471PopMart Tour
13481The link-ups were arranged by aid worker Bill Carter, who interviewed ordinary people about their experiences of the ongoing War in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
13491The Sarajevo show had to wait until the PopMart Tour, when U2 became the first major band to perform in the city after the war had ended.
13501The highly emotional concert was among the highlights of the PopMart Tour.
1351150,000 people attended and effort was made to make sure all the ethnic groups were present.
13521Also in attendance were several hundred members of the international "Stabilisation Force" (SFOR) who were tasked at that time with upholding the Dayton Agreement.
13531Pop-up ad
13541Certain types of downloaded content, such as images, free music, and others, can cause pop ups, especially pornographic sites' pop ups.
13551However, some will reload the page, causing loss of any information that had been entered.
1356-1On many internet browsers, holding down the ctrl key while clicking a link will allow it to bypass the popup filter.
13571Clicking (even accidentally) on one pop-up may lead to other pop-up ads opening, especially pornographic pop-ups.
13581Pop-up ad
13591As pop-up ads became widespread, many users learned to immediately close the popup ads that appeared over a site without looking at them.
13601Pop-under ads do not immediately impede a user's ability to view the site content, and thus usually remain unnoticed until the main browser window is closed, leaving the user's attention free for the advertisement.
13611Pop-under ads were first introduced by ExitExchange corporation in 1999.
13621After years of controversy and numerous articles on the pop-under patent (see references), the patent was awarded by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in April and June of 2008.
13631Although the pop-under ad is ubiquitous with annoying methodologies it still is used by major publishers such as and Wall Street Journal.
13641Pop rock
13651As with many musical genres, what constitutes "pop rock" is subjective.
1366-1As such, music critics and journalists have differing opinions on which category a band should be placed in.
13671'Billboard' magazine provides one perspective on how to categorize "pop rock" groups from the 1970s to the 2000s.
1368-1Other perspectives from other magazines and individual music journalists and critics are also provided.
13691Pop Idol
13701The Saturday night primetime show initially followed the audition process, as hopefuls sang before four judges (record producer and music executive Pete Waterman, music executive and music manager Simon Cowell, music promoter and music manager Nicki Chapman and Radio DJ and television personality Neil "Dr" Fox) at various locations around the UK.
13711Besides the successful auditionees, the poorest "singers" were often aired due to their obvious lack of talent or presence.
13721Poor singers often faced harsh criticisms from the judges, especially from Simon Cowell (whose controversial rantings also made him famous on 'American Idol').
13731The judges' reactions to such performances often ranged from disgust to nearly open laughter; their style of judgement and attitude towards pop-star wannabes resulted in the controversial opinions of others about the show's setup, including that of Take That manager, Nigel Martin Smith.
13741Poor Man's Bible
13751Other churches have been founded by or have been associated with some person who was later canonised.
13761These associations are often celebrated in the decoration of the church, to encourage worshippers to emulate the piety, good works, or steadfast faith of the saint.
13771Sometimes saints are shown together in a sort of pictorial gallery, but the depiction of narratives is also common.
13781This may take the form of a single incident, such as Saint Sebastian tied to a tree and bristling with arrows or St Christopher carrying the Christ Child across the river, or the saint's life may be shown in a narrative sequence, similar to the way in which the life of Jesus is depicted.
13791Poondi Kumaraswamy
13801During the period of Jawaharlal Nehru Fellowship he created the first comprehensive 20 volume hydrological atlas of Tamil Nadu State of India including mathematical models, details of hydraulic structures, among others.
13811He developed also the double bounded probability density function (Kumaraswamy distribution), a probability density function suitable for physical variables that are usually bounded.
13821He worked also as a design and construction engineer of two major industrial works, namely, the Tiruchirappalli Boiler Plant, and the Tuticorin Harbour Project.
13831In addition he was involved in the hydraulic design of numerous dams, canals, and other hydraulic structures throughout South India.
13841Poole Harbour
13851Continuing anti-clockwise, now heading south are the majority of the islands within the Harbour as well as several small channels and inlets.
13861The majority of land in this area is heathland and there are few settlements, as opposed to western part of the Harbour.
13871Green Island, Furzey Island and Brownsea Island (in that order) are to the east, with Newton Bay and Brands Bay (this area has several oil wells) to the south.
13881This area of water is known as the South Deep.
13901The district is overwhelmingly populated by people of a white ethnic background, 95.98% of residents are of White British ethnicity, well above the rest of England at 86.99%.
13911Minority ethnic groups (including those in white ethnic groups who did not classify themselves as British) represent 4.0% of Pooles population.
13921The largest religion in Poole is Christianity, at almost 74.34%, slightly above the United Kingdom average of 71.6%.
13931The next-largest sector is those with no religion, at almost 16.23%, also above the UK average of 15.5%.
13951Parkstone Grammar School was the most successful secondary school in Poole for GCSE results in 2007: 100% of pupils gained five or more GCSEs at A
13961to C grade including maths and English.
13971Canford School also achieved 100% and Poole Grammar School was the next best performing school with 98%.
13981Pooles grammar schools were also the best performing for A-level results.
13991Poole Grammar School was the 60th most successful school/sixth form in the country in 2007: each student achieved on average 1071.4 points compared to the national average of 731.2.
14001Pool-type reactor
14011However most often 19.75% enrichment is used, falling just under the 20% level that would make it highly enriched.
14021Fuel elements may be plates or rods with 8.5% to 45% uranium.
14031Beryllium and graphite blocks or plates may be added to the core as neutron reflectors and neutron absorbing rods pierce the core for control.
14041General Atomics of La Jolla, CA manufactures TRIGA reactor fuel elements in France for the majority of these types of reactors around the world.
14051Pool of Siloam
14061As a freshwater reservoir, it would have been a major gathering place for ancient Jews making religious pilgrimages to the city.
1407-1The Gospel of John suggests that it was probably used as a mikvah (ritual bath), although mikvah are usually much smaller in size; if the pool were a mikvah, it would be the largest ever found, by a substantial margin, and mentioned in Byzantine works such as the 7th century 'Chronicon Paschale'; other nymphaeum built by Hadrian, such as that at Sagalassos, have a very similar appearancefor example, see .
1408-1Although most Christian scholars date the Gospel of John to the end of the first century, dates as late as the 140s have been suggested; the latter date range would imply that the description in the Gospel of John was written after Hadrian had built the Nymphaeum.
14091Pool of Bethesda
14101The Johannine narrative describes the porticos as being a place in which large numbers of infirm people were waiting, (a) which corresponds well with the site's first century use as an asclepieion.
1411-1Some ancient biblical manuscripts argue that these people were waiting for the 'troubling of the water'; (b) a few such manuscripts also move the setting away from Roman rituals into something more appropriate to Judaism, by adding that an angel would occasionally stir the waters, which would then cure the first person to enter.
1412-1Although the Vulgate does not include the 'troubling of the water' or the 'angel tradition', these were present in many of the manuscripts used by early English translations of the Bible, who therefore included it in their translations.
14131Modern textual scholarship views these extra details as unreliable and unlikely to have been part of the original text; many modern translations do not include the 'troubling of the water' or the 'angel tradition', but leave the earlier numbering system, so that they skip from verse '3a' straight to verse '5'.
14141Pontifical High Mass
14151In the early Church, Mass was normally celebrated by the bishop, with other clergy.
14161In the Roman Rite this evolved into a form of Solemn High Mass celebrated by a bishop accompanied by a deacon, subdeacon, thurifer, acolyte(s) and other ministers, under the guidance of a priest acting as Master of Ceremonies.
14171Most often the specific parts assigned to deacon and subdeacon are performed by priests.
14181The parts to be said aloud are all chanted, except that the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar, which before the reform of Pope Pius V were said in the sacristy or during the entrance procession, were said quietly by the bishop with the deacon and the subdeacon, while the choir sang the Introit.
14191Pontiac's Rebellion
14201He marched to the Muskingum River in the Ohio Country, within striking distance of a number of native villages.
14211Now that treaties had been negotiated at Fort Niagara and Fort Detroit, the Ohio Natives were isolated and, with some exceptions, ready to make peace.
14221Guyasuta and other leaders reluctantly handed over more than 200 captives, many of whom had been adopted into Native families.
14231Because not all of the captives were present, the Natives were compelled to surrender hostages as a guarantee that the other captives would be returned.
14241Pontiac Grand Prix
14251The base Model J underwent a number of content changes to cut the base price by around $500 to be more competitive with other mid-sized personal luxury cars.
14261Those changes for the "J" included a smaller 350 CID V8 as the base powerplant and some downgrading of interior trim that included a new notchback bench seat made standard equipment and the Strato bucket seats/console moved to the "option" list.
14271Leather interior trim was a new extra-cost option available with the Strato bucket seats and LJ and SJ models.
14281Both the "LJ" and "SJ" models came standard with a 400 CID V8 that was optional on the Model J. The 455 CID V8 was optional on all models.
14291In celebration of Pontiac's 50th anniversary in 1976, a number of special edition Grand Prix painted gold were produced.
14301These models featured removable Hurst T-tops, Rally II wheels and other distinctions but were mechanically similar to the regular models.
14311Pontiac can Am
14321There have been some pervasive myths or urban legends regarding the Can Am.
14331It was only available in Cameo White paint, and not any other color from the factory - such as Mandarin Orange or Carousel Red.
14341This rumor continues, despite the facts being well documented via discussions with Jim Wangers, the motivating force behind Motortown.
14351Road tests commonly quoted the Can Am as having a Pontiac 400, along with a 2.41 rear gear ratio.
14361However, one Can Am has been restored and modified with a conversion to a Super T10 manual transmission using all-GM factory parts, from various years of the 73-77 GM A-body.
14381Bushnell decided to inform each of the two groups that the other was not interested—Bushnell told the Bally executives that the Midway executives did not want it and vice versa—to preserve the relationships for future dealings.
14391Upon hearing this, the two groups declined Bushnell's offer.
14401The first arcade cabinets produced were assembled very slowly, about ten machines a day, many of which failed quality testing.
14411By 1973, they began shipping 'Pong' to other countries with the aid of foreign partners.
14421Pond hockey
1443-1There are many Pond hockey tournaments in the United States and Canada.
14441There is no skill level bias in these tournaments, everyone is eligible to sign up, however due to popular demand signing up early becomes very essential.
1445-1The tournaments have been covered by many news stations they have also been headlines on many newspapers.
14461The tournaments may have rules but are still purposed for enjoyment.
14471Pond hockey
14481Organized outdoor hockey has been played many years before indoor rinks were popularized.
14491Then a bird came to the stranger and said, that if he were to hit the ball lightly the bird would take the ball across the line (commonly known as a goal).
14501Shinny was not just a part of Navajo culture it was part of many Indian stories.
14511Shinny was also used to praise gods, and people would play in honor of a certain god.
14521Shinny was played by almost all tribes, women were also allowed to play, sometimes they would even play with or against men of the tribe.
14531Some balls were made from a knot in a tree, some were made of whale bone, others where made of buffalo hair covered with the skin of a buck.
1454-1It is said that some tribes in North Dakota could not accept losing and would kill anyone who beat them.
14551They were usually as big as the land could suffice for, they also corresponded to the number of players.
14561Pompeo Marchesi
1457-1The greater part of his life was spent in Milan, where for many years he was professor of sculpture at the Academy.
14581He executed a large number of groups in marble and portrait busts.
14591For the Arco della Pace (commemorative arch now in the Parco Sempione), completed in 1838, he made various reliefs including of Terpsichore and Venus Urania, and of the rivers Adige and Tagliamento.
1460-1One of his best-known compositions is the group of the "Mater Dolorosa", in the church of San Carlo, at which he worked for many years.
14621In 1243, the Bishopric of Pomesania and the other three dioceses (Bishopric of Samland, Ermland, and Bishopric of Culm) were put under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Riga by papal legate William of Modena.
14631Pomesanians joined the other Prussian clans during the First Prussian Uprising (12421249), but was the only clan not to participate in the Great Prussian Uprising (12601274).
14641As the westernmost Prussian territory, it was the most exposed clan to German colonists and their culture.
14651They assimilated and became extinct a bit faster than the other Prussians.
14671Pomegranates are a motif often found in Christian religious decoration.
14681They are often woven into the fabric of vestments and liturgical hangings or wrought in metalwork.
14691Pomegranates figure in many religious paintings by the likes of Sandro Botticelli and Leonardo da Vinci, often in the hands of the Virgin Mary or the infant Jesus.
14701In the Eastern Orthodox Church, pomegranate seeds may be used in kolyva, a dish prepared for memorial services, as a symbol of the sweetness of the heavenly kingdom.
1472-1It is the official logo of many cities in Turkey.
1473-1Although not native to China, Korea or Japan, the pomegranate is widely grown there and many cultivars have been developed.
1474-1It is widely used for bonsai because of its flowers and for the unusual twisted bark that older specimens can attain.
14751Balaustines, the red rose-like flowers of the pomegranate, taste bitter and may be used as an astringent in folk medicine.
1477-1Most pomades contain petroleum jelly (in fact, petroleum jelly can be used alone as a pomade) and mineral oil, and many also contain some sort of wax.
14781They may be anhydrous or emulsified with an aqueous carrier, which makes them easier to remove.
14791They may also contain perfume and coloring agents.
14801The stiffest will have a higher proportion of beeswax while the lightest may have a higher proportion of oils.
14821Cheerleading pom-pons come in a variety of shapes, styles, colors, color combinations and sizes.
1483-1Of particular note is the emerging variation in handles used by many manufacturers.
14841Metallic (shiny) poms have become very popular in recent years, as have more cost-effective look-alike poms that are often given to spectators at sporting events.
14851These spectator poms are often called Rooter or Spirit poms.
14871The polywell differs from the fusor in that the electrons are magnetically confined, so that it is also related to magnetic confinement fusion, most closely to magnetic mirrors.
14881In common with magnetic mirrors is the field minimum in the central region, the confinement (in part) by the mirror effect, and (at least to some extent) a non-thermal distribution of the electron energies.
1489-1In some mirror configurations, the field in the center is a minimum in every direction, as it is in the central region of a polywell.
14901The magnetic field in such a case is said to have "good curvature" because a certain class of fluctuations are stable in a plasma contained by such a field.
14911Polytrichum commune
14921While mosses are considered non-vascular plants, 'Polytrichum commune' shows clear differentiation of water conducting tissue.
14931The other tissue is called 'leptom', which surround the hadrom and contains smaller cells.
14941This tissue is, on the other hand, analogous to phloem.
14951When these two tissue types are taken into account along with the species' exceptional height, it becomes clear that common haircap moss is quite a unique moss considering that the majority of species show little differentiation of conducting tissue and are restricted to much smaller stem lengths.
14961Polytheistic reconstructionism
14971Historically folk religion was often suppressed by religious institutions or totalitarian regimes.
14981When these regimes weaken or dissolve, often the populace will reinstitute their folk traditions, customs and languages as a form of cultural pride or nationalism.
1499-1In some places where the dominant religion has had a legally enforced monopoly for centuries, the influx of folk religions is viewed as competition.
15001This is most clearly illustrated by the ongoing discrimination against Greeks who practice their indigenous religion.
15011Some right-wing European intellectuals, such as Alain de Benoist in France, have called for a restoration of polytheism in opposition to Christianity, which they see as internationally-minded, inclusive, and decadent.
15021Polytechnic Institute of New York University
15031The Polytechnic Anime Society consists of students who enjoy gaming, 'anime', 'manga', and other aspects of both popular culture and Japanese culture.
15041Besides hosting weekly anime showings and gaming sessions in the university, PAS also hosts and participates in various outside events.
15051Members can often be found in costume attending conventions and parades.
15061Average attendance per year is usually around 200, with tournaments, panels, and anime showings running throughout the day.
15071Polystrate fossil
1508-1Geologists have recognized innumerable fossil soils (paleosols) throughout the strata containing polystrate fossils at Joggins, Nova Scotia, Yellowstone petrified forests, coal mines of the Black Warrior Basin of Alabama, and many other locations.
15091The layer immediately underlying coal seams, often called either "seatearth or underclay", typically either consists of or contains a paleosol.
15101These paleosols are identified on the basis of the presence of structures and microstructures unique to soils; animal burrows and molds of plant roots of various sizes and types; recognizable soil profile development; and alteration of minerals by soil processes.
1511-1In many cases, these paleosols are virtually identical to modern soils.
15131Electrical polyspermy blocks operate in many animal species, including frogs, clams, and marine worms, but not in the several mammals that have been studied (hamster, rabbit, mouse).
15141In species without an electrical block, polyspermy is usually prevented by secretion of materials that establish a mechanical barrier to polyspermy.
1515-1It is thought that electrical blocks evolved in those species where a very fast block to polyspermy is needed, due to the presence of many sperm arriving simultaneously at the egg surface, as occurs in animals such as sea urchins.
15161In sea urchins, fertilization occurs externally in the ocean, such that hundreds of sperm can encounter the egg within several seconds.
15181Triploidy may be the result of either digyny (the extra haploid set is from the mother) or diandry (the extra haploid set is from the father).
15191Diandry is almost always caused by the fertilization of an egg by two sperm (dispermy).
15201Digyny is most commonly caused by either failure of one meiotic division during oogenesis leading to a diploid oocyte or failure to extrude one polar body from the oocyte.
15211However, among early miscarriages, digyny is also more common in those cases 8.5 weeks gestational age or those in which an embryo is present.
15221Polyphosphate-accumulating organisms
15231PAOs accomplish this removal of phosphate by accumulating it within their cells as polyphosphate.
15241PAOs are by no means the only bacteria that can accumulate polyphosphate within their cells and in fact, the production of polyphosphate is a widespread ability among bacteria.
1525-1However, the PAOs have many characteristics that other organisms that accumulate polyphosphate do not have, that make them amenable to use in wastewater treatment.
15261Most other bacteria cannot consume under these conditions and therefore PAOs gain a selective advantage within the mixed microbial community present in the activated sludge.
15271Therefore, wastewater treatment plants that operate for enhanced biological phosphorus removal have an anaerobic tank (where there is no nitrate or oxygen present as external electron acceptor) prior to the other tanks to give PAOs preferential access to the simple carbon compounds in the wastewater that is influent to the plant.
1529-1Previously, it was considered either as “molecular fossil” or as only a phosphorus and energy source providing the survival of microorganisms under extreme conditions.
15301These compounds now known to also have regulatory roles and to occur in representatives of all kingdoms of living organisms, participating in metabolic correction and control on both genetic and enzymatic levels.
1531-1They participate in many regulatory mechanisms occurring in bacteria:
1532-1They participate in the induction of rpoS, an RNA-polymerase subunit which is responsible for the expression of a large group of genes involved in adjustments to the stationary growth phase and many stressful agents.
15331The above channels formed by polyphosphate and poly-b-hydroxybutyrate with Ca2+ are involved in the transport processes in a variety of organisms.
1534-1Polyphosphates are present in animal cells, and there are many data on its participation in the regulatory processes during development and cellular proliferation and differentiation-especially in bone tissues and brain.
15351Polyphenyl ether
15361Because of this, this PPE and the other PPEs do not effectively wet metal surfaces.
1537-1This property is useful when migration of a lubricant from one part of the equipment to another part must be avoided, such as in certain electronic devices.
15381As a result, contamination of other components and equipment, which do not require a lubricant, is avoided.
15391The devices that benefit from the specialized properties of PPEs include cell phones, printers and a variety of other electronic appliances.
15401Polyp (medicine)
15411They may have a large flat base (sessile) or be attached to the uterus by an elongated pedicle (pedunculated).
15421Pedunculated polyps are more common that sessile ones.
15431They range in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters.
15441Small blood vessels may be present in polyps, particularly large ones.
15451Polyommatus singalensis
15461Race 'singalensis', Felder.—
15471Male Upperside: purplish blue with in certain lights a refulgent silvery iridescence, most conspicuous along the costa of the fore wing, fore and hind wings : a very narrow black edging to the terminal margins narrower on the hind wing than on the fore wing, not dilated towards the apex of the latter.
15481Fore wing: the postdiscal series of abbreviated lines or elongate spots pale brown, very regular, placed almost end to end, the series slightly curved and not closer lo the termen posteriorly than anteriorly.
15491Hind wing: the markings pale brown, regular but small, the subbasal transverse series of three spots and the subcostal spot in interspace 7 black, the latter not larger than the others.
15501Both fore and hind wings: with the spots of the subterminal series very small, mere black dots; the inner subterminal series of markings lunular and generally somewhat blurred, the posterior lunules on the fore wing distinctly broadened as in the typical form but not so prominently; finally, the anticiliary black line very slender and clearly defined.
15521Monomeric polyols such as pentaerythritol, ethylene glycol and glycerin often serve as the starting point for polymeric polyols.
1553-1These materials are often referred to as the "initiators" for the polymeric polyols, but they should not be confused with free radical "initiators" used to promote other polymerization reactions.
15541The functional group used as the starting point for a polymeric polyol need not be a hydroxyl group; there are a number of important polyols which are built up from amines.
15551A primary amino group (-NH2) often functions as the starting point for two polymeric chains, especially in the case of polyether polyols.
15571Most noticeably, the right-hand control panel is absent, while the left-hand panel is sparsely populated by just a few sliders, thus giving the user much less control over the sounds.
15581Control over these presets is limited to octave balance, envelope attack, and LFO modulation depth and rate (interestingly, adjustment of these LFO parameters is limited or unavailable on some presets, the factory not wishing the user to make adjustments which would be unrealistic!).
15591The lower two octaves may also be split off to play a separate bass tone, with some control over this tone allowed via a dedicated 'bass filter'.
15601Filter control of the main preset sounds is not user adjustable other than via an external controller.
15621Laboratory synthetic methods are generally divided into two categories, step-growth polymerization and chain-growth polymerization.
15631The essential difference between the two is that in chain growth polymerization, monomers are added to the chain one at a time only, whereas in step-growth polymerization chains of monomers may combine with one another directly.
1564-1However, some newer methods such as plasma polymerization do not fit neatly into either category.
15651Synthetic polymerization reactions may be carried out with or without a catalyst.
15671A common means of expressing the length of a chain is the degree of polymerization, which quanitifies the number of monomers incorporated into the chain.
15681As with other molecules, a polymer's size may also be expressed in terms of molecular weight.
15691Since synthetic polymerization techniques typically yield a polymer product including a range of molecular weights, the weight is often expressed statistically to describe the distribution of chain lengths present in the same.
15701The ratio of these two values is the polydispersity index, commonly used to express the "width" of the molecular weight distribution.
15721A lot of people left the area to live in the mountains.
15731Many farm workers came from other places of Ottoman empire, in order to work, because many locals refused to work in Ottoman owned farms.
15741It is remarkable that in the villages Evzoni and Korona, people used to speak a Vlach-Slavic dialect with a great amount of ancient Greek components, called Megleno-Romanian.
15751Researcher Maria Papageorgiou claims that a lot of plays of ancient Greek tragic poets, not preserved nowadays, were kept verbally, in this dialect, as tales.
1577-1The idea that lying produces physical side-effects has long been claimed.
15781In West Africa persons suspected of a crime were made to pass a bird's egg to one another.
15791If a person broke the egg, then he or she was considered guilty, based on the idea that their nervousness was to blame.
15801Because salivation was believed to cease at times of emotional anxiety, the person was considered guilty if by the end of that speech the rice was dry.
15811Polygonal rifling
15821Part of the difference may be that most polygonal rifling is produced by hammer forging the barrel around a mandrel containing a reverse impression of the rifling.
15831Hammer forging machines are tremendously expensive, far out of the reach of custom gunsmiths (unless they buy pre-rifled blanks), and so are generally only used for production barrels by large companies.
15841First applied to gun barrel rifling in Germany in 1939, hammer forging has remained popular in Europe, but was only later used by gunmakers in the United States.
15851The hammer forging process produces large amounts of stress in the barrel that must be relieved by careful heat treatment, a process that is less necessary in a traditionally cut or button rifled barrel.
15871In Sri Lanka, polyandry was practiced (though not widespread) till recent times.
15881When the Buddhist texts were translated into Chinese, the concubines of others were added to the list of inappropriate partners.
15891In Tibet as well, both polygyny and polyandry were commonly practiced.
15901Having several wives or several husbands was never regarded as having sex with inappropriate partners.
15921Polyelectrolytes which bear both cationic and anionic repeat groups are called 'polyampholytes'.
15931The competition between the acid-base equilibria of these groups leads to additional complications in their physical behavior.
