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6 years ago
caption in images:
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convert to docx
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# Structure and web development
# Title
- Voluminous bodies
- Knowing and inhabiting with your voice
- Amplifying a collective female voice
- The sounds of
- feminism
- Amplified voices
- Embodied streaming/amplification
- The volume of female voices
- Voluminous female voices
6 years ago
# Index
**Agonism** Agonism (from Greek ἀγών agon, "struggle") is a political theory that emphasizes the potentially positive aspects of certain (but not all) forms of political conflict. It accepts a permanent place for such conflict, but seeks to show how people might accept and channel this positively. For this reason, agonists are especially concerned with debates about democracy. The tradition is also referred to as agonistic pluralism.\
**Amplification** to increase the strength or amount of. Especially : to make louder. A figure of speech that adds importance to increase its rhetorical effect\
**Embodied** To incarnate, to incorporate\
**female voices** high-pitched, loud shouting, having too much smile in it, decapitated hen, heartchilling groan, garg, horrendous, howling dogs, being tortured in hell, deadly, ...........craziness, non-rational, weeping, emotional display, oral disorder, disturbing, abnormal, "hysteria", "Not public property", exposing her inside facts, private data, permits direct continuity between inside and outside, female ejaculation, "saying ugly things", objectionable, pollution, remarkable (from Carson)\
**Individual empowerment**\
**Mediate** Occupy a middle position\
**Mediated Voice**\
**Orality** is thought and verbal expression in societies where the technologies of literacy and writing are unfamiliar to most of the population\
**Past/Present Voice**\
**Public Space** is the space that hosts collective decision making activities, democratic processes and freedom of speech. Though many contemporary public spaces are controlled spaces that exclude many modes of address. Big corporations and states are defining the public space and it is more a space of consuming and public access instead of a free space for expression. This space refers to either physical or digital (Sassen...). There is a big separation between private and public spaces that has been established since the ancient philosophy.\
**Public Speech** is the ability to talk in public about individual or collective concerns\
**Speech** is the rational human way of expressing personal stories, opinions. It is what differs human from animals according to the patriarchal principles on human nature (Carson...)\
**Speech Act** A speech act is an utterance that serves a function in communication. Speech acts include real-life interactions and require not only knowledge of the language but also appropriate use of that language within a given culture.\
**Streaming Media** A real-time process. Delivery systems inherently streaming (e.g. radio, television, streaming apps/hot media) or inherently non-streaming (e.g. books, video cassettes, audio CDs/cold media). Live streaming is the delivery of Internet content in real-time, as events happen, much as live television broadcasts its contents over the airwaves via a television signal. Live internet streaming requires a form of source media (e.g. a video camera, an audio interface, screen capture software), an encoder to digitize the content, a media publisher, and a content delivery network to distribute and deliver the content. Live streaming does not need to be recorded at the origination point, although it frequently is.\
**Streaming** refers to the process of delivering, it is a steady current of a fluid, a technique for transferring data so that it can be processed as a steady and continuous stream.\
**Transmitting** is the act of passing, communicating, sending, to spread from one to another\
**Voice** is the vocal sound that comes from the inside of the body and articulates speech
There are challenges with streaming content on the Internet. If the user does not have enough bandwidth in their Internet connection, they may experience stops, lags or slow buffering in the content and some users may not be able to stream certain content due to not having compatible computer or software systems.
# Transmitting
## Bibliography
- Inside/ Media: Voices of the Absent, Antinomies of Transmission
- Rose Gibbs, Speech Matters: Violence and the Feminist Voice (2016)
- Federici, S. B. (2014) Caliban and the witch. 2., rev. ed. New York, NY: Autonomedia.
- Ernst, W. (2016) Experiencing Time as Sound, in Chronopoetics. London; New York: Rli, pp. 99121 (102-111).
- Berry, D. (2011) Real-Time Streams, in The Philosophy of Software: Code and Mediation in the Digital Age. 2011 edition. Basingstoke New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 142171.
