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The Monstrosity of the Female Voice

Become meshy, monstrous The annoying noise

  • Anne Carson, The Gender of Sound (2016)
  • Rose Gibbs, Speech Matters: Violence and the Feminist Voice (2016)
  • Federici, S. B. (2014) Caliban and the witch. 2., rev. ed. New York, NY: Autonomedia.
  • ?Donna Haraway. Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective (1988)
  • ‘Φύλο, φόβος και δημόσιος λόγος - Βαβυλωνία | Πολιτικό Περιοδικό’ (2012) Βαβυλωνία, 25 February. Available at: (Accessed: 26 November 2018).
  • ? Fasbinder, F. (2017) Use These 3 Vocal Techniques to Command the Room Like Margaret Thatcher and Obama, Available at: (Accessed: 4 January 2019).
  • my text on sound acts in victoria
  • Lilja, M. (2017) Dangerous bodies, matter and emotions: public assemblies and embodied resistance, Journal of Political Power, 10(3), pp. 342352. doi: 10.1080/2158379X.2017.1382176.

What modes: The perception of female voice in Ancient Greece and its validation today/media

short intro on Carsons ololyga, high-pitched Historically, some voices and modes of addressing have been marginalized and shut out of the public domain. The exclusion of them has been established since the age of Ancient Greece. At that moment there was a mystification around the high-pitched voice that was connected with the evil. According to the patriarchal ideal human is rational and the 'speech' is its main way of addressing. Any other form of expression is wild and non-human. Aristotle believed that the vocal sound is based on the physiognomy, the genitals, of a person and that is why men speak in a low pitch. The high-pitched utterance of women which was a ritual practice dedicated to important events of the life, like the birth of a child or the death of a person, was considered a "pollution" to the civic space. If they were expressed in public they would create chaos and craziness. In mythology Gerdrude Stein, for example, was judged for her big physical size and her montrous voice that could not be tolerated by the male writers like Ernest Hemingway. pg.128

Examples of mystification: sirens, caliban and the witch

Carson (1996, pg. 120) observes that the female voice in public is related to madness, witchery, bestiality, disorder and chaos. An thus has to stay hidden from sight.===> Shut out of the public: Separation of public and private space-- gender separation/violence- The connection of voice with the binary of private and public This disorderly loud female noise was related to a non civilized wild space.

The philosophical western thought, based on Greek philosophers, supports the division between private and public domain. In the public space everybody should be civilized and resolve conflicts through dialogue but the inside of private spaces is ruled by a domestic power where violence is permitted. For feminists the speech in public is externalizing the personal violence and suppression of women. This separation has reached to a point were men are the main operators of politics in the public space. But the division is also between politicians and citizens, natives and immigrants. Alternative ways of communication hidden in the private domains have been created in response to that. Gossip, for example, "provides subordinated classes with a mode of communication beyond an official public culture from which they are excluded" (The Gossip, 2017, p.61). It is more an attempt to claim and exchange knowledge when there is no platform for them.

todays separation: my research on victoria square

The mechanisms of marginalization: Silence The association of the female voice with bestiality and disorder justifies the tactic of patriarchal culture to put a door on the female mouth since those times.

_the rational use of speech as an opposition to the annoying voice