15941These polymers usually only dissolve when there is sufficient added salt, which screens the interactions between oppositely charged segments.
1595-1Many proteins are polyampholytes, as some amino acids tend to be acidic while others are basic.
15961Polydactyl cat
15971The true polydactyly - commonly called 'mitten foot', 'mitten cat' or 'thumb cat' condition - is a congenital abnormality, genetically inherited as an autosomal dominant trait of the 'Pd gene' with incomplete penetrance.
15981This type of polydactyly is not life-threatening and usually not even debilitating to a cat.
15991However in some cases polydactyly appears to improve the dexterity of the animal.
16001For example, a common variation with six toes on the front paws, with two opposing digits on each (comparable in use to human thumbs), enables the cat to learn and perform feats of manual dexterity generally not observed in non-polydactyl cats, such as opening latches or catching objects with a single paw.
16011Polycythemia vera
16021Patients with polycythemia vera may often be asymptomatic.
16031Physical exam findings are non-specific, but may include enlarged liver or spleen, plethora, or gouty nodules.
16041The diagnosis is often suspected on the basis of laboratory tests.
16051Common findings include an elevated hemoglobin level or hematocrit, reflecting the increased number of red blood cells; the platelet count or white blood cell count may also be increased.
16061Polycystic ovary syndrome
16071basal body temperatures may be used to confirm ovulation.
16081Ovulation may also be confirmed by testing for serum progesterone in mid-luteal phase, approximately seven days after ovulation (if ovulation occurred on the average cycle day of fourteen, seven days later would be cycle day 21).
16091A mid-luteal phase progesterone test may also be used to diagnose luteal phase defect.
16101Methods that confirm ovulation may be used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments to stimulate ovulation.
16111Polycystic ovary syndrome
16121For those who do, anovulation is a common cause.
16131Ovulation may be predicted by the use of urine tests that detect the preovulatory LH surge, called ovulation predictor kits (OPKs).
16141Charting of cervical mucus may also be used to predict ovulation, or certain fertility monitors (those that track urinary hormones or changes in saliva) may be used.
16151Methods that predict ovulation may be used to time intercourse or insemination appropriately.
16161Polycystic ovary syndrome
16171But in the largest trial to date, comparing clomiphene with metformin, clomiphene alone was the most effective.
16181In this trial, 626 women were randomized to three groups: metformin alone, clomiphene alone, or both.
16191The live-birth rates following 6 months of treatment were 7.2% (metformin), 22.5% (clomiphene), and 26.8% (both).
16201The major complication of clomiphene was multiple pregnancy, affecting 0%, 6% and 3.1% of women respectively.
1621-1Thus, these were women with significant fertility problems, and the live-birth rates are probably not representative of the typical PCOS woman.
16231Although the lizards are small, their territories are usually quite big: around three square yards, females' usually smaller.
16241Their territories often contain a basking area, a shady area, a high lookout, and always a place to hide from predators.
16251They do not take kindly to other anoles in their territory.
16261If this does not scare off the intruder, a fight proceeds in which the two anoles bite at each other's necks.
16281There is usually a well-developed, if simple, circulatory system.
1629-1The blood vessels themselves are contractile, helping to push the blood along, so most species have no need of a heart.
16301In a few cases, however, muscular pumps analogous to a heart are found in various parts of the system.
1631-1Conversely, some species have little or no circulatory system at all, transporting oxygen in the coelomic fluid that fills their body cavity.
16331Polyandry in primates and other mammals is usually correlated with reduced or reverse sexual dimorphism - females larger than males.
16341When males of a species are much larger than females, polygyny is usually practiced.
16351As size difference decreases, or the females are larger than males, a species is more likely to practice monogamy or polyandry.
16361Human males and females are less dismorphic in body size than other polygynous great apes.
16381If marriage is intended, most countries provide for both a religious marriage, and a civil ceremony (sometimes combined).
16391While a recent case in the Netherlands was commonly read as demonstrating that the Netherlands permitted multiple-partner civil unions, by Paul Belien, Brussels Journal Online, this belief is mistaken.
16401The Netherlands' law concerning registered partnerships provides that:#A person may be involved in one only registered partnership with one other person whether of the same or of opposite sex at any one time.
16411#Persons who enter into a registered partnership may not at the same time be married.
16431Another is the image of a parrot, since "Polly" is a common name for these birds.
16441PolyOz states in its that "The parrot is a common poly "mascot" or symbol.
16451Punning on 'poly wanna X'".PolyOz states in its that "The parrot is a common poly "mascot" or symbol.
16461A 2003 in 'The Guardian' states "Today America has more than 100 poly email lists and support groups.
16481There are no less than five Byzantine abridgments of this work, the most important in the same library of the original, the Laurentian.
16491This compendium, titled Y?o?????? ?? ??? ??????????? ???????, contains fifty-eight chapters and three hundred fifty-four stratagems and is useful to elucidate and explain many passages of the original, lost or not.
16501Despite the existence of the abridgements, Polyaenus' treatise was not popular in the Middle Ages.
16511To this it must be added that only the Y?o?????? derives directly from the original, while the other four versions seem to be summaries of the first.
16521Poly (methyl methacrylate)
16531Acrylic paint essentially consists of PMMA suspended in water; however since PMMA is hydrophobic, a substance with both hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups needs to be added to facilitate the suspension.
16541Modern furniture makers, especially in the 1960s and 1970s, seeking to give their products a space age aesthetic, incorporated Lucite and other PMMA products into their designs, especially office chairs.
1655-1Many other products (for example, guitars) are sometimes made with acrylic glass to make the commonly opaque objects translucent.
16561From approximately the 1960s onward, sculptors and glass artists began using acrylics, especially taking advantage of the material's flexibility, light weight, cost and its capacity to refract and filter light.
16571Polo wraps
16581Polos can be used for a horse who cannot wear boots (for example, a horse may be sensitive to neoprene, or have minor cuts on his leg that would be rubbed if a boot were worn).
16591Polo wraps are often chosen for a horse whose legs are blemished with significant scar tissue that would prevent a boot from fitting properly.
16601Unlike boots, polos conform perfectly to any leg, and may also be used on horses and ponies of any size, depending on the length.
16611Lastly, polos usually cover a greater area of the leg than boots, and if the groom is experienced, may be customized to provide slightly more protection in one area of the leg.
16621Polo wraps
16631No matter how the wrap is applied, the tension in the wrap should be as uniform as possible across the entire leg.
16641Uneven pressure may cause damage to tendons.
16651Additionally, the pressure on one leg should be comparable to the pressure on leg on the other side; otherwise gait abnormalities may result.
1666-1Conventional wisdom holds that because no two people wrap with exactly the same tension, the same person should wrap the right and left legs.
1668-1Future of the Pashto film industry seems to be bright as there are still some people who want to do something for the betterment of the industry.
16691In 1999 he made a film, Srre Sttergae(red eyes) and through this film he proved that still there is a great potential in Pashto films as the story for the first time after many years was quite different and the cast, especially the heroine(s) were new and seemed that after a great hard work the film was completed.
16701A few months back, another Pashto film, Qalam au Kalashnikov, written by Faiz Mohammad released.
1671-1The standard was quite good and people liked the movie.
16721This is to correct the record pertaining the pashto film Kala khazan kala bahar ,its hero was Hmayun qureshi and Not Aman.
16731Pollution at Morgan's Point (Bermuda)
16741Should the oil and fuel escape from their caves, the Ministry of Environment deems it probable that the underground freshwater lens would be contaminated and undrinkable.
16751The destruction of the two West-End lenses would cut the supplemental pumped supply by 2/5, creating catastrophic water shortages in the summer months, and forcing both severe water conservation programs and investment in another source of fresh water to meet the highly inelastic demand.
16761The only foreseen alternative is a desalination or reverse osmosis plant, the most efficient of which can provide fresh water at $2000 per acre foot ($1.60/kL).
1677-1However, when one considers that the price of energy in Bermuda is 6.3 times as high as it is in the USA (a function of Bermuda having no domestic energy source), that there is no natural resource or heavy industry to provide supplemental heat, and that with a population of only 65,000 the plant could not utilize economies of scale, it seems probable that costs could exceed $25,000 per acre foot (7.5 cents per gallon)
16781Pollination syndrome
16791Pollinators fluctuate in abundance and activity independently of their plants, and any one species may fail to pollinate a plant in a particular year.
16801Thus a plant may be at an advantage if it attracts several species or types of pollinators, ensuring pollen transfer every year.
16811Plants do, in many species, have the back-up option of self-pollination, if they are not self-incompatible.
16821Pollination management
16831This may be because of lack of attractiveness of the blossoms, or from trying to pollinate with an alternative when the native pollinator is extinct or rare.
16841This technique is known as saturation pollination.
16851In many such cases, various native bees are vastly more efficient at pollination (e.g., with blueberries).
16861In a very few cases, it has been possible to develop commercially viable pollination techniques that use the more efficient pollinators, rather than continued reliance on honey bees, as in the management of the alfalfa leafcutter bee.
16871Polka in the United States of America
16881German-American bands resist being termed "polka bands" because they perform not only polkas but also waltzes, schottisches, laendlers, and various other ethnic forms of music.
1689-1This is a contrast to Polish-American and Slovenian-American bands, which generally do not object to the term "polka band" .
16901The German-American sound is often described with the term "oom-pa-pa" and is characterized by an emphasis on brass (especially the tuba), accompanied by drums and reed instruments (including the accordion or concertina) .
16911He later added more popular music to his band's repertoire, which enabled him to spread the polka throughout America by way of his famous television show .
16921Polka Dot Door
16931In its mended, yellow and multi-coloured polka-dot muumuu, the creature spoke using various repeated exclamations of its own named accompanied by elaborate gestures.
16941This was usually followed by a song whose lyrics began "Imagine, imagine, you can imagine Polkaroo...".
16951Polkaroo appeared only to the female host while the male host was absent for some reason.
1696-1The absent male host was in fact the actor in the Polkaroo costume, and though some sources have claimed that an uncredited third actor played the role, that was not the case.
16971Politics of the United Kingdom
16981The Government of the United Kingdom contains a number of ministries known mainly, though not exclusively as departments, e.g. Ministry of Defence.
16991These are politically led by a Government Minister who is often a Secretary of State and member of the Cabinet.
17001He or she may also be supported by a number of junior Ministers.
17011In practice, several government departments and Ministers have responsibilities that cover England alone, with devolved bodies having responsibility for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, (for example - the Department of Health), or responsibilities that mainly focus on England (such as the Department for Children, Schools and Families).
17021Politics of the Republic of China
17031Taiwans sovereignty belongs to the 23 million people of Taiwan.
17041Only the 23 million people of Taiwan may decide on the future of Taiwan”.
17051It is also a common position shared by both the ruling and opposition parties in Taiwan.
17061A recent opinion poll shows that more than 90% of the people of Taiwan agree with this position."
17071Politics of the People's Republic of China
1708-1As such, independence groups and many foreign observers are critical of the PRC's ethnic policies, considering reality to be markedly different from the image presented by the PRC.
17091Before market reforms, many of these were workers, soldiers, and prisoners assigned compulsorily to settle in those regions, carried out by organizations like the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps.
17101Finally, cadres and professionals have also been enticed with financial incentives, though demographically speaking this category is comparatively insignificant numbering in the thousands the cadres involved are posted for a few years before being replaced and such programs are focused upon the entire impoverished western half of China, not just Xinjiang and Tibet.
17111Independence groups consider practices such these to be chauvinistic and colonialistic, aimed at homogenising the demographics of non-Han Chinese areas and reducing the possibility that any independence movement could succeed.
17121Politics of the Netherlands
17131Until 1966, Dutch politics were characterised by pillarisation: society was separated in several segments (pillars) which lived separate from each other and there was only contact at the top levels, in government.
17141These pillars had their own organisations, most importantly the political parties.
17151There were four pillars, which provided the five most important parties, the socialist Labour Party (Partij van de Arbeid; PvdA), the conservative-liberal People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie; VVD), the Catholic Catholic People's Party (Katholieke Volkspartij; KVP) and the two conservative-Protestant parties, the Christian Historical Union (Chirstelijk Historische Unie; CHU) and the Anti Revolutionary Party (Anti-Revolutionaire Party; ARP).
17161Since no party ever gained an absolute majority, these political parties had to work together in coalition governments.
17171Politics of Tunisia
17181Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali, has consistently expressed his opposition to the presence of religious parties in parliament, and the Tunisian constitution clearly forbids the inclusion of religious parties in the political system.
17191While Tunisia cannot boast the natural resources its neighbors have, standards of living are among the best in the developing world.
17201This can be evidenced by two compelling economic observations: the level to which Tunisia has become self-sufficient in material goods, and the extent of real estate development in the cities and major towns of the country.
17211As to the rise of the building and construction industry, a fleeting visit to any of Tunisia's smaller towns (let alone the cities) will confirm that development is rampant: many projects, especially hotels, are newly opened, and many more stand as skeleton buildings, ready to be developed as soon as demand - and capital funds - are available to bring them to completion.
17221Politics of Sao Tomé and Príncipe
17231The president of the republic is elected to a 5-year term by direct universal suffrage and a secret ballot, and may hold up to two consecutive terms.
17241Candidates are chosen at their party's national conference (or individuals may run independently).
17251A presidential candidate must obtain an outright majority of the popular vote in either a first or second round of voting in order to be elected president.
17261The prime minister is named by the president but must be ratified by the majority party and thus normally comes from a list of its choosing.
17271Politics of Saint Kitts and Nevis
17281The prime minister is appointed from the representatives by the governor general, who has a constitutional duty to select someone who is likely to command the support of the majority of the representatives.
17291In practice this would normally mean the leader of the majority party or coalition.
17301The prime minister can be removed from office by the assembly, or by the governor general if he feels that the prime minister no longer enjoys the support of the majority of representatives.
17311The assembly is elected every five years unless the governor general dissolves it before the end of this period, which he may do on the advice of the prime minister.
17321Politics of Russia
1733-1Russia did not declare its independence, and Yeltsin continued to hope that some form of confederation could be established.
17341In response to calls by the Central Asian and other union republics for admission, another meeting was held in Alma-Ata, on 21 December, to form an expanded CIS.
17351Russia gained international recognition as the principal successor to the Soviet Union, receiving the Soviet Union's permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council and positions in other international and regional organizations.
1736-1The CIS states also agreed that Russia initially would take over Soviet embassies and other properties abroad.
17371Politics of Queensland
17381The new minority government managed to secure itself a majority in a by-election and was dominated overwhelmingly by the always-smiling self confessed "media tart" Peter Beattie.
17391A major controversy broke in 2001 on the eve of the election, when a number of very prominent Labor Party figures were implicated in rorting internal preselection and party ballots.
1740-1The subsequent Shepardson Commission of Inquiry was widely expected to destroy the government.
1741-1Beattie immediately undertook a purge, taking the opportunity to dispatch several factional enemies, and promised a "cleanskin" approach.
17421Politics of Noam Chomsky
17431Prosecutors cited the following passages as particularly offensive:”In 1984, the Turkish government launched a major war in the Southeast against the Kurdish population.
17441In fact it's still continuing.
17451If we look at US military aid to Turkey-which is usually a pretty good index of policy-Turkey was of course a strategic ally so it always had a fairly high level of military aid.
17461The peak year was 1997.
17471In fact in the single year 1997, US military aid to Turkey was greater than in the entire period of 1950 to 1983 when there were allegedly Cold War issues.
17481The end result was pretty awesome: tens of thousands of people killed, two to three million refugees, massive ethnic cleansing with some 3500 villages destroyed-about seven times Kosovo under NATO bombing, and there's nobody bombing in this case, except for the Turkish air forces using planes that Clinton sent to them with the certain knowledge that that's how they would be used.”
17491Politics of Noam Chomsky
17501Chomsky is deeply critical of what he calls the "corporate state capitalism" that he believes is practiced by the United States and other western states.
1751-1He supports many of Mikhail Bakunin's anarchist (or libertarian socialist) ideas.
1752-1He has said that contrary to what many in America claim, the collapse of the Soviet Union should be regarded as "a small victory for socialism," not capitalism.
17531Chomsky was also impressed with socialism as practiced in Vietnam.
17541In a speech given in Hanoi on April 13, 1970, and broadcast by Radio Hanoi the next day, Chomsky spoke of his "admiration for the people of Vietnam who have been able to defend themselves against the ferocious attack, and at the same time take great strides forward toward the socialist society."
17551Politics of Nepal
17561The people's participation was so broad, momentous and pervasive that the king feared being overthrown.
17571On 21 April 2006, King Gyanendra declared that "power would be returned to the people".
1758-1This had little effect on the people, who continued to occupy the streets of Kathmandu and other towns, openly defying the daytime curfew.
17591Finally King Gyanendra announced the reinstatement the House of Representatives, thereby conceding one of the major demands of the SPA, at midnight on 24 April 2006.
17601Politics of Nepal
17611Since the advent of legal party politics after the 1990 Jana Andolan, all three streams have gone through various processes of divisions and mergers.
17621'Congress': The Nepali Congress is a centrist "socialist" party, comprising of leaders who have worked for restoration of democracy.
17631CPN(UML) became a major parliamentary force.
17641Today, in between CPN(UML) and CPN(Maoist) are various smaller communist groups, out of whom five have parliamentary representation.
17651'Royalists': When multi-party politics began, elements of the previous regime formed the Rashtriya Prajatantra Party.
17661The RPP became the third force in parliamentary politics during the 1990s, and an important partner in various governing coalitions, it was ridden by divisions.
17671Politics of Mozambique
1768-1During most of the civil war the government was unable to exercise effective control outside of urban areas, many of which were cut off from the capital.
1769-1An estimated one million Mozambicans perished during the civil war, 1.7 million took refuge in neighboring states, and several million more were internally displaced.
17701In the third FRELIMO party congress in 1983, President Samora Machel conceded the failure of socialism and the need for major political and economic reforms.
1771-1His death, along with several advisers, in a suspicious plane crash in 1986 interrupted progress.
17721Politics of Madagascar
17731In December 2001, a presidential election was held in which both major candidates claimed victory.
17741Marc Ravalomanana contested the results and claimed victory.
17751A political crisis followed in which Ratsiraka supporters cut major transport routes from the primary port city to the capital city, a stronghold of Ravalomanana support.
1776-1Sporadic violence and considerable economic disruption continued until July 2002 when Ratsiraka and several of his prominent supporters fled to exile in France.
17771Politics of Khuzestan Province
17781Khuzestan has been a focus of criticism by human rights groups.
17791While Khuzestan is not unique in terms of its human rights record, Amnesty notes that often these abuses are related to institutional discrimination.
17801In its report entitled 'New government fails to address dire human rights situation' published in February 2006, Amnesty states::'Even where the majority of the local population is Arab, schools are reportedly not allowed to teach through the medium of Arabic; illiteracy rates are reportedly high, especially among Iranian Arab women in rural areas ... land expropriation by the Iranian authorities is reportedly so widespread that it appears to amount to a policy aimed at dispossessing Arabs of their traditional lands.
1781-1This is apparently part of a strategy aimed at the forcible relocation of Arabs to other areas while facilitating the transfer of non-Arabs into Khuzestan and is linked to economic policies such as zero interest loans which are not available to local Arabs.
17821Politics of Iraq
17831A referendum must then be held within three months, which requires a simple majority in favour to pass.
17841In the event of competing proposals, the multiple proposals are put to a ballot and the proposal with the most supporters is put to the referendum.
17851In the event of an affirmative referendum a Transitional Legislative Assembly is elected for one year, which has the task of writing a constitution for the Region, which is then put to a referendum requiring a simple majority to pass.
17861The President, Prime Minister and Ministers of the region are elected by simple majority, in contrast to the Iraqi Council of Representatives which requires two thirds support.
17871Politics of India
17881India has a multi-party system, where there are a number of national as well as regional parties.
17891A regional party may gain a majority and rule a particular state.
17901If a party represents more than 4 states then such parties are considered as national parties.
17911The party enjoyed a parliamentary majority barring two brief periods during the 1970s and late 1980s.
17921Politics of Harry Potter
17931In September 2008, Rowling donated L1 million to the Labour Party, saying, "I believe that poor and vulnerable families will fare much better under the Labour Party than they would under a Cameron-led Conservative Party.
17941Gordon Brown has consistently prioritised and introduced measures that will save as many children as possible from a life lacking in opportunity or choice.
17951David Cameron's promise of tax perks for the married, on the other hand, is reminiscent of the Conservative government I experienced as a lone parent.
17961It sends the message that the Conservatives still believe a childless, dual-income, but married couple is more deserving of a financial pat on the head than those struggling, as I once was, to keep their families afloat in difficult times."
17971Politics of Finland
17981The parliament has, since equal and common suffrage was introduced in 1906, been dominated by secular Conservatives, the Centre Party (former Agrarian Union), and Social Democrats.
17991Nevertheless, none of these has held a single-party majority, with the notable exception of 1916 elections where Social Democrats gained 103 of the 200 seats.
18001After 1944 Communists were a factor to consider for a few decades, and the Finnish People's Democratic League, formed by Communists and others to the left of Social Democrats, even was the largest party after 1958 elections.
1801-1The relative strengths of the parties vary only slightly in the elections due to the proportional election from multi-member districts but there are some visible long-term trends.
18021Politics of Fiji
1803-1Post-independence politics came to be dominated by Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara and the Alliance Party, which commanded the support of the traditional Fijian chiefs, along with leading elements of the European and part-European communities, and some Indo-Fijians.
1804-1A short-lived constitutional crisis developed after the parliamentary election of March 1977, when the Indian-led National Federation Party (NFP) won a narrow majority of seats in the House of Representatives, but failed to form a government due to internal leadership problems, as well as concerns among some of its members that indigenous Fijians would not accept Indo-Fijian leadership.
18051This was held in September that year, and saw Mara's Alliance Party returned with a record majority of 36 parliamentary seats out of 52.
18061The majority of the Alliance Party was reduced in the election of 1982, but with 28 seats out of 52, Mara retained power.
18071Politics of Côte d'Ivoire
18081Laurent Gbagbo took power following a popular overthrow of the interim leader Gen. Robert Guéi who had claimed a dubious victory in presidential elections; Gen. Guéi himself had assumed power on 25 December 1999, following a military coup against the government of former President Henri Konan Bédié.
1809-1Gbagbo was elected president in 2000 in an election boycotted bt many oppositional forces.
18101The president is elected by popular vote for a five-year term; election last held 26 October 2000.
18111The prime minister is usually appointed by the president.
18121Politics of Canada
18131Western alienation is another national-unity-related concept that enters into Canadian politics.
18141Residents of the four western provinces, particularly Alberta, have often been unhappy with a lack of influence and a perceived lack of understanding when residents of Central Canada consider "national" issues.
18151While this is seen to play itself out through many avenues (media, commerce, etc.), in politics, it has given rise to a number of political parties whose base constituency is in western Canada.
18161These include the United Farmers of Alberta, who first won federal seats in 1917, the Progressives (1921), the Social Credit Party (1935), the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (1935), the Reconstruction Party (1935), New Democracy (1940) and most recently the Reform Party (1989).
18171Politics of Cambodia
18181From September 24 1993 through October 7 2004, Norodom Sihanouk reigned as King, after having previously served in a number of offices (including King) since 1941.
18191Under the Constitution, the King has no political power, but as Norodom Sihanouk was revered in the country, his word often carried much influence in the government.
18201The King, often irritated over the conflicts in his government, several times threatened to abdicate unless the political factions in the government got along.
18211This influence of the King was often used to help mediate differences in government.
18221Political views of Subhash Chandra Bose
18231He criticized the British during World War II, saying that while Britain was allegedly fighting for the freedom of the European nations under Nazi control, it would not grant independence to its own colonies, including India.
1824-1It may be observed that along with Nehru, Bose had organized and led protest marches against the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931, and of China itself in 1938, when he was Congress president.
18251In 1937 he published an article attacking Japanese Imperialism in the Far East, although he betrayed some admiration for other aspects of the Japanese regime.
1826-1But could not all this have been achieved without Imperialism, without dismembering the Chinese Republic, without humiliating another proud, cultured and ancient race?
18271Political verse
18281The "mechanics" of Political verse is rather straightforward: the verse has a more or less strict form and deviations from it are usually incidental, or the exception than the rule.
18291The structure of each verse follows closely that convention: in the first part of each verse (the first eight syllables) the main theme of the verse is introduced, in the "main clause" of the verse.
