@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ These binaries have structured Western thinking since antiquity and favor the 'c
My research seeks to unravel the possibilities of voices to include and break these binaries, with the intention to *explore democratic ways of communication that embraces excluded forms of address*.
## What to show (strategy)
My approach is to create a space for that exploration to happen with others through performative actions, meetings and sound walks. I focus on one specific area and public space (around Leeszaal in Rotterdam West) because my past exploration on voice and research showed me that the site-specificity and involvement of people in the process can actually break these binaries and engage more people. It is also that voice through the form of speech acts or public exposure, can create space of dialogue and be inviting.
My main focus is on the presence and amplification of female voices in public spaces. My approach is based on feedback and process-based actions unraveled throughout a short period around the area of Leeszaal. So I first started exploring the area by walking and listening to the sounds that reveal who occupies public space and how, what sounds describe the absense of excluded voices? **What voices are amplified and mediated and how? What mediation allows them to be amplified** I then ask from people visiting leeszaal- most of them are inhabitants from that area- to listen to a selection of sounds I have recorded and describe them. From that process I want to create an archive of annotated sounds that reveal the different interpretations of these sounds, that depend on the perspective of each person, that is formed by culture, gender, social status.