- Tetsuo, K. (no date) Minima Memoranda: a note on streaming media. Available at: (Accessed: 12 October 2018).
# monstrosity
## Bibliography?
- ? Fasbinder, F. (2017) Use These 3 Vocal Techniques to Command the Room Like Margaret Thatcher and Obama, Available at: (Accessed: 4 January 2019).
- my text on sound acts in victoria
- 667: Wartime Radio (2019) This American Life. Available at: (Accessed: 5 February 2019).
*A very recent example of how men were annoyed by women's voices is the abhorrence that Ernest Hemingway had for the voice of Gerdrude Stein [his words]. He would judge her for her big physical size and her monstrous voice that could not be tolerated.[Carson talks about his feelings for being in the margin, feelings of alienation]. ALIENATION-because uf fear of primitive stage*
# Multiplication
[other examples: max neuhaus people broadcasting different frequencies that compose a piece.
other radio art examples from re-inveting radio]
radio attempts
Radio pirates/amateurs and antennas. Reaching the invisible other or being that invisible other. Practices of establishing multiple ways of spreading the voice in different spaces. The activation of those spaces as public forums. Listening to invisible subjectivities.
women in technology
{I can put extracts of my essays as annotations}]
# The house-wifi-zation of the wifi
# Conclusion
Re-considering the speech: in ancient world it is considered to be a rational form of address. What does this mean when I talk about the female voice and speech. The feminists were re-appropriating the speech.
collective-female vs individual empowerment in democracy
rethinking this collective voice in the current media ecology
the practices of female voices (ololyga)-second chapter in relation to the technical familiriaty and tools of mediation that I develop further in third chapter
- ?Donna Haraway. Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective (1988)
## The oxymoron of democracy
"oxymoron of democracy" technologies and nations that filter the unspeakable
*"Celebrities, politicians and organizers of events (...) soon discovered that streaming services offered by Ustream and the other leading start-up provider, Livestream, could help expand their audience online. Now, the huge amount of user-generated live video produced by the Occupy Wall Street movement has delivered what could be a watershed moment for these companies, potentially helping them gain the audience needed to become viable businesses" (Preston, 2011). But other businesses found live streaming successful after that, like Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and users distribute easily live videos from terrorist attacks or demonstrations.* (Preston)
"Each bodies can communicate in the resonance. Resonance does not exchange information but synchronizes between bodies." ololyga
_the use of media as an individualistic approach
_individual empowerment
streaming media ecologies
silencing censorship_
"Point A: live streaming as a rabid and urgent communication of public moments"
"Mobile technologies and networks change
our everyday experience of places" streaming media brussels
"Returning back to radio, Kanouse refers to the state regulations imposed on radio and specifically on FRC (Federal Radio Comission) in United States that restricted access to airwaves and permitted licensed transmissions only in low frequencies, so there will be no interferences with commercial frequencies. That had as a result the creation of a “public body” in the name of a homogenous public and the radios monopolization by mainstream entertainment and political commentary." (Kanouse, pg. 89?)
##point B: restrictions and surveillance in european countries on public assemblies.?
legal issues and restrictions of radio
The use of communication technologies and social media in movements and public speeches has contributed to their preservasion and their distribution. According to Sassen (2012, p.) in movements like #occupy these technologies were intensively discussed concerning their unrealised potentials. There is a confusion between the logic of the technology designed by the engineers and the ones of the user. Facebook for example is used for spreading the word of very diverse collective events even if they have different aims and ideologies, but they focus in communicating rapidly something. She proposes to see this “electronic interactive domain” as a part of the larger ecologies beyond its technicality and redefine them more conceptually. “Radio and television have brought major political figures as public speakers to a larger public than was ever possible before modern electronic developments. Thus in a sense orality has come into its own more than ever before.” (Ong, p. 135). While a public speech can be "amplified" online, the use of any sound amplification equipment in the physical space (squares, streets) is not always permitted. That makes the public space a primitive space for oral communication.