1830-1That It could be a statement, part of a dialogue, or a depiction of some action.
18311Either by been explained, or completed, or supplemented, or quite often the theme of the main clause is amplified by been repeated or restated in other words.
18321Political verses are usually, but not exclusively, organized in pairs (thus forming “stanzas” of two lines, known as distichs or couplets).
18331Political status of Puerto Rico
18341'Democratic Party 2008 Platform'
18351We believe that the people of Puerto Rico have the right to the political status of their choice, obtained through a fair, neutral, and democratic process of self-determination.
18361The White House and Congress will work with all groups in Puerto Rico to enable the question of Puerto Ricos status to be resolved during the next four years.
18371We also believe that economic conditions in Puerto Rico call for effective and equitable programs to maximize job creation and financial investment.
18381We will phase-out the cap on Medicaid funding and phase-in equal participation in other federal health care assistance programs.
18391Political scandals of the United States
18401This was at the same time he was leading the Congressional investigation of Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky. (1998)
1841-1Bill Clinton President (D-AR) intern Monica Lewinsky scandal allegedly had oral sex with Clinton leading him to famously declare on TV on January 26, 1998 that "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky."
18421The scandal led to impeachment by the House for perjury, but he was acquitted in the Senate by 10 votes (1998)
18431Bob Barr (R-GA) US Congressman who called for the impeachment of Bill Clinton
18441His own sexual hypocrisy was alleged by Hustler publisher Larry Flynt who claims Barr's second wife daid he was cheaating on her with Barr's soon to be third wife.
1845-1He is now a member of the Libertarian Party and has renounced many of his former positions.
1846-1Robert Livingston (R-LA) Congressman who famously called for the impeachment of Bill Clinton resigned after his own extra marital affair was revealed. (1998)
18471Robert Packwood (R-OR) US Senator was forced to resign his office when his vehement denials of any wrongdoing (after 29 women came forward with claims of sexual harassment, abuse, and assaults) were eventually contradicted by his own lurid diaries boasting of his sexual conquests. (1995)
18481Mel Reynolds (D-IL) indicted for sexual assault and criminal sexual abuse for a relationship with a 16-year-old campaign volunteer (1994.)
18491Political scandals of the United States
18501Grover Cleveland President (D)
18511During the election of 1884 Cleveland, a bachelor, paid child support to Maria Crofts Halpin even though the child may not have been his.
18531James Buchanan President (D) and future Vice President William Rufus King (D-NC) were the subject of scandalous gossip (alleging a homosexual affair) in Washington, D.C. for many years.
18541Andrew Jackson referred to them as Miss Nancy and Aunt Fancy. (1850's)
18551Petticoat Affair or Eaton Affair
18561Margaret "Peggy" O'Neale later Margaret O'Neill Eaton, whose husband was alleged to have been driven to suicide because of her affair with Jackson's Secretary of War, John Henry Eaton. (1831)
18571Alexander Hamilton-Maria Reynolds affair.
18581Secretary of the Treasury Hamilton had an affair with Maria Reynolds while both were married to other people.
18591Political scandals of the United States
1860-1#Earl Brian, the CEO of UPI and FNN, was later convicted on fraud charges specific to UPI and FNN; however his possible involvement in both the October Surprise Conspiracy and the Inslaw Affair may have contributed to Congressional investigations of the Iran-Contra Affair.
1861-1#Edwin Meese (R) -During confirmation hearings for his position as Attorney General, it was learned that his wife had received several "sweetheart loans" for the purchase of stock in companies owned by Earl Brian#D.
18621Lowell Jensen (R) -As Deputy Attorney General, under Edwin Meese, he approved all matters regarding Inslaw's Promis contracts with the Department of Justice though it was known that Jensen had competed with similar software known as Dalite during the mid-1970s against Inslaw for a California LEAA contract.
18631Hamilton Jordan (D) Jimmy Carter's advisor who became target of repeated rumors of coarse and even criminal behavior, but extensive legal investigations failed to substantiate any of them. (1979)
18641Political religion
18651Political gatherings may supplement or replace religious ceremonies to help reinforce loyalty.
18661The state usually controls the mass media for similar reasons, filling it with propaganda.
18671Political religions that do not have such a level of mandated control may, instead, use commercial means to influence editorial and programming decisions.
1868-1Certain leisure or cultural activities may also be mandated to reinforce some aspect of loyalty or the state ideology.
18691Political realism
1870-1Unlike a unitary state, sovereignty is constitutionally split between at least two territorial levels so that units at each level have final authority and can act independently of the others in some area.
18711The allocation of authority between the sub-unit and centre may vary.
18721Typically the centre has powers regarding defence and foreign policy, but sub-units may also have international roles.
18731The sub-units may also participate in central decision-making bodies.
18741Political power
1875-1Perhaps, the best known definition comes from the late Michel Foucault, whose work in 'Discipline and Punish' (and other writings) conveys a view of power that is organic within society.
18761Foucault once characterized power as "an action over actions" ('une action sur des actions'), arguing that power was essentially 'a relation' between several dots, in continuous transformation as in Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy.
18771Jürgen Habermas opposed himself to Foucault's conception of discourse as a battlefield for power relations, arguing that it should be possible to achieve consensus on the fundamentals rules of discourse, in order to establish a transparent and democratic dialogue.
1878-1Barzilai has explored that neo-liberal globalization has failed to subdue the nation-state and some of the significant political power is still embedded in state political elite.
18791Political positions of Pat Buchanan on global affairs
18801Buchanan opposes other U.S. military actions abroad, including the Persian Gulf and Iraq Wars.
18811Buchanan opposes neo-conservative foreign policy, and has vocally opposed every major military campaign the U.S. has engaged in since the end of the Cold War except the United States invasion of Afghanistan.
1882-1Unlike many conservatives, he outspokenly opposed the invasion of Iraq when it was first proposed in 2002.
1883-1Buchanan's critics often describe him as an isolationist, which he denies.
18841Political positions of Pat Buchanan on global affairs
18851Americas quarrel was never with the Russian people, it was with the Bolsheviks who terrorized Russia and said to Americans when I was young, 'We will bury you!'"
1886-1He believes Putin is probably "being set up" for the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko, and that Litvenko's death was likely either a suicide or the work of one of Putin's enemies trying to "put a cloud of suspicion over Putin and a chill over Russian relations with the West."
18871In Buchanan's view, both Russia and the United States have a vital interest in resisting Islamic terrorism and the possibility of Chinese expansionism, and that "Of this generation of leaders, it may be said in epitaph: They were too small to see the larger world.
18881They frittered away in a decade what others had won in a half-century of perseverance in the Cold War."
18891Political positions of Mike Huckabee
18901Huckabee disagrees with aspects of John McCain/Ted Kennedy immigration reform but in a interview he agreed with George W. Bush's immigration plan, saying: "I tend to think that the rational approach is to find a way to give people a pathway to citizenship.
18911But by the same token, I think it's a little disingenuous when I hear people say they should experience the full weight of the law in every respect with no pathway, because that's not something we practice in any other area of criminal justice in this country....
18921To think that we're going to go lock up 12 million people, or even round them up and drive them to the border and let them go, might make a great political speech, but it's not going to happen.
18931What should happen, however, is exactly what I think [George W. Bush] has proposed, and that is that we create a process where people make restitution for the fact they have broken the law."
18941Political positions of John Edwards
18951He supports adoption of the National Academy of Science's recommendations for measuring poverty, which he claims would add 1 million people to the "poverty" class.
1896-1His plan involves several tactics.
18971Edwards argues in favor of creating one million housing vouchers over five years in order to place poor people in middle class neighborhoods and in areas where jobs are available.
18981Edwards has stated, "If we truly believe that we are all equal, then we should live together too."
18991Political machine
1900-1In the 1930s, James A. Farley was the chief dispenser of the Democratic Party's patronage system through the Postal Department and the Works Progress Administration (WPA) which eventually nationalized many of the job benefits machines provided.
19011The New Deal allowed machines to recruit for the WPA and Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), making Farley's machine the most powerful, all patronage was screened through Farley including Presidential appointments.
19021In the 1940s most of the big city machines collapsed, with the notable exception of the Chicago machine.
19031A local political machine in Tennessee was forcibly removed in what was known as the Battle of Athens.
19041Political integration of India
1905-1Merging the administrative machineries of each state and integrating them into one political and administrative entity was not easy, particularly as many of the merged states had a history of rivalry.
19061In the former Central India Agency, whose princely states had initially been merged into a princely union called Vindhya Pradesh, the rivalry between two groups of states became so bad that the Government of India persuaded the rulers to sign a Merger Agreement abrogating the old Covenants of Merger, and took direct control of the state as a Chief Commissioner's State.
19071In December 1947, Menon suggested requiring the rulers of states to take "practical steps towards the establishment of popular government".
19081This meant that their powers were 'de facto' no different from those of the Governors of the former British provinces, thus giving the people of their territories the same measure of responsible government as the people of the rest of India.
19091Political ideas in science fiction
19101Often the political focus of a science fiction novel is less on the social order, but how people maneuver and achieve their agendas within a given system.
19111The Retief stories by Keith Laumer and the Chanur books by C. J. Cherryh have politics and political maneuverings as some of the main themes, and Frank Herbert's Dune books offer advanced explorations of human politics, including the dovetailing economics.
1912-1Most commonly, science fiction deals with the political fallout of its own premises.
19131A story will posit some new event or technology and explore its political dimensions; this includes most techno-thrillers but also encompasses a large body of traditional science fiction.
19141Political history of medieval Karnataka
19151During the reign of Bukka Raya I, the island of Lanka paid tributes and ambassadors were exchanged with the Ming Dynasty of China.
19161Indicated by records of the Ming dynasty (Kamath 2001, p162) The empire's most famous rulers were Deva Raya II and the Tuluva king Krishnadevaraya.
1917-1Joseph Wheeler, a former Confederate major general and postwar Congressman from Alabama, who is considered to have been one of the finest cavalry officers of the Civil War.
1918-1Counties in many states are further subdivided into townships - which, by definition, are administrative divisions of a county.
1919-1In some states, such as Michigan, a township can file a charter with the state government, making itself into a "charter township", which is a type of mixed municipal and township status (giving the township some of the rights of a city without all of the responsibilities), much in the way a metropolitan municipality is a mixed municipality and county.
1920-1For many African Americans, "consciousness" has meant identifying and discrediting forms of White supremacy, including those internalized by Blacks.
1921-1Does, for example, a Black woman person lack consciousness because she generally supports a system run mostly by White male capitalists?
1922-1The term refers to a species of monkey, and is regarded by some as an ethnic slur.
1923-1The media attention has been widely cited as a key reason why Senator Allen was defeated by now-Senator Jim Webb.
1924-1In next year a full war with the Ottoman Empire was close (according to one source, the sultan created a huge army, according to others, it was just near its creation), however the sultan suffered from another failure: his vassal, khan of Crimea Canibek II (Janibek, Dzhanibek), had decided that he preferred to attack Muscovy.
1925-1Retrieved February 14, 2006. and several Cossack uprisings.
1926-1In the west and north, many cities had sizable German minorities, often belonging to Reformed churches.
1927-1There are many other differences between the two breeds, such as coat structure and colors.
1928-1It is also possible, though rare, for the husband to adopt his wife's surname or to add his wife's surname to his family name.
1929-1Some of elected ones resigned while the others refused.
1930-1Polish legal experts maintained that by submitting their statements on the same day, Gronkiewicz-Waltz had observed the spirit, even if not the letter of the law.
1931-1On Tuesday, March 13, 2007, Poland's Constitutional Tribunal ruled against the governing Law and Justice (PiS) party and struck down the controversial law that threatened her and many other public officials.
1932-1The Radom was very accurate, stable and generally regarded as one of the best military pistols of that period.
1933-1After the war the Soviet TT-33 pistol, considered by many to be inferior to the Vis.
1934-1It was probably the only kind of modern firearm that could be manufactured in the forest without the need for sophisticated tools and factory equipment during the Second World War.
1935-1The Polish Home Army was probably the only World War II resistance movement to manufacture large quantities of weaponry and munitions.
1936-1Until the 18th century they were considered the elite of the Polish armed forces.
1937-1Because of the fame and prestige that surrounded the hussars, many of them were members of the nobility (szlachta).
1938-1The ones from Bessarabia were considered the worst.
1939-1While some initially talked to Poles, in time as they soaked up Nazi ideology, this stopped, and some turned to violence against Poles.
1940-1On farms the Poles were treated by Germans as farm animals, and some Germans treated their dogs more humanely than Polish slave labourers.
1941-1It contained several parts based solely on racial and ethnic category of the person subject to trial.
1942-1After the third partition of Poland, many Jacobins emigrated and joined the Polish Legions in Italy.
1943-1Many of those who remained in Poland took part in various conspirational organisations (Association of Polish Republicans, 'Towarzystwo Republikanów Polskich').
1944-1Eventually some prominent Jacobins (like Józef Zajączek) became part of the government of the Duchy of Warsaw and later Congress Poland).
1945-1There are a number of unique festivals, street parties and parades held by the Polish American community.
1946-1One of the newest and most ambitious festivals is the Seattle Polish Film Festival organized in conjunction with the Polish Film Festival in Gdynia, Poland.
1947-1And last, but not least, there's the Pierogi Fest in Whiting, Indiana with many more attractions other than Polish pierogi, and the Wisconsin Dells Polish Fest.
1948-1Many popular Polish foods became a fixture in the American cuisine of today, including kiełbasa (Polish sausage), babka cake, kaszanka (kasanzka) and pierogi, among many.
1949-1But the conflict was never fully dragged into the US-Soviet dynamics like many other conflicts.
1950-1Morocco was firmly entrenched in the US camp, whereas Algeria aligned generally with the Soviet Union during the 1970s, and took a more independent "third-worldist" position after that.
1951-1Many notable individuals have survived polio and often credit the prolonged immobility and residual paralysis associated with polio as a driving force in their lives and careers.
1952-1However, recent opposition to vaccination campaigns has evolved, often relating to fears that the vaccine might induce sterility.
1953-1The disease has since resurged in Nigeria and in several other African nations, which epidemiologists cite is due to refusals by certain local populations to allow their children to receive the polio vaccine.
1954-1The high school debate tournament generally considered to be the national circuit championship is the Tournament of Champions held at the University of Kentucky.
1955-1For non-national circuit debaters the national championship is generally considered to be the national tournament of their sponsoring organization, either the National Speech and Debate Tournament of the National Forensic League or the Grand National Tournament of the National Catholic Forensic League or the NCFCA.
1956-1This tournament is generally viewed as a precursor national tournament to the TOC, because the same teams generally qualify to both tournaments.
1957-1In some forces short sleeved shirts may be worn open-necked.
1958-1Although most forces once wore blue shirts, these have been less used since the 1980s (when the Metropolitan Police changed to white) and most now wear white.
1959-1Officers of the rank of Inspector and above have always worn white shirts, and in many forces so have female officers.
1960-1In some forces, female officers wear a black and white checked cravat instead of a tie.
1961-1In the Philippines, the 'Philippine National Police' has many incidents of Police brutality against the people whom they arrest or investigate.
1962-1In some cases, instead of inviting a person for questioning and that particular person refuses, they arrest them without a warrant for the reason of obstruction of justice.
1963-1Also in some cases, the officials of the Philippine National Police abuse their privilege to use force to induce psychological intimidation against a group or an individual as revenge due to a previous incident of the latter.
1964-1The Gendarmerie is the direct descendant of the Marshalcy of the ancien regime, more commonly known by its French title, the Maréchaussée.
1965-1The marshalcy dates back to the Hundred Years War, and some historians trace it back to the early twelfth century.
1966-1During the revolutionary period, marshalcy commanders generally placed themselves under the local constitutional authorities.
1967-1Estimates vary depending on source, though available data suggests a total number around 60 million people worldwide (with approx. 21 million living outside of Poland).
1968-1Another possible association is with the "three-grayned staff"'Grayned' meaning 'bladed' listed as being in the armoury of Henry VIII in 1547 (though the same list also features 84 rawcons, suggesting the weapons were not identical in 16th. century English eyes).
1969-1Advocates and practitioners of PT claim that a subtle, invisible and intangible energetic system is the substrate for all phenomena.
1970-1Further, they claim that blockages in the flow of energy lead to pain and disease (directly contradicting the germ theory of disease), or be experienced as stuck emotions and lack of vitality.
1971-1They claim that this is similar to the measurable and quantifiable electromagnetic bond between electron and proton that forms atoms, a claim which is not scientific, but pseudoscience.
1972-1In the summer the top of the permafrost may be covered with water due to melting in the area (Stonehouse, 69).
1973-1When sea ice is unavailable during summer and early autumn, some populations live off fat reserves for months at a time.
1974-1Some were permanently occupied by a substantial number of people or by a chief and his cohort of armed men, while others were utilized as refuges to protect the local population in case of external danger.
1975-1It can be inferred from Tacitus' description in 'Germania' that his "Venethi" lived possibly around the middle Dnieper basin, which in his times would correspond to the Proto-Slavic Zarubintsy cultural sphere.
1976-1As of that time and in the following decades this region, plus some of the Greater Poland, Lower Silesia and some areas west of the middle and lower Oder River make up the Sukow-Dziedzice group.
1977-1Numerous Przeworsk culture objects including spurs and a unique silver belt buckle were recovered at the Aleksandrowice, Kraków County settlement area; some relics there are dated possibly as late as the first half of 6th century.
1978-1Despite the wide publicity she attracted, many of Valentino's friends stated that Valentino and Negri had not intended to marry, and dismissed her actions as a publicity stunt.
1979-1Actress Tallulah Bankhead, in particular, badmouthed Negri, although others such as Mary Pickford (supportive and generous to so many troubled actresses of the time) and Valentino's brother, Alberto, defended her.
1980-1After being berated by Mewtwo for the relationships they share with their Pokémon, Ash and some of the other trainers challenge Mewtwo, who pits their Pokémon against clones of Venusaur, Blastoise, and Charizard, which easily defeat the trainers' Pokémon.
1981-1A few people even had seizures, blindness, convulsions, and lost consciousness,.
1982-1Although many victims recovered during the ambulance trip, more than 150 of them were admitted to hospitals.
1983-1Some other people had seizures when parts of the scene were rebroadcast during news reports on the seizures.
1984-1The games received generally favorable reviews.
1985-1Most critics praised the addition of Wi-Fi features and felt that the gameplay, though it had not received much updating from previous games, was still engaging.
1986-1Reviewers were divided on the graphics, however; and the audio was criticized as being primitive.
1987-1In addition to this, the fact that many animated sequences cannot be bypassed was found to be annoying, particularly when the player has already seen them or is familiar with them.
1988-1Popular culture has it that Casimir ordered the tent in which the oath was taking place to be uncovered at a moment's notice, so as to present Stephen on his knees in front of the latter's nobles and escort.
1989-1It is said that Stephen, renowned for his religious piety, quickly turned towards an icon and crossed himself, in order not to appear undignified in front of his men.
1990-1Traditional style Hunter Semillons in particular have produced some of Australia's most distinctive whites with 20 plus years ageing in the bottle not uncommon.
1991-1There are many excellent quality restaurants where visitors can eat well and try local wines.
1992-1Poitín was generally produced in remote rural areas, away from the interference of the law.
1993-1The appearance of a spreading rash indicates that some areas received more of the poison and reacted sooner than other areas or that contamination is still occurring from contact with objects to which the original poison was spread.
1994-1It is because of this method of diverting the image into the viewfinder that pictures cannot be previewed on the LCD screens of most digital SLRs, although some manufacturers have found a way around this limitation.
1995-1But despite these large, old trees, the forest may nevertheless be a result of European settlement.
1996-1In prehistoric times, a people of Mongolian stock in all probability had first settled along the Southern California coast in areas where oak trees were plentiful, from which characteristic they had been called "The Oak Tree (Grove) People".
1997-1They vanished some hundreds of years before the beginning of the Christian era, and after a period yielding no archaeological remains, a second group, also probably Mongolian in origin and semi—nomadic in habits arrived.
1998-1It began as a popular, important conjecture, but is now considered a theorem to the satisfaction of the awarders of the Fields medal.
1999-1They didn't changed anything in their badges except if they did some offence and were forced to change the heraldic sign on the shield.
2000-1The oldest son inherited thecoat of arms of family in West Europe, and must to add some special changes in it.
2001-1Some people would experience numerous relationships and the obligations they entail as something entangling, binding, or limiting.
2002-1She seems to be very much at ease in this situation, so much so that she and those around her are only likely to be aware of their bounds and limits in unusual circumstances.
2003-1Irish poetry also employed rhyme relatively early, and may have influenced the development of rhyme in other European languages.
2004-1It is unstable and therefore must be prepared shortly before use, which has possibly led to the lower efficacy shown in some clinical trials.
2005-1The complete life-cycles of any of the species of 'Pneumocystis' are not known, but presumably all resemble the others in the genus.
2006-1The trophozoite stage is thought to be equivalent to the so-called vegetative state of other species (such as 'Schizosaccharomyces pombe') which, like 'Pneumocystis' belong to the Taphrinomycotina branch of the fungal kingdom .
2007-1It is not known for certain if meiosis takes place within the cysts, or what the genetic status is of the various cell types .
2008-1Plymouth has many distinct geographical features.
2009-1It is most widely known for its successes in men's football, basketball, and soccer, and women's field hockey, swimming and diving, and volleyball.
2010-1Today, PCC is owned by its 300+ members and is regarded as one of the finest courses in Massachusetts.
2011-1PCC hosts the annual Hornblower Memorial tournament (now in its 5th decade), which draws some of the best amateur players from across New England and the Northeast.
2012-1It seems that there was, as with almost every decision in the colony, a theological reason for fostering children.
2013-1It is found on rotten logs, roots and tree stumps and is widely distributed.
2014-1Being very variable in appearance, it has been divided into several varieties or subspecies, some of which are sometimes considered species in their own right.
2015-1Plural noun phrases can refer to several things.
2016-1George White (c. 1684-1732) was taught by his father, and finished some of his fathers plates.
2017-1Experiments have shown that they can lose almost all their free water and remain alive - up to 97%, though more typically they only lose around 76% in dry spells (Moran 2004).
2018-1In many cases of semantic pleonasm, the status of a word as pleonastic depends on context.
2019-1In fact, many examples of redundant expressions are not inherently redundant, but can be redundant if used one way, and are not redundant if used another way.
2020-1Many other examples of pleonasm are redundant only if the speaker's knowledge is taken into account.
2021-1However, the approach of the film was described by other critics as "characterized by a unique tenderness."
2022-1Business in Bean's funfair was tight, and shortly afterward Bean dismantled the property and moved to Blackpool which was at the time (and remains to this day as) the busiest and most popular seaside resort in the United Kingdom.
2023-1It is among his greatest and most popular song.
2024-1The song was praised by critics on release.
2025-1It also among his best chart performing song.
2026-1It is known as among the greatest power ballad ever.
2027-1When Creole men reached an age when they were expected to marry, some were content to keep their relationships with their placées.
2028-1Recently, it's been alleged that Dumesnil de Glapion was so in love with Marie, he refused to live separately from his placée according to racial custom.
2029-1In an unusual decision, Dumesnil de Glapion passed as a man of color in order to live with her under respectable circumstances--thus explaining the confusion many historians have had whether he was truly white or black.
2030-1Marie Euchariste closely resembled her mother and startled many who thought that Marie Leveau had been resurrected by the black arts, or could be at two places at once, beliefs that the daughter did little to correct.
2031-1This is widely considered to be the fairest way of deciding a winner, as one bad shot does not eliminate all chances of winning, and is used in two of the four men's major championships.
2032-1Dueling is often considered an inferior and less challenging form of PvP by the more hardcore PvP communities.
2033-1A number of third-party exclusives were also shown, including 'Haze', 'Unreal Tournament 3' and the highly-anticipated 'Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots', alongside other high-profile third-party titles such as 'Grand Theft Auto 4', 'Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare', 'Assassin's Creed', 'Devil may Cry 4' and 'Resident Evil 5'.
2034-1Naturally, the Net Yaroze lacked many of the features the full developer suite provided.
2035-1It is in fact possible to replace the NES PPU with the PlayChoice-10 PPU, allowing it to output RGB natively.
2036-1While some of Moby's earlier work garnered critical and commercial success within the electronic dance music scene, 'Play' was his first true pop success.
2037-1The most famous Plautdietsch writer, Arnold Dyck, wrote in the Molotschna dialect, though his origins were from the Old Colony.
