warming up @Leeszaal 28/3
discussing about voice in public @Leeszaal 30/5
trascribing+singing vowels @Leeszaal 3/5
reading extracts @outside Leeszaal 23/5
singing vowels @Leeszaal 28/3
warming up @outside Leeszaal 23/5
personal experiences-distorted voice @outside Leeszaal 23/5
reading extracts @Leeszaal 30/5
discussing about voice in public @Fine Arts 29/3
warming up @Leeszaal 8/5
transcribing vowels @Leeszaal 28/3
warming up @Leeszaal 30/5
singing vowels @Fine Arts 29/3
coffee time @Leeszaal 30/5
singing vowels-distorted voice @outside Leeszaal 23/5
transcribing vowels @Fine Arts 29/3
reading extracts @Fine Arts 29/3
transcribing vowels @outside Leeszaal 23/5
statements- distorted voice @Leeszaal 30/5
discussing about voice in public @Leeszaal 28/3
singing vowels- distorted voice @Leeszaal 30/5
singing vowels (high) @Fine Arts 29/3
reading extracts @Leeszaal 8/5
warming up @Fine Arts 29/3
Discussing on low/high voice @Next to Leeszaal 6/6
Reading extracts @Next to Leeszaal 6/6
Warming up @Next to Leeszaal 6/6
Discussing about directness @Next to Leeszaal 13/6
Discussing about metaphors of voice @Next to Leeszaal 13/6
Performing other voices @Next to Leeszaal 13/6
Warming up @Next to Leeszaal 13/6
Discussing about angry voices @Next to Leeszaal 20/6
Reading extracts @Next to Leeszaal 20/6
Warming up @Next to Leeszaal 20/6
Performing an 'angry' dialogue - 1st Part @Next to Leeszaal 27/6
Performing an 'angry' dialogue -2nd part @Next to Leeszaal 27/6
Performing an 'angry' dialogue -1st part @Next to Leeszaal 4/7
Performing an 'angry' dialogue -2nd part @Next to Leeszaal 4/7