edit thesis

Angeliki 5 years ago
parent 5a26d0155b
commit b450d1b869

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<h2 >Amplification of female voices</h2>
<div class="short-description">
<p>How can we engage politically with the exclusion of specific (female) voices from the public sphere through our own voice? Here I document my attempts to create a safe common space of discussing that topic in Leeszaal, that I consider a diverse public space, where we can explore our public voices, and trying out vocal exercises.I am doing that together with Christina Karagianni, who is also from Greece and with whom I share similar experiences of silencing. We combine our practices -her practice lies on choreography and mine on social interaction and sound. </p>
<p>How can we engage politically with the exclusion of specific (female) voices from the public sphere through our own voice? Here I document my attempts to create a safe common space of discussing that topic in Leeszaal, that I consider a diverse public space, where we can explore our public voices, and trying out vocal exercises.I am doing that together with Christina Karagianni, who is also from Greece and with whom I share similar experiences of silencing. We combine our practices -her practice lies on choreography and mine on social interaction and sound- and try vocal exercises and reading in moments of Leeszaal. </p>
<a href="texts/Extract1-Wartime Radio - This American Life.html">extract</a> extract

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caption in images: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15367332/how-to-use-pandoc-image-alignment-to-align-two-images-in-the-same-row
# Structure and web development

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title: 'Lets Talk About Unspeakable Things'
author: 'Angeliki Diakrousi'
@ -49,7 +37,7 @@ Throughout this thesis, I am referring extensively to Anne Carson's text *The Ge
>high-pitched, loud shouting, having too much smile in it, decapitated hen, heartchilling groan, garg, horrendous, howling dogs, being tortured in hell, deadly, incredible babbling, fearsome hullabaloo, she shrieks obscenities, haunting garrulity, monstrous, prodigious noise level, otherwordly echo, making such a racket, a loud roaring noise, disorderly and uncontrolled outflow of sound, shrieking, wailing, sobbing, shrill lament, loud laughter, screams of pain or of pleasure, eruptions of raw emotion, groan, barbarous excesses, female outpourings, bad sound, craziness, non-rational, weeping, emotional display, oral disorder, disturbing, abnormal, "hysteria", "Not public property", exposing her inside facts, private data, permits direct continuity between inside and outside, female ejaculation, "saying ugly things", objectionable, pollution, remarkable
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In Ancient Greece, there was a superstition that associated high-pitched voices with evil. Humans, as defined by patriarchy, differ in their nature to other animals, by virtue of their ability to articulate with sound and create logos (speech). In the primitive stage of consciousness, "the brain was bicameral, with the right hemisphere producing uncontrollable voices attributed to the gods which the left hemisphere processed into speech" (Ong, 2002, pg. 30). It was after the figure of Odysseus appeared that these voices didn't matter any more and the self-conscious mind was established. The story of Odysseus symbolizes the beginning of Western society, that is based on rationality. He, as a clever man, can resist in any temptation his body falls in- the primitive mind would be allured- by using his brain and speech, and that is why he manages to reach safe to his destination. Through 'logos', humans can develop dialogue and democratic processes of communication and decision-making. All the other forms of expression are considered wild and therefore irrational. Aristotle and his contemporaries believed that vocal sounds were based on the genitals of a person, which is why men speak at a low pitch, because of "the tension placed on a mans vocal chords by his testicles functioning as loom weights" (Carson, 1996, pg. 119). The high-pitched utterance of women, called 'ololyga', which was a ritual practice dedicated to important events of the life, like the birth of a child or the death of a person, was considered a 'pollution' of civic space. If expressed in public, they would create chaos and provoke madness. In mythology, when Odysseus awakens on the island of Phaiakia, he is "surrounded by the shrieking of women (...) and goes on to wonder what sort of savages or super-natural beings can be making such a racket". These women were Nausica and her girlfriends, described by Homer as "wild girls who roam the mountains in attendance upon Artemis" (Carson, 1996, pg. 125). Similarly Alkaios, an ancient poet that had been expelled from the city, where public assemblies took place, was disgusted by the presence of womens voices talking 'nonsense'. In the ancient world, women were excluded, occupying the margins of society, the dark and formless space where speech, and thus politics, were absent. This disorderly, loud female noise was related to an uncivilized, wild space and sound deemed politically incorrect. It seems like these primitive 'uncontrollable voices' became related to some modes of address that were reminders of the past condition of the human brain, judging it as having a malignant influence.\
Today women in public life worry if their voices are too light or high to command respect. Politicians, like Margaret Thatcher, for instance, were trained to learn how to speak in public, to deepen their voice, in order to be taken as seriously as a male speaker would be. Anne Carson (1996, pg. 120) observes that the female voices in public is related to madness, witchery, bestiality, disorder, death and chaos. And thus has to stay hidden from sight.