2038-1Low Platypus numbers in northern Australia are possibly due to predation by crocodiles.
2039-1The introduction of red foxes as a predator for rabbits may have had some impact on its numbers on the mainland.
2040-1The Platypus is generally regarded as nocturnal and crepuscular, but individuals are also active during the day, particularly when the sky is overcast.
2041-1This might be the reason for the unexplained disappearance of a building of local significance (sometimes referred to as a castle) which was independently documented by several sources in the early 17th century but was gone by the 1670s, apparently without leaving permanent traces.
2042-1It has been suggested that the building became a victim of the Diendorf fault, but it is also possible that it was destroyed by invading Swedish troops during the final phase of the Thirty Years' War: in 1645, the headquarters for Swedish army operations in Lower Austria had been established in the immediate vicinity, at the castle of Schrattenthal.
2043-1The light sensitive chemicals are mixed from powdered basic chemicals, or some commercially available solutions, then hand applied with a brush or a cylindrical "pusher".
2044-1Many artists achieve varying effects by choosing different papers for different surface characteristics, including vellum, rag, and rice, among others - even silk.
2045-1The guest software is not limited to user applications; many hosts allow the execution of complete operating systems.
2046-1The guest software executes as if it were running directly on the physical hardware, with several notable caveats.
2047-1Some argue that many modern 3D platformers, especially those influenced heavily by 'Mario 64' are not platformers at all, or at least are not really an extension of 2D platformers.
2048-1'Super Mario 64' brought a change in the goals of some platformers.
2049-1In most 2D platformers, the player only had to reach a single goal to complete a level, but in many 3D platformers, each level had to be combed for collectible items such as puzzle pieces ('Banjo-Kazooie') or stars ('Super Mario 64').
2050-1Significant progress was made in the 1960s, and was prompted by a number of discoveries, most notably the Mid-Atlantic ridge.
2051-1The most notable was the 1962 publication of a paper by American geologist Harry Hammond Hess (Robert S. Dietz published the same idea one year earlier in 'Nature'.
2052-1In many cases however, it is important for a product to meet certain specifications, and cost could then be measured in price per unit of a property.
2053-1Price with respect to processibility is often important, as some materials need to be processed at very high temperatures, increasing the amount of cooling time a part needs.
2054-1In some cases the steel plate is let into a stock or handle of hardwood.
2055-1The pyramids in Egypt contain plasterwork executed at least four thousand years ago, probably much earlier, and yet existing, hard and durable, at the present time.
2056-1As a result of experiments to ascertain its strength as compared with Substitutes that of other materials, it was found that plaster for hair slabs made with Manila hemp fiber broke at , plaster mixed with Sisal hemp at , jute at , and goats' hair at .
2057-1Bare mud-and-tape drywall is generally only acceptable as a final decorating finish in utility spaces such as attics or garages.
2058-1Because bare plaster can be appealing to the touch, and paint would add an additional layer, some decorators opt to leave exposed plaster in some or all of a room, as a creative choice.
2059-1Plasmoids can interact with each other, seemingly by reflecting off one another.
2060-1There is some scant evidence to support the hypothesis that they undergo fission and possess spin.
2061-1With internet culture rising to prominence in Hong Kong, there emerges a habit where netizens simply do not participate in Internet events, feuds and arguments, which are at many times considered plain silly, but just watch as the "show" goes on.
2062-1Consequently, this new state contained a sizable Catholic minority, some of whom claimed to be descendants of those dispossessed in the Plantations.
2063-1The Troubles in Northern Ireland are therefore in some respects a continuation of the conflict arising from the plantations.
2064-1What is the purpose of having so many secondary metabolites being produced, with a significant chunk of the metabolome devoted to this activity?
2065-1It is hypothesized that most of these chemicals help in generating immunity, and in consequence, the diversity of these metabolites is a result of a constant war between plants and their parasites.
2066-1There is evidence that this may be true in many cases.
2067-1We still cannot predict whether a plant with more secondary metabolites would be better-off than other plants in its vicinity.
2068-1It seems that on the level of the organ, the leaf may be the ancestor of the flower, or at least some floral organs.
2069-1There probably also exists an overall robust framework within which the floral diversity has been generated.
2070-1The 'LFY' gene regulates the expression of some gene belonging to the MADS-box family.
2071-1Mutations in this gene give rise to the floral meristem obtaining an indeterminate fate, and many floral organs keep on getting produced.
2072-1Several studies on diverse plants like petunia, tomato, Impatiens, maize etc have suggested that the enormous diversity of flowers is a result of small changes in genes controlling their development.
2073-1As in many collecting hobbies, rarer specimens have been valued.
2074-1This has led in some cases to a collector voluntarily taking part, helping scientists, in some research areas, provided he can store the "collectible".
2075-1In fact, historically, many species have initially been found within a collection of a collector.
2076-1Some people will reset the ICs in the battery pack, and obtain almost their original runtime on the battery (minus the natural decay the battery cells), only to have to do it again in the future because the IC ran down the limit.
2077-1As pointed out by Kenneth Arrow and others, the existence of firms in free markets shows that there is a need for firms in free markets; opponents of planned economies would simply argue that there is no need for a sole firm for the entire economy.
2078-1Since the 1970s, and the discovery of Chiron , some astrologers have been casting the new "planet", although astronomers consider it a comet.
2079-1More generally, the series examines the difference between greed and ambition.
2080-1In the anime, several characters were introduced in order to add its criticism of salaryman culture.
2081-1Some of these characters are portrayed only to seek to climb the corporate ladder, however unlikely it may be.
2082-1This fact makes several characters lose sight of the importance of their job, however lowly others might see it.
2083-1At the same time, several characters are introduced who seek to work within the system in order to make a difference.
2084-1The creators of have opened up many websites over the years, which have come together to form the PlanetBoredom Network.
2085-1Most of these websites have a small user base, and are clones of some of the functions of, like the database of videos.
2086-1Amongst the most notable of these websites are Smash Our Stuff and TorontoForums.
2087-1Scientists considered the possibility that particular areas of galaxies (galactic habitable zones) are better suited to life than others; the solar system in which we live, in the Orion Spur, on the Milky Way galaxy's edge is considered to be in a life-favorable spot:
2088-1A supermassive black hole is also believed to lie at the middle of the galaxy which might prove a danger to any nearby bodies.
2089-1Worldwide, most planetariums provide shows to the general public.
2090-1Traditionally, shows for these audiences with themes such as "What's in the sky tonight?", or shows which pick up on topical issues such as a religious festival (often the Christmas star) linked to the night sky, have been popular.
2091-1Live format are preferred by many venues (despite the increased expense) because a live expert presenter can answer on-the-spot questions raised by the audience.
2092-1For related reasons, some planetariums show stars below the horizon projecting on the walls below the dome or on the floor, or (with a bright star or a planet) shining in the eyes of someone in the audience.
2093-1While some creatures, such as the dromedary, take them in their stride, for others the only escape from such bombardments is to bury themselves in the sand.
2094-1The final sequence illustrates one of nature's most fearsome spectacles: a billion-strong plague of desert locusts, destroying all vegetation in its path.
2095-1Jupiter's axial tilt is very small, so its seasonal variation is minimal; Uranus, on the other hand, has an axial tilt so extreme it is virtually on its side, which means that its hemispheres are either perpetually in sunlight or perpetually in darkness around the time of its solstices.
2096-1Among extrasolar planets, axial tilts are not known for certain, though most hot Jupiters are believed to possess negligible to no axial tilt, as a result of their proximity to their stars.
2097-1Several characters in the game may join The Nameless One on his journey, most of whom have encountered him in the past.
2098-1These approaches, among several others, are being considered to gain insight into Planck scale dynamics.
2099-1It is commonly assumed that children and adults prefer trashy stories in large measure because they are more exciting and more stimulating in respect to sex.
2100-1There is, however, reason to believe that greater ease of reading in respect to vocabulary, construction, and facts, is a very important cause of preference.
2101-1Many felt they would not live long enough to enjoy the fruits of wise investment, while some of the poor unexpectedly became wealthy by inheriting the property of their relatives.
2102-1This meant that many people died alone because no one was willing to risk caring for them.
2103-1It took some measures against the plague and provided citizens with work and food, which would finally pacify the people of Moscow.
2104-1It comprises many areas for the nomadic mountain people to camp in, stay for a while, then leave again.
2105-1There are a number of beautiful gardens which are tended by everyone in the city.
2106-1This was made - or rather, 'grown' - by selecting a central tree, and planting several saplings around it.
2107-1In earlier times the process water was not generally recycled and the spent ore was not reclaimed.
2108-1The author was a Procurator in the region and so probably witnessed large-scale hydraulic mining of the placer deposits there.
2109-1Although the placenta is revered in many cultures, very few customarily eat the placenta after the newborn's birth.
2110-1A variety of recipes are known to exist for preparing placenta for eating in spite of the extended taboo against eating human body parts.
2111-1It is known to be one of the oldest cookies, and is believed to have developed from the ancient Roman 'crustulum', '' .
2112-1'Lazio style': Pizza in Lazio (Rome), as well as in many other parts of Italy, is available in two different styles: (1) Take-away shops sell 'pizza rustica' or 'pizza al taglio'.
2113-1All 'pizmonim' can be classified under different 'maqams' (musical modes), of which there are about ten in common use.
2114-1'Maqam Ajam', which sounds a little like a Western major scale, is the thematic 'maqam' that contains many holiday melodies.
2115-1'Maqam Hijaz', which corresponds to the Phrygian dominant scale, is the thematic 'maqam' that contains many sad melodies.
2116-1'Maqam Sikah' (or 'Siga'), containing many three-quarter-tone intervals, is used for the cantillation of the Torah.
2117-1Some gameplay modes include:
2118-1This release was created by Surfoleon, and edited by Pyrotic, who made some much-needed changes to the interface and mechanical workings of the program.
2119-1It is covered by a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License, amongst many other Creative Commons licenses (unlike it's precursor), but declares on its site that it is 'Wikipedia Compatible' and is (rather vaguely) covered by the GFDL.
2120-1The Louisiana Pine Snake is generally associated with sandy, well-drained soils; open pine forests, especially Longleaf Pine savanna; moderate to sparse midstory; and a well-developed herbaceous understory dominated by grasses.
2121-1After 2 years the starting group was not very successful at raising the required funds and in 1877 many of the directors were succeeded by a new group of Pittsburgh businessmen.
2122-1The Post-Gazette would begin delivering the Trib to most of the area with some exceptions.
2123-1Many of those papers were several decades old.
2124-1The communities served by those titles will now be served by other Gateway newspapers.
2125-1His second season duplicated that success, repeating an 8-0 record while collectively outscoring opponents 255-25, and garnering what is widely regarded as a consensus national championship.
2126-1The lone scare of the 1916 season occurred at Navy when, following a delay of the team's train heading to Annapolis that caused a late arrival, the team overcame several fumbles and eked out a 20-19 victory.
2127-1Also on that team were Jock Sutherland and H.C. "Doc" Carlson, who both would garner First Team All-American selections while members of the undefeated 1917 team, and go on to become perhaps Pitt's most legendary coaches in football and basketball, respectively.
2128-1The final game of the season at Cleveland Naval Reserve resulted in Warner's first loss at Pitt and is one of the most controversial in school history.
2129-1Warner, along some reporters covering the game, insisted the Pitt team was robbed by the officials who, claiming the official timekeeper's watch was broken, arbitrarily ended the first half before Pitt was able to score and then allowed the Reserves extra time in the fourth quarter to pull ahead 10-9 before calling an end to the game.
2130-1Despite the loss, the 4-1 Panthers of 1918 were named national champions by several selectors and are widely regarded as consensus national champions for that season.
2131-1(The old terminal remained standing for some years after, continuing to house a few operations offices; it was demolished in 1999.)
2132-1The airport's capacity is one of its most valuable assets.
2133-1A model to other airports around the world, the design of the terminal was planned to simplify aircraft movement on the airfield and ease pedestrian traffic to the gates.
2134-1Eventually, the board agreed to move the Center to the Ridge Avenue building, where the program existed for several years.
2135-1Some people still suspect that the School Board is still considering closing the Center and it is unclear whether renovations to the Ridge Avenue building will be completed before the next school year.
2136-1The dialect has some tonal similarities to other nearby regional dialects (ie, Erie, Baltimore), but is noted for its somewhat staccato rhythms.
2137-1It also has so many local peculiarities that the 'New York Times' described Pittsburgh as, "the Galapagos Islands of American dialect".
2138-1The genus is probably Gondwanan in origin; its present range extends from Australasia, Oceania, eastern Asia and some parts of Africa.
2139-1'Citriobatus' is usually included here, but might be a distinct (though closely related) genus.
2140-1They are commonly known as 'pittosporums' or, more ambiguously, '"cheesewoods"'.
2141-1As befits a main stand, this section of the ground includes both padded seating for club officials and VIP's, and several executive boxes at the rear.
2142-1Stylistically and technically, they probably represent rather low quality panel paintings of their time.
2143-1Such simple votives may have been far more numerous originally, but the fact that they are made of perishable materials, whereas richer votives were of stone, bronze or precious metals, has led to their near-total disappearance from the archaeological record.
2144-1A pitot-static system generally consists of a pitot tube, a static port, and the pitot-static instruments.
2145-1Other instruments that might be connected are air data computers, flight data recorders, altitude encoders, cabin pressurization controllers, and various airspeed switches.
2146-1It is believed that these serve the birds as a chemical defence, either against ectoparasites or against visually guided predators such as snakes, raptors or humans.
2147-1The birds probably do not produce batrachotoxin themselves.
2148-1It is most likely that the toxins come from the 'Choresine' genus of beetles, part of the bird's diet.
2149-1It may have a grated coconut and jaggery/sugar filling or a cottage chese ('chenna') filling.'
2150-1Most breaking balls are considered off-speed pitches.
2151-1However, Misha sacrifices herself by making some kind of medicine that made people forget her, and remember Shia.
2152-1An alternative etymology traces the word to a cognate for pine pitch, which forms flat layers that may resemble pita bread, which in turn may share an etymological origin with pizza (Italian for "pie").
2153-1Indeed in some parts of southern Italy, there are pastries called Pita, which are filled with spicy fruit and nuts.
2154-1Period of pit structure occupation is generally during the cold season.
2155-1This is probably due to their thermal efficiency.
2156-1Harlow wrote, "most subjects typically assume a hunched position in a corner of the bottom of the apparatus.
2157-1There can be little doubt that the Pisidians and Pamphylians were the same people, but the distinction between the two seems to have been established at an early period.
2158-1Pisidia remained a wild, mountainous region, and one of the most difficult for outside powers to rule.
2159-1Piritramide was discovered at Janssen Pharmaceutica in 1960 and is currently manufactured and distributed within continental Europe and some other places by Janssen-Cilag.
2160-1Later print runs changed the booster pack wrapper artwork and seem to have addressed some of these quality issues, but the cardstock and inks used in this set are still notably inferior to other sets.
2161-1Collectors are warned that many of these cards are "Mint as issued", aka issued damaged from the factory.
2162-1The 'Black Swan' is a reference to a character from Crimson Skies, and also possibly to the ship Black Pearl from Pirates of the Caribbean.
2163-1Station would run several hours to all night.
2164-1Most of the music played on the station fell under a CHR or Top 40 format with some occasional 80s and 90's hits.
2165-1Using publicity stunts and public demonstrations at large music concerts to gain supporters, The RPMRADIO Network brought the first pirate radio broadcasts to an area that was considered "the garden of eden" of radio markets, and caused a minor revolution in the programing practices of radio broadcasters in that area.
2166-1When they finally received their first notice to quit from the FCC, the station operators went underground, and continue to operate several "Low Power Pirate FM Stations" throughout the area.
2167-1It is possible that operations may resume soon on the same frequency with the same name, and a slightly tweaked format.
2168-1Historically most of the stations have opposed, in some manner, the political establishment represented by the Chinese Nationalist Party and the Republic of China (ROC) framework, in favour of the then opposition movement broadly consisting of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and allied social movements.
2169-1A few stations positioned themselves on the opposing end of the political spectrum, generally favouring the ROC status quo advocated by the New Party and "non-mainstream factions" within the Nationalist Party.
2170-1It is suspected that the language's entire pronoun set, which is the simplest of any known language, was recently borrowed from one of the Tupí-Guaraní languages, and that prior to that the language may have had no pronouns whatsoever.
2171-1Many linguists, however, find this claim questionable, noting that there is no historical-comparative evidence indicating the non-existence of pronouns in a previous period of the history of Piraha.
2172-1It is true that there are few Tupi-Guarani loanwords in areas of the lexicon more susceptible to borrowing (such as nouns referring to cultural items, for instance), though there are some for different types of flora and fauna (which itself may indicate that the Piraha did not originate in their current location).
2173-1The Spanish Empires colonies were badly neglected from the middle of the seventeenth century because of Spains many woes.
2174-1While most of these new immigrants settled into the West Indies expanding plantation economy, others took to the life of the buccaneer.
2175-1Piracy saw a brief resurgence between the end of the War of the Spanish Succession in 1713 and around 1720, as many unemployed seafarers took to piracy as a way to make ends meet when a surplus of sailors after the war led to a decline in wages and working conditions.
2176-1Furthermore, many privateers exceeded the bounds of their letters of marque by attacking nations with which their sovereign was at peace (Thomas Tew and William Kidd are notable examples), and thus made themselves liable to conviction for piracy.
2177-1In actuality the book was written after the death of Akhund Darweza and after some considerable time, since it refers to Pir Roshan in past tense and even misspells even the word Roshan.
2178-1Nawat is one of many languages possessing such items and the associated patterns, which in this case are 'expressive' verb formations.
2179-1Some at least are probably onomatopoeic in origin.
2180-1It is believed that de Mas used a daguerreotype camera in 1841.
2181-1Although it is believed that the first photography studios were opened in the Philippines in the 1850s, the first known actively operational photo studio was that of the British photographer Albert Honnis.
2182-1Pioneering is a common merit badge in many countries, and was required for Eagle in the 1920s and 1930s
2183-1A statue of Saint Pio in Messina, Sicily attracted attention in 2002 when it allegedly wept tears of blood.
2184-1Padre Pio has become one of the world's most popular saints.
2185-1They are one of the main crops for many animals.
2186-1The Mexican Jay is also important for the dispersal of some pinyon species as, less often, is the Clark's Nutcracker.
2187-1Many other species of animal also eat pinyon nuts, without dispersing them.
2188-1The first set of auditions were held in late 2007 in several key cities in the Philippines, as well as the cities of Madrid, Milan, and Dubai.
2189-1The second set of auditions for this season, as well as for the third Teen Edition, were held exclusively in several key cities in the Philippines.
2190-1It remains to be known how many of them would actually enter the House.
2191-1Pinot gris is a bud sport of Pinot noir, presumably representing a somatic mutation in either the VvMYBA1 or VvMYBA2 genes that control grape colour.
2192-1Pinot blanc may represent a further mutation of Pinot gris.
2193-1A more recent white grape sport was propagated in 1936 by Henri Gouges of Burgundy, and there is now 2.5ha planted of this grape which Clive Coates calls 'Pinot Gouges', and others call 'Pinot Musigny'.
2194-1Often kept out of traditional blue and white collar jobs by physical requirements and prejudice, many women found ways to take their domestic skills into the world of paid work.
2195-1During the twentieth century, with some ups and downs within the culture and different degrees of change in different countries, there has been less separation between men's and women's jobs.
2196-1Although there were rumors at the time about three of the mysterious individuals being actually Pulga, Ninzatti and Bonsanto themselves (with the fourth "member" being Massimo Noe), this was never really confirmed or denied by anyone.
2197-1Its lead single, "Get the Party Started" (written and produced by Perry), went top five in the U.S. and many other countries, and number one in Australia.
2198-1After some typically naughty behaviour in the bathroom by Pingu, including squirting the toothpaste on the mirror and making a fiendish shape from the pattern, they eventually get to bed.
2199-1Pingu is also initially scared by the shadow, but then realises that a mask and some other things have caused the shadow.
2200-1They both sit on Pingus bed and Pingu makes some shadows on the wall that Pinga enjoys.
2201-1After some thought Pingu does a shadow of Father and mimics him, which Pinga applauds.
2202-1Recently, there has been significant talk of reintroducing the Black Bear into many parts of East Texas.
2203-1Bog iron was mined from bogs, streams, and waterways, and was worked in furnaces at Batsto, Lake Atsion, Ferrago, Hanover, and several other locations.
2204-1And the people of Irinjalakkuda celebrate pindiperunnal very happily.
2205-1And all the people will put up a pindi (Plantain) with some decorations in front of their home.
2206-1Pindar is one of the most famous Greek poets, one of the few whose works are still extant in sizeable part.
2207-1A 'pincho' (Spanish; literally, 'thorn' or 'spike') or 'pintxo' (Basque) is the name of certain snacks typically eaten in bars, traditional in northern Spain and especially popular in the Basque country.
2208-1Originating in the Basque Country , they are usually eaten in bars or taverns as a small snack while hanging out with friends or relatives; thus, they have a strong socializing component, and they are usually regarded as a cornerstone of Basque Culture and Society.
2209-1Typically, a pimp will not force prostitutes to "be with him", although some have been known to be abusive in order to keep their prostitutes submissive or to maximize profits.
2210-1A pimp may also offer to protect his prostitutes from rival pimps and prostitutes, or from abusive clients.
2211-1It has been introduced into Australasia and North America and escaped from gardens and is considered an invasive species in some areas.
2212-1Close to the Pillars there are two isles, one of which they call Hera's Island; moreover, there are some who call also these isles the Pillars."
2213-1Thus, while 'P. barbarulna' was almost certainly not flightless, the ulna lacks quill knobs; this might be due to flightlessness, abrasion in the fossil, or fairly weak secondary remiges.
2214-1However, flamingos which fly well and have normally-developed secondaries also lack ulnar quill knobs (Varricchio 2002), it is most likely that it was a heavyset bird with comparatively small, rounded wings, in general body shape rather similar to a tinamou or galliform.
2215-1The Pokédex, in several games in the series, states that Pikachu forage for berries.
2216-1They are said to store electricity in their cheeks, and by simply squeezing them they can discharge sparks, lightning bolts, or other forms of electricity.
2217-1He was the strongest bandurists in the group and probably the first to have played bandura in the group having initially converted the singers to bandurists and then initially teaching them.
2218-1He is thought by some to have been a KGB informer and had informed on V. Kabachok and caused his subsequent arrest.
2219-1I feel from the evidence shown to me that the informant was probably Pika and that he also informed on Kabachok in 1937 after their tour of the Combined Bandurist Capella to Leningrad)
2220-1A Pigovian tax is considered one of the "traditional" means of bringing a modicum of market forces, and thus better market efficiency, to economic situations where externality problems exist.
2221-1Pollution rights markets are not generally more efficient than Pigovian taxes but are often more appealing to policy makers because giving out the rights for free (or at less than market price) allows polluters to lose less profits or even gain profits (by selling their rights) relative to the unaltered market case.
2222-1Some wireless networking devices may not support the latest security mechanisms, and users must therefore leave their network unsecured.
2223-1They do less well with categories defined by abstract logical relationships, e.g. "symmetrical" or "same", though some experimenters have successfully trained pigeons to discriminate such categories.
2224-1Orioli was an important artist within an often overlooked school of Italian Renaissance painting.
2225-1Stylistic he is similar to the contemporaries operating within his home city, as well as being related to the highly celebrated Florentine Botticelli, who he may have influenced.
2226-1His lack of fame can most likely be attributed to the fact that he appears to have worked chiefly within Siena alone, his premature death at the age of just 37 and the general ignorance of the outside world to Sienese painting in the renaissance.
2227-1It is certainly a better vehicle for a popular lyric soprano.
2228-1He spent some time in France and Italy, and then went to Antwerp, where in 1551 he was accepted as a master in the painter's guild.
2229-1He received the nickname 'Peasant Bruegel' or 'Bruegel the Peasant' for his alleged practice of dressing up like a peasant in order to mingle at weddings and other celebrations, thereby gaining inspiration and authentic details for his genre paintings.
2230-1Both became painters, but as they were very young children when their father died, it is believed neither received any training from him.
2231-1He glossed the top of a white metal stool in the same brilliant primary red he applied to the cardboard sheath he made for the radio-phonograph that spilled forth his beloved jazz from well-traveled records, Visitors to this last studio seldom saw more than one or two new canvases, but found, often to their astonishment, that eight large compositions of colored bits of paper he had tacked and re-tacked to the walls in ever-changing relationships constituted together an environment that, paradoxically and simultaneously, was both kinetic and serene, stimulating and restful.
2232-1Tragically, he was there for only a few months: he died of pneumonia in February 1944.
2233-1If she had failed to produce a suitably successful record, this would be her third and last album, most likely ending her singing career.
2234-1Shakira rewrote many of her old songs with new melodies along with her partner Luis F. Ochoa.
2235-1Some of Crowley's marginal glosses and his passus summaries are clearly polemical, but there are very few glosses (and no passus summaries) in the first edition.
2236-1Nothing could exceed the amiability of his private character; so poor a man has rarely been so rich in good actions; he was always ready to receive help from his friends when he was in need, and always forward to help others.
2237-1Van Maldere was educated as a violinist and composer, probably by the directors of the Brussels court chapel, Jean-Joseph Fiocco and Henri-Jacques de Croes.
2238-1His odes, which are very numerous, are also very interesting and in their best shape very perfect compositions.
2239-1In this latter kind he devised some exquisitely melodious rhythms of which, till our own day, the secret died with the 17th century.
2240-1Generally speaking, Ronsard is best in his amatory verse (the long series of sonnets and odes to Cassandre, Pikles, Marie, Genévre, Héléne--Héléne de Surgeres, a later and mainly "literary" love--etc.), and in his descriptions of the country (the famous "'Mignonne allons voir si la rose'," the "'Fontaine Bellerie'," the "'Foret de Gastine'," and so forth), which have an extraordinary grace and freshness.
2241-1He knew well too how to manage the gorgeous adjectives ("'marbrine'," "'cinabrine'," "'ivoirine'" and the like) which were another fancy of the Pléiade, and in his hands they rarely become stiff or cumbrous.
2242-1In any case, prose comedy gained very little ground in popular favor before the time of Moliere.
2243-1Delacourt wrote, “Same-sex marriage has generally been treated like a political "tar baby"' over the past few years, with most parties reluctant to whip up highly sensitive arguments touching on religion and deeply rooted social values.
2244-1Because there were many people upset over Pierce being allowed to remain on the team and keep his scholarship, two petitions totaling over 3,000 signatures were filed protesting the circumstances of the school's handling of the case.
2245-1Magnol's most important contribution to science is without doubt the invention of the concept of plant families, a natural classification, based on combinations of morphological characters, as set out in his 'Prodromus historiae generalis plantarum, in quo familiae plantarum per tabulas disponuntur' (1689) (See under major works).
2246-1In Magnol's day it was common belief that all species had come into existence by divine creation as set out in the Book of Genesis.
2247-1Nevertheless his work may be regarded as one of the first steps towards the composition of a tree of life.
2248-1Here the last sad chapter of his life opened promptly when he sided with some dissidents who opposed the introduction of new rules at the Accademia di San Luca which subjected non-members to great financial unjustice, and he was unceremoniously expelled.
2249-1The rich Roman art market was effectively closed for him and he had to settle for a few works outside, namely some statues for the Benedictine abbey at Monte Cassino (after the heavy bombing in World War II, only his 'Emperor Henry II' shows a reasonable degree of authenticity after restoration) and, without doubt due to the intervention of Juvarra who was by then architect to the Duke of Savoy, two female saints for the church of S. Cristina in Turin (now in the Cathedral).
2250-1As popular as the Duhem-Quine thesis may be in the philosophy of science, in reality Pierre Duhem and Willard Van Orman Quine stated very different theses.
2251-1Also Duhem's conception of theoretical group has its limits, since not all concepts are connected to each other logically.
2252-1Highlights from these first period are the Lambert's Church in Veghel and the Catharina's Church in Eindhoven, among others.
2253-1In this second part of his career he built some of his best work.
2254-1Many references credit him with 29 to 33 victories, although these probably include his "ground" kills.
2255-1Recent, more detailed analysis of his combat reports and squadron accounts indicate that his true score was 11 destroyed, with possibly another seven, for a total of 15-18 victories.
2256-1In 2006, Bruneau celebrated his 30 years of work for TVA and received several awards.
2257-1Four major Interstate highways and numerous secondary Interstate routes and US routes serve the region:; Interstate Highways
2258-1Like I-73, much of the route has yet to be constructed, but several disjointed segments are currently open and signed as either I-74 or "FUTURE I-74".
2259-1The older, southern segment consists of a former temporary alignment of I-85 that contains some non-freeway portions.
2260-1Essentially, the Piedmont is the remnant of several ancient mountain chains that have since been eroded away.
2261-1Asti comune about 55 kilometres east of Turin in the plain of the Tanaro River and capital of Monferrato one of the most important wine district of the world.
2262-1Alba is the house of Ferrero's chocolate factories and some mechanical industries.
2263-1As these last sightings raised widespread interest, it seems probable after 1948, no pied raven has been seen.
2264-1As such dairying and meat, fruit and vegetable processing and storage are relatively common.
2265-1There is a light industrial park in the town which has several modest manufacturing businesses making goods such as refrigeration products and filtered bottled water.
2266-1There are numerous quarrying operations located nearby which support this and other similar plants.
2267-1The George IV Inn, reputedly constructed in 1839, is considered to be one of the oldest hotel buildings in Australia.
2268-1The barn behind the hotel may date back to 1810 and is possibly the oldest building in Picton - it is used for functions such as birthday and engagement parties.
2269-1They pursue certain things, avoid certain things, and have many different tactics in order to do both of these.
2270-1Spicy pickled eggs, often prepared with jalapeno peppers is very popular in the Upper Peninsula in Michigan; namely in the area around Michigan Technological University in Houghton.
2271-1Today they can be found at almost any bar in the area.
2272-1Cognates of the term appear in other languages and cultures, presumably also derived from the Portuguese word, and it is not controversial or derogatory in these contexts.
2273-1Some of these words may be more directly related to the Portuguese 'pequeno' than to 'pequenino', the source of 'pickaninny'.
2274-1The point being that with each successive leg, as the exotic pick 6 pool sheds tickets, they have several tickets that are still "live" and have a chance of winning the bet or percentage thereof (in some countries e.g. South Africa, punters are allowed to play a percentage of the bet making it cheaper than in the US where a single line is a minimum of $2).
2275-1Several punters construct these multiple combinations manually and others use pick six software to assist in the process of construction.
2276-1However, a number of proteins require chaperonins for proper folding.
2277-1Thus, 'Pichia' is unable to produce a number of proteins for which the host lacks the appropriate chaperones.
2278-1World Champion Petrosian's sixth place finish was a disappointment, but he may have still been feeling the strain of his recent World Championship match with Spassky, who was eight years his junior.
2279-1Folk songs appearing in the scherzo include "My Old Kentucky Home," "Sailor's Hornpipe," "The Campbells are Coming," "Long, Long Ago," "Hold the Fort," and "There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood," among many others.
2280-1It is perhaps the first major piano work (if not work of any instrumentation) to so thoroughly incorporate a baroque contrapuntal style (the fugue) within an originally Classical structure (the sonata form) (see fourth movement).
2281-1His involvement had him appearing on a flatbed truck in many parades, which led to his song "Peachtree Parade".
2282-1From the mid 1950s until the late 1960s, he recorded for several companies, including Columbia, for which he made several records, Checker, for whom he recorded 8 sides with Willie Dixon on bass, and Groove Records,a subsidiary of RCA Victor, producing the first hit for that label.
2283-1On Okeh Records, in 1961, he began using the name Dr. Feelgood and the Interns, releasing several hits, including the much-covered "Doctor Feel-Good".
2284-1The concerto is probably the least known of all Rachmaninoff's piano concertos, but it is frequently performed in Russia.
2285-1There may be several reasons for this.
2286-1The structure was criticized for being amorphous and difficult to grasp on a single hearing.
2287-1He may have begun this work as early as 1914, according to the April 12 issue of 'Muzyka'.
2288-1He may have also tinkered with sketches in his early years in the United States.
2289-1The expansive first movement is one of Mozart's most symphonic concerto movements.
2290-1The volume alternately ranges about 'mezzopiano' and 'pianissimo', until after several almost revealing seconds of 'forte' the pianist has the music retire into a 'pianissimo' mystery in which it would, it appears, remain immersed indefinitely.
2291-1Over the next eight bars, the piano's motions circle ever higher with hardly a crescendo, then drop for a moment, summoning force.
2292-1The music hardly grows any louder, only to a 'piano', but it is emotionally so intense that it cannot possibly remain there.
2293-1For several bars the volume draws back, then erupts into a powerfully sad 'fortissimo' with heavy, dissonant chords in the piano part.
2294-1It is the soloist who leads to the B flat major slow movement, where the first theme is entrusted to the orchestra, to be capped by the soloist with material of a more rhapsodic kind.
2295-1The piano employs many difficult pianist devices most notably rapid arpeggios.
2296-1Composite forged metal frames were preferred by many European makers until the American system was fully adopted by the early 20th century.
2297-1Among the many Italian aircraft manufacturers, during World War II, the majority (such as Savoia-Marchetti and Caproni) designed and built mixed-construction aircraft, or, in the case of CANT, completely made of wood.
2298-1The Piaggio P.119 was one of the best examples of these projects.
2299-1The '5' series fighters are well known, especially the Fiat G.55 and the Macchi C.205, but there were two other fighters on the same level, the Caproni-Vizzola F.6 and the Piaggio P.119, both of which did not enter production.
2300-1Formulas of this type, now known as Machin-like formulas, were used to set several successive records and remained the best known method for calculating ? well into the age of computers.
2301-1Despite their great similarities in appearance and lifestyle, there are still a number of minor differences that distinguish phytosaurs from true crocodiles.
2302-1It is possible however that phytosaurs had a fleshy palate, as many Mesozoic crocodiles are presumed to have had.
2303-1This adaptation may have developed to allow them to breathe while the rest of the body was submerged.
2304-1There are conflicting studies, and it is unclear if phytoestrogens have any effect on the cause or prevention of cancer in females.
2305-1The generally accepted position on this topic is that phytoestrogens may be beneficial for healthy females and that females with known breast cancer should be aware of potential risks and consider avoiding consumption until more information is available.
2306-1Early sauropodomorphs, including the group traditionally called "prosauropods", may also have had air sacs.
2307-1One study in 2007 concluded that prosauropods likely had abdominal and cervical air sacs, based on the evidence for them in sister taxa (theropods and sauropods).
2308-1The study concluded that it was impossible to determine whether prosauropods had a bird-like flow-through lung, but that the air sacs were almost certainly present.
2309-1Generally, forms which result from similar histories are characterized by certain similar features, and differences in history result in corresponding differences of form, usually resulting in distinctive features which are obvious to the casual observer, but this is not always the case.
2310-1First, it is possible that the various ships deflector shields, when hit with radiation from explosions or blasters, cause the ships themselves to vibrate, producing sound.
2311-1Second, the audio may be synthetically generated by ships sensor systems.
2312-1Also relevant is: Many people who are trained as physicists, however, use their skills in other parts of the economy, in particular in engineering, computing, and finance.
2313-1Some physicists take up careers where their knowledge of physics can be combined with further training in other disciplines, such as patent law in industry or private practice.
2314-1In the United States, a majority of those in the private sector with a physics degree work outside physics, astronomy and engineering altogether.
2315-1Modern physical theatre has grown from a variety of origins.
2316-1Mime and theatrical clowning schools such as 'L'École Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq' in Paris have had a big influence on many modern expressions of physical theatre, and practitioners such as Steven Berkoff and John Wright received their initial training at such institutions.
2317-1Contemporary Dance has also had a strong influence on what we regard as physical theatre, partly because most physical theatre requires actors to have a level of physical control and flexibility rarely found in those who do not have some sort of movement background.
2318-1Modern physical theatre also has strong roots in more ancient traditions such as 'Commedia dell'arte' and some suggest links to the ancient Greek theatre, particularly the theatre of Aristophanes.
2319-1This is a weaker claim.
2320-1Indeed, Touretzky and Pomerleau write that if symbols and signals are the same thing, then "[s]ufficiency is a given, unless one is a dualist or some other sort of mystic, because physical symbol systems are Turing-universal."
2321-1The widely accepted Church-Turing thesis holds that any Turing-universal system can simulate any conceivable process that can be digitized, given enough time and memory.
2322-1#The "erroneous claim that the [physical symbol system hypothesis] lacks symbol grounding" which is presumed to be a requirement for general intelligent action.
2323-1#The common belief that AI requires non-symbolic processing (that which can be supplied by a connectionist architecture for instance).
2324-1#The common statement that the brain is simply not a computer and that "computation as it is currently understood, does not provide an appropriate model for intelligence".
2325-1#And last of all that it is also believed in by some that the brain is essentially mindless, most of what takes place are chemical reactions and that human intelligent behaviour is analogous to the intelligent behaviour displayed for example by ant colonies.
2326-1Since the discovery of the cosmic microwave background in 1965 it has been regarded as the best theory of the origin and evolution of the cosmos.
2327-1Before the late 1960s, many cosmologists thought the infinitely dense singularity at the starting time of Friedmann's cosmological model was a mathematical over-idealization, and that the universe was contracting before entering the hot dense state and starting to expand again.
2328-1This led the majority of cosmologists to accept the Big Bang, in which the universe we observe began a finite time ago.
2329-1Common names for this genus and many other related genera in the subfamily Melolonthinae are May beetles, June bugs, and June beetles.
2330-1The most famous Phuthi leader in the historical record was the powerful Chief Moorosi (born in 1795), who died in unclear circumstances on Mount Moorosi (Sotho 'Thaba Moorosi') in 1879, after a protracted nine-month siege by the British, 'Boers' (i.e. Afrikaner) and Basotho forces (including the military participation of the Cape Mounted Riflemen).
2331-1This siege is often referred to as "Moorosi's Rebellion".
2332-1The issue that triggered the siege was alleged livestock theft in the Herschel area.
2333-1The Phunk Junkeez were one of many bands to jump on the band wagon in the early 90's that fused a number of different styles in their music, from hardcore punk to trip-hop.
2334-1The band grew large enough to start playing legitimate venues, such as The Electric Ballroom, Club Rio, Mesa Amphitheater, and Compton Terrace, sometimes selling out multiple nights at some of these venues.
2335-1The Phunk Junkeez were a massively popular act in the Valley throughout the early '90s, playing huge, illegal warehouse keggers and routinely drawing more than 1,000 fans into clubs.
2336-1Seeing the writing on the wall Mike Kramer left the band early as the bands guitarist leaving this spot to turn over many many times throughout the years.
2337-1Updates for serial database software can be found on many Internet sites.
2338-1Karaoke clubs can be found in some of the many hotels and customers can either sing to everyone or rent a private room
2339-1One by one, other methods appeared: among them were manifold writers (used by Mark Twain), copying baths, copying books and roller copiers.
2340-1Among the most significant of them was the Blue process in the early 1870s, which was mainly used to make blueprints of architectural and engineering drawings.
2341-1Stencil duplicators (more commonly known as "Mimeograph machines") surfaced in 1874, and the Cyclostyle in 1891.
2342-1All were manual; most involved messy fluids and were accident-prone.
2343-1There is some concern by news photographers that the profession of photojournalism as it is known today could change to such a degree that it is unrecognizable as image-capturing technology naturally progresses.
2344-1It is argued that protection of photographs as artistic works is anomalous, in that photography is ultimately a medium of reproduction, rather than creation.
2345-1Secondly, it is argued that the protection of photographs as artistic works leads to bizarre results.
2346-1For example, it is possible that Vogue Magazine would be infringing copyright if they, inspired by a picture taken by a drunk boyfriend of his girlfriend posing provocatively on a motorcycle, attempted to recreate the photograph.
2347-1Similarly, it is possible that a famous wildlife photographer, inspired by a cheap snapshot of cheetah at the zoo, on Flikr, would be infringing copyright if he went exploring the Okovango Delta in search of a cheetah in a similar pose.
2348-1That said, it is possible that the threshold of originality is very low.
2349-1For example, in Walter v Lane, reporters who transcribed a speech were held to be authors of the transcription, and owners of a copyright which subsisted in it.
2350-1In places such as the city of Hermosa Beach in California, commercial photography on both public property and private property is subject to permit regulations and possibly also insurance requirements.
2351-1In addition, if the photography has aspects that may be disruptive to others, such as additional equipment or a significant number of personnel or the use of public areas for more than four hours, it is necessary to obtain a permit.
2352-1Recently, claims for practical methods to improve the stability of ascorbate developers have been made by several experimenters.
2353-1Photoelectrolysis' main attractiveness to many engineers and technologists is its potential to divide water into hydrogen and oxygen.
2354-1Photoelectrolysis is often seen as having the potential to fulfill that need.
2355-1Photobiotin is used in many biology laboratories for patterning proteins, ligands, and other species onto solid substrates.
2356-1UV lasers stimulate photobiotin to attach various surfaces, where scientists can visualize the distribution of the species that they are looking for.
2357-1Using this technique, they were able to bind several species to the surface simultaneously using different frequencies of UV laser light.
2358-1While organizing the show Stieglitz had a disagreement with some of the more conservative members of the Club about which photographers should be included.
2359-1To strengthen his position, Stieglitz rapidly formed an invitation-only group, which he called the Photo-Secession, to give the impression that his views were backed by many other prominent photographers.
2360-1The literary criticisms, generally distinguished by keen and independent judgment, and the excerpts vary considerably in length.
2361-1The numerous biographical notes are probably taken from the work of Hesychius of Miletus.
2362-1Photios continued his career as a writer in the reign of Leo who probably rehabilitated his reputation within the next few years; in his 'Epitaphios' on his brothers, a text probably written in 888, the emperor presents Photios favorably, portraying him as the legitimate archbishop, and the instrument of ultimate unity, an image that jars with his attitude to the patriarch in 886-887.
2363-1Confirmation that Photios was rehabilitated comes upon his death: according to some chronicles his body was permitted to be buried in Constantinople.
2364-1Phosphorus is also an important component in steel production, in the making of phosphor bronze, and in many other related products.
2365-1Sodium tripolyphosphate made from phosphoric acid is used in laundry detergents in some countries, but banned for this use in others.
2366-1Phosphoric acid made from elemental phosphorus is used in food applications such as some soda beverages.
2367-1These common phosphonates are the structure analogues to the well-known aminopolycarboxylates NTA, EDTA, and DTPA.
2368-1Phosphatidylcholines are such a major component of lecithin, that, in some contexts, the terms are sometime used as synonyms.
2369-1Although some lipid-binding proteins are able to insert themselves into membranes and could hypothetically recognise the type of acyl chain or the resulting properties of the membrane, many lipid-binding proteins are cytosolic and localise to the membrane by binding only the headgroups of lipids.
2370-1If this is the case, it suggests that a PA-binding domain must not only be able to bind PA specifically but must also be able to identify those head-groups that are at the correct angle.
2371-1Thus it seems that, though PA and DAG are interconvertible, the different species of lipid can have different biological activities; and this may enable the two lipids to maintain separate signaling pathways.
2372-1They are generally referred to as high energy phosphate, as are the phosphagens in muscle tissue.
2373-1Interestingly, both French and Spanish acquired new initial [h] in mediaval times, but these were later lost in both languages in a "second round" of h-dropping (however it should be noted that some dialects of Spanish re-acquired /h/ from Spanish /x/).
2374-1It is also known from several Scandinavian dialects, for instance Älvdalsmal and the dialect of Roslagen where it is found already in Runic Swedish.
2375-1Vowels were lengthened before , , , , probably also , , , when not followed by a third consonant or two consonants and two syllables.
2376-1This probably occurred around AD 1000.
2377-1Later on, many of these vowels were shortened again; but evidence from the Ormulum shows that this lengthening was once quite general.
2378-1The term 'gramophone' would generally be taken to refer to a wind-up machine, and from the 1960s onwards the more common term would be 'record player' or 'turntable' as part of a system that also played cassettes and included radio.
2379-1Such a system would be called a 'hi-fi' or 'stereo' (most systems being stereophonic by the mid-1960s).'
2380-1There are also some interesting tourist attractions in this park like Nu?c Ngang (lit.: Horizontal Spring), a spring runs horizontally instead of vertically as usual; ?á N?m (Crouching Stone), a stone blockading a stream current; Chân Th?t (Chopping Board), a chopping-board-shaped stone.
2381-1But above all, the most spectacular scene is this area is Nu?c Tr?i (Surfacing Stream), a stream surfacing from the ground.
2382-1By 2007, only a few chat line companies remained active.
2383-1In addition to the standard Free Chat lines there are also many popular services that tailor to the Gay Community, the oldest such service is The Gay Connection which started in 1985 in Los Angeles California, and now operates numbers nationwide.
2384-1Certain species of these seemingly benign spiders invade webs of other spiders and eat the host, the eggs or the prey.
2385-1In some cases the spider vibrates the web of other spiders, mimicking the struggle of trapped prey to lure the host of the web closer.
2386-1Pholcids are natural predators of the 'Tegenaria' species, and are known to attack and eat redback spiders and huntsman spiders .
2387-1There is some controversy as to how best classify the reports on the night in question.
2388-1Some are of the opinion that the differing nature of the eyewitness reports indicates that several unidentified objects were in the area, each of which was its own separate 'event.'
2389-1Results published in the journal Science after the mission ended reported that chloride, bicarbonate, magnesium, sodium potassium, calcium, and possibly sulfate were detected in the samples.
2390-1Gullies, which are common in certain areas of Mars, may have formed from perchlorate melting ice and causing water to erode soil on steep slopes.
2391-1MARDI images had been intended to help pinpoint exactly where the lander has landed, and possibly help find potential science targets.
2392-1MARDI was built by Malin Space Science Systems, and it is the lightest and most efficient camera ever to land on Mars.
2393-1It is also widely accepted that the Phoenicians were very important in the establishment of many ancient dog breeds through the Mediterranean basin.
2394-1Molyvann created landmark buildings such as the Preah Suramarit National Theatre and the Council of Ministers building, other architects helped construct the newly founded Royal Khmer University, the Institute of Foreign Languages and the National Sports Centre.
2395-1These so-called anti-miscegenation laws were enforced in several US states until 1967.
2396-1The story is also used by some Christian Identity groups, naming themselves Phineas Priesthood after Phinehas.
2397-1They also claim that it is a Biblical injunction against interracial couples, transforming a conflict about temptation to idolatry into one about race.
2398-1Pathological (acquired) phimosis has several causes.
2399-1Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus (thought to be the same condition as balanitis xerotica obliterans), is regarded as a common (or even the main) cause of pathological phimosis.
2400-1Other causes may include: scarring caused by forcible retraction of the foreskin, and balanitis.
2401-1Some studies found phimosis to be a risk factor for urinary retention and carcinoma of the penis.
2402-1Age is reportedly a factor in non-retractability: according to Huntley 'et al.' the foreskin is reportedly retractable in approximately 50% of cases at 1 year of age, 90% by 3 years of age, and 99% by age 17.
2403-1Because Chaucer's Arcite adopts this identity to become a servant at Theseus' court, it is possible that the 'Midsummer Night's Dream' character is meant to be the same person in a continuation of the story.
2404-1In original performances of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', the actor who played Egeus and the actor who played Philostrate were probably one and the same.
2405-1Howard Furness, editor of several Shakespeare editions, interprets this a little differently, saying that Shakespeare may not have originally intended both roles to be played by the same person, but that directors combined the roles to save money.
2406-1In cases where one actor was playing both roles, Egeus' character would probably have filled both roles in this scene, absorbing Philostrate's lines into his own.
2407-1The design of the programme emanates from the view that to understand social phenomena one must approach them from several complementary disciplinary directions and analytical frameworks.
2408-1In this regard, the study of 'philosophy' is considered important because it both equips students with meta-tools such as the ability to reason rigorously and logically, and facilitates ethical reflection.
2409-1The study of 'politics' is considered necessary because it acquaints students with the authoritative structures that govern society and help solve collective action problems.
2410-1Finally, studying 'economics' is seen as vital in the modern world because political decisions often concern economic matters, and government decisions are often influenced by economic events.
2411-1Still, many researchers have indicated a lack of patience for overly dogmatic proponents of one method or another.
2412-1In recent years sociologists have frequently engaged with figures such as Jacques Derrida and Richard Rorty, just as social philosophy has often met with social theory.
2413-1Others, especially Feyerabend and some post-modernist thinkers, have argued that there is insufficient difference between social practices in science and other disciplines to maintain this distinction.
2414-1It is apparent that social factors play an important and direct role in scientific method, but that they do not serve to differentiate science from other disciplines.
2415-1Einstein's general relativity as well as the redshift of the light from receding distant galaxies indicate that the entire Universe and possibly space-time itself began about 13.7 billion years ago in the big bang.
2416-1It is usually hoped that there exists some interpretation in which the rules of the game hold.
2417-1Many formalists would say that in practice, the axiom systems to be studied will be suggested by the demands of science or other areas of mathematics.
2418-1Many of the most interesting problems of modern philosophy of language were anticipated by medieval thinkers.
2419-1One debate that has captured the interest of many philosophers is the debate over the meaning of 'universals'.
2420-1Some have said that the expression stands for some real, abstract universal out in the world called "rocks".
2421-1Others have said that the word stands for some collection of particular, individual rocks that we happen to put into a common category.
2422-1One of the most topical issues is determining to what extent physics, specifically, quantum mechanics, explains chemical phenomena.
2423-1Can chemistry, in fact, be reduced to physics as has been assumed by many, or are there inexplicable gaps?
2424-1Some authors have recently suggested that a number of difficulties exist in the reductionist program, notwithstanding our increasing knowledge of the microcosmic realm.
2425-1The noted philosopher of science, Karl Popper, among others, predicted as much.
2426-1Atoms and molecules are often assumed to be the fundamental units of chemical theory, but traditional descriptions of molecular structure and chemical bonding fail to account for the properties of many substances, including metals and metal complexes.
2427-1For example, many rocks exist as mineral complexes composed of multiple ions that do not occur in fixed proportions or spatial relationships to one another.
2428-1Thus advertising is claimed to perform the valuable role of helping people experience a more variegated and interesting life.
2429-1But his stated purpose in these quotations seems to be to achieve the "enlightenment and welfare" of others by way of demonstration and "insurrection" as he defines it.
2430-1Max Stirner was a philosopher whose "name appears with familiar regularity in historically-orientated surveys of anarchist thought as one of the earliest and best-known exponents of individualist anarchism."
2431-1In 1844, his 'The Ego and Its Own' was published, which is considered to be "a founding text in the tradition of individualist anarchism."
2432-1An incident catches the public's attention and certain types of people "get on the bandwagon", so to speak.
2433-1It is particularly apparent when the incident appears to be the result of well-known political or religious beliefs, but it can also occur in response to intense media attention.
2434-1However, if the right kind of people begin to believe it was arson, caused by deliberate action, the threat that more arsons will be committed increases drastically.
2435-1'Investigations' was influential in the development of "ordinary language philosophy", which was promoted by Gilbert Ryle, J.L. Austin, and a few others.
2436-1However, most of the linguistic structure can in principle be revised, even logic, in order to better model the world.
2437-1Dummett, among others, argued that truth conditions should be dispensed with in the theory of meaning, and replaced by assertibility conditions.
2438-1In this and most other civilized countries, for example, an engagement by which a person should sell himself, or allow himself to be sold, as a slave, would be null and void; neither enforced by law nor by opinion.
2439-1The ground for thus limiting his power of voluntarily disposing of his own lot in life, is apparent, and is very clearly seen in this extreme case.
2440-1This idea may be further refined, and it may be said that the haiku is a poor vehicle for describing a lover's affection, as opposed to the more organically correct sonnet.
2441-1Generally, working artists accept some form of the concept of organic form (although philosophers like Rudolf Arnheim have added support), whereas philosophers have tended to regard it as vague and irrelevant.
2442-1Probably their most popular being "My Elusive Dreams" which would go on to be mentioned in The Pogues' song, "A Pair of Brown Eyes".
2443-1To further test a potential Full Philo's merit, he or she must also present a petition reflecting the approval of other Philolexians and some work of original creative merit in order to be considered at New Member Night, as well as surviving 'The Horrors'.
2444-1It has been suggested that this may be due to the fact that Philodendrons have many geographic and time barriers that would prevent any such cross pollination.
2445-1Trail camps may, or may not have a nearby water source.
2446-1Currently there are in excess of 25 closed camps, many of which will never re-open as a result of evolving safety protocols.
2447-1After having two types of testicular cancer he set up the UK's most famous testicular cancer website with the help of well known musicians Steve White and Paul Weller in April 2003.
2448-1During this time Philly also helped to raise awareness of testosterone replacement, with long-time campaigner and cancer survivor Nick O'Hara Smith, in men who had lost a testicle or testicles to injury or cancer, a subject which had been widely ignored until Nick exerted pressure on health authorities.
2449-1She was also honored by many of America's founding fathers, including George Washinton.
2450-1Bush spent two years at Banff Centre School of Fine Arts in Canada from 1981-83; there he met Steve Reich and several other musicians who were formative influences for the direction of his career.
2451-1The settlement has been run by a variety of church and welfare groups over time.
2452-1(This, and many other flipsides, were deliberately undistinguished instrumentals, which were intended to focus attention on the A-sides.
2453-1Also, most discographies, including the one in the 'Back to Mono' booklet, list two items with catalogue number Philles 123: "Stumble And Fall" by Darlene Love was withdrawn and replaced with "Walking in the Rain" by The Ronettes.
2454-1Despite the prior claim that Philles 134, 135, and 136 were not released in the United States, promo and regular stock copies of all 3 exist, as well as the withdrawn Darlene Love single listed above.
2455-1A statue was erected of him, possibly at a 'Mouseion' at Cos, and his work was explicitly acknowledged as a classic by both Theocritus and Callimachus.
2456-1Sungka, while not as popular as it once was, is still viewed as a significant part of the traditional native Filipino games.
2457-1Majhong is played in some Filipino communities.
2458-1During the day of the elections itself, it was reported that many voters' names were mixed up or removed from the registries at ballot stations, causing much consternation.
2459-1It was also reported that several areas in Maguindanao were completely overrun by vote-buying, both on the local and national levels.
2460-1It was intensely engaged against several kidnap-for-ransom (KFRC) gangs in Central Mindanao.
2461-1One of the most celebrated accomplishments of the unit during this period was the rescue of Father BLANCO and Anthony BIEL from the Abu Sayyaf.
2462-1This operation soon led to several intense but nonetheless successful combat operations against the ASG and the MNLF Lost Command in Basilan and Jolo, which unfortunately escalated to alarming heights with the arrival of the Philippine Army in the area.
2463-1Admission to this school is by competitive examination, unlike many public Middle Schools in New York City.
2464-1Achievement First Charter School has recently been added in addition to the school, provoking many angry parents, teachers, and students alike.
2465-1Many parents believe that the extra school within the building could possibly affect the Schuyler students attending and could hurt their educations, therefore lowering the standards and educational standing of the school.
2466-1The composition now known as the 'Augsburg Confession' was laid before the Diet of Augsburg in 1530, and would come to be considered perhaps the most significant document of the Protestant Reformation.
2467-1Although commonly thought of as a unified statement of doctrine by the two reformers, Luther did not conceal his dissatisfaction with the irenic tone of the confession.
2468-1Indeed, some would criticize Melanchthon's conduct at the Diet as unbecoming of the principle he promoted, implying that faith in the truth of his cause would logically have inspired Melanchthon to a more firm and dignified posture.
2469-1Others point out that he had not sought the part of a political leader, suggesting that he seemed to lack the requisite energy and decision for such a role and may simply have been a lackluster judge of human nature.
2470-1They were finally defeated in the year 248, but the legions were not satisfied with the result, probably due to a low share of the plunder, if any.
2471-1Two other usurpers, Marcus Silbannacus and Sponsianus, are reported to have started rebellions without much success.
2472-1This was also said, falsely and unwarrantably, by one of the crew and enraged the Japanese Taiko, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, generally called Taicosama by Europeans, who commanded on 8 December, 1596, the arrest of the Franciscans in the monastery at Miako, now Kyoto, whither St. Philip had gone.
2473-1As a young boy he was probably a cowherd and it is assumed that he learned to read and write at the local parish school.
2474-1Local folk tales claim that he had such a brilliant memory that he could recite the pastor's sermon after attending mass on Sunday.
2475-1'VALIS' is perhaps Dicks most postmodern and autobiographical novel, examining his own unexplained experiences (see above).
2476-1It may also be his most academically studied work, and was adapted as an opera by Tod Machover.
2477-1Later works like the VALIS trilogy were heavily autobiographical, many with "two-three-seventy-four" (2-3-74) references and influences.
2478-1Philip appealed to the Pope and other powers in Europe to bring an end to the rising Ottoman threat.
2479-1In 1309, he accused Thamar of adultery, probably on a falsified charge.
2480-1They are almost all specialist pollinators (oligoleges) of many species of plants, especially in the Sonoran desert, where Timberlake carried out extensive collecting for decades.
2481-1Professor Goad is known internationally for his research in a variety of areas, including architectural history, theory and design.
2482-1He is a well-known authority on modern Australian architecture.
2483-1One of his most notable fields of expertise is the life and work of Robin Boyd.
2484-1As an architect, his most notable work has been for the Melbourne firm, Corrigan and Edmond, as project architect for the RMIT Building 8 project in Swanston Street, central Melbourne.
2485-1This refugee ensemble gathered together some of Hungary's finest musical talent and was directed by none other than Zoltán Rozsnyai, former conductor of the Hungarian National Philharmonic.
2486-1Through the ardent efforts of Rozsnyai and honorary president Antal Doráti, the Philharmonia Hungarica quickly matured into one of Europe's most distinguished orchestras.
2487-1Doráti's recording has been widely reported as a world-first, however this was not the case.
2488-1Like other makers of the era they offered a wide line of radios beginning with five-tube sets all the way up to high-fidelity consoles with 20 tubes in 1937-38.
2489-1As always, this is impossible to gauge, but what is clear is that many issues of the PRC, have risen in price.
2490-1Most of the buyers of these popular issues were not, of course, "serious" stamp collectors.
2491-1Although this is controversial, many collectors believe that a mint stamp is more valuable when the gum has been undisturbed.
2492-1There are many fakers who are happy to accommodate them so that they can receive a premium price for a mint-never-hinged stamp.
2493-1There are situations where the original gum 'should' have been washed off; bright fresh gum on the 1933 WIPA souvenir sheet of Austria would probably be false since the acidic nature of the original gum would cause the paper to deteriorate.
2494-1Approximately one year later, a rumor was circulated that Hugh Clark, a Kensington school director who was Catholic, was visiting a girls school where he demanded that the principal stop Bible reading in school.
2495-1The story also claimed that the principal refused and that she would rather lose her job.
2496-1It has been claimed that Jessup's use of a postcard in responding to Allende publicized their correspondence.
2497-1This possibility, some theorists consider, was plausible cause for the government to have intervened, disrupting the conversation by replacing Allende with Allen, who was possibly a CIA agent monitoring Allende's inbound mail.
2498-1This theory is suspect for several reasons, not the least of which is the fact that domestic intelligence gathering nor communications within the United States are within the purview of the CIA.
2499-1Iverson was moved back to point guard and flourished, having arguably his finest season.
2500-1He also impressed many with his willingness to get other players involved in the offense.
2501-1Pringle speaks in a variety of conference and church situations around the world.
2502-1His animations have been described as "satirical grotesque" and often portray the dark side of human nature and contemporary social, political, and religious values in a humorous and at times, shocking way.
2503-1Mulloy has made over 30 animated films many of which are in themed groupings based on Hollywood genres.
2504-1Mulloy has won many international awards for his work and has conducted several workshops for young animators.
2505-1Despite the production issues, many of the album's songs remain concert favorties, including the title track, "Salvation Army Band," and "The Survivor."
2506-1After working a number of film jobs, including being an assistant director for a number of Abbott and Costello films, Karlson directed his first film in 1944 and in 1948 directed the first film starring Marilyn Monroe, 'Ladies of the Chorus'.
2507-1He worked on a number of low-budget projects for Monogram Pictures and Eagle-Lion Films before making his mark in 1950.
2508-1His best-known works are video art, often featuring teenagers.
2509-1His best known work is 'They Shoot Horses' (2004) consisting of two videos each lasting seven hours and shown at the same time on different walls.
2510-1He painted several large chalice 'kraters', often with two registers of figures; unlike his master, he seems to have preferred larger vessels in general.
2511-1His themes may be partially influenced by contemporary theatre.
2512-1As it were to be expected this new grouping were received with distrust by the other Latin fraternal organizations at the university.
2513-1It has been reported that Brougton died as a victim of tuberculosis in Colorado but this claim has not been verified.
2514-1If it were not for Mu Theta's strength during this time in the fraternity's history, Phi Kappa probably would not have survived.
2515-1As the members of Mu Theta fanned out across the South each summer break, many returned to their hometowns and founded Phi Kappa chapters.
2516-1While this matter is ambiguous, it is generally agreed that he is a very influential figure in that period, harboring respect from many officers.
2517-1It is also said that he strongly believed in Buddhism, thus gaining support from many monks, who feared Thailand was being converted to Christianity.
2518-1The people of Phetchaburi engage in a variety of recreational activities.
2519-1Fishing in the Phetchaburi River is quite popular.
2520-1Phenomenology, generally speaking, favored an approach to design that was highly personal and inward looking.
2521-1Though most phenomenologists, Norberg-Schulz, for example, were highly critical of modernism and the International Style in particular, phenomenologically-oriented architects favored the clean and the simple over the complex or the organic.
2522-1Though interest in phenomenology has waned in recent times, several architects, such as Steven Holl and Peter Zumthor, claim to be phenomenologists.
2523-1It is thought that phenelzine's action in increasing GABA concentrations may significantly contribute to its antidepressant, and especially, anxiolytic/antipanic properties.
2524-1As for ALA-T inhibition, though the consequences of disabling this enzyme are currently not well understood, there is some evidence to suggest that it is this action of the hydrazines (including phenelzine) which may be responsible for the occasional incidence of hepatitis and liver failure.
2525-1Several deaths have been reported due to drug interaction-related serotonin syndrome such as the case of Libby Zion.
2526-1When discussing the phenomenon of tyranny Aristotle comes to vague conclusions and often contradictions are observed.
2527-1Phawngpui Peak in Mizoram exhibits the most enchanting view of Mizoram.
2528-1This cliff is believed to be haunted by spirits.
2529-1In the implementation field several techniques are used.
2530-1A well-known method, and specifically oriented on the implementation field, is the Regatta method by Sogeti.
2531-1Systems are installed in several different ways.
2532-1Some technologies are known to perform better than others in this regard.
2533-1The high density of Samsung's prototype PRAM device suggested it could be a viable Flash competitor, and not limited to niche roles as other devices have been.
2534-1Phase transitions often (but not always) take place between phases with different symmetry.
2535-1Socrates is considered as one who knows how to perform magic with words, and notably, not with written letters.
2536-1His words act as a pharmakon (as a remedy, or allegedly as a poison as far as the Athenian authority were concerned) and change, cure the soul of the listener.
2537-1Several hospital pharmacies have decided to outsource high risk preparations and some other compounding functions to companies who specialize in compounding.
2538-1For instance, ginseng which is field farmed may have significant problems with fungus, making contamination with fungicides an issue.
2539-1The wildcrafted echinacea, black cohosh and American ginseng often rely upon old growth root, often in excess of 50 years of age and it is not clear that younger stock will have the same pharmaceutical effect.
2540-1Growth in other fields notwithstanding, generics are still a large part of the picture.
2541-1In some jurisdictions, such as Australia, pharmacists are compensated for providing medication reviews for patients outside of acute or long-term care settings.
2542-1Fires have burned over most of the region in the past.
2543-1As a result of this and the dry sites, much of the tree growth is coniferous with some white birch mixed in.
2544-1The white pine-white birch type along the shores of several of the lakes and ponds adds immeasurably to their attractiveness.
2545-1Stands of some of the best quality Adirondack hardwoods exist in the covelike pockets of the unburned area in the northeast.
2546-1In other words, he and I were pursuing one and the same goal, but our means were considerably different.
2547-1By the time he was 30, he traveled to Hue to teach, "improve his contacts" and to obtain some special tutoring in preparation for his next exam attempt.
2548-1This was Phan's first encounter with the Self-Strengthening Movement in China and other major political and military reforms made around the world.
2549-1However, they could not get enough money to buy more weapons until they had proved themselves with a military attack of some sort.
2550-1Everyone said they needed something big and explosive because the people of Vietnam were short on patience.
2551-1Those that they sent to the south were wasted on some Vietnamese traitors.
2552-1This is believed to be an adaptation to gain the light requirements needed to grow, according to Christenson.
2553-1'Phalaenopsis' are not only outstanding in their beauty, but also unique in that in some species, the flowers turn into green leaves after pollination.
2554-1As in many other plants, the petals of the orchid flowers serve to attract pollinating insects and protect essential organs.
2555-1In many 'Phalaenopsis' species such as 'P.violacea', the petals and sepals find new uses following pollination and thus escaping programmed cell death.
2556-1The 45 symbols were numbered by Arthur Evans from 01 to 45, and this numbering has become the conventional reference used by most researchers.
2557-1Some symbols have been compared with Linear A characters by Nahm, Timm, and others.
2558-1These and other symptoms have been observed.
2559-1Scientists comment that 'the biggest hurdle is regulatory', whereas an official view is that individual phages would need proof individually because it would be too complicated to do as a combination, with many variables.
2560-1Phage therapy is today a widespread form of treatment in that region.
2561-1On 20 Nightal, 1371 DR (the Year of the Unstrung Harp), the Sharn Wall was unintentionally punctured by the elf Galaeron Nihmedu and the Shadovar prince Melegaunt Tanthul, allowing many of the phaerimm to escape.
2562-1Several phaerimm also took up residence in the ruins of Myth Drannor and others conquered the beholder city of Ootul.
2563-1Later, Galaeron and many others came to suspect that the Shadovar had planned for the phaerimm to be released near Evereska all along due to Shades complete disregard of the damage it was causing by melting the High Ice glaciers.
2564-1The Shadovar and an alliance of many peoples including Waterdeep, Silverymoon, Cormyr, the Uthgardt barbarians, Dalesmen, Evermeet, and Evereska managed to defeat the phaerimm attacking Evereska and their armies, although the Faerunians and the Shadovar came into conflict when Shade decided to flood Anauroch by melting the High Ice, causing massive meteorological changes throughout northwest Faerun.
2565-1Wooden buildings were erected on Main Street and Pecan Street, many by Conrad Pfluger one of Henry Pfluger, Sr.'s eight sons.
2566-1During that period, several area school districts consolidated with Pflugerville High School.
2567-1Some common reasons for this surgical access are obstetric delivery and hernia repair.
2568-1Although generally similar to the Fokker D.VII in looks and performance, the D.XII was widely considered to be inferior in handling characteristics and difficult to land.
2569-1Young has made numerous contributions to this literature.
2570-1It was the best-selling car in Europe from 2001 to 2003.
2571-1The 1.4L XR was the best-selling model.
2572-1The Rada loa spirits like Danbala, Ezili Freda and Papa Legba -- are said to come from Africa, from the former Dahomean empire.
2573-1Many scholars believe that the name "Rada" is a corruption of "Arara," an African port from whence many slave ships were launched.
2574-1He held the title of 'magistar,' indicating that he probably studied at the University of Paris.
2575-1Given the overlap of their lives and supposed tenures at Paris, Petrus may have been Franco of Cologne's student.
2576-1It is recorded that in 1298 he composed a monophonic office for the royal palace chapel at Paris, and that in 1301-2, he resided at the court of the Bishop of Amiens, undoubtedly as a member of his clerical staff, and most likely his chapel staff as well.
2577-1Contemporary and slightly later commentators spoke well of Petrus de Cruce; no less than the theorist Jacobus de Liege called him, "that worthy practical musician, who composed so many beautiful and good pieces of mensural polyphony and followed Francos precepts."
2578-1There are numerous inaccuracies and fables.
2579-1This Biblical history met with great success, as witness the large number of manuscripts, the mention of his name in all the libraries of the Middle Ages, the lists of classical books for the universities and schools, the quotations and the eulogies with which the name of its author is everywhere accompanied (cf. the canonist Huguccio, about 1190) and its numerous translations, most of all the 'Bible Historiale' in French.
2580-1It is still unknown whether Christus visited Italy, and brought style and technical accomplishments of the greatest Northern European painters directly to Antonello da Messina and other Italian artists, or whether his paintings were purchased by Italians.
2581-1A document testifying to the presence of a "Piero da Bruggia" (Petrus from Bruges?) in Milan may suggest that he visited that city at the same time as Antonello, and the two artists may even have met.
2582-1This might account for the remarkable similarities between the 'Portrait of a Man' attributed to Christus in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and many of Antonello's portraits, including the supposed self-portrait in the National Gallery in London.
2583-1The composition of a 'Lamentation' now at the Metropolitan Museum of Art so closely inspired a marble relief by Antonello Gagini in the cathedral at Palermo that it has been suggested that the picture may have been painted for an Italian client.
2584-1The situation is very bad and the people have engaged in protests.
2585-1The problem is many of these protest have been met with unmitigated violence.
2586-1Six companies are operating in Nigeria and are listed with their countries of origin (most of the following is extracted from a Human Rights Watch report):; 'Royal Dutch Shell (British/Dutch)' :Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited (SPDC), usually known simply as 'Shell Nigeria': A joint venture operated by Shell accounts for fifty percent of Nigerian's total oil production ( in 1997) from more than eighty oil fields.
2587-1They are however unrelated to Old World family Muscicapidae (to which other species with such names belong), or the monarch flycatchers (Monarchidae).
2588-1His most comprehensive work, written around 1443 and one of his last, was 'The Net of Faith'.
2589-1In recent years there has been a tendency to supplant the petits chevaux at French resorts by the boule or ball game, on the same principle of gambling; in this a ball is rolled on a basin-shaped table so that it may eventually settle in one of a number of shallow cups, each marked with a figure.
2590-1The attenuation and want of flexibility of contour in the nude are perhaps most conspicuous in his frescoes of classical subjects in the Glyptothek, especially in that representing the contention for the body of Patroclus.
2591-1Karl Hermann was one of Cornelius's earliest and most esteemed scholars, a man of simple and fervent nature, painstaking to the utmost, a very type of the finest German student nature; Kaulbach and Adam Eberle were also amongst his scholars.
2592-1Every public edifice in Munich and other German cities which were embellished with frescoes, became, as in Italy, a school of art of the very best kind; for the decoration of a public building begets a practical knowledge of design.
2593-1In the Pinakothek his sketches and small drawings sufficed; but in the Ludwigskirche the invention even of some of the subjects was entrusted to his scholar Hermann.
2594-1The number of his religious increasing, Peter gave them some statutes grounded on the rule of St. Augustine.
2595-1These were approved by pope Paschal II, and having afterwards been adopted by many other communities of Canons Regular, the Portuensis Congregation was formed.
2596-1By common consent Peter has always been called Blessed.
2597-1Withe formed a deadly and almost telepathic partnership up front with young starlet Gary Shaw, and he netted 20 times in 36 games to finish joint-top scorer in the league with Tottenham Hotspur's Steve Archibald in that first season as Aston Villa went on to win the Football League title.
2598-1Withe was also the scorer of Villa's winner against Bayern Munich in the European Cup final of 1982, the most important match in the club's history.
2599-1One of the most known films made by Peter Weiss is an experimental one, 'The Mirage' (1959) and the second one - it is very seldom mentioned - is a film Weiss directed in Paris 1960 together with Barbro Boman,a film with the title 'Play Girls' or 'The Flamboyant Sex' ('Schwedische Mädchen in Paris' or 'Verlockung' in German).
2600-1According to , Travers is the nations most blurbed film critic.
2601-1He has also shown a great deal of disdain for certain directors, most notably Michael Bay and his films.
2602-1Taylor attracted attention from 1973 when he appeared for the prosecution in several cases connected to the corrupt architect John Poulson, including that of Poulson himself.
2603-1Over the next three years, the prosecutions succeeded and many of those involved were jailed.
2604-1He also prosecuted Stefan Kiszko in July 1976, in what would become one of the most notorious miscarriages of justice in British Law in the 20th Century.
2605-1"From a capitalist point of view at best this will be the worst post-war slump, but it is possible that it will be worse than the slump of 1929-33".
2606-1Steele has also revealed in recent interviews that Type O Negative's split from Roadrunner Records, aside from a poor offer, had to do with an allegedly unauthorized release of a 'Best Of' compilation.
2607-1Additionally, he later revealed on MTV's 'Headbangers Ball' that the new alliance with SPV Records is probably his favorite thing about 'Dead Again' from a production standpoint.
2608-1But after going through a midlife crisis and having many things change very quickly, it made me realize my mortality.
2609-1Schjeldahls lasting influence comes from his ability to write poetry and criticize art in the late twentieth century where most audiences have tended to stray away from the arts in favor of more commercialized entertainment.
2610-1A point of lasting controversy about P. Munch is a visit he allegedly paid to the German town of Rostock just a few weeks before the German occupation.
2611-1During this visit he would have met with several Nazi dignitaries, Heinrich Himmler among them.
2612-1According to the myth, Munch had been warned in advance about the German intentions towards Denmark, and had agreed to making the occupation happen as peacefully as possible.
2613-1This would supposedly account for the limited Danish response on April 9 1940, and Munch's own willingness to surrender once the invasion was under way.
2614-1He provided Charlie Brown's voice in several 'Peanuts' television specials and film from 1965 to 1969.
2615-1His best-known catch-phrase probably was the plaintive, "I got a rock", from the trick-or-treating scenes in 'Great Pumpkin'.
2616-1Legend claims that he killed his first opponent at age 14 in one of the 60 duels he fought over his lifetime.
2617-1It is said that he was never defeated, both in single combat and during the 6 wars, in which he took part.
2618-1At age 35, Musashi sheathed his sword to become a mentor, an artist and finally a writer, who penned one of Japans most influential pieces of literature “The Book of the Five Rings.”
2619-1Though various dates for his emigration have been suggested, the record of Peter Pelham's activities at Boston is well established.
2620-1Portraits of several other New England clergymen followed.
2621-1Pelham was seemingly intimate with John Smibert, who settled in Boston in 1730, for he painted Smibert's portrait and made several engravings after Smibert's works.
2622-1Then, going past "the second star to the right and straight on 'til morning," the flying ships reach Neverland, where the guests go past some of its landmarks, including the Indian village, a glowing volcano, Mermaid Lagoon and Skull Rock.
2623-1It is here that the guests encounter some of Neverland's most famous residents, including Princess Tiger Lily, Mr. Smee, the Crocodile and Peter's arch rival, Captain Hook (in addition to Peter and the Darlings).
2624-1At present it can only be conjectured what Monamys whereabouts may have been during the years between about 1714 and 1720.
2625-1It is not impossible, however, that he spent some time in Cork, Ireland, which at this time was a hive of activity for English, and particularly Huguenot, craftsmen.
2626-1During these years it may reasonably be conjectured that another daughter, Mary, would have been born to Peter and Hannah.
2627-1Lavrov rejected this outlook, believing it possible to create socialism by basing revolutionary tactics on Russias individual history.
2628-1This descent is most likely nothing more than a legitimizing fiction.
2629-1His early works are typified by very masculine working class men, most famously in 'The Heroic Dosser' (1987).
2630-1Here he produced some of his most shocking and controversial work detailing the atrocities which were taking place at the time.
2631-1He maintains that supporters of Darwinism often mistake adaptation of existing species for a far more ambitious process required for evolution.
2632-1He therefore contends that the theory of evolution is wholly unlike other scientific theories with which it is often compared.
2633-1He has written and edited nearly 40 books, some of them translated into many languages.
2634-1Of his writings devoted to contemporary problems of urban planning in Britain, Europe and the USA, the best known is 'The Containment of Urban England' (1973), an analysis of the British town and country planning system, based on a formidable amount of statistical research.
2635-1The effect is magical; 'The Cherry Orchard' has almost never, in my experience, been at once so harrowing and so glittering; nor its fragile rhythms so finely, surely spun, its development so natural, human and real."'
2636-1Niger ranks among the most eminent theologians and preachers of the latter half of the fifteenth century.
2637-1“People who don't take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year.
2638-1People who do take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year.”
2639-1'Peter Dodson' is an American paleontologist who has published many papers and written and collaborated on books about dinosaurs.
2640-1Dodson described 'Avaceratops' in 1986; "Suuwassea emilieae" in 2004, and many others.
2641-1An authority on Ceratopsians, he has also authored several papers and textbooks on hadrosaurs and sauropods.
2642-1In other universities, the ER Model is also taught in a variety of colleges and departments.
2643-1There are other college courses covering the ER Model as well.
2644-1It produced some 150,000 to 200,000 objects from 1882 until 1917.
2645-1Commercially the exposition was a great success and the firm acquired a great many orders and clients.
2646-1The album has become one of his most popular recordings.
2647-1Peter has also performed his music with several symphony orchestras and choirs.
2648-1Bone is regularly one of the ten most active MPs in Parliament, in terms of Questions asked and other contributions .
2649-1Whilst in London, he met several important black leaders and writers, such as Jomo Kenyatta.
2650-1One of South Africa's most prominent black writers, his work deals with political and social issues, especially with racism.
2651-1A major factor may also have been a late influx of the Armenian vote in the California Governor's race between George Deukmejian and Tom Bradley.
2652-1Pete Rock's heavy use of intro and outro beats has also been widely influential.
2653-1Aside from their role as transitions, these are widely regarded as a way of displaying his large collection and as a challenge to other hip-hop producers to identify the records that the breaks come from.
2654-1Pete Panto was the leader of a revolt against Joseph P. Ryan and his colleagues, many of them allegedly mafia, who ran the International Longshoremen's Association [ILA].
2655-1Panto's murder was allegedly carried out by Mendy Weiss of Murder Inc.
2656-1During his career he has guest written for some of the UKs most influential music magazines.
2657-1Liz often confides in Pete and, at times, he seems to be the only competent person that she works with and the one who will tell it to her straight when it comes to managing her personal life.
2658-1Much like Liz, Pete generally plays straight man to the other characters, especially to Liz when she is temporarily pushed over the edge.
2659-1Most often, he is utilized as a vehicle for receiving exposition in place of the audience.
2660-1As he said in a later interview (Karlen), "Hopefully, some of Allen Saunders' expertise rubbed off on me when I worked on 'Steve Roper'."
2661-1Many claimed that both Jim Thorpe and Paddy Driscoll had beaten that record, both supposedly drop kicking field goals at 50 yards.
2662-1Driscoll was alleged to have kicked two from 50 yards in one game on September 28, 1924.
2663-1His younger brother, Conte, achieved an arguably stronger critical reputation.
2664-1Pete did not shine noticeably in these efforts, possibly because he adjusted to Conte's rather different and more conventional solo trumpet style.
2665-1Diagnostic Parasitologist Matt Bolek recommends that "A deworming program should probably start at 7-8 weeks of age and deworm biweekly for 3-4 treatments".
2666-1 Overspray or soil leaching of herbicidal sprays can present with several symptoms:
2667-1Pesniary was the best-known Soviet group coming from the Belorussian SSR.
2668-1It was one of the very few (and possibly the first) Soviet bands to tour in America in 1976.
2669-1They've toured the South of the USA together with a folk band New Christy Minstrels. 1974-1980 is considered the Golden Age era of the band when it achieved top popularity in the USSR, in Eastern Europe and in other countries.
2670-1Detective Mike Burns of Darke County asserts that PJ sets stricter criteria for arrest than many law enforcement agencies.
2671-1There are a number of versions of Cau-Cau.
2672-1These recipes may have African and Chinese influence as well as Italian.
2673-1The 'Ejército del Perú' also had a major role in the definition of national borders by participating in several wars against neighbor countries.
2674-1However, the most important amateur league (the Peruvian Football League) remained in the capital province, where rivalries arose between the Callao clubs, and those from the nearby capital of Lima.
2675-1Some may argue that the team began to play a less attractive form of the game, but nobody could argue with the results.
2676-1In 2001/2, the team nearly went the entire season undefeated with a side that only had former Adelaide City midfielder Brad Hassell as a major addition.
2677-1However, results from large population-based studies are not always applicable to the individual, and physicians generally take into account specific characteristics, such as age, gender, height/weight, diet, and environment, when evaluating an individual patient.
2678-1However, it is questioned whether personalized medicine represents a true departure from current medical practice, or whether it is an evolutionary transition based on the latest technology.
2679-1The term "type" has not been used consistently in psychology and has become the source of some confusion.
2680-1Furthermore, because personality test scores usually fall on a bell curve rather than in distinct categories, personality type theories have received considerable criticism among psychometric researchers.
2681-1Most researchers now believe that it is impossible to explain the diversity of human personality with a small number of discrete types.
2682-1Trait models have been criticized as being purely descriptive and offering little explanation of the underlying causes of personality.
2683-1Many of these people demonstrate a trend in dimensions of their personalities.
2684-1These individuals often experienced a "peak experience".
2685-1The PAI has a number of strengths for applied psychological assessment.
2686-1Second, it is relatively economical, assessing most of the constructs that are widely considered important in clinical personality assessment with 344 items.
2687-1The PHR is an ill-defined concept that has been developing over several years.
2688-1In recent years, several formal definitions of the term have been proposed by various organizations.
2689-1Recently, PHRs are being offered to people by employers and health insurance companies, however it is unclear if the PHR is transportable or transferable if a person switches jobs or insurance companies.
2690-1In order to overcome the rate of inflation, the investment portfolio has to get a higher rate of return, which typically will subject the portfolio to a number of risks.
2691-1Managing these portfolio risks is most often accomplished using asset allocation, which seeks to diversify investment risk and opportunity.
2692-1The character set the PJB uses internally is Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1), with some minor variations.
2693-1One of the Compaq developers stated that "it's missing some of the symbols in the range 160 to 255 (because I got bored when I was creating them :-).
2694-1There are some strange glyphs in the range 0 to 31, used for the various symbols on the screen."
2695-1Traditionally, ox tendons are considered inferior to wild game sinews since they have a higher fat content, leading to spoilage.
2696-1Adding more olive oil and perhaps some grated Parmesan produces Pistou.
2697-1Unilever decided that the catalysing agents would be an ideal addition to the product, but had worries over such a major alteration to the formula of one of their main products (a high profile example of this being New Coke, with a more direct example being in the late 1980s when one of Persil's competitors, Daz, introduced a new formula that also increased cleaning performance, but caused allergic reactions in a small but noticeable percentage of the population).
2698-1To this end they decided to split the catalyst agent (together with some fabric softening agents) into a new product, Persil Power.
2699-1Some believe that, had Power been successful, Unilever would have created a unified version of Persil with the catalysing agents.
2700-1Power was launched with a large publicity campaign, but a number of problems soon became apparent.
2701-1Rostam and Sohrab puppet opera is an example of the most notable performance in modern day Iran.
2702-1The most famous such convert was Rashid al-Din, a physician, historian and statesman, who adopted Islam in order to advance his career at Öljeitü's court.
2703-1'Perseus' was the codename of a possible Soviet spy alleged to have breached U.S. national security at Los Alamos during the Manhattan project.
2704-1The identity of this person, or even whether or not they actually existed, is unknown, and many of the facts in the matter are questionable.
2705-1These two open clusters (NGC 869 and NGC 884 respectively) belong to the most beautiful objects of the night sky for binoculars and small telescopes.
2706-1During this prolonged disaster, some Christians became less certain of their religion and converted back to the old religion.
2707-1Eunapius reflects some of the Pagan attitudes of this period in his writings.
2708-1Despite the pleas of many Pagans for tolerance, Honorius and Arcadius continued the work of their father by enacting even more anti-Pagan laws to stop any revival of Paganism.
2709-1This law seems to have been targeted at those Christians who were converting back to Paganism as it specifically mentions "those who are trying to stray from the dogma of the Catholic faith."
2710-1The large number of Pagans in the east also seems to have forced Arcadius into allowing the ancient festivals and public games to continue but without religious rites that formed an essential part of the old religion.
2711-1The "Hindu Rights Action Force", a coalition of several NGO's, have protested these demolitions by lodging complaints with the Malaysian Prime Minister.
2712-1Many Hindu advocacy groups have protested what they allege is a systematic plan of temple cleansing in Malaysia.
2713-1However, several of the temples are centuries old.,
2714-1James was said to have been put to death around that time.
2715-1Incidents of violence against Christians have occurred in many parts of India.
2716-1The Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP), the Bajrang Dal, and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) are the most responsible organizations for violence against Christians.
2717-1These claims have been disputed by Christians a belief described as mythical and propaganda by Sangh Parivar; the Parivar objects in any case to all conversions as a "threat to national unity".
2718-1Historically, this has been due to two causes: the German population were considered, whether factually or not, linked with German nationalist regimes such as those of the Nazis or Kaiser Wilhelm.
2719-1After World War II, many such Volksdeutsche were killed or driven from their homes in acts of vengeance, others in ethnic cleansing of territories prior to populating them with citizens of the annexing country.
2720-1Later, Suhu Almarhum studied under several other martial arts masters who came to live with his uncle during times of difficulty in Asia during the 1930s and 40s.
2721-1According to one of Suhu's most famous teachers, Gusti Gedeh Agung Jelanktik Baliwangsa the former King of Lombok, he had mastered the external forms by the age of twenty.
2722-1Suhu Almarhum is said to have created the current style of white crane pencak silat taught by PGB through a synthesis of four martial arts with his original clan style of kuntao.
2723-1The move may be known as grinding, but similar basic grinding moves are well known around the globe within genres such as Dancehall, Rhythm and Blues, and even Hip hop.
2724-1This move is not only popular around the world, but it also has a great impact on the younger youth.
2725-1William Pringle, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1949: “Helvidius displayed excessive ignorance in concluding that Mary must have had many sons, because Christ's 'brothers' are sometimes mentioned” (vol. 2, p. 215); “
2726-1These poor quality absinthes appealed to alcoholics of low socioeconomic status, and were commonly adulterated with a variety of toxic substances to make certain attributes (e.g. color) of these inferior brands more convincing.
2727-1Scientists conducted studies involving the injection of pure wormwood essence into small animals.
2728-1Some of them are known nationally.
2729-1They also have some sort of picture marking representing the type of hold or craft mark they are.
2730-1Lawful Permanent Residents generally do not have the right to vote, the right to be elected in federal and state elections, the ability to bring family members to the United States (permanent residents are allowed to sponsor certain family members, but this is often not practical due to long approval delays), or eligibility for federal government jobs.
2731-1Certain conditions that may put a permanent resident in deportation proceedings do not apply to U.S. citizens.
2732-1The larvae are generally considered to be clingers as can be seen by their wide stance for gripping substrates.
2733-1Another system using a disorganized hydrated collagen I gel has been used to demonstrate that primary human corneal fibroblasts will eventually invade the gel and create a matrix consisting of collagen type I and perlecan, as well as several other sulfated matrix glycoproteins.
2734-1One of the long-term goals of creating 3D cell culture systems is to engineer tissues that can be used as replacements for patients with many types of disease.
2735-1PCRE has developed an extensive and in some ways unique feature set.
2736-1While originally intended to be feature equivalent with Perl, over time a number of features have been first implemented in PCRE and only much later added to Perl.
2737-1In some cases PCRE has included in mainline releases features that originated with Perl 5.9.x and in some cases Perl 5.9.x has included features that were previously only available in PCRE.
2738-1Though his marriage made him happier in many ways, not the least of which was the opportunity he now had to father a child to replace him as president, his choice of partners was an unpopular decision both within and without his realm.
2739-1Unfortunately for President Avellar, a certain number of Alliance citizens felt the same way, afraid that their nation would follow the path taken by the Tikonov Free Republic several years earlier.
2740-1The term Dark Ages is no longer in common use among modern scholars because of the difficulty of using it neutrally, though some writers have attempted to retain it and divest it of its negative connotations.
2741-1However other terms, such as Gothic architecture, used to refer to a style typical of the High Middle Ages have largely lost the negative connotations they initially had, acquiring new meanings over time (see Gothic architecture and Goth subculture).
2742-1Everything is perfectly fair, and it is possible to guess the solution of the puzzle fairly early in the book, though it is certainly not easy."
2743-1Poirot and his faithful Captain Hastings are characters whom one is glad to meet again, and they are the most lively in the book, but even they are little more than pawns in this problem.
2744-1Damage is incorporated in the pairwise force function by allowing bonds to break when their elongation exceeds some prescribed value.
2745-1This increased load makes it more likely that these other bonds will break.
2746-1One interpretation of the anecdote treats the lion as a traditional symbol of greatness, but the story may also allude to the unusual size of Pericles' skull, which became a popular target of contemporary comedians.
2747-1Adenomas are more common, making up 91 percent of perianal gland tumors in one study.
2748-1Until the late 1960s, many have argued that Australian popular music was largely indistinguishable from imported music: British to begin with, then gradually more and more American in the post-war years.
2749-1The two best-selling Australian albums ever made (at that time) put Australian music on the map.
2750-1It often weaves together a bricolage of other writing styles; since performative writing sees "the form as being as important as the content".
2751-1In this it is claimed to be politically radical, because it thus 'defies' literary conventions and traditions.
2752-1While some linguists and theorists might describe explicit performative utterances as rare occurrences, Eve Sedgwick argues that there are performative aspects to nearly all words, sentences, and phrases.
2753-1As Sedgwick observes, performative utterances can be revoked, either by the person who uttered them ("I take back my promise"), or by some other party not immediately involved, like the state (for example, gay marriage vows).
2754-1Both these types would generally be considered to constitute performance poetry.
2755-1While Ginsberg actually sang his Blake songs with a harmonium, the original practitioner of this third and most popular type of performance poetry is Hedwig Gorski, who coined the term performance poetry to describe her work with music.
2756-1Since the creation of perforation devices in the 1840s and 1850s, it has seen use in several areas.
2757-1In microeconomics, a state of perfect information is assumed in some models of perfect competition.
2758-1Gill, 17, has a deep, muscular, elastic baritone, but shows off a bit too often on the gospel glissandos after the shortest phrases.
2759-1There are several pleasant surprises--the gossamer ballad 'Falling in Love Again,' by folkies Eric Kaz and Tom Snow, and a version of Burt Bacharach's 'Baby It's You.'
2760-1They drew the inspiration for this gesture of what could be considered as an apparent economic suicide from the ideas of “bringing art to people."
2761-1Seven years later most of the fourteen formed the kernel of the Society of Wandering Exhibitions, also known as The Wanderers or Itenerants (they thought to put their ideas into practice by organizing travelling exhibitions throughout the countryside of Russia).
2762-1Most species are extreme specialists (oligoleges) with respect to pollen and will only collect pollen from a few closely related species or genera of plants.
2763-1One of the most interesting papers Lord Strangford ever wrote was the last chapter in his wife's book on the 'Eastern Shores of the Adriatic'.
2764-1From that time forward everything that he wrote was watched with intense interest, and even when it was anonymous there was not the slightest difficulty in recognizing his style, for it was unlike any other.
2765-1'Percy Jewett Burrell' ( ) was an author and director of historical and civic pageants, or dramas, and was known for his skills in oratory and elocution, (both of which are now more commonly referred to as public speaking).
2766-1According to a printed program used at a service in his memory, "His mastery of the spoken and written word led him to be a well known public speaker with an enviable reputation as a teacher of oratory, and later as an author and director of national distinction".
2767-1Though most performers prefer using metallic brushes, more now use plastic brushes because of their increased durability.
2768-1His energy was boundless, as in this year he wrote various tracts, gave over 40 lantern lecture averaged over six services a Sunday in his own parish, travelling about 30 miles on his bicycle, became bishop's chaplain and secretary of the clerical society, and also managed to fit in some very successful cricket.
2769-1Had he accepted the suggestion that he should get a position in Sydney and play cricket, it is likely that he would have gained a place in the New South Wales eleven.
2770-1In a hierarchy of interacting control systems conflicting outputs and perceptions are possible.
2771-1A typical example is the "Clearwater Virgin", where an image of Mary was reported to have appeared in the glass façade of a finance building in Clearwater, Florida, and attracted widespread media attention.
2772-1Images of the Virgin have also been reported on a rock in Ghana, an underpass in Chicago, a lump of firewood in Janesville, Wisconsin; a chocolate factory in Fountain Valley, California;
2773-1The importance of these services will vary widely between different economies, both between countries and among different groups within a country.
2774-1If this extremely personal and individual space in our lives, which can be violent, sexual, religious or can take many other expressions remains closed, we will also remain slaves to our own socialization.
2775-1It has always been like that throughout history and will probably always stay that way."
2776-1Fosshaug played in midfield for many clubs in Sweden, as well as for the Swedish national bandy team, for which he made a record 129 appearances between 1994 and 2005.
2777-1In 1992, he made the move to Västeras SK Bandy, the club which he became most commonly associated with.
2778-1'Peptide mass fingerprinting' (PMF) (also known as 'protein fingerprinting') is an analytical technique for protein identification that was developed in 1993 by several groups independently.
2779-1Though there have been no human clinical trials on the health benefits or risks of peppermint tea, some believe peppermint tea has healing effects, as a result of the menthol that it contains.
2780-1It is said to ease such problems as irritable bowel syndrome, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, headaches and baby colic; for this last, breastfeeding mothers are sometimes recommended to drink the tea themselves, in the belief that its benefits will be passed on to the baby in the breastmilk.
2781-1It is also said to control mild asthma, manage stress and ward off the common cold.
2782-1In some countries, peppermint tea preparations list these proposed effects on their labels.
2783-1In recent years, some schools have implemented a third and even fourth flag in routines.
2784-1This performing art is mainly prominent in Southern California high schools in various school districts.
2785-1Many flag routines involve choreography to music, dance/cheer elements (such as kicklines, pyramid mounts, etc.), numerous combinations of twirls, flag tricks, and flag tosses (also known as exchanges).
2786-1This will most likely only affect those teachers who have only taught in the district for less than two years.
2787-1As some military analysts pointed out, PLA rarely use dense formation in their attacks, it seeks to inflict maximum damage with minimum casualty.
2788-1Physical fitness is widely emphasized in Chinese culture.
2789-1The NBA has a huge following among Chinese youths, with Yao Ming being the idol of many.
2790-1The tragedy is that many beneficial features in both the proposed charter and the electoral system would be discounted because of the manner of their implementation.'
2791-1PETA is also alleged to have donated $1.3 million to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), an organization that promotes the use of alternatives to animal testing, but which has been criticized for its links with the ALF, and in particular with Dr. Jerry Vlasak, a trauma surgeon who runs the North American Animal Liberation Press Office.
2792-1Vlasak caused controversy in 2004 when he told 'The Observer': "I don't think you'd have to kill too many [researchers].
2793-1Eva later wrote her autobiography "Eva's Story" which served as the inspiration for the development of a very popular multimedia stage presentation about the Holocaust called "And Then They Came for Me".
2794-1Through this decree, Marcos seized emergency powers giving him full control of the Philippine military and the authority to suppress the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, and many other civil liberties.
2795-1Among those arrested were Senate President Jovito Salonga, Senator Jose Diokno, and Senator Benigno Aquino Jr., the staunchest of his critics and the man who was groomed by the opposition to beat Marcos in the 1973 elections.
2796-1There are many other terms referring to fives over sixes such as "five in the sky, six must die" and also "5 poppin, 6 droppin."
2797-1Certain terms are used by the People Nation alliance such as "all is well" when greeting each other.
2798-1Since its release in 1995, thousands of copies of the People CMM have been distributed, and it is used worldwide by organizations, small and large.
2799-1First published in book form in 2001, it is in print in several editions worldwide, and a second edition is forthcoming in 2009.
2800-1Expecting some unnameable evil, he finds his apprehension turning to joy when, upon opening the hatch, he sees Martians that indeed appear human, have mind-reading abilities and give the impression of being most amicable, especially the beautiful Teenya, who welcomes and reassures him.
2801-1It is formed by the caramelization of brown sugar, and thus its flavor is said to be reminiscent of caramel.
2802-1It is primarily a regional food, found in New England and some places in the Southern United States, though in the latter it goes by different names, usually "'Brown Sugar Fudge Candy'".
2803-1Strictly speaking, these alterations might not be described as pentimenti, because of the presumed lapse of time, and because another artist may have made the change.
2804-1Many Pentecostal groups are affiliated with the Pentecostal World Conference.
2805-1The slendro anhemitonic scales of Java and Bali are said to approach, very roughly, an equally-tempered five note scale, but, in fact, their tunings vary dramatically from gamelan to gamelan.
2806-1Composer Lou Harrison has been one of the most recent proponents and developers of new pentatonic scales based on historical models.
2807-1Historically, they were initially compared to various groups of parasitic worms.
2808-1Some authors interpreted tongue worms as essentially intermediate between annelids and arthropods, while others suggested that they deserved a phylum of their own.
2809-1Tongue worms grow by moulting, which suggests they belong to Ecdysozoa, while other work has identified the arthropod-like nature of their larvae.
2810-1In general, there are two current alternative interpretations: pentastomids are highly modified and parasitic crustaceans, probably related to fish lice, or they are an ancient group of stem-arthropods, close to the origins of Arthropoda.
2811-1This situation is unsustainable so a number of strategies have been employed to counter this problem.
2812-1This may range from choosing one of a small number of pre-determined mutual funds to selecting individual stocks or other securities.
2813-1Most self-directed retirement plans are characterized by certain tax advantages, and some provide for a portion of the employee's contributions to be matched by the employer.
2814-1Pensacola's music scene is considered very active.
2815-1Perhaps most consistently, however, the city has been home to a small, but fairly active Punk, Folk and Indie scene with bands such as This Bike is a Pipe Bomb, Frank Booth, 60 Cycles of Sound, Deadly Fists of Kung Fu, among others.
2816-1In this final period, elections in Penryn became notoriously corrupt, although as Namier suggests the notoriety may have arisen chiefly from the fact the bribery now involved private citizens on both sides instead of the government being complicit in it.
2817-1The fellside is known to have been used as a burial ground for victims of the many attacks of plague which struck Penrith down the centuries, and there are also areas which still bear the names of the farming which took place in the area.
2818-1It last use was probably in 1804 in the war against Napoleon.
2819-1It is almost certain that the Beacon Hill gave Penrith its name - in Celtic - of "red hill".
2820-1Pennyroyal tea is the use of an infusion made from the herb, the infusion is widely reputed as safe to ingest in restricted quantities.
2821-1The most popular current use of the tea is to settle the stomach .
2822-1Other reported medicinal uses through history include fainting, flatulence, gall ailments, gout, hepatitis (presumably Hepatitis A), a lung cleanser, a gum strengthener and, when ground with vinegar, a tumor remedy, although there is little to no medical evidence on any of these treatments .
2823-1The PSP was patterned after a military organization and PSP troopers have sometimes been referred to as "Soldiers of the Law."
2824-1This is done for numerous safety and liability reasons.
2825-1Route 652 begins a northeastern progression, where it passes to the south of several ponds and several local residences.
2826-1There are some short patches of the woodlands in the area.
2827-1At an intersection with Dunn Road and Buckingham Road, Route 652 passes some local residences, and eventually becomes less developed with fields surrounding the highway in Berlin Township.
2828-1There, Route 652 becomes highly developed, passing several residences on both the northern and southern sides of the highway.
2829-1From Philadelphia, the stations on what is now referred to as the R5 train line are: Overbrook.
2830-1The community of Overbrook is a neighborhood within the city limits of Philadelphia and so is generally not regarded as being part of the Main Line.
2831-1The other rail line communities are outside the traditional Main Line and sometimes considered the Upper Main Line: Rosemont, Villanova, Radnor, St. Davids, Wayne, Strafford, Devon, Berwyn, Daylesford, and Paoli.
2832-1Some communities, most notably Gladwyne, Bala Cynwyd, and Penn Valley, are included in what is commonly accepted as the Main Line, as they are typical Main Line communities, are adjacent to Main Line towns.
2833-1Neither, however, is located on the rail line for which the area is named and therefore they may be considered culturally rather than geographically on the Main Line.
2834-1This, combined with Pennsylvania's rank of 6th in the country in population, has made it one of the most important swing states.
2835-1Republicans are generally dominant in the areas of Altoona, York, Lancaster, Williamsport, Harrisburg, and the vast rural areas that make up the balance of the Commonwealth.
2836-1Traditionally, Republicans have also fared well in the densely populated and wealthy suburbs of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, but in the 1990s and 2000s many of these suburbs began to associate more with the Democratic Party.
2837-1Carlton College opened in 1872 and this school occupied several premises in the Parkville area.
2838-1The school occupied several sites in the Moonee Ponds area.
2839-1The first links between Essendon Grammar School and Penleigh Ladies' College were established in 1952 when Intermediate and Leaving students participated in some common classes.
2840-1However, because even the earliest penitentials inquired into the sinner's state of mind and social condition, it cannot be claimed that the priest took no account of the sinner's poverty.
2841-1Although not intended as a football excursion many from the area took advantage to see the team, then considered the best in the country, play.
2842-1One person was killed and many injured.
2843-1In some cases the testicles can be unexpectedly pulled into the cylinder and cause severe pain and injury.
2844-1However, scientists Graham Rutherford and Anne Henke have also undertaken significant research in this area, being funded by some of the major names in sexual pleasure toys, such as Ann Summers.
2845-1He wrote that after installing the found harmonium "in a friend's house in one of the most beautiful parts at the edge of the city", he "frequently visited this instrument during the next few months, and I remember the time fondly as one during which I was under a form of enchantment with the place and the time"."
2846-1Music for a Found Harmonium" was used over the end-credits of the 1988 John Hughes movie "She's Having a Baby" where many film actors and celebrities of the time invent their favourite name for an imagined child, although it was not placed on the soundtrack accompanying the movie.
2847-1Its rhythm, tempo and simple structure made it very suitable for adaptation into a reel, and it was subsequently recorded by many Irish traditional musicians, including Patrick Street, De Dannan, Kevin Burke and Sharon Shannon.
2848-1Mistakenly, some artists and writers have penguins based at the North Pole.
2849-1As it was built for industrial purposes, sidings branched off both the Up and Down tracks at many locations.
2850-1I have lately visited Pendleton, now one of the best republican towns in the State, and looked again upon the spot where I was beaten down, and have again taken by the hand some of the witnesses of that scene, amongst whom was the kind, good lady—Mrs. Hardy—who, so like the good Samaritan of old, bound up my wounds, and cared for me so kindly"
2851-1The latter will reduce the likelihood of the fish jumping, which is a common occurrence for some of the species, especially 'N. espei' and 'N. unifasciatus'.
2852-1It is widely reported that the wire thickness varied also, but in fact all used the same diameter of wire.
2853-1There were also a number of special charges issued with a time pencil already incorporated e.g. some types of limpet mines.
2854-1Strategy is considered to be very important during penalty shots and overtime shootouts for both the shooter and the goalie.
2855-1During the war, some escaped Soviet POWs were sent to penal units under Order 227 retroactively.
2856-1Many Soviet POWs liberated at the end of the war were summarily executed.
2857-1Still others were released from custody, but stripped of their rank or awards.
2858-1It is understood that a Japanese pen spinner named Hideaki Kondoh was one of the first pen spinners to start a pen spinning website.
2859-1Among them, Pemmasani clan which earned laurels for their bravery and defense of Vijayanagar Empire in the coming four centuries was the most illustrious.
2860-1The building is commonly known as "The GAB", after being named after the diplomat Sir Geoffrey Arthur—a former master of the college (1975-1985).
2861-1Most versions of the story name Mary as the ghost who supposedly haunts the building.
2862-1Some versions say the ghost is , still watching over her girls, while others say the ghost is actually the restless spirit of a former student murdered by a crazed janitor during a holiday break in some unspecified school year.
2863-1The story is well known around EIU's campus, and is included in several.
2864-1The shield was carried by many troops of period including the light Ancient Greek infantry known as Peltasts.
2865-1Some Persia and other Eastern troops used shields similar to the pelte such as Later Achaemenid takabara.
2866-1There were many false starts before 'Pelléas et Mélisande'.
2867-1At this point, Debussy too was a devotee of Wagner's music, but - eager to please his father - he was probably more swayed by Mendes' promise of a performance at the Paris Opéra and the money and reputation this would bring.
2868-1'King Pellinore' is the king of Listenoise or of "the Isles" (possibly Anglesey, or perhaps the medieval kingdom of the same name), according to the Arthurian legend.
2869-1Son of King Pellam and brother of Kings Pelles and Alain, he is most famous for his endless hunt of the Questing Beast, which he is tracking when King Arthur first meets him.
2870-1Pellinore beats King Arthur after three jousts and breaks the sword Arthur had withdrawn from the stone (in some versions this is Excalibur, though he gets another sword of that name from the Lady of the Lake soon after.)
2871-1This plant does not have the immediately recognizable sharply pointed leaflets on its fronds that many other ferns have.
2872-1Before or especially after being fed, they may seem to have a seizure that ends in falling unconscious; the reason is not clearly known.
2873-1Literary Magazine - Pelham High School has an award-winning literary magazine that is one of the best in the state.
2874-1Subsequently, some allied them with the entirely spurious "family" "Cladornithidae" in a "pelecaniform" suborder "Cladornithes".
2875-1In that respect it may be significant that some lineages of cetaceans, like the primitive dolphins of the Kentriodontidae or the shark-toothed whales (Squalodontoidea), flourished contemporary with the Pelagornithidae and became extinct at about the same time.
2876-1Also, the modern diversity of pinniped and cetacean genera evolved largely around the Mio-Pliocene boundary, suggesting that many ecological niches emerged or became vacant.
2877-1In that respect, it is conspicuous that the older pseudotooth birds are typically found in the same deposits as plotopterids and penguins, while younger forms were sympatric with auks, albatrosses, penguins and Procellariidae - which, however, underwent an adaptive radiation of considerable extent coincident (and probably caused by) with the final demise of the Paleogene-type trophic web.
2878-1He also claimed that many works of Celestius did not represent his own views.
2879-1Completed in 2007, this Heritage trail features the many aspects of the small neighbourhood just a short distance away from the school.
2880-1The is a consolidation of the work put in by the various groups, and the is a historical archive of the information found along the way.
2881-1Released as a single the song, "Bill", initially just to blues radio stations, it also began getting airplay on Urban contemporary radio and soon gained most-requested status at several larger stations.
2882-1The announcement of their engagement in 1953 produced a firestorm of comment in Britain and around the world; and when Peggy Cripps and Joe Appiah were married in June 1953, the occasion was front-page news in Britain, in Ghana, and many other countries and the event was one of the social events of the year.
2883-1A Jamaican newspaper commented that there were "top-hatted and frock-coated British aristocrats... ex-Cabinet Ministers... as well as several Tory and Socialist members of Parliament."
2884-1The real attraction, however, was the kente cloth worn not only by the bridegroom but by many of his friends.
2885-1His most-seen technique is the which initially allows him to send a large number of punches in a second.
2886-1His most powerful technique is , where he grabs hold of his opponent from the back, soars miles into the air, then suicide-dives head-first into the ground.
2887-1A few cases of plagiarism by historians have been widely publicized.
2888-1Sometimes reviewers detect cases of likely plagiarism and bring them to the attention of the editor.
2889-1Reviewers generally lack access to raw data, but do see the full text of the manuscript, and are typically familiar with recent publications in the area.
2890-1Indeed, for a number of journals this is a requirement of submission.
2891-1In some disciplines, scholars listed in an "acknowledgements" section are not allowed to serve as referees (hence the occasional practice of using this section to disqualify potentially negative reviewers).
2892-1For example, Albert Einstein's revolutionary "Annus Mirabilis" papers in the 1905 issue of 'Annalen der Physik' were not peer-reviewed by anyone other than the journal's editor in chief, Max Planck (the father of quantum theory), and its co-editor, Wilhelm Wien.
2893-1Although clearly peers (both won Nobel prizes in physics), a formal panel of reviewers was not sought, as is done for many scientific journals today.
2894-1In general, cross-age mentoring programs can involve a tutoring or teaching component, personal mentorship and guidance, or both, and maintains many of the advantages inherent in other forms of peer mentorship.
2895-1The specific benefits of cross-age mentoring/tutoring are numerous, and are briefly described here in three main categories: increased academic achievement, improved interpersonal skills, and personal development.
2896-1Now found in many high schools and colleges across the United States, the Peer Program focuses on team building in creating trust and friendship throughout the school community.
2897-1Steven Schultz, a peer leader at South Brunswick High School, is credited with introducing many new reforms of peer leadership and development at the 2006-2007 New Jersey Peer Retreat.
2898-1The parasite featured in the novel is portrayed as being the source of many myths and legends.
2899-1The parasite causes dementia and cannibalism, which were suggested as causing legends of most notably vampires, but also werewolves and zombies, among others.
2900-119th century Chinese peep shows were known by many names including 'la yang p'ien' ("pulling foreign picture cards").
2901-1In the early stages of the Cold War and Red scare, and its accompanying wide anti-Communist sentiments, such a comment was seen by many as very anti-American.
2902-1The legacy of this assimilation led to a number of issues in the 20th Century.
2903-1As a result, both bishops were summoned to Rome, where subsequently several distinctions were accorded to Davila, who during the remainder of his life enjoyed high honors.
2904-1Observing the pope's resolve to imprison Aranda, Garcilaso pointed out the suspicion that was likely to arise in the popular mind from the anomalous incarceration of Aranda while the Marrano delegates, indubitable heretics, were granted favor and freedom.
2905-1Also another incident happened in Luneta Grandstand, Manila, whena group of criminals captured people.
2906-1Davilita became very popular in the New York Latin scene and was soon working with many Latin artists.
2907-1Davilita accepted and became the lead singer in many of Flores' boleros.
2908-1He traveled to many countries with the sexteto.
2909-1Even though Davilita's voice wasn't as sharp as when he was young, they were able to score many "hits".
2910-1In fact, one of its streets refers to the same (street Agreement), and is an event related in some academic books on the topic.
2911-1He was considered precocious, docile and obedient,Besouchet, p.50 but was always crying and nothing seemed to please him.
2912-1This perfectionism was not just limited to his own work: many of his plays rework existing plays or scenes by other dramatists, improving their depth, complexity, and unity.
2913-1Although his fame dwindled during the 18th century, he was rediscovered by Goethe, who translated his works into German, and from that point on, he has been widely considered as one of the finest playwrights of the western baroque world.
2914-1The affair assumed threatening proportions, and some on each side wished to give battle.
2915-1However, battle was postponed by various means until, through the efforts of certain religious, the Japanese were quieted.
2916-1'Pedro Chamijo' (1602, Granada, Spain-January 3, 1667, Lima, Peru), more commonly known as 'Pedro Bohórquez' or 'Inca Hualpa', was a Spanish adventurer in the Viceroyalty of Peru.
2917-1He was probably born in Spain, but some sources say he was born in Quito.
2918-1His almost legendary story is an example of the picaresque, with a tragic ending.
2919-1Born in Paredes de Nava, Spain, he went to Italy in 1480 and worked in Federigo da Montefeltro's court in Urbino, where he could see some works by Melozzo da Forli.
2920-1He was the father of an important sculptor, Alonso Berruguete, considered the most important sculptor in Renaissance Spain.
2921-1Research suggests that incest offenders recidivate at approximately half the rate of extrafamilial child molesters, and one study estimated that by the time of entry to treatment, nonincestuous pedophiles who molest boys had committed an average of 282 offenses against 150 victims.
2922-1This degree qualifies that medical practitioner to become licensed or registered under the laws of that particular country, and sometimes of several countries, subject to requirements for "internship" or "conditional registration".
2923-1There are many varieties of signal and marking layouts around the world and even within single countries.
2924-1In the United States, there are many inconsistencies, although the variations are usually minor.
2925-1There are several distinct types in the United Kingdom, each with their own name.
2926-1In some areas, such as 'Boeotia', the man and boy were formally joined together and lived as a couple.
2927-1By contrast, the Spartans were said to have practised chaste pederasty.
2928-1The town manages to hold a few historical places of interest.
2929-1These include courtyards of kings and a few palaces that are fondly called 'Devidi'.
2930-1A few sprawling grounds are available for sport officianados, and it is a common sight to see a crowd of people trying to showcase their cricketing spirit in multiple places within the town.
2931-1There are a few cinemas, theatres and restaurants.
2932-1The town manages to hold a few historical places of interest.
2933-1These include courtyards of kings and a few palaces that are fondly called 'Devidi'.
2934-1A few sprawling grounds are available for sport officianados, and it is a common sight to see a crowd of people trying to showcase their cricketing spirit in multiple places within the town.
2935-1There are a few cinemas, theatres and restaurants.
2936-1Several sources, including an encyclopedia on the organ, claim that the pedalboard design improvements of the 1600s allowed the organist to actuate the pedals either with the toe of the foot or with the heel.
2937-1On modern electronic synthesizers such as the Yamaha Electone, the pedals are not limited to traditional bass notes but may instead produce many different types of sounds, including high-register tones.
2938-1Here most of them depend on cultivation.
2939-1From last one decade many were become professionally educated and been well settled in IT and other related sectors.
2940-1The Ugly Ducklings are one of several Canadian bands whose songs are sprinkled on the albums in the Pebbles series.
2941-1Access to the village by car can only be gained by using roads which are at some point single track, which gives visitor the feel that it is more remote than it actually is.
2942-1The third poll tax was not levied at a flat rate (as in 1377) nor according to schedule (as in 1379); instead it allowed some of the poor to pay a reduced rate, while others who were equally poor had to pay the full tax, prompting calls of injustice.
2943-1These included John of Gaunt (the acting regent), Simon Sudbury (Lord Chancellor and Archbishop of Canterbury, who was the figurehead to what many then saw as a corrupt Church) and Sir Robert Hales (the Lord Treasurer, responsible for the poll tax).
2944-1In many pre-industrial societies, peasants comprised the bulk of the population.
2945-1A number of enterprises were established, using Japanese divers who were considered to be both hardworking and highly skilled.
2946-1In, 1861, when the larger 'Pinctada maxima' oyster, which produced high quality mother-of-pearl shell, was discovered by naturalist Pemberton Walcott in areas north of Nickol Bay near present day Karratha, the industry developed by Charles Broadhurst and others spread rapidly during the 1880s along the north west coast.
2947-1Also in powder coating applications, where an optimal orientation of the pigment platelets is difficult in some cases, strong lustrous color effects are achievable.
2948-1There is also a claim, first asserted in Toland's 'Infamy', ONI knew about Japanese carrier movements.
2949-1Toland has made other conflicting and incorrect claims about the diary during lectures at the Holocaust denial organization the Institute for Historical Review.
2950-1In some instances these have been placed directly opposite older Pear Tree signage.
2951-1'Peanuts' had several recurring characters that were actually absent from view.
2952-1Some, such as the Great Pumpkin or Manfred von Richthofen (the Red Baron), may or may not have been figments of the cast's imaginations.
2953-1After some early anomalies, adult figures never appeared in the strip.
2954-1The U.S. airline industry used to be a relatively large purchaser of peanuts for serving during flights (6 million lb / 3 million kg annually) before the nuts were removed from flights by many airlines (largely due to allergy concerns, but also due to cost).
2955-1Most caps have some form of cap device (or cap badge).
2956-1Wheelchair access is possible at several places on the former railway trails, and cycle hire centres offer vehicles adapted to wheelchair users.
2957-1There have been many offerings on conceptions of peace/ or multiple forms of peace.
2958-1These range from the well known works of Kant, Locke, Rousseau, Paine, on various liberal international and constitutional and plans for peace.
2959-1Critical theory is also widely used in peace and conflict studies.
2960-1But under pressure from some members of Congress from the Western states, President Lyndon B. Johnson issued an order on May 15, 1965 to resume production of the Peace Dollar.
2961-1Although rumors persist that some examples still survive, owning them is illegal, making it unlikely that anyone who does own one will ever come forth publicly.
2962-1But, it is known that the Osage Indians were roaming on lands north of the Arkansas River.
2963-1It is known that the tribes of this area were more settled and were actually farmers in their way.
2964-1The town's namesake wild peas are believed to be a product of this early farming, since it would have taken many years of preparation and cultivation to produce them.
2965-1Through the years, other lists have been elicited from poll respondents, including local bands (early 80s), EP's ('80s), videos (much of the 80s), reissues (late 80s-early 90s) and compilations (mid-90s).
2966-1Rescue archaeology undertaken on the line of the A29 autoroute revealed several Gallo-Roman villas.
2967-1One of the most important is that of Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer, on the coast to the west of Dieppe.
2968-1Cascade Reservoir on the North Fork is one of the most heavily fished waters in the state.
2969-1Some may even get to leave during the day to go to work.
2970-1'Malmo Nursery' was a chain of garden stores, which operated the garden centers at Ernst stores and several free standing stores.
2971-1Sold to their employees and later closed in 1995 due after increasing competition from other major retailers.
2972-1In the late 1980s and '90s Pawlikowski was best known for his documentaries, whose unique blend of lyricism and irony won him many fans and awards around the world.
2973-1Pawlikowski's most original and formally successful film was 'Serbian Epics' (1992) which, made at the height of the Bosnian war, included close up footage of Bosnian Serb politician Radovan Karadžić and General Ratko Mladić, the latter still wanted by the international court of justice, and the famous siege of Sarajevo.
2974-1"no more force than is necessary should be used when affecting an apprehension and that, once apprehended persons have been brought under control, there can be no justification for striking them"Whilst noting some improvements to the facility since the CPT visit of 2002, the 205 delegation noted that such developments were cancelled out by the fact that 393 detainees were occupying a space earmarked for 250.
2975-1Some detainees merely had a mattress on the floor whilst others were sleeping two to a bed.
2976-1Beginning to garner much attention in Vancouver, his first practice with the club on November 3, 1991, was attended by approximately 2,000 fans, a significantly large number as team practices are not typically well-attended.
2977-1Formed in 1997 by Paulo Nascimento and Phil Quenum, Access 58 soon established itself as one of the most powerful forces in techno in Europe.
2978-1Access 58 were the first (and probably the only) artists to perform live on the Colin Dale's legendary "Abstract Dance" weekly radio program on Kiss FM in London, England.
2979-1He is best known for his works for the band Titas, which he is a member since its beginning, in 1981.
2980-1Singing and playing the harmonica and the sax are some of his most notable contributions for the band.
2981-1His most notable work is Anísio, at the movie O Invasor.
2982-1The feud appears to end in 1989 when the character Den is shot and presumed dead, but it is ignited once again in 2003 when Den is re-introduced, 14 years after he supposedly died.
2983-1After Christopher's death, Patsy most likely took over the crew, since he had seniority.
2984-1The Pauli exclusion principle is one of the most important principles in physics, mainly because the three types of particles from which ordinary matter is made—electrons, protons, and neutrons—are all subject to it; consequently, all material particles exhibit space-occupying behavior.
2985-1The Pauli exclusion principle underpins many of the characteristic properties of matter, from the large-scale stability of matter, to the existence of the periodic table of the elements.
2986-1It would hardly be possible to arouse American sociologists to very lively controversy over what remains in dispute.
2987-1To some of us outside Parliament it appears to be neither Conservative nor an opposition ... we must oppose socialism, not condone it."
2988-1(Since corporate and union money was already banished in the bill, Wellstone was presumably worried mainly about money from rich individuals.)
2989-1Schultze-Naumburg was born in Almrich (now part of Naumburg) in Prussian Saxony, and by 1900 was a well-known painter and architect, first emerging as a more-conservative member of the group of artists who established the Jugendstil and the Arts and Crafts workshops in Munich.
2990-1His series of books the 'Kulturarbeiten' ("Works of Culture"), nine volumes published 1900-1917, were extremely popular and established him as a major tastemaker for the German middle class.
2991-1A well-known example of his architecture from this time is the Cecilienhof Palace in Potsdam, built for crown prince Wilhelm, 1914-1917.
2992-1The piece most famous in his own day, his 'Virgile travesti' (1648-1653), is now thought a somewhat ignoble waste of singular powers for burlesque.
2993-1Over the last eight years, TransFair has sought to reframe the industrys conventional wisdom about the most effective response to poverty in the coffee communities, building innovative partnerships for sustainable solutions.
2994-1Reynaud held several cabinet posts in the early 1930s, but he clashed with members of his party after 1932 over French foreign and defense policy and was not given another cabinet position until 1938.
2995-1Reynaud was a supporter of Charles de Gaulle's theories of mechanized warfare in contrast to the static defense doctrines that were in vogue among many of his countrymen, symbolized by the Maginot Line, and was an outspoken opponent of appeasement in the run-up to the Second World War.
2996-1Because Jones believed that these great artists were being overlooked, he decided that he would create a collection of works by a variety of African American artists.
2997-1At almost two thousand works, it is one of the worlds largest and most comprehensive collections of works by African American artists of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
2998-1The operation will demand many apparent brutal and heartless decisions.
2999-1When Paul decided to take on some freelance work, he employed Trevor as a builder's aid, although he was more of a liability than a labourer and made many disastrous mistakes.
3000-1With Popenoe as his scientific workhorse, Gosney intended to study the sterilization work being done in California and use it to advocate sterilization in other parts of the country and in the world at large.